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Because there's 0 threads for LTRs on the catalog. Wtf /soc/

Post here if you're one of the few anons left who doesn't want to just goon n' go.

Optional template:
>Describe yourself and your interests.
>Future goals/aspirations
>What are you looking for in a partner
>Not looking for
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>describe yourself and your interests
I live in my own house and I take care of my dying grandma. I like retro-anime and retro-game,I like history not just ancient stuff but semi-modern cultural history is also good, cooking, dyi projects, old internet culture and learning new things. Music wise I prefer baroque music but as long it's good I like. I like arts a lot but personally I only do poetry since I can't draw or sing.
>Future goals/aspirations
I'd like to find someone who would be fine moving with me and hopefully stay for the long run and to have a family. I don't want to go too fast nor will I want that with everyone girl but that's the end goal in ideal cases.
>What are you looking for in a partner
Someone who can move here and work. I don't like the fake "trad" girls who just want to live at the expense of guys, I prefer strong/dominant girls. I'm already bringing in the house and I'm fine with working but I don't want to be with someone dumb and lazy. I don't care about how you look unless you are really unhealthy about it, what matter to me is the personality and the brain.
>not looking for
gay guys who don't understand that I'm not attracted toward them, trans is fine if they pass I guess, girls into poly, girls who make their political beliefs their whole personality and dumb girls who believe in stuff like astrology and fortune telling.

Based lambda. Good luck and god bless anon.

I forgot to make an ad for my own thread lol im retarded. Whatever I'll do it tomorrow.
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>20m, Pennsylvania USA
>6'3", blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, bit of a jocky build
>I'm a bit more of an optimist and I'm pretty enthusiastic. I like to crack jokes and talk to people, mainly just to listen, I like hearing stories.
>I've spent the entire summer hiking in the mountains, def my favorite thing to do. I also like the gym and I've played the shit out of Team Fortress 2. Other than that I love ancient history and science and will yap about facts ad nauseam. I also like to cook.
>Currently in Uni studying pre-medicine, hoping to become a doctor some day.

>Bio female. Anything 18+, Preferably US but foreign is ok
>White or just pale skin is my only standard. Things like height, blue eyes, or hips are a plus but don't really matter. Everything else appearance-wise I don't really care about.
>Anything goes for personality and interests. If you're energetic I'll take you hiking. If you're shy we'll spend time at home. If you're a neet I'll make food for you.

Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive
>Cellulite, being socially awkward, being clingy, being a neet, having a hyperfixation

Traits that are totally not your type
>e-prostitutes or just girls that are promiscuous in general.

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>ASL - 27 cis f southern California near Tustin
>Describe yourself and your interests. - short and fat. I like PC gaming, voice chatting with friends, and vtubers, and anime style art.
>Future goals/aspirations - just having a roof over my home and Internet and food is enough for me.

>What are you looking for in a partner - someone who likes me for me, and we like each other.
>Not looking for - e-drama, people asking me to debunk the claims strangers make about me. too many claims are made about me for me to constantly address them.

>Contact - chickenclaw3

I'm not a catfish not a trans woman, I simply refuse to send pics of myself when asked.

I usually accept anime profile pics and Vidya game profile pics.
I remember you used to put virgin in there lmfao, finally lost it eh
She's definitely still a virgin. No one is hitting that
I read she flew out and got fucked
>chickn post already derailed the thread
gonna kms
23 f NY
>>Describe yourself and your interests.
emotionally unavailable
>>Future goals/aspirations
Big house, big dog
>>What are you looking for in a partner
>man in finance
>Trust fund
>blue eyes
>>Not looking for
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
Avoid, other anons have said they're trans pretending to be a bio f.
lol, lmao even
>>Describe yourself and your interests.
Invisibly disabled. CPTSD, injury pain, heart problems. I like making art sometimes. Kind of spiritual. Go to the gym and for walks when I can. Love animals.

Tall, long reddish wavy hair, shorter red beard, blue eyes, pale, lanky. Quiet.
>>Future goals/aspirations
I did a lot of random music and art stuff on YouTube but might want to try other stuff that I'm in. Thought it might be nice to meet someone I got along with and wanted to do this too.
>>What are you looking for in a partner
Kind, at least somewhat physically fit, can tell me what they want, likes spiritual discussions, dancing, making art.
>>Not looking for
Discord: wait4what1
Quiet/reserved, but emotionally available. Fairly honest, straight forward, open minded. Like to banter and tease when I get comfortable with someone. I follow the golden rule & don't ask from others what I can't give in return. I believe in sticking to your values and morals even if it's the harder path.
I enjoy reading, hiking/nature, video games, & movies. Due to experiences growing up as a child, I tend to be a homebody & don't like being around people/am misanthropic (granted I don't judge before getting to know someone), but I don't mind going out if I'm with someone
I've been called handsome/cute by strangers. Been exercising and putting on muscle while trying to lose my stubborn lower belly fat
Christian but not a zealot
In CA right now, but plan to move out of state. Preferably somewhere rural or nature-y
>looking for
US & biological female only
I prefer being slow & committed over casual/fast & hooking up. I want to get to know each other before getting sexual
Caring, honesty, communication, & trustworthiness are important. I don't mind clingy (find it cute) as long as it doesn't cross boundaries. Someone who likes caresses & doesn't mind comfortable silence. A fellow bore is welcome
Games are stupid & a waste of time, be straight with what you want
I don't mind a LDR at first. Can travel, & can move closer if things go well
I'm politically incorrect, pro gun, don't support the trans/pro noun movement being pushed on kids, against covid shots/mandates.Don't like fat people(a little chubby is fine, cute even) & am picky with black aesthetics. Not picky with looks otherwise
Not interested people who prefer being casual/hooking up. I abstain from sex 'til love at least, don't mind waiting 'til marriage if you wanted (I do have a sex drive). Would like someone with similar beliefs/values. I'm a virgin if that bothers you
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19 m USA (massachusetts)

uni student (mechanical engineering)
decently autistic
I really like history (all time periods and regions), STEM, competitive pokemon, adventure time, evangelion, nathan for you, yotsuba, and cycling
I fucking love azumanga daioh
favorite music artists are Fishmans, car seat headrest, King Crimson, Tricot, and the peggies
I started playing guitar 7 years ago but have been in a slump the past 8 months

