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>describe yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
26M, Europe

After trying (and ultimately rejecting) various moral systems and religious illusions, I arrived to the conclusion that what was wrong was not this or that morality, but morality itself. Having accepted that, I gradually became more and more unhinged (which is a good thing).

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, thin, Rasputin beard. Extremely well mannered and cerebral, but free of any inhibitions. Machiavellian.

>looking for
A girl/woman of any age (18 and up) meeting one or more of these requirements:

Someone who is broken.
Someone who feels ugly.
Someone who feels useless.
Someone who is mentally ill.
Someone who self-harms.
Someone who is lonely.
Someone who desperately needs something or someone to live for.
Someone who is fucked up.
Someone who has kinks that are deemed extremely unacceptable by society.
Someone who is perverted.
Someone who has always felt like an outsider.
Someone who is a loser.
Someone who has a fucked up past.
Someone who is desperate to escape their current reality.
Someone who needs a kind soul to talk to.

I'm open to absolutely everything and I will not judge you. Expect me to be extremely sweet from the get-go, and be prepared to be heavily lovebombed. I want you to tell me your entire life, your opinions, your feelings, your secrets... to make you feel like the most special girl in the world. You will be _my queen_ (except in bed). I have spent a lot of time with timewasters in real life and I am getting old, so expect to be impregnated the moment we meet :)

>not looking for
Someone who is not open to a relationship, healthy and balanced people, troons, timewasters, people who send a message every two weeks

>contact info
Discord: lxx_reader
I am 31, Male.

Currently seeking out abused ladies that enjoy the pain and degradation of being abused, and not looking in any way to improve their overall well-being. Knowing that they are fully deserving and requiring of more abuse is a welcome boon, but not entirely necessary.

Do not approach me if you have an eventual expectation for kind and decent treatment. This goes double for anyone expecting this to be a short-term exchange or any "curious" individuals not cut out for an imbalanced power dynamic and being treated as an object of scorn to be constantly denigrated.

My interests include, but are not limited to: Taxidermy, chess, antiquarianism and history

Discord tag: tr_comm
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30/male/texas (houston)
>describe yourself
I work full time, live in an apartment and own my car. I enjoy outdoors but also volunteering for anime cons. I collect firearms with a fiction on older eastern euro guns. Brown short hair, beard and glasses. Normal looking. As for toxic trait I become hyper fixated on my partner to the point my last 3 relationships I stalked the person upon meeting them, finding out work places, address, etc. I told them all during the relationship I did this. I enjoy long drives and road trips. Also I've been cheated on in the past so I'm paranoid about it. Also I kind of have a fetish for scars of any kind on my partner.
>looking for
Someone to be the center of my world. I'm okay with people with mental issues and even prefer those with bpd or the like. Male or female but as long as theyre feminine since I'm traditionally masculine. Preferably someone in texas.
>not looking for
Those who send one message replies, ghost or build up a conversation then out of the blue disappear.
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Discord: kaban_tan
>I collect firearms and openly stalk you
Toxic not death wish, find help.
24 cisf Australia
>About you
happa egirl with daddy issues and clingy personality
>Looking For
some 1 to spoil me with runescape membership in exchange for... hehe
>Not Looking for
stingy meanies
>Games you wanna play?
osrs and a few others
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Drop your disc if you’d allow a fat bi guy to control you to cope with his loserdom. He’ll actually love you but has bizarre sexual requests and is pretty much a sicko good enough to remain out on the street.

No Christians and if Jew, renounce the religion first. Muslims are shunned. Fuck off, you’re probably gonna murder me you shitstick.

mock incest, yiff, knots, piss and shit (not mandatory), musk, free use, slob, corruption, cnc upon request. Might pretend I’m retarded and fuck you.

I wanna ogle and grope you and strip you down whenever cause im horny all day with reasonable breaks.

I have had no valuable relationships in life and have had lower than average social stimulation due to autism and abuse and PTSD. (This means true abuse will be avoided!)

Oh yeah here’s my non perv hobbies

>crime shows and action with war
>similar taste in tv with games (ps5)
>black metal and mature alternative, if something is good I might branch out

Can be depressing and might turn you into my therapist.

Ideally, check photo for prerequisites
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>Toxic not death wish, find help.
That's a fair statement not knowing me but I'm not a violent person. I've never raised my hand in anger against anyone I've been with and only put my hands on my ex when she was having a mental break and had a knife which I grabbed and took away from her. I don't think it's fair to claim I "need help" when I'm overall a amicable person
Are you a full seller or do literally just want game subscription
Its a monthly subscription. No different from paying for OF if you're going to buy attention from someone.

More likely than not, the clingy aspect will last insofar to your ability to provide said monthly subscription.

Do not entertain these parasites.
I'm only moving to Texas next year but you seem perfect :( I hope you're still around by then anon
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I'm okay with ldr if it's the right person with the goal of being together irl, I have no plans to move since I've volunteered and am known by some of the bigger cons in texas.
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
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20m us east coast

high anxiety depressed cutter, i like movies music books writing and fashion

looking for girls who are white, crazy, interesting, cool, abusive

not looking for fats, larpers, bitches who want money, browns, men obviously, severe autists

discord is .sladger
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>describe yourself
Chubby, hairy guy who's 5'6ft , loves art and music, good listener, good at giving advice, insecure, many extremely weird kinks

>looking for

A soulmate. Woman ot trans woman doesn't matter! Someone to trauma bond with, a best friend. Someom who may or may not be ready to bully me relentlessly about hoe fuckinh ugly and undesirable I am. Looks don't matter, I like all races and all bodies.

>not looking for
Friends, people who aren't serious about dating, people who aren't accepting, poly relationships, Meaningless sex, nudes, racist or biggot (unless it's ur kink), edge lords, "n-word =peak comedy" people

>contact info
Discord: fathairy
Link expired

Also if by "toxic" and "non strict" you just mean gore and people saying the N-word ur fuckings stupid :)
Older guy looking for a younger girl that wants to chat, show off and talk all the time. Looking for mainly online but would ideally like grow close and I shower you with attention. Usually this ends with you moving on, which I suppose is where the toxic part is.

22/Male/South Carolina
>Looking for
I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. also something long term/forever.
>Not looking for
men, lol.
reading, music, working out, meditation and sometimes gaming!!!!!!
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>About Me
I'm a nerdy white guy - likes video games, watches anime and scifi shows, tech enthusiast, likes to build computers, cares about audio gear, spends a lot of time in VR.

I tend to be a serious person overall, but I have plenty of capacity for humor when the atmosphere is casual and right for it. My sense of humor is of the "be intentionally cringe" variety, so stuff like dad jokes and driving people crazy by intentionally misusing zoomer lingo would be examples.

I'm a Liberal and normally I don't even step foot into 4chan because I know this website tends to just be hostile to my kind. I don't expect to get a lot of results here, but it's worth a shot.

I have a really powerful cuckold/NTR kink, so I get turned on to the idea of being in a relationship with a girl that has sex with other men, even though I would be expected to remain loyal regardless.

All I really want is a girl to connect with in hopes of becoming become close. I'm the type that likes to voice call to sleep and stuff. If she finds my kinks hot then that would be a huge bonus.

>Looking For:
Can at least tolerate clingy and nerdy guys.
Isn't completely opposed to the idea of relationships.
Has a libido that can keep up with mine.
Liking cuck kinks is a huge bonus.
If you can flip a switch and be a toxic bitch when the atmosphere calls for it, that'd be so hot.

>Not Looking For:
People who just want to roleplay.
Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Antisemitism, etc
Incels, /pol/, or MAGA bullshit.
Religious people.
People who have a problem with me being a "PC SJW Redditor".

Discord: shuno_ntr

Image is ideal gf material.
I don't monitor the thread, don't expect me to see responses here.
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I wanna elaborate on some stuff since i wrote this post at work and missed some stuff about me.
I have several other hobbies, vidya, reading and cooking. I like playing online with friends when time permits. Im hoping to own a home by early 2025 and be debt free and would want my s/o to be a stay at home neet. im okay with male, female or mtf as long as it fills that masculine/feminine dichotomy. I only stalked those i already have some history with and some flirting going on. Really im posting here hoping to find someone who's okay with that stuff and even some people like the idea of having their partner obsessed with them.
The most American post possible, truly the face of a nation.
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Pitiful. Guy above me beat me to the punch, but sweet Christ how much of an unapologetic faggot about how devoid o a soul you are should be worthy of getting stoned to death. You are beyond anti-human.
20 m us
im bored and drunk
girls my age to talk to
Messages only about owning will be replies to

19 femboy uk Dumfries

Looking for extreme owner

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being
someone who can command well

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.
Also early on talk normally and get to know eachother to see if we will like eachother first please
preferably to a extreme where i need permission to move, speak, and so on with bathroom, food, money, games ect ect

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
below 30. Shy guys. People that can’t hold a chat. Vanilla people

I love basically all kinks. You’ll come to find there is very little I won’t do or at least try.
My List is flashing online humiliation group humiliation degrading risk crying breathplay findom techdom attention ass attention outdoors
Spanking aheago Thigh highs TPE light pain Cold Kittenplay Slapping pee expousre blackmail Public Hunger Rape(CNC) Impregnation pregnancy
Inflation Live Tracking Live Camera Life Ruin OrgasmRuin Kidnap(CNC) robbery(CNC) Choking emptional-minipulation Farting Wedgie MoveDom

Kik: KittenBabby69
I'm a doctor in New Zealand I will pay for your runescape subscription if I get to fuck you.
Shes just going to bail on you as soon as you buy it for her
youve been posting this for years its clearly never going to lead to anything you fucking moron

>Describe yourself
Hourglass mom body, cellulite ass the type of mom you would cheat for even if you had a healthy relationship

>Looking for
I guess someone to air his frustrations over me, there's something cynical about a man venting his frustrations like it's my fault, I've had someone spamming how hot I am in all caps because I was making him cheat on his wife lol

>Not looking for
Sensitive people who can't take a joke or an insult and they try to guilt trip you into apologizing

>Contact info

I'm a younger male with who really really needs to be abused by an older guy. I keep trying to have healthy relationships with people my age but the truth is that I crave to be abused by a 20+ year old man. My life feels so hollow. I need to be abused. Beat me. Berate me. Isolate me from the people I love and mold me to focus on you and you alone. Make me feel like shit only to kiss me and tell me that it's all going to be okay as long as I do as I'm told. If we get into a long term relationship I will unironically give you my home address and school so you can blackmail me with that. Force me to stay with you. In return, I'll be completely infatuated with you. I can't feel normal love. The only way I can feel love is through complete obsession. You don't have to love me back. Just pretend you do and I'll be yours. I NEED TO BE A STUPID FUCKING DOG WHO GROVELS AT YOUR FEET AND BEGS YOU FOR ATTENTION. I DONT DESERVE ANYTHING MORE. PLEASE PLEASE ABUSE ME. I literally have no real life friends. I'll be so so good for you.
And I'll shoot myself when I turn 21 so you won't have to worry about me for long if you happen to get tired of me.

My Kik is a_normality
You'll have to add me on Kik before I give you my Discord because I've been larping as normal on this board and don't want my Discord username to be "tainted" when it's looked up and I'm too lazy to make an alt
Bro take a hug or something.

