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2012-2024 Celebrating ten plus two years of suborning community standards!
Previous thread >>33252806

>Female Sexy Audio

Be as tame, as romantic, as sensual or as filthy as you like. Record your masturbation, try some scripts, improv, sing, play music, talk about your favorite sexual fantasies, or just look for requests on the thread.

All content is welcome to be performed here, but please keep in mind:
>Please keep long and extreme scripts in some sort of text hosting site (see FAQ for list)

>Name and picture requests are generally ignored. Contactfagging is also generally ignored and discouraged by the /soc/ rules unless given permission by the performer.

Please use the request and delivery anchors below

Please Tag Your Post as AI if you didn't get it from a human being.

Most Importantly: Have fun!
Current FSA Discord: https://discord.gg/e94JkzBcSr
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NEW GIRLS please feel free to answer the SFW and/or NSFW questions!
SFW Questions for New (And returning) girls
NSFW Questions for New Girls
Many of your questions are answered here:
>I'm only able to write the scripts I have written because I was 100% into, turned on by, and really inlove with what I was writing, it is 100% my thing, with only stuff I really liked in it and it was just exactly the way I liked it

Just catching up on last thread and wanted to pick your brain if you're still around Sunshine or really any writer I guess, but I've tried writing scripts myself in the past and would really get into it and get worked up playing out the whole scenario in my head but then when I actually commissioned someone to fill it I couldn't actually get off listening to it cause I couldn't get past the fact that these were my own words and it made me cringe a bit. Is this common or maybe my own lack of skill? Are other writers able to get off to fills of their own work? I'd love to craft more of my own ideal fantasies but it's been a let down so far
Can somebody make an incel trolling audio where she tells the incel how she gets laid while he can only jerk off to her audios? Bonus points if she describes some of her actual sexual encounters.
Requesting someone to attempt imitating pig sounds. Oink, squeals, grunts, etc. May touch yourself while doing so but not required for the request.
Requesting someone creative to act like a zoomer and do a very mean and degrading sph
Reposting a pasta

Some improv ideas; all characters are female unless stated otherwise.

>Dumping her boyfriend
A girl breaks up with her boyfriend, and to add injury to insult, she tells him how she'll fuck with her new girlfriend after cooking him into their romantic dinner.

>Justice served
A judge sentences a criminal to death, while his dead body will be butchered for meat under a new environmental law.

>Health warning
A short tongue-in-cheek announcement on the negative health impact of getting eaten by cannibal girls, which may include, but not be limited to, death and severe weight loss

>Biology lesson
A cannibal university teacher describes digestion to her students.The teacher promises her students a tasty BBQ practice with the tied-up listener as meat.

>Isekai'd by Cannibal-chan
A cannibal convinces a weeb that if he lets her eat him, he will get isekai'd into an anime dimension.
oooh... Lots of great requests!
Even an array of cannibalistic selections.
Keep em' coming.
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requesting someone to fake a case of the hiccups. could try doing variations in volume, and speed. maybe try a double syllable hiccup or 2 if you can.
could try talking about your experience with hiccups during this if youd like, bonus points if you can manage to interrupt your words with hiccups.
thanks <3
Saturday's for you to see, what your life can truly be:
My scripts so far, would love a fill if anyone wants to do so!

Title: [F4M] Loving Little Sister Wants Her Brother to Fill His Onahole For Her to Eat, But NO Touching!
Tags: [Ageplay 12] [Incest] [Big Brother/Little Sister] [Sweet/Loving] [Creampie Eating] [Hesitant] [Innocent][Soft Corruption][Cute]
Synopsis: A little sister comes home from school and enters her brother's room to ask for a hug. She catches her big brother masturbating with an onahole and encourages him to cum inside of it and imagine it's her that he's fucking. She refuses to allow him to touch her since they're related, but can't resist watching, masturbating, and becoming more involved. Scene ends with both cumming, the sister collapsing on her brother, cuddling, and the sister eating the cum from the onahole.
Link: https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/d10028b521b9449f92d553ee8a6b0e30

Title: [F4M] Playing With Strangers
Tags:[ageplay, 10] [dd/lg][sex on a swing][creampie][stranger in a park]
Synopsis: A girl finds a stranger watching her swing at the park. She confronts him and assures him it's okay to watch, and then asks if he wants to help her swing. She rides him while swinging and rubs herself on him while they swing. She tells him how her daddy used to do this with her, and reveals just how perverted she really is. She asks if he can be her new daddy, just for a little while. She fucks him while hiding their perverse actions with her skirt. Scene ends with a creampie and her teasing him while his cum runs down her leg.
Link: https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/02f0c9f8f1094707be050306f035fd5f
Huge thanks to Sunshine for her help on this one!
And 2 more, a bit darker with these ones:
Title: [F4M]Mommy Will Train You To Be Just Like Your Father
Tags: [Ageplay][Age Mentions][Corruption][Brainwashing][Accomplice][Incest][Mother/Son][Extreme][Descriptions of Abuse][Rape Encouragement]
Synopsis: A mother discovers her son has been masturbating to pornography. She becomes upset that he is looking at porn magazines featuring adult women. She ties her son up in the basement and shows him home movies of his younger sister, and then shows him a video of his late father having sex with a girl from their neighborhood that he has drugged. She rubs her son to orgasm while encouraging him to be like his father and claim his sister as his own.
Link: https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/a53ad5753635438893c7d604d8efd50e

Title: [F4M]Your New Slave Is Ready to Serve Her Owner
Tags: [Fantasy Setting][Slavery][Ageplay][Age Mentions][Trigger words][Slavery][Rape][Light BDSM]
Synopsis: In a Fantasy setting, slaves are available to legally buy. The speaker is a slave who was recently purchased by the listener. She has been raised/groomed in a slave school to teach her how to perform various slave duties, with an emphasis on sexual performance. She has been locked in the listener's cellar for an indeterminant amount of time when the door opens and her new owner enters. She hesitantly serves her master with a handjob, blowjob, and vaginal sex. She feels close to her master after he climaxes inside of her, and expects him to let her out of the cellar after they finish. He does not.
>fantasy ageplay
that's a first for me, don't think i've ever heard one before
They're all fantasy ageplays when the characters are 8999 year old dragons.
LLM chat bots might help you over that wall, it would still be your ideas but not expressly your words. Search reddit for local LLM, and kobold in that context. You want an uncensored model. Good luck. I can't write for myself either, same problem, my PC is too weak for good AI, and I don't want stuff written by men. It is what it is.
Request for rejection.
Imagine that we've known each other for months and even hung out with a some friends we have in common.
After a while I've tried hard to pick you up, and after months of nonstop advances you finally break down, drop your polite attitude and say exactly what you think of me: the worst you can imagine.
Be what you want, yell at me, be cold, angry, detached, genuine, think about your ex or the guys you wanted to brutally reject but couldn't.
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Possibly establishing.

