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A thread for puppygirls and owners looking for a puppygirl

state what you would want in an owner/puppygirl
I am 22,m, I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. im not going to beat around the bush, this is what i want from posting on 4chan. do not add me if you are a male,.
(posted this first in the toxic relationship thread, posting again here because petplay and ownership is ideal and almost a requirement for me at this point)


>describe yourself
Obsessive sadistic hopeless romantic who wants a wholesome, loving long term relationship rooted in expressing my love through violence, borderline abuse, manipulation and deep kink. I don't want us to fix each other, I want us to make each other worse. In shape, white with long hair and glasses. Work full time, live alone and have my shit together. Mostly into reading, gaming, concerts, hiking and the gym as for what I get up to in my free time.

>looking for
Either likeminded digital strangers to commiserate with, or if I'm lucky, that ideal relationship I described above. I've accepted the way I am and what I want, and /soc/ is as likely a place as any to find a girl who's my type of fucked up.

>not looking for
Men, obesity, anyone looking for a hook up or something purely sexual.

>contact info (discord, kik...)
rvidae on discord
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Tfw there's a cute black puppygirl that lurks here and she will never know of my adoration of her.

Why even live bros
21, mtf nonbinary, US southeast
>about me
kinky puppygirl switch, but i generally lean sub. thin, white, alt~femboy fashion. pretty
>looking for
a domme who will let me call her mommy or a switch willing to domme me, too!!! ideally we will be long term online FWBs
>not looking for
bigots! especially fuck racists.
mainly mommy domme / GFD and being a puppy, but i'm down to do basically anything from light bondage play with GFD vibes to CNC kidnapping fantasies.
when i'm subby, i tend to get very affectionate and cuddly. i will match your vibe!!!
no beastiality, pedophilia, actual incest, actual rape, etc, fucking obviously. i also don't do anything at all in public. beyond that stuff, i don't do scat, emeto, and i can't take super harsh degradation. i'm very open and will not judge you for asking for a taboo or weird kink, though, so don't be afraid to communicate with me about it!
>interests besides horny stuff
i like computers, language, and video games. if you want to know more, just ask :>
>career/life situation
last year of college for computer stuff, looking to move to a trans refuge state thereafter
discord: bumblebees2520
others: reply to this post and ask!
As an owned Puppyboy I believe in all you girls...
who is it?
19 femboy uk Dumfries

Looking for extreme owner

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.
Also early on talk normally and get to know eachother to see if we will like eachother first please

To control all decisions such as what I eat/ if I eat. Bathroom breaks, what I wear what I do in a day. Even extreme stuff such as what I do what I watch when I’m allowed to switch YouTube video ect

Or I’d love even more extreme where I have to ask to change a video or to turn a light on

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
below 30. Shy guys. People that can’t hold a chat. Vanilla people

I love basically all kinks. You’ll come to find there is very little I won’t do or at least try.
My personal favourites are; flashing, pain, embarrassment, risk, exposure, blackmail, online/game humiliation, breathplay, findom, I love being made to cry, kitty play, group humiliation, love tracking. I also like pet play and kitten play where I have to be a kitten, and cold
I’d love to know yours and your fucked up ones

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>About Yourself
a easy going person who is just looking for a bit of fun, company, and pleasure
>Looking For
im seeking out female puppy subs to really train and keep long term. i love giving after care and making you feel good as well so long as you put forth a real effort in doing the same for me. new comers wanting to explore are welcome, just dm me to talk and see if we are a good match
>Not Looking For
underage, men, trannies
discord: mrwithmic
20 something fucking loser who never experienced love from anyone besides his mother, i lack drive and am quite dissociated with others, don't think i can truly be in a relationship and connect with a girl unless she was mentally a dog, a dog that requires attention and is contently on my dick looking for every bit of affection she can get, probably from neglect from her father. i honestly don't know how to please people at this point and spend more and more time with just animals since i understand them better, the idea of being an owner does appeal to my distorted brain so i don't have to worry about if a girl loves me or not. i just wanna feel love from something i wanna fuck too. more into the idea of a puppygirl who hasn't had an owner before and id be the first. also it could be a dog meets dog world, i would like to be loved and praised too if the girl in question is interested in that
I Miss Paw :<
Keeping the dream alive
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22 genderfag usa
not really looking for an owner but would like some more puppy friends,,, I like furry stuff, tech and PCs, Evangelion, Elden Ring! Weeb shit too! we can super stupid puppies and fwends <3
discord: asukasoda
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Diagnosed ASPD; ambitious, driven, I get bored easily since ADHD as well.

Sadism, TPE, CNC, bondage, degradation, humiliation, knife play, rope play, rape play, choking, impact play, spanking, hair pulling.

Philosophy, Astronomy, technology, finance, crypto, politics,
current events, BDSM, traveling, photography, literature, poetry,
media, honestly who gives a shit?
97% of you have the personality of a sack of potatoes -- the odds we brush up on any of this is minute.

>What you're looking for
Biological female slaves, and submissives;
ddlg compatible if you're not a fucking mess, and a planetary mass of attention.. both metaphorically, and physically -- steer clear fucking cows.
You're fuck meat; what the hell do you think I'm looking for?
Video capable sluts to the top of the list.

>What you're not looking for
Idiots that have the personality of plank from ed, edd, & eddy
Minors... I hate that I have to specify this. If I suspect you to be under age, I will require proof of age.
The likelihood of me wanting to *be friends* with any of you is incredibly small, so please either be incredibly talented at keeping me entertained, or just don't, I'm not looking for friends.
If you cannot be bothered to regularly send pictures, or videos I don't want to talk to you.
Paypigs -- LOL.

Mostly play single player however: Armored Core VI, Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, Terraria

Use this fill out the questionnaire (it's a discord server)
I'm tired of having to deal with retards that add me, and either never speak, or the conversation is so dry that I'm choking in real life from it; it's that palpable.
I’m a puppyguy asking for a puppy girl.

Hard kink included. New Jersey, be in the region. That means tri-state or Northeast at the worst.

I want to control you and don’t mind topping but that’s not mandatory. It’ll be with love and affection.

VC or you’re not real at all ;)

Ultimate plans are to make things IRL

Furry who likes knots.

Needs a cis…

Btw that’s Disc
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Shy teen looking for owner. Into pet play and extreme humiliation and degradation. Kik: xemoorex
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if only there were owners out there that would b willing to spend time on their puppygirl .....

like one of those strays thats all mangled and sick but ends up in perfect health and condition after enough love and care ....

where are the owners like that ,,,, :<
I'll take care of you, baby girl
I am mentally ill and self destructive.

