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The previous SFW-only thread breached the limit, so here's a new one.

An example template:
>Looking for
>Not looking for

...and remember, no NSFW. Go to the other threads for that >>33400650 >>33395298
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed

>about you
Learning to cook, learning to workout, trying to get into reading, I usually have a hard time making friends as well which makes me a bit of a loner. I spend alot of time on youtube or twitch streams for some type of "social interaction".

I like the usually nerdy things like anime and video games although haven't been interested in the current trend of anime. I like learning about different cultures as well. Reading about myths and histories. And staring into the abyss at night.

>looking for
Someone to pass the time with watching movies, playing games, or just shooting the shit with each other. (If you're not American that's a plus as well since I like learning about other countries).

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20/M/WA state area

>About you/hobbies/interests
Uni student, junior year. The hobby that I've been most invested in as of late is making electronic music. I only started making things a year and a half ago or so, but I have been pretty consistently practicing and trying new things, and I'm happy with my progression. I try my best to not take it seriously.
Also a gamer, more occasionally as of late. When I do get in the groove, I've been playing Synthetik, Star Sector and Stalker Chernobyl. Almost through the latter game of the list!
I intend to start reading tomorrow. I have a book that I bought on a high school teacher's suggestion that I have yet to read.
I've also been drawing a bit more lately. I have a scuff style that I enjoy. Mostly do it to design my bandcamp page and album arts (my dork ass :D)
As a description of me, I'm a 6'3 lanky white dude. I'm rather avoidant and nihilistic, but am working away from that mindset, working through my brain and such. Don't know if I'm making much progress, but righting the mindset will take plenty of time, despite how quickly it seems I'm going.

>Looking for
Anyone. I like weird folk.

>Not looking for
You are all welcome to talk for a bit! Even the really weird people!!!

>DC tag

The image I drew in pen then took a picture of and edited in photoshop.
What makes you say that? I have talked to him. He just is your average autist, not a gold digger or e-whore shilling nudes.
I have way too many hobbies to keep track of, but the main ones are biking, landscape art (painfully mid), and card games. I also play games and watch anime n shit but we don't have to talk about that if you're not into it lol.
>looking for
people to talk to, it'd be cool to find someone I could hang out with IRL. Be as lewd as you like, I don't really care. Maybe a relationship or something idk. Something longer term. women lol, shape or size need not apply. I also just like listening, so if you wanna yap go ahead.
>not looking for
dudes, racists, homophobes, the like.
Mr.Twister. (don't forget the period)
>ASL 23/M/UK

>Hobbies n stuff
Reading/cooking/travel/some gaming/tv and films/technology to a degree/history (no I'm not some ww2 autist)

>Looking for
Interesting girls, I went to all boys schools and I've got plenty of dude friends, would be interesting if you were foreign and shared some interests.

>Not looking for
Guys, people who expect 24/7 conversation, I'll chat as much as I can but I have a life and job.
People who want to VC (not at the start at least), people who only want to play games.

I'm a software engineer, but my real interest is in film among other types of art and media. I'm an easy-going down-to-earth guy, but i really enjoy deep ideas, philosophy, thought experiments, psychology, etc. I also like being active, enjoy swimming, disc golf, hiking, and want to travel more.
>looking for
Other adult, professional, mentally and financially stable people who are also chill and enjoy talking movies, philosophy or just friendly casual conversation. I also really want to talk with others about the future and the rapidly changing nature of technology and its impact to society. It would also be great to find others who enjoy being active and have any interest in staying fit and healthy (this includes mental health) together. If we end up getting along and vibe well and are both comfortable enough with each other, I'm up for eventually voice chatting. Also, if you like any of my favorite film makers we will probably get along: Scorsese, Lynch, Coen Bros, Bergman, Herzog, Fellini.
>not looking for
NEETs, Anyone high strung who can't handle their emotions like an adult or people who behave like children. People who don't have any sincere interests or ideas to share or those who are just looking for either an interview or an argument.

Pro Wrestling, Hip-hop (and pop/punk, but I like music in general so I'll listen to anything really), anime/gaming, comedy stuff like Impractical Jokers.

>Looking For
Just some friends to text to during the day and voice chat occasionally.

>Not Looking For
I mean... I'm not picky bro, I'm on a Discord friend topic. I guess I don't want to have NSFW chats so that's why I'm on here.

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>mongolian, autistic, live in slavic country
>casual guy or girl to speak to, im kinda shy and socially inept.
>@choxflan on discord
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vidya (survival horror, platformers, fromsoft stuff + way more), weeb shit, lifting, film, lost media, horror, spooky /x/ type shit, sonic, silent hill, old internet culture, general tech stuff like pc building and soft modding consoles, travel (going to Thailand soon so if you've any tips id appreciate it)
>looking for
people to shoot the shit with, im always down to watch stuff be it anime, films or random yt videos. i like streaming games to ppl. pls dont be offended if i don't add back, i try to only add a few people at a time
>not looking for
mass adders, doomers, low effort, edating, nsfw, 1 week old accounts
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
I'm 28/F/CST. I have varied interests. Unfortunately none of them are video games and very few anime. I speak Spanish in case you'd rather converse in Spanish. My grammar is rusty, though.
>Looking for
Someone who will become a close friend. I'm not interested in fair weather friends anymore. I want someone I can VC for hours with, so please be open to VC eventually after getting to know each other and if we hit it off.
>Not looking for
Romantic, sexual, "I forgot why I added you", friend collectors, anyone outside the US, groups looking for another "friend", anyone under 28 or over 35
23 f ny

>Looking for
who wants to go to goreshit and dj sharpnel concert in brooklyn on september 22 with me

>Not looking for
people who dont wanna go with me and people who wanna have sex with me

>not looking for
>people who wanna have sex with me
damn thanks for mentioning that concert, i'll definitely go
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22 mtf Germany
>About me
I am in my earlier stages of transhood, i started my transition in late 2022 and still have to come to terms with most things. I am a huge nerd for JRPGs Manga/Manwha and Fashion. I collect animanga merch and Pokemon stuff, I write, draw (learning currently) and cook/bake
Pokémon, JJBA, CSM, SMT, Omori, Berserk, LoL, Overwatch, JJK, Yu-Gi-Oh, Final Fantasy, Retro-JRPGs, Rogue-Likes
Trans people that like to share themselves and their struggles so i can maybe learn a bit, Artsy people that can help.me improve my drawing, People generally interested in the stuff i like for conversations and maybe to play vidya
>Not LF
Cis-Males, Chasers or Rude people..

22 m England
>About me
I am a gamer! I enjoy playing overwatch, excited for marvel rivals and dragon age. I love movies! Currently watching the show "how to get away with murder" no spoilers! In case it's an issue. I'm a short gay twink. Happy to just chat, not looking for anything in particular. Just someone to chat to
Pokémon, OW, adventure games, horror movies, animated movies. Cute stuff. Superheroes.
A guy friend. If it's more than that cool but if it's just friends I'm happy :) I have female friends, be nice to have a guy friend
>Not looking for
No effort chat or girls lol

Discord- lillewis0444_43414
M27/UK but I'm American who just so happens to live here (it's a very long story). I probably am an alcoholic. I write and read and will not bullshit you about anything I know nothing about because I know many of you people on here bullshit people by convincing them about things that you know nothing about in reality. I'm a military veteran looking to share stories with folks, mostly interested in talking to folks who are willing to VC. I don't care for getting on here solely for the purpose of getting with a woman (which I know many of you do) although if it comes my way, then maybe I'll accept it but not really seeking that out. Regardless, I'm solely here to talk to people and understand them albeit I do drink a lot so keep that in mind. I've been reading and writing recently quite a lot and. I play the piano as well to help soothe my soul.

>Looking for
People actually wanting to have a decent conversation with

>Not looking for
Smart asses, annoying autists, cunts, people only seeking sexual partners, clueless people who pretend to know everything

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hey, i’m just looking for some new friends. i originally made this account for nsfw only but desu i think it would be cool to like… be myself with strangers lol?

anyways. i like playing video games a ton. looki for ppl to play ow2 with and league with, maybe val too. open to some other games too.

so yeah thanks! for reading. i prefer VC to be honest

id: byezoe
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I'm looking for a wealthy girl who wants to be neet with me, and spend our time together making memories.

I'm not a gold digger, I have money myself. I'm wise, patient, open minded, and have plenty of stories to tell you. Not trolling.

You don't lose anything by adding me; what if I'm the one you're looking for?

My tag: the.far.mist
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>Looking for
Comfy chatters to join group chats and troll around with.
>Not looking for
incels, neets, and the blackpilled (generally speaking)
> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, eccentric weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect, no friend collectors
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> discord: @tempolution
Discord will no longer allow me to view messages. Fucking stupid. Discord is a joke
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29/M/USA (CST)
>About you
Relatively chill, normalish guy comparatively to most peeps on the chans. I'm most social during late afternoon & evening. Got five cats who I love very much and will send you a lot of pics of. I'm very understanding about mental health issues and I don't mind discussing them, so I can always an open ear if you need to vent to somebody. Started studying for IT certs lately, really fun. I am planning to build up a library of both books & physical media, really love cinema, literature, and gaming. Talk to me about history, animals, or Linux in any order especially.
Fallout New Vegas, Disco Elysium, Hollow Knight, any decent platformer really.
>Looking for?
Looking for people closer to 23 & above. People to message on Discord throughout the day. Fun, nice, talkative and passionate people who enjoy the things they're into and wanna tell me about em. Fellow adults who are a bit lonely online and like having/being company through Discord. All timezones welcome.
>Not looking for
I don't associate with transphobes, homophobes, or /pol/ types. If you're one of these, stay out.
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>Looking for
crazy/lonely women who want to speak to someone temporarily without expectations of making a lasting connection, down for whatever but more or less wanna indulge in some chaos
>Not looking for
underage people.

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>About you
Look at her
>Looking for
Nothing, just look at her she's so angry
>Not looking for
Why do you think she's so angry
So angry...
If anyone knows why she's so angry please tell me, here's my discord thank you:

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Bloomer loner. Like the outdoors, gardening, spend most of my time on blender but better at CAD, learning electronics, woodworking, I like making stuff like models, shit on Photoshop, drawing and gunpla. watch alot of yewtewb and like music and collecting cassettes. Like history too. Have been trying to get my life more on track lately and would be down for people who are doing the same.
>Looking for
Anyone I get along with. Funny people. Just kinda want some different friends and people with similar interests. Not really interested in irl or vc till I know you. Like talking to people and sharing projects. Happy to talk to people about life and issues, am 10 months sober so can talk about that too.
>Not looking for
Shit from weirdos. People who can't have a conversations normally. Doomers who don't want to change. Super political people.
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24/Male/Midwest US
>Looking For
A woman to love and spend my life with, and friends as well.
>About Me
I'm a Caucasian male who is a 5'7 and a tad overweight with a very noticeable acne problem. I am a shy person and have some severe social anxiety, and am up late into the night with insomnia. I try to be humorous and lighthearted through out my day and try my very best not to get moody and jittery. I dream of having a fulfilling relationship one day with a woman who shares my interests and unique life perspective.
Interested in Guitars and love playing them, sing a bit too. I go out occasionally and play music for tips as well. Into collecting films on DVD and music on CD and Vinyl, into several film and music genres. Love The Kinks, Nirvana, Frank Zappa, DEVO, David Bowie, The Beatles, Meat Puppets and Megadeth. Favorite film is Return of the Jedi and favorite album is Rubber Soul. I also collect Retro console and computer games with my top game being the original Star Wars Battlefront 2.
>Not Looking For
People who do not respond, or people who respond once and never again. Unfriend or block me at that point please don't just leave me sitting there. Men as lovers, appreciate it but I'm a straight dude, welcome to have you as a buddy though. Girls way older than me, I can make some things work but if you're in your late forties I don't think we can have a fully committed relationship, could be friends though.

Discord: tag is atlas8658

Note: My phone regularly uninstalls apps without telling, so if I don't see you right away it probably means my phone is being fucking stupid
31/M/Leaf who recently went back to school and sort of got his life on track (kind of). 10+ years sober, has cat, likes heavy music, getting back into gym routine, and older video game/anime. Also interested in occult/religion/philosophy broadly.

>Looking for
Anyone who just likes to casually chat here and there about mutual interests or about how our days went. I like to hear the boring and mundane stuff sometimes. 25+ seems to be where I have the most in common but anyone is welcome to add.

>Not looking for
Anyone excessively nutty, weird, demanding, needy, etc..

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diagnosed autist. old internet culture. anime like watamote, lucky star, azumanga, nichijou, yuru camp, my roomate is a cat, non non biyori. also like 2hu, vocaloid, collecting stuff, merch and plushies, old internet culture

>Looking for
ppl with similar interests

>Not looking for
minors or coomers or politics

discord: corporate_clash
27 M GA
>about me
Work in IT, masters degree in media
Love gaming, music, reading, animals, cinema, history, politics, all that good stuff.
>Looking for
A beautiful woman who finds me attractive! Sounds like a low bar, but I mean it. Preferably someone with a big personality.
>Not looking for
Bigots, impatient people, shy people
>Looking for
people to talk to longer term vc or text
>Not looking for
people only trying to goon, friend collectors, and No effort chat
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40k, dollhouse building, art, stuff and things
>Looking for
Friends just to chat with. No relationships, just friends. I'm fine with lewd chats every once in a while, but i dont want it to be your only character trait. I just want to talk to more people as im lonely.
>Not looking for
as well as anyone who is gonna pity me or some shit. No people who will sit there and demand things of me. just, normal people.
sown_clover on discord
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ASL: 29/M/Northern California

all i really do is work, sleep, eat, gym, and enjoy my hobbies... which are nothing special, but they're mine.

pc games (i spend too much on steam sales)
read visual novels (very slowly)
watch videos (anime, well written tv, video essays, twitch streams)
listen to music (pop, punk, hardcore, metal, indie, etc.)

>Looking for
connection. preferably locals to chat with

>Not looking for
a waste of either of our times

discord: int.value
i may not be on discord all the time, be patient
Glowie alert. You couldn't be any brighter
>fuck forgot the tag.
I think you meant to write
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rhythm games, genshin impact, going to the arcade, going on walks at night.
>Looking for
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>Looking for
Very relaxed and fairly well put together (???) guy, I'm just on here because I'm still too weird for normies and I'm a shut in when I'm not working.
Meditation, Chinese Language, Martial Arts, cooking, wine, weight training and physical culture in general, Manga too but I feel like thats a free square on here (I read a lot of slice of life and romance atm).

I'm Also a practicing Daoist which is interesting to some people; ask me about internal alchemy if you have a free hour.

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>What are you looking for?
Shortlived music exchanges. Add me, post 3 songs you like, I'll show you 3 and we delete each other. I just want to discover some new music.
>Not looking for
Anything else.

