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Where the FUCK do I meet nerdy girls that are into the same things as me?
Here is a non-exhaustive list of things that have not worked:
just existing in real life - no way to identify nerd girls plus I'm not going to cold approach, I'm not a weirdo
clubs/meetups for my hobbies - they're all sausage fests
tinder/normie dating apps - all normies, plus they're all slight sausage fests
duolicious - there are some cool girls on there, but it's a sausage fest, plus most users have no intention of actually getting into a relationship
soc - the female users are cool, but it's a sausage fest

things I have yet to try but don't have high hopes for:
discord edating - sounds lame lol
tumblr - gender ratio looks good, but do people even use it for finding relationships?

nerd girls where are you?
guys with nerd gfs, how did you meet?
is the only solution to just brute force the problem? Like spend as much time as possible in social situations to maximize my chances of meeting a girl that I'm interested in?

I'm at a loss lol
unironically real life, know thats not the answer you wanna hear but its the truth

manga stores,anime conventions and concerts are ur best bet at finding a nerdy girl who doesn't go outside much
How am I gonna find a girl who doesn't go outside much outside? Like that just doesn't make much sense to me, am I misunderstanding something?
Anime conventions, tablestop stores/Places that do mtg or d&d

As a nerd girl, That's where i go aslong as the vibes are good ill stick around
Pretty sure it's because those aren't just any kind of outside, but the kind of outside they would be in whenever they did go outside
Ahh, okay that makes sense
>nerd girls where are you?
im playing (learning) garou mark of the wolves
but then i became lonely and decided i want to play fg with someone so i came here but this board is cursed

Not sure if bait or not but I'll bite. New one or old one? Haven't bought the new one, best I can do is through fightcade

Contact me here: fanOfCatPoster@proton.me
If by fg you mean fighting games then the heavens have answered my prayers cause i cannot seem to meet more people into them. Ive been playing them forever and id love more friends to do it with, my discord is runawayseb if ur interested :3
>nerd girls where are you?
most likely smart enough to keep a low profile on discord servers from here instead of in contact threads.

as they do not suffer from bumbo smartness, they fucking know what happens when they slut it up on here orrrr post their ads publically.
How does Twitter and Tumblr work if I want to know local girls?
since when does nerd mean consoomer of goyslop, dopamine-hit inducing, addictive, time-wasting gayming? it used to mean the shy loner that had odd interests, possibly autistic, didn't fit in, got bullied, was smarter than everyone else, was good at math and physics, possibly a genius.

Today people seem to use it for anyone that's into consoomer nerd culture, which is the complete opposite, they all have the same thoughts (or lack thereof) and consoom the same fake nerd culture created by big corporations to sell product and movie tickets.
Women who play fighting games seem incredibly rare. I play one in tournaments and its 99.9% guys in the communities.
>Where the FUCK do I meet nerdy girls that are into the same things as me?
nvm I found one
from a /soc/ post?
I don't know where all the women who are as into music as I am are. I only have met one and she had a BF.
r9k lol
>into music
that's like every other femanon on here lol
lmao do they have contact threads or what? Is it actually viable?
Not to the level I am. I have an RYM account where I have rated about 4000 albums. I can also play a few instruments and am near pitch perfect. I want someone with THAT kind of interest. At least the level of interest in the first sentence.
Most guys are lucky if their gf likes video games or anime. Your standards are insane
Music is one of my two main autistic interests so it's a requirement. I don't expect my future GF to be into my other one. Like I said, I know at least one, so they are definitely out there somewhere.
I made a desperation thread basically just saying how bad I want a gf. Honestly didn't expect anything out if it lol. Then I stayed up all night arguing with incels (you have to fight them off or they'll kill your thread).
One of them said I was ugly and I said nuh uh but he said yuh uh so I posted some pics of myself and then a fembot showed up and I asked her to add my discord and she did. Turns out she's really cool and also has niche interests
>is it viable
Idk maybe I just got lucky
Is it viable if I'm looking for someone local?
Liking vidya or anime is nothing, these are all mainstream medium. But they are span lots of genres and interests may not overlap. If one of them wants to try the other's interests depends on how much they click.
My best advice is to live in a big city. I've lived in a boring town all my life and it was hard to find any nerdy girlfriends.... Then as soon as I set foot in Manchester and talked to people I seemed to meet loads

