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For very introverted anons to meet each other and be alone together

>about you
>looking for
>not looking for
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
Im convinced this nigga is a bot seeding for dating threads
I suspect that 36 isn't his age but rather amount of indian men posting this shit
23 m ukkkraine
languages n strategy stuff
>about you
schizoid autist 0 emotional intelligence
>looking for
cute european bf with similar qualities
>not looking for
non europeans, angry or loud people

gaming, anime, coding, tech/cyberpunk shit

>about you
i really dont know, mdd, gad, bpd. i dont talk much sometimes, and sometimes ill talk alot /shrug

>looking for

>not looking for

22 M NYC


I am nobody.

No idea

No idea


wandering soul aimlessly drifting from place to place completely lost and alone without a purpose in the universe or any reason to exist

sweet young lady

i don’t have a lot of interests.. i enjoy binge watching shows whenever i’m bored, my favorite shows are lucky star, code geass, nana and scums wish i enjoy romance animes

>about me
i'm a lonely girl and extremely attention deprived I don't go out that much and tend to stay inside a lot i have plenty of free time i don't go to school or have a job. i am a jealous clingy person it is hard for me to hold conversations sometimes

>looking for
someone to talk to guy or girl i just want someone that can make me feel less lonely and i would like to do the same. i want someone to remain close with and prioritise.. i get attached easily and im just hoping someone allows me to cling to them because i am so lonely im so pathetic and need someone just as pathetic as myself
i’m really vulnerable

>not looking
people who have a lot of friends, fat people, people that talk to a lot of other people, people who have significant others, people who are friends with their exes or any person they’ve had romantic interest in, or someone they engaged in sexual stuff with.

>no ASL
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visual novels, anime, video games/metal/esports/youtube/looksmaxxing
>about you
emotionally intelligent but fairly unstable clingy twink
>looking for
fun laid back gf
>not looking for
men/ugly/fat/snowflake/nothing in common/ghosters
Didnt even see this reply but can confirm, do not interact.
Schizoid Personality Disorder and introvercy are two completely different things. Stop confusing the two. No schizoid would be desperately and intentionally be looking for people to get emotionally close to, and especially not with the intention of dating. That's like the entire crux of the matter.
Meh, depends.
I'm an schizoid that either wants to be alone for the rest of my life or have an extremely close and clingy relationship with my SO.

Though its true that no schizoid desperately wants a relationship
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>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

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My hobbies include motorcycles, working out, movies, anime, manga, and reading.

>about you
I'm 5'7 and relatively fit, with green eyes, and dark brown hair. I don't really like initiating conversations with new people so I appreciate when others reach out first. I get easily attached. Currently don't have anything to do for the next month while I wait for college and my next job to start up. Pic related is my cat.

>looking for
A girl in the same state with similar hobbies or willing to teach me about her hobbies. Someone who acts clingy and obsessive.

>not looking for
Transgenders, fats, or men. People who take a long time to respond, don't seem like they're interested, or are already in a relationship.

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video games, visual novels, jrpgs, anime, reading, psychology
>about you
social reject
>looking for
some company would be nice, friends, people to talk to
>not looking for
lgbt people or people who dont put effort in
18/Male/Canada (Vancouver BC)
massive faggot ;) (top)
>About you

In reality I’m a pretty silly muscular kinda short guy. Black longish curly hair.
History, philosophy, religion/theology, reading, poetry, generally massive humanitiesfag, niche islamist history, etc. On a worldly side, I’m a big fan of the edifiying effect of nature (big hiking fan for that reason), and I’m an intermediate gym-goer. I like guns as well. Relatively apolitical but I do like pretending to be edgy online.

Infodumping and autistic rambling (regardless of the subject) is my love language and pillow talk so as long as you can talk about it I’ll love it!

>Looking For
Love! Unironically I’m looking for a sweet cute (somewhat) terminally online, hopefully irl, kind hearted boy that I can grow to love and respect and do all sorts of cute things like sticking flowers in your hair or other sappy bullshit while ranting about something silly. And no I won’t be embarrassed. Very romantic focused.
>Not Looking For
People too far from Vancouver BC, Overly sexual people, women, mean and evil people, and people who can’t hold a conversation. Yeah!
>Discord Tag
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Sure why not. I miss having someone to care about.