AKA possibly provoked

Occasional scriptwriter

Any are open to all. Enjoy.

I mainly write longer cute teasing scripts (linked below).

Most have an ‘age’ tag to be safe, but it’s never explicit or extreme.

I also post smaller softcore fragments and other discarded ideas.

I welcome any feedback or discussion.

I’m mainly looking to help bolster the FSA community.

5th Regiment "The Klowns"
Idea for an audio: a black girl threatens that if you don't stop being racist she'll steal your computer.
Shi, wrong field
Sexy Song Bump:
Hello everyone, I would like to humbly request some wholesome audios for my collection …
> I need/would like to hear/see
.webm/mp3-4/ytub/asmr of autistic women ranting/rambling about a topics they are overly passionate and emotional about…

Thank you in advance to all the generous/humble frogs/toads, wizards, hags & tistics that can aid me in my quest to research the rarest & cutest of females
>p.s. fuck you jannies stop nuking the normalfag filter threads you onion n*****
Requesting any kind of femdom type content. Preferably with a focus on chastity and some humiliation.

Also 3 am bump.
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https://voca.ro/1bG2KFhAKqw0 here ya go!
This is an extremely edgy and funny piece from an old magazine called Answer Me. I would really love for a girl to read it.

Shitpost requests:
Free Headpats and Beer

Stuck in The Wall

The Incarnation of Zaanekesh

Smooth Jazz and Gin - A hardboiled detective searches for the friend of her softboiled partner.

Catgirl Tongue Bathhouse - Welcome to Nyaavana, where animal girls provide service with terrible puns.

Despite all my Rage I am Still Just a Ferret Working in a Bathhouse (Catgirl Tongue Bathhouse 2) - A ferret girl gives a massage, but she needs to fug or else she'll die.

Polly wants a Sealed Cracker of Darkness (Catgirl Bathhouse 3, now with chuunibyou birds) - Dork birb feeds you mouth to mouth. Also cloaca-sex.

Mesugaki Tomboy's Punch Up (Perfomer Loss Ver.) - A tomboyish brat gets more than she bargained for after trying to bully a friend.

And assorted short shitposts
Page 7 bump
guys I am new here, is it only and impression or there are few femanon willing to register their voice?
Are you asking why there are so few recorded audios from women...?
It can be slow sometimes, and you have to check back periodically.
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Oh my god.
That can’t be true.
You seriously just let girls over…
Like, sleep over at your house? Like, girls from school?
For real?
[deep breath]
So, um… How would you think about maybe having more of those parties?
Um… I mean, like if I had more of those parties…
Or I mean if I *could* have a party like that…
Would you want…
Or would you be okay with um, allowing some girls to spend the night over here again?
At your house? Would that be okay?
Like, my girlfriends and stuff?
You know… That girl that lived here before…
When she had these parties…
Did *she* ever sleep over here?
I mean, if I had the party, could I sleep over here?
Yeah? That’d be okay?
And you wouldn’t tell my parents?
Requesting ruined orgasm encourage and some one just overall being a mean bitch
Please recite the Gameplay section on the Gain Ground wikipedia page, either normally or while masturbating.
p7 bump

If someone would be willing to fill this one, I'd love it. I think it's my favorite thing I've written so far.

>Title: [F4M]Mommy Will Train You To Be Just Like Your Father
>Tags: [Ageplay][Age Mentions][Corruption][Brainwashing][Accomplice][Incest][Mother/Son][Extreme][Descriptions of Abuse][Rape Encouragement]
>Synopsis: A mother discovers her son has been masturbating to pornography. She becomes upset that he is looking at porn magazines featuring adult women. She ties her son up in the basement and shows him home movies of his younger sister, and then shows him a video of his late father having sex with a girl from their neighborhood that he has drugged. She rubs her son to orgasm while encouraging him to be like his father and claim his sister as his own.
>Link: https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/a53ad5753635438893c7d604d8efd50e
>porn magazines featuring adult women
Whoever heard of such a thing...? ha
Oh alice where art thou...?
She mentioned the idea of loli femdom and honestly I can't stop thinking about it
Bump for now.
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>Elevator sound effects are optional

[sfx: elevator door opens]
Oh… Hey Coach…
Fancy meeting you here. [giggle]
No, I know that…
I know you’re staying here too.
I just haven’t seen you much.
Well, I’m sure you’re busy winning all those games or something. [giggle]
Oh… sorry…
What floor…? Ten…?
Well, we’re all on the 15th… Top Floor… The penthouse…
You know… Samantha says that “penthouse” is a dirty word.
But she’s always saying stuff like that… Trying to be little-miss-bossy-pants.
Anyway… Penthouse is not a dirty word – it’s a dirty magazine.
Like, back before normal porn, and the internet, and stuff like that.
Oh, uh… I probably shouldn’t be talking to the Coach about porno… [giggle]
Anyway, Samantha just thinks the cheerleaders act a little too slutty…
But um… You don’t mind if we have a lot of team spirit, do you?
Like, even if that means sticking our little asses out. [giggle]
[sfx: elevator ding]
Oh… Well, I guess this is your floor…
Don’t you wanna *get off*, Coach? [giggle]
Good Morning, FSA.
Where's my bumps at?
Yeah no thanks, I just want to hear alice.
if i had no self respect like these vocaroowhores i would dominate these threads kek
My usual, a reading of "Where the wild things are."

