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This thread aims to maximize the chances of 2 anons to be together and motivate lurkers with low-self esteem and confidence to approach other anons. A main rule for all of those who add remember hit up the anon you added with a description about yourself or checking your traits with their traits they're interested into.

>AS and maximum distance
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that are totally not your type
>Their interests

>Body traits
>Personality traits
>About your life and goals
I posted in the last one and I got 0 adds from girls and 4 adds from guys that insta friended me because they saw F in the "them" section and didn't both to read any further
I always wondered how effective posting a personal on /soc/ was. Kind of sounds like what I was expecting.
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around my age so 18-25

bio f

ideally somewhere in north america but i'd be fine with her being located anywhere if we get along

>physical features
i like long dark hair and slimmer builds but i don't care much about appearance

>career/life situation
ideally she'd be neet so that i could take care of her

ideally she'd have introvert interests/hobbies but there aren't specific interests/hobbies i'd want her to have. i'd be happy to learn about her interests/hobbies as well as teach her about mine

i'd want her to be clingy and obsessive. i would want her to love me as deeply as i would love her




east coast

white (slav)

>physical features
-medium length dark hair
-blue eyes
-baby face
-lean build

>career/life situation
i'm a cs student at a large public university. i'd like to work in big tech after i graduate

i spend most of my free time reading, programming, and working out. i mainly read fantasy, sci-fi, philosophy, and history books. i also like to play strategy games or rpgs when i can. when it's nice outside, i like to travel and/or go hiking

i come across as a pretty introverted person but i can be more extroverted around friends. i don't easily make friends but i form close friendships with people i chose to befriend

i'm looking for a gf who i can love very deeply. i want to find someone i can devote my life to

>khhv status
khhv. i would only pursue a relationship with someone i could see myself marrying

>looking for
i'm looking for a clingy, loving girl that i can take care of and eventually marry. i want to find a girl who i can love very intensely

ideally, we'd have a loving bdsm relationship. i like the idea of a gentle dom/sub dynamic which involves me taking care of my gf

gentle bdsm and to a lesser extent pet play

I got only one add from a F and she went dead silent after i asked her a little about herself. wtf am i supposed to say after "hi"
No distance.





22 M NYC

I am nobody.




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>East Coast to Midwest US
>just don't be overtly ugly
>social, friendly, down-to-earth, curious, compassionate, and environmentally conscious
>I like girls who are clingy and tattoos
>I can accept chubby as long as you're still down to do active things like swimming and hiking, but if you just want to stay inside all the time then it's going to be a no
>trans, smokers, heavy drinkers, shut-ins, lazy, and doesn't like animals
> Likes nerd shit, has at least one creative hobby, likes hiking and swimming, likes going out to do social events, and would be down to help cook or cook something herself

>19/Male/East Coast US
>skinny, long hair, beard, 5'8, white
>I'm a friendly and sociable person who likes more low key social events, I like meeting new people and pushing myself to do new things, I'm compassionate and like doing volunteer work
>I like to go hiking, cooking, swimming, listening to rock from 70's-00's, I like the environment and sustainability, I enjoy board games, playing video games with friends, and going to amusement parks and cons
> My life goal is to be able to work outside with animals either in the ocean or in the forest, I hope to move to a place where I can do that best either in the US or abroad
Forgot to add that I am in college to further this goal
>30+/F, local unless we really really get along
>Natural appearance, kind, artistic, spiritual, at least somewhat fit, also dealing with health issues of some kind, doesn't smoke

>Tall, pale, blue eyes, long reddish hair, red beard, lanky. Don't look sick but have a lot of health issues.
>Relationship + making art together would be nice
Discord: wait4what1

>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)

Be open to polyamory, and be willing to just be friends without having strong expectations when getting to know each other. I love curiousity and the willingness to engage with new things! I don't care much about age. But I don't get along with people that are stuck in the past.

>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)

People that are shy or anxious. Maybe because I was like that myself. It never bothers me. ADHD is not a turn off for me either. I think people that have a lot of energy and passion are extremely attractive and I'd love to hear about your special interests and such.

I love alternative fashion, EGL in particular. It makes me sad when people call it male repellent because to me there is nothing cooler than having the courage to express yourself.

>Traits that are totally not your type

I think it is important to look after yourself to some degree. I couldn't be with someone that was severely overweight and didn't look after themselves. (Naturally the same can be expected in return)

>Their interests

Be into Japan as much as I am! Seriously. Most of what I listen to comes from Japan and I'm deeply immersed into it. I can't imagine myself to be in a relationship with someone who isn't a weeb to some degree.


30, M, Europe (NL)

>Body traits

1,80, yet another white male lol, blonde hair and average build.