Go to the library/museum/anywhere science-y. Or go to manga sections in book shops, look for tabletop gaming clubs in your area, etc and pray they don't already have a BF. It's a lot easier if you just want to make some frens but if others can do it, you can too

(BTW, If anyone wants any further advice or lives around Manchester add me - fivebirds8 on Discord)
I like going to bookstores if that even helps
im first post anon, i gave that advice but im still looking for a gf, would u be down to give me a chance
garou is shit anyway
i wouldn't even play it with you if you were giving me a gobby
What are your nerd hobbies?
Nerd girls are usually pushed out of social groups with men because of weird gamergate/anti social incel shit. So the only ones who wind up staying are the most aggressive ones.
I cannot tell you how many times I've been doing a playthrough of killer 7 and had some chud try to explain to me how to beat the game when he doesn't even know who suda 51 is. Or how many men have said they could beat me in pinball.
i could beat you in minesweeper. ez pz.
What is a nerd to you? Curious if I fit the bill
Yeah I don't play shitty games.
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>shitty games.
how DARE you call minesweeper a shitty game
Suda51 games are works of art, beating them is just a detail
Just because they're nerds doesn't mean they want to date someone worse than them. If you aren't able to find a nerdy girl into the same shit as you, then maybe you are the problem?

ive been going to all three for years and havent had any luck lol. somehow i just keep meeting girls that are already taken. i had some luck in a niche discord server for a few years but it didnt work out, now i just mostly hike and garden and play fighting games
For me, to be a nerd is to be really into activities that are mentally difficult, especially if those activities have strong techinical components (stuff like having to memorize lots of facts or understand the workings of a complex system). Bonus points if those activites are creative too. Music production, art, programming, and language learning are all good examples of what I'd consider nerdy hobbies.
Hngngghhgh so sexy
>What are your nerd hobbies?
making music, programming, art, and language learning
>Nerd girls are usually pushed out of social groups with men because of weird gamergate/anti social incel shit
Yeah I've noticed this, it bums me out. I don't play a ton of games these days, but I see this kind of thing in music communities too (name 3 songs or you're a poser!!1). Hopefully the fact that I'm a normal respectful person will help me stand out above the chud crowd lol
>If you aren't able to find a nerdy girl into the same shit as you, then maybe you are the problem?
No I think the problem is that I'm not doing anything to meet girls with similar interests because I don't even know where to look. Every space I've tried—online or irl—is all dudes
Yup, I have similar interests and the same issues. Outside of getting lucky, I feel like the best option you got is to advertise yourself on platforms where more nerdy women might see it. Like YouTube 4chan or other social media platforms.
Wanna play some no more heroes
The cafe of crystals. Unfortunately, they (like all women), have isolated themselves into a female-only echo chamber and actively refuse to let men interact with them (you get permabanned if the mods even think you're a guy) only to then complain about how they have no boyfriend. Literally all they'd have to do is come here and they'd find guys who are perfect matches for them, but they refuse to do it.

Why is it men have a duty to lower their standards but not women?
any nerds in AZ? I'd kill for a gf into ttrpgs
As someone who frequents the cafe, I must say that your idea of the site is not really accurate and quite childish (it's kinda like when normies say OMG 4CHUDS HACKER INCEL SITE WILL HACK YOUR IP!!). To me, the site is mostly just a space to be able to chat with other autistic femanons and share opinions respectfully without having to see some tired old culture-war, blackpill or bait response, like you see in the majority of the boards in here. It's not that we're all man-hating femcels or some shit (granted there are, but they're mostly in their own threads), actually a lot of us are just your average autistic femanon without extremist views that still wanna have a bf, a lot of us still come to this site. It's just a lot of femanons have a sour taste in their mouth from the shitty incel interactions to consider dating someone from here.
The site needs the type of rules it has to keep it the way it is, otherwise it would get blasted with bait and troll posts until we all get chased off of it.
>all they'd have to do is come here and they'd find guys who are perfect matches for them
You don't know that. Different people like different things, not everyone wants a nerd bf. With the way this site is with femanons, I don't really blame others for not wanting to meet guys from here, and with the state the board is in right now? Yeah, that's gonna make it really tough, buddy.

