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For all my fellow snooty north eastern friends.
>about me
Im curious, active, and honest. A good listener and interested in learning about the media your willing to share and talk about. I've been online for a while so I've seen a lot and im not the judgy type at all! I love hearing the stories that define who you are and what your going through.
>looking for
Friends to share time and taste with via text, VC, or RL.
34 m nh

lookin for a gf

i dont leave my house

all i do is sit on my p c computer and hang out with my really cute dog

pls dm me if u wanna hang out sometime with me and my really cute dog

my dog is really cute

discord: ironmongrel
Where are all the lewd femboys in NH.
Did they all migrate to Boston?
NH anons red arrow meetup when ?
19 f, western mass

spergy college student. i love eat hot chip and lie.

>looking for
irl meet ups w/ dudes 20-30. bonus points if you are in stem.

>not looking for
fatties, neets, retards.


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I love 3D relief maps TY.
22 M Maine
Need to work on hobbies and friends a little more, kind of low energy a lot of the time but I'm a chill dude.
Gardening, some strategy vidya, horror games and atmospheric walking sims, Classical & Medieval History, Climatology and Worldbuilding, weird/eclectic art and websites, anime.
Electronic music, though I prefer no lyrics or incomprehensible/other language. (EDM, Trance, Jungle, DnB)
Decently into programming and Linux stuff, though I've still got a lot more to learn.
>Looking for
Friends in my area I can go climb some mountains and chill with, buddies to go bar-hopping with would also be cool.
Mentors or friends to push me to actually learn web dev finally and make some shit.
People to play Vintage Story with.
>Not looking for
BPDemons, chuds.

Disc: tKharvud
That sounds scary...but I still would, that place is great!
M26 RI, bi-curious

Kik okaywill21
women belong in cages
me and some friends would be down lol
which one?
There's four total, all within reasonable distance of each other. However, only the Trashua and Manchghanistan ones are 24/7
Trashua's is a larger former friendly's but Manch is older and classic
Trashua there is high risk of encountering massoftwoshits folk, manch after certain times is guaranteed to be full or methadone occupied, which can be entertaining
I believe Londonderry is also 24/7, that would be my option, has the most seating. Manchester is fine but is rather small but has the most characters in my experience.
28m northern RI
bleached chubby Asian bi bottom

Big Asian boi with a tiny pp. looking for a dominant white boy in RI for DL relationship. Preferably talking first then maybe if we click really well becoming stroke buds or more.
Down to trade pics and vids of myself. Love porn and hentai captions too. Big raceplay fan as well.

Discord: aznsub2whites
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Unattractive short ugly useless unmasculine male feminist communist nice guy incel who females will never settle for because they are too picky

Looking for a progressive feminist woman to lower her bullshit high standards and settle for me (just fucking do it, PLEASE, holy shit would it really fucking kill you?)

Discord:: lacktoastntolerant
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25/mtf/southern maine

