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Since FGO has no in-game chat, let this be the unofficial FGO guild for players who bond via FGO to hang out about things outside FGO!
Alright bro anything you wanna share?
kys homo
live yourself homo
Post the convention pics, Castoriabro.
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This will be a great thread bwos!
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This happened at the AX cosplay gathering.
We already talk about off topic stuff on /alter/, not sure why we even still need this...
At least here, there's no chance of some sperg melting down and running to the mods, so there's that.
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Would you this chubby big hair mo?
jesus christ how horrifying
Why are you all so gay
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For the record, anyone posting this image in either the /soc/ thread or the main thread isnt me. I rarely ever talk in the main thread. I apologize to anyone whos had to see this.
Can we have some slut for once...
That's you? Hot.
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>make pics
>posted them on 4chin
>apologize it later for some reason

Why troons and fags are so retarded, troonbros?
You have a fat ass, bro.
Hope you had fun crossplaying bro
Yeah, dunno why this guy is obsessed with you
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This is a nice place to be instead of the main thread now...
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selling /alter/gf 50m qp
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This kind of shit is why Tonelico uses the cyan lipstick
Where art thou, Castoriabro?
Yeah, I guess it's easier to compete chest size against other guys
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Im glad someone atleast enjoys the photo, I just feel bad for other bros getting flashbanged on a blueboard with it
ANYC was a blast, im honestly pretty disappointed I didnt meet anyone from /alter/, or atleast was unaware of any /alter/bros there. I am planning on going to anime boston in the future, so hopefully I can meet a few bros there.
It is what it is I suppose, just the nature of this site and all.

Dont wanna shit up the thread with my blog posts, so probably not gonna post much more for a bit, feel free to ask questions though, ill try to answer as best as I can.
I'll be honest, cosplayers kinda aren't easy to approach so bros will have a hard time interacting with you. But good luck regardless
I was there, maybe we met, still wish I didn't see that photo though.
Did you cosplay as anyone beside Castoria and Okita?
Don't shitpost using my wife you sodomite faggot
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Alter bros don't want to come out of the woodworks. It's an uphill battle getting someone to meet up irl even at a majorly public event like a convention.
Unless you're in each other's DMs you're probably not meeting anyone.
Or maybe there's a significant portion of /alter/ that live in different parts of murica.
Or not even in murica.
Yeah I think i live too far away from most cons and what not and im not rich enough to justify the cost of everything if i was closeby i might if some of you guys went
I mean I doubt you are the only one near your state so with some luck you could meet
That was Castoriabro not this guy
post pics of your cosplays
post cocks
Castoriabro please show yourself. I want to see your cute cosplays and fat thighs again.
Just listened to The Forever Story by J.I.D, phenomenal hip hop album.
Considering how /alter/ presents itself, sane people sure as hell aren't going to want to physically meet up.
Why so mean?
Please respond bwo
Id def say hey to people at the next AB, fir funsies
I dunno, /alter/s issues are mostly designated to a weird subgroup of shitposters. Vast majority of my interactions with anons in /alter/ have been positive enthusiasm for the story/characters/game enough that it doesn't seem off putting to meet random /alter/bros IRL.
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hello, is this the /alter/ steam group thread? I want an invite for the minecraft server please
i've lost cum to you
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We should have a Minecraft server, it's only right.
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>log onto /alter/ minecraft server
>build a wheat farm
>log off
All in a days work
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>log onto /alter/ minecraft server
>see a wheat farm
>burn it
>log off
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What's the point of these threads if you guys don't even share contact info like Steam, Discord, etc. or want to meet up? Is it just a desperate bro making the threads to try and get more pics out of the Okita and Saber crossplayers?

Anyways, if there's any bros in Ontario, I'm all for meeting up. That said, there's no cons until next year (Anime Toronto got cancelled) so it'd have to be anything else. Or if people here play multiplayer vidya, we can add each other on Steam.
I'd share my discord if there wasn't a lewd tint to this thread.
Outside of the guys posting pictures of themselves cosplaying, anons would have to be retarded to just assume whoever they're talking to is going to match their gay fantasies. If you aren't opening with pictures of you crossdressing or your dick, it's a safe bet it wouldn't go down that route.
I just want friends.
K let's be bros.
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So what dating apps do you guys use?
wanna add some /alter/bros on dc
maybe we'll hit it off and become bros for life idk
username is matchamayhem if anyone is interested
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Never gonna use any. Nobody needs them. Here is literally the place to find a cute nerd who share the same kind of hobbies you have. Asking for sluts should be more than enough but the issue is that they don't need boys since they have their own hobby to worry about and 2d is more than enough for them, sadly....
whoops, it's matcha_mayhem actually
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Sent you one.
I'm more of a marvel guy myself
My DC is harruhy for any bros!
I'll add you bro.
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if any bros want to add me for just talking about FGO or maybe other games (I only play single player stuff though basically), I'll throw my DC out