Never mind. Fixed the issue. Feel free to add
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M 22 USA
Rereading Jujutsu Kaisen, Kagurabachi. Currently binge watching Suits. Play and own every new Paradox game, Rimworld, Factorio, and Roblox fighting games. Love Fallout and Hotline Miami lore. Currently listening to Lucki, Homixide Gang, Kanye West. Music is one of my favorite things to talk about if anyone has any appreciation for the medium. No care for politics. Favorite shows are True Detective and the Sopranos. Interested in writing, favorite book being Blood Meridian. Interested in history and religious studies.
>Looking for
Anyone with interest in any art form, preferably strive to create art rather than not. Sports. Videogames. Movies, shows, creative writing and screenwriting. Just don't be boring and be able to expand on whatever interest you have. This is probably the most important since some who add me tend to kill their conversations by just being so dry.
>Not looking for
NSFW posters, minors, creeps and pedophiles. Fetishists. Boring people. People whose taste is geared to a specific niche.

Looking for friends with shared interests (shooting, hiking, collecting, occasionally binge watching shows when I have time on weekends)

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25/M/Tx (europoor originally)
>about you
I’ve traveled a ton to different countries, I like camping, I lived off grid in a van for nearly a year. I play the drums, and use to be in a few very small death metal bands. I like old cars (especially volvos), and really silly memes. I work/repair ambulances for a living. I don’t really play games, other the war thunder, old beta Minecraft or osrs a few hours here and there, I’m usually too busy. I paint every once in a while, I could show you if you want. I like to collect photos of silly 2d frogs, cats and deer.
>looking for
Preferably F, but, I really don’t care any way. I know most guys won’t add me, but I’m cool with talking. Mentally unstable people please, you’re always a blast to talk too, and make great friends, for whatever reason.

Or let’s just chat for a little bit, tell me what’s on your mind. Although I’d prefer a long term friendship, or maybe more then that idk
>not looking for
Porn watchers, coomers. Decidedly unhappy people. Anything not wholesome
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i don't know where to begin. i'm not career driven, but i've still got vigor for life. i'm not religious, but i'm into mysticism. i'm a walking contradiction, y'know?

>looking for:
is sincerity really that hard to ask? maybe some reciprocity? but then again, i'm on 4chan after all.

>not looking for:
lgbt sympathizers, debby downers, alcoholics, israeli lapdogs, etc.


>looking for
someone to play yugioh, sc2, wow pvp (maybe)

note I am racist and sexist, anti semite too

20 f

Looking to make actual friends

Bit depressed, mentally ill, stoner.


Disc: agrangerz
i'm always kind of curious what the purpose of a larp like this is. are you too afraid to be yourself and make friends that way, or are you just trying to fuck with desperate losers who will add any f
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>24/tranner/us (pacific)
>desperate for anyone kind enough to ease the pain of life for love
>not looking for bullies
18F US
>Looking for
Friends, people to VC, watch movies
>Not looking for
People who give me the creeps :(
Discord: imsosarah
Satan hurts my head when I try to add 18 year old girls. Yeah he's violently abusing me.
Abusing isn't the correct term. I'm being tortured. You'd probably meet Satan through me. Not even a meme, surprisingly. He doesn't usually let me speak to younger women. He controls that I think. I'm from Kenya and Satan's grip has been like steel.
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very swag very cool

Basically besides working 9-5, I lift in the gym (powerlifting/strength training mostly), cook foods, play games and have a medium-sized youtube channel that I spend some time on, been also playing piano for a few years, read some stuff sometimes, talk to people on discord u know the usual :)
>Looking for
cool people, swag people, just don’t be too dry or weird
>Not looking for
dry, weird, creepy people, etc just be a decent person!!
I work a 9-5 I like working on electronics and dumb projects. I like anime and online vidya I can play with friends. I'm mainly a /k/ browser so if you're into fire arms or thinking about getting your first gun I've given advice before. If you live in Texas and wanna hang out that's a plus but not expecting it
>Looking for
Friends to play vidya with. I mainly play tf2, fallout 76 and mimecraft with friends right now but wouldn't mind picking up a new game if it's on sale or something and was interesting
>Not looking for
People who ghost, one word replies or agree to play then bail short notice. Life happens I get
Discord: kaban_tan
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24, m, USA
>About you:
I like to think I'm just an average guy. I like cute things, anime, vtubers, gacha, video games, reading/writing, and ttrpgs. I like to learn about parapsychology, mysticism, divination, and generally other people. I'd love to share some crazy dreams with other anons! I like to drink so maybe we could have a drinking vc.
>Looking for:
anyone is welcome generally speaking except those who have no actual interest in conversation. I'm okay with just talking once/twice or talking long-term.
>Not looking for:
people who don't wanna talk or express themselves.
Looking to kill time
>Looking For
Looking for females to kill time
>Not looking for
20 f us
>describe yourself
unhinged and mentally ill but not in a dangerous way just in an annoying way, i spend all day watching men in their 30s play video games on youtube while i shitpost on 4channel
>looking for
actually interesting or unique or fun people
people who will 100% accept me for my crazy and not try to fix me
frens who don't mind me being high maintenance sometimes or unresponsive other times
cool girls who aren't stacy
ugly people
>not looking for
being e-raped
also if your pfp isn't a good vibe i might not reply
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>About me

A few things about me: I'm an eccentric person who holds very strong convictions that guide my actions, and I understand a lot of things many don't. I've led a very interesting life (thus far), and I have equally big ambitions. I think everyone always has a choice, even if it doesn't seem that way. Being assertive comes very easily to me, and I'm happy to report my temperance arc is mostly done. I don't believe in personality tests, but I have a strong personality for sure.

Learning, reading and making art are my favourite things to do. For learning, my interests range from STEM-heavy subjects to all forms of art, and I have a special knack for psychology & philosophy in general (psychology a lot more). I also enjoy the mundane, the bizarre, as well as the profane. I've been very busy until recently, so I'm slowly getting back into the full force of my hobbies.

I frequently compose music across different genres (anywhere between beginner and intermediate), and I am unrivaled in my main form of art (literary, musical and visual), which I've also been innovating in. I've made some strides in relearning how to play the piano (so I can compose better pieces), and I sometimes sing. Poetry is also an interest of mine, albeit somewhat from a bygone time.

Word salad of the moment: bears (!), Japanese shoegaze, Fair Isle vintage sweaters, ethics, dream interpretation, AI (outside of the garbage it's used for), power & its dynamics. There's a good bit more to me, but you'll have to say hello.

>Looking for

Anyone who would like to have, at the very least, a chat with me. I'm not as serious as I might seem. promise :)

>Not looking for

Anyone whose brain has been consumed by pornography. People younger than 21 years old. Bigots and racists. You know who you are.


(pic rel)
You are currently not accepting friend requests.

Fixed! Now accepting friend requests. Thanks.
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyezwhitehair
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carefree, schizoid, nice, clueless, I adjust myself to people I talk to, I like being silly tho
probably depressed but I dont care,
basic 4chan/nerd shit,I like some chess too, used to do sports and outdoors stuff ,exploring nearby forests, but it changed to doomscrolling
I spent free time at home pretty much most of the time doing various internet activities
I have big collection of anime art/pictures gathered thru the years
>looking for
adult schizo/neet girls that match the vibe, maybe friends, online olny
>not looking for
underage and below 20, sex, irl

>Physical description
6'1 195lbs, white, blonde, green eyes

i like to read, hike, play vidya. i enjoy more or less anything outdoors. i workout regularly. i enjoy watching mma and combat sports in general.

>Looking for
a girl to date, preferably close to my age and close to me. ideally one looking for eventual marriage and having a family.

>Not looking for
non female, non white, overweight, utterly insane (i can deal with a little bit).

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32/M/Southern US
>About you
I’m a homebody and have a fairly small social circle, but I maintain a full time job and have a reasonably good sense of humor and social skills.
I’m getting more into film as of late and I’m watching a lot of classics. Niche media has always been something I gravitate towards, whether it’s film, games, music, etc. I enjoy learning about new things and would love to hear about some of your interests as well.
>looking for
My usual friend circle isn’t available most of the time, and I’m seeking some new friends. I’d like to meet some people on a similar wavelength to me and hopefully establish a genuine connection.
>not looking for
People who are easily offended, angry, and obnoxious
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I am asocial and have no friends. I still come onto this hellhole after years because i have nowhere else to go to socialize. my interests are not special, mainly manga, japanese rpgs, gacha, old valve games, I also like to go on walks at night.
>Looking for
people to talk to
>Not looking for
> asl
25/M/SE asia

> Interests
Chronically online guy and would love some company
Im a neet does drawing, plays gacha games and a bedrotter.
> Looking for
Primarily neet loser girls, or something along the lines, i like the type thats easy going and have spare time, someone whos active and puts effort in texting as i do too.
Im also open to vc as its the best way get to know each other rather than texting which can be a bit lazy. Id prefer topics that ranges from surface level to deeper/emotional topics, sometimes even world issues. I can get attached quickly if theres chemistry :3
> Not looking for
Dry texters, ghosters

> Discord
23/m/United States
>looking for
a girl to talk with, play games with,and maybe a relationship
I am into a lot of things; those include reading, music, video and photo editing, and working out.
>not looking for
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20/m/US east coast
books, writing, music, movies, fashion, cool things, abandoned buildings, wikipedia pages on suicide
>looking for
cool people, interesting people, cool and interesting people, people who have something to say, people who have cool and interesting things to say, etc.
>not looking for
fags, bores.
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I'm a mentally ill NEET. If I was working Id probably be working in IT which I might do some time after I deal with some stuff. I suffer from schizophrenia and have autistic tendencies. I had several diagnoses over my life including the current one and autism. I'm bisexual. Even though I'm not trans I had gender issues since I was little.
Linux(I use Arch btw), photography, writing, making youtube videos and photography, Japanese culture.
>Looking for
I'm looking for someone that has mental health problems like me and doesnt have much going on. Id like to find someone that talks a lot. I dont mind listening to your problems. Someone that shares some things in common, especially being a NEET.
>Not looking for
I'm pretty open to people. Even though I'm pretty horny myself not really open to gooners, you'll probably be disappointed. I usually like having emotional connection with people for that.
19/M/United States

>About me
I like leisurely activities. Gaming, reading, viewing various media, listening to music, etc. I particularly like seeing and interacting with animals. I like talking to people, and I'm currently sick so it'd be great to socialize since I'm inside so much.

>Looking for
Friends. I'd like to meet like-minded and cordial people. People who are inherently nice and believe others are inherently nice.

>Not Looking for
I don't want anything sexual or romantic in nature. I don't want to talk with anyone creepy, or anyone who makes it *really* apparent that all they do is browse 4chan (you know what I'm talking about.)
almost forgot, disc is
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introverted college student, pretty bland.
>looking for
online friends of any sort, age, sex, or location doesnt matter, just ideally someone talkative and often active online
>not looking for
romance or sexual relationships/ conversation topics
wageslave career lady, love vidya, anime, manga, going outdoors, working out and firearms.
>Looking for
nice people to talk to, gamer friends, silly creatures,
>Not looking for
creeps, dry dry openings, rude people
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Boy, 20's y.o, long hair
>Looking for
English girl 20's y.o from u.k
>Not looking for
Younger than 18 y.o, other races
I like a lot of stuff but mainly I like gardening, sculpting, physical labor, sometimes collecting coins, some vidya as well, but personality wise some people have said I'm a little obsessive and I get attached to people too much
>Looking for
I just want someone that could be as clingy or as excited as I am when talking to them, I wish someone to give me the same as I give them, someone really broke me recently and I realized I was giving so much in return for so little, obviously I'll always try to give my most but I also want someone to be as obsessive as I am
>Not looking for
Faggotry, trannies
Also if you're from Spain that's a plus :3
What's a creep
What's a dry opening

Why am I being accused before I even add these people? Is it because they aren't getting adds? They gaslight like every sentence almost, in fact I'm pretty sure they're bots. Internet has been dark as hell lately. Definitely being fucked with for torture reasons. Not sure if these messages are going out.
It's because you aren't an 8/10 Chad, anon. Be hotter.
I'm an 8/10 chad and wouldn't in my lowest point add a girl from a post like that tee bee aitch famalamadingdong
women are the only people on earth who use the word creep, and it's cringe.
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25/m/eu - Hi it's me again ,you'll keep seeing me : |

>Looking for
Cool stuff to share !

>Not looking for
undesirables and invalids (women are fine)

>Why am I being accused before I even add these people?
I always think the same when I see these profiles. It's predictable that *some people* here will have gassed up egos due to how many adds they get, but they could at least ask themselves if they live up to their own standards from time to time before whining about others. It's all so fucking tiresome.
20,f, us

>Looking for
if you play ps5 or PC, I have a game list so let's exchange each others & play them together, vc too

>Not looking for
dudes, took me 4 secs to look at thread and see them complaining


say ur frm here pls!
Decent women don't want to talk to cunts like you either.
oh wait this is a tranny anyway, nvm
u retard, someone i pissed off copied and pasted my info from nsfw thread to sfw thread, takes a second to see that in archives
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20/M/East Germany
-History: focus on modern history, as well as economic history of capitalism. trying to get into fiction. currently reading: Lolita & Civilization and Capitalism: Structures of Everyday Life & Evolution in Four Dimensions
-Music: interested in post-punk, indie rock and industrial music.
-Anime: favourites is haibane renmei, azumanga daioh, evangelion, csm. reading you and me and her right now.
-Movies: Love experimental, thriller and crime movies. My favourites are The Lobster, Kite, Belladonna of Sadness, Fantastic Planet and Satantango
-Internet Geology: Love old GeoCities and forums.
>looking for
Bookworms, people to discuss movies with, and who have other things they love to discuss and infopost about! :)
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>About you
Currently my life is a bit unstructured, so I have much time left to waste away and maybe chat. I like watching movies and looking at furry art. Would also like to read more and play some games soon: Journey to the End of the Night (Celine), Silent Hill and Wagner. It's just very hard to concentrate for me at the moment...
>Looking for
Finding friends would be nice, but I know that it's hard. Maybe we could have a nice chat? If you weren't lonely, you likely wouldn't be here!
>Not looking for
Sexual stuff, /pol/ stuff, romance, females or trans (sorry, just not interested in friendship with those)
u are the biggest asshole in existence
Lmao that's pretty fucking funny, if it's true you probably deserved it anyway :^)
What did they do?
she's just rude and leads people on for attention. I told her that we had all these things in common with her and she basically told me to fuck off for no reason.
>she's just rude and leads people on for attention.
unheard of from /soc/ femanons
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cryptids, paranormal, aliens, true crime, vidya, anime, fishing and so on.
>looking for
not busy people to be frens with to watch anime and play vidya
>not looking for
lgbt horny people etc.
discord: mancalledcold
i didn't
stop making up stuff, u don't post ur user & i unadded u bcz of it, i said i wasn't interested i didn't say fuck off
28 M, northeast USA
lying around doing nothing, feeling lonely, never being good enough, petting cats, urbex, social sciences, plants (especially cacti and succulents)
>Looking for
Progressive feminist women who can lower their standards and settle for dating incels (which will never happen of course)
discord: lacktoastntolerant
what about the time before that? exactly, shut up.
stop crying on soc about it when one out of the thousands of people dont want to talk to you. Ill pray for you so you get the help you need if this is enough to make you cry
m18 from florida
looking for friends, i'm kind of lonely
I like poetry, film, current events, languages, and traveling.
I really love Latin America, especially Chile.
I speak Spanish and Portuguese, I would like to learn French and Russian
I also like Quebec, i plan on visiting in December
My discord is mirabai22
M 27
Looking for mature girls
So many here are soulless husks, please have a soul

28 M EU

Bored, lovely and feeling a little low. I think it's cringe to do really long messages here so if you're interest in talking HMU. Preferably F but if you're cool reach out.