What is it? You don’t want to do edgy roleplay? At least do that. Someone will console you after pretending to be an asshole I’m sure. Why don’t you go to the BDSM thread? They’ll beat and kiss you. Hopefully.
28/M/inter ripam et mersam
>describe yourself
Long hair long body no fat lean musclew, thicc thighs to crush my enemies with too. I enjoy freezing overnight to watch the stars, eating fish and chips, and not committing hate crimes in my local area.
>looking for
Bros who will appreciate my strangeness and actually play video games with me/want to get drunk, women (female) who will emotionally disrupt me because I truly feel nothing most of the time and I desire craziness aka feminine interaction.
>not looking for
Boring bastards, catty cunts, faggots.
>contact info
Discord: melkondili
BDSM is gay. I don't want to be put in a leather pup mask or whatever those faggots do
Spot the virgin: Ultra easy mode.
Well yeah. I'm a virgin. Don't see why that's an insult
>ASL: 27FSan Antonio
>describe yourself: needy, clingy BPD girl
>looking for:
Consistently available
>not looking for:
Fat people
>contact info: lucifers.little.lady
I wish you could just doxx yourself only to me maybe I could fix you. I don’t care about that meme it’s just that you sound really broken.

But really I can’t cause you sound screwed up. If you wanna have a breakdown ventpost or call a Warmline. It’s alright little guy.
22/Male/South Carolina
>Looking for
I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. also something long term/forever.
>Not looking for
men, lol.
reading, music, working out, meditation and sometimes gaming!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>describe yourself
loser psycho nerd weirdo loser
>looking for
a masochistic or just plain stupid girl I can be unhinged with and abuse emotionally and/or psychosexually, especially (and preferably) girls who will show me their bodies and ask very little to nothing of me.
>not looking for
sane girls who are happy and comfortable
>contact info (discord)

Daddy dom / abusive father figure searching for his little princess/daughter.
I want someone I can obsess over, control, and abuse.
Ideally You're someone who is extremely lonely and has been neglected.
Let me give you care and attention (and abuse) you deserve

Discord: pizza2732
Sexy busy slut looking for a low self esteemed man i can use as a pet

Not looking for dom

Sub man looking to be a slave!

Tele @smiletherapistt

Snap @favtherapis2024
m, east asian

>looking for
white girls who are:
+ ironically or actually racist
+ into amwf raceplay
+ into east asian guys

22 M NYC

I am evil.


Not nothing

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20 year old sociopath looking for a guy with a plump butt who wants to be dominated, bullied, manipulated, and abused in all sorts of fun ways. No need for you to be girly, and being hairy/unshaven is perfectly fine. Just be a dude with a big butt and an interest in being harshly dominated and toyed with
Discord: rannyou
29 F US

>describe yourself
I am 5’3 and am a bigger girl. People tell me I’m still cute, but I mean that’s subjective I suppose. I have a stable career and like to knit and read. I’m pretty sweet and can be fairly silly.

>looking for

I am already in a toxic relationship desu. My boyfriend is awful to me and I guess I’m just looking for someone to talk to as a reality escape from him. Please be nice I guess and preferably also from the united states

>not looking for
Mean people

>contact info (discord, kik...)
Leave your contact if interested
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28 Mtf bi Latin America

>describe yourself

Lonely trans girl trying to survive making art and stuff like that, I like anime, vtubers, Vidya, Motorsports, metal music, I'm very into pet play, feminization and being submissive In general

>looking for

Someone to support me with hrt and girly clothes and stuff I can give you in return love and cute pictures UwU

>not looking for

Mean people

>contact info (discord, kik...)

Discord fluffycataaa
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29/MtF(post-op)/Oregon/NEET/Satanist/Misanthrope/Kiwifarms Victim
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

kik pinkdozey
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Updated due to change in Discord handle

I am 31, Male.

Currently seeking out abused ladies that enjoy the pain and degradation of being abused, and not looking in any way to improve their overall well-being. Knowing that they are fully deserving and requiring of more abuse is a welcome boon, but not entirely necessary.

Do not approach me if you have an eventual expectation for kind and decent treatment. This goes double for anyone expecting this to be a short-term exchange or any "curious" individuals not cut out for an imbalanced power dynamic and being treated as an object of scorn to be constantly denigrated.

My interests include, but are not limited to: Taxidermy, chess, antiquarianism and history

Discord tag: tc_romm
I don’t use kik, sorry
20 f us
>describe yourself
unhinged and mentally ill but not in a dangerous way just in an annoying way, i spend all day watching men in their 30s play video games on youtube while i shitpost on 4channel
>looking for
actually interesting or unique or fun people
people who will 100% accept me for my crazy and not try to fix me
frens who don't mind me being high maintenance sometimes or unresponsive other times
cool girls who aren't stacy
ugly people
>not looking for
being e-raped
Discord is quaxk_167_21133
>describe yourself
autistic, lonely, needy, weird
>looking for
a sadistic girl to bully me, please have good aftercare
>not looking for
being bullied by men
fake girls
being blocked (seriously please never block me)
>contact info (discord)

>describe yourself
i like metal and goth music, im goth myself. im from germany and i hate porn addicts

>looking for
long haired men, metalheads (actual metal not just rock), alcohol/nicotine addiction, shitty personality that doesnt just rely on sexism/racism. be original. be able to vc and call me a lot.

>not looking for
women, hair shorter than chin lenght, over 35, jobless and anyone who lives with their parents.

discord is: ch1chana
30 yo trans fem / sissy girl Looking for cruel exposer to transform me into a perfect webslut. Make profiles on any website like twitter and catfish/expose me any way you like. Maybe setting up a video feed in my room. I can buy outfits from Shein if u want to control how i dress. Make me walk outside with a lovense toys etc... open for any hot proposals, ideas or exposure games Kik alissx333 telegram @aliverv
>describe yourself
I'm a shy and introverted Latina. I enjoy taking care of those I love. I love cooking and hope to have someone to cook for one day. I like tidying up, the rain, I enjoy artistic outlets, I love taking nature walks. I have long black hair, brown eyes, wear glasses, working on losing weight, and look a little sullen, but I've been told I am kind and nothing like I look. I can be a bit clownish and a jokester when I get close to someone.
>looking for
I realized I would likely not do well in your average healthy relationship. I need total devotion in the same way I give it. I want a relationship where we're so close, we're almost telepathic. I want codependency, as bad and unhealthy as that sounds. I want us to obsess over each other. This is as bad as it gets with me, I'm not into self-harm or blackmail or anything in that realm of toxicity. It would be nice if you were in this state, but that's not necessary.
>not looking for
Anyone outside the US, trans, nsfw, no one under 27 or over 35, anyone who wants children of any kind (bonus if you've had a vasectomy), polyamory, fwb, "situationship", non-straight men, men who are not completely single, kinky, anyone who has cheated, low effort, I do not send nudes and there will never be a time, no matter how close we get, that I would do that, anyone who has added me in the past
>contact info (discord, kik...)
I am everything you want, but do not need.
I will kill you if you try to leave.
I will die sooner then you want.
You will pretend to love me just to feel good.

lets talk.
you lead.
i wont chase.

f/ many moons over 21
but are you fat?
Not fan, hyper skinny,
wont drop discord, you do it, if you are man enough
33 Male North-Western Europe
>describe yourself
180cm 100kg (Fit to dadbod bodytype)
>looking for
I am married, but I have to travel regularly for work. I am looking for toys to play with while my wife is waiting at home. Preferably ERP, I can also dominate your ass through text. Preferably women, IDGAF if you're trans, if you're a "man" I'll forcefem you.
>not looking for
A friend. A companion. You're just a toy for me to play with during 1 week every 4 weeks while I'm far from home.
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Discord: tallonsveonitsha
mr.pepperami on discord
Sure you can try and kill me. It'll be a nice fun game.
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30 amerimutt (italian/irish)
>describe yourself
cancer survivor and burnout. moved back in with parents. currently unemployed but am back in school. I'm a skeleton.
>looking for
just frens desu. people to play PC games with. ex gf left me while I was going through chemo. not looking for a relationship.
will drop discord later
>cancer survivor
>at 30
that's fucked dude
I pretty much did everything right. Didn't even take the vaxx. Just got fucked genes. Thanks mom and dad. Now I'm back but my career is ultimately ruined for the most part. Seems pointless going back to school
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19 F

looking for an incel e-bf

>did everything right
have you tried keeping your blood sugar as stable and flat-lined as possible? i dont' know how much it matters, but it seems to be an upcoming topic of interest regarding cancer.
>pointless going back to school
never too late, but your mileage may vary

>describe yourself
i'm very cute and very confident. i get hit on a LOT but i have trouble even talking to guys bc i'm pretty shy. i think i am missing a deeper connection in my life. i have a lot of girly and cutesty interests. i love sanrio & cute girly anime, also i love to dress super cute && i hope the guy i end up talking to likes picking out clothes for me to wear and dressing me. i should add i am NOT a little by any means!

>looking for
i want someone i can open up to. make me a full time stay at home e-kitten. just take care of me and let's keep eachother happy. i'm pretty buuuut i don't judge other peoples looks. i'm happy to get to know you deeper

>not looking for
people who don't see the value in beautiful girls or guys who just want to beg for nudes

people who only care about their own feelings
>contact info (discord, kik...)
if you use kik in 2024 ur a creeeeep. anyways discord is hotcel
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36/M/East Coast USA
>describe yourself
Passionate introvert, lifter, metalhead, sarcasm incarnate. Work from home and don't go out much, I either hang out with friends or pursue hobbies with intense autism. Spend a lot of time playing games, making music, lifting heavy things, and overall being a "nerd". I have very diverse tastes in things and can't overstate how passionate I am, so if you're similar we will get along well. I always feel like I come across more serious through text, but don't take it the wrong way. We're on four channel and I'm wary of strangers around here, but I'm a pretty open and lively guy once you get to know me.
Tall, white/pale, athletic build, very long hair, deep voice. Kinky, sadistic, unreasonably hung.
>looking for
Bio female 20-21+ with similar interests and personality to chat with. Submissive masochists preferred, size queens ideal. I'd prefer not to jump into sexual talk though, and if you're uninterested in verifying who you are quickly, it would be best to not waste your time adding me.
>not looking for
Teenagers, fatties, NEETs/no aspiration-havers, bedrotters, people with nothing in common, men (obviously)
>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord: randomthrowawayaccount

I could write a lot more but none of you ever read this. If I seem cool or if you think we have anything in common feel free to say hi. I have zero expectations from this board, and I swear I'm more chill than this post probably comes off. Bonus points if you want to play some (PC) games.
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Straight White 31 Year-Old Male from USA.

>About Me
I'm a nerdy white guy - likes video games, watches anime and scifi shows, tech enthusiast, likes to build computers, etc.
I tend to be a serious person overall, but I have plenty of capacity for humor when the atmosphere is casual and right for it.

I have a really powerful cuckold/NTR kink, so I get turned on to the idea of being in a relationship with a girl that openly cheats one me with other men, even though I would be expected to remain loyal regardless. At its core I think I'm just attracted to extremely slutty women and I have a strong masochistic side to go with it.