>open to long distance?
preferably not but if you live somewhere on the east coast we might be able to make it work; any further than like a 5 hour drive to/from boston would be a difficult distance

>looking for
long-term relationship with someone willing to put equally high effort into making each other happy and maintaining our bond
someone who can match my energy, sense of humor, and vision of an ideal relationship
preferably also autistic
age 18-21
cis/trans girl, nonbinary, or twink

>not looking for
anyone who's polyamorous, obese, or right wing

nuclear7777 on discord
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24m, US, white
I get very attached to people and devote my heart and soul to understanding and connecting with them. I’ve always been like that and can’t help it. My interests mostly become whatever there’s are, and remain so even after we depart. On my own, my greatest interests are music of all kinds, video games, visual novels, weightlifting, and just peoplewatching on social media. I love conversation though my obsessive personality is usually too much for people. Lookswise I can’t get a straight answer from anyone but I am 5’9 if that’s a dealbreaker.
My goal is to make a lot of money and provide for my potential partner
For a partner, I don’t have any specific ideals really. Just be understanding honest and open-minded.
Don’t be fat or trans
discord: I’d rather not post it here but email me at senjouitdiamse@proton.me and I’ll give it
23/F/Southeast USA
>Describe yourself and your interests.
I live by myself with my puppy, I like art, reading (sci fi) videogames, diy, ive done a little bit of cosplay and I watch a few animes, and i enjoy hiking. For vidya I play sandbox/builder games primarily. I try to go outside once a week. I do most things alone but stopped feeling lonley years ago. I probably have some 'tism but in a totally cute and funny way. I'm decent at cooking. I'm half asian/white, thin build, brown hair and eyes. I live a pretty normal life I suppose. I think traits that make me stand out include my resilience, ambition, and work ethic. I probbaly sound boring but I'm just not all that good at describing myself in a few sentences desu
>Future goals/aspirations
I want to adopt kids as well has have a loving and stable family of my own. I will have enough saved to buy a house for myself in a few years, around that time I will also start taking classes on being a foster parent.
For now, I'm not sure where to set down roots yet. All my own family is in TX but I dont really think the south is viable long term, but I also don't really like the north. I am considering NC/VA/PA/KY area. My main goals involve growing my career so I can provide a nice simple and stable life with a loving family.
>What are you looking for in a partner
Intelligence. Someone with shared goals as above. Plus for being a homebody or in a WFH job to help contribute to childcare. Also must be white or east asian and physically healthy, any mental illness should be non-inhibiting
>Not looking for
Sex or politics focused people, immature people, mentally unstable
send an intro to hwyablativemetal@proton.me. i stopped using discord a while ago but could pick it back up or provide another IM
Are you fine with 26 y/o software engineers with mild autism?
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>Describe yourself and your interests.
I usually spend a lot of my day working on some creative project or outside somewhere messing around, work is basically a part time thing I do on a macbook
I like to go out and try new things on a whim if im bored, definitely more of an indoor introverted guy than anything though if you get me talking I can ramble about stuff Im into for a while so only an extrovert if im interested in the person or topic at hand
Im fairly tall fit and good looking but im always trying out different hair and fashion styles cause Im a harsh critic on myself and usually take other peoples advice easily. Right now im just doing a short undercut and stubble combo that suits me pretty good
>Future goals/aspirations
Usual stuff for most people who arent degens,
Want to make more money by sticking around at my company
considering a second job on top of that but dont particularly need the money
Get in a relationship (closest I ever got was getting a love letter in high school and never acting on it because I was a dense boy, sorry Maria)
build up more of a friend network online and irl a bit, have a few people i talk to now but mostly in passing from strava and on here
Become a better artist and maybe do that as a career someday if I strike it big
>What are you looking for in a partner
Someone I can really get to know for a while who is kind of normal (by 4chan standards)
Has to be motivated in some regard but I don't really care what that relates to as long as youve got something going in on your life
Dont care too much about what country or state youre from, I could maybe move down the line on my end if you are US in particular
>Not looking for
Men, super old people, people who aren't serious, pretty open otherwise if we click but Im easy to talk to so if you just want to test the waters thats alright with me, I know a lot of the people here are weird
ohmyohmeme on discord (alt I made)
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>Describe yourself and your interests.
Me: White, 6'2", green eyes, brown hair and beard with grey starting to creep in. I'm overweight, not a landwhale, and am down 25 pounds as of my weigh-in yesterday morning. Don't mind sharing pics once we've chatted. Work in upper management at a financial technology firm. Own multiple plots of land and the home I am in now free-and-clear. Only debt is a home improvement loan I took out to fix up my current residence. Currently dealing with carpenter ants though, not fun.
Interests: Typical 4chan interests; Anime, vidya, tabletop. I mostly play MMOs and survival games (7 Days to Die being my flavor of autism) and usually DM D&D but actually get to be a player for once. I also make my own mead (honey wine), tinker with a lot of /g/-related stuff, and have a fairly large retro vidya collection (focusing on consoles). Most recent thing I did was build a Proxmox server for streaming video to friends and family.
>Future goals/aspirations
I want to build a house with the person I love and settle down to start a family. I make enough to support a stay-at-home wife with multiple kids, and this what I would prefer.
>What are you looking for in a partner
A biological woman that is not too old to have healthy children. Someone kind and feminine that is not looking to compete with me all the time and that shares some of my interests while also having her own.
>Not looking for
Email: soctemporarius@proton.me
Discord: oreganolobster
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26/M/Eastern EU
>Describe yourself and your interests.
Social anxiety and deep respect for nature, both plant and animal life, pretty quiet usually.
Misanthropic and a bit of an eco-fascist.
I want to get out into nature more, I like nature photography, I used to draw but no inspiration lately, I like masks (modifying them by sewing) and medieval weaponry.