im a lonely retard and all i want is a boy around my age who i can talk the ear off of and he can do the same to me in turn
living nearby, or in comfortable driving distance is a plus, im really tired of only having internet friends and the normies i know irl are, well, normies
i love horror movies and poetry and anything with enough depth that it can be researched and talked about for days on end. let me teach you some stuff and dear god please teach me some new things.
i swear im a perfect sweetie and wont bite your nose off.
disc: wendigoabuser
vote for londonderry
or not
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25/M/Massachusetts, America
>Music you like
Immortal, Windir, Darkthrone, Demolition Hammer, Death. Just pretty much thrash, death, and black metal. I also listen to cheesy new wave music too when I'm really depressed
>Lookin for
IDK people to chat with? I don't expect to find anyone though
>Not lookin for
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
I like to collect manga, music, and anime figures, I'm tall, I'm suicidal and own two guns.
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gaming, cooking, vidya, exercise, studying, building lego, traveling, city exploration
>looking for
likeminded people, friends to make and hang out with
>not looking for
trannies/fags, fat losers
heres my discord if you guys are actually meeting up lol
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25 male
Southern mass
>about me
Looking for anything really even if it's just to hang I like punk rock I don't look my age tho lol. Usually go to a club in Cambridge mass called xmortis pic of me below
> contact
Discord tamejackz
29 m ma and RI border
>about me
I like music mostly metal, experimental and electronic. Lifting, anime, animation, smoking weed
>looking for
F that have a speech impediment
Kik 410anon
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23 m? MA
shut in neet, autistic, asexual(sex repulsed), depressed and hopeless, trying in vain to have any sort of worthwhile human connection, serious emotional issues
making art, manga, cartoons, old video games/consoles, religion/esotericism/occultism, cute things, multi-hour youtube videos about niche topics, being cringe
>Looking for
love and affection, someone who's cute and nice who I can cuddle and be best friends with in a romantic way, preferably nb since I hate men and women but I don't really care as long as you're not a masculine man
>Not looking for
sex, sexhavers, non-virgins, people older than me, conformists, political ideologues, trolls, catfish, gaslighters, etc.
Your post suggest you are looking for a person that’s 1 in 1 billion, yet you’re doing it on /soc/? Maybe take a good look in the mirror, recognize your limitations, and open yourself up to meeting a broader range of people.
why would I want to meet people I have no interest in and who have no interest in me?
it's not like I set some impossibly high standard, I didn't even list much beyond being attractive, nice and having the same sexual orientation as me which is the baseline for literally everyone.
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23 F, ME
autistic (but can be normie), shy but fun when I come out of my shell, I love visual novels and anime, and brainrot memes, just funny memes, being silly. I like video games and messing around. Idc if we have the same interests, just be funny and silly.
I like hiking, trying new things, going new places, I want a friendship like slice of life anime girls, we can literally just walk around and hang out. I'm a computer science major.
>Looking for
a FEMALE friend. no men! I'm starving for woman connection, to hang out and have fun, I will not meet you if you cant prove youre real (you dont have to do that right away)
10 inch cock looking for sizequeens or curious girls. guys i will show off for pics of your girl. if your girl is a slut send her my way. kik animalspeople
30 m Southern NH

Kik anonUSAalt
Added, I'm not far from you
I have nothing going on rn and am already past the terminally online point to where it wouldn't be weird to look for friends on 4chan so...

21/M/Southern Massachusetts
Dude who likes to obsess over his interests and wants talk and listen to other people with similar interests
Mainly manga, (not reading anything atm)
Japanese video games, (playing Demons Roots and will probably play Black Souls right afterwards even though that is a recipe for disaster)
and long ass novels (switching between Sun Eater Book 2 and Pillars of the Earth)
>looking for
Doesn't really matter just know I'm really bad at keeping a conversation going if it's outside my interests. I guess I'd like to have some more friends who are girls but anyone is welcome to talk.
M 32 Rhode Island, straight as an arrow
I drive an oil truck. Certified old fag on this site.
What happened to the hipsters of the 2010s? Do people still collect vinyl records?

Kik beckn354
Hmm you seem like somebody I used to know
wrong england, gtfo
>Lmfao (new) England Thread
You fuckin retarded or something?
M26 mass
Anom8910 on kik
Trading porn, maybe some irls
M 25 Manch NH

Looking for a gal to talk
to, maybe hang out and turn into a 4chan wife

20/m/east coast
>physical features
cauliflower ear (wrestler)
lean athletic build (160, 15% body fat)
blue eyes
decent face
>career/life situation
in college/national guard
going to school for cs (want to go into tech/finance)
like to lift, grapple, and read in my free time
my favorite author, is Dostoevsky
I am a serious and focused person (I can help you become one)
ASVAB and SAT 99% percentile (if you value standardized tests)
>looking for
I like to be in control of all aspects of my life that includes you
I enjoy helping someone organize there life so they can better themselves, and in exchange they completely submit to me
if I interest you, lets talk I want to help you submit to me so you can better yourself
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Alright Fuckers, a buddy of mine who I met though 4chan and I are going to Manchester Red Arrow tomorrow night at 9PM, be there or be square...