>Looking For:
- Women.
- Size Queens.
- BBC Addicted Snowbunnies.
- Extremely slutty and have massive libido.
- Liking guys who have cuck kinks is a huge bonus.
- Loves cheating, finds it thrilling, can't imagine ever being loyal to a single person.
- If you can flip a switch and be a toxic bitch when the atmosphere calls for it, that'd be so hot.
- We would start with just text but I'd like to quickly build up to voice messages and voice calls if we can.

- Is sexually attracted to tall, muscular, huge-cocked alpha men sexually... but more attracted to nerdy betas like me romantically.

- If I'm totally, completely honest, I'm kinda hoping to find a REALLY fucked up girl.
- Someone borderline psychotically horny and emotionally abusive. The kind that is absolutely going to ruin me.

>NOT Looking For:
- Men. Non-negotiable. You are not the exception.
- Trans women. Nothing against them, but I'm not attracted.
- People who just want to roleplay and aren't serious at all.
- Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Misogyny, Antisemitism, etc.
- Findommes. If money is what you're after, you're wasting your time with me.
- People who sexualize children or animals (can't believe I have to say this).
- Right-Wingers, Conservatives, incels, /pol/, MAGA, religious people, etc.

Discord: shuno_ntr

You intrigue me. Discord is captain_ward
I'll drop it, but don't be weird.
I'm interested! I'll drop my discord:

22 M white. Living on the most southern tip of Africa.

>describe yourself
I'm very nerdy. I love anime, manga, manhua and manhwa. I like sci-fi and fantasy. I'm a man of science. I have 2 physics degrees and I'm still studying further. I like gaming and computers and I can program. I actually program a good amount in my field.

>looking for
I'm a bit quiet and introverted, but once I'm close with someone, I'm not as quiet. I value very deep connections and I crave a lot of affection. I'm pretty starved for affection and touch. I end up being pretty obsessive, but in the way where I just would want to spend a ton of time with you. I'm a deep thinker. I'm empathetic and caring. I'm quite agreeable and openminded. I like to know as much as I can about a person. I'm highly sentimental and treasure even small moments. I'd remember silly or small things forever and smile to myself when I think about it. I tend to give all of myself or a lot of myself to someone I really care about.

>looking for
A girlfriend who I can get along with well and who I give all my bottled up love to. Someone who I can get to know on a very deep level and strongly bond with. Someone who I can spend lots of time with that appreciates me and wants me.

>not looking for
Men. People that will keep me in the friendzone. People who will abuse my ability to tentstively listen to just use me as a venting outlet or to treat me as their therapist. People who only regard their own needs and not mine. I already easily forgo my own needs for others. I want to stop doing it. At least meet me half way.

>contact info
Discord: mysterioussavant
>>33399704 >>33400661
mean say you want a neet but when someone who is socially inept actually comes along you just complain I just wanted to know why your a faggot genuinely. if you like femboys then I wouldn't take the stakes out for the chances being high at you also liking little boys.
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We both know that's not the truth, you can post the conversation if you'd like and blur out your own @ . You came at me in a hostile way and I made fun of you for it. You tried to have a pity party and I didn't allow it. You're not a very likeable person and it shows. If you'd like to re add me and talk like a normal person and not "LOL XD RANDOM" you can but if not that's fine too.
i wasn't being random you faggot I wasn't trying to gather pity your just being mean to random girls on the internet I just said that i know im annoying
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If you know you're so annoying fix it you unlikeable wretch. Yes you're annoying and not worth my time in a serious conversation

Also yes I have had luck with a very cute girl who's much better at talking then you and still a neet.
I see someone is making use of the delete post button. Honestly I don't know why you think you could "trust me" when you act like a complete sped and I don't even know you
it'll last maybe 3 days max
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Totes frfr no cap
24 M southeast PA
>describe yourself
White, blondish, average height, I'm really nothing special.
I'm into art, classic cinema, typical nerd 4chan shit, going to cons, learning new things (like sign language), the macabre, or just whatever weird thing seems interesting to me today
>looking for
girls around 20-25 near the Philly/nj area who wanna have some kind of relationship and hang out, do fun things.
>not looking for
Too young or old
Too far
Too normie
>contact info (discord, kik...)
I wasn't talking about you gees someone else in this thread I barely even talked to you
25 f eu
>normal interests
Manga, romcom, books
>weird or fucked up fetishes
My fetishes that I think are kinda weird: being chained in the basement, being physically abused and beaten by my husband (I don't have a husband, only this fantasy), abusing me and apologizing with gifts, being forced into enduring long-term overstimulation until I lose my mind and the only thing in my mind is sexual pleasure, forced to have large too big for me toys in me long term, urethral play, dismemberment/quadruple amputee
>Looking for
Men, abusive men, controlling men, people who have same fetishes to discuss it
>not looking for
People who ask for photos

I am never one to come back and put people on blast.
But these two are a literal waste of atoms.
You two are the reason why the male loneliness epidemic exists lol.

disc is columnofheaven
34 m USA married

I guess I'm in two toxic relationships. One with my wife and one with a 21 year old trust fund girl I met on duo a few months back. Things blew up with my wife this weekend and the girl I've been talking to wants me to come see her this weekend.

I guess I want to chat about it all while I work through this all.

Disc - silverjay2345
25 nonbinary(afab) usa

>describe yourself
autistic loner with a bad dissociative disorder

>looking for
toxic people that will take control of my life. maybe.

>not looking for
anyone under 21

>contact info
telegram @audeka
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You're seething because you're too stupid or lack introspection to have a real conversation. I pity anyone who has to deal with you.
yes sir that is true


Who could have thought.......
Hello, I’m a misandrist looking for a man that I can own (I’m into enemies to friends to lovers, personally). Throughout the years no matter who it was - family, friends, romantic partners, co-workers, random men on the street or on the internet, they all have disappointed me beyond comprehension. But I, as a mere broken human, still crave love, care, affection, emotional connection, physical touch, etc., which technically I could get from other women, but I don’t feel physical attraction to them and I don’t want to have sex, kiss, cuddle and perform other very intimate physical acts with women, as I’m attracted to men. If you’re raising your eyebrow in suspicion - don’t. I’m not a violent/aggressive person, I don’t partake in any campaigns/organisations/cults, etc. in order to harm someone (in this case, men) physically, emotionally or financially. Unless you want me to punch and cut you in a loving and erotic way, but we can discuss that privately.. The most I would do is make some little, snarky comments or argue about the patriarchy. And if you really think about it, if you sparked a flame inside my heart, technically, I would be the most loyal, loving, caring, obsessive, possessive, territorial, devoted, sacrificial girlfriend ever, because I would hate every single man, except (You).
derangedme@proton.me you can send something to me here (if you want).
Where do you live?
I’m from Eastern Europe.
It's Cornix, the cuck

This guy already spammed the exact same stuff before /soc/ was created;
23/m/United States
>looking for
a girl to talk with, play games with,and maybe a relationship.
I am into a lot of things; those include reading, music, video and photo editing, and working out
>not looking for
Nah that cant be right, he's mathematically proven he cant post anything other than the same old shit he's been posting for the last 5 years
>Music you like
retail wow enjoyer. former drug dealer, criminal & esports person. now i am a boring, washed up old gamer now. sober. no kids. bummer music. good movies & shows on discord. former coach and tutor. i can help you get better at games, even if it's not something i play more than likely. if it is something i play, i enjoy helping people improve and watching people play. adhd & ptsd, but i'm not dead yet somehow o7. average dad bod as i get older, but interested in working out with someone.
won't show me your dick and balls. enjoys mutual yapping. likes bullying/praise dynamics. likes fake arguments. we can get big and fight over nothing just for fun. plays retail wow or at least wants to learn about retail wow or watch me play. if you're good at fighting games (not street fighter (3rd strike is the exception)) that is insanely attractive. if the vibes aren't there for other shit, we can just be gamer bros. that's cool. hopefully you're not a landwhale. no shade if you wanna be broskis, but it is not my fetish. short queens get +1 social credit.
communication, compassion, comprehension & consent are the four green flags. letting me eat your pickle at the diner because you don't want it is the 5th.
>Other things you might find important to list
yesterday was my fiancé's deathversary. my partners since then have been abusive af. i'm stupid and easy to manipulate, please don't. i have little to no survival instincts.
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>describe yourself
bpd, 5'6, technically an hrt femboy but i hate that label. i get called cute a lot online and irl.
>looking for
someone to talk to and potentially do more with down the line
not entirely sure sometimes, i guess movies, books, manga, going on walks, rpgs.
>not looking for
overly judgemental people. people too out of shape. people afraid of sh. idk what else to put here really, just be yourself maybe lol.
everyone is preserving the pretense here, no matter how many I have spoken to.
one final shot. I will do more than my best.
discord: _recollections
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34/male/St. George, Utah (primary) & Las Vegas, Nevada (secondary)

-/o/tist/car hoarder (3 so far)
-Stock/Crypto/Precious Metal investor
-Good with computers
-Not self-hating

-19-35/BIOLOGICAL FEMALES ONLY/White and/or asian (just be pale)
-Has at least a cursory knowledge of internet lore and/or frequents sites like Kiwifarms
-Not easily offended by things like unpopular opinions or slurs
-Thicc/curvy, tomboyish
-does (or would do) aerobics/80's exercise video workouts

-Frequents /pol/
-Is in Utah/Arizona/Nevada/Southern California
-Mostly dresses in workout clothes and would shamelessly wear them on a date

-Dark skinned individuals <-- This cannot be stressed enough. DO NOT contact me if you are one of these.
-Single Moms <-- Seriously, don't contact me if you're one of these. I will not lower myself to helping you raise the offspring of your deadbeat exes.
-Anyone outside of the US <-- This one I simply cannot stress enough
-Retards who are gonna die in a few years because they took the (((vaccine))) <-- This one I simply cannot stress enough

why not
hikkineet pervert alcoholic. eternal faildaughter. i'm obsessive and fucked in the head and very mentally ill. i like anime and my little pony.
>looking for
cute girls to love and be lewd and self harm with. let's encourage each other to get worse. let me take advantage of you~ if you bully me back i'll be yours forever.
>not looking for
Discord: Caboose262
I used to believe this, but one day I realize that faggot can post his typical span AND some extra crap at the same time.
23/m/United States
>looking for
a girl to talk with, play games with,and maybe a relationship
I am into a lot of things; those include reading, music, video and photo editing, and working out!!!
>not looking for

>describe yourself
dorky /tg/ guy, not fat, i like history and music

>looking for
A girl to love and care for me, i dont mind obsessiveness, its just nice to have someone worry about me, kinda like the yandere idea

>not looking for
Men, sellers

>contact info (discord, kik...)

disc: strip_9
Are you open to platonic conversation? We’re close in age and I enjoy the company of those with a broad range of hobbies. A friend linked your post to me so I figure it can’t hurt to ask!

Also, I read everything. And I mean everything. Are you actually as sadistic as you say you are? Most people don’t come close despite claiming to be.