I used to play stuff like TBOI, DBD, Dead Cells and LoL but I don't have a pc for a while now.
>Future goals/aspirations
To find eternal love and do more bad things to litterbugs and animal abusers
>What are you looking for in a partner
Loyalty, love for nature, preferably around my age and somewhere close
>Not looking for
Ever had an OnlyFans, cryptominer, wants a daddy/sugar daddy
add me on discord only requirements are u have to love me and u have to love anime as much as me which is more then anything and we have to vc a lot and u have 2 baby me sometimes but u dont have 2 be a daddy often i justlike it sometimes
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>Describe yourself and your life. Your interests.
I am 192 cm, tend to be quite introverted but i try to partake in any social situation thrown my way, although that aint a lot. To no one's surprise, i play video games (mostly indies of almost any genre), and for other hobbies i like to build stuff using my 3d printer to make small mechanical things, or things that just look cool. I work as a programmer. I guess i'm kind of a nerd. I'm also a high-functioning autist, socially atleast, you wouldn't even notice unless i told you. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs at all, i like to keep a sober mind at all times. Not a degenerate.
>What are you looking for in a partner
Female, nerdy interests, European, Long-term (ideally life-partner) relationship, open to LDR but the closer the better, 22-34 years old
>Not looking for
Male of any kind, trannies. Smokers/drug users (some alcohol use is fine, as long as you don't go overboard). mentally ill, BPD. Outside EU. Friend collectors.
Discord: maxevigam
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I'm an Irish guy and former neet getting back on my feet. I'm teaching myself the guitar and Japanese at the moment. I like reading (a confederacy of dunces is my favorite book) and animals. My favorite animals are Orangutans. Folk and patriotic music are my favorite genres of music
I'm average build, six foot and been told i'm a 7/10
>open to long distance?
>looking for
I'm looking for a lady to talk to and see if we are a good match. My only requirements are that you aren't obese, rude and that you put some effort into the conversation.
>not looking for
Actual crazy people, rude people, men, sellers, cat fishers, anything sexual and ghosters (If you think we aren't a good match, you can say it, I won't get salty).
Hope to hear from you :)
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>Describe yourself and your interests.
i am interested in lots of creative things! lately ive been into drawing *still learning*, blender, and possible game development!! i also love vintage toys, mary oliver poems, 50s/60s love songs, 80s animatronics, history, religion, and more!
i feel like im a very boring person so i dont have much to say about myself! im a new christian, im recovering from mental health issues, i put others before myself (which can be detrimental sometimes), and i just want to love someone
>Future goals/aspirations
my number 1 goal is to get married and have kids!
>What are you looking for in a partner
someone who is trying to improve himself day by day, wants kids, somewhat traditional, lovey dovey, affectionate
>Not looking for
doomers, lgbt, non christians, or mean people! (please dont get me wrong, im not a hateful person and i dont hate you if you are these things, i just dont agree with your beliefs)
26/M/Northeast US
>about me
Diagnosed Sperg + mild OCD Neet who likes history, vidyagames, computers, biology, philosophy, and more. Not very integrated into society (hence here) and don't really want to be integrated into the mainstream anyways. I'm generally rather silly but perfectly capable of serious conversation. Vaguely Christian. Virgin without any shame on the matter.
>My physical characteristics
White. Short, Very thin, Blue eyes, long light brown hair, thick medium length facial hair which is light brown and blonde.
>What I seek in a partner
Cognitive Compatibility first and foremost. Being I'm a sperg and want to just bee myself at all times around my future wife (if she exists) there's many mental conditions which would exclude one from partnering with me. Next, I would ideally like to share common interests. In my dreams she would play the same autistic map games I do but as long as we can have deep discussions and play some vidya together we will probably have enough to bond over. Similar views would be nice. Distance is fine IF we intend to meet up for a few weeks after we've gotten to know each other online and then after that if we go forward try to close it ASAP. Longest term I do dream about starting a family but right now I recognize the impracticality of doing so for me.
>Not looking for
The Underaged.
New Friends as an end-I have plenty.
Debate attempts or unsolicited advise from people who aren't looking to be my partner.
Taken women of any form or women who are rebounding.
Cluster B disorders (BPD, NPD, ASPD, etc etc)
Bipolar mood disorders (I need consistency)
Non-Virgins (I've had no problem retaining mine and waiting, I will continue to do so and expect that patience reciprocated)
>discord (inc the period)
21/Male/Tampa, Florida
>Describe yourself and your interests.
Too racist for normie dating apps

I play s.t.a.l.k.e.r gamma and watch movies. Currently reading Jay Dyer's Esoteric Hollywood and watching all the movies talked about in the book

Will become militant if Trump loses the election again

>Future goals/aspirations
Finish college, move out of Florida, amass a small arsenal of guns, and go to church on sundays

>What are you looking for in a partner
Someone to talk about movies and vidya with, meetup eventually and move in together if we really hit it off

>Not looking for
Someone who can't carry a conversation, troons

Disc: kiaser
32/m/kst (temporarily)
>>Describe yourself and your interests.
slight autism 4chan man, anime videogames manga feelings thinking about feelings video game music, random youtube shit, talking about things i like, being talked to about things i like, food, thinking about why, singing, cartoons,
i dont think about politics or internet celebrity people
i ask questions, quick to give up, uhhh i dont know what else, not a doomer
im considerate but at the same time im sometimes callous and forgetful which makes me feel retarded
low confidence
>>Future goals/aspirations
meet girl and be held in a romantic sense and be understood and not hide my behaviors irl and be accepted for all my weird shit (because i have been held in a platonic sense and it has awakened a deep desire), uhhh that's kind of it, im not very ambitious, itd be nice to just live and have internet and not have to worry about money, or just go to sleep and not wake up again (im tired and spiraling)
>>What are you looking for in a partner
talk for a good amount at regular intervals, having stuff in common, patient, is weird
>>Not looking for
doomers, people who think about dying every day (im on every other day and i would not like to go back)
Fuck it, just gonna throw a hail mary here.

