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File: 1721611757660.jpg (246 KB, 1945x1290)
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Let's see your cock completely flaccid and fully hard

> collage or separate pics
> potato quality is better suited for UFOs
> same angle for soft and hard? even better
> have pics taken from more than one angle? post them all
> have a timelapse gif or a vid of your cock getting hard? awesome, share it with us

previous: >>33133294
File: oldstuff4.webm (1.67 MB, 538x540)
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Cute, more ?
any guys want to see a sissy get hard?

disc: runninglow1
Just post it here you fag
File: moar.webm (1.81 MB, 1068x914)
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maybe just one more!
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Grower here
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Also, a soft to hard collage
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that's a nice shiny tip you've got there, post more
love that pic with leaking precum

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More cocks in this thread please.
post hard and/or kik
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view from the top?
and more from the side pls

beautiful cock, definitely looking to see more of it

is that fully soft? looks great when hard anyway

better lighting should improve picture quality

too bad that fully hard pic is cropped
The app i used cropped the thrid pic weird. Heres a better one of it hard
nice, show it from the top?
Yes it is fully soft, and thank you. I like to think I have a pretty huge cock with good aesthetic shape for being cut.
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Here's mine. Thoughts?
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this is for that one anon
dude, fucking nice, holy shit.
and hard? That's the point of the thread
Btw mirin that body, amazing skin

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