Books (mostly sci-fi, some non-fiction), vidya, underground music (I can actually freestyle pretty well lol), sports.
I'm actually realllly interested in... esoteric things though, like conspiracies and philosophy and forecasting, statistics. It's hard to explain, but essentially, I love analyzing and deconstructing bizarre phenomena and could rant/think aloud for a very long time about a lot of topics. I basically have a fetish for theory

>about me:
I'm 100% white, very pale, 6'1 and about 185 pounds. I get told I look like clark kent multiple times a week, to the point where some people literally refer to me as that. So I'm at least not ugly.
I literally have 0 friends and only socialize at work, but I actually do have like, cult-leader charisma.
But the issue is, I had an extremely turbulent childhood and it caused me to basically dissociate extremely from reality and gave me severe trust issues. With age, I only have grown more detatched. So yeah. Just be warned I guess that I have some issues that are extremely difficult to fix.

>looking for:
Superifically, I'd like a bio fem girl who isn't obese and isn't ugly. I generally have a huge thing for bookish and shy girls. But I'm open to a wide variety.
Personality-wise, I would need a homebody who likes having deep conversations. It would be fun to learn together, watch movies, play games, just quality-time stuff. I really enjoy doting over one particular person, and am definitely more of a giver, but I'm also quite harsh and critical if I feel like a boundary is repeatedly crossed or you're harming yourself.
>not looking for:
Under 18 or over 30, black girls, girls who wanna change me or "heal" me (I am who I am; coexist or gtfo).
But most importantly, someone who I won't trigger. My thoughts certainly come off as jaded and cynical, and that really triggers some people. So be understanding pls

I want a nerdy schizophrenic clingy needy gf who only loves me. How do I find her anons?
27 m California
animals, nature, videogames, anime
>about you
autist, people mistake me for a normal guy all the time so I think I'm above average looking, 5'10
>looking for
want to lose my virginity then go back to being alone
>not looking for
ugly women or men
Making art, spirituality, animals, retro gaming and virtual reality, gothic/industrial/triphop music, staying healthy.
>>about you
I have a lot of health issues though it doesn't look like I do. CPTSD, pain from injuries, and a bunch of other stuff. Don't go out too often but I can still do things. Tall, long reddish hair, shorter red beard, blue eyes, pale. Kind of quiet.
>>looking for
Girls who like to make art and want to talk. Would like to meet up with someone eventually but whatever is okay for now too.
>>not looking for
Does anyone else not see a point in even trying? I see myself as inferior to everyone and having no worth. It's hard for me to think why someone would want to be around me. I think I'm inferior in every way - physically, mentally, socially, personality-wise. Still a virgin in my early 30s because of this self-isolation. Don't have any friends. I don't have any hope for the future and I'm not sure why I keep going
Utter fucking sausagefest, as expected
The women's wing of the mental ward

Literally what did you expect lmao, 4chan is like 90% dudes and the few chicks are paywhores or dykes
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>as expected
>what did you expect
anon did you skip reading comprehension day
34 M Boston

Interests: Strange people, music

I'm introverted but I swear I'm nice

I'm looking for: Real human connection, but especially someone manic

discord: npaulrus
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Why openly complain about there being no women when you knew there would be no women then?
Just acknowledging that isn't gonna solve anything
You're right. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here at this point lol
But I also can't blame you because there are very few places to go to begin with
Where tf does our generation socialize at irl even????
Not bars, not clubs, that's all old folks
I've looked and haven't found good answers
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needy streamer overload, animal crossing, resident evil, figure collecting, doll collecting, evangelion, moist critikal, vidya & lots of music
>about you
my name is ame ummm i like to bake & cook, i use twitter a lot im like chronically on twitter lol, i’ve struggled with self harm & drug abuse a LOT lol i have a few cewl piercings and i luv dxm
>looking for
pretty much anything
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26/M/Eastern EU
Nature, wildlife, feeding crows during periods of cold weather, sometimes photography of wildlife on my evening walks, much rarer I find motivation to draw, though I used to do it a lot. Warhammer 40k lore, sewing, mask making/customising, collecting medieval weapons.
>about you
Silent, timid, misanthropic and eco-centristic, romantically obsessive and possessive, I shut myself in my cave until evenings to walk (I hate the heat and sun, ironically).
Fairly patient until I am not. If you catch my drift.
>looking for
Femanon of a similar age and mindset
>not looking for
Male, socialfags, many friends, inherently against extreme violence when it is required for the sake of nature
we are so back
You're god's strongest retard, godspeed with that schizo tranny pussy

