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This thread aims to maximize the chances of 2 anons to be together and motivate lurkers with low-self esteem and confidence to approach other anons. A main rule for all of those who add remember hit up the anon you added with a description about yourself or checking your traits with their traits they're interested into.

>AS and maximum distance
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that are totally not your type
>Their interests

>Body traits
>Personality traits
>About your life and goals
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
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18-25 (around my age)

bio f

ideally somewhere in north america but i'd be fine with her being located anywhere if we get along

>physical features
i like long dark hair and slimmer builds but i don't care much about appearance

>career/life situation
ideally she'd be neet so that i could take care of her

ideally she'd have introvert interests/hobbies but there aren't specific interests/hobbies i'd want her to have. i'd be happy to learn about her interests/hobbies as well as teach her about mine

i'd want her to be clingy and obsessive. i would want her to love me as deeply as i would love her

ideally, she'd want to be my sub in a loving bdsm relationship




east coast

white (slav)

>physical features
-medium length dark hair
-blue eyes
-baby face
-lean build

>career/life situation
i'm a cs student at a large public uni. i'd like to work in big tech after i graduate

i spend my free time reading, programming, and working out. i mainly read fantasy, sci-fi, philosophy, and history books. i also like to play strategy games or rpgs when i can. when it's nice outside, i like to travel and/or go hiking

i come across as a pretty introverted person but i can be more extroverted around friends. i don't easily make friends but i form close friendships with people i chose to befriend

i'm looking for a gf who i can love very deeply. i want to find someone i can devote my life to

>khhv status
khhv. i would only seek a relationship with someone i could see myself marrying

>looking for
i'm looking for a clingy, loving girl that i can take care of and eventually marry. i want to find a girl who i can love very intensely

ideally, we'd have a loving bdsm relationship. i would like a dom and sub dynamic that involves not only traditional aspects of bdsm but also me taking care of my gf

Can you stop with this gay shit?
It's too convoluted. Just use normal template
>retard thinks posting shit like this will get him laid
You aren't being mysterious, faggot. I've talked to the other girls on this board and you gave every single one of them the ick
>I've talked to the other girls on this board
Well there's only like 12 of them and all of them just like to screw around with the guys they add so that's not really saying much. Misery loves company I guess
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23, Male, Colorado
>Body traits
5'9", active enough/not chubby, blond hair/blue eyes, long hair & short beard (willing to change)
>Personality traits
Very conversational, not super extroverted. I loe music, aesthetics, nature, and interesting concepts.
Hiking/backpacking/camping, playing guitar, composing & collecting music, geology/rockhunting, Touhou, Magic: the Gathering, some anime/manga, and worldbuilding. I love drawing maps & monsters and writing stories & lore for my friends to explore in campaigns/games. I enjoy driving fast and listening to music, having tea at night, or going for evening walks. Science and engineering, and learning from passionate people. Some reading & video games with friends.
>Life and goals
Working as an engineer & volunteering in student ministries. Hoping to take things at a decent pace and become good friends, and eventually to find someone to love & be loved by.

>Looking for
Woman, 18-30, USA. Quality time and long conversations about life and ideas and our favorite things. Shared interests are a huge plus.
>"Unattractive" things that I'm cool with I guess
Honestly not sure, I feel like as long as we can talk and have fun things can work out. I guess I've always thought it'd be cool to meet a girl who drives a truck, drinks beer, doesn't worry about makeup or perfume or looking perfect, who doesn't mind what others think as long as we have each other. Someone who is unashamed of what she likes and wants to share her thoughts.
>Not looking for
People too busy to talk, who are politically overzealous, or who will ghost me (either don't add me or say goodbye). Long distance for too long (hugs are necessary).

Discord: asamothtoaflame
Email: asamothtoaflame@proton.me
31 Male / Straight / Toronto, Canada
>Body traits
Average, slightly buff, slightly chubby
>Personality traits
INFJ-T Hitler type terrorist
Plants and soil biology
>About your life and goals
Get gf, travel, work on career
Discord: peroxisome0386
Telegram: darter9
>31/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Looking for
>bio female
>18 - 35
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

Vulcanore on discord
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Looking for
>AS and maximum distance
Bio female not black. distance is not relevant in 2024, if we really like each other I can fly to you or fly you out to me, but being open to relocate is important to me
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
ideally she is really nice, not mean hearted. Feels bad when she hurts someone, loyal, caring, can take jokes!! likes dark humour like me, or silly stuff like south park hmm maybe some banter too?
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
flat chest idk just find it cute, body wise I don't mind it as long you are not fat or obese
>Traits that are totally not your type
someone that can't be loyal