I want to become the perfect flawless husband by taking in a pretty puppygirl and taking care of her. And through that redeem myself.
I'm that owner, send me an email with your discord

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would u guys still sa y that if u had to get ur puppygirl estogen and sit through th process of her getting closer 2 her ideal....

being a stray sucks ..!!!!! so overwhelmed . m just a dog .
Sure, I'd get you dog treats and pet your head
if my cute puppygirl would take me hatefucking her as a sign of my love for her. yes i would
Apologies then no sorry, I was hoping for someone cis.
are you a cute tranny puppygirl?
why would u hate her... be nice to your puppygirls we're all so fragile and small

its ok i kind of figured ..!

what ... really ... do u pawmise
no i dont think so , im like those little stray dogs that kind of look like coyotes u see in alleyways . i want to be cute though ! circumstance is so mean to me and im just a dog
>do u pawmise
I do, a good puppy girl deserves to be treated well
in a perfect world you're being 100% serious and we start talking and a year or two from now im the cutest and happiest doggy ever
ngl I'd love this too. do you have a discord?
>describe yourself
tired dog with a history of abusive relationships thats really pretty and easy to manipulate

want you to be a little toxic just because it makes me dopamine fire
>looking for
ideally australian but shoot ur shot ig
>not looking for
sex right off the bat, need to feel anything for me to get anything out of it
Then if you have a contact to share we can see how perfect this world is
yayaya its stray_seas feel free to add ,,
drop your discord
its stray_seas , ^^
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6'0" tall, athletic build, medium length dark hair, attractive face

>describe yourself
I recently finished school and started working as an algo dev at a quant trading firm.

Now that I'm (very) financially secure I want to find someone to spend the rest of my life with. I'm looking for a loving, mutually obsessive master and pet/slave relationship that leads to marriage.

I want a 24/7 pet/slave to fully take care of.

Anal, bondage, domination, pet play, TPE.

Anime, reading, philosophy, politics, programming, math, strategy games, biking, swimming, outdoorsy stuff, travelling.

>not looking for
Men. I'm only interested in biological women.

19 femboy uk Dumfries

Looking for extreme owner

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.
Also early on talk normally and get to know eachother to see if we will like eachother first please

To control all decisions such as what I eat/ if I eat. Bathroom breaks, what I wear what I do in a day. Even extreme stuff such as what I do what I watch when I’m allowed to switch YouTube video ect

Or I’d love even more extreme where I have to ask to change a video or to turn a light on

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
below 30. Shy guys. People that can’t hold a chat. Vanilla people

I love basically all kinks. You’ll come to find there is very little I won’t do or at least try.
My personal favourites are; flashing, pain, embarrassment, risk, exposure, blackmail, online/game humiliation, breathplay, findom, I love being made to cry, kitty play, group humiliation, love tracking. I also like pet play and kitten play where I have to be a kitten, and cold
I’d love to know yours and your fucked up ones

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holy moly milk chocolate wife post discord
Who wants to be eaten out?
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Only have Twitter but worth a try ig
Looking for either other related accounts to follow or older guys with similar interests
I think you'll get the jist of what I'm into
its over...

I really want one puppygirl to frot with and one puppyboy to no preggo only breed
so no one should ever interact with you for any reason because you're all but guaranteed to be abusive and kill small animals if you don't get your way, and you've decided to not follow the thread's format and just spam the same bullshit across the entire board?
hi :3
Should've just made this a puppyboy thread
this thread is ok there's not really many ways to escape the transphobia in the board
M25, Brisbane Australia

>Looking for
A (preferably) younger puppy to care for and in return care for me, preferably to in the long term live together. Ideally you're local or in Australia at least.

>Not looking for
Masculinity, people who can't form proper sentences

27 M US
>Looking for
A cute puppy to love on! Women only, please. Genuine furry, too, so be prepared to have a cute tail and stuff.
>Not looking for
Bigots, impatient people, shy people
>Hard limits
I will not do any ageplay or consensual non-consent under any circumstances.
All the nerd stuff! Gaming, movies, reading, anime, history, politics, music, religion. Love to talk about anything!
Generally not safe with BDSM. Not even a phone call is safe. Genuine help for him is needed, the only action he’ll get is with the IDF against prisoners.
Sharkisonfire for disc
yur0nf1r3 for everything else
Need me a chocolate puppy girl like you <3
don't die puppy thread
I just wanna apologize to a very sweet girl I accidentally lead on. She was basically perfect and I let being broke and scared ruin it. I hope she finds happiness one day. As I am even more broke than I was a year ago. You are very cute and deserve the world. You'll be an amazing puppy to someone some day. I wish things could've gone differently.
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are their any girls that would love on and provide for a cute puppy? i want to love a sweet girl with all my being <3

men scare pup too much :(
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>About Yourself
a easy going person who is just looking for a bit of fun, company, and pleasure
>Sexual Interests
bondage, humiliation, degrading, gagging, edging, over stimulation, pet play, collars, objectification, name calling, begging, voyeurism, body writing
>Looking For
im seeking out female subs to really train and keep long term a friend with benefits kind of thing. some one on frequently to keep me company and to fool around and have fun with one another. i dont mind those that are new to the kink and wanting to learn and explore just try not to be to to shy.
>Not Looking For
underage, men, trannies
discord: mrwithmic
im a puppygirl im a lightskin goth passing mtf puppy girl who is looking for a owner i am from canada EST if u are near there and want a puppy dm me >.<

discord- bonnabe
you trannies and fags ruined this thread
Wlw puppygirl? Sold
>a/s/l 34/m/Canada

>physical features
6'2 Native/White Hybrid, jet black mid back length hair, thick. Slightly heavy set, by which I mean a little chubby, but also built broadly. I take up a lot of room when I want too. Very skilled set of hands, adept fingers, strong and ready.

>career/life situation
Freelance Researcher of various geopolitical situations as well as a decently studied Occultist/De-Occultist. Have a strong grasp of Business, Economics, Politics and Philosophy as well as Psychology. Humans are fascinating open books and I have to admit, my kink drives my non-sexual interests, as much as my sexual ones.

I love learning. Especially things few people know about or have understood. My brain is designed to make connections and to understand patterns, systems analysis is something I do intuitively without evne realizing. I'm into Anime, Video Games, Music, Books, Movies, basically content created by Humans, I love gleaming insight into the minds that created things.

>looking for

Submissive Females. Not Trans, Not Boys, No Guys. I'm into breeding and if you're going to be Mine for any real length of time, I am going to breed you. I'm going to do it often. There are few things I give a fuck about as much as you're Submissive and open to being Bred. Your Kinks are fine, because I have most of them. I'm into, almost every fucking tag I've come across in some form or other.

