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File: IMG_5906.jpg (625 KB, 952x2354)
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Be honest. Can i wear this all black? Do i look akawardly lanky? (6.4) trying to find a new look, thanks
you look real nice :)
all black like that gives off school shooter vibes. Wear a jeans or the same pants but in a different color. Or keep the black pants and wear a colored shirt
You have decent legs, why wear cargo pants that are crumpled and obscure your good shape?
sniffs your hairbrush

You look fine to me.
Would recommend an oversized tshirt (not a ridiculously big one)
Mix pants and tshirt color, Grey chinos perhaps if you're not much for color.
Lol that's fucked up, there's plenty of people that like black because it's slimming.

OP you do you bro, I think it's a good look for you. Beard game needs some work, those are rookie numbers lol... Grow it out another inch or so
If you're gonna wear csrho pants don't fucking wear those awkwardly borderline skinny fit borderline straight fit ones and then a tucked in black tee. Find some good black chinos, ditch the airwalks for some decent looking boots.
Cargo** I wasn't looking at phone while typing.

Yep, you can wear that outfit. As in, like, nobody can make you NOT wear it. You can wear whatever you want.

Imo, you don't look awkward OR lanky. There are maybe different shoes I would pick, but I think that would just be a matter of my taste being different than yours. It's hard to go wrong in an all black fit, especially one as utilitarian as yours.
Looks aggro and unapproachable
Is that the look you’re after?
Levi 514 in black.
Nobody ever looked bad in those unless they were trying.

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