I think we should all meet up and slit our wrists. Whos with me
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closeted ftm
i dont have many interests, im severely depressed and nothing is of interest anymore. please give me a reason to wake up in the morning
loser with almost no friends, i dont talk to anyone but my mom mostly. i deal with a lot of mental issues :( please be patient. i am not attractive, so if looks are extremely important to you, dont add me
im looking for a boyfriend; it can be anyone. (except straight men who will see me as a "tomboy"
>disc : headskott
This is just some faggot that adds and doesn't say shit, despite being online.
like playing on the PC or VR here and there, i love to cook but its more fun for someone else, things just dont taste as good unless its shared, i like to make beats whenever i get inspiration and im into rap and vaporwave pretty heavily, we can talk and watch a show or anime or you can watch me play a game as we talk
>about me
im pretty edgy but in general level headed, i just want to have a laugh no matter what so i just hope me and you can bounce off of each other saying stupid shit lol, i just wanna be happy man. i had a pretty rough past and still got some demons, i deal with self harm and some other stuff but it doesnt define me, for work im a scaffolding foreman and i wouldnt say im too passionate about my job but i work my ass off, im not religious, i did a lot of psychedelics and i would say im spirtitual i have weird beliefs and experienced things ppl dont really understand, i could really go on and on but i dont really have an ego i like when people find out stuff about me instead of me advertising myself
>looking for
someone that understands when you put in effort it comes back to you double and someone thats not combative, willing to resolve arguments without tearing each other down, someone thats easy going just wants to have a fun time playing games or watching stuff or talking, you dont have to have it together or anything, were going to get through it, but you want to be a better person thats all that matters cause i know were all flawed. someone thats faithful and thats willing to move in with me in the future cause I got my own apartment lol so hopefully youre from Europe, anyone from 18 til late 20s, 30 is too old for me i think
>not looking for
someone with an ego, people that want to be right all the time and abusive individuals, manipulators basically anything thats just shit, not someone thats after my money obviously. not someone that hides and cheats and lies, being genuine is not hard
Well, it’s obvious. He’s from /mu/
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn

>Main Interests & Hobbies
History – mostly modern, particularly interested in revolutions
Politics – anarchist who hates idpol
Programming – increasingly interested in Linux and FOSS
Retro video games – particularly old Nintendo/Sega ones and PC sim. games

>Other Interests & Hobbies
Model building
Working out

>Physical Appearance
White, above average height with slim build. People say my face is attractive but you’d have to judge

>Looking For
Women interested in chatting
>Not Looking For
Men or transwomen

26F Experienced Domme

I came here to find a serious guy that wants to explore his submissive side with me. Doesnt matter if you are inexperienced, the thing is you are eager to learn and willing to offer your body for my own pleasure

SC : exclusivechnll
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24 f California

Retro Vidya, vivariums, animal tracking, exotic pets, piracy, poetry, literature, film snobbery, classical art, showtunes, punk music, clowning, drag.

>about you
I never know how to fill this out. I'm a bbw cavelady clown. I get depressed about human suffering but love to cause it to people I feel deserve it. I like to make people laugh, too. Also I have sex addiction and BPD. I try to leave the house and be sociable but I'm an agoraphobic introvert at heart.

>looking for
cute short autistic guys. Submissive.