You also need to be comfortable with my being Poly, I have two female submissives in my life and I'm just missing the third to complete my little Set.


All of them, but with a strong emphasis on Daddy and Master style energies, I'm very nurturing, but I can also be remarkably Dominant.

I should also add, I'm a gifted hypnotist and I LOVE Hypnosluts, so bonus points if you are one.


If I've caught your attention, you can reach me at Azurenightsky on Discord.
Looking for female puppies that need an owner and keep me company


hii , im a really lonely person and i want someone who will give me constant attention !!! ^O^ im a 5'4, 97IBS, pale skinned latina !!! i have long , extremely dark brown hair , big eyes and long natural lashes , and slim face . (i love to send pictures of myself making silly faces :3)

>My interests
im OBSESSED with hatsune miku , i love music and enjoyed almost every genre possible EXPECT country , i love drawing and collecting things such as figures , plushies , and stickers . I LOVE DOING SKINCARE and taking care of myself !!

>Looking for
someone who is cute, kind, and gentle . will play silly roblox games with me and chat with me all night and day . AGES 18-23 :P

>Not looking for
weirdos , horny , peds . AGES 24+

>Long distance?
i dont care !!!! :D

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>Tfw too old and kind-hearted to own a mentally abused girl

I could've fixed you, but none of you want me. I'm sorry I let you all down.
27 M Bi
Got plenty of experience taking care of puppygirls, but haven't been around one in like a year
kik: StrayArray
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>Too old
>transgender attracting thread
i was hoping this would be a zoo attracting thread. am i in the wrong place?
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M18 - Conservative Christian man

Looking for a submissive tradwife to dominate and love with passion. Only white women.
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NIGGER you're not going to find your "tradwife" on fucking 4chan, nor will a "tradwife" accept just being a fuckdoll for you. Try joining a cult or accept a mentally ill molested slut, which is what most girls on this site are.
you'll grow out of it, don't worry
actually people grow out of voting left wing
>people grow out of human compassion
no they're usually taught that when 2-3 years old
22, I'll make sure you're in excellent shape by the time I'm done with you. I've got a strong military discipline perfect for those in need of discipline.

My discord is trulyoni.

You seem like a puppygirl in need of some structure, structure I will give you.
Eeeehhh, you do get to the point where you get fed up of other people's repeated shit.
>you get fed up of other people's repeated shit.
what? wanting to live a good life? what repeated shit lolmfao you're 18 all you know is homework and drink beer, you're still in the part of life where you're spoiled by your parents, you'll realize once you get a job how shit right-leaning policies make any place to live
Oh, I'm not that anon. I just get why people go conservative as the get older, even though its not logical.

He is a dumbass trying to find something like that here.

Trannie seething detected.
no australian puppygirls, it’s tough down here. I just wanna spoil an excitable puppy who isn’t on the other side of the world
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Don't post stuff like this anon it makes me delusional...
There is literally an aussie woman posting today who's handle is puppiee something.
You don't want it bad enough and that's why you fail.
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does she have red hair?
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i think this is about me :3
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34, Male and living in rural Scotland, no I'm not that guy, I'm the other one.

I've been on my kink journey since 16, most of my experience has been real life but since I've moved to the middle of nowhere that has to change. Some of you may have seen me post here before, I'll be honest I'm finding online kink hard. I'm a realist, if I know you're not capable of the acts you put to words then I'm not interested. I'm here to teach you, train you, mentor you to become that depraved little piece of ass you've always wanted to be, but first you need to stop pretending that you've already made it.

My expectations of you from day one are low, and that's okay, the whole point of this is to build you up to something better. All I ask when you come to me is that you are true to yourself, gender is not a factor to me however I prefer fem presenting/dressing toys. Some of you have asked what my kinks or my speciality is, the truth is kinks are just tools in a toolbox, doesn't matter if I really like my new hammer, if the problem requires a spanner then I will use a spanner. I like to think over the years I've had ample experience with all the tools in my toolbox, even the strange and perhaps taboo. Kinks are a means to an end.

If you're thinking of messaging me I have to stress that I work, I have responsibilities, you will not be my center of attention. Yes you will be cared for and valued when you have demonstrated value, but you must accept that I will be busy at times.

Discord mind.atlas
cute let me give a you a treat
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18 mtf usWI Madison
Please I need to find an owner irl that will coddle and spoil me with pets and cuddles PLEASEEEE
Forgor to post discord: callieonlexapro
im a puppy girl but its not that easy for me to show that side. im kind of a pitbull at first
You sound lovely.
It is. :(
where is my mommy
me me me me me mommy mommy im here
I’m a dude sorry :(

>About Yourself
My main interests are music, movies, shows, cooking, fps/strategy games, geography, comedy and history.

>Looking for
Girls that are willing to talk and present themselves honestly and just have a good time. Someone to play games with or watch shows with is what i’m mainly looking for. Preferably more of a mean attitude from a girl is what I find attractive. I would love to vc and get to know you. Feel free to try and manipulate me. I prefer to VC but if you just want to text at first thats cool. If we hit it off I would love to spoil you and date you :3

i like feet btw

Apex, Tarkov, Valorant, Overwatch, Fortnite, vrchat when I’m bored.

>Not looking For
People who need the entire conversation carried or are too cool to reply.

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around my age so 18-25

bio f

ideally somewhere in north america but i'd be fine with her being located anywhere if we get along

>physical features
i like long dark hair and slimmer builds but i don't care much about appearance

>career/life situation
ideally she'd be neet so that i could take care of her

ideally she'd have introvert interests/hobbies but there aren't specific interests/hobbies i'd want her to have. i'd be happy to learn about her interests/hobbies as well as teach her about mine

i'd want her to be clingy and obsessive. i would want her to love me as deeply as i would love her

ideally, she'd want to be my sub in a loving bdsm relationship




east coast

white (slav)

>physical features
-medium length dark hair
-blue eyes
-baby face
-lean build

>career/life situation
i'm a cs student at a large public university. i'd like to work in big tech after i graduate

i spend most of my free time reading, programming, and working out. i mainly read fantasy, sci-fi, philosophy, and history books. i also like to play strategy games or rpgs when i can. when it's nice outside, i like to travel and/or go hiking

i come across as a pretty introverted person but i can be more extroverted around friends. i don't easily make friends but i form close friendships with people i chose to befriend

i'm looking for a gf who i can love very deeply. i want to find someone i can devote my life to

>khhv status
khhv. i would only pursue a relationship with someone i could see myself marrying

>looking for
i'm looking for a clingy, loving girl that i can take care of and eventually marry. i want to find a girl who i can love very intensely

ideally, we'd have a loving bdsm relationship. i like the idea of a dom/sub dynamic which involves me taking care of my gf

6ft, Farmers tanned Caucasian, dad bodied and lifts, currently in college projected graduate in 2026

>Looking for
A puppy girl with long term commitment, maybe TPE. Someone I can spend time with watching things or playing games with or watching me. Someone I can come home to one day and pet and love like a doggy, while they house wife around but also want to be taken care of. I also love clingy. I will know you as puppy/girl/doggy alot, looking for fulfilling bdsm relationship.