>Personality traits

I'm a calm but curious person. It takes me a while to warm up to people but take pride in having healthy and long lasting friendships. I would say I'm independent and pretty supportive.


Like I wrote above, I love Japan and everything related to Japan. I'm into writing as well and would love to meet someone into that as well.


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>AS and maximum distance - United states, twenties and above.
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else) - for some reason I always end up attracted to fat tall bi men. I'm still fine with short men.

>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else - fatness, shortness.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else) - fatness and my partner being short

>Traits that are totally not your type - stonewalling me. being silent towards me. unfriending me is fine though if you don't feel like we're vibing.
>Their interests - likes vidya such as the ones I mentioned in this post, currently I want a library of Ruina e-bf who uses Library of ruina as profile pics.

>ASL - 27 f southern cali near Tustin
>Body traits - fat and short
>Personality traits - moody but also very clingy and affectionate with the right person
>Interests - anime, manga. vidya, vocaloid too. j-pop.

anime such as Blue archive the animation, clannad, Gekkan Shoujo, and chainsaw man. vidya such as; Library of Ruina and Lobotomy corp. Story of Seasons, minecraft, and holocure and Cult of the Lamb.

>About your life and goals - I just want a warm home and a partner so I won't be alone

I post my tag a lot since I'm terminally online.
forgot tag,

its chickenclaw3
I'm sorry, but having TWO bios in one post is confusing and retarded. No one is gonna read that shit. This is why these threads fail.

Having just your own bio with a "looking and not looking for" section is literally all you need. And don't act like you have any leverage to be that picky. Remember what site you're on
I knew it was you without it lol
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>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

Avoid, catfish.
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boy looking for an older girl

I dont really care about ur age or whatever just dont be like 60 or a convicted felon or somthing

My timeszone is really screwed up (GMT +12) so dont get mad if i domt respond when ur awake.

Im kinda busy? I dunno but i can take care of u n stuffs yeah. Other than that i dont care about anything else. Im asian btw

discord is e3458.
dont forget the dot
32 / m/ us
>Body traits
people generally find me attractive and if you care about this that's all you're looking for. If you're concerned about race just skip me because I don't want to be with someone who's drinking the koolaid.
>Personality traits
Very mellow, a jokester but can also be very dry and serious. I'm like chaos trying to be organized. In general, I'm very relaxed but when I like someone I can be very obsessive, possessive. and intense. I want to be the center of someone's world and vice versa.
typical nerd shit, nature, poetry, reading, drawing, otherwise it's really hard to say. I was reading about the CBO paper on options for reducing the national debt earlier because I found it interesting.
>About your life and goals
Went back to school to study electrical engineering. Would like a wife and a house with wildlife nearby. Maybe kids and potentially homesteading but I've seen the lifestyle outside of the glamour, so it depends a lot on who I end up with.

>AS and maximum distance
18-40 female europe

>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
please be the biggest ugliest loser nerd

>Traits that are totally not your type

>Their interests
anythang :^D


21 male east eu

>Body traits
5'7 twunk

>Personality traits
hello *blushes* :^)

mostly art and reading

>About your life and goals
kill everyone

"What do you do in your free time besides drugs?"
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
puppy boy tgirl here looking for a master and someone to grow close with

not into sending pic requests or talking w people who have a low emotional maturity

I prefer “normal” men or women not femguys or manbabies

being humiliated gets me hot also NOT ACCEPTING ADDS FROM ALT ACCOUNTS, if I talk to someone I want it to be really them and I don’t want to be hidden

my disc: polskadusza

This is my ONLY account I made a new one recently and purged my old one, I need new friends
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>AS and maximum distance
24-40, biological F. preferably somewhere in EU
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
Pale, likes nature and animals of all kinds
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
Misanthropy, bags under eyes, messy hair, clinginess, obsessiveness, jealousy, introversion, violent ideology, ecofascism
>Traits that are totally not your type
Dislike towards nature, extroversion, pacifism, nationalism
>Their interests
Nature, total human death, gore, murder, maybe warhammer 40k, bonus points for Chaos
26/M/Eastern EU
>Body traits
Pale, freckles, long hair, glasses, fading fit
>Personality traits
Misanthropic, ecocentric, ecofascistic, has a pull towards murder
Sewing, mask collecting, medieval weaponry collecting, nature photography, drawing when I don't feel fear of failure (almost never), crow observation, wildlife observation
>About your life and goals
To break off from the human society after I find the love of my life and to do le bad things to people I consider le bad
>MtF (post-op)
Wow I wonder why nobody likes you when you don't even like yourself.
>AS and maximum distance
22-34, bio F, within EU
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
kindness, affectionate, nerdy, wanting a partner for life
>Traits that are totally not your type
smoking/drug usage, excessive drinking (some alcohol once in a while is fine), unstable due to mental illness (such as BPD), friend collectors, unusual piercings/obvious tattoos, unable to take care of herself
>Their interests
Any creative hobby, anything nerdy