26 M Europe
>Body traits
Black hair, fair skin. Medium build and height, dark eyes.
>Personality traits
I'm a INTJ, I like to read but you don't have to mostly just philosophy or software stuff. I like to run/walk trails, nature in a way is healing especially because I live and work in a city, so it's nice to escape. I like to swim, dive on the coast and yk video games and the usual shit
Software development, physiology, learning about pretty much anything. Any time someone is passionate about something I like to listen and know more about it too, I'm just naturally curious
>About your life and goals
My goal is to remodel a country home with a good amount of land, grow a garden add some chickens to play Minecraft irl; start a family, love and cherish her. I do want to start my own company, but being able to work from home this shouldn't make me too unavailable
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29/MtF(post-op)/Oregon/NEET/Satanist/Misanthrope/Kiwifarms Victim
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

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28/m/Gene Hunt-istan aka norf
6,2 lean athletic hair monster
Only slightly schizoid and completely without filter.
I am fucking nerd be warned, I dream of escaping wagie cagie by way of bank robbery.
Actually had some very nice and interesting conversations (shoutout to mestiza nun and Danish rapebaby) but have yet to actually find anyone actually in a position to go somewhere and do something so if you like the idea of dancing around a bonfire hmu because treason month soon!
Ideally you'll be a female (not!male) who is actually an adult who isn't the bad kind of fat and has the power to laugh at my evil.
>I know what I want but I want to get to know you rather than just list a bunch of criteria
21/ Male /Florida, USA
>Body traits
Muscular/Athletic. Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, White.
>Personality traits
I like to VC more than text, I call my friends a lot. I'm Roman Catholic. I'm spontaneous, Ive met up with internet friends irl before. Right wing politics.
Guns, Movies, Esoteric literature, I love going hiking/rucking, I go hike out in the swamps like once a week. I lift and workout alot.
>About your life and goals
In college for accounting. Getting my A.A at the end of this semester. I'm looking into joining the Army soon, I wanna try for special forces but if that doesnt workout then counter intel.
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22/m/eu (me pic rel)

looking for bio F in eu, in a switch rel
im very introverted, have a lot of interests, metal, wood, leather working, /lit+ theater, vidya

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25/M/US(FL moving to NV)/Bisexual
>Body traits
Overweight but slimming down
Long salt & pepper hair, sometimes beard
Hazel/green eyes
Catholic, but haven't gone to church in a while. Passionate and perfectionist about everything I care about. Romantic and sentimental. I love autumn and winter the most. Stoic, but I can and will talk when I open up.
k: I have a BCM AR-15 & Glock 17. Love milsurp, gear queer, blackpowder, etc.
a: I will generally just rewatch Evangelion, Cowboy Bepop, Berserk, etc whenever I'm in the mood. I don't really like a lot of new anime.
g: Thinkpads, NAS, privacy, burner phones, burner emails, privacyx2
v: Boomer shooters, Warhamer 40K, Manor Lords, Ace Combat, DCS: World, STALKER, F:NV, BG3, Halo, etc.
o: Crown Victorias, Ford Ranger, motorcycles, Formula 1.
tg: Currently building an army of Dark Angels
int: Mieszkałem w Polsce na cztery miesiące. I miss Poland.
>Life & Goals
Welder by trade, want to keep building experience and eventually move to Maine, Alaska, or Poland. Marriage and kids one day.
>Looking for
20-45/Cis Fem, Cis men, or MTF/either in FL, NV, or Poland
For cis fem & mtf: varying degrees of short hair, but long hair is also nice; definitely a sucker for gingers. I don't have many physical preferences besides.
For cis men: generally prefer people of the "twink" build. I don't care for beards.
As someone who's overweight, I'm really tolerant of that, but I would like for both of us to eventually get into shape just for optimal health. Also please for the love of God have good hygiene and general cleanliness.

Generally want someone who is nerdy, shares mutual interests in our hobbies, well educated and can handle nuanced discussions about any number of topics. Emotional maturity is a must. If you're Polish as in has Polish citizenship that's a huge bonus.