I'll be wearing an "I'm afraid of women" t-shirt.
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horny trans slut new york looking for trans/fem friends to have a dirty time with
kik: femboy_noelle
snap: noelleluv
discord: femboy_noelle25
37/m/western mass
Looking for femboys, trans, anyone to just chat with or trade.
Kik: justshield87
37/m/MA-RI border
Any F in the area want to chat or meet? 5'10, 160lbs, fit, white.
Tele: @j17561
sitting in a booth at the back
you retard add me on discord. im not active on 4chan often.
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The red arrow meetup was based. Thanks for swinging by guys, loved meeting you all.
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for the record their mac n cheese was shit, their hashbrowns tasted decent although there were hardly any at all, and the eggs were whatever. However... the pancakes were beyond heavily, perfectly soft and with the exact buttery taste required (when butter was spread on them) would eat there again.
You gotta get the poutine bruh
But yeah I don't know why they can't into Mac and cheese
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Bump I guess
It’s basic human interaction, anon

Here’s how you describe yourself:

> shut in neet, autistic, asexual(sex repulsed), depressed and hopeless, trying in vain to have any sort of worthwhile human connection, serious emotional issues

What could you possibly offer someone if that’s how you truly are as a person? If what you say about yourself is true, you should be looking for anyone with a pulse. That or better yourself so that you can be more selective.
Agree, sex repulsed ace really kills his chances
i mean the only problems i see with the guy is that he's looking for a woman to date on 4chan, which i mean, fair enough it's not like i haven't tried the same thing. This and that he's not looking for any friends. His interests are alright enough and he seems like a fair enough person. It's just weird that he's looking for something non-platonic but also non-sexual. Yeah that's rekting him in the end
>about me
im in college studying for art, into tons of anime, manga, movies, and music. im also picking up guitar a bit. im generally pretty friendly and like to hang out especially since i have so much free time
>looking for
anything really, lets just talk and see where it goes
disc: lucastalksshit
38 m Cape Cod

Here for the next week with a place all to myself. 6 feet tall and athletic. Looking for women or a couple, but open to all types. Let's go to the beach, have a drink, or just join me back at the house. I do love live music if you have any suggestions too.

Kik is Consciouscod7353
32 M Here.

Married professional here looking for some discreet fun on the seacoast of NH.

Hit me up on KIK: Shaneanakins
Fuck I missed it. Can you guys do it again?
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26 / F / Domme / UK London

Experienced Domme here with a lot of kink lists looking for determined and serious submissive kinky nerd guy who's was hopeless to find the right Domme/Goddess to serve, im here to fulfill your desires so why dont you give this a shot and maybe we can arrange something in the future !

KIK : itschnll22
SC: Goddesschanell2
Kik jjoner7899 to talk about UMass girls from 2014
6'2" 170 and fit, college student getting ready to apply to law school next year
Reading and writing, history, climbing, hiking, running, some videogames, movies, religion (not religious though)
>looking for
gf or casual meetups, got plenty of friends irl but looking for something more
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22 trans slut NYS desperate to get my ass filled by a sissy/trans fem and send pics back and forth ;)
kik: femboy_noelle
Any F into NSA hookups or lewd chats or whatever? Potentially open to couples too.

Kik- showmesomethingbold
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26 / F / Domme / London uK

Experienced Domme here with a lot of kink lists looking for determined and serious submissive kinky nerd guy who's was hopeless to find the right Domme/Goddess to serve, im here to fulfill your desires so why dont you give this a shot and maybe we can arrange something in the future !

KIK : itschnll22
SC: Goddesschanell2
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Portland Maine, male crossdresser, 35

Looking for FWB to fill my ass up on the regular. Thick ass, clean, descrete, 420 friendly, can host.

Kik thedude123497
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Sorry, Kik is thedude1234979
Thread's about to die but I'm still on Cape Cod. Who's nearby?
28/M/Eastern MA

I have
>99th percentile height
>99th percentile income
>99th percentile penis size
>99th percentile IQ
(sources: dubious online data, my 2023 tax returns, MENSA online test that I took for laffs today)

>Looking for
Some comfort in this lonely uncaring void universe.
Specifically, I want a shallow yet fun relationship (with benefits) with a girl. Trans/femboys/etc are welcome, all I want is someone cute to share affection with.

>Not looking for
Manly men.
LDR, unless you have enough time and independence to close the gap.

I'm boring. Tell me about yours first!

