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Is it over for me yall? What’re the odds of me fucking a baddie?
Dude you literally look like X lol you'd slay, just look for white girls that like soundcloud rap
we most likely would have nothing in common but i’d fuck you
>imagine the smell
you're so fine what the fuck, don't even worry
great dreads really cohesive personal style cute face
you're fine baby
lose the hoodie/jacket, get the hair out of your face, and get some normal shoes and not lesbian hikers.

Damn dude, you don't look bad at all, but you dress like a fucking homeless person.
I know it's comfy, but put some fucking effort in.
Have you considered not dressing like a homeless person? Just a thought that might help you
don't listen to this dork he doesn't understand street wear and likely fashion in general lmao
there's streetwear and then there's >>33307863

typical streetwear that's in fashion right now mixes tight/loose, not all loose everything and poor fit.

get a better fitting shirt if you want to keep everything else baggy, and a different pair of shoes. seriously.
That isn't "street wear" you underage faggot. He looks homeless. He looks dirty. Nothing fits. Cargo pants?!? Drink bleach. You intentionally look like shit OP good job
This isnt /fa/ retards. yes youre good enough to bag a pawg. Got a sensitive music guy phenotype with a sultry ass face. Keep your hair long
outward appearnce fucking matters if you're trying to get laid, you retard.

dress more competently and your chances of scoring ass goes way up.
spot on
neither of you know wtf you're on about and randomly calling me underage just because u disagree is so weird, not everyone is a 30 year old loser stuck on this website like you but im well over 18
his outward appearance is fine and he wouldn't need to rely on it like you would because he visibly isn't as insufferable, vapid, vitriolic and bitter as you are lol
it's easy enough to pull if you aren't a fucking twat, you sound miserable
You came here asking for advice and only side with the people who validate your style.

You came to fucking 4chan asking "is it over for me" and when we provided input you started raging.

Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
i'm not the one asking for advice you fucking retard, can you not read IDs either? holy shit you're dumb
Guarantee you look and dress like shit giving this kind of advice.
Keep wearing trash bags for clothes kid idgaf
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Is this a better look? I got a hair cut and decided to just go for a normal black shirt.
>He looks homeless. He looks dirty. Nothing fits. Cargo pants?
That's what streetwear is, you retard.
Asking 4chan for advice? Yeah, it's over, you COOKED.
Both look good dude you're handsome. Don't listen to these retards. Go to any big city in the US and white girls will flock to you lmao. Now get out there bro!!
Nigga stop being doomer on 4chan
Why lie?
>nigger who looks homeless
are you a jeet or jew?
I'm white with european heritage lmao. I went to high school in a majority white city, and I can confirm that dudes that looked like this were very popular. And before you say it, no I'm not into BBC or BNWO. To everyone outside of 4chan, this guy is very obviously good looking
lol ok. what kind of white wouldn't have European hertiage by the way? It's funny you had to clarify that. Mestizo?
Buy a normal jeans at least buy a Levi 501bro.don’t fk wear these oversized shite anymore.unless you’re over 6
Lose the dreads I can smell them from here (it smells like shit), plus they look like shit and dont fit you you dumb lightskinned fuck
You talk like a nigger but I respect the anti-smoking shirt

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