>Discord: aortic2200
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Gay twink
I like outdoorsy stuff, cooking, video games, movies, music, sports, reading
>looking for
A friend or a boyfriend
>not looking for
Dry people
People that can't hold a convo

pic is me :3
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24, male, japan (white), no maximum distance. straight

no particular ideals, just want a partner who is ok with talking about a broad range of interests, who is open-minded and non-judgmental, and who wants something long-term. we can take it from there.
>Unattractive but attractive
probably the biggest one is that i would like a partner who has a certain degree of "darkness" they deal with, because i struggle with mental health quite deeply as well. i would like a partner who can empathize with me and someone i can also help in my own way as well, through the experiences i have.
>Unattractive but accept
as far as facial or body attractiveness goes it is not a huge deal for me in any particular direction. i find the majority of women to be beautiful in their own way and i would find it easy to bond exclusively to the partner i care about
>Totally not type
nothing really, just dont be really fat or trans i guess

24, white guy living in japan, i am open to long distance and i have a degree which should make moving around fairly feasible in the future
>Body traits
fairly average build, 5'9, i don't think im particularly attractive or unattractive in any way.
i dont think i have much of a personality so much as i have goals, ambitions, and ideals i live by. it's not something i could quickly summarize in a 4chan post. i am also quite different irl than to what my close friends know me as. at the very least, i can say i am not someone who is comfortable hurting others in any capacity
literature, philosophy, history, drawing, gardening, animals, cooking, fashion, games (though not so much nowadays), manga, anime, language-learning, and recently getting into fitness as well
>About life and goals
too much to even begin. but more than anything, i would like to enter into a meaningful relationship right now
What are you doing in Japan?
So you dated japanese girls then?
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Looks wise, Im six foot, average build but trying to get into better shape with brown hair.
Reading (a confederacy of dunces is my favorite book), music (I like folk and patriotic music), vidya (playing wukong and stardew valley atm), playing the guitar and piano (a novice in both), zoology, history, linguistics and paleontology
>what you are looking for
Looking for a lady around my age (18-26) interested in a long term relationship. Don't really care about distance but being based in Europe is a plus.
>not looking for
The only things i'm not looking for are obese people (like actually obese people, not talking about chubby or big women), rude or narcissistic or ghosters
Ghosting is a big thing for me. If you feel like we wont match or you dont like how I look, just tell me. I won't get salty.
Hope to hear from you
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You -
>ASL - 27 f southern California near Tustin
>Body traits - fat and short
>Personality traits - autistic weeb
>Interests - vtubers, j-pop, anime, manga, typical weeb shit
>About your life and goals - I just want shelter, a bed, internet connection and a computer
>Discord - chickenclaw3
>not looking for - men who will just block me
I thought I found someone but today he told me to self improve and fuck off from his life, so here I am again.

I'm a cis f btw, those are internet trolls who claim I'm a man.
Stopped using anahiem cause people would Ctrl+f it LOL
How long did your relationship last anon?
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Do not add, this is just a catfish and pedo. There's a reason everyone blocks him.
I've got a job here
I haven't really been able to date foreigners living here and Japanese women alike except for some strange situationships.
Looking for:
>AS and maximum distance
guys and i'd prefer it if you were in north america!
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
>Physical features:
I don't mind any build, as long as you're not obese. I prefer white guys, but I don't mind other races either. I'd prefer you to be taller than me (5'8")
>Their interests
I'd prefer him to be nerdier, like things like anime and jpop. But I don't mind any interests, as long as I can listen to him speak/ramble about them.

18/f/usa (est)
>Body traits
I'm chinese with long black hair and I wear glasses. 5'8". I'm chubby, but i'd say with decent proportions.
>Personality traits
i'm a little lazy, tend to be a workaholic, and i can become clingy once attached. but i try my best to be a healthy human being (both physically, emotionally and mentally)
manhwa, anime, art, games, etc.
>About your life and goals
goals are to be sucessful, have maybe two kids, find someone to really love, etc.
All these dislikes contradict each other, because non-leftists have guns and so on. I've talked to you before and you were a nice person.
don't try to make it make sense
lay of the gear son
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Doing drugs, psychedelics, MDMA, underground muic, watching porno, PMVs, cinema, film, beaches, spring break, hanging out at college campuses I don't go to, blowing my trust fund in Vegas, fucking on my father's yacht in Miami Beach, respecting women.

>Their Interests
Same as mine/Me/Stroke my ego as well as my cock/whatever their into.

>Looking 4
18+/She/They/Them. Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius. Pawgs, white/pale skin, goth chicks, petite, femboys/trans, anything cute with a pussy, Valley girls, bimbos, preppy girls.

>Not Looking 4
Black dudes, minors, cutters, furries, Virgo, Cancer, normies, Disney adults, sports fans, politics.

