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Reddit is being dumb so I'm posting here instead. I'm looking for a long term friend to msg daily on discord. Only requirement is that you're uncut and preferably skinny. Just post dick pic with asl and your discord username and I'll add you if I like it! <3
Post yourself first, so we know what we're getting into.
Nty, not the dynamic I'm looking for.
Then go fuck yourself, tranny. None of us are stupid enough to play your game.
Go back to /pol/ and /b/
Gonna refresh for another hour
why would I want a friend that is only interested in my penis?
It's just something I'm curious ab rn. We can also be regular friends.
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Discord is jeff_krill 21 male ohio
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Join my discord server

I'll add you both after the hour
Nty, I'm not joining any server
heres mine disc: sokomaniac
its a tranny, also not 18
No wonder 4chan is dead
go back to r*ddit you faggot
you aren't looking for... mutual trust? lmfao then what the hell did you expect?
>"Post pics of your genitals"
>"wtf no i'm not going to post anything of me"
fucking dumbass

28 m us

are you from england ?
>hi i want dick pics galore
is what you may as well have posted
Even if the info is true How is a zoomer newfag that openly uses reddit and discord that is only interested in sex and has to make an entire thread for herself getting any positive attention at all. You should all kill yourselves jesus christ

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