Disc : reversemourner
> Help 'I' need.
Unlike you, I don't cut myself,
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>About you
Me in pic, 185cm
I like digging up potatoes Ive planted :)
I go to the gym sometimes and don't have sub 100iq. I like reading, enjoy reading/ theater, doing stuff with my hands and talking with friends

>What you're looking for
F in EU, looking for LTR. If you can't vc or Webcam don't add
>What you're NOT looking for
Catfish, M asking for gym advice, srr.
>Any additional info
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30 F Canada

Looking for chat with people 25+

Discord marchionessofmadness
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyezwhitehair
you should probably look for a chat with your boyfriend or go to the pub you so frequently go to in ontario, pathetic cunt
First of all, its not a "she", its a tranny. Second of all, what do you expect from a mentally ill retard that thinks HE is a woman when HE was born a MALE? If you add a troon expecting normal and nice you are just as retarded as them.
ur so adamant on smthing being true when it isn't, and the only proof u have is someone posting my tag. idk why u have a tranny fantasy and wanna share it with everyone else but u need help and I feel sad 4 u to wanna cope this bad
I believe u
Fuck off and die tranny
Keep schizoing out just because u got unadded
is a real woman but got someone already
>Looking For
chilled out people who are as dorky as me
>Not looking for
penis,sex, any of the sort, just frens pls pls pls
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>interests, hobbies
lifting, hiking, poetry, foraging, mysticism&psychology, philosophy, crafting stuff, gardening, brewing, psychedelic rock, neofolk, romanticism&symbolism, perennial philosophy, cooking
>what you're looking for
whatever, interesting convos
>what you aren't looking for
Man from United States, Parts Unknown.

I'm mad as hell because I'm trying to watch Longlegs and I'm stuck watching a camrip from a post soviet kinotheatre riddled with gambling and cock pill advertisements.

If you have HBO max and want to share, I can pay you back in being funny and pleasant.

I would buy it but I don't want to contribute to my digital footprint in the event I act on my maladaptive daydreaming and run for local office. There's a 90% chance they'll find **that** account if I add one more streaming service.

If you're sufficiently useful, I'll buy you Domino's Pizza. Maximum one small pizza because it's just you and your ugly cat, and it's carryout only because you're a miserly bastard that doesn't tip.

This sounds very demanding and rude, but I'm only rude to the hypothetical people I make up in my mind. I'm currently suplexing a strawman and I do that often because is a great feeling and I can't take it out on the drywall unless I'm willing to pay for the deposit.

I do ask you be American. Unless you're one specific Argentinian. You won't know who I'm talking about unless you found **that** account.

If I like you, you get one favor you can call in. The favor has several stipulations. I'll go into detail on that shortly.

If your smoke detector alarm goes off at any time during the movie, we will stop the stream and I will force you to listen to Tom MacDonald until you change out the batteries.

get raped, axe wound patient.
pick up ur meds frm the pharmacy
26/m/canada, laid back, curious, doompilled. Not gonna list everything I like, most of the time it doesn't matter and if it does it'll come up on its own.

Recently went to my first anime convention. Is it me or is it just a giant flea market people dress up to go to?
>Looking for
Text chat is okay, but I what I'd really like is someone chill to vc once or twice a week. Just to hang out and talk about what's on our mind, what's going on in life, shows, books, etc. Nothing too serious
>Not looking for
We can filter once we've talked. No hard feelings if you hate me
Doubting what youre saying on account of you crying about this so much. Even if its a fucking tranny its not worth flooding the thread over
>having the audacity to counter someone
>is still plaguing the board under a different tag
you been here for over a year and switched tags a handful of times like that other cunt, you should post that your a useless chinkoid thats into goyslop vidya next time so you dont get mistaken for a decent person, saves everybody time and when you fuck off you wont be put into a soc themed infographic
29 / NB / Can, Qc

>about me
Shut-in dropout who has unlocked their emotions very late in life. I have brain-worms. I'm up at odd hours due to night-shift work and inconsistent sleep schedule. My AGAB is male, and I inject myself with feminizing hormones every week. I may be mildly autistic.

I like tech, and I love art. I used to draw, animate, and model a lot in the past. I'd love to get back into all of those things, but it's been difficult. Occasionally I'll look at and admire other artist's works!
Sometimes I'll dabble in making and playing music. It's hard to say what I'm into specifically, because I think most genres can be all right. I do have some favorites/go-to's though. (vocaloid, jungle dnb, trance, indie just to name a few)
VR technology is interesting, and the experiences I had in it have been nothing short of positive and eye opening.
I like tarot decks, and sometimes I'll offer divination readings for friends just for fun.

>looking for
I'm not 100% sure what I'm looking for, but I want it to be genuine.

>not looking for
Lewd of any kind, overly assertive or controlling people, or discussions about politics.

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22 M USA
vidya, music, history, (some) philosophy etc. just ask if you wanna know more.
>looking for
really not that picky.
>not looking for
if i don't like you i will tell you directly.
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyezwhitehair
>Looking For
Close gamer friend that likes watching movies n sharing music and obv loves gaming
>Not Looking for
nsfw, edating
>Games you wanna play?
WoW, Valorant, League, open to learning anything new

I usually play rhythm vidya during the weekends and watch anime from time to time I also like some vns.

>Looking for
Friends o:

>Not looking for

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Recently got rejected from enlisting in the military due to some gay medical issues. now, I'm going to my plan B which is now college, which I'm probably going to hate. I like to play a lot of vidyas, consuming a lot of anime/mangas, and guns
>Looking for
some cool people to talk to maybe people who share the same interest, but everyone is welcome to add me
>Not looking for
I dunno


I like wholesomeness, Japanese food and cute things but I am also mildly neurotic, have autism and ADHD disorder. Favorite game is monster hunter world

>Looking for

People that like comfy and relaxed chat

>Not looking for

Relationships/romance. No sex.


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22 f northeast us
>about you
often described as curious and polite. i like to learn about stuff and talk to my friends.
poker (very new, trying to learn having a nice time doing it), music (mainly emo/shoegaze/slowcore and similar but i like all genres), live music and going to shows, typefaces, fish, crossword puzzles, wikipedia, solitaire, writing (poetry/prose), small collectible items, ephemera, clowns, routine. i would also like to learn to sew i think.
>looking for
someone to talk to (24+) with similar (or not) interests. generally intelligent and chill.
>not looking for
anything sexual or romantic. feminine men, overly nihilistic people, younger than me, straight edge, porn addicts, more than 2 close friends
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I don’t care
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Not many. I'm a chronically online shut-in and I mostly just browse the internet, listen to music and play video games occasionally. I just got a drawing tablet and am learning Photoshop so if you're into digital art hit me up.
>looking for
Someone to rot with. Preferably other shut-ins, neets, blackpillers and robots.
>not looking for
Rudeness. One word replies. VC.
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>About you
nudist/naturist, raw carnivore, dancer, medic, gymrat, nomad, homecook, barefoot guy, extreme minimalist, permaculturalist, beginner runner, traditionalist, 'mechwarrior, straight edge

>Looking for
Friends, companions, future wife

>Not looking for

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niche games, social life, drinking :)
we'll probably find something to talk about - tell me how your day's going
>looking for
anyone who wants to have a good chat. I can work with slow responders, weirdos, etc. as long as you're down to talk I'm good
>not looking for
I can't give money or favors or be your therapist - don't rely on me for any real issues you might need to fix
discord: excelsin
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> About you
Mostly looking for friends to DM with day to day. I won't write too much in this post since I'd rather have a conversation. I tend to initiate conversation.

I'm big on music and would like someone to talk to about shows or new finds. Go to stuff with. Talking about mental health has been a mainstay recently. I dabble in film.

>Looking for
Organic conversation rather than just talking about a single hobby we both share ALL the time.

>Not looking for
/Pol/,incel stuff, hate machines, server invites, teenagers

Discord tag: harmonica_
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Hiking, mushroom hunting, clouds, climbing trees, traveling, music, anime, video games, destroying shit, weird shit, spying on the animals in my backyard, coaxing insects to fight to the death (unsuccessful), sound systems, cooking, attempting to learn other languages, and others.

>looking for
Someone to talk to regularly.
Someone who would want to meet irl if we hit it off.
Musical exchanges.
Someone to help fill the void in my soul.

>not looking for
Faggotry of any variety, furries, people that can't hold a conversation, people with outie bellybuttons, people who hate ferrets, server invites, one off conversations, people who don't read posts and just add.

big into film (arthouse, intl, everything really) + music also into philosophy politics history books etc!
>looking for
generally just someone who's like me with similar interests who i can talk to ^_^

reading a shitton of wikipedia articles, epunk, true crime, ddr, archery, watching weird shitty movies, debates on morality

>looking for
just someone genuine who's worth talking to. really anyone from any slice of the world.
bonus points if you liked 2018 internet culture (you get me if you get me)

skinny twinkie
>Looking for
irl and online friends interested in music, religion, philosophy, and history. im very lonely desu! other twink/nb/femb*y frens preferred but i dont mind.
>Not looking for
annoying, gross, super mentally ill people. (normal levels of mental illness r ok :D)
guitar, drawing, movie, photography, technology, videogames, manga
>looking for
meet new people to chat with
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Old. Hispanic. Male. Illinois.

Art, as both a consumer and creator of it. Stand-up comedy. Paranormal/esoteric topics. Digital media manipulation/glitching. Odd films and sounds. Retro junk.

>Don't add me if...
New account. Alt account. Your entire personality is "I watch anime and play video games". You are afraid of answering basic questions to get to know one another (ex: what's your name/where ya from?)

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Many movies and films and music and collections I like collecting Pokémon card trolls vinyls anything very autistic and cool I don’t do much tbf I plays some games and smoke za and chill
>not interested
Pls add rn if u can if u want to vc I am very paranoid rn and need assistance ty
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Gaming, art, sci-fi, emo punk music, cooking, politics, tis all in the chart ladies and gents way better visualized than verbalized
>looking for
Friends, open to romance if thats what you want to try, anyone and anything goes
>not looking for
Just dont be too weird, dont be an ass, dont assault me with dick pics
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24/mtf/east coast us
avid horror movies/manga/anime/vns/games enjoyer, probably watched 150+ horror movies and played/seen most horror games i can find
play a ton of multiplayer games but mostly decent at league. i like 100%ing singleplayer games when i do play them. currently playing armored core 1 & dmc4
also collects a lot various anime merch and figures. i own neat higurashi stuff
enjoys a lot of vocaloid
>looking for
someone interesting with similiar interests
>not looking for
boring people...
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Writing music and poetry.
Reading good books.
Search of a self and building of oneself.
Applying stoic philosophy.
9 years into martial arts.
Trying to start to go out for new experiences.
Bringing meaning into life.
>Waiting for
>To get in touch
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>about me
I have depression, anxiety, ocd and an abusive mother so searching for someone who understands would be nice, I like psychedelic movies, horror, cosmic horror, movies about drugs, reading, writing, playing games, listening to music (i like all sorts of music but i prefer alt rock, indie, indie rock, dream pop).
>looking for
Friends who share interests and like to chat a lot, i’m shy and nervous when meeting new people but i’ll try my hardest to make you comfortable, i’m sweet, kind, respectful.
>not looking for
Friend collectors, nsfw, anything romantic
>disc tag
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>About you


Comp sci student on summer break till October, therefore bored

>Looking for

I'm just gonna dump my stream of consciousness here instead of writing some elaborate passage you're barely gonna read anyway

falling asleep to documentaries. internet culture brainrot. how to be INTJ but not a psychopath. too self aware for my own good. EQ your snare for 8 hours mix sucks ass anyway. the Trojan war was real. finland doesnt exist. curse you bayle. 85 different late antique roof designs. writing poetry no one will fucking read. having an imaginary debate with myself at 3 am out loud. supplement stack to solve my insomnia. convos that won't break my spine from carrying them. why my chair is a low capacity cache for accessing my frequently used clothes.4 hour lore videos. 50 gigabyte cat folder on desktop. creative writing so my manifesto receives positive critical reviews. spotify playlists with 600 songs. journaling for 7 years just to develop the emotional maturity my parents never gave me. haplogroup studies to be accurately racist. ego lifting everyday. being the ubermensch uncle nietzsche wanted me to be. suffering builds character. all women are bi, you just have to figure out if it's polar or sexual. rustin cohle is literally me. why Caesar put curse clauses in his bills. berserk video essays. build your own cabin in the woods, survival handbook 2 week guide. spotify playlists for slamming my head against the wall. written essay on how your favourite album changed your life. how to not smoke but still look cool. 72 different ways to cook chicken breast. lorem ipsum. how many layers of irony are enough? cant torrent won't watch. why you shouldn't look up your country's US embassy on google earth for 7 days straight multiple hours per day.

>Not looking for

I prefer europeans but anything goes, please if you're american or something don't be too retarded and we'll get along


>looking for
anons to goon and trade pics with
>not looking for
facesitting, latex, paizuri, impregnation, hair-pulling, bondage, choking, cosplay
You're not accepting friend request, add me

29/M/East Coast USA


I play a lot of vidya and consume online entertainment.

I like RPG games with a good amount of depth. Big on Path of Exile, Warframe, World of Warcraft, and have been playing a good amount of Space Marine 2 since early access hit.

>>Looking For

Friends, I've met some cool people from here before and don't mind giving it another go to see if I can meet another cool person.

I don't mind penpals so if you're not anywhere near the timezone I'm still down to chat every now and again.