Discord sizzurp8567 hmu
>AS and maximum distance: Bellow 40 and over 18/Female
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else): Someone fun and talkative, I tend to have bad days and just be grumpy, someone that can help me to turn that around.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
Someone Needy, nerdy and with glasses
>Traits that are totally not your type: Agressive people, self harm.
>Their interests: Just a nerdy, geeky girl that likes to be around and do nerdy stuff with me.

>ASL: 30/M/Mexico city
>Body traits: Guy that used to be jacked now with a beardaddy bodytype
>Personality traits: I'm a loving person, or at lest that's what I have been told in the past, I have a dark side, can get to be possesive, sometimes a bit mean, usually I'm a dominant person but try my best to make it bearable.
>Interests: Videogames, powerlifting, tabletop games, movies, music, combat sports, self improvement, reading, cooking.
>About your life and goals: Turning into a CCO in 5 years, my actual position us 2 roles below it building a family, geting rich, creating my own business.
>Discord: zenandit
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>AS and maximum distance
16 - 23, Woman, in Europe

>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner
Loves children, has a good relationship with family, virgin

>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive
Body hair, being frugal, non-conformism

>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept
Strange eating patterns, autism, bad hygiene, strange quirks

>Traits that are totally not your type
Piercings, tattoos, closed mindedness

>Their interests
Homesteading, fine art, health, dancing,

23, Mane, Europe

>Physical traits
Slim build, curly brown/ginger hair, dark eyes, cute face with freckles, multiple scars

>Personality traits

>About your life and goals
Buying multiple hectares of land, building a log cabin, creating a (big) family and starting a lineage

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18-22, biological female

anywhere is fine

short, goth, not obese

honest, upfront, braveness, a little toxic, determined, jealous, lets me send her memes, can talk about more than sex

Transsexuals, Men, minors, BPD chicks,
hyper sensitives,

history, geography, art, gaming, weed, travelling, cooking,

22, M Germany

1,87m, skinny, short dark hair, brown eyes

Confident, honest, determined, superstitious, loyal, opportunistic

history, geography, cooking, vidya, languages, sports, hiking, outdoors (alot more but im too lazy to write list all of it sorry)

>life situation
security guard, living alone in a small but comfy apartment

>Discord: hieronymus21
20M, 13,000km
Short haired cutie with a solar personality.
Genuine awkwardness. With a bit of muh feminism cuz i love girls that fight back yet still i am above.
I cannot stand spiritually dead people. Nor addiction for that matter, no matter the type or vice. Unless youre truly working on it.

Im an above average looking (got told a lot of the time), lean broad "scary" build. So if yo flat then we gonna work on that. Im on wizard time, and for reals.
On some occult shit but i work in IT. Otherwise any of the arts, natural sciences are peak and everything else is mid.

>Life goals:
A king a lover a magician and a warrior.

Don't got discord so imma make one if ya reply, kay?

>I want someone i can love so intensely it makes me conquer myself.
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26 y/o chud fargone borderline hikkineet in Morocco that's just traveling around around. I need love. Are you in Europe? Asia? Fuck off American cunts. I'll hard camp your house and slap your ass and binge watch anime with you. So what I'm retarded everyone else is on this board. I've watched years of anime. I'm more brainrotted than you. Wanna get the fuck cuddled out of you? Yeah that's me I'm white, I'm British, I'm 6'3, my ancestors nuked Hiroshima (why yes the government gives me money so I don't kill Jewish people) I'm in my silly little arc. I'm signed up for cryonics, I'm gonna fuck your fertile womb for eternity. I'm a late stage gooner. Only a few months to live before I cum myself to death.

add me on discord it'll be epic
discord: lolibeater

I just jerk off to minors don't worry!!!! Just le joke!!! Add me no balls!
when have we ever talked
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29/MtF(post-op)/Oregon/NEET/Satanist/Misanthrope/Kiwifarms Victim
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

18-30 years old, female
At least be in North America (East coast preferred)
I don't exactly have a type. I like chubby girls, but not anything more than 250 pounds. I like girls of all races, heights and orientations. I guess glasses, a punkish/bookish/confident/shy style? ahaha, I really don't get picky.
I like people who can hold a conversation. I don't mind voice calls where you watch me play video games and comfortable silence is amazing, but I must be able to talk with you, laugh with you and connect with you. Funny, intelligent and open is perfect.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive
Body hair, pudge, stretch marks, clinginess.
>Traits that are totally not your type
Close minded people, conspiracy nuts, egotistical attitude, "little's"
>Her interests
Whatever you're into is cool! As long as there's more to you than 'i like weed' or 'i like drugs.'