Thanks in advance
you’re already browsing them so your self respect isn’t that high. post them, whore.
You let strangers define "respect," so it's not very "self" is it.

It always amuses me when people are aggressively proud of being good little cogs.
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Where FSA shines is the varying level of commitment.
Meaning any kind of content is welcome by anyone at anytime.
You can do it once and never again.
You can do a few and build a little following.
You can show up, be amazing, and disappear for a year or forever.
No self-respect or otherwise, we welcome you...
And hope the best for those who've come and gone.
But also please come back. We miss you...
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Taking care of your sick gf
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F4M version
Always wonderful to wake up to new audios! Thanks!
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Sunshine establishing!! Here to have fun! Make mems! Inspire~

Psstpaste for some scripts I wrote myself


I hope this hurts you physically the way that it should

Try changing the wording so that it doesn't feel cringe? I get off to mine just fine it being written by me doesn't bother me, and if a VA is really good they tend to still make it sound unique and original, if you really can't take it then maybe add in some spots that encourage the performer to improv very specific sections about very specific stuff and then have the writing continue. Doing a little bit of improv here and there is a good way to make sure that every take on a script will be original and unique to listen to for the writer while still not putting too much pressure on the VA to do all of the creative work.

I feel like I almost gave myself the hiccups doing this.

To anyone who like ageplay and the Loli being the aggressor I highly recommend playing with strangers. It's really well written! It was play tested and quality assurance guaranteed!! I heard tale there's also a nun one coming out..... But that's just a rumor
Waiting 60 Seconds to prove I'm a human is so stupid.
posting pornography of yourself is exactly what they want you to do
I have an idea of a wife celebrating anniversary with their partner with lovely pet names, a lot of I love yous and just really wholesome. Emphasis on the I love you yous. Maybe some everything will be alright and good vibes. It can end with her saying that she wants to spend the rest of our lives together. Also wife is a crazy stalker yandere type woman but listener is willing as seen that they are married and she still keeps her bad habits and maybe even rubbed off on listener.
can i hear someone describe at length, not in a pornographic way but more clinically, a what they like about a particular fetish of theirs and how they acquired it? ESPECIALLY if that fetish is pegging.
haha, I saw this a few days ago but figured I'd wait until I actually got drunk enough to get the hiccups

Just a silly vent ppl might be attracted 2 in a cuck way :3
Sun Bump
Anon, I have the same issue, I don’t love reading/watching things I create in general. I prefer to work off existing scripts/prompts/ideas. Here’s some notes, maybe they’ll help/inspire in some way.

Reflect on what motivates you to consume any media content and why you go back to certain content. Do you re-watch movies right away? do you re-watch entire video clips or just scenes? Do trailers ruin movies for you?

Take the script you commissioned and didn’t love. Peel back the script like an onion, examine what you like/don’t like and re-challenge your base assumptions. Why didn’t you love it? You didn’t get off? You weren’t aroused at all? Was it the performance? was it the pacing of your script? Were there enough trigger words for your fetish? Take a sexy audio that you love and ask yourself what you like about it to compare.

Note: sexy audio scripts in general are dialogue heavy so you have to incorporate narration/scene setting into the dialogue because you can’t otherwise feel it. This is more naturally built into confession, reminiscence, teasing, JOI type setups. Otherwise you have to give more direction and leave notes for the performer.

Concrete Ideas/suggestions:

- Try writing a shorter script with simple setup that still has key trigger words/phrases. I loved Ollie (vocawriter) scripts for this reason.

- Purposely allow for surprises. Mix detailed dialogue with impromptu sections that allow the performer to insert their own imagination and act. “you tell listener about the nasty things the other girl scouts have done to sell cookies. make up 1 or 2 things but remember you are innocent and inexperienced”

- Include narration in your script that is not meant to be read aloud but helps the performer better imagine the scenario. Example: “you sit on my lap and feel my erection. I am reluctant but you want me badly. 20-30s of begging me in submissive way to show you”
Sorry replied to your post but it didn't tag properly for some reason. see above
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medical (nurse/doctor) penis+masturbation inspection
>couldn't get past the fact that these were my own words
Other anons have given some good advice here, but this particular issue has always bugged me. One solution that has sometimes worked is writing something, never reading it again, and then writing more. The idea being that once someone finally fills a script, sufficient time has passed where your own words don't seem so familiar. This is not a quick fix and could take years to fully appreciate, but it has worked for me.
These are good notes thanks! I'm not really into writing actually but I really hate failing at stuff so I'll try again and maybe post a script here if I can get something together I'm happy with
Gooner + Porn Addiction + Edging Encouragement please please

Zoomer one was really good, made me laugh haha. Thank you, amazing work.

Are you able to do an alternate, same sph and degredation involving a goth girl and some footjob action? be even meaner and more degrading.
>To anyone who like ageplay

Hell ageplay is by far the biggest reason I come to FSA anymore since Psstaudio died on us. It's the highest of highs because like another anon said in a previous thread: a girl with a cutesy voice leading me down to darkest of paths is just the hottest thing ever.

>Waiting 60 Seconds to prove I'm a human is so stupid
So so SOOOOO stupid. Do that shit on boards where threads can hit max post limit in a day.
>Waiting 60 Seconds to prove I'm human is so stupid.
I somewhat get them you sound more like an angel than a human
Happy labor day my fellow Americans, and always hold dear the value of your labor.
And with that, I give huge thanks to those who share their voices here for free.
Its not unappreciated.
>Psstaudio died on us
This is a shame. Psst was a bright spot in an dim world. I'm grateful the paste descendent remains. Its kinda hard to know what would be a spiritual successor. It seems this scene is almost always in some state of flux.
A shame a mass migration didn't happen. I loved not being able to go 3 days without content from the likes of Katie Starling, Miss Beatrix and EvilLover. They went delightfully deep into the pool and I loved it.
Good Morning, FSA.
Lets make it a good one!
It is rare for a person to share advice on positive well-being after having a negative experience.
Sorry your had a bad day - I had one last week - and yes, the feeling fades.
I guess we're fortunate if overall we have more good days than bad ones.
I'm always amazed at people, who from outside, seem to have awful lives but seem so happy.
I guess it really can all be how you look at things!
Does anyone do simple masturbation or moaning?
It's genetic. Look into the work of David Pearce. He's aggregated more understanding of mood and pleasure than any human in history.