>no survival instincts
You cute little bean. What did you do to get in trouble with the law? Stay safe out there.
Yup, I'm open to just chatting. And as for the other question yes, I really am. I'd prefer to talk about that more in private though.
intrest: resident evil, jeff buckley, cyberpunk 2077, silent hill, painting :)))
Looking for guy or girl, manipulative and misogynistic
disc: ineedacigarett3
told me they were 17
do not add them
you want me so badd
what I want is for minors to fuck off and stop lying about their age

I want an actual adult woman who is willing to relocate
not some glowing catfish trying to get people arrested
You don’t have to tell me if it’s weird. Had to resurrect my account from the beyond but I’ve sent you a request!
maybe log off and go outside? 4chan aint gonna help u with that
thanks for admitting you are a catfish and not a female
are you gonna jerk off about it now?
Wish i could have done more gay stuff before i met my wife beacuse she said she would leave me if I tried it with a man but I really crave dick so much and to be a little bitch slave to be used and abused for pleasure but I dont want my wife to leave me please help :s

Kik: Im.a.sissy.
Dont forget the dots :*
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m 19 east coast USA

>describe yourself
college student in STEM. handsome, genius, narcissistic, smarter than you, but most of all extremely humble. loves music and basketball, hates long walks on the beach and cigarettes (grow up). has done too many drugs to count but is sober now. currently on an overwatch kick but interest is fading fast. has directly sent someone to the psych ward for 2 months who he found on this thread. depression, adhd, sociopathic tendencies, you know the drill

>looking for
chats mostly, just have a personality (or at least pretend)

>not looking for
dry conversation. don't expect me to carry the convo. don't try too hard to be edgy

>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord iwontalwaysbehere
this is not a woman, this is a man catfishing. do not fucking add
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Shame, can't seem to find you on disc.
I'll bite.
23 yo failmale from the philippines looking for some to use me and get obsessed with idc. disc - angelsarentreal.
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MtF here looking for anyone to talk to and potentially date.
discord: honeycombdesu
21/F/far away
>describe yourself
timid, lonely, erratic, self-loathing, morally depraved, hybristophiliac, objectively unattractive
likes video games, reading, films, going on walks
>looking for
light of my life, fire of my loins
under 30 yo, actively interacts with me, obsessive, honest, loyal, docile towards me but not spineless nor boring
i just wanna be emotionally sadomasochistic and sweet with someone...
>not looking for
fat, autism, low effort convo
Are you fat or just ugly in the face?
Name: Addie
Age: 22
Gender: Male
From: Aus
Relationship status: single
Sexuality: straight
About Me: career professional that is already traveling a lot for work so looking to make connections online to keep my social battery full. Love running and currently training for a 100km race next September. Into most everything and happy to just talk and get to know people, can be a shoulder to whoever, really enjoys connecting on a deeper level with people.
Looking For: I dunno connection and shooting the shit. A girl who is not intimidated to actually add me and start a conversation
Discord: testpookie
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Looking for a long term online boyfriend. Turn me into your online slave slut, control my life, pimp me out if you wish. Into bdsm, bondage, exposure, sleep deprivation and other degeneracies. If we get along we may meet in person <3 only very dominant guys

Kik is Chrissy99cd
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>describe yourself
chubby tranny with big tits, trying to hit the gym and lose weight tho, want someone to encourage me to anamode. Curly hair, cute face. People tell me I pass. I don't believe them. BPDemon, some other shit. don't cut but find people who do hot. horror fan, former dissociative binger, college student, hopeless romantic. Goddess in Training. Didn't see the sun from 13-23. Very pale. Not schizo. Shitty music enjoyer. Autist. dry. not a whore. bored. needy. other adjective. need attention or will die. just went through a fucking awful break up that has steeled my resolve.
>looking for
dick pics (lying). friends enemies and lovers. my moon and stars, iykyk. other trannies and fags. cute boys. the end of the world. death. to not be so fucking cringe. codependency. someone with mommy issues. vc, maybe? someone who can help me turn my internal psychosis into outward ego. someone to make me into the best worst version of myself. someone who lets me be bad and greedy. someone who won't give me space.
>not looking for
people with no depth beyond their cocks.
>contact info
19/M/France (in the UK very soon)

I'm a dom interested in a TPE relationship.
I want to take control of your life: I have other kinks (most of them turn around degrading/having my body worshipped (armpits, fingers, asshole, etc.) but my main interest really is control.
I am very methodical, already dominating another person, so I expect to discuss with you of what are your goals and intentions.
This is not only sexual!

>looking for

>not looking for
Any masculine person
People who are only horny and can't talk seriously

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Looking for an obsessive F to manipulate to worship me
nerdy bodybuilder, work in AI research,
240lbs 6'4" / 109kg 192cm
Looking for a more intelligent, understanding partner though

DC @ pusztitopako47
Invest in a nose hair trimmer
bump (username with the period)
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>describe yourself
White, dark hair, blue eyes, works out regularly. Narcissistic, arrogant, intelligent, easily angered.
>looking for
A boy (preferably younger) who will devote themself to me and allow me to treat them how I please. I can be aggressive and degrading at times, and will often express desires for physical and/or sexual violence directed at you. However, I can also be quite affectionate, caring, and potentially loving towards you. In other words, you are a pet.
>not looking for
Women, relationships.
>contact info
If any of that sounds appealing to you, add me here.
Discord: zyotoken
>Not looking for kinky

Your posts are very high quality and I appreciate them. Never change bro
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Talk to me about your favourite porn, weird sexual kinks, fantasies, autistic interests, or crippling depresison and childhood trauma
19(wahh bb age) / Femboy / Australiaaa
> Appearance
Long black hair, i usually wear black emo-boy clothes. Average height and pretty skinny.
> Personality
I'm like bpd but i like only get upset when i have to be alone :< Aside from that i like to sleep all day, also i get stressed from doing anything aide from sleeping or talking.
I love cuddling and sitting around talking irll
>Looking for
I just want someone cool to talk to / hangout with who's around my age.,,, and sex ahahdbfkx
Whoops forgor my discord, it's heartofchains
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>about me
Im a lonely and mentally ill white boy with piercings who’s desperate to be loved and owned by someone
art, games, music, cartoon or childish stuff
>looking for
a gay or bi dom below 30 who likes vc, sadistic and kinky and prepared to be the center of my world
>not looking for
Fat ugly men
i love humilhation, bondage, petplay but im open to try new kinks

I would love to have a aggressive/ affective relationship

im a bit shy so be pacient
I am looking again after an annoying false positive


discord is bizarreinternetperson
Looking for a loyalty test on my girlfriend.

I'm 99% sure she's loyal but I just want that confirmation

MY Kik is boredanon556
19 Male Cali
>describe yourself
Skinny, White, 6’4, Bi, Black curly hair that’s long, emo, I love music
>looking for
A guy who’s a skinny nerd and alittle older like cut off age 27 who will use and abuse me, and any woman that will abuse and use me and let me do the same
>not looking for
Ugly people or people over 200 pounds
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Looking for someone to also become crazy obsessed with my ex long-term!.

I mean like save all her pics, share her around, daily jerking to her, daily chatting about her, coming up with new ideas of what we can do etc.

Also being into her as much I am..
Almost like she's a girl in your own life you get off on sharing and talking about the way I do.

>Kik: totally_completely
Only message me if you have read my whole post and you're what I'm looking for.

So what I'm looking for is...

1. Someone who is naturally mean and an asshole like genuinely couldn't give a fuck. I do NOT want any roleplaying, pretending or acting.

2. Someone who is around all day everyday and goons at different times throughout the day.

3. Make me buy you lube, a fleshlight or whatever else will help you goon!

4. And finally I want you to download an app called Pushover that you use to notify me when it's time to feed. It basically sends a really loud alarm that goes through Do Not Disturb and Silent.
So any time, any place I have to drop everything and come feed you no matter what. Even if I'm asleep or busy. My whole life will be about feeding you.
Also to stop me from ever leaving our little arrangement you can blackmail me to stay forever.

If you're truly interested in ALL of that and you WON'T be roleplaying then add my Kik!

Kik: totally_completely

I’m a well experienced Scottish Dom who’s seeking a long term female submissive slave. It’s as simple as that.

I’ve got blonde hair, blue eyes and am well built in every sense. I’ve been told I’ve got a nice smile too.

I’m not concerned with your age, race or body type. My priority is that you know your place and how to worship. I care about your attitude and willingness to push yourself to your emotional and physical limits.

It’s of paramount importance that we have a baseline of respect, trust and friendship before things evolve to the next level. I say this because I want our bond to grow and flourish as best as possible, and it’ll only work as we want it to once this is adhered to.

I’m more than happy to train a total novice from the ground up, or someone who’s a little more experienced. Attitude is key.

If you feel that this is something for you, send a message.

Kik - deepcansx
Looking to chat with misandrists, female rapists, abusive girlfriends, women who think it's fun to hurt and use men. I want to be a cruel woman's next victim

Kik dolistrey
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m 19 east coast USA

>describe yourself
college student in STEM. handsome, genius, narcissistic, smarter than you, but most of all extremely humble. loves music and basketball, hates long walks on the beach and cigarettes (grow up). has done too many drugs to count but is sober now. currently on an overwatch kick but interest is fading fast. has directly sent someone to the psych ward for 2 months who he found on this thread. depression, adhd, sociopathic tendencies, you know the drill

>looking for
chats mostly, just have a personality (or at least pretend)

>not looking for
dry conversation. don't expect me to carry the convo. don't try too hard to be edgy. KNOW HOW TO HOLD A CONVERSATION!!!

>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord iwontalwaysbehere
broken awful girl who just wants a father figure to obsess over :(
@luckyhappyeveryday on discord
aka underaged
How do you know that?
26/M/Florida 27/F
>About you
were a couple looking for a 3d to experiment with, kino and anime such as Mr.Bean and Jojo, DBZ, marathoning series
>Looking For
someone to play vidya with, persona is our jam! and anything similar that we can roleplay with, we're stubborn and hang on dc a lot, petplay, erping in general
>Not Looking for
gross, mean, immature(thats my bfs job hehe), someone who can take charge
chimeracentaur / wire_head
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I got mindfucked by another e-boy I thought was my boyfriend but he was just abusing me and manipulating me

I need a irl boyfriend who will rape and murder me instead of just abusing me online

I live in southern California

I'm a cis woman not a man it's internet trolls claiming I'm a man so they have someone to troll
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discord tag is chickenclaw3

I want a man to finally end my life instead of just being a coward and manipulating me online

>Mental Illness
BPD, OCD, Depression, Anxiety, maybe some others, the UK has shitty mental health services and waiting lists are generational.

>Favorite Anime/Manga
Fate/Zero, WataMote, Mirai Nikki

>Drug use?
Not unless you count the tablets I take to get out of bed.

>About yourself

Christian, vegan, totally pro gamer, nerd, weeb, bpd, broken sleeping pattern, etc.

I'll send you trash poetry, and cold read you for free, oh and I'll give you free therapy too because I love trauma. Be mentally ill and I'll love you.

Extremely anxious and unstable at first, so I'll probably want to hold onto you tight enough to leave a mark while pushing you away hard enough to undo it. Attachment issues like a neutrally charged magnet. If you just talk to me, I'll obsess over you.