>19, M, North America East Coast
>Body Traits
Dad bod, stretch marks, thick, muscular legs, black eyes, curly, black hair, white, tan skin, trim body hair often, very limited facial hair, usually shave it all off, punk goth style, loves wearing jeans, boots and graphic tee's.
>Personality traits
Just a silly guy. I'm chill, introspective, cuddly, dorky and certainly strange. I'm not perfect, either. I can get jealous and I do have a scuffed childhood. But I'm healing, like all of us. It doesn't define me. I'm typically happy, but we all have our days. I am a no judgement zone.
Writing, acting, gaming, cartoons, anime, manga, poster and figure collecting, cosplay, hiking, swimming.
>About your life and goals
I'm currently saving up for a place of my own. I'm still in college, a second year. I'm an English major who's ultimate goal is to have a nice, calm life at home, and a hectic life writing books and movies at work. That's the dream, anyways. I have no pets, but I'd love to own a cat someday :)
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>AS and maximum distance
21+ women, and preferably the states
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
A good sense of humor and good communication skills are the only two things that I'd consider important enough to mention
>Their interests
Whatever man just be yourself

23, M, US
>Body traits
5'9 chubby, long dark hair, glasses
>Personality traits
Kinda retarded but I like to make people laugh, pretty sarcastic/dry sense of humor, try to be kind when I can
Movies, music, games, manga, comics, literature, and spooky shit
>About your life and goals
Moved across country recently and just sorta winging shit, just trying to build up some capital now but eventually one day I'd like to start a family and buy a good chunk of land to rot away on
>AS and maximum distance
F 20-25 anywhere in the UK or Europe

>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner
I don’t really have a type when it comes to looks, all I really care about is that we have similar interests and can have cool conversations

>Traits that are totally not your type
political (you can have a opinions just don’t be weird about it), overly sexual, being rude or mean for no reason

>Their interests
Vidya, music, movies, anime, reading, traveling

You don’t need to have all these, just one or two would be nice

24 M UK
>Body traits
170cm, brown hair, green eyes, short beard

>Personality traits
easy going, I like talking about stuff I’m interested in but also don’t mind if you just want to talk to me about yourself and how your day went

I’m pretty sure I’m autistic but I’m able to fit in with normal people

Going to be honest I’m not the best at talking to strangers to start with so the first conversations might be a bit awkward, I can vc though if you think that would make things easier

I like mostly single player games, any genre of movie as long as it’s interesting, music (big drain gang fan), I like art but I’m not really good at it, I also play a lot of chess

>About your life and goals
I have a good paying job but work from home a lot so it can get lonely and it would be nice to have someone to talk to

I like travel to different places when I can, I go to places with my irl friends once or twice a year but there’s some places I’d like to visit with someone I’m closer with

>Body traits
5'11, 175 pounds, white, baby-faced
>Personality traits
I love to talk, and i'm extremely lonely. I love codepenancy, it's been my coping skill since I was little. I will talk to you for every waking second and obsess about you nonstop. I literally can't help it. I can be shy or very excitable, but i try to be very positive. I have a slew of depression and anxiety issues, I'm a bit of a wreck. I want to learn everything about you!!

i work full time but i can always text, near 24/7
shitty kids mmos, collecting plushies I don't need, love listening to music of all genres.

>About your life and goals
working a dead-end job with no friends, but my goal is to find someone to love on and live with forever. I'm willing to move for an LDR and I've done it before.

>What you're looking for
Female (cis or trans), pretty face. not concerned about much else but that you're willing to let me dote on you and please don't mess with my head!!!

>AS and maximum distance
Anything between 18-25, max distance in my state
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
Small boobs, cute smile, generally not miserable or mentally ill
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
Crooked teeth, tomboy behaviours
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that are totally not your type
Bitchiness, bossing me around too much
>Their interests

