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these are the pictures on my dating profile, why don't I get matches?
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This is about the only picture where you don't give off extremely creepy vibes. And even that is ruined by having those meth head cuts and scrapes.

Try some different angles, have a friend take some candid pictures of you. It doesn't look like you are hideous, just very unflattering photographrapy.
what's creepy about my pictures?
why would you post a picture of yourself beat up on a dating app? retardation last boss lmao
Bad lighting, and you look at the camera in a way that shows how uncomfortable you are taking pictures of yourself. You seem like youve been taken out of whatever you've been doing and forced to take pictures.
Also the total lack of people, or really anything but the most empty background around you makes it seem desolate.
Also... just dont use the picture where you cut yourself shaving or w/e.

Hope this helps xoxo
I don't have anyone in my life.

I just thought it was a good picture of me, I wasn't beaten up.
You should probably start there. Get some friends before getting into a relationship, few women i know are willing to engage with such lonely guys. Its often way too much emotional labour if the guy doesnt have any friends they can talk to. Also, will make you seem less serial-killy.

So honestly, your best chance might be going with the serial killer look, hoping some crazy ass girl into that kind of things finds you. But at that point its just a numbers game. You're just hoping for a 1/5000000000 drop. GL?
It's crazy just being lonely makes normies think you're a serial killer, kind of puts me in a conundrum.
Its not the loneliness, it's the lack of comfortability on the photos, loneliness is a red flag indicative of lack of social skills, which in itself is fine, but most people your age want to be social in a relationship.
that's what I'm uncomfortable with, I would love to have friends I just don't lol
Secound best thing you can do is get some decorations that show of your personality. Here i assume you are not but a shell of a man. Some books you like in the background or w/2. Cause without it you seem basic to the point where you could be the definition nobody. Show yourself in the way you dress or decorate, this will get people a hint that you are not only uncomfortable. Cause so far that is all the pictures are saying, you do have a nice face tho, like honestly.
thank you, I just suck at posing/framing myself I guess I always felt doing so was fake
Yeah, thats the problem, you feel fake, your pictures show it, and so you seem like a fake human.
If you have some active hobbies, like painting miniatures or whatever, an action shot would work better, then you dont have to pretend frame yourself, but those can be hard to get. Best bet is to record a video and try to screenshot a good looking frame.
just take better pictures bro its nice that you are real in these but the hoes (or men if u are into that) like something that looks good on first glance

find catfish pics, pose like those, just try to find your angle and put some charisma in it

you are not that attractive, but with enough work you could get some
You're cute and you look awkward. I absolutely would. Good luck.
you're not bad looking, but the other reply was right, these pictures are creepy. I think it's the fact that you have no expression and your eyes seem kind of empty. Although, some women are into that lol.

definitely put some new photos. If you have a pet, include it. Any picture where you're smiling would be good. You're not ugly, you're actually handsome. it's just the kind of blank stare that's a littttle scary.
Jesus fucking christ can you post one pic where you actually smile? Like seriously.
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Sorry for late reply OP. Everyone summed it up pretty good. You look like a fake person almost. There is this odd uncanny valley vibe going on in most the pictures. It's like you are a mannequin being forced into unnatural poses.

Additionally, get some real friends. That will help with meeting girls as well. Find some people who are honest with you and want to see you succeed. Most women are going to feel that aura of loneliness eminate from your photos.

Look more active and engaging damnit...
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Get a photo of yourself with a pet.
Here's one of my kitten and I
>putting up a picture of yourself bleeding and scraped like you just fell off a bike

actually chad maneuver

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