>Looking for
I want to find anyone who can prove me wrong with the idea I'll be alone forever, because I genuinely believe I will be, and have given up, but this sort of stuff gives me a reason to live, if I pretend otherwise from what I already know for certain.

>Not looking for
Long distance, and anyone who just wants to waste time. I guarantee I won't be interesting enough to talk to for anyone too dissimilar from myself.

>Your Music taste
Pretty much everything except experimental jazz, because that isn't music.
My favourite song changes often, but for a while has been Reflections Of My Life by Marmalade.

Probably interacted with her.
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Confirmed catfish and pedo. Do not add.
Strong silent type loner, bit messed up childhood and life in general
Looking for a cocksleeve/gf/servant/friend whatever you want to call it to make mine, be my date for the concerts and mainly be the recipient of an overloaded sexual drug fueled release
>>not looking for
>>contact info (discord, kik...)

>about me
chronic drawer and history enthusiast, I spend my time studying the paint chips on my walls and wondering how I could improve them, I also partake in interests such as gaming, anime, marine biology, and computer science, I can be a bit of a nerd when it comes to stuff I’m passionate about and I love to debate history

>looking for
I’m looking for girls, preferably close to me so we can hang out, id like to get to know you and be friends before I go out with anyone.

>not looking for
Men or MTF

My discord is Angry_Pirate_Asuka
33/M/Midwest US
>Sexual Orientation
Dom Top
>About Yourself
Big, burly, bearded, daddy type
>Normal Interests
Cooking, assorted games, board games, world building, D&D
>Sexual Interests
General enjoyment of being in control, feeling powerful, and adored. It goes with a lot.
>Looking For
Pathetic and obsessive subs that I can neglect and treat poorly. Nervous and needy types who go out of their way to please.
>Not Looking For
Old/hairy/overweight men. Illegal shit
I dislike random adds. Send me an email about yourself, what you're hoping for, and your discord.

Soigne ta santé mentale gros, ces relations sont impossibles et t'enfoncent plus qu'autre chose. Je parle par expérince. Je te souhaite le meilleur.
Are you near Portland (Oregon), and really get hard to the idea of being controlled? I don't care if you're male, female, trans, gay, bi, straight.. doesn't matter to me what you enjoy, just what you can be made to do. Don't bother if you're not local, trading pics and roleplaying over the internet is retarded.

I'm horrible. I'm a tall fat abusive bi 30-something man. I want power over you, but I am definitely the kind of person you do not want having power over you. You won't enjoy doing some of the things I tell you to do, but I certainly will. Some of you reading this just got really turned on by that: you're who I want! (if you're near Portland, anyway)

If this is you, drop a reply with contact info and I'll get in touch. I'm thinking we meet somewhere public within the week for a vibe check. If it's good, you'll unlock your phone and I'll go through it right then and snap pics of anything I want. You'll answer my questions truthfully. Sensitive questions, Embarrassing questions. Then, whatever happens after that is up to me. IF you remain compliant, your immediate life won't be impacted and the others around you won't know a thing.
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18/f, midwest

>describe yourself
5'5", 109 pounds, half black, dark hair, brown eyes, freckles.

>looking for
someone to be my ana coach, give me attention and praise, or at least encourage me to starve and shun me for eating.

>not looking for
nsfw, being too harsh, or anything longterm.

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21 [f] looking for someone to help me moving on, baby in need of age 21+ kinky Friend/Daddy

Kik sippinggrl
I know this is really desperate of me, but I hope someone can help me get through a break up. I just hope someone can be my online xxx friend, since being lonely is really hard for me. I'll do my best to be a friend/baby to you as well.
>describe yourself
iim dumb and I hurt myself a lot, I'm only into boys and like when they degrade me and tell me how worthless I am. I'm sorry I'm not a real girl, I'm a fake replacement for boys who want a secret to keep from their real wives
>looking for
boys to hurt me
>contact info
discord: ella_rcns
>Only message me if you have read my whole post and you're what I'm looking for!

So what I'm looking for is...

1. Someone who is naturally mean and an asshole like genuinely couldn't give a fuck. I do NOT want any roleplaying, pretending or acting.

2. Someone who is around all day everyday and goons at different times throughout the day...

3. Make me buy you lube, a fleshlight or whatever else will help you goon!

4. And finally I have an app called Pushover where when you email me it blows up my phone with notifications telling me that it's time to feed. It basically sends a really loud alarm that goes through Do Not Disturb and Silent and I can't disable it.
So any time, any place I have to drop everything and come feed you no matter what. Even if I'm asleep or busy. My whole life will be about feeding you.
Also to stop me from ever leaving our little arrangement you can blackmail me to stay forever.

>If you're truly interested in ALL of this and you WON'T be roleplaying then add my Kik.

Kik: totally_completely
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>About Yourself
a easy going person who is just looking for a bit of fun, company, and pleasure
>Sexual Interests
bondage, humiliation, degrading, gagging, edging, over stimulation, pet play, collars, objectification, name calling, begging, voyeurism, body writing, praising
>Looking For
im seeking out female subs to really train and keep long term as a friend with benefits kind of thing. someone online frequently enough to keep me company along with to fool around and have fun with one another. i dont mind those that are new to the kink and wanting to learn and explore just try not to be to to shy.
>Not Looking For
underage, men, trannies, larps, roleplay
discord: mrwithmic
Hey! Sorry I missed your last message, I’ve been really swamped and you deleted me before I could reply! All good though, just didn’t want you to think I ghosted. Good luck friend!
All good and no offense taken or meant. We were very obviously quite different people looking for completely different things. I couldn't provide the level of attention you required considering that, so I didn't want to waste your time. Good luck.
19 Male French in the UK

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/feminine femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshiped - frm feets to armpits, scent, piss, asshole, drool, fingers, etc.

I am also DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: controling your every actions from distance or IRL, monitoring you, giving you orders etc.

I want you to be obsessed by me, obeying to everything and treating me and my body like your own personal god.

I also enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me more about your depaved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

>Not looking for
Masculine men.

(with the dot)

I need to be raped and abused by a woman.

Kik dolistrey
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>Body traits
5'11, 175 pounds, white, baby-faced
>Personality traits
I love to talk, and i'm extremely lonely. I love codepenancy, it's been my coping skill since I was little. I will talk to you for every waking second and obsess about you nonstop. I literally can't help it. I can be shy or very excitable, but i try to be very positive. I have a slew of depression and anxiety issues, I'm a bit of a wreck. I want to learn everything about you!!

i work full time but i can always text, near 24/7
shitty kids mmos, collecting plushies I don't need, love listening to music of all genres.

>About your life and goals
working a dead-end job with no friends, but my goal is to find someone to love on and live with forever. I'm willing to move for an LDR and I've done it before.

>What you're looking for
Female (cis or trans), pretty face. not concerned about much else but that you're willing to let me dote on you and please don't mess with my head!

I've always had a weird relationship with weed.

It's not something I used a lot when growing up. Like, I remember trying it at parties, and it was /always/ a bad time. It would always make me anxious as hell - which isn't exactly great, especially for an already anxious person. And I would always get so space-y, and end up feeling like everyone was judging me. It wasn't fun.

But I've been sleeping like shit lately. I spoke to my friends about it, and one of them recommended that I try smoking a little weed before bed. She gave me an old pipe of hers and a few grams (super generous, I know - she's great).

My mind has been wandering now that I've gotten ahold of it, though. I've always had a knack for manipulative men. The type that can get into my head and crawl around in there. Gaslighting types, even. It's not great, but it is what it is. And I guess I've been thinking.. it'd be kinda interesting if someone were to try to take advantage of that, y'know?

I don't know.

My Discord is sarahx0x0x0
About: 25M. Southern US. Actual ASPD diagnosis.

Looking for:
Women to discuss hobbies with: 19th century lit, films from the 50s and 60s. I want to know about your life and any degenerate proclivities you have. Can women here philosophize? I want to find out. I tend to like autistic women for some reason

Not looking for:
Men, time wasters, friend collectors, drug addicts.

Discord: ogdenator83
28 M England
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay man
>About you
White, submissive bottom guy, 5'8, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim build, not bad looking.

Work in marketing, professional, not a typical '4chan' type.
Music, history,
>Looking for
Looking to fall in love and have a relationship with someone who loves to be loved and wants to be with someone where we will be each other's world.

I want someone who isn't scared of an intense relationship and wants to fall in love quickly.

Bonuses are: kinky guys, Dom guys, white guys, right wing guys, nerds, controlling ad jealous types

UK based would be great, but ultimately age and location isn't important. I am willing to relocate for the right guy.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, guys who can't hold a conversation, people looking just for casual

>Discord Tag

(also on telegram: twb96 and kik: daddyissues796)
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looking for someone to bully, tease, own, and make fun of me.
the ONLY requirement is being a girl (or being good at pretending to be one)

depression, anxiety, suicidal, self harms, mdma/weed addict, recovering alcoholic, daddy issues. i go from loving someone to hating them in an instant. i don’t know why i’m this way. i’m angry all the time. i don’t know if i want to abuse someone or be abused.

>About Me
im a loser degenerate who works a 9-5 wagecuck job that i hate while also being a uni student. i’m kinda chubby (144lbs, trying to lose weight but constantly going between omad and binging) with body hair. i’m not the cute trans twink you’re probably imagining. i’m closeted because my family is very transphobic but i dress masculine. intp. i am not a good person. i like cute things and plushies.

reading, painting, warhammer, black metal, coding, mlp, gaming (silent hill, deep rock galactic, tf2, dead by daylight, boomer shooters)

>Looking for
a man who will act like my dad. say they’re proud of me, call me son and good boy, treat me like i’m younger, patronise me, coddle me, etc (in both an nsfw and sfw way). i don’t think i’ll ever be able to have a normal relationship with someone because of my need for an age gap and my drug use, it makes me feel tainted and ruined. i got groomed on kik when i was younger and am now trying to relive it.

my dad wasn’t around much since i was about 14 and it makes me crave attention from older/fatherly men. i’d prefer someone older (like 26+).

i’ve always struggled to talk to and maintain relationships with people my own age. i’ve always preferred the company of older men and found them much easier and more interesting to talk to.

i’m open to cutting/starving/burning/hurting myself for you. just please be nice to me and don’t stop giving me attention.