22, mtf, 1.5yrs hrt, boymoder
computer science (software not hardware)
finance (investments)
counter strike
>Looking for
people to play with
people to talk to about tech
>Not looking for
>about you
Your lonely but friendly internet anon, that doesnt have any real friend irl.
Its hard to make friends post 30 as it is, but its even more difficult when dealing with actual diagnosed depression that paints your world in grey colors sometimes. Before you jump to support me, im generally ok most of time in regards to dealing with my mental health, so im okay to talk about it. In reality, I only have colleagues as "people i know" and see daily, but non of them is someone i condider w close friend that knows me well, and someone who i can rely on when needed.
Cars and motorsport, electronic music, movies, cooking, history, geo-politics, science, sci-fi, books.
>looking for
An online friend i can talk with on a daily basis and be open about any subject, without the fear of being judged.
We can share our interests, daily life struggles, past stories, hopes for the future, talk about current events or just rant to each other.
Im genuinely open to any topic/idea you have in mind (sfw/nsfw, lewd, unpopular or controversial opinions) as long as we can have a respectful conversation like two adults that dont have to necessarily agree with each other, but hopefully will be able have a proper discussion - so dont be afraid to challenge me.
>not looking for
Friend collectors who add and never respond, sellers and most importantly, people who cant hold a conversation.
F 18 Finland
>Looking for
weird people in a non sexual way so that i can ponder upon

>Not looking for
old people, boring texters
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playing sonic adventure 2 on my dreamcast and touhou
>looking for
someone to be autistic with and maybe jackoff together to pictures of yakuri from touhou and whatnot
>not looking for

Discord tag: _0ct0_
>Looking for
A fitness accountability partner who can check in throughout the day. Willing to VC once a day to debrief. I wanna start ASAP. I'm already very serious about my training and have been for years but need accountability help with getting back on track with nutrition.
>Not looking for
Just chatting, relationships, etc. friendship and chatting is good, but accountability is most important. I'm obviously willing to do the same for you with your goals. Chatting about our goals would be cool too. If you just want to be nice and help me, Id be thankful for that as well.
Please just drop yours. People add me and just want to talk instead of doing the accountability thing.
I’m a 35/m/usa currently in the beginning of my fitness journey. dwelleroftheforest is my discord
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyezwhitehair
khhs friendless virgin loser trying and failing to adapt to adulthood. haven't had any irl friends since middle school, got bullied pretty badly in high school and im pretty socially fucked.
i work full time but im still usually around to talk at work.
>Looking for
>Not looking for

unemployed not in school pretty much have nothing to do ever, don't usually leave my house. have little to no interests, i like to chat about music or share and listen to new music. we could play valorant or minecraft java. i like psychological horror.

>looking for
female friends preferably, males ok but i will block remove if any degeneracy takes place

>not looking for
people who are adding to vent, people more boring than i am, people who cant carry conversation

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Could someone give me a view of our convo?

We spent all day of a weekend together and another day we saw alien, she made food for us & 3 weeks ago we were sending texts that took an hour to reply.

Now it's just 'hey lets see beetlejuice'
'nah ill pass'

I think I'll ghost her, it's just sad we had a ton of stuff in common and I could see some future with her
You didn't really share any pieces of conversation that are helpful. None of us have any clue what you're talking about and the snippets are so short. The conversation on both sides seems really forced and formal, neither of you are very socially adept. Anyways, to answer your question she found someone more interesting and isn't telling you that directly because that's what women do. They either rationalize it as "well it would be so rude and hurt his feelings" or they see it as not with the trouble.

Just move on. If a woman isn't matching your energy and isn't very clearly interested in you, she isn't worth pursuing (or losing sleep over). End of story. No exceptions.
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>Looking for
Non retard girls to play new WoW expansion with
>Not looking for
Troons, gays, fags, guys, autism, darkies
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>About Yourself
i work in finance and have two cats. my days consist of going to work, exercising, playing video games, cooking, and sleeping
>Looking for
genuine friendship. i work 9-5 but im free to text during the day, then possibly talk in the evening. ideally, i like neets/shut ins, or people similar to me. im looking for someone that is into the same things i am or someone who likes to chat about their lives and spend time in VC occasionally (more if we really connect).
>Not looking For
anything sexual, trans, political people, furries, non-us, underage, people with evil in their hearts
history, vidya games, animated shows, nature, cats, MtG, WoW, emulation, cooking, reading, improving myself, vaporwave, manga, pokemon, one piece, cannabis, conspiracies, 3ds, CRTs, retro gaming
>board i visit
/ck/, /x/, /an/, /tv/
>Media you're currently consooming
big brother, hardcore/retail wow, one piece, final fantasy games, sea of thieves
f 19 tx
>looking for
friends, chats! i'm open
>about me, interests
into anime/manga, music, dci, shows n' film, cooking, baking, legos, those "internet mystery" videos
Hello, Hello, just looking for people to talk, I like to meet new people, specially people from different places or cultural backgrounds, my favorite discord person just disappeared on me so I'm hoping I can find someone nice to talk to, timezones are irrelevant, I have a very irregular schedule anyways, but I'll reply whenever I'm around.

>Stuff I do.
I work night shift (soulless) I try to use the internet very little nowadays, I feel like it fucks up your perception of reality too much, so I mostly watch series or movies instead, I like to take photos, I listen to a LOT of music, I mostly spend my free time focusing in personal projects, trying to do something of value or whatever, I'm very care-free, I don't think anything of what we do matters in the big picture or that we have much of a choice in what happen to us.

I don't feel sad about it, in a way it allows me to enjoy the few good moments we have before we cease to exist forever.


I want something kind of weird. I just want to sit in VC with you and not speak. I can introduce myself and verify that I'm a girl. The purpose of this for me is just to chill with someone without the stress of having to hold up a conversation. Just to hang out and relax. Please only add me if you're willing and want to sit in VC with me without speaking. Ty

Server invites welcome as long as they have active VC.

Discord: anonymous_mouse2
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29 f eu
>About me
I live like a neet and have a lot of free time.
All the usual loser interests. Just add me if you want to know about me ig idk.
>Looking for
Friends and buddys.
That's such an unappealing advertisement. You gaslight too much.
Another terrible candidate. You aren't lesbians, you're just brainwashed. Gaslighting is really unnatractive. I'm assuming you don't know what that word is, but trust me. That's literally a documented torture method, and you've hit me with it several times before I even added you.
This one was very nice. Texas seems magical almost. Didn't try to hurt me once.
Kek, I like this. Words are so worthless.
Egypt was hit by aliens a couple times now. You're Illuminati.
I forgot to bait them. I watch baseball on tv
I just watch channel 1. Infomercials, very cheap tv made by people who love it, news or something from a place that isn't even in my country. You've probably never had this much fun before. I think the most fun thing to do is to watch the moonlight shine from my window through the blinds. I do that a lot.
>about me
Pro shitposter, movie, and music addict
>looking for
5’10+ respectful, NONWHORE, PATIENT,funny,masculine men that will make me laugh :3
>not looking for
WHORES,FATTIES,ANIME PFP,dark people, troonies, faggots (including bi)
>contact info
You're literally not a real person. Does everyone notice? I probably shouldn't say anything.
Yea, this fella been larping as 21/F for a few years at least, you’re not the only one who has noticed that.
No she's a real human female she's just some kind of asian bugwoman and doesn't have an actual personality
30 MTF Sweden

Disabled NEET chronically online.
Recovering from covid so limited energy rn but wanting friends. Pretty lonely atm.

My interests:
Yuri and cute anime
Random movies and games
Hellenistic Philosophy (Plato, Stoics, Epicurus)
Positive Psychology
Left-wing Politics
Effective Altruism
Whole-food plant based diets

>Looking for
Friends, EU friends would be nice but any place is fine

>Not looking for
Anything sexual or relationships

And extremely volatile and mentally ill. Talking with her is like navigating ww1 trench where an artillery shell will inevitably land.
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male 20s usa

anyone wanna listen to me complain and agree with me for a short while?

dont add if you think personality matters for dating/breeding

dont add me if you think people have any real control over their lives

don’t add if you think love is anything different than pure physical attraction

women, don’t add me if you’re not going to be physically attracted to me. there is nothing I hate more than interacting with a woman who doesn’t find me physically attractive.

likes: whatever, we aren’t gonna talk about that
dislikes: anyone like I described, effort, work, talking to people irl
tag is:
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m 27

>Looking for
weirdos, moralfags, autists, undesirables

>Not looking for
whatever others are looking for

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24/F/western europe
>about me
i love weight lifting, fashion, art (i'm a freelance illustrator), researching about psychology. Tattooed and pierced, don't want kids. Anti paraphilias which means i'm very opposed to anything that's not heterosexual vanilla sex. Centrist leaning right.
>what are you looking for
similarly minded gym rats, body builders, powerlifters etc
>not looking for
ppl who don't lift, degenerates/coomers, untreated mental illness, ppl who dont live in Europe
>Post Clearly stated I worked night shift
>Get added by anon (during the night)
>Tell anon I'm working
>Stop replying cause I'm working
>Anon gets mad I'm ghosting and I get blocked.

Why are you like this.

24/M/NA/Bi. I spent most of my time making music, poetry, playing league or studying. Need someone to watch anime and shit. I am cold by default but I can be flirty and a bit of a tease if I find you interesting, so don't add if too shy or sensitive. Don't add if too mentally ill and don't expect romance. Conversation without obligations.

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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyezwhitehair
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>post my thing
>get 20+ friend invites from people who didnt fill out the charts

I wanna know more about you people, not collect you like pokemon and you already knowing abunch about me
You aren't fairy bruh, you're lava hound
>About me
Just an ordinary university student (about to start my last year in law school). Serve part time in the military. I know that it sounds pretty basic, but I usually spend my time studying or working out (or just working). But in my free time I like to read about history and politics (some fiction too, like Sapkowski, Tolkien, Murakami), as well as horror media (stories, movies). I also enjoy nature, I am an avid hiker. Videogames are great too, but I don't play much, prefer quality over quantity. I can generally discuss pretty much anything besides nuclear phycics.I am pretty busy, so I am sorry in advance if I don't respond quickly enough.
>Looking for
Just people to chat with, maybe make a friend or two. Not interested in relationships. Don't have a preference, just don't be underage.
>Not looking for
People who's personality consists of politics, schizos. If we don't click, it is absolutely fine, no need for drama.
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29/M/Southern US

>about you
Just a bit of a dork. Traveled a little, done a little of everything, mostly just content to stick to my few hobbies in my little apartment these days. Getting old and just trying to mellow out more and more as it were. I like to read and just chill and take things easy. Video games to keep my hands busy but not nearly as much as when I was younger. Not much worth getting worked up about these days.

I read and listen to podcasts a lot. Not so much a music kinda' guy unless I'm drunk. Normally I'm just going through old pulp fantasy sci-fi/fantasy kinda' trash. Wheel of Time and Terry Pratchett and Vonnegut are some of my favorites. Other than that, I like learning things, cooking, messing with my overly long hair, just mundane stuff. I dabble a bit in some more technical stuff but that's all boring nerd shit. Been catching up on a lot of TV shows I put off. Working on From, caught up on Barry, also caught up on Slow Horses. Hannibal might be my favorite show?

>looking for
Just people to talk to. My schedule is eclectic but I'm usually around even if I don't respond quickly or whatever. Just people who don't mind drinking and hanging out since I usually start hittin' the vodka around this time of night to relax and stop being too much of a nerd.

>not looking for
Don't be a weirdo sperg and we'll probably be fine.

Discord: deejaytheburd

Relevant dumb picture, etc
25/M/South US
>About you:
I would say at my core I’m a very idealistic, sentimental and open person. I want to help others and be a positive change in the world. However, I’ve had many bad experiences with people who’ve taken advantage of that, especially in the past year or so. I’ll also be upfront and say that I most likely have BPD and struggle with depression and trauma, which coupled with the bad experiences with people have made me socially isolate for the past few months. It’s something I am trying to change though, and why I am making this post.
I’m into the usual like anime, manga, films, video games, television, weightlifting, cooking and some less common interests like combat sports/martial arts (boxing/Muay Thai/MMA mostly), fashion, comic books, some cosplay, etc.
>Looking for:
Genuine connections, someone to talk to without a filter and without pretense. If you like to VC, want to listen to music together, play games, can relate to some of what I said in my “about me” or whatever, that is a plus as well.
>Not looking for:
Friend collectors
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Gay twink
I like outdoorsy stuff, cooking, video games, movies, music, sports, reading
>looking for
A friend or a boyfriend
>not looking for
Dry people
People that can't hold a convo

pic is me :3
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyezwhitehair
come and ask
>Looking for
>Not looking for
movies, sports, lit, art
>Looking for
>Not looking for
mean, debaters
Bump I love tomb raider
I work in tech. I have a house, hobbies, friends, family. Good time is a nice conversation with good people.

>Looking for
Girl around my age (18-25) to talk to. Not looking for an egirl or long distance. Have long commutes and would like to vc and talk about stuff.

>Not looking for
Whores, thots, fatasses, people who don't have a brain. Men, or trannies


I promise I'm interesting and I have a lot of stories to tell. Would like to hear your stories too.
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kinda just curious what adds I'll get if I put no info so

27M US
>About Yourself
Muscular build, average height, big chest, broad shoulders, beard, brown eyes, chill & laid Back
Gym rat, video games, hanging with friends, anime, wrestling, watching movies
>Looking For
Friends, people to chat with, people to play games with
>Not Looking
Minors, Weirdos
Discord: carldoeswrk
dude if you look anything like ryu ill fucking cross the atlantic 4u
am i going insane or is this not a human interaction

ive never seen anyone in all of my years of the internet speak to each other like this. nothing they are saying makes any fucking sense and its deeply unsettling
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28, Male, eu
FEED ME FRIENDS! I'm lonely and need some bomb ass frends. I wasn't born in eu though, so racists be gone!
programming, anime, retro games, writing, cheesy sci-fi, rock
>looking for
frens with common interests
>not looking for
coomers, neets, underage, people not in eu
25/M/Massachusetts, America
>Music you like
Immortal, Windir, Darkthrone, Demolition Hammer, Death. Just pretty much thrash, death, and black metal. I also listen to cheesy new wave music too when I'm really depressed
>Lookin for
IDK people to chat with? I don't expect to find anyone though
>Not lookin for
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
I like to collect manga, music, and anime figures, I'm tall, I'm suicidal and own two guns.
Are you looking for a more disciplined, structured, life but don't want to join the military or go to prison? Are you willing to relocate to Pennsylvania? I have the solution for you!

What you get:
- Live in a mansion with likeminded people. You'll have your own private bedroom and space.
- No bills! You won't have to pay for anything. Electric, heat, water, wifi, rent, food, etc will all be provided at no cost to you.
- Friends! You'll have 6 people around you who want a better life, same as you. It's a very friendly and loving environment.
- Discipline! You'll be held accountable to actually accomplishing your goals and being productive instead of rotting all day.

What I get:
- Your labor. You'll agree to do the things I ask you to do.
- Your thoughts. You'll agree to give me your honest thoughts and opinions about how to grow and your own progress.
- Your friendship. You'll agree to treat me as a friend!