>Not looking for
Morbid obesity, Flat/Small chests (can’t look past it), alt-left, transgender & genderqueer ideology, anti-natalists. I want a doggy to give me puppies.

Kik: gromule2000
discord: gromule15_84699
haiiii :3
disc - bestpuppydisorder
what are your political opinions? also how lean are we talking?
>They're ALL trannies (femboy is just a tranny in denial/proto tranny)
Look I'm cool with the trannies but this is fucking hilarious.
>what are your political opinions?
mostly right wing

>also how lean are we talking?
average level of leanness i guess?
like extremely right wing?
what would you consider to be extremely right wing?
hmm i guess white nationalism (but that seems obvious) moreso like reactionary views, wanting forced adherence to traditional social values, facism maybe? im not really into politics i guess i just know it when i see it kind of
in that case generally yes
interesting, i wouldn't have guessed that from your post
what did you assume my views were?
i assumed you were kinda apolitical. i guess i assume people who are lean a lot one way or another tend to make that clear since they're usually looking for partners that have the same views
i have individual right wing views mixed with various other views but at the same time i'm also apolitical and pragmatic. i didn't mention my views because aside from some values i'm not that into politics
fair enough
another black puppy girl ..can we mate :3c
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22 mtf
>About you
5'10" genderfucked puppy, dyed hair, fuckass haircut, facial piercings
>Looking for
trans friends nd people to sit in discord calls and chill with, maybe play some of my music for. Flirting and NSFW attention, any attention really
>Not looking for
unsolicited cock
Music (I really wanna score music for someone's project) any type of creation (art, movies, books etc) video games. maybe a lil gooning.
diesoot discord looking forward to meeting u
27 nb amab USA
>About you
5'10" Chubby Black Dude with hard and soft kinks
>Looking for
friends and puppies to sit in discord calls and chill with, play some games/watch shows with. I'm in ENM/ Poly but dating separately.
>Not looking for
unsolicited nudes, creeps and people who are rude. i will block asap.
>Interests gaming, gooning, watching anime and listening to new music
discord onnaioni
Motherfucker listed what kind of specific white he is, you didn't think he owned a pair of skull calipers?
nope that went over my head
She's fake hang with me :3
I don't think I've ever seen more red flags than this.
this is extremely fucking hilarious, thanks for making this anon
I'm a.male . But for the right price id completely turn myself into a hairless dog girl to serve cocks
wake up, you’re trans. go become the puppygirl you were meant to be.
How to lose weight change gender and become cute puppy girl. or is it over

You are the walking, talking, definition of Female Toxicity.

I'd tell you to get fucked, but you wouldn't even know how to begin to actually get fucked, too self absorbed. It'd almost be adorable if you weren't so pathetic.

You expected actual females in this thread? Kek
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where's my cute t4t gf who i can give more love than literally anybody else in the world could?
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took me a few tries to get this right but...

30s trans girls west coast us
>About yourself
5'7" chill dykey bookish fag sub leaning
>Looking for
friends and possible nsfw stuff. other trans people especially. people to talk with about whatever since i'm home a bunch. you can be a lil mean to me if youre cute about it.
>Not looking for
to be your nudes factory. exclusively sexual convos. people who add me only because they are attracted and saw this on page 1
hiking, being outside, rope bondage, a lil bit of video games
with the .
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Wanna jerk off on to my big puppy boi ass ><
What the hell is that username?
shockingly easy, drop ur contact
agreed. would be down to help too
What’s the best way for me to contact you? I can make an account for most things
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>about me
Im a lonely puppyboy just tryng to make some friends with benefits
art, games, music, cartoon or childish stuff
>looking for
a gay or bi dom below 30 who wanted to use my little body but also takes care of me
>not looking for
men who just want something sexual
i love humilhation, bondage, petplay but im open to try new kinks
make a discord for me pup
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My headpat deficiency is getting to me.


I want someone I can love and respect who understands how I want to be treated without me having to awkwardly explain “yeah bro, I wanna be your dog.”

I love being in subspace and dedicating myself to the object of my affection and craving their approval and affection. It kinda ruins my life because I can’t settle into a vanilla relationship, like what’s the point of dating someone who won’t tug on my collar and call me a good girl????
My discord is soccyanon
My discord should be nsfwusername
blissfuldoomer on discord
added, i’ve got the bats
i love searching peoples post history cause some of you are the biggest fucking losers ever lmaooo
I fear my own trail of vague horny posting
; _ ;
Forgot to use reply option
blissfuldoomer on discord
>TFW no cute puppy girl (male) to lounge on the couch and give belly rubs to
Updated thingy for televised
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stupid fat puppygirl who doesn’t want to be used or a sextoy. I just want love and attention and maybe some praise because mean names make me cry ( ; ; )
How fat?
disc. is madeline6541
kik is therealtiars
hmu! <3
Friend requests are off
150lb at 5ft fat :(
whoops! fixed :)
That's not fat, that's just pudgy.
My kik is jellymew btw. If anyone cares. (>_<)
Accept my friend request idiot
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it's not too late to dm me and ask to see my attempt at recreating the pose on the lefttttt
discord diesoot
hmu if you wanna play the new ror2 dlc or helldivers or something

disc - fnaf2worldbestchamp
Am I misunderstanding what puppygirl means?
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this is me btw if u even careeeee plssss plsss puppies come play woof woof woof
I still hold out hope for this thread
Your twitter doesn't exist. Where did you go?
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I want a biological female puppy girl who I can own and have sex with every day!!! A girl who is kinky and into anything, is fine with going outside and being inside!