I go to BU and need friends desperately
Help a nigga out!
stubborn page 10 bump
gaming, hiking, gym, biking, weebshit
6'2, muscular, work from home
>looking for
Women who want to chat and possibly meet up if we get along.
North shore MA

HempMA gr33n app
Henlo Manch bro
I will help and wingman if you wish
sent message
Sad I missed the Red Arrow meetup. Any plans for a future one? Any NE/NH discord servers out there?
you're gonna need to post feet and be hasguns
Roommate hasguns. Does that count? You're not getting my (man) feet for free, sorry.
No, go out and buy one
Know lots of south shore ma sluts kik me rbman188
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21 femboy niagara falls buffalo NY
stole some of my moms bras n panties, n wanna show off my slutty holes n cock to anyone who wants to see!! i’m into nearly anything and will send anything, so ask away! i desperately need to be pegged by someone, so let’s make a time ;)
kik: femboy_noelle
discord: femboynoelle
snap: noelleluv25
Skinny white man with long hair and facial hair, taken, with an intense desire to make you feel good.

Do you need a patient and willing tongue to get you off?

I'm more than happy to talk first. Do you need someone to tie you up, but you're worried about your safety?

I can play dominant roles, but honestly I'm here for your orgasm.

If you're T accessible, say hello <3
29 m Massachusetts and RI boarder
Looking for femboys or trans
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20/M/USA New England/In Education/Heterosexual
>Physical description
White, muted green eyes, looks masculine, wears glasses, been told I'm average at worst, weight fluctuates a lot but never over 150lbs, not terribly fashion conscious but I make up for it by having flawless hygiene, dark brown semi-curly hair with facial hair, straight teeth, unfortunately I'm 5'7" but the inches went elsewhere ;3
>What I'm like
I have ADHD but I can cope plenty fine, business major leaning into finance and accounting, a bit of a homebody but always wanted to expand more, have a bit harder of a time making new friends but very clingy and social with established friends, almost always available to text or call and love to be bothered, a furry but I don't own a suit, I have a car (2019 Mercedes-Benz), out of work right now but I have some thousands saved up so I'm not broke and my parents are rich and supportive, I'm emotionally mature and don't require constant reassurance, I have a higher than average libido but can keep it in my pants, I steer clear of social media and short form media apps, very affectionate
The big one for me right now is Dune, I like to read and I used to draw art, I don't actively watch anime but would watch recommendations, I love caterpillars and can identify some of the common ones, I used to be big video game player, I love golden-age top gear as well as animals ecology and nature
>Sexual interests
I'm vanilla as fuck and I just have a breast fixation, I like furry porn and am willing to experiment a bit, monogamy only
>Looking for
I'm looking for a white cis woman I can spend a lot of time, energy, and affection into in a long-term relationship. larger chest prefered Must be older than me
>Life goals
to be happy and settle down with someone when I'm out of college, I hope to be the provider in my family, kids eventually
>Not looking for
Men, Trans, Friends, FWB, STDs/STIs, sluts, people with kids
Mass north shore, down to chat or whatever

Kik HempMA
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I forgot to put, I'm from East Mass but I travel up to vermont for college
Know lots of south shore ma sluts kik me rbman1881
>Know lots of south shore ma sluts kik me rbman1881

any of those sluts still being sluts?
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>about me
hetero catholic dude, italian/portugese, 5'7, brown hair/eyes, average build, bit of tism
drawing/making music, hike/camping, gym, manga, all sorts of music, vidya
>Looking for
girls to talk to and be friends with, preferably catholic but i know where i am, talk about music or whatever with and maybe become something more later. maybe a guy friend if youre really chill but no gay stuff
>not looking for
hookups, sexting, gays, lesbian, bpd, catfishing, neets
27 M Connecticut

If you've ever looked at a Pixar Mom and felt increasing pressure on the side of your inner thigh, then my 26 year old girlfriend might catch your interest. I'm looking to share my short thick legged blonde of a girlfriend with some strangers from here. If you're a fan of wid seee bases on otherwise tiny gals; then you'll love digging into her. If you're looking to get the blood flowing and see where things go send me a message.