Discord: tylercodemonkey

>>Looking for
Vent and cry

>>Not looking for
closed minded, ppl that freak tf out if u don't reply in 0.1 miliseconds.

you actually never reply, no idea what are you even trying to accomplish with this
I literally have no requests and nobody is taking to me.
do you like penis?
21f looking for people to text or call, long or short term friends. i like music, films, and going to the gym.
>Looking for
people to call or text
>Not looking for
pervs, racists, rude people
Are you by chance from georgia?
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19 mtf maryland

6'2 with long straight hair and bangs, i weigh 150 ish lbs.
looking for other trans women who live within relatively reasonable driving distance to maryland. i'd like to hang out from time to time. i like to vc and text often. i am a stoner and like to grow and take and sometimes sell my own mushrooms. i have a job. i like video games (left 4 dead 2, project zomboid, just re-downloaded no man's sky, deadlock has been fun) and i'm willing to try anything else game wise. i love music, anything with overdrive or dancey stuff. also listen to rap. open to everything, yes even country. i love crime dramas or any movie where a normal guy does a bunch of fucked up stuff like falling down or fight club. i like to read and fish, i love the beach, i like alt fashion but don't really dress that way. looking to connect with someone whether it's dating or friendship, i just want to have a strong bond with you. i have bpd but it's well managed i think and i'm autistic (both diagnosed)

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VR Simracing (need a new seat :c ), light vidya with friends (LoL arams, Space Marine 2), music production (electronic/synth), live music (mostly electronic)
Friends to chat with through the day, good connections, people with interesting lives and interesting tales, lonely souls, chatterboxes, music sharers
>not looking for
Arguments, political talks, "you're my only friend" energy, people adding me for reasons not related to my post
20 f

Need friends who understand bpd.

I struggle to keep friends so doubt this will work.

>About you
I recently started going to the gym and I developed a new interest in working out and muscules in general.
>looking for
I'd like to talk with gym bros or muscle mommies lol
>not looking for
Everything else
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18, mtf, us
Neoclassical Paintings, Art, Movies, Punk, Overwatch, Valo/Cs, Suda51, Silent Hill, DmC, Resident Evil, Project Moon, Fire Emblem, Accent Core
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It's so funny even if unrelated that your screenshot has a VC active and you say "nobody is talking to me" hahahahaha
Nobody's talking to you probably because you're clinically retarded and dont respond to them in the first place, makes sense huh? You're literally in a voice chat in that ss you stupid bitch lmao. Why don't you try actually putting the effort with a person you're talking to instead of collecting adds like infinity stones? Sounds to me you're looking for someone who will immediatelly kiss your feet and cashapp you a grand, you don't give a rats ass about venting and human connection.
try sending pics and flirting
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20, male, Lithuania
digital art, vidya mostly rpgs n sooters, metal/punkrock, animu, piercings, cooking, cartoons
>vidya i liek
tf2, terraria, destiny 2, cs, osu, ow2, satisfactory, darksouls, drg, mosnter hunter world
>what you are looking for
autist fren to play vidya with and hopefully someone with at least somewhat similar interests
>not looking for
coomers, dry people, anyone over 30
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A man

A normal woman

Lmao this made me laugh. I was in a vc cuz I posted that I wanted to vc so I found someone that was willing to vc?

I'm autistic (diagnosed) lol
Being autistic is a dumb fucking excuse. We're all autistic. If you don't like talking to people, fuck off.
I'm sorry white master, I'll try to reply faster next time
Hiya female 18 here I love playing Genshin impact and voice calling I also love vrchat anyone down to play? Or just call? I play fortnite and sky children of light as well!
Discord: p4nda1111
31 M from the UK. Very intelligent. I study lots of different topics and I love speaking about them with like minded people. I'm not looking to compare myself to you. I love sharing knowledge, not repeatedly arguing over it to fulfil each other's egos. I'm a happy, kind and contented person. I have a huge social battery and love to talk.

>Looking for
Friendly, kind or interesting people. Someone who feels let down by others and wants someone who can listen and keep to their word.

>Not looking for
Persons whose sole intention is using myself to fuel the ego centrism or narcissism

23 f new england

terminally online loser
not white/non-human
ran away from everything, now lonely

>Looking for
someone to text about our days, small things and big things. what you had for lunch, random thoughts, worries, jokes. someone to play games with. a long term companion.

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f19 mexico
hobbies: everything artsy, drawing, collecting wide variety of stuff, fashion, diy master

fav movies: Amelie, Taxi Driver, horror movies (no fav)
fav series: House M.D.

Music: its complicated

games: ib, left for dead2, minecraft, terraria

night owl lover of tea and coffee

>Looking for
interesting people to talk to and vc

>Not looking for
Neets, anything satanist, perverts, degenerate people, sexual deviants, fruity men (sorry), people older than 30, severe mentsl illness, extreme weebs. pls dont add me if this describes you i dont want to waste peoples times nor mine no offense

>about me
I am pretty new to my town and don't have many friends around the area yet. I'm pretty easy going, enjoy lots of different kinds of media, and I am a decent listener. I have been on soc for a while and have met a lot of the best and worst people on here but I pride myself in being able to get along with just about anyone.
>looking for
Someone to VC, text, or hang with RL.
Absolutely insane, only a fool would message me. If you're that down bad that you actually add and message me you've got serious fucking problems and need to reevaluate your life. What the actual fuck is your problem you no prospects havin ass random /soc/ user adding loser?
>Looking for
>Not looking for
19 USA send me whatever
ASL 31/M/Argentina

>Hobbies n stuff

>Looking for
Someone to talk to! I want to make new friends.

m, east asian, many other good things

>looking for
white girls who are:
+ somewhat smart or hardworking
+ into east asian guys
+ into amwf raceplay

plenty, but i want new ones from you!

Are you looking for a more disciplined, structured, life but don't want to join the military or go to prison? Are you willing to relocate to Pennsylvania? I have the solution for you!

What you get:
- Live in a mansion with likeminded people. You'll have your own private bedroom and space.
- No bills! You won't have to pay for anything. Electric, heat, water, wifi, rent, food, etc will all be provided at no cost to you.
- Friends! You'll have 6 people around you who want a better life, same as you. It's a very friendly and loving environment.
- Discipline! You'll be held accountable to actually accomplishing your goals and being productive instead of rotting all day.

What I get:
- Your labor. You'll agree to do the things I ask you to do.
- Your thoughts. You'll agree to give me your honest thoughts and opinions about how to grow and your own progress.
- Your friendship. You'll agree to treat me as a friend!

Discord: tylercodemonkey
27M US
>About Yourself
Muscular build, average height, big chest, broad shoulders, beard, brown eyes, chill & laid Back
Gym rat, video games, hanging with friends, anime, wrestling, watching movies
>Looking For
Friends, people to chat with, people to play games with
>Not Looking
Minors, Weirdos
Discord: carldoeswrk
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32 m northeast US
>About Yourself
graphic designer who works in the print trade, currently on a nostalgia kick of visiting things that interested me as a kid/teenager
collecting cds, thrifting, going down the youtube hole, runescape, super smash brothers, color theory
>Looking For
people with similar interests, someone to just talk about random nonsense with
>Not Looking
Discord: badherbst
You have stage 5 retardation. There's a reason you have that "muh don't get angry when i dont insta respond" clause because you just get off to short dopamine hits when people add you just fuck off immediately. You literally have 10 messaged on standby as you're posting here.
Would like to talk to somebody interested in Nietzsche and someone who likes his ideas. Not looking to debate but share.

Discord is fkndead
Leila, it's me, Lawrence.
Please find me on my new account.
discord: iamyourrealdaddy
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>Body traits
5'11, 175 pounds, white, baby-faced
>Personality traits
I love to talk, and i'm extremely lonely. I love codepenancy, it's been my coping skill since I was little. I will talk to you for every waking second and obsess about you nonstop. I literally can't help it. I can be shy or very excitable, but i try to be very positive. I have a slew of depression and anxiety issues, I'm a bit of a wreck. I want to learn everything about you!!

i work full time but i can always text, near 24/7
shitty kids mmos, collecting plushies I don't need, love listening to music of all genres.

>About your life and goals
working a dead-end job with no friends, but my goal is to find someone to love on and live with forever. I'm willing to move for an LDR and I've done it before.

>What you're looking for
Female (cis or trans), pretty face. not concerned about much else but that you're willing to let me dote on you and please don't mess with my head!!!

23. Nb. I would like to talk to good humans with good intentions. Do you place spiders you find outside or do you kill them? If you place them outside, feel free to add. Tag is thetenthfinalgirl
Are you looking for a more disciplined, structured, life but don't want to join the military or go to prison? Are you willing to relocate to Pennsylvania? I have the solution for you!

What you get:
- Live in a mansion with likeminded people. You'll have your own private bedroom and space.
- No bills! You won't have to pay for anything. Electric, heat, water, wifi, rent, food, etc will all be provided at no cost to you.
- Friends! You'll have 6 people around you who want a better life, same as you. It's a very friendly and loving environment.
- Discipline! You'll be held accountable to actually accomplishing your goals and being productive instead of rotting all day.

What I get:
- Your labor. You'll agree to do the things I ask you to do.
- Your thoughts. You'll agree to give me your honest thoughts and opinions about how to grow and your own progress.
- Your friendship. You'll agree to treat me as a friend!

Discord: tylercodemonkey
Most spiders you find in your house are house spiders and can't survive outside. Placing them outside is just a more cruel way of killing them.
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28, m, us
>Looking for
Just friends, someone to talk to about hobbies and stuff or show my piano, art works
>Not looking for
I draw, i play a lot of games, i love gardening, do a bit of piano
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Shocking that the person trying to get people to live with in for free for his own savior fagging fantasy also has past posts of wanting to own human slaves.

Leila, it's me, Lawrence.
Please find me on my new account.
discord: iamyourrealdaddy
You probably hit the nail on the head, this happened to me too
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video games, ASMR, nature, cooking, cosplay
>looking for
normal-ish people to talk to
>not looking for
pdfs, incels, doomers, guys who only come on here to complain about the women who post...
She blocked me for being the same age as her, I'm normal I promise unblock pls
i didn't block you. i deleted you bc i called you immature and you responded by sending me a joker gif.
We didn't actual talk, also it was the joker laugh brainrot meme, not meant to be serious. I'm not a 4chan incel I have a life.
okay but then you went to the thread to complain like a 4chan incel, which i said i'm *not* looking for
I was asking for you to unblock, I didn't mean to seem bitter
Listen, you latinx cunt. Go back to making arroz con pollo y frijoles. Go back to entertaining multiple men at once. You’re just another whore on here, tbqh.
>26 m
why are you trying to pick fights w girls online? lol.
It’s not picking a fight, it’s putting you in the limelight.
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Based. These hos need to stay in their tiktok containment zone and quit shitting up our wizard meetings.
...i think you are probably at a place in your life you don't want to be at, and should focus on that and not what random girl #2949 does online
The make up tutorials are down the internet hallway and to the left.
Now either post tits or gtfo wench.
ur worried about me "shitting up" 4chan but you and your friends have derailed a thread for what reason? bc ur mad a non obese girl typed here? get a life.
Youre all very pretty, now get over yourselves and shut up
>not looking for- pdfs, incels, doomers, guys who only come on here to complain about the women who post...
>Comes to 4chan

Seems we got a genuine retard on our hands.
yes ma'am
Nah, just go off yourself. Go marry some beaner and make beaner babies.
You guys have to start archiving tags before you add bitches like this. Her entire post history is being antagonistic to bait you into making a post "calling her out" so she can then come argue with you.

You're all being trolled
No shit sherlock, retards like this will stay retards
this isn't true. my post history is me making a normal post and literal retarded incel men being like "NOOO ur fake bc im upset" like y'all need to get a life and let women post in peace.
>incel men
You’re trying a little too hard, you have an onlyfans literally attached to your social media lol. Why not have some self respect, I know south america is a little on the poor side but if you have to show off your body to strangers for cash you’re only belittling yourself. Seek God
Leila, it's me, Lawrence.
Please find me on my new account.
discord: iamyourrealdaddy
ur on 4chan and probably jerk to loli you seek god
f and a leaf

>Looking for
friends, or just a conversation, im bored

>Not looking for
a relationship

really mean even to girls!!
u stupid fucking bitch. i literally apologized for being rude the second i realized you were a woman. shut the fuck up you dumb whore.
she blocked me for no reason too, she a cunty troll to mess with people
she is fucking weird lol
I haven't blocked anyone.
>post attention whore post
>spam thread
i'm sure your father is very proud of you
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Friendly reminder that the only women usually worth talking to on /soc/ are the ones who lurk and never post.

Post your awful "about me" and let a few add YOU. Never add the ones who post. ALWAYS check archives before accepting a request.
I have more success adding chicks. And desu im never in the mood to put the effort to posting my own thing
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>A S
>Who am I?
I'm a law student, I recently left my ex and I've been reconnecting with my friends a lot, but there's a lot of free time I have (if you ignore everything college-related). I might be pretty odd when talking since I like metaphors and double-entendres a lot, a little sarcastic; though sadly, I'm very attachment prone. I'm not exactly a puppy longing for attention, but I like giving people constant attention, and I expect to be paid with the same coin.
Oh, and I also use lots of saccharine words while I talk, which works well when I am looking to someone in the eyes, but often is kinda odd online.
Also, while I'm not legally autistic, I'm sometimes a bit clueless with vague directions, though it often only shows when it's deliberate.
Photography, fitness, cooking, creative writing (including fanfics/smut), general nerd stuff, Sanrio, strategy games (mostly from Paradox/Blizzard), law, history, asmr, lockpicking, long calls with friends and meeting odd people.
>Looking for
Generally, just someone who's willing to be on a call or listen to audios as we spend hours talking about just oddities, we find might interesting.
I know I'm wishing for someone of trust in a place where doxxing is common, but I really just want someone I can be caring towards and who will hear me rambling on and on; the same way I'll listen to them with a joyful smile.

>A few oddities
I was a smut writer for a pretty long time, mostly for furries and bronies. Ironically, they made me go back to Christ. Even if I do again write for /hmofa-adgh/ from time to time.
I have an addiction for dark chocolate and candies in general.
Thankfully my ex-girlfriend taught me how to dress but I might ask you to fit-check me occasionally.
Even if I did not list one of your interests along mine; I assure you, the most likely outcome is that I can at least talk to you about your interest, even if it's pretty niche. I'll do the effort, for you.

Dc: simellamo
By the way mates, if someone does wanna contact me, I'll be up in 5 hours, I'm about to go to sleep before I have to take a bus for a trip down south to my hometown.
if true, how did they get inside the house then? is that where they spawn? do they seek houses when outside
>about me
20, male, somewhere in the united states. i read controversial books and play video games. i dislike many things. i'm a bit of a picky eater. i'm taken. i value beauty although i'm not exactly the prettiest guy in the world. i'm surrounded by people who love me but i always feel a crushing loneliness and sensation of being ostracized. i'm a bad person, and a compulsive liar when i'm particularly stressed out. i also like anime and cute things. i love talking even if i don't love myself very much.
>looking for
friends who aren't ugly warhammer americans, really, but preferably pretty and emotionally assertive/dominant people. platonic relationships only, please, i'm taken. we can play video games if you want, i play them a lot. if you are female i will get back to you quickly. if you are male and we don't have a ton in common, expect some delays. #malemisandrist
transsexuals and femboys are free to see me, as well, i don't judge; just know i only have interest in your friendship. same thing for bio women, too, really, but more because im happily taken than anything.
++++ if you meet my qualifications and play destiny 2 still
>not looking for
men who don't shave their body hair religiously. non-white people with any romantic intentions (not really very racist, but you guys fetishize me too much), porn addicts who aren't also funny or sufficiently good looking. don't send me porn, please, it's weird.
lovinghurtful (discord)
I posted in the regular thread but i'll post here too with a mostly copy/paste.