Lottery win or paralyzing injury, most people return to their genetic hedonic set point in 6 months.

Hyperthymic people do exist. It's considered pathology but I disagree. Deep rabbit hole.
Needed this. Ty
Hump day Bump day
I just think it's important to remember through all the bad moments that the good still exists. <3

I'm glad it was of some help. <3
Why is wednesday spelled the way it is?
I like the german version better.
Being able to query this kind of thing and get a reasonably true and simple answer almost instantly is yet another way the internet has made life worse. Fortunately, FSA makes up for this flaw.
Don't really care about thrusday's naming.
Good morning all the same!
Where's all the September audios...?
I'll get some scripts up and try to solicit... Keep the faith
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Oh, Wow.
Look at that.
Your thing looks so big.
And so huge. And its throbbing. And...
And you’ve been rubbing it for a while, huh?
I mean, I can’t believe you do that all the time.
Like, I’ve seen that on porn. Like, guys doing that, with their... cocks.
Yeah, rubbing their big hard cocks in front of girls and stuff.
And sometimes the girls get to do it.
But um...
Does it always get really big and swollen like that?
Or just in front of cute girls, like me? [giggle]
Oh yeah?
Well, it looks like it’s getting even bigger, and harder. Like, it’s gonna burst.
Well, you know what I mean. Like your big cock... its gonna cum, right?
Isn’t that what’s gonna happen?
Do you maybe wanna cum, on me? On my cute little face?
I’ve seen the guys do that too.
They always pull their cocks out at the last minute and...
And then they shoot this big huge cumload on the girls’ faces.
You wanna do that?
You wanna jerk your big hard dick until you cum on me... On my face.
You wanna shoot that big creamy load on my sweet little face?
I know you do.
I know you wanna give this little girl your sticky present. [giggle]
Right on my face.
Come on... Do it.
It's sad how slow this place has become now!
It’s cause the majority of 4chan users are male and female sexual deviants are rarer than male ones. I think this is just common sense. Also I don’t know think most girls would be ok with publicly posting nsfw what you put on the internet stays there forever. Also a lot of the men here can’t respect any boundaries. Tons of reasons

A cover of Prom Queen by Beach Bunny :3
Do it!!! You can only get better buy practicing!! And we can give you advice along the way too.

Nah, I did the zoomer one specifically because it sounded funny and if I'm going to put in 100% of the work for a request I'm going to make it enjoyable for me (in other words a funny shit post)

Yeah I don't know any other places at the moment where you can really get age play audios do you? It's pretty slim pickings out here right now.

Hahah okay okay thank you ^.^ flattery does make it more bearable if you put it that way.

You know I've kind of been thinking about coming back to making NSFW stuff. I stopped before because a lot of the requests I was getting went directly against my hard no's and I still felt really pressured to do them and it was getting really disturbing, but I always really Loved recording and I l've been thinking recently about coming back and doing more of what I love. I'm a Scorpio and I will be turning the minimum age for a milf (by porn standards) this year, so I was thinking about making a bunch of mommy audios for every day of Scorpio season.

I think it'd be fun. There are lots and lots of ways to be a mommy, and lots and lots of ways for mommies to act. I think it'd be really fun. And challenging to make sure there was good variety.
Sounds good mom
Does your real name start with an L.
Are you trans?
>I was thinking about making a bunch of mommy audios for every day of Scorpio season.

So you're saying I should get to work on some mommy scripts.
You're funny kiddo

Yes!! (And I really need to get to work on recording)
Oh no I have mommy issues this is going to be a problem for me
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>minimum age for a milf (by porn standards)
so... I'm guessing nineteen or twenty, lol.
Seriously though, a return to NSFW is welcome. Although, I'm very happy for any share or contribution. You've done so much already and continue to stick around in a very supportive way. Ultimately, I'm grateful when FSA is more than just bumps.
You did a mommy spanking audio for me ages ago that literally changed me. It sort of broke me for wanting scripts filled. I was lucky enough to get a fill of the same one by you and avocado, and I haven't written one since.

I still have the kink and a more coherent fantasy routine, but something in me just shifted to a lower energy state. You raised my standards to the point of it feeling pointless to request something like that again.

Almost like a movie with a twist ending there is no point to rewatching. My sexuality has always been scar tissue and getting that fill healed me some in a sense and now the scar is different and smaller. Your fill sent me down an AI path as well as that further changed things.

I don't know what I'm really into anymore, I just know the primary colors that painting would use. And one of them is mommy stuff, in a lewd conspiracy vibe way. I wish I could talk more about it but frankly I'm embarrassed.

Anyway just voicing my thanks and approval of your plan.

All the ladies here making audios have my deep respect, you're all doing such a kindness mostly just because you can. It's really genuinely sweet. That's always what girls were at their best imo, sources of all manner of supportive kindness.

Stay awesome and good luck.
I have your funny bone.
You get two good years of making stepdaughter porn, and then you're forever the stepmom.
God yes. Please. Oh my god please yes! an entire month of Sunshine /mommy/ audios is literally a dream. You would get so, so much cum pumped out
What was the audio. Was it ever posted publicly?
Yea but I don't have the link, or the know how to search for it. I don't think anyone else would be into it, apparently I'm a niche alien for not wanting bbc tentacle pegging furry vore or whatever is common enough these days to launch a thousand commission artists :P /sigh
Tropical popsicle plz come back
this is exciting. what are your hard nos?do you have any hard yesses?
I 100% support this and not just because I'm a pervert who wants some more sunshine humiliation or mean mommy domme audios. Express yourself, have fun, live your best life Sunshine. Do what you want, for your own sake, fuck those jerks.
There are few things that would excite me more than the prospect of future Sunshine mommy audios!
I think this might be it? (If not then you might like it still it has a lot of spanking)


That does sound like a mommy issue.

