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Not quite the same but I needed a thread to post in about being a nasty little dirt baby
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Cute. Got disc?
Looking for fems/t in chastity
Met a trans woman 20 years ago and she opened my eyes to femininity. Was into trans porn, married a cis woman, then discovered sissy hypno 5 years ago and that sent me down a rabbit hole... Became hypersexual and obsessed with sissies. At first wanting to fuck one, but gradually cock became more appealing and started to become more subby. The more hypno I watched the more girly I wanted to become. Started imaginign wanting to be the girl. This led me to wearig wife's clothes and panties. Down the rabbit hole I go. 2 years ago started eating my won cum, and getting turned on by guys. Now I do this daily. Really want to go deeper and meet like minded people to help me. <3 <3 <3xxxx

Discord: littlerainbowcakeya1
these threads used to have tons of posts
did chastity as a fetish die out in terms of popularity?
it got bombed to death by diaper

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