>Not Looking For
dick pics, people who only want nudes, someone who’s not serious about this dynamic, coombrains, porn addicts, one word replies, “i forgot what your post said”

kik: kittytaxitermy
6'5 thin goth/punk, looking for girls who want to cut themselves with me or want to talk about how they were abused in the past
Disc: bonesbiteback
>ASL 18/f/us
>describe yourself. im very not well and get bored easily, i like horror games and music culture. i also have a weird obsession with Jeffery Epstein
>looking for older fucked up (not always horny) guys that like cool things
>not looking for pubescent little boys
>contact info. discord - epsteinsloli (username is a inside joke) kik - dollparts0x
>drug use
Every time, damn. We need to protect young girls from doctors.
Ur not accepting requests
I'm mostly just looking for friends so I'm posting in most the discord threads.
Mid 20's, M, USA
>describe yourself
Outdoorsy autist. I like hunting, fishing, camping, photography, drawing, animating, video games, reading, writing, metalworking, leatherworking, lifting, and woodworking, gardening, cooking, etc. I'm tall and pale with reddish hair. Cold at first but spill my spaghetti when i'm comfortable.
>looking for
Someone to talk to about my hobbies with or game with.
>contact info (discord, kik...)
I work normal hours and i'm only online at night after working out or weekends.
She's gone invisible and has stopped talking
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"m" 19, germany
>describe yourself
deathly pale, goth / emo-ish critter, with autism, adhd, daddy issues and a porn addiction
>looking for
dominant, manupualtive people, men preferred but i'd dabble with femdom to get emotionally addicted to. I'm a sub, I'm kind of a masochist, I'm shyer than I I seem. I have a billion kinks, feminization among them. Just come and break my brain before the twink death sets in.
>not looking for
idk desu
>contact info

>Describe yourself and your life. Your interests.
Christian, vegan, totally pro gamer, nerd, weeb, bpd, broken sleeping pattern, etc.

I'll send you low-quality, high-effort poetry, if you like that sort of thing.

>What are you looking for in a partner
Someone who values emotional connections in the same intense, vulnerable way I do, and doesn't try to play with that, just embraces it. Essentially someone who doesn't fit in anywhere else.

>Not looking for
Long distance, and anyone who just wants to waste time. I guarantee I won't be interesting enough to talk to for anyone too dissimilar from myself. Also, I swear if I get one more "omg I like you too much I can't handle it and need to leave", like come on.

>Discord Tag
bumping! !
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27 M US
>describe yourself
Just a gay guy fatally attracted to pathological liars. I get lost in fantasies so easily.
>looking for
I've been craving deception and catfishing. You can tell me your flaccid dick is 10 inches long and that you make millions a year and I'll gladly believe you. Tell me you love me and I'm the only one for you while you're balls deep in other anons. As long as you catfish as a younger guy (18 to 22 or so), we're good. Pic related is what I'm looking for, but I like body types anywhere from skinny nerd to twink to jock.
>not looking for
People playing female or trans characters, bad communication, wanting to meet up physically
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Discord tag is venomenov
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20s/ Male (virgin)
>describe yourself
loser in every sense of the word. half asian half white
>looking for
a girl to have an abusive friendship with and manage my chastity. as well as text everyday and maybe call. someone to always keep me in my place and enjoys belittling others. into cucking and other weird stuff. skinny white girls only please
>not looking for
men, troons, and girls who dont want something serious
>contact info
discord is
28 / ftm / brazil

>Describe yourself
on t for the past 10 years, I have no tits but still have a pussy

>Looking for
Want to talk with older (40+) preferably fat man that are ACTUALLY transphobic and conservative IRL. Basically... I have daddy issues and I usually don't think very highly of me, I'm always the wrong one and others are always right. Need to feel validated, but a loving and caring Dom just doesn't cut it for me. I'm into manipulative assholes that know how to humiliate me but can give me that 1% of care to make me keep coming to them. People that wouldn't think twice about making me suffer emotionally for their enjoyment, that make me do the most depraved stuff just for a compliment. Conditioning is one of those things. I'm very much into being subtly conditioned to like or do certain things I would never do otherwise, specially if they clash with my personality. Like. I'm a die hard communist but I like being owned by alt right dudes. That's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to a conservative man. Basically I just want to be molded and used. There is more to it if you want to know more, but that is the jist of it

>Contact info
6T7LTJNVD teleguard
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24/femboy-twink/Eastern Europe

My interests include coffee brewing, house plants, cute stuff like plushies, high fashion, games, music, ASMRs and mahjong~
About lewd stuff: I love femboys, futa, chastity, feminization, bondage, sado-maso, technodom, hypnosis c:

Looking for dommy femboys or, at the very least, women/trans people, to get into dom/sub relationship + friendship. Preferebly someone experienced in gradual feminization. I want someone to guide me to start playing with my butt more, choose allowed lewdies, in exchange of a good gaming buddy and someone who'd respect your time and needs.

I don't look for regular men/guys, even if you're god at dommimg.

My discord is otokonokomopeko
24/Male/East Coast
Reading, philosophy, spirituality, working out, conspiracies
>looking for.
Cute girlfriend to manipulate.
22 M UK
>describe yourself
I'm kind of a loser, I'm very unstable and lonely, I'm hardly in good condition but I'm not a suicide baiting whiney child desperately begging for help or to be saved. I'm pretty awkward and straightforward. I like loads of things and I'm not picky, I just don't do much. I draw and play stuff, I'm OK at games I guess.
>looking for
Someone with a lot to say and lots to complain about. I don't care if there's stuff wrong with you, I don't care how you treat me, as long as you'll talk idc. I'm happy to be corrected and shouted at.
>not looking for
Someone desperate to stay miserable. I'll tolerate months of a lot but if all you ever want is to revel in misery without doing anything then I'm not interested. Suicidal is fine. At least you want things to change.
>contact info (discord, kik...)
em.kin. on discord
Just to check before adding, are you looking for friendship with anyone or a relationship with a girl or what
Relationship idc with who
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Straight White 31 Year-Old Male from USA.

>About Me
I'm a nerdy white guy - likes video games, watches anime and scifi shows, tech enthusiast, likes to build computers, etc.
I tend to be a serious person overall, but I have plenty of capacity for humor when the atmosphere is casual and right for it.

I have a really powerful cuckold/NTR kink, so I get turned on to the idea of being in a relationship with a girl that openly cheats one me with other men, even though I would be expected to remain loyal regardless. At its core I think I'm just attracted to extremely slutty women and I have a strong masochistic side to go with it.

I basically just want to be the loving nerdy boyfriend of a total slut. I'd love to be with a girl where we cuddle and watch shows together and sleep together every night, but when it comes to sex she wants huge dominant guys. She'll always have me to either make me watch or to come home and tell the story of her night to.

>Looking For:
- Women.
- Size Queens.
- BBC Addicts.
- Party girls.
- Extremely slutty, massive libido.
- Liking guys who have cuck kinks is a huge bonus.
- Loving and cuddly when she's not horny. Toxic and adulterous slut when she is.
- Loves cheating, finds it thrilling, can't imagine ever being sexually loyal to a single person.
- We would start with just text but I'd like to quickly build up to voice messages and voice calls if we can.
- Sexually attracted to masculine, tall, muscular, huge-cocked men sexually... but still wants a cute boyfriend.

>NOT Looking For:
- Men.
- Trans women. Nothing against them, but I'm not attracted.
- People who just want to roleplay and aren't serious at all.
- Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Misogyny, Antisemitism, etc.
- Findommes. If money is what you're after, you're wasting your time.
- People who sexualize children or animals (can't believe I have to say this).
- Right-Wingers, Conservatives, incels, /pol/, MAGA, religious people, etc.

Discord: shuno_ntr

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25, US, no max distance
>describe yourself
white, average looks. clingy and obsessive. ive never had a friendship/relationship where i didn't write more than the other person. i wont talk more about my other traits because there's nothing i wouldn't change to fit my partner's preferences, and that's usually what i end up doing whether they ask or not. wealthy and can provide if need be.
>looking for
cis girl, white, not fat, 20+ years old
i basically want a relationship where we are almost more like family than girlfriend/boyfriend. ie, we stay together no matter what, regardless of what happens. i am a person who is willing to forgive everything and i want someone who can do the same for me. i want us to become a natural and inseparable part of each other's lives, something that can't even be questioned. so that we can grow together, so we never have to feel alone ever again. the only rule that can't be broken is that you must not leave.
>not looking for
cold people, people who ghost/ignore, judgmental people, normalfagginess of any variety.
Discord: dreamoflotus
>ive never had a friendship/relationship where i didn't write more than the other person
they get annoyed at you for sending multiple messages at once, or you have to send big walls of text that are tiresome to read
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27 M TN

>describe yourself
Married, 8" long 6" thick BWC, tall, decent shape, literally always horny

>looking for
A girl who wants to cheat on her bf/husband. Love that pornified zoomer OF look. I need a high sex drive side chick, or multiple, in hopes of having a harem of sluts for my use.

>not looking for
Friend collectors, males, trans

>contact info
Disc: TitanOfJupiter
Kik: titanofjupiter1313

Start with your asl, why you messaged, and a pic of your ass
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m 19 east coast USA

>describe yourself
college student in STEM. handsome, genius, narcissistic, smarter than you, but most of all extremely humble. loves music and basketball, hates long walks on the beach and cigarettes (grow up). has done too many drugs to count but is sober now. currently on an overwatch kick but interest is fading fast. has directly sent someone to the psych ward for 2 months who he found on this thread. depression, adhd, sociopathic tendencies, you know the drill

>looking for
chats mostly, just have a personality (or at least pretend)

>not looking for
dry conversation. don't expect me to carry the convo. don't try too hard to be edgy. KNOW HOW TO HOLD A CONVERSATION!!!

>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord iwontalwaysbehere
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30m us
>describe yourself
Aspd, sadistic,obsessive,possessive, romantic. Kinky, music, hiding from people,
>looking for
Do clown girls exist anymore??
Someone deranged, masochistic,sub, druggie alcoholic, obsessive, loyal.
>not looking for
Normal people, those who can't hold a conversation, those who can't engage and move conversation forward, people who will never share pictures.
M 26 Florida

>Describe yourself and your interests.
I'm a multilingual half German/Dominican living in the US that grew up in Europe. I have 4 passports, am a homeowner, work full time (private security and state guard soldier) , have a BA in International Relations, and actively go to church (Orthodox Christian).

Physically I am tall, fit, wear round glasses, military cut black hair, Asian eyes, light brown skin, uncircumcised and unvaccinated. Rated 5/10 looks so don't waste my time if you just want a pretty boy.

I have a lot of hobbies/interests, some of them being:
Reading, gaming, movies/shows/anime, hiking, travel, shooting, cars, motorcycles, memes, eating good, cigars, fine arts, history/politics, architecture, mythology, music, fashion, cosplay, etc...

>Looking for
Subby gf to psychological break and make totally dependent on me idk touch grass bonus points for goths/redheads and if we have common interests you like to yap on voice

>Not looking
Short/dry texts, dishonesty, friend collectors, no humor

elsass_bastard on discord, snap, and telegram
Idk why I'm posting, I never get adds from these threads.
I'm just in that post vacation low and feeling a little bummed. I miss the feeling of being in love. It's been nearly 10 years. I'm tried.

discord: LordLighthouse
Any abusive women or female rapists looking for a new toy to break?

Kik dolistrey
anybody wanna get a suicidal boi drunk and take advantage of him?
28 M England
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay man
>About you
White, submissive bottom guy, 5'8, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim build, not bad looking.

Work in marketing, professional, not a typical '4chan' type.
Music, history,
>Looking for
Looking to fall in love and have a relationship with someone who loves to be loved and wants to be with someone where we will be each other's world.

I want someone who isn't scared of an intense relationship and wants to fall in love quickly.

