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people look at me alot while I walk down the street. why?

(Front and back camera)
they want to bend you over and get you pregnant
probably wondering why all the bone from your chin migrated to your bogdanoff-esque cheekbones
Stop taking T and take my cock :)
they're probably thinking "why is that person visibly sucking their cheeks in? do they think we can't tell?"
I have a penis and balls
Im not, my lips look constantly like w duck face and I have no like buccal fat
Oh yeah? prove it!
im not showing my nudes on the internet. I did that before and I felt wuite bad afterwards:(
u look like the son of cillian murphy and cara delevigne, i'd say u're the unconventionally attractive kind (in a positive way, to be clear)
sooo cute. whats ur discord
You aint got a cock! I don't believe it!
Where the fuck is your jaw?
You look like an androgynous faggot.
Please eat and lift weights if you want to not look like an alien
Not sure what your goals are desu
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You're litterally pic rel
This has gotta be one of the ugliest phenotypes. Guarantee you're British. It's the open mouth and sunken eyes
I have mostly Irish Ancestry. This is my aunite.

You look fuckable.
Dont ever go to prison unless u gae
I am into men I guess, but I still wouldn't want to go.
>>33308589 Your asshole would get turned into mushy peas there
cause u look like ur vegetable
post here >>33301751
no face needed, so you're safe and sound
Robert oppenhimer femboy
They're all me sizing you up to be my husband, sorry.
here I guess >>33310578
where is your facial hair? not even a shadow

you look unique: androgynous, pretty, and very angular face. they might be struck by your looks or trying to figure out your sex or your sexual orientation. it could also be something we can't see in the pics, like how you walk, posture, dress style, etc.

if you want to look more masc gain weight, grow facial hair, stop doing your eyebrows, and get an orthodontic thing called a Herbst to push your lower jaw forward and mewing but idk if it works
oh and work out neck muscles as well as traps
middle third is a major flow as said but idk if doing surgery will help since he is gay and probably bottom, he would look very manly
Look like Liara Roux
Depending on your height, people might just be trying to figure out what gender you are, but also a lot of the stares might be in your head or because you inadvertently make eye contact with people by being too autistic.

That being said, you are cute in a faggy way and I'd absolutely rail you tbqh.

Stop getting validation from insane people here, you are easily pretty enough to get positive attention irl
whats your height and weight ?
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you will never be a real woman
>visibly sucking their cheeks in
I used to do this as a kid because I thought it made my face look less fat lol
You're kind of hot, but you do look really weird. People probably stare at you because they're trying to figure out if you're a boy or a girl and if you are trying to be a boy or a girl. Maybe stop the Elliot Rogermaxxing, and take some acting classes. You could probably make a nice career for yourself acting or modeling, even if you aren't very good at it, just based on how you look, because people don't look like that.
because you're ugly as fuck
Yeah they're probably trying to figure out if you're a guy or girl, but honestly your features are very weird in general.
You're really attractive but you def look unique. You should try modeling, you have a rlly striking look. A lot of it could be in your head tho lol
can you fuck off with that picture dude. why are you so mean? why do you keep showing it??
You look like a white somali
so you will never forget it
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Andy six phenotype.
Cute pic
but like why the, do you dislike me? what did I do to you :( why do people do these things. and don't give me that "well that's what happens when you do things on the internet" ughh that's not an excuse to be an ass hole your just saying that so you seem less bad in your own head
Nobody's an angel
meh, can be, i will post them again later and try to find more
Are you virgin?
why don't you get a hobby? Do you not have friends to go the movies/drink with? are you that bored that you just wanna do stuff just to annoy me someone you don't know?
i have hobbies, but most of them are passive
also yes, i don't have friends
and yes, i'm bored
I think you are extremely cute.. trans or not... you got discord?
Probably because you look like a creepy fucking serial killer and you provoke animalistic instincts of defense and self-preservation. Either that, or you're a delusional narcissist. I wouldn't be surprised if you're the one looking at them oddly, provoking them to glance back at you. You are not handsome.

Stop obsessing over yourself, get a life, and more importantly, get a job.
nigga what are u... ur literally one of those like deformed gen alpga niggas thas been coming up like, the niggas thats fucked up cuz all the moms these days be so stressed out / retarded like... damn... even if you naturally a boy like... nigga... you'd be a sexy girltho prob. u thinking bout switching?
also the niggas not sucking his shit in, i have this shit too like, nigga just stuck like that shits kinda annoying cuz u literally mog all in every room you walk in and it makes niggas hate you and then you become a outcast cuz you're features hella defined. shit just makes u stand out too much. its kinda fucked up cuz everyone glorifies that shit online but when u see a nigga irl like, everybody wanna stare at you like..?
niggas lowkey got the structure / some features but everything else like
these niggas showing up everywhere

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