24 M Michigan
>Body traits
5'11, 163 lbs, pretty hairy w blonde hair
>Personality traits
I'm pretty blunt most of the time but not an asshole
Anime, RPGs, golf
>About your life and goals
Just want to have a family and okay career. I'm trying to be pretty brief in this post because I find it better just to talk one to one about shit in depth
18-29/F/on this planet(closer is better but I would rather the ideal match I gotta travel to meet at first to a non-starter)
Traits I would really like to find in a partner: Virginity (mandatory), no Y chromosome (mandatory), lv1 ASD/Aspergers, kind/silly disposition, shares values and interests with me, light eyes, pale skin, feminine weight distribution
Traits others find unattractive that I find attractive: Girls with a lil 'tism, I like thicker girls
Traits others find unattractive that I accept: I would be ok with dating someone with mild/moderate health issues, I'd also be ok with dating a girl who is a lot thicker instead of just a little thicker, or the inverse I'd be ok with dating a girl at my own BMI.
Traits that disqualify potential partners: Mostly those which cause incompatible cognition with me, so Cluster B disorders (BPD, ASPD, NPD, APD, etc), schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder, and otherwise having a mean disposition towards me
Interests similar to mine + cooking
26/M/Northeast US
Very thin (~18-19 BMI), short (5'7), white, blue eyes, long brown hair, thick well trimmed beard
Silly adhd sperg deep into my interests, can be very vocal or very quiet, want to share whatever activity or information I find of interest with you
Interests include (but not limited to) History, Philosophy, Videogames, Computers, Biology, Earth Science, Medicine, and probably more but I'd be here all day
Currently a NEET and have been for a long time, matter of personal circumstance mostly but I have a limited income instead of no income so I have the capacity to travel/visit within reason. I'd like circumstances to be such that I would be able to support a family where the kids are homeschooled but even if I wagecucked or went to school to get a higher tier wagecuck my desired life is unavailable under societal circumstance so... I can dream, and hope things get better, or that I discover some path that works for me.
>Discord (inc the period)
I thought I drunk posted this because you described me exactly. Im taller though.

>AS and maximum distance
Between 18-22, bio female, and literally any location
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner
Looks wise I'm not particularly picky, in general I like a standard body that isn't too fat or too skinny. I prefer dark hair and the only race I don't like is black. Personality wise, just be someone who is fun to have a conversation with.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive
Being possessive.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept
Most things, as long as it isn't too crazy.
>Traits that are totally not your type
Being fat, ghosting, and not being able to carry any sort of conversation.
>Their interests
Anything, as long as its similar to mine.

19/M/Western US
>Body traits
5'9, 144lbs. I have longish dark hair and eyes, with a light tan to my skin. Most women regard me as having a cute appearance.
>Personality traits
Quiet, shy, and probably autistic. I can also be quite conversational when I get to that point.
Anime, vidya, literature, astrophotography, and piano for the most part.
>About your life and goals
I have a vague sense of being very successful, but I really don't have anything specific to write. I'm not a loser without a future though.
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Bro this keeps happening to me, how many 20ish UK anons who are actually literally me are there because there's loads of us guys, need to form a tribe or something if it carries on because we might have the same Y chromosome or something.
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>>AS and maximum distance
18-28/Bio female, Preferrably within the USA but not a deal breaker.
>>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner
Shoulder length dark hair, Big light eyes, Pale, skinny/slim/fit.
Tattoos, piercings, scars, glasses, and colorful hair are all a plus.
As far as personality goes, just be passionate about something and enjoy talking about it.
>>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive
I don't really give a fuck what other people find unnatractive.
>>Traits that are totally not your type
Overweight, Does not take care of herself, smelly, messy.
>>Their interests
Enjoys the outdoors, likes to read, interested in horror movies/anime, goes to the gym, interested in history/religion/mythology, has experience with or interest in the paranormal/occult/cryptids.
Into lolcows and enjoys content about them.

>>Body traits
5'10, White, reddish hair, decently jacked, 4 tattoos and wants more, planning on getting piercings.
>>Personality traits
I tend to be pretty laid back, but I can be very passionate about things I'm interested in. I have a low social battery, but I'm working on it.
I lift frequently and physical fitness is important to me.
I'm really into reading, both traditional books and manga.
Music is a huge part of my life and I collect vinyl.
Very much into the paranormal, occult, cryptids, etc.
I love history and theology, especially weird/obscure stuff.
I am a hard-core environmentalist, and I love the outdoors and anything you can do in them, especially hiking and bouldering.
I don't watch a lot of TV but enjoy shows like the X-files, Twin peaks, and Anime.
I do like movies, especially horror.
>>About your life and goals
Currently going to university, eventually hoping to move to the middle of nowhere and have a decent sized family, living as close to nature as possible.

I am very busy but I will make time for you.

>AS and maximum distance
Age 19-22(female) has to be within the USA

>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)

Loving/kind, likes to talk alot, skinny, playful

>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)

Obsessive behavior

>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)


>Traits that are totally not your type


>Their interests

They like reading, likes all kinds of music , likes traveling or going on hikes




>Body traits

Skinny, gaining muscle, brown hair, brown facial hair.