An outdoorsy guy who is busy with work and sometimes games. I draw weird stuff (not lewd).
Mid 20's/M/Central USA
>Looking for
People to play survival games with, maybe shooters. People to talk to about art, nature (or /out/ hobbies) or history. Maybe someone into cooking ethnic foods. Honestly, if you wanna talk about any of my hobbies.
Cooking, drawing, animating, photography, metal, leather, and wood working, video games, camping, fishing, hunting, foraging, lifting, gardening.
>Discord tag

Warning, I don't have discord on my phone and I work a lot lately. I mostly game on weekends and can reply to stuff at night when i'm not at the gym.
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>Looking for
Art friends, people to improve art with. Someone that isn't afraid of providing/taking friendly feedback. I am mostly learning the fundamentals but I'm not a complete artlet.

I am also looking for people who want to just chat. I have been lonely lately and I just need some lately friends to talk to.

Please don't expect me to reply to you on a constant basis. I use burner accounts. So if I'm not on, there's probably a reason.

I like old stuff, like 70s music, lots of jazz, fucking weeb shit, huge vocaloid.

I like writing, too. I like long form RP, but I don't like gooner shit or people who can't write. So if you want to RP and you suck, I'll probs block you. Sorry.

>Not looking for
Needy people, bigots, politically obsessed retards, people with extreme BPD/mental illness, Gooners.

I am not looking for any romantic or sexual relationship.

Hi! Youre not accepting friend requests
Leila, it's me, Lawrence.
Please find me on my new account
discord: iamyourrealdaddy
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Moved from the U.S to Europe to be with my wife, after leaving I've lost contact with my friends and I have very few online acquaintances.
>Looking for
People to play vidya with and chat.
>Not looking for
Women, mentally ill femboys, trannies etc.
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32/F/Mexico of Asia

>Hobbies n stuff
Reading and writing - I'm mostly into epic fantasies. I'm currently working on a children's book about animals and plants endemic to my area. I like organizing community events, from clean-up drives to film showings. I'm very much into music, although I haven't made any songs myself. I am trying to rekindle my love for coding, so I'd love to meet someone who can help with that. Anime is the shit, currently working on my to watch list for the month. I alternate between being super outgoing and house rotting.

>Looking for
Interesting guys that I can talk to while I'm in my current house rotting state. People who are ok with VC from time to time

>Not looking for
Horny folks

36M Straight, Dominant (Brazil)

>Lookin for
Femboys, Trans women, Sissy, and similar

>Not lookin for
Cis men

’m a geek who loves comics, hentai, and all things nerdy. Looking for someone to enjoy these interests with and share some intimate fun together.

Dscrd: @taz_jgua
Are you looking for a more disciplined, structured, life but don't want to join the military or go to prison? Are you willing to relocate to Pennsylvania? I have the solution for you!

What you get:
- Live in a mansion with likeminded people. You'll have your own private bedroom and space.
- No bills! You won't have to pay for anything. Electric, heat, water, wifi, rent, food, etc will all be provided at no cost to you.
- Friends! You'll have 6 people around you who want a better life, same as you. It's a very friendly and loving environment.
- Discipline! You'll be held accountable to actually accomplishing your goals and being productive instead of rotting all day.

What I get:
- Your labor. You'll agree to do the things I ask you to do.
- Your thoughts. You'll agree to give me your honest thoughts and opinions about how to grow and your own progress.
- Your friendship. You'll agree to treat me as a friend!

Discord: tylercodemonkey

depression, anxiety, suicidal, self harms, mdma/weed addict, recovering alcoholic, daddy issues, faggot, shitty music taste. i go from loving someone to hating them in an instant. i don’t know why i’m this way. i don’t know if i want to abuse someone or be abused.

>About Me
im a loser degenerate who works a 9-5 wagecuck job that i hate while also being a uni student. i’m kinda chubby (144lbs, trying to lose weight but going between omad and binging) + body hair. i’m not the cute trans twink you’re probably imagining. i’m closeted because my family is very transphobic but i dress masc. intp. i am not a good person. i like cute things and plushies.

reading, painting, warhammer, black metal, coding, mlp, gaming (silent hill, deep rock galactic, tf2, dead by daylight, boomer shooters)

>Looking for
a man who will act like my dad. say they’re proud of me, call me son and good boy, treat me like i’m younger, patronise me, coddle me, etc. i don’t think i’ll ever be able to have a normal relationship with someone because of my need for an age gap and my drug use, it makes me feel tainted and ruined. i got groomed on kik when i was younger and am now trying to relive it.

my dad wasn’t around much since i was about 14 and it makes me crave attention from older/fatherly men. i’d prefer someone older (like 30+).

i’ve always struggled to talk to and maintain relationships with people my own age. i’ve always preferred the company of older men and found them much easier and more interesting to talk to.

i’ve been clean of alcohol for about 4 months. i want someone to force me to relapse so i can feel worse about myself and hopefully find the courage in that to off myself.

>Not Looking For
dick pics, people who only want nudes, someone who’s not serious about this dynamic, coombrains, porn addicts, 1 word replies, “i forgot what your post said”

kik: kittytaxidermy
sorry forgot to include my disc
late 20s, f, us
severely depressed but trying to try. i have a multitude of hobbies to distract myself but would like to meet more people to talk about these things with, and hopefully crush away some of my loneliness
>Looking for
purely platonic and friendly company, lgbtqia+, artists, people who are fairly into /lit/, anyone who has some free time on their hands for watching films/tv and participating in misc. quaint hobbies together
>Not looking for
anything nsfw or sexual, bigots
disc: .blissing
lol mentally ill loser

>about you
I start a new job in around a week and I'm just sat twiddling my thumbs until then. Hoping to get to new people in the meantime.

I'm trying to learn to write music and sing and I'm also into photography. Also the usual stuff of gaming/movies etc.

>looking for
Anybody who can hold a conversation, tell me something you're passionate about!


add me if you can buy me nitro
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bumping!! im here all day!!
frenchie soldier, 23
>Looking for
i used to post on here, two or three years ago
see who's still around,who might remember me, i wont be active very often after this week though
see ya
>looking for
To talk to someone cool and make some friends and stuff
>not looking for
People who come off too strong
Games, music (I can talk for ages talking about every detail of games and albums I like), trying to learn how to code and use linux recently too, I like clothes and stuff too. Just ask me what I like we will probably have something in common
>discord tag
just because faggots and troons post here doesn't mean this is a pro fag and troon board lil bro
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyezwhitehair
22 m England
>About me
I am a gamer! I enjoy playing overwatch, excited for marvel rivals and dragon age. I love movies! Currently watching the show "how to get away with murder" no spoilers! In case it's an issue. I'm a short gay twink. Happy to just chat, not looking for anything in particular. Just someone to chat to
Pokémon, OW, adventure games, horror movies, animated movies. Cute stuff. Superheroes.
A guy friend. If it's more than that cool but if it's just friends I'm happy :) I have female friends, be nice to have a guy friend
>Not looking for
No effort chat or girls lol

Discord- lillewis0444_43414
- Masc, White, not-fat, non-degen, family oriented, right-wing man, 25+
- From Europe or could easily travel to Europe to meet up within 1-2months
- Would love to find a life-long partner, bro and soulmate. For loving and caring life together, travel adventures, hikes, discovering beautiful places, cozy movie evenings with gentle kisses and lots of cuddles....
> Open to starting family with cute white babies (via surrogacy) who would grow to be strong & succesfull Übermensch.
- Good income potential, good work ethics (just like me)

>About me
Gay, 6'2, slim, blue eyes, dark hair, youngish normie looking. Not much sexual and relationship experience. I prefer chastity when not in a relationship, don't watch porn.
Gentle, caring, shy, cuddly, loyal, brave and principled. Sometimes like to play devil's advocate (contrarian). A bit nerdy. Like helping others and being nice to ppl. Self-critical.
History, old Europe, culture, philosophy, classical art, religion, stoicism, minimalism, budgeting, self-improvement, self-suffieciency, nature, fitness, longevity, pro-White stuff, technology somewhat, striving for masc ideal.
Technology induced ADHD, lack of punctuality, quite fucked-up sleeping schedule, often horny and fail nofap (Trying to fix these)
Let's make it more difficult, as all sorts of ppl are adding me. So:
Write me your:
1) telegram/disc
2) short descr about urself (Age, country, height, weight)
3) Are you masc looking and do you work?
4) Do you have any sexual preferences?
5) What you find fitting in my post) and if all is well I'll add you.
Barely talks and blocks after asking one question. AVOID
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18.5 f usa
>looking for
friends, especially ones that stay up late
>not looking for
gay internet drama
i mostly just watch stuff online and try my best to never have to do anything else, ever
>discord tag
Go find God, dumb beaner spic whore.
>looking for
Every female on here
m 27 midwest
>About you
split with gf and she stole my cat. little drunk and just want to game and forget about it
>Looking For
looking to play some games, mostly tonight but in the future too probably
>Not Looking for
stop sending me princess peach pics
>Games you wanna play?
ow2, hunt, ror2, bloons, anything multiplayer really
discord is bigflucky
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21/Male/Midwest USA
>about/looking for
White twink looking for crazy online girls to chat with, the more manic and wild the better. I'm down to text, call, video call, whatever you want, as long as you are insane haha. And that doesn't have to be a sexual way either, but it could!!
>Not looking for
Dudes that just wanna goon, if you have something interesting to say, guys can add me too, but if you just wanna show me your dick I would prefer if you did not do that
Leila, it's me, Lawrence
Please find me on my new account.
discord: iamyourrealdaddy
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>looking for
Beautiful wife who is very smart. Please send me emo music and cute images.
>not looking for
Troons, non-whites
>About you
21 in college, would love to yap about my major
>Looking for
friends to play rhythm games with, i'm pretty ass but i'd like to have more friends to play with. Big fan of gachashit like genshin impact, proseka, d4dj. I like vc if you wanna play like minecraft or genshin together.
>Not looking for
absolutely not looking for anything romantic or sexual in nature, I have a girlfriend see picrel
>discord tag
20f Normal and milquetoast
>Looking for
Casual chats, short or long term
>Not looking for
35+, a fuck, a boyfriend, VC, clinging, doomers, trans, mentally ill, anyone outside of the US or europe
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M18 canada, neet with anxiety issues
>Looking for
someone to play video games or just watch random videos with, preferably someone who has an inverted sleep schedule like mine
>Not looking for
trannies, non-whites
Very bored and lonely asian need some nerdy frens to play multiplayer games with
also I like feet
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M- 22 - VA

huge into occultism/mysticism ex: crowley, ars goetia, anne rice, faust, borges, lavey, nick land, so on. Always looking for more and more recommendations. I’m also a huge fan of Uncle Acid and Queens of The Stone Age (music bands) . I’m also quite the junkie and love talking about drug experiences and psychonaut shit.

looking for people or discord servers with similar interest in the occult / pyschonautics/ forementioned bands. down to vc and chat most nights.

if our conversations consist of bland greetings or something im not really interested in then you’re what im not looking for.

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>looking for
valorant friends, i wanna get back into it. if you wanna play comp im diamond 3 i think.
>not looking for
weird people, gooners, politics, relationships
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>About you
6ft, olive skinned, curly hair, dadbuilt, I weight lift and I’m currently in college. Into gothic literature, art, music, and visual medias. I’m learning Spanish. I play games in spare time sometimes.

>Looking for
A woman as antisocial as me or just asocial. Lets just take it slow and get to know each other. Maybe just be friends. Hopefully into the same shit, morbid and cynical interests. Let me read to you college literature i have to read and/or converse about it. Watch me play games. Lets watch things together on piracy sites and YouTube. Let’s talk or listen to me talk of subjects.

>Not looking for

men, promiscuity, alt-left, transgender, genderqueer, non self aware/untreated bpd, low functioning autists, minors, addicts

Discord: gask
>physical description
179cm, thin, skinny, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, white
>About you
In university, I'm a pseudo-NEET and have asperger's, I'm a deadbeat when it comes to talking to strangers
Technology, gaming, military shit, vehicles
>looking for
F under 25, friendship/dating
>not looking for
males, trannies, blacks, fags
hektor234 on shitcord
>Other things you might find important to list
maybe send a small ASL/introduction message, i've began to think maybe i am the one who ghosts due to me not being able to engage in conversations that well...
29 m ireland

student just getting settled in dublin, sometimes i like doing artsy crap. edgy. i like to listen to ramblings and i like to ramble as well

>looking for
someone to talk to with a similar timezone

>not looking for
people obsessed about nazis. gaymers (unless its some old mmorpg) gays, normies

bumping once more !!!
First year of uni now dont rly have any Friends
I mainly just Like to listen to music, workout and i am pretty intrested in History and medieval/renessaince poetry,music
I dont really Play so many games anymore but Here and then stuff like ck3 , hoi4 and sometimes souls like games and Text based games
>Looking for
Just someone to chat with a bit at best maybe bit longer Like becoming Friends ig
>Not looking for
Rude pepole
(I'm latino tho)

I'm chill and always open for new experiences.
I do film photography love driving, gardening, cooking. Murakami books and new wave, post punk, synthpop (pretty much 80's music). Been running behind on watching new films but also into that
>Looking for
Cool people that might wanna discuss one of the preciously listed, send or ask for recommendations or just banter/yap about anything. Long-lasting/platonic friendships. People in the same time zone (?)
>Not looking for
Just try to not be too weird

>Looking for
People to talk and kill time with. Wouldn’t mind making some longer lasting friends in different areas. I like movies and music going to concerts and festivals.
>Not looking for
Idk just don’t be super weird I guess
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>about you
26/m/usa neet looking for a job. lonely so im trying to make new friends
i like video games, music, photography, film, a little bit of cars
>looking for
people around my age and situation to talk to. people trying to genuinely make friends
>not looking for
coomers, rudes, server invites, people outside of North America, trans, mega autisis, trauma dumpers
Anyone here need an accountability buddy for work? I WFH and haven't done shit for like the past two days. I am 30, a software engineer, have ADHD, Pacific Time zone. I need someone to video chat with me for like four hours a day PLEASE. Ill obviously try to keep you on track with whatever you're working on too.

Also down to play overwatch
Are you a guy
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20 M West Coast, plays fps games and random stuff, just chilling rn before i go to college next semester, not gonna write my whole biography just ask me shit if you wanna know

>Looking for
People to game with and hang with on calls lmao, so instead of rotting in my room alone ill rot in my room alone on a call

>Not looking for
big ask i know but no complete degens, or people who are just looking for horny shit

Late 20s/M/Hispanic. Into Deftones, Silent Hill, horror films, literature, learning languages, making atmospheric music, writing short stories, and um, what else? Been watching Fishtank recap videos. Last movie I saw was Dracula Prince of Darkness.
M 35 Germany(Berlin) I am interested in psychology, cultures and humor
>Looking for
cultures and humor
>Not looking for
unfun memes
discord bogqaab
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weirdo, huge weeb, ironically racist
Interested in anime & manga, VNs, film, video games and sewing cosplays
people who can hold conversations, similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships and connections
>DISCORD @notarappist
>looking for
Someone patient and caring that i can form a close bond with and it doesn't exclusively mean relationship (i only have 1 or 2 actual friends atm)
literature, history, games, comics/manga
no because you are obese and low effort and have no personality
heyyy nothing wrong with having no personality...
looking for another male within my area to play modded java mc (and perhaps other games) with. Do not be over 21, do not be younger, do not be homosexual.