I don't mean to say you're a loser polfag, but with the way you're also generalizing women in a similar way said polfags would, is one of the main reasons femanons get turned off. If one of them came to the thread and browsed the board out of curiosity and read your post, they'd close the tab and make sure to never meet a guy from here ever.
just posted there. if I get banned it's cool I tried
As a guy who semi frequently posts there covertly trying to deradicalise the girls, my description was a hyperbolic but ultimately accurate assessment of the typical user there. It's a female /r9k/. Culture war and Blackpoll stuff definitely exists there, but from a different perspective. Typically, it's more TERF-type mindset of "trannies and ESG are scrotes trying to undermine women".

>they just are soured on incels; maybe they just like different things...
This is why I say they're like a female /r9k/, believing they deserve better without putting in the effort. From an objective measure, a terminally-online self-inflicted schizoid aggressively-confrontational shut in girl is NOT desirable. 99% of men see that sort of girl as downright radioactive. When you (plural/figurative, not specifically) sit there and suggest that you "deserve better" than some loser 4chan neet, you're proving you are precisely as bad as the polfags you lament. You're just a genderflipped version of the pasty dork who sits on his computer all day wondering why he hasn't gotten a tradcath sundress waifu to birth 12 Aryan children with.
That's why I sardonically said that CCers and 4chanons are perfect for each other. Because they're two sides of the same coin.
>>33312929 said it better than I feel like typing.
except a lot of them aren't the way you say. most girls on crystal aren't terminally online or shut ins, just autistic. as femanon said, there are some of those, but they usually are contained on their own threads. I also am highly confused why you're coming from where you are because.... most girls on crystal don't want to date. that's kind of the point. not many of them think they deserve better, they just don't want to deal with trash. which is fine. you have a very misconstrued view of the userbase on there. also 99% of most men do not find that shit radioactive. considering the amount of men who happily fuck/date bpdemons, assuming men's standards are that high would actually JUSTIFY the whole femcel thing, so that's strange you would say something like that given your stance.

I actually married a guy from 4chan but that's mostly because a. this was 5 years ago when it wasn't the shit hole that it is now (it was still a shit hole compared to pre 2016 but it's only gotten objectively worse since) and b. I'm not the typical crystal user. I wouldn't of married him if he wasn't just an autistic dude who cared about female autistic interests or experiences. most men on this site would not get crystal users, and I would never recommend a woman come on here looking for a husband. female autism is different than male autism, and men seem to never understand that.
>most girls on crystal don't want to date
Really? That’s surprising, would have thought a lot of them just had some bad experiences maybe or never got a lot of attention in the past from guys but still wanted to date at some point. I mean those male incel forum people talk bad about women but they also complain how hard it is to get a date so it seems like you can be angry at half the population but still want to be with them. Unless that’s also another mindset difference on the women side of thongs.
A lot of those girls "don't want to date" because they're bitter and angry at men, for justified reasons or otherwise. Incapable of finding a man so loudly and repeatedly proclaim "they don't need men anyway". female MGTOW, femcel, whatever you want to call it.
Just because a guy fucks you doesn't mean he likes you. This delusional belief has ruined multiple generations of women. You're aware that the population is split 50/50 men and women, right? For every single man, there's a single woman. Actually, there are slightly more women than men because of things like violent crime and war and life expectancy. You seem to believe that there are somehow a significantly larger number of single lonely men than women. Which ties back to OP's question; the reason he can't find "nerdy women" is because they've all isolated themselves into their own corners of the internet, having declared themselves "too good" for nerdy men.
>I would never recommend female autists consider male autists
There's that little "standards for me and not for thee" aspect I was criticising. Why would a neurotypical man want to put up with a factually mentally-ill woman?
that's not my experiences. a lot of them don't have interest in finding a man. most just want to talk about hobbies or interests with other women.
I agree just because he fucks you doesn't mean he likes you. Not sure what point you feel stating the obvious makes.
I do feel like there are more lonely men than women. I've found a lot more women are more happy being single than men a lot of the times. Not that there aren't outliers on either end. they haven't isolated themselves because of this "too good" bullshit, they isolated because they.... don't want to deal with men. There's no bitterness or anger. They just don't want to focus on that. It's that simple. You're just projecting at this point.
Also if you took what I said as me saying female autists shouldn't consider male ones you're actually fucking retarded with no reading comprehension. I said I don't recommend dating off 4chan. that's not the only place to find male autists and in no way me saying autistic women SHOULDN'T date autistic men. I clearly prefaced it with me being MARRIED to an autistic man.
and well duh. a neurotypical isn't going to want to date an autist. congrats on acknowledging the obvious? an autist isn't going to want to date them either.
You haven't made a single point that isn't blatant projection based on assumptions that female loneliness must be the exact same as male loneliness when it's just not.
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>There's no bitterness or anger. They just don't want to focus on that. It's that simple.
anyone thats actually visited cc knows this is false lol
In the same way anons on boards not related to "incel" stuff talk about other stuff. You're not gonna see people posting 'TFW no gf' on /cm/ for example. But do you think anons only stick to one board? Especially over at CC, where the userbase is much smaller? Sometimes people talk about one thing, and then they go to a different board to talk about other things.