I've noticed most porn studios will start marketing girls as Milf around 25/26/27 especially the ones that have been filming since they were teenagers they get sorted into milf right away at like 25 it's kinda ridiculous but kinda hot if you like the idea of a young mother.

If you have a more cohesive idea of what you like then try to write around that! It might feel more inspiring to you now that you really know what you want, even if it's really similar to before, that's okay! When you have sex the same person over and over it tends to be pretty similar most of the time, And that's okay! That's enjoyable! And it gets slowly better every time because you learn exactly what you like with each other more and more. Same with script writing.

Hey! Give that back!! I need it for the laughs!!

Haha well then dream about it and think about any scripts you really really wanna see, I have some prepared already that are mommy mommy, make your little sister a mommy,(I was going to re-release taking you as a roleplay mommy too but I might have to reconsider that since now you know you've all read it) and pedo mommy so far and I'm always open to more scripts if you have something fully written.


No scat
No gore
No snuff
No vore
No death
No piss
No vomiting
No puss
No STD's
No Bugs
No Excessive Violence

Hard yes would be rape, mommy, virginity loss, yandere, age play, impregnation.

Aaaaa pervert!! But also thank you dear sweet pervert, I really appreciate it ^.^ just in the pre-work I've already had a lot of fun, so I think this'll be a blast.

Ooo well what are those few things? I wonder if we can make them all happen by October.
>Mother audio
Would you be willing to do something along the lines of this? https://pastebin.com/BjJ16C30
Come and get it
That one is not mine. Basically I like a lot of prep, corner time, milking, threats in the form of describing what you intend to do. My niche variation is not simulating punishment exactly, but more like an unspoken conspiracy, punishment as excuse for illicit or taboo intimacy. Spanking as an orgasm service, as opposed to hiring someone to beat me and leave. I also like an added cleaning play element where mommy washes me up a bit before. This is great irl btw as both a foreplay extension tactic and doubly ensuring there's no need for bodily self-consciousness.

Just sharing, I might do a script, but like I said before if I know I'm hearing my own words it's pretty ineffective. But sadly I am also very picky so there's an extremely narrow margin between transferring my style with no major turnoffs, and just repeating me. :/

Still, it's nice to even talk about anywhere.
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Right to heaven, I'm sure there are angels up there getting flustered from how hard I just painted my wall. Fuck me! You're intense and hot and lord almighty I can't wait to hear more
What a wonderful wonderful weekend:
I'm not doing improv. Improv puts all of the work on the preformers to not only do the work of performing and editing and sound mixing but also the work of writing and catering to you fantasy. That's a lot of work for something you are getting for free. I'm totally happy to do the audio if you write a real script for it! I'm not against any of those themes it sounds like it'd be really cute!

Ooooh!!! I think I know which one you are talking about now, the cleaning ritual before spanking really rings a bell, okay! That was a really really cute script, you should definitely explore the fetish more with more writing I think that will come out nicely and it's a good way to explore what you like and what you don't like, even if you don't like the idea of just hearing your own words you'll still find that every performance still brings some unique elements to it.

Well there will be a bit of a wait for more, just hang on a little till October when Scorpio season starts. This Halloween is going to be a lot of fun.

I'm not inherently against it but I don't like it just for the sake of it, so I am going to pass on this one. Thank you though<3
Your kind supportive words made me blush. In respect for the work you put in and the courage it requires I'll try to do the same. If you have any tangentially related ideas I might include please share them. Like any concepts I initially left out that came to mind given your experience with a wider range of script types. Thanks again, I'll be back with a script in a day or two I hope. Maybe. :$
i have no script but id really like it if someone did short scene where you're being fucked while on the phone with me and ur trying to hide

pls help a poor cuck out
Cool, and yeah, fair enough. Not much of a writer, but I'll give it a try.
these are all great, tysm
especially the third, not often i hear real ones
Completely understandable. I appreciate the response nevertheless
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I hope this request gets cucked. Stop being lazy and go find a script. Geez
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F for F
Can someone tell me i look good… even if i dont. For context im anorexic so i just need the confidence boost. Imagine im nude i guess. I dont have any breast or anything so i kinda want someone to compliment my midriff which kinda looks good if only i lift my shirt.
Another mommy script - more lighthearted with this one, but still pretty fucked up. Any feedback is appreciated; I leaned pretty heavily into the mommy talk in this one, not sure if I overdid it.

Thanks to Sunshine for the idea for this one!

Title:[F4M]Mommy's Son Becomes a Man
Tags:[AP][MD/LB][Incest][Intergenerational Inbreeding][Marriage][Impregnation]
Synopsis: A mother (the speaker) and son (the listener) live in a community where incest is common practice, and it is the duty of every son to marry his mother and breed her to expand their family, eventually leading to him marrying and breeding their daughters as well. Every morning, she gives her son a handjob as part of their normal morning routine. This morning, however, is special - during her son's morning handjob, she discovers he is now able to produce cum. She immediately begins plans to wed him in keeping with the traditions of their community and start having him breed her to grow their family. The story begins as he enters her room to start their wedding, following which he fingers her and fucks her until she leg-locks him and he cums inside of her.
Link: https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/6320f540da944d6abff2d8f737a283ca
I can't believe this is from 1977:
To the mod who keeps removing my race play script. What's the problem? Why can't you let me post my request and be done with it like everybody else
I appreciate the response. I'll try posting it again after this message and see if it sticks or gets deleted again
New Script!! Big thanks to Corvegas for actually typing and helping edit it!!


[F4M]The Body of a Holy Nun [Perverted religion][Cum Eating][Virgin Nuns][Lots of anal][Blow job][Gangbang][Confirmation Ceremony][Pussy seal with scripture written on it][Choir boys][Confession booth][Missionary work][Ageplay][Virginity loss][Taboo]

I had so much fun with this, I hope you guys enjoy it too <3

That is incredibly exciting!!! I look so so so so SO forward to it. But take all the time you need. I spent weeks on this nun scrip, so take your time!

Epic! I look forward to seeing what you can do and what you like!

<3 I got a case of hiccups last night, I wish I could have recorded it for you, sorry anon.