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>Looking for
Any girls looking to chat of anything and play games. I don´t do VC
>Not looking for
Men, trans.
Games, Drawing, Manga.
>Discord tag
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>about you
i play OSRS, i skate, i listen to shitty music, i yap, i skate some more. social anxiety but i work in a call center and i will sit in vc for hours watching shit or playing smth w you

also i fucked up both my ankles so i wont go out this week
>Looking for
silly people. vc is a plus altho this week is busy for me :(
>Not looking for
people who are NOT silly
>Discord tag
yo do you make videos you sound like a content creator lol
mid 20s emo/stoner/artist/gamer/schizo/weeb
>Looking for
nightowls, chat, vanilla Minecraft....
>Not looking for
nsfw, chuds, VC
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>weirdo, huge weeb, Interested in anime & manga, VNs, film, video games and sewing cosplays
>people who can hold conversations, similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships and connections
>no queers
>discord @notarappist
18 girl
currently playing skyrim a lot, obsessed with modding
i dont have anything else to say, im not interesting, just lonely and looking for friends
>Looking for
friends to consistently talk to
>Not looking for
sex pests, over 25, romantic relationships, ghosters
mtf transbian
>looking for
trans(bian) friends and especially communities/servers, ESPECIALLY in the local area cos i got no one D:
im academically-pseud minded, but my adhd means i can fw anything on that plane
>looking for
other transbians to make friends and begin my transitioning journey (just came out as trans to myself today lol)
>not looking for
even if youre trolling you should kill yourself
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University teacher studying for a masters degree in international relations. Into reading, cycling, walking and shooting. Classic "otaku" with all the bells and whistles (VNs, LNs, Animanga). I play some variety of games but right now I'm playing Stalcraft X, Minecraft, Europa Universalis IV, Rimworld and Company of Heroes 2. Current Visual Novels I'm reading is Nukitashi and Kunado Kokuki, for anime it's Off Season Monogatari and Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi, light novels; Alya-san and Mushoku Tensei.
>Looking for
People who are into the same general hobbies or interests stated above. Also can VC from time to time
>Not looking for
retards, trannies, fags
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>looking for actually weird and disturbing people
>not looking for boring people
Pic related. No flakes. Read it and want it, or don't show up.
i don't! i streamed like 5 years ago for a while and I think im still affiliated unless they cancel that after a while. what made you say that though?
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I'm a 24 y/o guy from Argentina, going through some shit lately, nothing too crazy, just normal life stuff and I need some guidance
>>Looking for
Someone older than me that can help me with some advice (preferably a man although I don't mind if you're a woman as long as you think your advice can help me)
>>Not looking for
Free therapy. I want it to go both ways. we listen to each other's problems.
also I don't wanna be an asshole but don't add me if you can't really speak English fluently (or Spanish i guess)
doesn't work, but here's the hash of a torrent for longlegs: d6868541382f58ac76b12444492bb072d13d088c
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyedmeteorboy
idk i’m bored and wanna vc
>Looking for
20+ only, need friends that are only slightly retarded
>Not looking for
romantic or spicy convos rn LOL
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idk i’m bored and wanna vc
>Looking for
20+ only, need friends that are only slightly retarded
>Not looking for
romantic or spicy convos rn LOL


Films...................Alien(s), LOTR, Terminator, good sci-fi in general
History................Modern, revolutions and American history
Politics................Anarchism, anti-idpol
Programming......GNU/Linux & FOSS
Reading..............Non-fiction but considering re-reading ASOIAF
Video games.......Retro Nintendo/Sega and PC sims.
TV........................Game of Thrones & Star Trek
Model building
Working out

>Looking For
Women interested in chatting
>Not Looking For
Men or transwomen

>About you
Chill programmer, almost all day busy but can find some time to chat.
- Programming and software in general (
- Cars (Both new and retro)
- TV Shows (BB, BCS, Narco, Silicon Valley and others)
- Music (Mostly rock and house but have almost every genre)
>Looking for
Preferably femanon, but open to any sex or gender. Just be nice and no big age gap (19-27 is ok)
>Not looking for
Nazis, fascist, gooners, lewd
matrix: @samsepi0l.c:matrix.org
telegram: @samsepi0l_c
discord: @samsepi0l.c
If none of the above works, drop your contact will find a way to contact you.
my id mightve changed as im phoneposting but 2269. gotta do 1 agil level, some misc stuff, and firemaking
Lost connection.
Leila, it's me, Lawrence.
Please find me on my new account.
discord: iamyourrealdaddy
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M21, Netherlands
>Describe yourself
Originally russian, currently living in the Netherlands. Looking for friends/mates from here, also from Germany or Belgium, desu any Western EU country would have been great. I love cinema a lot, history, videogames, literature, trying to write myself. Also have an interest in STEM. In general i am quite an interesting person.
If it matters, i am skinny and 6ft, but NOT GAY lmao. So dont text me if u r willing to say gex.
Would be great if we will be able to meet IRL, since i love to take walks around European cities.

Discord: Seleucusofbabylon
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26 M UK
Programmer and tech startup founder even though I hate computers and the internet and would rather all spend my time in nature. I like to travel and live in different countries. Probably a bit adhd but that's just my opinion. Favourite movie is Rounders. Favourite music is the Wolf Song sang by Jonna Jinton

>Looking for
Decent people. I don't mind if you are weird so long as you aren't aggressive or combative. Prefer talking to females but appreciate male friends just as much, so either way

>Not looking for
People who are overly flaky, people with a lot of ego, anything to do with trans or gays, dishonest or evil people

Discord: spix14.
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
GoonSquad Taliban, Shapeshifters, Fucking Old People
>Looking for
Just silly looking for people to talk with (maybe more hehe older men r my type lolz)
very nerdy with certain things!! i love vocaloid, scooby-doo, garfield, and other cutesy things!!
>Not looking for
Nudes or sexual talk/sexting
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31 M, US
>looking for
I'm primarily looking for losers to trauma bond with
along with someone that just feels lonely and could use some company
through calls or back and forth conversations throughout the day
psychology, mysteries, puzzles
27M US
>About Yourself
Muscular build, average height, big chest, broad shoulders, beard, brown eyes, chill & laid Back
Gym rat, video games, hanging with friends, anime, wrestling, watching movies
>Looking For
Friends, people to chat with, people to play games with
>Not Looking
Minors, Weirdos
Discord: carldoeswrk
24/Male/East Coast
Reading, philosophy, spirituality, working out, and conspiracies
>looking for
Cute girlfriend to manipulate
22 Male? Brighton
>about me
big geek, small twink. I guess sorta femboy? But more just a geeky twink. I like to game, don't really have people to talk to about games.
gaming, movies, bad reality TV show.
>looking for
A guy to talk to. I have a lot of female friends haha. If we are just mates or fwb or whatever I don't care. Roleplay is fun too. I used to get paid to sext haha so I guess I'm good at that
>not looking for
People who don't even try to talk
little_lewis. (Yes the full stop is included
I didn't mean the question mark after male
24/Male/East Coast.
Reading, philosophy, spirituality, working out, and conspiracies.
>looking for
Cute girlfriend to manipulate..
Underage. Mods, ban this idiot.
Still looking, new discord tag:
BUMP!! :3
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unhinged schizo touch starved loser
I like music and video games
>Looking for
maybe we can play PvE tarkov together or something
>Not looking for
resident evil
hip hop music
funny cats
funny anime girls
>Discord tag
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cross thread dupe post
cinema primarily and tangentially philosophy, but I also spend too much in what feels like a permabeg state practicing anatomy sculpting.

[reddit space]

I enjoy reading non-fiction shit, I enjoy aesthetics, I enjoy banter.
>looking for
by the time you're reading this I may or may not being intoxicated, so preferably a yapper
>not looking for
expectations of consistency
29 f usa (est time zone)
>Looking for
maybe more like a server I can casually join, or if it's a person just some low-pressure text conversation. I've been feeling kind of bored lately and miss the days of just chatting with an online friend in the background while on the internet.

I like music, anime, some games (think like sims, stardew, animal crossing, etc), occasional drawer and writer, some stereotypical 'female interests' (fashion, makeup, etc.), trying to get back into reading. I like playing chess online, not a super great player though. politics are more of the left variety, but I would say I have more of a chill/casual temperament. I don't necessarily care about your politics as long as you're also going to be chill about things. I do enjoy speaking to people from different countries, but fluent english speakers please. Kinda been going through it but trying to get back on track the last couple years, so also happy to converse with other self-improvers/trying-to-get-their-shit-together kinda folks.

>Not looking for
24-25 and up preferred, nothing overtly or only sexual. trans people, people with long diagnosis lists. I can be a little shy at first so not super interested in voice chatting, but if I become more comfortable or get to know you better then maybe.

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25, m, portland or

add for: tea, poetry, buddhism, playing go, bonsai, collaborating on music (especially neofolk / martial industrial)

especially if you'd like to write / share your poetry with me. i am also a practicing occultist but we probably won't get along if you're a neopagan / satanist (i will laugh at you)

don't add if: underage / high schooler / teenager, /pol/, romance / sex

discord: hogna_vulpina
I'm passionate about history, especially preserving it. I’m particularly into internet history and the history of technology in general. And since we're talking about the internet, I have to say I love exploring how it's evolved. Oh, and of course, like most people, I’ve got an interest in video games
>Looking for
other HIGH FUNCTIONING autist to talk about our passion and interest in the long term with
calling, gaming stuff like that

>Not looking for
>Contact @pocketxp
> About
> Interests
Computers, programming/hacking, lockpicking, anime/vidya (sometimes), youtube
> Looking for
Anyone basically
> Not looking for
A girlfriend
> Contact
Forgot to mention:
Telegram: @beverage (@testicles is my discord)
> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyedmeteorboy
holy fucking shit. i found you again, i just posted in the 'lost and found' thread just to find you. if you dont mind, please look for my post in that specific thread. thank you kindly. i know this is stupidly off topic from the original thread, please excuse this.

generic nerd interests like games, anime, manga, books, etc. Also like motorbikes, guns, chess and Go, and binge watching shows or movies with friends

>Looking for
friends to at least dm, low pressure preferred since some of my days are horrible busy, close to my age the better but no issues with younger or older

>Not looking for
sensitive people or people who expect everyone else carry the convo

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m 28 est
>Looking for
similar interests & funny people. into vidya (lots of single player stuff but i'll play whatever looks fun. really into rpgs/platformers/fighting games)
weightlifting, cooking, standup, horror
>Not looking for
annoying retards
18 f
Looking for Cool, funny, chill, interesting people. Maybe some server recs. Idk I'm bored and high
Not looking for retards, racists, incels, e-dating, lewd,
Also I'm not really into video games much so don't open with that

Disc: bluedawn0481
30 f. antisocial/borderline, depressed.
>looking for
friends, real/fulfilling/interesting conversations, show me your interests
>not looking for
bf, lewd, exchanging pics.
leave discord
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you were the first user who wanted to register (@testicles as username?
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I am 21 years old, female. I'm not looking for a long term friendship. I simply want a kind empathetic voice. Someone who will listen to my sad past and care. That last part is important, empathy and being genuine is a must. My heart breaks just a little more each time someone pretends my childhood is a story, like some netflix slop to consume and discard when the story is over. I am more than willing to be your kind ear too. Just please don't use everything I say to talk about yourself, please care about me more than as a vessel for you to talk about yourself. I'm too shy to put an add, please reply with yours if you care. Drink water, go on a walk, count the birds and appreciate the weather today.
What's wrong with long term friendships? I'd listen but caring about someone and then ignoring them sounds miserable.
I can't maintain them because of how mentally ill I am.
That's awful but understandable. Do you struggle trying to keep in contact or purposefully give up on people you meet?
see the pickle here is that I'd really hate having to talk with any of you, yet I still desperately need someone to talk to me, yet again wouldn't give myself even the time of day
Ok. I am fine offering this if you show me your boobs and stuff
>nooo haha only you should invest in me, i dont want to have to reciprocate, you should get anything from this interaction incel ;)
i isolate
23 usgay moid
>about me and looking for
i have a budding interest in wildlife and bike culture, if you're into these and would care to bestow some wisdom, feel free
wannabe game developer/artist working on an h-game and willing to accept collaborators
the last heterosexual convention attendee
wage slave attenborough
enjoy animanga, music, vidya, defecating and breathing in that order
hero shooters, pocket monsters and monhun ; i'm a robloxian by nature dog fighter by profession
please do not add this sexual predator.
i cant find him in the archives what did he do
so you’re a selfish piece of shit who thinks they deserve the world while not giving anything to anyone else?
brown (I have to say this because people for some reason give a shit about skin colour more than proper interaction LMAO), nerdy, writer, pokemon fan, yugioh fan (sorta)
>Looking for
>Not looking for
annoying people. if I don't want to talk to you, then I just won't. simple as.
>I have to say this because people for some reason give a shit about skin colour more than proper interaction LMAO
>go to archive
>multiple posts only looking for tall white guys
A tad hypocritical, no?
22/f/ southern united states
I speak a little Norwegian!
>looking for
A friend who doesn't mind that I'm weird. I really like sewing, bunnies, hamsters, metal music and stuffed animals. I have a hard time talking to people and making friends. My only friend is my fiance whom I love very much
>not looking for
A relationship or NSFW things.
marielovesbunnies on discord
I can listen but the empathy part is not guaranteed…hard to tell if I’d relate to whatever unfortunate past you’ve had without you giving details about it.

If you care for that,
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26 / Male / Mexico

> About me
I wrote this thing out of order so I think I already wrote to much. I'll try to write the next parts as short as I can.

Average guy all things considered.

Notable things:

- I think a lot (Not necessarily intelligent thinking).
- I spend a lot of time inside my room.
- I always try to thing about different perspectives.
- I listen more than I speak but I speak too much if given a chance. I think this can be really bad.
- My sense of humor is defective (Jokes about dark or inappropriate subjects, or just plain old fart jokes.)
- I have a very limited emotional vocabulary (Don't know how to convey my emotions)

> Interests
- I like all the things inside the weeb / geek / 4chan annon starter pack (minus the whole /pol/ side of 4chan)
- I love to think about hypothetical scenarios
- I love to learn how stuff works
- I love storytelling and analyzing stories
- I love gaming (Retro, Indie stuff and Emulation)

> Looking for
Someone to talk to about our life's and is willing to say it, and listen, like it is, no matter if that may hurt, we can work through hurt.