Middle NH friends.....non-existant....
I'm in the Seacoast, not too far of a drive. I'd be down to hang.
/Northeast/ 25+ Discord server for folks in the American northeast excluding NJ, NYC, and Long Island because the server owner hates their guts. We're kinda slow but It's a close knit and cozy community with reasonably well contained shitposting so feel free to come join us if ya want some new pals.
being a druggie, web happenings, trance and midi music lately
>looking for
20, Male, eastern MA
99% Percentile IQ (as measured by SAT, ASVAD, VOCAB Size)
Athletic build
Cauliflower Ear (life long grappler, let me be your defender)
>career/life situation
national guard/college
jui jitsu
>looking for
a submissive female
someone who wants to serve
most importantly: someone who is always asking how they can serve me better!
add my discord and we can have a more in depth discussion about what I need from you
Seek retards at your local red arrow you must
wheres the burly vermont /soc/ communities hiding spot
M anon here in burly
are there just no femanons in new england?
HempMA for chats, north shore
You've got the fat and ugly ones content to stay fat because of the cold
You've got the feminist university cunts that hate men
You've got the massoftwoshits potato headed women
Very little left over, the nice looking ones leave for warmer weather or the urban blight shitholes
so accurate. Any attractive or interesting person leaves cuz its a wasteland here of normies, old ppl and ugly bitches. Its shocking when i went out west and the average girl was actually hot. There is defientky something going on on the drain of hot women from New England. Where do they go exactly?
Sent a fq anon!
im on the vineyard
drop your discords!!
I fucking hate living here holy shit
I dream of moving up North (New Hampshire or Maine) but I know I'd be yet another Masshole ruining a small town
at least you're self aware
added, from btv
I guess I'll bump this even though I'll likely not be doing myself any favors by posting here.

26/M/CT (Near Western MA)

>About me
I'm a busy, very social guy. I own my own house and live alone, and while I have a lot of friends, I tend to get lonely sometimes. I'm 6'4", chubby but still handsome/cute, nerdy and well groomed. I've got a lot of hobbies, I make music, and used to have a semi-successful website selling hypnosis file commissions.

Hypnosis, music (esp. '70s), singing, synthesizers, writing, ttrpgs, retro tech/computers and a myriad of other things

>Looking for
Someone AFAB interested in companionship and hypnosis (both erotic and non). Ideally we'd text first, and occasionally VC. I tend to get flirty/romantic quickly after a session or two.

>Not looking for
AMAB, friend collectors or anyone who believes hypnosis isn't real.

Middle as in where? Belknap area? Drop discord buddy.
In case there was any question, people from New Hampshire and Maine aren’t exactly gems of human beings based on their geography
Thats kinda mean desu.....there are plenty of kind people up here....
f/central nh
300 lb ugly extreme smut blob/bbw/ussbbw/slob drawing artist girl
i smell really, really bad and sit in my room all day until my hair mats and smoke too much
i like to talk. about daily life things i geuss
i draw ussbbw slob art like gross stuff
i like lolcow slop content ig, like lolcows kiwifarm lolcow dawt farm etccccccc so add if u like that too pls
or have a lot to complain ab or rant
>looking for
people from nh lol. people who like lolcows, preferably artists but its a long shot isnt it. people who stay up late
>not looking for
coomers towards me. i canmtalk about sexu but dont talk about fucking me or nudes like that mane :O
people who h8 weed smoke n stuff
ppl who r not witty/ or dont like jokes at least. i like funny stuff laugh always yes yes ^_^ ggteruier
ill unadd u if u dont draw
if u clearly didnt read this or dont even remember me i unadd u also
Boston area. Friend & I double teamed a hot slut. Jerking while talk about it? Ask anything? Kik tuska126
non artists can add* sorry
Didn’t say there weren’t, anon. It’s just a joke to assume people from mass are assholes but those from nh/Maine are somehow better as a consequence of living slightly north of our great commonwealth
i saw that
maybe if you drove me there lol i dont drive
dont kidnap me though im high maintenance : )
What did it say?
they wanted 2 be my feeder for the meetup xD
21, F, Boston Area
Computer science student. Interests include weightlifting, bikeriding, hiking, reading, painting and drawing. I’ve been really busy lately but when time allows I like going out and exploring NE through bike rides, hikes and road trips. I go to hackathons sometimes.
> looking for
Female frends. i’ve met a few from here and they’ve always been a lot of fun :-) ~NO MEN~
picrel a painting I made today
your discord tag doesn’t work :-(
if you’re still around, please feel free to add me!
Is that a pic of the Fells?
i can only go after 12am doe…
Red Arrow diners club discrod server when?
do you want to be fucked by a man who still has testosterone and hasn't been feminized by the microplastics, lol
hit me up
>looking for
32/m/seacoast NH