Good luck getting it filled, I wish you the best.

Epic and hot
There's a great movie about a virgin nun who is also a nymphomaniac. Her rational for being both is that she's "choosy." She also writes smut.

Song Bump:
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i think this is the first time doing one of these so i'm sorry if it's shitty but it was also completely improvised. mostly did this because i have also struggled with an eating disorder, someone might to a lot better than me but i mostly said things i also wanted to hear when i was really in the thick of it. maybe i'll try to re-record this some time i don't know, but i just wanted to fulfill the request even if it maybe isn't great. i bet you're beautiful, and i really do mean it.
also this is me talking about my experience a little bit. i don't know if maybe you'll relate or find comfort in it but i thought i'd include it.
Wholesome post
Do any girls ever take singing requests here?
i'm willing to try singing requests i'm just obviously not gonna destroy my voice so it has to be in range. i'm sure other girls might do some singing too, i think i've seen it before?
Hmmm, i guess ill find a couple things and throw them your way, see what sticks. No worries if i dont find anything that works for you
Alright heres three different songs that might be in your range. If any of them click id love to hear you or anyone else sing them. Doesnt have to be the whole song



I was really grateful to see/hear this filled. FSA get the occasional affirmation request, but they're usually from men and asking for general reassurance of worth or appeal. This was unique and seemed in earnestly in need. Anyway, glad to see this. Thanks!
Good Morning (from page 8), FSA
ap request https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/3ef590af20514422944b256387be061f

There's only one speaker, you didn't need to start every like off with mom, that makes it a little harder to read, and for audio scripts standard practice is *emphasis*
[Directions of tone and sound effects]
(Internal monologue, second person unread dialogue)

You don't have to make the standard practice change, but I do strongly encourage you to take out "Mom:" at the start of every sentence.

Over all this is a really cute script, I like the set up! I have a few tips if you want them in terms of the writing itself but you don't have to take them:

Her walking to the door the way it's set up now feels a lil awkward and a little misleading since the girl isn't there, she could just say the exclamation there in the living room, it'll make more sense than her running away from him to open the door, she could seduce him first and then slowly tug him to the room, like reeling in a fish, you hook them first "you can have my daughter" and then you reel them in "let's take this to her bedroom" if you real without hooking you can't pull them in. So line 38 could be
>>Come on, let's do this in her room and I'll show you how far I'm willing to go to make you stay.

Line 42:
>>I'm going to make you so happy you decided to stay. I wasn't bluffing. There's nothing I wouldn't do to keep you. If letting you fuck my daughter is what I need to do to make you stay then I'll do it. Why don't I help you with that?

>>I know she isn't home yet, just imagine all of the things you could do to her with my help. How cute she always looks playing on this floor. How good the two of you would feel laying on that very bed.

And then continue as you did before. This just helps clarify that she isn't home right now and that you're just in her room to enjoy the ambients of being in the daughters room.

Keep up the excellent work!! All in all I love this a lot and I like that it's short and sweet and to the pdfile point.
A really lovely poem I found and decided to read.
She writes... She performs... She edits... The Amazing: Sunshine
Seriously, where were you when I was starting to write? Oh yeah... Right here offering helpful advice. We should all be so fortunate. Thanks!
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i wanted to be able to get this done so this is a recording of one of the songs shortly after rolling out of bed and taking a shower. i feel bothered by it a little bit so i might re-record it if it gets to me but other than some little things i think it turned out alright. this was my first take ever and i have to go out today so if i do record another take it'll be later.

This was awesome! TYSM for doing my request. I think you did great for a first take.
Friday Night Audios....
Is that a thing?
It should be.
Great way to start the weekend and Friday-Night-Audio Jam:

Good Morning, FSA!
Anyone what happened to alice from the last thread? Her soundgasm's gone ;_;
Alice left?? Nooooo!!!
her bratty daughter audio was peak. fuck
Every one of her audios were peak
Sorry, no idea...
Sometimes people take a break. Sometimes people move on forever. Sometimes people find other places or personas. FSA is a temporal place - for good or for bad. I always hope people can look back on any time spent here positively.
Please can someone recite this poem:

In the hush of twilight, I’m a moth,
Burned by your flame, I crave the heat,
Your essence, a narcotic, pulls me in,
Fingers grip the empty spaces where you used to be.

I hunger for your thoughts, your breath,
The way you shift in dreams, a captive dance,
In my obsession, love’s cruel precision,
I sculpt your heart with trembling hands.

A puppet’s strings wrapped tight around your soul,
I bind you close with invisible threads,
Your freedom a ghost in my clenched desire,
Each kiss a cage, each touch a trap.

In the void between us, control and love
Twist like roots in poisoned earth,
And though I burn, I cannot let go—
In this dark devotion, I am bound to you.

Here is my best sexy voice attempt: https://voca.ro/1osyo4ooDszz

Thanks bye
I hate that site. Being able to easily download is required imo. Link rot is a global problem.
This is perfect thanks so much for doing this.
And just in time for the spicy season. Thanks a latte...
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are you still here? please answer. i want to contact you. i need someone to talk to heart to heart, so i don't have to think about life. if you need compliments, i can give them to you
That was very nice of you and you also have a really nice voice.
Hope you are doing alright now.
Not that anon but i’m sure you’re very pretty :)
Any ladies got experience or a fantasy of being with two bi guys? An explicit story would be nice, including how it makes you feel to see the guys interact.
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hi ;3 i’m new here, i can take requests.

Are you south Chinese/Hong Kong?
Requesting you speak reassuringly to a hardworking anon.
Im currently sacrificing alot to take care of my family (taking care of my aging grandparents).