Someone that is exited to share their passions. Someone that is willing to recognize the negative parts of life exist and that they aren't our enemies but that doesn't mean that we must always dwell on them or romanticize them.

> Not looking for
A perfect friend or partner. I know this one is weird.

I'm not looking for some what that at the first sign that a persone is not what they wanted they cut off all ties. It's ok feeling like this, but I just ask that you talk to me, or anyone for that matter, about what made you feel like cutting all ties was the next step.

> Handle
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I'm having my first ever surgery tomorrow, under general anesthesia and everything, the anxiety is kinda eating me from the inside, wouldn't mind talking to someone who went through a surgery and learning about your experience, if you feel like it I can update you on how it went the day after tomorrow when I'm released, but its okay if you aren't interested.


24, m, LA county


As far as appearance, I get told that I look exactly like Jesus. That should give you an accurate mental image.

I’ve got a lot of interests. Anything from the more ‘intellectual’ stuff like learning about art, history, philosophy and the unexplained/supernatural.

But I also like to go to shows, clubs (especially during goth/darkwave nights), occasionally raves. I maybe drink more than I should, so oops.

>Looking for

Friends and cool people to hang out with if you’re near me. If not then we can just have interesting discussions.
Basically if you read this and think we’d get along, go ahead and add me.

>Not looking for

Just don’t be a dick I guess.


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mainly music and vinyl collecting, but also cinema, anime, vidya, shitposting, some art, working on music, was getting into fiction/non-fiction but dropped, politically right wing although talking politics bore me so basically i dont care if you are leftie atm

>looking for
just to meet cool people who share interests (especially music heh), have some banter and talk about whatever, basically offer free therapy, i like listening and giving advice if you need to (ill try my best but I might not always be in the mood tho so dont take it personally if i dont reply or dont have consistency i have my own shit too) mainly about relationships, maybe play something online too (left 4 dead)

>not looking for

>discord username
>Looking for
Fresh account, looking to make new friends again to chat during the odd hours I'm awake. Maybe you'll even catch me during a non-vampire sleeping schedule. I can chat about most things, but preferably not about economics or something similarly devoid of soul. If we enjoyed talking previously, you're welcome to add again
>Not looking for
Easily offended, schizophrenia, RSO
Ill be honest with you bro most of the troons that cut their dicks off usually end up killing themselves once they realize that cutting off their dick and balls doesnt magically turn them into a woman, so on the bright side you probably wont have to suffer for long haha
32/MTF/el salvaor
>About Currently going through HRT liek 6 month (on and off due to work). Enjoy anime, manga, streaming, and video games. I work as a doctor from 12 PM to 8 PM CST in El Salvador and hope to start my medical residency next year. I’m on a weight loss journey and have lost 35 pounds in the last two months. I have a unique sense of humor and can be a bit shy at first.
>Looking for
Friends to chat with daily about video games, music, life, or silly topics. I’d love to hang out and play games together.
>Not looking for
Drama or negative vibes. Transhpobes, racists
>Contact Feel
24 F USA
>Looking for
people to talk about l33t h4x0r stuff with, please add me if you are a l33t h4x0r and can tell me about this l33t h4x0r question i have to ask you
>Not looking for
people who arent l33t h4x0rs
Hii :3 I am a 20 y/o trans girl living in the Appalachian Mountains! I love hiking and fishing but I absolutely adore source engine technical stuff (i.e. tf2 or hl2). I'm a computer science major and I'm pawesome.
>Looking for
friends mostly :3 bonus if also transfem
>Not looking for
mopeshit, weirdos, minors.
what kind of autism does this mean
its tranny autism
Urban Dictionary
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>18F norway
>looking for degen people (not purely sexual, but that included)
>not looking for afabs
>discord: heroinscat
I'm sorry I wasn't there for you last night, I was tired and angry. It was wrong to take it out on you, when you deserve nothing but love for all the things you had to endure. You deserve better and I know you will find it some day. You can reach out to me anytime you need to. Enjoy your anonymity.
Would like someone too talk to

please note I do spam
I am clingy
I don't like chuds or commies. yet have pretty radical views myself
I Have ptsd
sometimes trauma dumping is an issue for me
I don't like toxic people as I have my own problems
Please be polite about my ptsd
and ffs don't be retard , politically correct or some npc who I need too explain every single word too

(brief construct before you ask about my political beliefs. I like the unibomber and draw parallels between it and the book Jurassic Park. I like James Masons Philosophy up too a point and see no problem in the use of violence against others. think most human beings are useless and self centered in a grand scheme where most people in western democracies vs eastern are disposable and atleast people in countries like africa , the ME or Asia have the balls to kill their leaders or pull the trigger on the npcs who support their leadership. Think people desire change but are too cowardly to want violence. the government sets up domestic terrorism and white nationalism as a false flag too ban social media that allows people to speak their thoughts. I'm also a mix of hard left and far right.)

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19 f. i’m not doing great right now and I don’t want to burden my friends and family with my feelings. i’m an open book when I get to know you but i’ll always want to be anonymous.


makeup, music, fashion, art, the occult/horror/true crime, urbex, drugs

>looking for

someone (preferably straight, male, 30+ with life experience, brutally honest, intelligent, and insightful) that I can vent to/come to for advice.

I don’t have anything to offer in return but if listening to people’s problems is your thing hmu

>not looking for

romance, sex, meetups, vc, exchanging socials, anything like that


i’ll message you, reply with your disc if interested
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You might be asking why I say I dislike chuds and commies. I guess I mean the archetypes of said people piss me off. I wouldn't really call myself third position either , I don't use labels. alot of these people fit neatly into little boxes and are very easy too guess. why it's easy imho to dehumanize them and think so much less of them when you actually view in the grand scheme of stuff james mason talks about like murdering them. their just little robots on a battery and your unplugging them. so yes , I am extremist. but more nature vs nuture. a mix of family figures and other things from my years growing up

see you there
Swaampy 33 male, happy to chat and listen

Most sport, dance, movies (I mostly watch horror), fitness, outdoors, history, instruments, languages. I do not want to list forever but I like many things!
>Looking For
Friends who speak russian or english, people who are nerdy and have many interests. I like to learn about new things often.
>Not Looking For
rude people
Dude you’re 21, you’ll be fine. Everyone complains about mental health these days when in reality they just spend too much time online. You think Africans or Amish people whine about muh mental health?
You all should become friends, learn from each other.
>Looking for
Sports fans into college football and NASCAR and VTuber fans into Hololive
>Not looking for
Anything NSFW
lonely guy trying to navigate through his 20s.
>looking for
>not looking for
non f
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>looking for
Somebody to bitch and vent to because I'm sure my friends are sick of hearing from me at this point. It's mostly career and relationship matters.
>not looking for
My bad. I just happened to click on your post to pop open the quick reply.
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Cripple. NEET. Casual gaymer and mostly play OSRS. Following konosuba and csm atm. Too lenient on people I shouldn't be around and too harsh on new people. Slow typer and get nervous easily, please be patient. A friend described me as retarded enough to be charming.

>Looking for
Someone who's comfortable streaming games and/or videos. I might VC sometimes.

>Not looking for

tag t.f.w
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30/M Big Guy. Divorced. US Mid-West Home Owner and Career Haver. I read Sci-Fi and Fantasy. I play D&D &Video Games. I have basically achieved my life aspirations outside of this one aspect.
>Looking for
A monogamous left-leaning person (Prefer Women but cute men work too) wanting to try LDR and eventually more if it works out. My expectation is that I find my best friend and settle down with them.
>Not looking for
Cheaters. LARP. Trolls. People who share literally no interests with me.
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>24, girl, usa

>about me
i am actually friendly and love goofing off and im lighthearted.
i love animals and nature.
i wana eventually be able to do some homestead type thing along w animal keeping i think thatd be really fulfilling.

>looking for
friends!! preferably if we can play Fortnite together id love that!! hopefully i can find long term friends

>NOT looking for
ghetto people, trannies, faggots (this includes troon lovers-duh) , perverts, antisocial disorder people like narcissists or sociopaths.

discord : mousino

have a good day everyone
early 20s, male, the netherlands, straight
>>Looking for
friends etc
>>not looking for
evil people
psychology, history, sociology/antropology, philosophy, literature, movies/tv, music, cinema/film, martial arts/sports/lifting, games, discord, youtube, people
>>Discord tag
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Wanna call and annoy someone right now
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>About you
I'm terminally online but I go outside. I enjoy anime, firearms, outdoors and stuff.
>Looking for
Friends my age around my area. I wanna go to beach or hike or somethin.
>Not looking for
Sexual intercourse. Drug use
stechkinaps on Discord
Ugly egirl looking for simps. Very obnoxious, very annoying. Avoid.
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25m portland oregon.

i posted earlier but my mood has changed drastically and i'm fairly more desperate for human interaction now.

i'm into tea, writing + reading poetry, modern art, kendo (japanese fencing), esoterica, folk music, bonsai, among other things.

i am unfortunately very intense and can get easily attached so here is a fair warning.

no /pol/, underage, etc.

discord: hogna_vulpina
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>About you
European anon living in Japan. I like internet stuff.
My hobbies are mainly vidya:
- Currently playing: Deadlock, Deep Rock Galactic, SM64 COOP
- Few of my favorite games are: TF2, FFTA, Majoras Mask, Tropico 4

- I started recently and I want to learn how to draw properly.

- I once lifted 150kg DL and 130kg squat but I want to get new PRs.

and programming these days.
- I work in software so I like tech.

I also like the following but I do not spend as much time as during my 20s looking out for new stuff.
- ATHF, XRA, Lupin the Third series, Warau Salesman, etc
- Gatacca, Tetsuo the Ironman, Stalker (1979) , REC, Days of Glory
- breakcore, dnb, rock, heavy, mostly but I like music from all genres
- Machine Girl, Pendulum, Fear Factory, Deftones, Daft Punk, Fantastic Plastic Machine, Goreshit, Kid606, Scott Brown

I was diagnosed with ADHD recently but I think I got the hang of it. I could give some tips if you struggle with it.

>Looking for
Friendly anons. Chill conversations, whatever comes to mind. No need for immediate back and forth.

>Not looking for
Lewd stuff, romantic relationships, people asking only for Japan advice, RP, Larpers, rude people

If I do not reply instantly, I am not ignoring you, I will get back to you as soon as I can.
M 18
looking for F 26_32

Discord : bajf
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>>33461742 here:
You can consider this post closed. I talked to the first few people that reached out last night and I'm feeling a bit more at ease this morning and ready to keep up on the grind. I appreciate the other offers to listen, but I think I got it out of my system.
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18f TX no attention whoring just looking for friend in the south texas area so we can meet up and go to cons PREFERABLY girls around my age but if youre a guy that’s fine too just dont murder me
I have no vidya experience but I am knowledgeable in some and would be glad to learn from you
I am pretty normal and open to venting sometimes cant vc due to personal issues
disc webnision
This dude’s afraid of pronouns.
>about you
Your lonely but friendly internet anon, that doesnt have any real friend irl.
Its hard to make friends post 30 as it is, but its even more difficult when dealing with actual diagnosed depression that paints your world in grey colors sometimes. Before you jump to support me, im generally ok most of time in regards to dealing with my mental health, so im okay to talk about it. In reality, I only have colleagues as "people i know" and see daily, but non of them is someone i condider w close friend that knows me well, and someone who i can rely on when needed.
Cars and motorsport, electronic music, movies, cooking, history, geo-politics, science, sci-fi, books.
>looking for
An online friend i can talk with on a daily basis and be open about any subject, without the fear of being judged.
We can share our interests, daily life struggles, past stories, hopes for the future, talk about current events or just rant to each other.
Im genuinely open to any topic/idea you have in mind (sfw/nsfw, lewd, unpopular or controversial opinions) as long as we can have a respectful conversation like two adults that dont have to necessarily agree with each other, but hopefully will be able have a proper discussion - so dont be afraid to challenge me.
>not looking for
Friend collectors who add and never respond, sellers and most importantly, people who cant hold a conversation.
Bumpiiinnggggg pwease
Try the femdom thread next time lil bro
Reach out to tatsuk93
heres a pro tip
stop feeling sorry for yourself
relying on others to comfort you will not bring you long term happiness, it just forces you to rely on others
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>Looking for
people into similar stuff and who may also want to chat. I like talking about dumb things and music quite a bit. paranormal/spooky things, internet mysteries, etc. listen to me rant about how bad people are as I play deadlock and how I'm better :^). mostly looking for relaxed drama free people.
Music, gaming, traveling, photography, other things too... just ask and such.
>Not looking for
Throwaway accounts, Weirdos, overly political stuff, spergs.
>Discord tag
hey I sent you a discord request, my tag is jett_9555
I'm 25/M/USA and I think we have plenty in common
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>about you
hiiii im mya:3 i like to smoke umm draw, listen to music, pierce myself… tattoo myself, i love dxm sooo much and ya idk get to know me
>looking for
friends to smoke with!!! and call and stuff
18f in texas
>Looking for
guys who are curious abt girls or just have questions theyd never ask/never gotten to ask a girl. i like yapping abt myself and my life and i figure i can get to do that and help some of yall understand us a little better at the same time.
>Not looking for
sexting, dick pics, et cetera
anime, video games, trashy novels


Because of spatial relativity
29yo stoner artist in the UK/Ireland. working with glass right now, but traditionally works with textiles or ceramics. regularly play mtg and ow2.
>Looking for
people to chat to when I'm in the studio.other artists, nerds and/or queer weirdos would be cool.
>Not looking for
friend collectors, servers, video/voice call
hey im sorry can you unblock me please
24/Male/East Coast.
Reading, philosophy, spirituality, working-out, and conspiracies.
>looking for
Cute girlfriend to manipulate.
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artificial intelligence, vidya, scenecore, vocaloid
>looking for
>not looking for
22 M NYC

No one


Not nothing.

> asl
> about you
passionate hater, i work 9-5 as software engineer
> interests / hobbies
trying to be in good shape physically and mentally so I go to the gym and for walks, baking pizza and cooking, i love watching shows and sometimes movies, right now grinding satisfactory

I also love my cats and take too many pictures of them

Maybe want to get out of my cave this year and try to travel for the first time
> looking for
long time friends would be nice, just people to chat up about random things throughout the day
> not looking for
crazy freaks, coomers, people living in denial
> tag
>about me
in college working on an AA, and I have wayy too much time on my hands for someone who's doing it full time. I've started branching out more in person but I'd always like to have more cool people to talk to, hence why I post every once in a while lol.
card games are fuckin sick, everyone should play them. I really enjoy getting better at things in general, lately i've been trying to teach myself how to draw. It's slow going, but it's going. anime, video games, all that, but it's kind of been taking a backseat to other stuff for a loooong time now.
>looking for
frens or romance or something idk, literally noone else is in florida lmao. I'd like to actually have more than one converstaion before things fade out but if that's what happens its all good. Be as lewd as ya like, I don't super mind.
>not looking for
racists n righties, fellow men

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