25/M/USA but abroad rn
>Describe yourself and your interests.
Volunteer fighter in Ukraine, used to be in the military back home. I'm in good shape and not ugly. Some of my interests are: astronomy/astrophotography, hiking, camping, fitness, anime, vidya, curating obscure electronic music playlists, aquariums. I'm the introverted type but not a shut-in or dead end loser.
>Future goals/aspirations
If I'm alive by the end of the year then probably go back home and go for a degree in astronomy
>What are you looking for in a partner
Someone to talk to, and if we hit it off willing to be in a LDR with a partner that will be out of contact frequently and possibly dead.
>Not looking for
Dudes, morbidly obese people
Discord: clearskiesgreeneyes (burner)
18 M US, NC
>Describe yourself and your interests.
Mexican (putting it there early so you know if to stop reading). Black curly hair and still trying to lose my last bit of chub while also putting on a bit of muscle. I like being a very thorough nerd, anime, comics, video games and collecting but i still take every chance i can get to go outside. Emotional for better and for worse, labeled as silly and sweet by past partners.
>Future goals/aspirations
Career in architecture and a biological family
>What are you looking for in a partner
girls who are emotional and open about them. As long as youre that i can like the rest.
>Not looking for
Black girls, single moms, past age of 31.
Disc: weabele
I am 20 year old man from the greatest country on earth the Netherlands

>Describe yourself and your interests.
I am a Christian guy living a good and happy life. I like being productive so I enjoy doing activities such as reading, gardening and learning Russian. For interests I like discussing various things from theology, history and paradoxingly laughing at retards online. Have converted the sizeable attic into a personal gym where I excercise daily. I also enjoy going to the local farmers drinking shack having a good time and walking through the local market every saturday.

>Future goals/aspirations
Currently doing Technical Business Engineering and focussing on doing interns and working at food processing plants and heavy machinery factories. Like doing things with my hands and seeing things improve, be it people or companies. Focussing on finishing my education, getting a good job at a factory, getting and keeping a nice girl and raising amazing kids.

>What are you looking for in a partner
A nice girl who I can enjoy my time with and raise a future with, you can be a bit weird but should have some common sense.

>Not looking for
No degenerates, non-whites nor BPD girls.

I don't have discord nor use any social media, but you can email me at dutchmongol@protonmail.com
25 M Youngstown Ohio, but willing to relocate as I don't see Ohio as my forever home most likely.
>Describe yourself and your interests.
Physically: 5'8", 160 lbs., nothing special there, but my body is normal, I have a short beard.
Interests: movies, gaming, reading/writing, hiking, painting, all kinds of nerdy stuff like vr, 3d printing, d&d, etc., love being outdoors but also staying in.
Very creative type, borderline introvert/extrovert, laid back a lot of the time, but very passionate about my interests.
>Future goals/aspirations
Further my career to have something stable. Right now my job is not stable or particularly financially viable for the longterm and I want to change that desperately. I want my own house, want to get married, want more friends my age.
>What are you looking for in a partner
Trustworthy, honest, respectful, kind, those are the big things. Someone close(ish) to my age is preferable. Would love to meet someone local but open to distance. Someone who knows relationships can be work and is willing to put in that effort. Most other things are negotiable.
>Not looking for
Kids, maybe one day but I'm not ready to be a parent yet. Overweight/obese people. Anything other than bio F.
Discord: rehmisme
I have other contacts available but discord is what I'd prefer as a first point of contact.
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Almost 30 / M / VA, US

6'3" chubby White nerd with Asperger's
I have a bachelor's degree in a field that I currently practice with fulltime employment, but I'm horribly underpaid
Because I'm a brokie, I live with my dad. Because of my job, I travel for work very often and spend almost every week in hotels, mostly in NOVA, sometimes in other parts of VA, once-in-awhile in MD
I can cook a little bit, mostly on my portable kitchen set-up for hotels
I have a dog
I like the usual nerd stuff, wide variety of music, etc

>future goals
I want to write poetry and fiction and have them published
I might get a master's degree
I would like to find a wife (virgin) and raise a lot of children with her on several acres. I don't have any acres, and I know that an underpaid travelling shovelbum living with his dad isn't exactly in a position to offer a life like that, but still. (you could also travel with me, if you'd like (it's nowhere exotic))

Someone with a lot of love and good intentions, and I'm also a sucker for "overly-affectionate"
Someone with a calm, laid-back temperament and a healthy mentality. Not to say that you can't ever be sad or go through shit, but I'd like you to be able to communicate both with me (hypocritical on my part) and yourself in order to work it out.

>No bueno
Men, bipolar, borderline personality disorder, suicidal ideation and behavior, promiscuous past (posting nudes and anything ending in -job counts), obese (I'm fine with chubby), drugs/smoking, non-monogamous, obnoxiously political

Discord: Varofcrayden
I don't mind using other apps, if you'd prefer. Just let me know itt

>Describe yourself and your interests.
I'm a bit of a nerd, I like metal, heavy metal, and I will NOT have sex before marriage. I'm 5'3, natural platinum blonde, and I work out a LOT. Like a LOT. One of my goals in life is to have biceps bigger than my man's head, lol. I'm into a few games, although its not my main thing.