>not looking for
Tall men, dom men, cat owners, weebs, bigots, transphobes

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I can record for evidence, if you don't care what happens to your bodies after
Avoid, fat alcoholic whore lying about her age looks 30 at least
22 F CA
this will identify me
>about you
this will identify me
>looking for
marriage, obligated partnership, a pet human male
>not looking for
human interaction
32/M/Canada BC
Bi Women, long term relationships, gaming, Anime, Gardening, Camping
You'll find out if we like you
>Looking For
Wife(30) and I are looking for a third person (bi woman) to add to our relationship. We are only looking for genuine long term connections with the intention of being life partners.
>Not Looking For
>Discord Tag
fellow dxm luvr yuss!!!
I like chud rpgs like hylics and SMT V. I paint draw and do anything related pretty much, that and sew sometimes.
I'm bored as fuck all the time and need a someone in my life to fuck around with who won't complain about everything.
People who act virtuous get on my nerves, just be honest with me and I will be honest with you.
>Looking for
I'm into autist jap women. Also VC as soon as possible, I'm sick of the whole two text then never talking again
>Not looking for
I won't talk to fat women and black women I have no interest in.
I'm fat and we literally sexted before
Well clearly I didn't see that so my bad, anyways GG better luck next time
I literally sent u my tits it was clear by my arm I was fat lmaoooo
Wait no I have no clue who you are, Looking though my dms rn and there are NO titties. You got the wrong neet clearly
I'm such a fucking TheodoreCel I would never do this retard
Oh no the incel's mad. I've been on here for years my age has always been consistent, you must be used to sexting little girls. Fuck off summerfag.

Yeah no, she's great, super funny, easy to talk to, and knows a lot of interesting stuff...

She will block you if you joke about her gooning tho :C
Tits, discord?
Risking sharing pics of my ex that you could expose (I have just 5 nudes left btw)

I'm horny and not the smartest, so pretty gullible and easy to manipulate so please go easy on me when it comes to giving her info or sharing too much

>Not looking for roleplayin!

Kik: totally_completely
20 f us
kino, chan culture, medical gore, 9/11, eunuchs
>about you
bpd neet fake blonde jewish american princess
>looking for
instant connection with high iq, high agency, high openness, high libido, oldfag that wants marriage and a family
>not looking for
jeets, anyone too close in age, anachans, newfags
all of these sound great
haven't opened myself up on this thread for quite a while, so here it goes.

20 / M / Chile

general introverted nerd shit. weird movies, playing guitar, reading random-ass wikipedia articles for hours on end, minecraft, and occasional drawing, though I'd like to get more into it. want to get into anime, but i'm too self-conscious to get into it alone.

>about you
aspergers, though I've managed to mask it up well enough. love doing VC for hours on end.

>looking for
anything, really. preferably people in latam, especially those from my country. the closer to the better, though it's not an obligation.

>not looking for
overly sexual coombrians.

your discord doesn't work pal
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m19 eastcoast
fishing, gregtechnewhorizens, Tsutomu Nihei's works

>about you
150lbs latino, traumatized by women who've treated me badly, I want a very pale gf if possible to feel safe, fetishes are fucked up due to trauma :( irl loser looking for trauma gf or femcel if they treat me nice. If you message me and stalk me, that's a huge need. Don't really care about body size. If you message me I'd be happy to reply.

>not looking for
owning fish, conspiracy theories, video games and horror media
>about me
autistic schizoid with no irl friends
>looking for
friends or someone to chat with casually
>not looking for
anything sexual or romantic, im asexual
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20s American MAN
Black metal, hunting, knives, guns, archery, carnivorism, paganism, the woods, facts and logic, revolution, family
>about you
Sigma male antichrist chud. Anti-trend, anti-modernity. A normal human, but classified as mentally ill according to this worthless sick faggot society and their "doctor" class of liferuining establishment maggots
>looking for
Le femoids (white, skinny, blue eyes is my type)
>not looking for
People with stubby fingers. Last time I compromised on hand physiognomy it went poorly, sorry gals
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boy looking for an older girl

I dont really like a shy introverted person cuz I think that's really cute plus it means we can spend more time together as I'm clingy.

My timeszone is really screwed up (GMT +12) so dont get mad if i domt respond when ur awake.

Im kinda busy? I dunno I'm clingy but i can take care of u n stuffs yeah. Other than that i dont care about anything else. Im asian btw

discord is e3458.
dont forget the dot
26 m usa

Gaming, sports, movies, music, animals

>about you
I’m a lonely, socially awkward guy working a minimum wage job. I struggle with anxiety and depression. I don’t really have any friends and I’ve never been in a relationship. Ive been pretty isolated for a while and I have trouble talking to people and holding conversations

>looking for
A nice girl who is as lonely as me to talk to and grow with

>not looking for
People who don’t want to improve


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