I point it out because you tried to make the argument that because guys will sometimes fuck bpdemons then that means they are desirable. Not really; you don't really seem to understand male sexuality. When a guy fucks a girl like that, he basically is seeing her as a fleshlight he doesn't have to clean when he's done. There's a reason why there's a stereotype of guys sneaking out in the morning before the girl wakes up.

You criticise my reading comprehension whilst blatantly ignoring my original point that CC women are on a degree beyond simply being 'nerds', in the same way most guys here are. You don't just "stumble on" the cafe; it's at the bottom of a rabbit hole that's arguably deeper than the one that leads here. It takes a certain level of internet addiction and shall we say "sickness" to get there. THAT's why I say the girls there are good for the guys here and vice versa. Because they're all warped and not fit for polite company.
You criticise me for generalising the girls there as "manhating feminazis" and then turn around to do the exact same thing by generalising the men of 4chan as seething incel manbabies.
And further, the fact you're getting so angry at me suggesting those girls should open up to the men here looks to me like your mask is slipping.
I referenced the bpdemon thing because I've seen plenty of men DATE them not just fuck them. I will agree some girls on crystalcafe are bottom of the barrel, but it depends on what thread you go to. you're speaking as a man who goes on there to deradicalize, so you seek threads where radicalized women would be. a lot of threads like health and beauty that is not the case. I suppose I see it differently because at this point 4chan and crystal are pretty mainstream imho.
I also never said that men on 4chan were seething incel manbabies. I said the quality went down and wouldn't recommend the current userbase. This is with exceptions of certain boards. Again with the assumptions.
Yeah, your reading comprehension sucks if when a person disagrees with you all you can do is respond with "YOU MAD BRO". There is no mask to slip. I said exactly what I meant. But that's a little complicated for someone like you who can't see the world beyond their own lens of projection, so I understand why you would resort to that response. Keep trying, anon.
i like how well spoken these two autists are.
I actually explicitly avoid the open manhater threads, because they're hypervigilant of "moidposting" and most of them are too far gone to bother with.

>a lot of /hb/ threads aren't like that
Yeah.. The first dozen or so threads up right now are either criticising modern beauty standards (with multiple posts explicitly blaming men for their existence/criticising any woman who defends them as a 'pickme') or are just openly about men.

>I didn't say 4chan men were yadda
You called the average anon here "trash", and then further said it's a "shithole". I agree that 4chan is a refuse bin, but in the context of your usage you were definitely trying to say more than just commentate on the state of jannies. You didn't verbatim say "incel manbaby" but only someone working in bad faith would try and argue that wasn't your implication.