Bonuses are: kinky guys, Dom guys, white guys, right wing guys, nerds, controlling ad jealous types

UK based would be great, but ultimately age and location isn't important. I am willing to relocate for the right guy.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, guys who can't hold a conversation, people looking just for casual

>Discord Tag

(also on telegram: twb96 and kik: daddyissues796)
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28 f Australia
Married for 5 years
Looking for guys to show me their cock slapping my face on my pic and stuff

Kik bee_chambs
I am at a horrible lowpoint in my life, I am completely miserable. I need a female to come make it worse. Please be sadistic and cruel. Mtf is also okay if feminine. Im begging, please.

Kik walkinglikeaman

Bumping this one. I was in a weird headspace when I wrote this one. I realise now I didn't really say too much.

24 F. I'm Sarah. Asian-Australia

Anxiety, BPD, and major-fucking-daddy issues.

Some company would be nice. Good grammar is a must.
Still the same username?
I see you removed me right after I said something, was there any particular thing I did wrong?
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Discord: shuno_ntr

Straight White 31 Year-Old Male from USA.

>About Me
I'm a nerdy guy who likes video games, watches anime and scifi shows, tech enthusiast, likes to build computers, etc.
I tend to be a serious person overall, but I have plenty of capacity for humor when the atmosphere is casual and right for it.

I have a really powerful cuckold/NTR kink, so I get turned on to the idea of being in a relationship with a girl that openly cheats one me with other men, even though I would be expected to remain loyal regardless. At its core I think I'm just attracted to extremely slutty women and I have a strong masochistic side to go with it.

I basically just want to be the loving nerdy boyfriend of a total slut. I'd love to be with a girl where we cuddle and watch shows together and sleep together every night, but when it comes to sex she wants huge dominant guys. She'll always have me to either make me watch or to come home and tell the story.

>Looking For:
- Women who are...
- Extremely slutty, toxic, and have a massive libido. Size queens who want fucked by huge hung guys.
- Loves to cheat, finds it thrilling and hot, wants a boyfriend that can accept she won't be sexually loyal.
- We would start with just text but I'd like to quickly build up to voice messages and voice calls if we can.
- Sexually attracted to masculine, tall, muscular, huge-cocked men sexually, but still wants a good boyfriend.
- Wants a boyfriend that's fully understanding of her needs and even encourages her to go further and get worse.

>NOT Looking For:
- Men.
- Trans women. Nothing against them, but I'm not attracted.
- People who just want to roleplay and aren't serious at all.
- Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Misogyny, Antisemitism, etc.
- Findommes. If money is what you're after, you're wasting your time.
- Right-Wingers, Conservatives, incels, /pol/, MAGA, etc.
- People who sexualize children or animals.

19 Male French in the UK

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/feminine femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshiped - frm feets to armpits, scent, piss, asshole, drool, fingers, etc.

I am also DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: controling your every actions from distance or IRL, monitoring you, giving you orders etc.

I want you to be obsessed by me, obeying to everything and treating me and my body like your own personal god.

I also enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me more about your depaved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

>Not looking for
Masculine men.

(with the dot)
25, male, nj
doesn't matter
>looking for
a big breasted milf to sexually torment me to dress up as a vampire or nurse and abuse me, to listen to my heartbeat with a stethoscope, I'll pleasure you any way you want and I'll be your cute boytoy femboy
>not looking for
an emotional or romantic relationship
I'll put it later maybe if there is any interest
majin0507 on discord
Your tag doesn't work
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20 male mid atlantic
reading, writing, making music, movies, fashion
>looking for
women, preferably white, preferable crazy, maybe even abusive is possible pls
>not looking for
men, non-whites, findom
It's alreadyknowthisisamistake now
24/Male/East Coast
Reading, philosophy, spirituality, working out, and conspiracies,
>looking for
Cute girlfriend to manipulate,
This site kind of repulses me, but I keep finding cool people lurking here.

34 M East Coast
>describe yourself
Introverted mental health professional, often have too much free time on my hands. Work from home sometimes. Pretty consistently online during the day but I don’t stay up late. I’m into health and fitness, cinema, outdoor pursuits, most applied STEM topics are within my wheelhouse. I appreciate strong communicators who have distinct passions or hobbies. Introspective types who can articulate their thoughts accurately. Sadistic and dominant, very D/s and BDSM educated.
5’10, white, conventionally attractive.
>looking for
Feminine flavoured people for long winded text based conversations about their mind and sexuality. Natural/experienced submissives and masochists preferable, but if you’re new and just curious come say hi anyway. I am very interested in talking to people who are fascinated by and want to explore the boundaries of their sexuality.

Emotional/psychological sadism, mindfuckery, behaviour modification, body modification, bimbo fetish, dollification, CNC, hard edgeplay, bondage/confinement, worship

Burner discord
30s, m, gay

I'm a pathetic little man who needs to be put in his place. If you're tall, strong, built and well-endowed, please teach me a lesson.

limits: no blackmail, nothing that would cause me to need hospital, no law breaking and no telling me to unalive.

start on kik, we would move elsewhere eventually maxevan321.
20 M, day off, smoking and looking for traumatized dolls to talk to. Let's chat about what happened to you. Don't be shy, I'd love to show off my bwc for some good girls
33/M/Midwest US
>Sexual Orientation
Dom Top
>About Yourself
Big, burly, bearded, daddy type
>Normal Interests
Cooking, assorted games, board games, world building, D&D
>Sexual Interests
General enjoyment of being in control, feeling powerful, and adored. It goes with a lot.
>Looking For
Pathetic and obsessive subs that I can neglect and treat poorly. Nervous and needy types who go out of their way to please.
>Not Looking For
Old/hairy/overweight men. Illegal shit
I dislike random adds. Send me an email about yourself, what you're hoping for, and your discord.
Bumping this one

Am just looking for someone sadistic and feminine.. femboys and traps welcome too <3
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toxic femcel server

tfw noone to forcefeed me edibles and pour copious amounts of booze down my throat while calling me mean things >w<
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m/ late 20s/uk literally just ur usual incel retarded pornsick loser like who gives a fuck man. maybe u want a degen evil e-bf for like 2 weeks idk add me.

disc: r3prehensible
i'm tipsy pls add me my discord is moefe
33, M, US

>describe yourself
Empathetic, more interested in other people than I am in myself. Intelligent, but hopefully not in an annoying way. Self-deprecating, but hopefully not in an annoying way. Sometimes self-sabotaging... so, currently in a real relationship, with a kink for cheating. Into music and gardening.

>looking for
Someone who needs validation. Someone with interests she needs to share with someone... I'll listen. Show me something new. This is weird but... insecurity is kind of hot. If you really want me to fall for you, tell me what you don't like about yourself.

>not looking for
People who were socialized male... I'm totally on board with gender identity but there's just an intensity and lack of self awareness that we have sorry sorry

>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord npaulrus please
20 M, smoking and looking for traumatized dolls to talk to. Let's chat about what happened to you. Don't be shy, I'd love to show off my bwc for some good girls
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I am a 19 year old female living on the east coast. I am looking for a man to force himself on me in a hotel. rape is a huge fetish of mine and has been since I was a kid due to trauma of being sexually abused by family members. otherwise I am a virgin and touch myself constantly to fantasies of being raped and dominated by strangers and men I meet. I know this is very fucked up but I can't help it, I just want it so bad my pussy aches thinking about it. as long as you agree to pay for us a room for one night, I will allow you to do whatever you want with my body, you can also take pictures of me and record as long as you agree to not publicly post them. you can hit me, strangle me, drug me almost anything etc. my only limits are piss and scat, I do not want to indulge in those kinks. as for physical description, I am smaller both height and weight wise, very easy to throw around. I have brown hair and brown eyes, I am white. I usually get told I look cute and innocent rather than hot lol... so if you're into those types of girls that's a good thing for me.

drop a discord or telegram please, preferably if you live in the east coast. we can exchange private details and verification over chat.
I live on the West coast unfortunately, but sounds fun
Dis: cyrus_snow
> wants rape
> doesn't post contact
> doesn't post city
probably a guy
Interested to get to know you and see where that goes
Telegram is alterman174
it's 4chan, man, what did you expect, you're saying that like you did some detective work :3
taken. don't bother messaging me further.
You can disable friend requests if you don't want people bothering you. :)
never added me back
im on the east coast
dc: j.cobson
26 M on the east coast
dc: weeknd_97

there's got to be at least ONE GUY interested :/
22 year old femboy from the UK.
demisexual+pan-romantic but prefer masculine types

>describe yourself

a braindead sub who’s a huge masochist.
hopelessly romantic, i obsess over my Dom and he fills up my heart and mind until all i can think about is making him happy. i want to take care of all his needs, whether they be domestic, emotional, sexual or sadistic.
i am very emotional and honest. i care strongly for people and try to do best by them. i am desperate by nature, and sometimes impulsive, but i try hard to not act up. i have lots of love to give but nobody to give it to :(
i’m a born people pleaser, and wish to dedicate myself to the pleasure of one person particularly.

i also love psychological domination, having my emotions toyed with. gaslighting me is so fun and easy because i am easily led and credulous. i get excited frequently but am never satisfied. submitting is the best feeling for me, the belonging and the comfort of knowing my place. it’s heaven.

i hope for a LTR with a cruel tormentor, who’s horrible to me during the day and then cuddles up with me at night. yes, it’s paradoxical. so am i. we contain multitudes

>looking for

someone to give my life to, obsess over and shower with affection. a Dom who knows how to press my buttons and play with all my subby impulses. an experienced manipulator who knows programmable slaves like me thrive under the thumb of someone who knows what they’re doing. a clever guy who loves mindf**ks and gaslighting, and just messing with silly subs heads. someone super possessive who will demand ownership of me. intelligence is more attractive than anything. i don’t mind how you look.


TPE, domestic servitude, abuse (mental and physical), manipulation, CNC, humiliation, beatings, biting, scratching, begging, bullying, name-calling and religious play, i treat my partner like a literal deity.

>not looking for

other subs or switches, sorry

>contact info

maidmalakia on discord
6'5 thin goth/punk, smoking and looking for traumatized dolls to talk to. Let's chat about what happened to you. Don't be shy, I'd love to show off my bwc for some good girls or someone who wants to show off their cuts
Disc: bonesbiteback
videocall sexting photos fetishes lesbian videos and much more write me offers Snapchat: marianaauro Telegram nohesantana
>it'll last maybe 3 days max
small update on this. weve been together for nearly a month now. i sleep over at her house a couple times a week. so im no longer looking for toxic relationships. however if anyone wants to be friends me discord is kaban_tan
Not sure why my post didn't..post.

20s/F/ Not US, but I'm okay with anywhere.

>describe yourself
Have been e-dating and roleplaying since I was 14, had my fair share of irl relationships but there's something comforting and toxic about people online who you can go a bit insane for, and they tend to not run away as quickly. I like broken, intense, bipolar/bpd/lovebombing men. I love to roleplay amongst text chatting because it feels closer, and I can get lost in the fantasy of us together. I'm a huge daydreamer with a vivid imagination.
I like nerdy things and games, cooking, and romance novels / manga. It makes my heart flutter.