>Future goals/aspirations
desu not sure, just dropped out of college soo probably like someone who can provide for me and give me a nice family to take care of

>What are you looking for in a partner
tall, handsome, masculine. someone who effortlessly dominates me and has a nice working career.

>Not looking for
this one's a bit big cuz i know most people will not be what i'm looking for.

yall dump on me all you want but 6ft tall minimum, 6in minimum. i dont care about 6 figures desu if i need to get a job so be it. as long as you arent broke and wageslaving i do not care. must work in a masculine career, i will not accept tech workers or office workers or IT or any of that feminine garbage. blue collar is best, i want a man who can work with his hands iykwim.

leave yours and a blurb about yourself, and ill add you. discord or email only.

yeah yeah i know 4chan ill never find anyone desu this is wishful thinking. but my bff found hers here sooooo might as well try. this state sucks, all of the dudes here suck.
Run my own engine rebuilding workshop

185 cm

username doesn't work

I'm too old for you/you're too young for me, but I just wanted to say that a very good friend of mine was volunteering in Ukraine and I totally lost contact with them in February this year. Not heard from them since, no social media updates or logins. They were estranged from their family so I have no way to contact anyone else close to them. Can only fear the worst at this point. I hope you stay safe out there and you find someone you get excited to go home to.
Are you willing to talk to a guy that's 20?
yes. I'm not brainrotted where i only want a 30 year old dude with 5 divorces. i do not care about age as long as ur an adult.
Guess you were lying. Could just tell the truth.
what. dude if u wanna talk drop a tag
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>Describe yourself and your interests.
I really enjoy reading various poetry from American and Russian origins and Buddhist koans from time to time. I have also started my philosophical journey from reading the Greeks up to Marcus Aurelius so far (I have read modern works by Adorno, Marcuse, Foucault).

Apart from literature, I like going to art museums and sometimes channel my inner autist to make memes in GIMP and ms paint (lol). I also like photography and appreciating the beauty of nature. I was also really into calisthenics and running but I have been in a rut and im striving to get myself out of it. My friends say im an empath.

I am an electrical engineer early in career, focusing on embedded hardware and linux/network prototyping. I listen to black metal sometimes and love varg shitposting. Anime, vidya, and love to learn more about STEM topics.
>Future goals/aspirations
I have several goals:
Buy a house somewhere in Arkansas or Kentucky with lots of land, make a sustainable garden and own some horses
Create my own company or help my longtime friend build his battery factory
I want to be a good father and adopt some kids, give them good memories
Open a sanctuary for abused and orphaned cockatoos (they are pure angels sent from God)
Travel the world for 1 year
Have the free time to enjoy hobbies
>What are you looking for in a partner
someone kind and compassionate, who wants to help each other grow to our fullest potential. we both have problems and we want to fix them.
>Not looking for
non-whites, people outside of US, don't be too crazy please I can't handle it
Discord = sol.web
bumpin this gemmy thread
Thanks 'teen. Your ad is high quality God bless and hope you find someone from this thread
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i am interested in a variety of topics like philosophy, religion, politics, internet history, lolcows, true crime (mass murderers). i go through phases of being super talkative or isolating so be prepared for that lol. im autistic and have bad social anxiety that i am currently getting help for. i don't have much else to say but i promise im not super boring lol.
i hope to go to college soon and in the farther future i hope for a husband and family
>what im looking for
not super picky. preferably someone who is christian, good sense of humor, intelligent, likes deep convos, likes to ingest media, and older than me.
>not looking for
femboys, coomers, trannies. i don't mind if you're "ugly" or not from the states once again im not picky :)
tgirl us
im looking for a boyfriend who likes to vc and loves anime
im mainly into 2005-2016 animes and visual novels but i watch the new stuff aswell
we can also play games together
i can get very clingy and obsessive
disc is puddingkitty
18/Male/Canada (Vancouver BC)
massive faggot ;) (top)
>About you

In reality I’m a pretty silly muscular kinda short guy. Black longish curly hair.
History, philosophy, religion/theology, reading, poetry, generally massive humanitiesfag, niche islamist history, etc. On a worldly side, I’m a big fan of the edifiying effect of nature (big hiking fan for that reason), and I’m an intermediate gym-goer. I like guns as well. Relatively apolitical but I do like pretending to be edgy online.

Infodumping and autistic rambling (regardless of the subject) is my love language and pillow talk so as long as you can talk about it I’ll love it!

>Looking For
Love! Unironically I’m looking for a sweet cute (somewhat) terminally online, hopefully irl, kind hearted boy that I can grow to love and respect and do all sorts of cute things like sticking flowers in your hair or other sappy bullshit while ranting about something silly. And no I won’t be embarrassed. Very romantic focused.
>Not Looking For
People too far from Vancouver BC, Overly sexual people, women, mean and evil people, and people who can’t hold a conversation.
>Discord Tag
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>Describe yourself and your interests.
Psychology, cooking, history, lost media, unsolved mysteries, spirituality/religions (particularly eastern stuff), philosophy, storytelling, journaling, meditation, biking, cultures, nature, animation, music (been craving shoegaze lately), architecture (esp art deco/classical styles)/aesthetics. I like politics, but I tend to keep my ideals to myself aside from some basic stuff, seems how politics is so divisive. Just know I'm a bit of a mixture; conservative but economically leftist.
>your life
I'm a NEET who's honestly very lost in life. My two goals in life now are to find love and a job I'd actually enjoy. I want to get out of little town and live a comfy life with my soul mate out in the quiet countryside
>What are you looking for in a partner
This'll be more of an ideal, not what I absolutely require in a lover:
Quiet, romantic, reserved, but bubbly for those that she allows in her personal life. Has a rich inner world and yearns to be truly understood. Creative, kind, and knows herself well. Wants nothing more than true love and a simple life. Has similar values and interests to me. Perhaps a neet, or something along those lines so that we can help each other get out and blossom. Must be white like me
>Not looking for
Inexpressive people who can't hold a conversation beyond simple statements/words. Men, trans, adulterers/amoral folk, ghosts. Genuinely, if you're gonna friend me and never be around to talk, just don't friend me at all.
>Discord Tag
I wanna boyfriend who will be obsessive and will coddle over me and will be a genuine sweetheart and make all the bad thoughts go away >_<