Idk im not really the best at coming up with specific scripts or prompts.
https://voca.ro/1hAUvSXFC5T7 keep it up dude, it’s awesome that you’re taking care of your loved ones~

>>33442270 white
>it’s awesome that you’re taking care of your loved ones
Thanks, i appreciate it. Just hard with the rest of my family not doing enough to help me or my grandparents. My condolences for your grandmother
Well, perfect timing for the season...
And it looks to be fun one if sunshine makes good on her threats... See:
>just hang on a little till October when Scorpio season starts. This Halloween is going to be a lot of fun.
Audio RP is just another costume I suppose, lol

Oh welcome, Anon! Cute voice. I feel your first question answered was a lost opportunity. How about:
What/where was the last/fun time you were aroused in an unexpected place...? Like at a movie or airplane or something like that... If that's not too foreword.
its nice to see positives things around here
How about when was the last least surprising and most expected place...? jk haha
Hmmm... How about the typical: What in the world brings you to this site and thread...? And what kind of things would you want to record...?
Welcome! It's always great to see new performers here!

Any types of things/tags you'd like to perform? i.e. SFW, ageplay, etc?

Anything you would rather not record or are hard nos?
Here's a twist on the question: what was the last media/online thing you consumed that aroused you in an unexpected way? For me, sometimes a tight T-shirt on an innocent post is all it takes.
Your voice is absolutely sexy and sultry and can't wait to hear more from you in the future. Diamonds already and you haven't even said anything too lewd (yet).

honestly your voice is really fucking sexy. I have a thing for alto women's low voices and for some reason... it sets off fireworks. I would love to hear more about what turns you on... especially hearing you moan.
Wow, doubly unexpected, for me anyway. Hot story, honestly. Really like your voice, and might be the rare case where I'd listen to you talk about anything.
>If I didn't have the voice of a man these bio holes wouldn't stand a chance
Okay tranny
Your voice is so goddamned sexy. I could listen to you read the goddamned phone book. If you're still taking questions, what's one of your fantasies? And what's your preferred way to cum/goon? Assuming that's not too forward.
You really do have such a beautiful voice and I love that slight lisp. Also like that you're a gooner but one of the rare people not doing ageplay. Would you ever do a ramblefap?
I MISSED ANON MAKING MY AUDIO... if ur still here im sorry i hadnt checked the thread in a day or two. thank you for the kind things you said. ik the contact thing and uh, sown_clover on the discord im sorry im late. and i know ill probably get other adds from it but just tell me yknow
Fantastic, you are very appealing
Are those on the illegal side? >>33382341
:heart: :people_hugging:
I'm a requesting a short "You need to man the fuck up" audio. Basically slight emasculation / degradation, but not really but because you're trying to achieve the opposite effect through a tough love pep talk. Tell me I'm a weak loser and that I need to man the fuck up and not be a beta pussy, and that you will only have sex with alpha conquerors and not little bitch boys. Doesn't have to be long, like maybe a minute.
im guessing you have a cannibalism fetish
You should make more vocaroos about you talking about just things that turned you on lmao
Good Morning, FSA!
Speaker is a mean bad girl and bullies the listener for being a dorky nerd girl. Make fun of and tease the ever living hell out of the listener for blushing and getting turned on every time you mockingly call her a nerd or tell her mean things and maybe also laugh at them for being a fun toy to play with. I was thinking a voice that kinda sounds like the stereotypical tomboy voice (you know the one), doesn't have to be like that but it'd be nice if it were similar
In terms of audio, your voice is really sexy, and you have a natural charisma to the way that you talk into the mic, which is a fairly rare skill, so kudos on that.

In terms of the turn-on thing: Have you been cum-tributed before, and if so, then did you enjoy it? Do you like them generally?
That's a really clever, lovely poem. I had to relisten a couple of times, and I still can't figure out whether it's a victim describing her abuser, an ex lamenting the one that got away, or a mourner talking to their departed, and I also can't decide which I like best. Your delivery is absolutely incredible. Well done.
Good. Now do one where you describe your favorite things in great detail. Movies, shows, games, whatever.
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sorry if the quality is bad, it’s on my phone. it may be too poor to make any
Welcome welcome.
Sometimes audio recording is best done before you start your day.
I don't even need to hear it, quality is fine. If anons care they can buy you a mic. Also it's usually the ideas that matter, at least to me.
Your voice sounds really familiar, have you posted on soc before?
Good Morning Bump!
You are persistent, I'll give you that.
All I'm trying to do is post a request. I'm not trying to bug anyone after that, but for some reason somebody keeps trying to flag my post

I'm just going to keep coming back, make my simple request and hope to leave it at that
it would probably be best if you just post it once with a link to the request anchor instead of spamming it.
I did post it there originally. It got taken down. I'm only reposting it, not spamming it, because it keeps getting taken down

Normally I only post it once per thread and hope someone does it. But if it keeps getting taken down, then I'm going to keep reposting it until it stays
Adding on to this. If my script doesn't get performed, I have no issue with that. Everyone is free to perform whatever they prefer. I don't complain

However, I just want the ability for my script to be posted and stay in the thread incase someone does eventually do it

If someone robs that from me, then I'm just going to repost it everytime they take it down
This is reasonable. I'm sorry you're being bullied.
Seconded, censorship is hideous and insulting. I don't need anyone to hide things from me. I have filters for that.

Also I'm curious, what even is the request? Why would anyone care?
Thank you, I appreciate that. It was a request involving interracial
Yeah I don't know any other places at the moment where you can really get age play audios do you? It's pretty slim pickings out here right now.

Sorry for long reply time. 4chan just doesn't hit like it used to for me so I check only every so often.

Outside of soundgasm and a few DL'd files? I've got nothing besides my memories, sadly. Wish we had a sort of collection that could be maintained but that's likely too ambitious or problematic.Looove ageplay but it's deep in the taboo pool AND seems very susceptible to, "Oh the author/creator woke up one day and scrubbed their collection so now there's little to nothing" events.