Preferably Caucasian and pretty, with a hot body!!
Please reply to this post if interested
im here cutie
20/m/east coast
>physical features
cauliflower ear (wrestler)
lean athletic build (160, 15% body fat)
blue eyes
decent face
>career/life situation
in college/national guard
going to school for cs (want to go into tech/finance)
like to lift, grapple, and read in my free time
my favorite author, is Dostoevsky
I am a serious and focused person (I can help you become one)
ASVAB and SAT 99% percentile (if you value standardized tests)
>looking for
I just want a pet girl, who I can take care of
I like to be in control of all aspects of my life that includes you
I enjoy helping someone organize there life so they can better themselves, and in exchange they completely submit to me
if I interest you, lets talk I want to help you submit to me so you can better yourself
I enjoy having someone who is challenging to control, in order to make me a better master
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When is it my turn ; - ;
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>Looking for
crazy/lonely women who want to speak to someone temporarily without expectations of making a lasting connection, down for whatever, come get your temporary praise and attention for all your bad habits

>Not looking for
underage people.

I'm a male in my 30s. 6'0", constantly well-dressed and exclusively dominant-leaning.

Seeking to adopt a young, submissive puppygirl for the forseeable future.

I have no hard requirements for the physical qualities of my potential puppy, just that they encapsulate the aspect of obedience and attachment I'd expect from a canine.

I would strongly prefer to know my potential puppy before discussing any sensual proclivities further.

My interests include reading, poetry, history, antique collection as well as strategy & sandbox games.

I'm not looking for anyone that is unable to commit, or perform decently in conversation.

Discord: @beneaththeheel
idk what a puppy girl is ngl... i'm a cute and petite
latina, but i'm more of a cat ears girl... i want a guy who can take care of me maybe like an owner. sorry if this thread isn't for me
The pedants may complain but I say post a contact
i don't have an alt to post and i dont want this always coming up if people search my @ for discord i'm scared :x
Disc. darkxanderwolf

Add if you're interested in seeing if we mix.
Well, how old are you first of all? If you're above 18 I'll drop my alt.
im 18

okiee ^*^
k i'll add you all. hopefully i can click with someone and we can start something nice together. and hopefully other girls in here also add you guys so everyone finds someone <3
Would be down for a kitty girl like you
Sharkisonfire is my disc
copied from another thread

B, t, (by technicality) poly
>about me
Hi, I am a semi-functioning trans girl in Mormon country. I have a bunch of interests and if we connect on one thing that'd be nice, also willing to branch out into other things if you think we'd vibe. I can be a bit rough but when I open up I'd like to think im a soft lil marshmellow.
I have a lot of interests that I will denote into two categories, Hard interests which ive had for a while and devoted a lot of time to, and soft interests which ive looked into but not actually done anything yet.
Hard: Video Games (Lots of genres, I play league mainly but any co-op game is nice :) i like talking to people, open to any game! add me and tell me a game to play with you! please!) Reading & Audiobooks (I dont consider audiobooks reading) Music (Want to get back into playing the euphonium) Research (Kinda dorky but I like to research a hobby for like a week and detail everything in my obsidian vault before going into it)
Soft: Motorcycles, Server Tech, Xbox 360 Hard moding, Retro Hardware, Tailoring, Cooking, Coffee, Model Kits/Lego,
>favorite snack
I like resees
>looking for
unfortunately im american
19/mtf/eastern aus
skinny twink build prettyboy ahh
above average in looks
fat cock
>about me
just broke up with my tranner ex for the final time. it was mutual but throughout the relationship i learnt a lot about myself, and now that it's over i've realised what i wanted from her was really how i wanted to be treated by myself.
i really dont know how to describe my interests as i have ADHD and so shit is all over the place. ig u'll just have to see by talking to me :3
>looking for
cis/trans fem or cute twink to hold me down and dominate me. to own me. to use me. to make me feel happy. i want to be broken but also treated when im good. dw if u feel inadequate, rn i'd take the first person who shows interest. i want to worship someone who makes me feel loved. i'm fine with LDR but if ur in eastern australia please hit me up!!!
>not looking for
masculine men who arent interested in a proper relationship. yeah im horny but i also want romance. this is all-encompasing. honestly if ur a cis straight man i'd say dont bother.
petplay, submission, cnc; the usual suspects
sibyljudith on discord
Add me also please?
Discord is Hollow7093
if you want a good owner to take care of you add me rustyship_20844


Western europe

**>What are you looking for?**
Girlfriend, Live-in-maid, sub-dom dynamic.

**>Free form**
I inherited some property together with quite a bit of money as soon as i finished my studies, been using it to help friends, travel around, and helped one neet with housing before for three years. Never had enough time to go for a serious relationship or dynamic before, as i was working on a lot of projects myself. Now I'm planning on settling down, and i hope that while doing so, i can help someone else out.

I'm looking for a white biological female, with a slender build. Petite or curvy does not matter to me at all. A partner, live in maid, or sub-dom dynamic is all on the table, but I don't have a lot of chores that need to be done, so you can just relax most days.
If you are not from europe, i can probably pay for everything you need to come here, but showing interest and initiative to help arrange things would be nice.

Enjoying cosplay, gaming, anime, manga, traveling, animals, movies, art and kinky stuff are a plus since we will have things to talk about, but i can pretty much adjust to anyone.

My Discord is 08664144
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Shy teen girl looking to be trained and owned as a puppy. Very into intense humiliation and degradation and looking to fully be transformed into a pet overtime. Very few limits and willing to try anything at least once. Prefer older.
Kik: xemoorex
Not her, poster is some fag trying to use anons to blow up her inbox.
Kik: cursedprowler
8 inches long and 5.5 around
wrong fucking thread my bad lmao
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18m US
>about me
5’9-5’10, short blonde hair, lean and athletic. feel free to ask what i look like
sport climbing/bouldering, soulslike, rpg maker, loz, horror games like sh, manhunt, cof ect. anime too, there’s tons i like but ergo proxy is my all time fav. music too, i like tons and my fav band is title fight.
>looking for
cute girls/tgirls
>not looking for
anyone over 30, fat, ugly, men (femboys are cool though)
Recently recovered k9 hentai, someone should enlighten me more hehe, the urge to goon is just ugh

Kik: mclovin_youall
25 f eu
>normal interests
Manga, romcom, books
>weird or fucked up fetishes
My fetishes that I think are kinda weird: being chained in the basement, being physically abused and beaten by my husband (I don't have a husband, only this fantasy), abusing me and apologizing with gifts, being forced into enduring long-term overstimulation until I lose my mind and the only thing in my mind is sexual pleasure, forced to have large too big for me toys in me long term, urethral play, dismemberment/quadruple amputee
>Looking for
Men, abusive men, controlling men, people who have same fetishes to discuss it
>not looking for
People who ask for photos
Oh I'm in Utah and share a lot of interests! But I'm 27 so I'm probably too old for you lol. Also not sure what you mean by technically poly
23/m/United States
>looking for
a girl to talk with,play games with,and maybe a relationship
I am into a lot of things; those include reading, music, video and photo editing, and working out
>not looking for
T20 eyes, it's over son.
Add me and let’s see where it goes BoiYeager on disc
You stupid fucking bitch why did you waste my time
>about me
Im a lonely puppyboy just tryng to make some friends with benefits
art, games, music, cartoon or childish stuff
>looking for
a gay or bi dom below 30 who wanted to use my little body but also takes care of me
>not looking for
men who just want something sexual
i love humilhation, bondage, petplay but im open to try new kinks
im a bit shy so be pacient
> looking for dom below 30 who wanted to use my little body but also takes care of me
should have thought of that before you cut your dating pool from 50% to 3%
stop malding kid
enjoy your male pattern baldness
I'm going to die with a full head of hair
>they make places so shit that libshits love to move there and ruin them too
Lmao Jfc kys you boot licking kike
This is perfect weight lmao
Wdym big head
BMI says overweight and just shy of obese
18, bio F, ask