Central Daylight Time (UTC -5)

goes to bed at Ten PM on Weekdays and Sunday goes too bed on 11 on Saturday and Friday

Please try making time for me within that time frame I am extremely clingy

do not lead me on or use ghost me or use me for some sick sense of sexual enjoyment only too cast me aside

anyways enjoy your Tuesday and please don't waste my time.

I Have some Stuble under my face but apart from that (which I'd not really prefer to shave myself and go too great cuts for) I'm frankly on the good looking side , abit chubby aswell but anyways

if you have a problem with me DO NOT ghost me and leave me without a direct reason for why you've left without days for an answer only to unadd me , actually communicate

>Describe yourself and your interests
168 cm, 45 kg, i look young and have a cute face
have never had a gf so far so im virgin, im obssessive but not possessive
i like video games/metal/visual novels etc just find out
>Future goals/aspirations
my life is really easy objectively but i have no real job rn would like to have one in the future
>What are you looking for in a partner
the most important thing is to match my vibe and be laid back, i want a best friend whos also my lover no drama please
i do also care about looks so dont be fat pls
>Not looking for
27/M/Georgia, USA - I'm straight.

>about yourself
Professionally: Currently work in the IT sector, but may transition to sales. WFH
Hobbies: Running (add me on nike run), pickleball, reading (wuxia, litrpg, prog fantasy, romance fantasy), gardening. I watch anime and play games too. :^)
Some books I like: His Secret Illuminations, Lord of the Mysteries, Dungeon Crawler Carl. Starting the StormLight Archives
Other: I get excitable about a lot of things, and I love to get people pumped about their interest. I love taking part in other people's interests.

>Do you want/have kids? Future Aspirations:
I want kids, bio or not. If I adopt, I'd love to adopt with someone and give a kid or two a home.

>Looking for?

Someone who wants something long-term/marriage.

I'm honestly a little turned off with the trad-wife and single parent household. More interested in people who want to DEWK (Dual Employed w/ kids). I'd like to build a future with someone and I want that person to have their own goals and ambitions. I don't really care if they fail, but seeing that they're trying is the goal. Ambitions I could support is essentially it. I want to push my SO further and vice-versa. If you're a reader that'd be lovely as-well, and we don't even have to share the same love of genres. Even if you don't have an interest that corresponds with mine, I'd still love to get to know you :) I've picked up so many things over the past two years from people, and every person is a new journey.

>not looking for

I'm open to a lot, but not interested in anyone under 22 or over 30. No men, people outside the USA unless you really align with the above.

>contact: tumericmilk (I'm busy at work for the next couple of days or so, it may take a bit before I see your add).
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>about me
Feel free to ask anything
175cm 64kg (picrel is me)
Im actually introvert, boring and akward but ill try my best, i promise :c
I like regular things such as:
Music (a bit of everything but mostly pop and rock, yeah, im really original, would love to listen to some music together)
Movies (dont have a preference, i like any as long as its good)
Series (same, anime very much included)
Games (both videogames and board games) and so
I also like reading (mostly fantasy and mystery) Cooking (specially baking) and working out (partner needed)
Also into biology, astronomy, chemistry and mythology or science in general :3
Feeling quite lonely sometimes... wish i had someone to hug and cuddle until falling asleep on their arms...
>Future goals/aspirations
Be a better person for the ones who deserve it, helping as much animals as i can, finishing my studies, earning money, and live as happily as i can while trying to find a reason to keep going
>looking for
My soulmate, although he/she might not even exist (im dum :3)
Personality wise, its quite complex, probably not gonna fit in here
Physically, im fine with cute actually :) girls, feminine boys, trans, any gender!
We can chat or maybe play some games like Minecraft, league, pz, etc
Frindship open to a relationship would be ideal but im ok with just friendship
I would ask you to be completely honest, nothing gets me mad
>not looking for
"Regular"/masc guys, whores
>Discord Tag
I fit everything you're asking for and more. I'm even close to you assuming you're in Columbia. But you sound insufferable and you offer nothing in return. Why should I let you set up shop in my life and let you benefit from anything I've built and earned? I'd sooner sell my herd and liquidate all of my equipment and land and move to Alaska to marry a moose. Good luck though.
>Describe yourself and your interests.
White and not fat. I love weebshit. I'm a shut-in, get easily attached/possessive and would like to get with someone similar to me. Shared interests are just a plus as long as you're fun to talk to. Not open to long-distance at all.
I hate lies/manipulation. Also people with zero manners

If you add me please give me some info about yourself!
>Future goals/aspirations
Marriage and kids! As long as in the future I have a job and a place to live/raise kids in I'm happy.
>What are you looking for in a partner
Someone kind who lives in England, has a sense of humour, is willing to get together long term, and who doesn't care about age gaps. I like fat guys but other than that I don't have many preferences to do with looks. Someone happy to meet up quite quickly. A 'loser' (they're cute). Ideally very gentle and likes getting out. Non-judgemental
>Not looking for
NSFW, dry texters, non-white, lgbt, people NOT in England, rudeness/bitterness, BPD, Americans
I'm near farmington, actually. youd be surprised what i can offer, i already mentioned i dont mind working to help support the family and i already take care of animals with my parents. regardless yea good luck lol.
I feel like we got a lot in common, the turn off is that im black and American, sorry that's a turn off for ya. Your standards are very specific
I mean I'd be fine to bend the standards a little, probably should have specified they were flexible. But I would probably just want to be friends with an American, the long distance would be too much for me

(also I find it funny how the 'BPD' added me for a bit. Not who I'm replying to, but please read my post fully before sending a FRQ.)
Updated 7/22

25/M/Virginia State U.S. (Long-distance is A-okay.)