>Personality traits

Calm, observant, patient, caring


I like reading alot, I play video games, I hike, I also work with animals

>About your life and goals

I want to find a girl friend hopefully maybe a wife. I'm saving money currently so I can travel around the world for a bit.

>AS and maximum distance
22-34, bio F, within EU
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
kindness, affectionate, nerdy, wanting a husband
>Traits that are totally not your type
smoking/drug usage, excessive drinking (some alcohol once in a while is fine), unstable due to mental illness (such as BPD), friend collectors, unusual piercings/obvious tattoos, unable to take care of herself
>Their interests
Any creative hobby, anything nerdy

28 M Netherlands
>Body traits
1.92 meters tall, skinny beanpole, no tattoos/piercings
>Personality traits
Introverted but try to go out when possible (rather, when i'm invited to), nerdy, high-functioning autist (of the social kind, but you wouldn't notice otherwise), going to be honest i don't know how to classify my personality, i guess i'm nice?
Gaming (mostly indies of almost any genre), anime (what a surprise), designing and creating mechanical contraptions using my 3d printer, solving puzzles, probably more but i can't think of them right now
>About your life and goals
i don't drink/smoke/do drugs, work as a programmer, wish to own a house (getting there slowly) and have a wife eventually. From that point on have a nice and comfy life.
- Masc, White, not-fat, non-degen, family oriented, right-wing man, 25+
- From Europe or could easily travel to Europe to meet up within 1-2months
- Would love to find a life-long partner, bro and soulmate. For loving and caring life together, travel adventures, hikes, discovering beautiful places, cozy movie evenings with gentle kisses and lots of cuddles....
> Open to starting family with cute white babies (via surrogacy) who would grow to be strong & succesfull Übermensch.
- Good income potential, good work ethics (just like me)

>About me
Gay, 6'2, slim, blue eyes, dark hair, I think I'm normie looking, but ppl often say "cute" or that I look 19-22, sometimes harrased by teenage girls. Not much sexual and relationship experience. I prefer chastity when not in a relationship, don't watch porn.
Gentle, caring, shy, cuddly, loyal, brave and principled. Sometimes like to play devil's advocate (contrarian). A bit nerdy. Like helping others and being nice to ppl. Self-critical.
History, old Europe, culture, philosophy, classical art, religion, stoicism, minimalism, budgeting, self-improvement, self-suffieciency, nature, fitness, longevity, pro-White stuff, technology somewhat, striving for masc ideal.
Technology induced ADHD, lack of punctuality, quite fucked-up sleeping schedule, often horny and fail nofap (Trying to fix these)
Let's make it more difficult, as all sorts of ppl are adding me. So:
Write me your:
1) telegram/disc
2) short descr about urself (Age, country, height, weight)
3) Do you work or study?
4) Do you have any sexual preferences?
5) What you find fitting in my post) and if all is well I'll add you.
Face photo exchange would be required later into the conversation.
bumping !!! im here!!
>Kiwifarms Victim
that sucks, sorry
>for that pic
KYS yourself
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>AS and maximum distance
Female, 21+ USA
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
Big Nose
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
Nothing is coming to mind
>Traits that are totally not your type
Overweight, ambitionless, etc.
>Their interests
Creative Passion, Music, etc. Just be a person that has something youre passionate about and we can vibe.

> See Attached Pic
24/Male/East Coast.
Reading, philosophy, spirituality, working out, conspiracies.
>looking for
Cute girlfriend to manipulate.
yeah....sad times indeeds

IAMA age 27-35 incel ISO age 18-22 white female model that looks like my anime waifu.
All the obese mexican women on tinder are taken, sadly
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>AS and maximum distance
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
controlling, jealous, possessive, obsessive, introverted, animal lover
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
toxicity, creepiness (idk either), mean!
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
anger issues
>Traits that are totally not your type
nonwhite... sorry :(
>Their interests
anything! but if youre a nerd thats really cute

>Body traits
chubby (starving myself tho!), mixed race, short hair, lots of scars
>Personality traits
anxious and panicky, introverted, obsessive, indecisive, naive
animals/nature, art, movies, reading, welding, id love to get into woodworking and offgrid living
>About your life and goals
i barely remember my past, i am currently miserable and having several panic attacks a week, in the future i will be with my evil recluse boyfriend living in the middle of nowhere..
i forgot to mention that i am nowhere near attractive. please do not add me if you want to date a good looking girl
You are exactly my type, and I hate that.
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24 / M kinda twinkish looking / EU (Wanna move to USA)
>about me
Im pretty curious, openminded and honest, if u dont share those traits please skip me as we probably wont get along.
Mostly into nerdy stuff and nature. I can be pretty random, blunt and I believe I have ADHD.
>looking for
Trans or cis gf from USA. (Pls no bpd lol)
BIG PLUS if ur masochistic or sadomasochistic.
Feel free to hmu even if u have weird/degenerate needs/desires (sexual or not) as Im quite flexible so I dont rly mind those kinds of things.
>not looking for
Online only.
Discord: aurelian4
20ish to 35

biological f
(No trans please)