>describe yourself
I just want someone to love me please :(

>looking/not looking for

Vurchiel on discord
What is worth loving about you? What can you provide other than being an 18 year old female? Will you love your partner back? Tell people literally anything about yourself you retard.
Turn me into a puppy whilst my gf is out of the house. Will do anything

Not accepting friend requests
I'm into womens and share the same location.
But we do have quite a bit in common and I believe we'd hit it off pretty well, are you still interested in talking?
If you haven't hit it off with all the dom larpers and wanna meet someone a little more interesting, you can add me:
19 male USA
>about me
6’4, skinny, black curly hair, dominant, sadist, masochistic
>looking for
A cute mentally ill puppy girl for me to treat like a princess and for us to be crazy
Don't bother, she'll talk to you for hours then ghost you the next day and give you 2 word responses when you try to initiate conversation from then on.
>Doesn't want to be used

Hiii i would love to talk in dms my disc is petrieeee ^^
>normal interests
Furries, video games, cartoons, outdoors
>Fucked up interests
loli, rape, humiliation, Sadomasochism, Bdsm, abuse, age play, bestiality, pet play, incest, pain, degradation, piss, sweat, and a lot more, limits are at scat and burps or stuff :p
>looking for ^^
Someone who will casually dominate me and help me live out my fantasies irl nothing serious as i’m collared and ordered to find a dom :3
>not looking for
Guys who want to date or fag over me, fat old guys, Dirty or untested people ^^
catfish seller
LOL where did i offer to sell or even send nudes? kys faggot ur untouched by women >_>
>Haiii how are you I'm looking to sell explicit pics and maybe roleplay for a bit in exchange for some money... :3 Would you be interested?
Want the screenshot or what?

Dudes 40 talking about catfishing nigga you wish a girl would catfish you for money that’s the most attention you’ll get for the next 20 years from a female yeah faggot post it let’s keep this interaction going you could’ve just added me for the attention you clearly are trying to get from me LOL
I've gotten all the attention I needed already. I don't talk to catfish sellers I'd rather pay a whore to fuck.
And I don't see the point in continuing to pretend...
Have fun larping <3
Wahhhh I need to rub myself senseless for Daddy <3 my little puppy cunt is aching at the thought of fucking myself, moaning how much I want to be a good doggy slut for you
Feed me dogter until I'm your dripping loyal submissive
Please only message about this and nothing else. Off topic first few messages will be ignored

19 femboy uk Dumfries

Looking for extreme owner

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being
someone who can command well. A very strong male figure who knows what they are doiong

what i can bring:
Super kinky and very super sub who is always excited and always around 24/7 for anything you need.
im very fem acting and always horny and up for anything. i love the only TPE dom relationship.
i will 1000000% prioritize you over everyone else no matter when.

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.
Also early on talk normally and get to know eachother to see if we will like eachother first please
preferably to a extreme where i need permission to move, speak, and so on with bathroom, food, money, games ect ect
a strong male figure to make me hate myself

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
below 30. Shy guys. People that can’t hold a chat. Vanilla people

I love basically all kinks. You’ll come to find there is very little I won’t do or at least try.
My List is flashing online humiliation group humiliation degrading risk crying breathplay findom techdom attention ass attention outdoors
Spanking aheago Thigh highs TPE light pain Cold Kittenplay Slapping pee expousre blackmail Public Hunger Rape(CNC) Impregnation pregnancy
Inflation Live Tracking Live Camera Life Ruin OrgasmRuin Kidnap(CNC) robbery(CNC) Choking emptional-minipulation Farting Wedgie MoveDom. Sensdep

KIK KittenBabyy69
add me: ntarkangel_1984
if you're trying to sell or catfish don't bother
Literally every "girl" in this thread is a crossdressing gay man.
Special mention to this faggot. He has posted at least 500 times in the last year.
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Dog4dog, looking for big booty puppy partner (male or female) who likes affection.

Kik: kriegus

Send a message introducing yourself since there's so many spambots otherwise. If you prefer discord drop your name here.
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Any girls or guys into the idea of neutering a male pet and turning it into a female ?
Ill leave my discord just in case: hadrian10
>On 4chan
>Reading thread for degenerate hookups
>No girls
Not accepting requests>>33422959
so filter him
Okay when are we getting a puppyboy thread though asking for a friend (don't say the femdom thread that place is a festering corpse)
Read the thread. This is the puppyboy thread. Not a single girl has posted.
tag doesn't work
get lovebombed and abandoned stupid fucks
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Bumping in hopes of a worthwhile master surfacing
you seem needy for attention puppy
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I'm a(n older) man
>describe yourself
Sadistic, controlling, demanding. Sarcastic, witty, charming, calm, intelligent, passionate, ambitious, talkative, strong, massive cock. I have lived an interesting, eventful life and have many hobbies. Very easy to talk to as long as you match my effort really. I love talking to passionate people with varies interests and hobbies.
>looking for
A slut, whore, fuckbuddy, hell even a good chat partner. Someone experienced, or not, that has an inkling of mental illness, or not, and a strong desire to be used by a more experienced man who knows what he wants. BPD women love me, but normal women are fine too. Contrary to this degenerate setup, the more capable of a good conversation you are the better we'll mesh.
>not looking for
underage b&, trans, yuge BMI, one word repliers, some sugar daddy e-kitten nonsense. Not looking for anonymous, text only roleplay or whatever it is you people keep assuming I want. If you're not down to swap faces (soon, once we're both comfortable) and most likely take this IRL then I'm not even remotely interested in you. E-sex does nothing for me lmao.

