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Fellow dudes of /soc/, do you have a skincare routine?
plain unscented solid bar soap
Dove Soap feels the best
the other stuff dries my skin out
Anyone got advice for people with oily skin? It's pretty excessive and since my job is outdoors I also sweat a lot and breakouts are pretty common for me, I'd like to know how I can get clear skin or at least the best I can
only advice would be to wash your face more often
but not so much that your skin dries out
Yup. I only shower in filtered water, and only use bars of castile soap. Haven't used shampoo in years because I keep my hair short. I only drink distilled water that I distill myself at home.
No fast food, no junk food, no alcohol, no sunscreen, no cologne. If your skin is oily it probably means you need to STOP putting something in your body - less is more.
I have psoriatic dermatitis and found only one shampoo from the pharmacy works the best, but it's not prescription, it's literally the mildest shampoo with the least perfumes and chemicals in it, more mild than all shampoos you can buy at the store. stay away from strong or very scented shampoos or those made for dandruff. just try different ones, the most non-perfumed, until you find one that works. and if you sweat, you have to shower at least every day. in the winter if you don't sweat you can skip a day or two.
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You do all this and STILL don't get any pussy
Wasted quads.
Dove soap bar, once a day
concrete dust keeps my skin oil free and exfoliates when i have to scrub it off.
Dove is magic
Oh hey! That's me on the left :D
balanced diet
dove shower gel
picrel(love this lil nigga)
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Just make sure every time when you back home do the shower.and i usually use body scrub and body washer at second.after finish the shower i will use body lotion as my last step.and use skincare when you work outside

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