I'm a 5'4" smol, slim, toned boi. I'm handsome and cute. I work a service job and live with a roommate. I deal with depression and OCD, so I can get rather tired easily. I still always try to do my best and improve. I range from being playful, feminine (in personality), and bubbly to more tame, relaxed, serious, to dank, derpy, and silly. I am very introverted and prefer to stay home and relax. I do like going out for dates though.

Hobbies and interests:
Memes, cuddles with My Kitty, singing, etc.

I'm a huge videogame buff, from N64 to Wii U, Gameboy Advance to 3DS, is my area of expertise. I'm super into youtube documentaries of all sorts: Corruption, Game Industry, History, etc. I like other types of videos, like let's plays, creepypastas, podcasts.

What I want out of a relationship:
A long-term, monogamous relationship where we both love and support each other unconditionally. Where compromises are sought out just as often as doing some things really special for one another. A CGL/MDLB dynamic would be great, but if you're just very motherly, doting, and sweet in general, I'd be open to try. Showering eachother with praise, affection, focus, and time would be really lovely and appreciated.

What I want out of a partner:
Preferably a lovely lady 18 to 35 that is nerdy, geeky, and silly. Open-minded to try out different hobbies and interests, but also willing to hear and accept all manners of jokes, opinions, and ideas. Somebody really clingy. Wants to have long calls, make big texts back and forth from the start. Be in contact as much as possible. I get along best with NEET/shut-in/Autistic ladies. I'm very easy to please when it comes to appearances. Let's trade sfw pictures early on. I don't care about your job, status, height, weight, or anything else.

-Not religious & don't want kids.
-I would want to vc and spend quality time together tons early on.

Discord: bunnyboymeow
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us if u was real
Let's go again!
23/M/West coast usa
>Body description
Extremely slender, tall, white with very long brown hair and eyes. I look big and small? If that makes sense.
I have a decent face, I'd call it a bit goofy with a somewhat large nose.
Kissless virgin
An autistic funny creative, I'm very intelligent/witty. I focus a lot of mental energy on making people laugh, but struggle with going too far with jokes. I'm edgy, shy, roleplayer(Years of experience mostly Ace Attorney RP ugh), flowery vocabulary(Not really a poet, but I have a way with words. Whether they sting or soothe.), writer, gets lost in his inner world, sensitive, prudish, racist, a bit of a prankster, patient, doesn't watch porn, believes in the "one", I use discord chats as my diary if I feel the other is receptive, and low-maintenance.
I'm a sub leaning switch(I think... how am I supposed to know?)
Writing, the typical gamin'(Some favorites are RPS, Danganronpa 2, F&H2, Portal 2, Legend of Grimrock 2, Cookie Clicker, Cataclysm DDA, and plenty of others...) and anime/manga(eclectic but I enjoy gambling manga the most), mental illness/autism, animals, brooding, le DEEP conversations.
>Life goals
Neet living at home with parents, focused on writing a choose your own adventure at the moment, feel free to ask or maybe even collaborate with me about it.
What I seek out of relationship is really sharing my life with someone, my vulnerabilities, my hopes and dreams, my fears, my love. I want to take things slow, no matter how cute you may be.
>Not looking for
Men, people with unbraided kinky hair, very dark skin, eyes too close together, sex havers, normals, or very fat
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The gem that saved /soc/
Everyone, anon here isn't looking anymore and was super chill about explaining why. o7
Bullshit he’s still online and you’re following him around to stop him from accomplishing his dream

Y'all are terminally online too dedicate this much time too someone you've never spoken too for more than a few collective min and then lost interest in. as always the entertainment from my bird blind is fun
Test, also bump I guess.
>youd be surprised what i can offer
enlighten us
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21/m/east coast

>physical features
-white (slav)
-medium length dark hair
-blue eyes
-baby face
-lean build

>career/life situation
i'm a cs student at a large public university. i'd like to work in big tech after i graduate

i spend most of my free time reading, programming, and working out. i mainly read fantasy, sci-fi, philosophy, and history books. i also like to play strategy games or rpgs when i can. when it's nice outside, i like to travel and/or go hiking

i come across as a pretty introverted person but i can be more extroverted around friends. i don't easily make friends but i form close friendships with people i chose to befriend

i'm looking for a gf who i can love very deeply. i want to find someone i can devote my life to

>khhv status
khhv. i would only pursue a relationship with someone i could see myself marrying

>looking for
i'm looking for a clingy, loving girl that i can take care of and eventually marry. i want to find a girl who i can love very intensely

ideally, we'd have a loving bdsm relationship. i like the idea of a gentle dom/sub dynamic which involves me taking care of my gf