I'm glad we had the burst of big time pdfile audios from the girls like meimei and nyanspurr. That was the most fun I've had with FSA in years desu and I'm sad both have stopped.
Whatever the case may be, I hope she is alright and doing well. She sounded like a good soul.
Ai is tolerable, but the technical bar is a bit high. It'll only get better though.
Saturday Morning and beyond....
cooler weather and shorter days....
Looking for some new school year audios.
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it's me again (replying to my former posts). here's a recording i did of me singing daddy daddy do, this might be a little weird because this was the only take i could get with my dog not barking and i gave up at a point. i've only been doing vocal lessons for a little so my vocal control is also kind of weird.
i think i failed to post this before and didn't realize??? i swear i posted this like an hour ago sorry if my side is just bugging out
Odd request but I'm into femdom and cbt would any girl be able to make an audio giving me instructions on hitting myself in the balls
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Um, never mind.
I forgot, okay?
Sorry. [giggle]
Look. Forget about her.
Look, I’m not done asking *you* questions. [giggle]
Okay wait. One more question and then you can ask.
Hmm... let’s see...
Well. Did you ever um, like, you know...?
Did you ever like, fuck one of the cheerleaders?
What??? It’s a question.
Well, there’s rumors… I mean, everyone says you have…
They actually say you fucked *all* the cheerleaders.
But I know that’s not true because well, there’s *me* Right?
What??? No way!
You’re seriously kidding!
Never? You’ve never had sex?
Gosh… Well, that’s funny, I guess.
I mean… It’s not funny that you never had sex.
Just funny that all those girls lied and...
Look, I don’t think anything bad about it. Okay?
I mean, obviously everyone thinks you have. So, what does it matter?
Anyway… Who cares?
Okay, okay, okay. It’s your turn.
Yeah, come on...
Go ahead. Ask me anything.
"Early Sunday Morning - Don't really wanna hurt nobody"
oh you're that woman who likes vesper and posts on the mans thread
Thank you pink woman poster. It is very nice.
here's a script i wrote with these tastes in mind. please let me know if i should change anything.
you have a very flirty voice. could we hear you flirt with amd tease your listener?
Flirty and Dirty Voices unite for the last week of September!
i'm actually not, don't know who that is. i used to like vesper but i was never a mans poster and was more a casual clip watcher of him, i was for the most part a lurker on vt but i did post maybe three drawings on pcg. never done a vocaroo anywhere but on fsa though.
thank you! trying my best to get better with controlling my voice.
where did you go
hey fsa, have a little ageply improv I did! it's father/daughter. hopefully I did this right, I'm new here <3

clearly I'm new, sorry about that, hopefully the link will go through this time

Your voice is so lovely. Would you by chance ever do any race play? Completely understandable if it's not your thing
I'm not opposed! what do you have in mind?
I'd like to request someone cheerfully wishing me happy birthday, saying I'm a good boy (preferably amongst other nice words) and telling me I'm gonna make it.
Scream the N-word over and over at the top of your lungs
Welcome. Very cute and quite good actually.... And improv no less!
BTW: overlooking the actual audio link is a very common thing, haha.
Hope to hear more from you!
Does anyone know of any audios like "Oh, you're a Sex Offender that just moved into the neighborhood? Please, come in and tell me all about it!"
I'm still trying to chase the high from that Zantosa audio.
Oh my god this is a top tier kink of mine and you killed it, especially for it being an improv. You pressed so many of my buttons. Please do more!
Always amuses me when anons show up, drop an audio, and disappear forever.
Seems like more of this than usual this go around.
Lets hear it for the last Wednesday in September! Woot!
Please just tell me I'm doing good and that you are proud of me and not to give up, that I'm a good man.

Preferably in a non sexual tone act like you're my mother or big sister
You can improv as much as you want
can anyone make one where they talk about their tits and how big they are while they grope them or whatever
just that they are talking about their big tits
any females here willing to send personal nsfw voice clips or voice chat? message me on discord if you are

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I want to get into doing this again but its been a very long time and I have no idea how to even start, the FAQs are a bit overwhelming so for now here is just me saying hello and I guess I will be informed what I have done wrong haha
Brit, not english, I like pretty girls and hurting men and I'm over 30 but under 40. Only looking at sfw bullying atm and maybe being supportive if I feel nice.
Just a lil cringe double post cos this thread is slow in case anybody wants half-hearted encouragement, I don't really care either way
can anyone make a very mean, dark sph audio?
Welcome back! We're happy to have you! Your voice and accent are delightful and I can't wait for you to hurt me. You can't really do too much wrong here, record whatever you like.
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Hey! I got this done super late but I consistently didn't have a period that was at least decent to record in until now. I'm sorry if I sound groggy, I woke up like five minutes before recording this and I'm still waking up. i feel like i sort of talk like a cornball when i try to give motivation so i'm sorry if it's corny. and by the way, i really have been thinking of your birthday every day, waiting for a good day to record this for you. i'm what i mentioned in the audio, i hope you have a good day even though i don't know you.
i kind of went with the older sister route, and i did this in one take because i wanted to have it feel more personal. someone will probably stumble over their words, maybe mumble a bit. i kind of didn't want it to feel scripted, which is why i didn't script it in the first place. this is just my brain flowing, i'm sorry that it's short.
i feel like all my recordings are corny i really do not know what i'm doing besides just wanting people to be happy i'm sorry lol
Thank you!

A little late, but can't really be mad about it, it's nice that you got around to it, I appreciate you thinking about it like that, it feels nice
If that is your groggy, I'm scared to asked how you sound while you're energetic o_o

Ngl I was really hoping for that 'good boy' in there, so if you feel like recording, and it's not too much to ask, I'd appreciate it a lot :3
I tried for cheerful, happy birthday excuse the pause in the middle
And a slightly longer improv, somewhat nsfw
Bullying bored lesbian tells incel they can't blame a small penis
Any rules to picking a name to go by? Or suggestions
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Thank you~!
Nice to hear that <3

I know it's a little awkward trying to just send general praise like that, sorry ;;
Don't stress it, birthday boys don't have to apologise
Thanks for taking the time and I appreciate it.
Was a bit cringe at the growing up into a man part a lil bit lol but I guess thats my fault.
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hhh stop ><

Okay, since the thread is kinda slow, another request if I may, though this one's goofy:

You're a sweet, caring mommy. You call your good boy to the kitchen, and tell me to taste the *whatever you're cooking*.
I tell you to add more salt, and you oblige.
You're sweet up and cute up to this point.
You taste it yourself, and yell how salty and disgusting I made it, and how I ruined it.
And then throw in some goofy pan hitting sound effect (or something to that effect), and scream some verbal abuse.

That's it. :3

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