28 M Netherlands
>Body traits
1.92 meters tall, skinny beanpole, no tattoos/piercings
>Personality traits
Introverted but try to go out when possible (rather, when i'm invited to), nerdy, high-functioning autist (of the social kind, but you wouldn't notice otherwise), going to be honest i don't know how to classify my personality, i guess i'm nice?
Gaming (mostly indies of almost any genre), anime (what a surprise), designing and creating mechanical contraptions using my 3d printer, solving puzzles, probably more but i can't think of them right now
>About your life and goals
i don't drink/smoke/do drugs, work as a programmer, wish to own a house (getting there slowly) and have a wife eventually. From that point on have a nice and comfy life.
>AS and maximum distance
f from northeast US or anyone willing to do long distance
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
progressive feminist, isn't abusive, has basic decency, isn't consumerist or high maintenance, doesn't want bullshit detached single family home suburbs lifestyle, doesnt want kids, is fine with a relationship with no power dynamics/hierarchy/dhsm shit inside of or outside of the relationship, likes cats
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that are totally not your type
conservative, male, abusive, requires her bf (me hypothetically) to have sex
>Their interests
could be anything

You (me)
m28 northeast USA
>Body traits
short ugly long hair average weight
>Personality traits
dumb boring ugly autistic unmasculine socially anxious and bad at conversation
cats, urbex, trains, plants (especially succulents), politics and current events (am radfem communist far leftist), reading
>About your life and goals
dumb useless failure who sucks at life, recently finished college and looking for teaching job, just want a simple easy life without doing the whole constant self improvement and keeping up with the joneses rat race that everyone wants
(but nobody will ever settle for me because women have bullshit high standards)
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>AS and maximum distance
25+/F - close enough to meet up regularly on weekends
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
Kind, caring, good communicator, can support themselves and has a car
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
Thick eyebrows
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
I'm cool with most body types as long as I get the impression you take care and respect yourself
>Traits that are totally not your type
Smoker, hard drugs, entitled attitude, wants constant drama, no empathy towards others
>Their interests
Vidya, outdoor activities, reading, IT/cybersecurity stuff

33/M/San Antonio, TX
>Body traits
Thin build, ginger
>Personality traits
Kind and empathetic to a fault but that doesn't mean I let people take advantage of me. I value honesty above all else.
Same as the above.
>About your life and goals
Got a good stable job that I love, financially secure, not rich but I can buy/do whatever I want within reason. Just need a special someone to complete things <3
Dating server

>AS and maximum distance
28-40, in the US
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
high iq, high openness, high agency, high libido, neurotic, racist, oldfag
>Traits that are totally not your type
jeet, younger than me, anachan
>Their interests
kino, art, right wing extremism, guns, anything

20 f us
>Body traits
5’3 fake blonde average build
>Personality traits
obsessive, open, susceptible to magical thinking
kino, chan culture, medical gore
>About your life and goals
i want an instant, intense connection that leads to marriage and a family
>AS and maximum distance
Not too young where you don't have self awareness/Female
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
I'm mostly attracted to boobs. If I don't like your boobs it's not going to work out. I find self awareness, kindness, and the ability to be easy going attractive. I'd love it if you had a good sense of humor.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
Tall women, ADHD, anxiety, bigger if your boobs are big enough.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that are totally not your type
Neet, zero life aspirations, unhygienic, self absorbed, takes zero care of herself.
>Their interests
I don't really care as long as we have a bit of overlap. I'll embrace your passions and interest just as I hope you will mine.

>Body traits
5'10", dadbod with muscles, glasses, dark blonde curly hair, blue-green eyes, young looking face
>Personality traits
Sarcastic, good sense of humor, self aware, caring, introvert that hates groups but can be extroverted when needed. I prefer one on one time.
Boxing, MMA, nerdy stuff, some anime, competitive tcgs, tabletop, singing, psychology
>About your life and goals
I have a good career, I live alone and have no family. I want to live a comfortable life which I have, but I want someone to share it with. I'm not interested in fully supporting a neet loser with zero aspirations, but I'm not unwilling to help someone wanting to better themselves. I'm leaning towards not having children but I might for the right person and under the right circumstances.
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yeah, nice bait fedboi

Looking for
>bio female
>18 - 35
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

>31/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Vulcanore on discord

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