I am not necessarily looking for a "puppygirl", but I do like a TPE dynamic. Figured I would drop my info here anyways.
Wtf is a puppygirl. I would like an energetic enthusiastic submissive girl to cook for, to play videogames while I doompill myself reading the news a few feet away, to pick outfits for and dress up, to make wear cute brightly colored spandex exercise outfits and exercise while I give her compliments, and give an endless variety of sex toys so she can melt her brain for hours every day. Is that a puppygirl?
What do you consider a yuge BMI? I think we might mesh well together but I am fat lmao
I didn't have a BMI in mind when I wrote that, I just don't like very fat girls. If you think we would have good conversation feel free to reach out anyways, I'm not a complete asshole.
What are you looking for?
28 Mtf bi Latina puppy

Early in my transition I want some to be nice and kind to me and support me in my transition and to become a good girl

I want someone that buys me clothes and helps me afford hrt and makes me do puppy stuff I want to depend on someone


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26 man in NEW ZEALAND

>about me
I love dogs of all kinds and am going to have a lixing studying them one day. I love nerdy hobbies like DnD, board games, cooking, cardio/gym and decorating. Young professional living it up in the city using my degree.

>looking for
People also in NZ, around my age, to connect with and bond over this shared weirdness of ours. Not even in a sexual way, not at first. If you'd like to have a bf who will pat your head and call you a good girl without any awkwardness or expectation because they also "get it", I'd love to be that for you. Anything more only if we're both comfortable and ready.
Would love a fellow introvert to go out socializing & exploring with until we both need to go be alone, together.

>not looking for
Hookups or an immediate jump into some 24/7 extreme slave dynamic

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not them
ftm puppyboy wondering if im even allowed to be here
As long as you're willing to put on a collar, get on your knees, and be a good puppy, you're alright in my book.
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29 m los angeles

coffee, tea, cooking, reading, music, movies, going out, some anime, and video games

>looking for
a cute femboy or transgirl to spoil with outfits and toys
if local I'll take you on a cute date

add me
looking for females puppies!
32 m
> in hopes of a worthwhile master surfacing
> no age, no sex, no location
> no contact
> no hobbies interests fetishes kinks
puppies that can't advertise get no master
she's 14 ...
well that certainly explains how the servers got shut down
I’m lurking, I don’t like posting contact info too often. X:

add me:
we'll get to know each other and see if you're worth to be taken care of.
Peeking at the archives you’re 22.
Please take care of yourself
whats a good age for you?
this shit is why I told you to post a profile
instead of wasting everyone's time by rejecting everyone
even if you don't post your discord
post a detailed profile telling what you want
and describing yourself
dating is literally a job interview for a relationship
Would you like someone who's 18-19
“Everyone’s time”
The only person who seems upset is you?
I have a profile In this thread.
21, MtF, NYC

>describe yourself
woof woof arf bow wow arf arf!!

>looking/not looking for
pets n playtime n fun!!

discord: Sognara/Yzilma
>I’m lurking,
>I have a profile In this thread.
those cancel each other out
so which is the lie ?
said she's "probably" over 18
i do indeed realize what thread im on but is there anyone on here who is not a super porn addicted freak and a normal well adjusted man who would date with marriage in mind
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How old are you? I'm relatively normal, don't use porn, but I'm 19.
I am but I wouldn't do online dating again.

Every time I get ghosted or hurt, I wanna cuddle someone ugh
yes add me beautyfoundindisarray we can vc and play games too if you like that sort of thing
are puppyboys allowed?
Only if you wear a dress.
18 sydney mtf

preferably someone in NSW who is also mtf or presenting fem

discord: 9thaddiction
i have a skirt and some thigh highs tho i havent put them on in a while
Be a good boy and go put them on.
you put it on
whats your disc?
Pretty much
If you're still here, yes. 26m here.
>ASL: 25 MTF Toronto

Honestly I just want a boyfriend who’s a bit more on the dominant side and not overly masculine. Im super shy, kinda alt, dress pretty preppy and I’m small. If this interests you at all then send me a message. Maybe we’d be compatible.

Tag: hurledagainstthe
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
36/M/US Midwest


>open to long distance (y/n)?
within the US

>physical description
5'7", 130lbs, red hair, blue eyes

typical nerd shit, bad anime, guns, vidya, reading both fiction and non fiction(mostly history shit), dabbled in D&D, shizo posting, defending the demiurge

>3 songs you like
don't listen to music much, mostly put on audio books or podcasts in the car

>3 movies you like
Frozen, Shrek, being john malkovich

>religious beliefs
lapsed catholic

>political beliefs
right wing, in my heart of hearts I'll always be an ancap though

>dating experience
2 long term relationships 4 yrs plus, 1 girl dated a year, and a handful of first dates. Never married, no kids

>looking for
the mother of my future son

>not looking for
casual dating, single mothers, more than a few pounds overweight, not a big fan of tattoos or body piercings but not an outright deal breaker, someone that gets angry if texts aren't responded to immediately.

discord: marms
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Shy teen puppy looking for extreme degradation and pet play
Kik: emymooore
larp, faggot
>Body traits
5'11, 175 pounds, white, baby-faced
>Personality traits
I love to talk, and i'm extremely lonely. I love codepenancy, it's been my coping skill since I was little. I will talk to you for every waking second and obsess about you nonstop. I literally can't help it. I can be shy or very excitable, but i try to be very positive. I have a slew of depression and anxiety issues, I'm a bit of a wreck. I want to learn everything about you!!

i work full time but i can always text, near 24/7
shitty kids mmos, collecting plushies I don't need, love listening to music of all genres.

>About your life and goals
working a dead-end job with no friends, but my goal is to find someone to love on and live with forever. I'm willing to move for an LDR and I've done it before.

>What you're looking for
Female (cis or trans), pretty face. not concerned about much else but that you're willing to let me dote on you and please don't mess with my head!!

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i am a super hyper obsessive puppy girl who just wants a possessive owner :(
you can hurt me but please show that you love me.. like hitting me but then holding me for example!
i want to worship you and make u feel superior to everyone (cuz you are)
im a bit airheaded and stupid so please be patient..
im not sure if anyone is interested haha so you can give your discord or i can make a kik or something if you want to talk to me!!
i made a kik it is @puppyfromsoc !! i hope to see you there
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M 26 Florida

>Describe yourself and your interests.
I'm a multilingual half German/Dominican living in the US that grew up in Europe. I have 4 passports, am a homeowner, work full time (private security and state guard soldier) , have a BA in International Relations, and actively go to church (Orthodox Christian).

Physically I am tall, fit, wear round glasses, military cut black hair, Asian eyes, light brown skin, uncircumcised and unvaccinated. Rated 5/10 looks so don't waste my time if you just want a pretty boy.