Kik: NHanon2
Hello, 35 year old married man from Central Maine who needs to relieve some built-up sexual tension from a sexless marriage! I am looking to meet up on Saturday, October 5th while the wife is out of atate, or M-F in the early morning/early afternoon while my wife is at work! I am drug and disease free, average body type at 5'9" and 175lbs with a 7.5 inch long thick and cut, shaved cock. Can chat on Kik to settle out the details @hornymaineguy
Alright, round 2 lets go
I'm interested
21m rhode island

i like to use my computer and i like drawing and im bored most of the time and would like to hang out with ppl. i like to eat out a lot, thats fun

discord: dirona24
if you know me and you see this.... uhm this is awkward
S-shit, if its Saturday I could actually go.....terrifying....
Looking for someone my age (18) in the Boston area. We must eat apples together and go on long walks!
Jerking to the girl my friend & I double teamed. Ask anything? Kik jan02617
What’s your favorite type of apple?
Oh no....I just saw this because I swapped devices.....painful.
Is it haaaaaaappening?!?!? Is this gonna be REAL?!
22/M/NY (Ik its not New England but uhh fuck you)
Militaria and history (Recently started reading about the Contras and the funny three letter glowies), Plane autist, tinkering with cars, PC/vidya, anything related to music and art, occasional youtube slop
>looking for
friends (or more?) People to talk to about any of the stuff above. If you wanna just talk about the super niche intricacies of lesbian basket weaving or some other esoteric topics related to the stuff above, I'm all ears, I enjoy consooming information. potentially meet-ups if we get to know each other well enough, I can drive so distance isn't too much of an issue unless you literally live in Vermont or something. Also looking for someone to teach me Ableton c:
>not looking for
Losers, Creeps, Weirdos. Don't be dry, put in the effort to talk if you wanna talk.
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22 trans NYS
femboy gooner from buffalo looking to meet up and get my ass pegged n filled by a sissy/trans fem
kik: femboy_noelle
So like
Is a Red Arrow happening this Saturday or somethin'
Any New England discord servers or kik groups?
I dont understand how new england feels so empty, like, there HAS to be at least ONE good sized server. Especially with boston....
Beats me honestly
This saturday doesn't work for me but I'm free next saturday
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Rhode Island HMU
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Looking for more friends for movie nights, game nights, going out for food/drinks, and the like. Send me a message if you are also looking for friends in the Boston/MetroWest area and are not a totally deranged.
oops im tarded

discord: emperorlondo
TFW not snooty
Masculine guys you can go do your own thing, have fun tho
Discord: mintyfern_ idk if the underscore should be there or not.
26/F/ Western Mass & Rhode Island (I have two houses that I go to weekly)


Animator and student and artist. I'm not as good as an artist as I want to be I'm almost done with college and I don't have that many close friends. Just looking for somebody who has like a lot of time on their hands.

I'm really friendly and open and a big yapper. I'm black

Oh yeah I like video games and ween stuff. Nature too~

>Looking for

Someone to help me get out my comfort zone and have someone teach me how to laugh and be more open with.


dawnydawny123 on discord
Closest Red Arrow to me is in Concord, and it's still an hour away. The Masschester and Trashua ones are just too far. I think us NHGODS are just too spread out.
i sent you a request for the art/animation. I also partake.
25/M/Massachusetts, America
>Music you like
My Skin is Multicam, M8L8TH, Peste Noire, Immortal, Windir, Dissection, Darkthrone, Demolition Hammer, Death, Assassination. Just pretty much thrash, death, and black metal. I also listen to new wave, really old country, big band, and am looking to explore classical music.
>Lookin for
IDK people to chat with? I don't expect to find anyone though. Open to almost anything so don't hesitate
>Not lookin for
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
I like to collect manga, music, and anime figures, I'm tall, I'm very suicidal and own three guns. I cook but I'm not very good at it. Slight Slavophile
Bumping for my fellow NHGODS. (all 4 of us)

I'd be suicidal if I lived in Mass too.
I wanna know where the NH femboy went............
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27/MtF/Northern Mass & NH Border.