Now tell me again why women can have standards but men cannot.
>Unfortunately, they (like all women), have isolated themselves into a female-only echo chamber and actively refuse to let men interact with them
Dude go read any thread made by a femanon on r9k and see how quickly it got derailed by blackpillers. cc doesn't allow male posters for a very good reason
>Literally all they'd have to do is come here and they'd find guys who are perfect matches for them
bro lmao. This is one of the most misogynist sites on the internet. The fact that there are a bunch of woman hating blackpillers on here that would love to use the women of cc as human fleshlights does not mean they would be "perfect matches" for eachother
yeah bro invading an explicity female-only space looking for a gf this is definitely the strategy that's gonna work
dude fuck off lmao
why can't you just let them enjoy their imageboard in peace? The fact that you think this is an acceptable way to act is probably part of why you don't have a girlfriend lol
>Now tell me again why women can have standards but men cannot.
Anon I don't think anyone ever argued that point in this conversation. The only type of person the femanons in cc don't wanna deal with are the woman-hating incels for very obvious reasons. I think not being being hated by someone else is pretty much a universal standard for anyone looking to interact with others.
You'd have a point if the average guy joe were the one being criticized, but that's not what's happening.
Have you considered that maybe the bitter ones are just the most vocal?
i could fix each and every one of these girls. we'd be so happy together.
yo been dealing with the saame shit for a hot minute, i'm tryna bag me a nerdy fat bitch with a face like mei
I mean I agree with criticizing modern beauty standards but I'm not sure men are entirely at fault for those.
I mean yeah you can't argue that 4chan hasn't deteriorated over time. Doesn't mean I think that's because they're incel man babies. my issue is most modern 4channers are newfags and normies. Can't say nigger to most people without them crying. You making the assumption of incel manbabies was from your own mouth and perspective, not mine. I don't think male autists are bad. I just don't think most people on 4chan at this point are autistic male or female and are just failed normies. Assumptions, assumptions.
as for standards I nowhere argued women could have standards and men couldn't. you are just changing goal posts, but I'll humor you. I think it's good when men have standards, think they should increase them (the amount of men I know that tolerate being mistreated is unreal) and never argued otherwise. Arguing FOR women having standards is NOT arguing against men having them, and the fact you made that leap in logic says a lot about your capacity to think. You are REALLY desperately trying to prove a whole lot of nothing by pulling shit out of your ass anon. No wonder you make all the assumptions you do about crystal cafe. you unironically can not perceive the world outside of your shitty view point that you managed to pull off with fabulous mental gymnastics. You are the reason why women of cc do not want to deal with men, unironically.
I actually went to the tarot thread, because I wanted a reading. I really only trust women to do that sort of thing and I was kind of desperate for one. I never said why I was going on there grumpy :)
Ahhh gotcha. Thanks!
Please go back to X.
Whats X? You mean Twitter?
when did this site become so mindlessly contrarian lol
If you found out that a twitter/reddit user ate cheerios for breakfast, would you throw away the box you just bought?
I don't care if I used a word that a twitter user maybe might have used once, because my identity isn't defined by how different and unique and cool I perceive myself to be
fucking retard you sound like an insecure 14 year old lmao
get off elon's dick and just say twitter lmao
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I'm unironic chad-lite.
My own house.
six figure WFH job.
I fuck nerdy girls every other week, sometimes have one as a long-term FWB.
Just be good-looking and like her hobbies and you'll find one. It really isn't hard. Best party is when I get bored of one, and tell her it's time to go our separate ways; proceeding to block her on everything.
Damn I'm surprised nerd girls are so into you when your reading comprehension skills are this poor
I asked where/how you meet nerd girls, not for you to brag about how often you have sex with them
I just want a cute lonely transgirl obsessed with tokusatsu and obscure ps2 games, I will hug her all the time and give her all my love

it's so hard to find girls like that yet, it seems like there's many on the internet, not on dating apps
toku fujo fandom is pretty big but can be hard to find groups for.
I've only seen all the godzilla and gamera movies, the Anno movies and OG Kamen Rider desu, there's so many of these show, so many things to watch while cuddling with my sweet gf I haven't found yet
Sounds like the incel is angry. lol!
I know a lot of toku girls like ultraman a lot as well.
I need one of them so much...
>like her hobbies
If we don't share interests, then there's no point
>not on dating apps
I think it seems that way because you have to dig through the tons of uninteresting girls before you find one.
>where are the nerd girls
With my bf
Can this just become a nerd girl contact thread please, this is boring and I need a chubby nerd girl to bounce on me
I find some interesting girls but I don't match with them lmao
They all are? Must be some lad
Oh yeah, matching is a whole other matter

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