I have a lot of hobbies/interests, some of them being:
Reading, gaming, movies/shows/anime, hiking, travel, shooting, cars, motorcycles, memes, eating good, cigars, fine arts, history/politics, architecture, mythology, music, fashion, cosplay, etc...

>Looking for
Subby gf to psychological break/physically abuse and make totally dependent on me idk touch grass get married bonus points for goths/redheads and if we have common interests you like to yap on voice

>Not looking
Short/dry texts, dishonesty, friend collectors, no humor

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Firm but playful. Someone I can look up to and rely on, and most importantly, is someone I want to please and impress because they are an impressive person. Will threaten to embarrass me with PDA. Knows what's best for me and keeps me on track and accountable rather than someone who is proud of me for being mediocre. Desires an alignment of ideals/friendship before sexual connection.

Definitely have my own goals but also want to take care of someone in domestic ways and reorient my goals so that they are purposeful in our relationship. It's obsessive, but it makes me happy.

I like getting jealous and omegaverse concepts.

This is such a mood.
Me but this place is not good for finding marriage material
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Dumb teen puppy looking for an owner (t4t preferred)

Miku_02088 discord
What are some of your goals?
Sounds like my ideal dynamic as well, would love to chat

Disc: stfyer
They have to do with my hobbies!
Which are?
Sports and art
Well everyone does like a sporty puppygirl
What would be a good way to reach you?
I hope so!

I'll message your discord if you link it
> No asl
Hai hai add me on Discord!

24 trans cowgirl

Im cute, I have hips, and I'm temperamental

Id love a long term owner

I'm bi, but I really love other trans women.

If we get along I'll give you my disc

Kik Throwaway603
I'd like to find out how well we align, my discord is
Anyone wants to rp as a female maid (age 12+) from a poor or war torn country who’s contacted by a woman or a guy (me) from a better country to get hired in her house as a live in maid.
ask me everything about the job (house size, live alone or not, etc..) as well as tell me anything about u i should know about.

Rp starts right away from the first message and im ignoring anyone that takes more than a minute to reply,

Discord: jo.53
Teleguard: 9JCX2TP8N

I'm extremely possessive, looking for a cutie who wants that kind of relationship.
This is so fucking bizarre. I found your twitter a few hours ago while trying and failing to solve a request on wsr about a puppygirl meme and came into this thread for the first time just now and saw you again
20, Male, East Coast
>physical features
15% Body Fat
99% IQ as measure by (SAT, ASVAB)
>career/life situation
national guard/college
jui jitsu
>looking for
a submissive woman
service sub types
want to start online and transition to in person
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Anyone wants to rp as a female maid (age 12+) from a poor or war torn country who’s contacted by a woman or a guy (me) from a better country to get hired in her house as a live in maid.
ask me everything about the job (house size, live alone or not, etc..) as well as tell me anything about u i should know about.

Rp starts right away from the first message and im ignoring anyone that takes more than a minute to reply,.

Discord: jo.53
Teleguard: YUWZP8E9P
Oh hey, that is my request. Thank you for trying, anon.
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boy looking for an older girl. I dont really care about ur age or whatever just dont be like 40+

My timeszone is really screwed up (GMT +12) so dont get mad if i domt respond when ur awake.

Im kinda busy? I dunno I'm clingy but i can take care of u n stuffs yeah. Other than that i dont care about anything else. Im asian btw

discord is e3458.
dont forget the dot
If you're still in this thread, I'm 37/m wanting marriage and babies. /soc/ disgusts me and I only come here like once every couple months
discord: mikeymorgan
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dumb bitch i love you
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Mtf puppy girl looking for doms of any gender to praise or bully me. No in between. Will do anything to be called a good puppy
Kik is spoofyheart
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I don't think my gf is here. I'm gonna go somewhere else
I'm not the Twitter puppygirl. I'm the anon who made the request on /wsr/.
If that's you in the pic you can be my GF.
try the lgbtqp threads
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hi! autistic puppygirl with seperation anxiety here ~_~

>about me
I love going outside! i want to try every hobby in the world :3 I will love you with all my heart if you're kind me to me.. I just want someone nice .. look kinda like photo but black hair
>looking for
someone nice.. any age! tell me about ur passions and what makes u sad .. be as weird as me XD

>not looking for
anything purely sexual, super depressed, lazy, faggots XD

reply with ur disc so i can add u (and tell me a little abt urself :3)
Do you game?
partners of past called me "sweet" and "silly" so maube i fill in the criteria
yes! i have pc and open to any vidya recommendation :3


I play fortnite, overwatch and minecraft but im down for any multiplayer game i listen to a lot of electronic music and i never had a real gf lol u sound really cute and i would love if you could add me


also autistic, writer, i draw, will stream movies and anime for you

disc: citronellaz
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i forgot about this post aaaaaa
i made a discord though!!! @uusaruu please add me please please pleas
>degenerate thread full of trannies is left wing
>they think they’re the normal, productive members of society
lol, lmao even
hii 18mtfusa im nice and sad and have adhd and have lots of hobbys ^^
dc: windblownsunn
i am bumping so hard right now! add me ill kiss u
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21, MTF, Colorado
>about yourself
lonely, mentally ill, vidya, music, exploring, creative stuff, bad at socializing initially but desperate for interaction once i talk to people more
>looking for
in desperate need of friends or owner who can tolerate mental illness (im trying to get better and am slightly from two years ago at least)
also sorry not really into guys
also idk about long distance cause im already going insane trapped in room all day so id prefer someone i can hang out with
idk just want like cuddling and going out and having fun and being pet and doing cool things and owner who makes me feel safe and
>ANYWAYS contact
would like to talk and get to know you
Kinda sus, will not tell you her age when asked
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Kik is spoofyheart :3 mtf puppygirl looking for people to bully/praise me :3
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>kik: trippysiut
bbw puppygirl thatd like 2 be treated like a dumb mutt by a white man :p
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M32 from Belgium, currently in Asia now looking for a (girl or boy)wife location doesn't matter, I can get around anywhere
you kik users also ruin the threads
22/M/Russian, slim, handsome

I am looking for women of any age (and maybe feminine enough boys) who want to be my horny Online-Tamagotchi.
Domination from my side, petplay, dirtytalk, control, submission, training, rough handling - all to your taste and level of hardcore.

You can be my 24/7 slave, or we can just lightly exchange content when it suits you, I am only happy to discuss in detail your capabilities, desires and taboos.

Fetishes: I'm willing to accept almost anything you want, I'm pretty vanilla myself but open to your preferences if you are obedient enough <3

Discord: Exilee8300
Telegram: tr182ctgh
She told me she was 16 so avoid for sure
cry about it faggot

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