>looking for
25+ preferably, but will make exceptions if you type well. Usually autistic / neuro divergent people fit this bill. I like emotion conveyed through text. Willing to RP, and can see how it can extend emotion and romantic connection. I also like intense. I like broken men. I like men who feel like they can't be loved. I'll prove you wrong.
I can switch. Submissives need to just be cute. I need to trust you if you want to dominate me but I crave the feeling of when I am and my breath quickens and head goes light. I fall for people easily, and intensely, a little bpd, if you will.

>not looking for
"Hey how r U" kinda dudes. Voice or camming (im not a catfish I just yearn for nostalgic chat romance)
Guys who wanna fuck around too fast. I want to feel a spark.

>contact info (discord, kik...)
I feel like I didn't sell myself very well, but here's to hoping.
Please leave a little sentence so I can gauge your character and your discord, and I will add you.
> I like men who feel like they can't be loved. I'll prove you wrong.
Extremely skeptical of this and probably more than a little masochistic for requesting it from you of all people but... Here goes.
perroperroburrito on disc
Post your discord so I can add you.
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sissy looking for dom men who want to save my pics and post me on /b/ to punish me for being a beta inferior

discord: bimbolexi22
Mm, yeah, if you read my post, that's not how it works.
>describe yourself
Male, 24, tall, tatted, buff
>looking for
Female sub slut with a breeding kink
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Gonzo556 (disc)
Hi, I'm 26 and feel as though I've been relegated to just being an observer in life with no one to have around for it. I'd like to change that but I have my doubts. My discord is snarky.boojum
32 yo male from Australia.

Switch personality struggling to come to terms with my submissive side due to societal norms. Really struck a chord with me when you wrote you like men who feel like they can't be loved, as someone that has been bereft of praise really struggle with intimacy and have never said the L word to anyone. History, film, comic book and manga nerd, active at the gym trying to achieve a certain goal at the moment fitness wise. Really hope I hear from you, you sound exactly like the kind of person I'd like to talk to, if not hope you find what you're looking for!

Discord: onetwo5064

Quite an awkward guy, fairly weird, but genuine.

Looking for any female or trans girl to spoil. I have money and a dead bedroom. Be interesting. I'm not interesting, but I will give you money, so you need to be interesting to me.

Not looking for anybody that's a dude.

based on your post I'm certain we could have some real fun, but there's already a few replies. I wish you the best of luck tho.
Am in the east coast

Daddy dom / abusive father figure searching for his little princess/daughter.
I want someone I can obsess over, control, and abuse.
Ideally You're someone who is extremely lonely and has been neglected.
Let me give you care and attention (and abuse) you deserve

Discord: pizza2732
Can't make teleguard because of deadspot on my phone :[

Hi, I think you sold yourself just fine based on the interest it got, self included. I like how genuine this post reads, and I'm especially keen on people who know how to be emotive with words. Let's chat soon?

Discord: adifferenttimeline
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27 M TN BWC bigger than a monster can

>Looking for
Girls who cheat, girls who want to be a side chick, girls who want to be in a harem.

Mostly here to recruit for the harem, I have one girl on discord who's down and potentially more. Add if you're into it, no males.

Disc: TitanOfJupiter
Hi, I’m an artist who’s boiling under the surface every day. I can’t stand living for more than a few moments.

Add me

I'm attracted to female degeneracy. Message me if you're a woman and you're dogpilled, a rapist, an addict, need some totally depraved girl to lead me astray.

Kik dolistrey

your username doesn't work i need u
I think I fit what you're looking for quite well and I find what you're into mostly appealing.
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27 / F / US East Coast
>describe yourself
Asian, short, I live by my own and have a good job.
>looking for
I don't know if this is the right thread for this, but I want to find an insufferable bratty guy that I can take care and pamper as much as possible, and in return he makes my life hell.

Kinda like mommy domme, but on reverse.
>not looking for
Not the above.
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Post yours.
usednapkin8 kik and discord
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gif related

28 NB
Southeast + PNW

>Describe yourself
- Afab. Cute, petite, long hair, no tits. You can call me anything you want, but I’m only interested in people who actually like androgyny.
- A friend once described me as “horny and emotionally available.”
- I’m really, really passionate about bdsm and power exchange, mostly the psychological side. I have other hobbies but most of them circle back to this.
- I’ve been in therapy for more than a decade but sometimes slip and get obsessive and moody, especially with guys who are trying to be everything I want in a partner. With healthier people, I act healthier.

>Looking for
- E-dating, romance. Too-deep, too-fast emotional intimacy, likely leading to weird power games and eventual catastrophe. I tend to click better with 30+ cis men and academic types, but I’m open to anyone who types well or is especially introspective and self-aware. I’ll verify if it gets that far, but much prefer text to voice.
- We might click if you’re a cuck and/or want to hear about my sexual exploits, or experienced in the scene and want to tell me about yours. I’m open to playing with people online, but the connection has to work, first.

eu.stress (burner)
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m 19 east coast USA

>describe yourself
college student in STEM. handsome, genius, narcissistic, smarter than you, but most of all extremely humble. loves music and basketball, hates long walks on the beach and cigarettes (grow up). has done too many drugs to count but is sober now. currently on an overwatch kick but interest is fading fast. has directly sent someone to the psych ward for 2 months who he found on this thread. depression, adhd, sociopathic tendencies, you know the drill

>looking for
chats mostly, just have a personality (or at least pretend)

>not looking for
dry conversation. don't expect me to carry the convo. don't try too hard to be edgy

>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord iwontalwaysbehere
For me, I've gotten fed up with girls and dating. The effort/reward ratio just isn't worth it.

My current outlook is to only pursue girls that I can get with minimal effort. If that's not the kind of insufferable you want, then great, we've both saved time. If it is, my discord is: juiceboxmax
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23 uk
datura smoking tranny
looking for abusive manipulative gf
kik - izzslut01

33, M, US

>describe yourself
Empathetic, more interested in other people than I am in myself. Intelligent, but hopefully not in an annoying way. Self-deprecating, but hopefully not in an annoying way. Sometimes self-sabotaging... so, currently in a real relationship, with a kink for cheating. Into music and gardening.

>looking for
Someone who needs validation. Someone with interests she needs to share with someone... I'll listen. Show me something new. This is weird but... insecurity is kind of hot. If you really want me to fall for you, tell me what you don't like about yourself.

>not looking for
People who were socialized male... I'm totally on board with gender identity but there's just an intensity and lack of self awareness that we have sorry sorry

>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord npaulrus please
26 M EST
disc: weeknd_97
>describe yourself
shut in neet thats chronically online, my hobbies are collecting cute stuff and talking to you guys. i just got on 4chan a few months ago and ever sense then most of you guys are great. i die for my discordians and 4channers. i like fashion too (trad goth, sweet lolita, jojifuku, y2k) im not really a nice person and i dont like nice people either. just a typical femcel. i have a server aswell so if you wanna join that with all my other friends just lmk.
>looking for
people who arent normie and anyone who doesnt have bipolar or bpd or npd
>not looking for
people who like to ghost or friend collecters. also people who like to add to just to get a bd reaction out of me lol
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Discord: dollyeyedfreak

have a wonderful day anons!
> looking for people who arent normie
> not looking for people have bipolar or bpd or npd
one or the other you can't have both
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24 / M / US
>describe yourself
6'4", white, long brown hair, multiple girls have told me I'm hot/handsome but I can't really judge that objectively myself. Slight acne, somewhat chubby. Fat, above average length uncut cock. Volcel/virgin, autistic, NEET shut-in, porn addict, severely depressed pervert. I'm into submissive and dominant stuff both ways, whatever you're into I'd probably be at least interested in or open to.
Aside from the goontard stuff I digitally collect a lot of sci-fi, anime, erotic, and just misc art. Architecture and photography too. Years and years of music gathered on spotify and youtube I deeply enjoy. I don't have deep knowledge or skill in any of these things, just a passive appreciator I guess.
>looking for
Femcels, goonettes, any perverted porn addicted cis females interested in a guy like me I guess. Potentially open to FtMs. I want something sexual almost immediately but I'm open to it leading to something long term or romantic if we connect. I'm open to sending and receiving pics but it's not a requirement. Despite probably sounding like an empty pornsick gooner I do have a deep longing for love as well. I don't care if you ghost me whenever as long as you don't lead me on, just be honest about your intentions whatever they are. I guess really I just want a sick girl to perv out with, with the potential for that leading to love.
>not looking for
Any cis males. Prudes. Paypig stuff.
>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord: jok_8
hiiii my discord is moefe i'm a cute chubby boi please abuse me <3
Looking for extremely toxic women, someone who can abuse me mentally and sexually for her own pleasure, to degrade and laugh at me on a daily basis and to make sure everything I do is not good enough. I'm talking fully ruin my mindset and cause long term damage that you can keep feeding into so j never recover :) we can discuss limits etc. Kik: Riceyboy93
>about me
Autistic shutin neet, kind of modest and shy, I have personal and mental issues so be warned, I'm far from innocent and I'm a diehard masochist, alone and isolated irl except for family,
I've been medicated and on hrt for almost 7 years, I've been told that I'm quite attractive and have a cute voice, somewhat cold to strangers at first but trying to be kind when I can,
mostly playing video games like dark souls, jrpgs and fighting games, listening to music and consuming other media like anime and movies in my free time, I also like good art
Video games (dark souls, jrpgs, vns, fighting games), anime, movies, tv shows, music (black metal, postpunk, industrial, early hardcore, uptemo), art, books, philosophy, history and politics to a degree, there's probably more
>looking for
Someone likeminded, I prefer assertive personalities, maybe something sexual, romantic or just companionship, ideally I'd want someone who could control me by all means,
I also like to vc a lot or do other stuff if we get along, please only add me if you don't have a normie pfp
>not looking for
Normies, creeps (please don't send me real life porn), overly hurtful/hostile people, under 20
Discord: uhohims34

33, M, US

>describe yourself
Empathetic, more interested in other people than I am in myself. Intelligent, but hopefully not in an annoying way. Self-deprecating, but hopefully not in an annoying way. Sometimes self-sabotaging... so, currently in a real relationship, with a kink for cheating. Into music and gardening.

>looking for
Someone who needs validation. Someone with interests she needs to share with someone... I'll listen. Show me something new. This is weird but... insecurity is kind of hot. If you really want me to fall for you, tell me what you don't like about yourself.

>not looking for
People who were socialized male... I'm totally on board with gender identity but there's just an intensity and lack of self awareness that we have sorry sorry

>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord npaulrus please
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see image
>describe yourself
see image
>looking for
Someone to devote myself to
>not looking for
someone who doesn't like obsessive people
>contact info (discord, kik...)
@loudagger324 on telegram.
I have experience with CNC and I’m not afraid to be very aggressive with a stranger as long as I have been acquainted with them.
I’m on the east coast and travel frequently and would love to be your first experience if you decide you’re confident that this is the experience you want.
@loudagger324 on telegram.
I have experience with CNC and I’m not afraid to be very aggressive with a stranger as long as I have been acquainted with them.
I’m on the east coast and travel frequently and would love to be your first experience if you decide you’re confident that this is the experience you want.
22 M NYC
Not Nothing

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