I don't really have any girlfriends and would like to get outside my comfort zone more. I work a brainless office job and spend most of my free time either shopping, looking at new fashion trends, day trading, or watching TikToks. I am a Sanrio girly (Cinnamoroll is my fav). I also like video games and anime; I would really like to get more into gaming since I haven't played much in a long time.

>Looking for
Other female friends my age, preferably 25-30, to go out to dinner, shopping, or get nails done with.

>Not Looking for
Men; I already have a boyfriend. Don't want anything outside of friendship.

@_bubblynix_ on Discord.

(Pic is a gem art kit I did recently that was fun!)
>I'd be suicidal if I lived in Mass too.

You sound absolutely insufferable
Boston area.. Friend & I are hanging out and sharing hotel with a hot 20f we met recently tonight. Kik me oxto781
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35/male/Portland me. Crossdresser bottom who love to get his guts fucked. Also like sucking. Hit me up on Kik: thedude1234979
average masshole cope
How intimidated are you by big city folk livin yonder out there in Massachusetts?

You sound more pathetic than even this guy >>33499723
impossible I'm not from mass
keep sneeding
18 M Lowell Ma
>What are you looking for?
Friends with possible benefits any gender.
>Your interests?
Dnd, Music, Roleplaying, Fantasy Anime
General buttstuff(anal, facesitting), Sounding, can't think of others off the top of my head that are possible Irl.

When you message me, please ensure your message contains "Watermelon" so I know you are coming from this.

My phone is currently dead and charging so if it takes a bit for me to reply after I post this, that's why.
Dubs wills it
Digits decides which (24hr) venue
Rolling for midnight Manchghanistan meetup
>>33511009>>3350tonight, lads? will we finally midnight rendezvous
did women come last time…
Fuck it, I'll show up
somewhere in londonderry
see you there fags… B)
21 m boston
Come out come out wherever yous guys is
how do we know who is from here doe do we all start screaming about terrorist action in the parking lot
there’s like 200 people with they lights on looking gay and soclike
Come inside and wait for a table
there’s only one person there isn’t there….
Fuck if I know, I only brought myself
Gonna go out and smoke
Londonderry right ?
Gr8 meetup lads
Boston/south shore love talking about local sluts kik jan1041
I'm a chemist from Boston what's up
A lot of people from the northeast in this server
20, M, Massachusetts
>Looking for
Reading (Dostoevsky and Nietzsche)
Poli Sci (e-acc if I have to pick an ideology)
Working out (lifting and grappling)
retards (unless they are good at following instructions)
Long time ago but what's your name?? Like first few letters I got spammed and caught up with work *-*

Message me to talk about local big titty Rhode Island women.
Burner401ri on kik
28 CT....Looking to share my short and thick legged blonde of a girlfriend with some strangers from here. If you're a fan of wide bases on otherwise tiny gals; then you'll love digging into her Pixar Mom looking ass. If you're looking to get the blood flowing and see where things go send me a message.


Anyone interested in talking to or meeting up with a 30 year old tranny from worcester?
yeah for sure, you got a discord?
Never had any luck on this shit but I basically want a fuck buddy to tie up in bdsm and go ham on. Not kidding myself with any women being on here. Be a smooth twink/femboy/trans, shorter than 5'8, completely smooth, fem, and open to anal and chastity. Reply if ur interested
29 m 508
Western Mass
M29 6'4 cornfed build
Looking for females, Trans, femboys to chat, get naughty with. Maybe meet if we get to that point.

Kik weakyt
What's the pay per hour?
More seriously, are you a regular masculine man?
How about taller femboys?
The pay is fun retard fuck off no sex workers.
What are YOU like?

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