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i am an ugly girl from the us.
im already predisposed to being ugly due to my race but id like to maximize my looks as much as possible.
i do not want to have any plastic surgery, nor do i plan to.
i want to find someone who is either also trying to "looksmaxx" or is willing to help me reach my fullest potential (bonus points if youre a /fit/cel and can help me build a workout routine)
contact is vindictian on discord :D
you don't need to lookmaxx just be urself
>im already predisposed to being ugly due to my race
That’s not really a healthy mindset to have honestly. You gotta work with what you have.
Who don’t you want plastic surgery
I got a nose job and it was the best thing I have ever done
>You gotta work with what you have
thats literally exactly what she said, she just knows how little she has
just go to org
It’s another obese shitskin thread
What's your ethnicity? Most of them are workable despite common opinion
Been looking for a girl to help turn into a bimbo for over a year. Can help emotionally, with workout plans, and financially. Your body and mental state now aren’t important, just your will to change.

Leave kik if interested.
who's the girl in the image
Not OP but been trying to find someone willing to help me too. Only thing is that I already have a coach for fitness and nutrition and have a specific physique goal which is not the typical bimbo physique.

Are you open to different physique goals?
Would love to chat. Drop your kik.
What's the physique goal that's not the typical bimbo physique then?
Creepy chan/Allison Harvard.
Gymfag here, Go swimming daily to get in shape that’s enough for 99% of people if they would actually do it every single day without making excuses every second day. Depending on your goal you might also want to start squatting for that thick ass. Make up and stuff you have to ask others.
Jimfag here. Start or buy into a mowing franchise, that will get 99% of people to where they want to be in life. Every day you get up on a schedule you made yourself, directing your own life and success. You get in shape pushing the mower around and pruning all day and get cash money after. Depending on your goal you may also want to start squatting for a thick ass. Get an ABN and make sure you pay your own super and wages.
I'll have to make a kik. I'll do that later tonight.

Much more fitness focused
if you already have a coach for nutrition and fitness, what are you specifically looking for here?
Weekly check-ins with my coach are cool, but I want to talk to someone daily. Some traumatic things happened during both my bodybuilding preps (unrelated to bodybuilding), so I am just seeking support. Didn't need it my first prep, but I have to admit that the past experiences have affected me. The few people I knew who were into the sport are now focused on other things.
You sound cool. I am not into all the bimbo shit, and I am not hugely into bodybuilding, but I can listen and maybe help. Do you do Discord? Mine is clumsypebble.
that makes sense. I'm not the anon you originally replied to and bodybuilding isn't my area of expertise, but I think out of the available volunteers here you'll find somebody who fits the bill (and jerks off to your quad progress pics without telling you)
Yeah bro, just be confident.
check out leanbeefpatty, with her you can find everything you need to become a hot dorky nerdass girl lifter.
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I've been doing this for nearly 2 decades now, I'm experienced more with IRL than I am online which is my biggest flaw as I can't stand the fantastical larping, but when you move to the middle of nowhere you either adapt or get very very bored.

My aims are to basically help you become the best version of yourself you can be, by doing this I shall alleviate my own boredom. I'm post kink in that I prefer to just use whatever I think is best to get what I want from you, my limits are shockingly few and I'm very much a "means justify the ends" sort of person, regardless of whether I personally find the means to be abhorrent. If you are unable to appear fem or otherwise bore me I will not stick around, I value my time and do not waste it easily.

I'm keeping this short because realistically half of you reading this, through no fault of your own, are not going to be suitable.
Message me and we can sort the wheat from the chaff.

Discord is the best way to contact me:
bump :D
>Much more fitness focused
would "tomboy bimbo" be an accurate way to describe this goal? trying to picture this in my mind.
>i am an ugly girl
I would love a girl to go to the Gym with
a gym rat tomboy girlfriend would be a great motivator

I doubt you live local to me, but if you are open to relocating
I would love to have a gym partner

I'm from Canada, Alberta, Calgary
I can work towards it, as long as it's a realistic goal
but I notice you didn't post how much you can dead lift

odd you would say it's a requirement but not post it
It's 365lbs. If you count sumo, 405lbs. Is that a realistic goal for you?
based on what I can do at work with Pallets
I know I can deadlift a 62 to 84 lbs hardwood Pallet
and can carry it above my head across a small warehouse
according to google

Beginner: 85-100% of body weight.
Intermediate: 115-135% of body weight.
Advanced: 140-165% of body weight.
Elite: 175-200% of body weight

based on my current body weight if I trained, long enough
in theory I should be able to deadlift between 170lbs and 400lbs
with training and building body mass, those numbers would go up
yeah, just have to put urself out there

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