forgot to include height. i'm 5'11
While I am not the anon you replied to, I have been interested in having a homestead in Missouri for two years. I am young, single, and dedicated to building a career for myself to support a life in Missouri. I promise I am very, very serious about it. Like, huffing manure levels of serious.
Assuming you are single and looking, you should send me an email :)
if you find a girl you love on here ill dox and rape her before you even hold hands
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Wow that's crazy anon.... thanks for the bump!
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5'8, skinny, male, 19 and I live on the East Coast in the US
Cooking, listening to 70's rock, hiking, swimming, gaming (tho I don't do it much now aside from with friends), playing board games, and watching detective shows
>looking for
F no more than 24, from the Midwest or East Coast, down to have late night vcs, cares about the environment, likes socializing and meeting new people, and is also into nerd shit
>not looking for
Men, Trans, NSFW, shut-ins, or 25+
>Describe yourself and your interests.
I am tall, hideously ugly, and have no prospects. I only work, play video games, eat, and sleep. I am working towards no goals and do nothing else. I have nothing to offer.
>Future goals/aspirations
>What are you looking for in a partner
Woman (female)
>Not looking for
discord: username9179
>Describe yourself and interests
I was homeschooled through high school. I'm a bit of a nerd. 5'10" and in excellent health. I love making and listening to music, cooking, reading, and learning to code. Also vidya, mostly Zelda & Metroid type games. My current job is freelance event production assistance. I also help with sound at my church.
>Future goals/aspirations
To have a family. To love and cherish my wife, whoever that will be (Who knows, it could be you) forever. To own property and to sufficiently provide for my wife and children. Also to cuddle my wife a lot. Can't wait for that.
>What are you looking for in a partner
Biological woman 19-24, preferably white or Asian. Someone who wants children (Lots, hopefully). A Christian (Very important).
>Not looking for
Only dealbreakers are non christian and non biological female.
Email: succinctjackalope@proton.me
Discord: AbeTheSuccinct
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
eastern canada

Disc is profile_asphalt


I want a housewife. In 2025 ill have a good job and I want a woman whos not a boring ass normalfag nor an annoying sassy bitch. You wont even have to work Ill be the provider.

Bonus if unvaxxed and not too mentally ill.
20 f us
>Describe yourself and your interests.
neurotic 5’3 fake blonde with slavic-jewish facial features. i like kino, gore, chan culture
>Future goals/aspirations
i want to be a homemaker with as many children as financially possible
>What are you looking for in a partner
older, high iq, high openness, high agency, high sex drive, savior complex
>Not looking for
anyone too close in age, newfags, jeets
>Describe yourself
Im 6 foot 2, a tiny bit thicc but strong cause Im a construction worker running my own site as a scaffolder foreman, bald, a bit of facial hair. Im big into PC and tech in general, love to listen to rap and vaporwave, make my own music too, it takes time to get to know me but once I figure out how edgy and offensive I can get so we can say stupid shit to make each other laugh then were more than good
>Future goals/aspirations
Ideally would want to get better at music so I can live off it, want to save up money to start my own business but Im not sure maybe we can work together in a food truck? Im up for whatever, my calling is still out there I just gotta find it and I will
>What are you looking for in a partner
A girl thats between 18 and late 20s in Europe so we can live together, someone easy going that loves to be nerdy and play games and do whatever as long as its together and its fun, you dont have to work unless you want to or you can be a stay at home gf and help me out around the house, I dont mind thicc but dont be morbiously a beast, someone thats as edgy as me and wants to joke about everything, just be faithful and want to become a better person and be real with me and yourself
>not looking for
Girls that want to be combative, overly religious and argumentative, massive egos
29/ladyboy type individual/near Atlantic Ocean

Recent Music: /watch?v=T_zS2TFmeqo /watch?v=Ksfd6AmkkoU
Faves: /watch?v=zobf_4sfEbQ /watch?v=YL1CAUjc3rw /watch?v=1MobY_vR7-g /watch?v=f25R9Gl6FWc /watch?v=PelenogTUEk /watch?v=FU_yNE2MMOU
Bonus Track: /watch?v=EWxFMUik4mQ

I find it necessary for my partner to be 25+ (emotionally mature), 5'9"+ aka 175cm+ (taller than me because I need to feel like he is my dad), and okay with not having sex ever because he too understands there are many more important things in a relationship. Also I have to like the music you listen to or I hate u.

I can be rude so do not message me if you cannot deal with that.

discord: .werekitten.
boy looking for an older girl

I dont really care about ur age or whatever just dont be like 60 or a convicted felon or somthing

My timeszone is really screwed up (GMT +12) so dont get mad if i domt respond when ur awake.

Im kinda busy? I dunno I'm really clingy but i can take care of u n stuffs yeah. Other than that i dont care about anything else. Im asian btw

discord is e3458.
dont forget the dot
20 f us
>Describe yourself and your interests.
neurotic 5’3 fake blonde with slavic-jewish facial features. i like kino, gore, chan culture
>Future goals/aspirations
i want to be a homemaker with as many children as financially possible
>What are you looking for in a partner
older, high iq, high openness, high agency, high sex drive, savior complex
>Not looking for
anyone too close in age, newfags, jeets
maybe you’re just not a good conversationalist anon
ah yes, a bpd-princess that likes medical gore, "physically incapable of having penetrative sex" (direct quote), washed up r9k egirl, wants to catch a beta simp before she hits the wall, "on here for almost a decade" (you became an egirl in elementary?), "low functioning bpd and ocd"
perfect trad wife for this healthy clean slavic man
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26/M/KS Kansas USA
>About me / my interests
5'10, athletic build. White, dirty blond hair, blue eyes. I have a STEM degree, a solid job, and a nice apartment. I am into cars and racing, as well as most sports (pumped for the olympics). I read, work out, and listen to rap, metal, and dnb/jungle. I'll occasionally emulate some vidya or watch anime. Apolitical and agnostic.
>Future Goals / Aspirations
I want to keep rising up the proverbial food chain at my current workplace, making solid progress so far. Want to get more into cooking. Slowly working towards competitive time trials with my car. Hit my max goals in the gym. And find a partner, of course.
>Looking For
Bio women, 21+. Open to temporary long distance, USA greatly preferred. Someone who is self-sufficient and in a good place in life.
>Not Looking For
Men, MtFs, mental illness, drug users, politics, religion, sellers, catfish, friend collectors, immediate nsfw.
disc: btlmachine
She's not trans she's just really fat and ugly
If you're desperate enough I guess
I'd rather fuck a cute petite tranny desu

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