Hey, been playing FGO since EN launch, but don't got many friends to talk to about it :c
Feel free to add me on discord: whitebear0587
>meet up
I live in the arctic circle bro it's not like there's other bros here.
Should I post my ID? Will bros actually add me?
I'll add you bro but only if you don't only talk about FGO.
Sluts? Please?
Anyone in Arizona? I don't play FGO, just a secondary
lol gaaaaaaaayyyyyy



Why can't you be our slut, bro
You fags should have just asked the Okita and Saber crossplayers for their Discord IDs if you wanted to be gay so badly.
add me on discord if you want a shameless slut
what makes you a shameless slut
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I came to /soc/ to find an Asian girl for a 3some. did not expect to find a FGO thread here. truly a blessed day
Bros is BB Dubai shit? I need copium since she wont come home
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Sent a few hours ago
>add bros from thread
>no one wants to chat
Maybe dont wait for them to talk and make the first move yourself retard
Not him but what if they don't want to talk at the moment and I'm just bothering them?
Still send a message. If they care, they will respond. If not, you just filtered out someone who you should not be investing time and energy into. You cant just think about if you are bothering someone, that shit just gets in your head bro. Take action instead
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crossdresser pictures DOKO???
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Anyone near Evanston Illinois want to meet up and play some Melty Blood?
I live in Canada but I'm down to play Melty Blood, both AACC and TL.
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Hey Cyan, if you're reading this, please add me! DC is matcha_mayhem
Nobros need to stick together!
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Why do you want to fuck him so badly?
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Shut up.
Don't be I want to fuck you just as badly.
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It's fine L, let's ignore those losers and come build gunplah with me. We can even watch Gothicmade later - I'm friends with a guy who built the cinema set up that Nagano insists on using to screen his film.
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none of those were me but I will chime in to say while seeing Gothicmade for the novelty of it would be cool I really don't like the GTM design style and all and think Nagano has lost his fucking mind with their designs, they're all just downgrades from FSS to a ridiculous degree.
Yeah, it sucks. Gothicmade looks like knock off Star Driver in design.
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It hurts what he's done to such once beautiful designs. I really can't forgive him for some of these. I just don't get it.
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Old school Nagano's designs are gorgeous. Masamune Shirou is another old school mecha artist than I find it sad his newer art sucks. But at least Masamune had the excuse of losing tons of his materials in the earthquake which might have broken him.
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They are. His early Gundam designs are great. The Hachicca and Hamma Hamma early drafts are so cool. Maybe he'll get a grip again, I don't know. I hated what Katoki turned to for about 10 years of his career then he finally stopped redrawing everything to look the exact same.

Shirow's an odd one. I really like most of his mechanical design, but he's now spent such a long time drawing porn, and not really porn I like much, and now it's just hard to really think about him in other contexts.

Izubuchi is probably my fave of that era of designers honestly, but they're nearly all so good in their own ways.
I went to AX as Rin and hooked up with a touhou cosplayer. Pretty fun desu.
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You're just gonna say this without giving us the full story? Come on bro give us all the details.
I went out to an after-party and we started dancing together and ended up making out on the dance floor.
Then I took them back to my hotel for the after-party there and we spent the giving each other buttjobs.
Like I said, pretty fun desu.
Ik this is mainly for fate stuff, but do people ever post cosplays of other game characters here? I ordered my first not too long ago, and I’ll probably try it on in a month or so when I lose some more weight(I have been for months and am at a healthy bmi now!)
Please be N E A R B Y
Post more cosplay pictures. Are you cute and single? How long have you been doing this? When is the next convention you plan to go to??
>that stance
Dude, at least try to look feminine.
looking good bro
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I don't think there's anything stopping you from doing so.
Who do you plan to cosplay as? I've cosplayed as a few non Type Moon characters, mainly Blue Archive.
Also congrats on the weight loss journey bro
not bad.
>Post more cosplay pictures
>Are you cute and single?
No, Yes
>How long have you been doing this?
About a year
>When is the next convention you plan to go to??
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>but he's now spent such a long time drawing porn, and not really porn I like much
They're also just straight up worse than his old manga art. That classic Major having lesbian VR orgy from the GitS manga was waaaaay better than most of his recent porn. In particular, I don't like the weirdass glossy coloring he does these days.
What was the last convention you went to?
>no bjs
Which 2hu was he dressed as?
he blew me for a bit, I felt a lil weird about blowing a ONS tho I dont want aids desu
I guess my version of ONS is a little bit more spicy compared to yours

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