RVA or surrounding area

>physical features
Feminine and decent hygiene. Not into big girls. A little weight is fine just don’t be a 300lb “””chubby””” girl. No single moms, I haven’t dodged kids this long to raise someone else’s. Open to having kids tho

>career/life situation
NEET or employed doesn’t matter. Please don’t think your college degree impresses me or try to hold it over my head. I don’t care. I will date the girl who works at Waffle House.



South of RVA

White/Hispanic mix

>physical features
Medium to short dark hair
Brown eyes
Average build

>career/life situation
I work the trades, love my job but I am being forced to change career paths for reasons. Just bought a house so i’m not into spending money frivolously. Don’t expect trips to Italy and the Bahamas. I’m a simple guy.

i spend my free time working on things or fixing things. If I have the time I’ll go on hikes or walks. I also like to go to group camping/hiking trips for a week. I mostly loaf on the computer after work because after a long day I am done. I also like guns. You don’t have to like them but don’t ask me to ditch them. They are expensive and rare.

I am extremely introverted. I don’t like hanging out in large groups with strangers. When I hang out it’s always small groups in more personal settings. I do NOT go clubbing or to bars. I have been told I have a dry sense of humor. Make of that what you will.

>Looking for
A gf I can relate to that lives within a reasonable distance. Broke up with last GF because of long distance relationship. It wasn’t for me and she didn’t have a car so I was doing all the effort.

your username doesn't work
>AS and maximum distance
18-25/F, idc
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
Has passions in life or drive, is willing to go on dates, travel, try new hobbies, and be outdoors. Into fashion, cooking, has some artistic outlet. Overall i'm open to a lot. If not in the usa, willing to play games, read together, or watch shows.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
This one is hard. I'm open to a lot, just not obesity since i'm fit.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept
Same as above. I guess i'm open to obsessive and clingy personalities.
>Traits that are totally not your type
Obese, has no passions or drives in life. Unable to ask questions or answer them.
>Their interests
As long as there is passion, it's good. Fashion, art, cooking, music, the outdoors, homesteading, gardening, video games, crafts, etc.

Mid 20's/M/Midwest
>Body traits
Very tall, pale skin, reddish-brown hair. Looks skinny but is actually fit (I do lifting, hiking, and rowing). Blue eyes, large hands, into alt fashion and hick-functional attire.
>Personality traits
Diagnosed autism, curious, obsessive (about hobbies and niche topics), called weird (erratic trains of thought), I used to be very shy but now days i'm talkative and care little what others think, passionate about my interests/hobbies/accomplishments. For some negatives, I can be forgetful, sometimes I'm/rude mean without realizing it because of my issues with social norms.
Hiking, hunting, fishing, gardening, cooking/brewing/baking (I also grow tobacco but rarely smoke), drawing, animating, foraging, wood/leather/metal work, camping, video games, movies, reading/writing, lifting, photography, etc.
>About your life and goals
I work my ideal job and have reached most my goals besides having a family and owning rural land.
I ran out of characters but a warning is right now I work a lot and don't have a phone at work so I reply better on weekends when i'm not working out or hiking and weekday nights.
For more life/goals, I went from a chronic spaghetti spiller to having my ideal job with good pay that lets me do the hobbies I love. I have a lot of accomplishments i'm proud of that I can tell you about if i'm comfortable with you but it takes time for me to warm up.
Also i'm open to new friends so guys or people who don't want anything can add me if you want to talk about any of my hobbies.
>AS and maximum distance
Somewhere around Europe is preferable.
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
Slightly eccentric (maybe goth), warm, supportive, deep voice.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that are totally not your type
Combative, rainbow hair, I accept a tattoo or two but not body/face piercings.
>Their interests
Music, animanga, history, crochet, fashion, etc. (Anything interesting we can talk or ask you about)

>Body Traits
78kg, 178cm, blonde hair, blue eyes, soft hands
>Personality traits
Diligent, strong sense of responsibility, warm, polite, a bit of a worry wart, protective, playful, curious.
Animanga, vidya, swimming, EGL, literature, astronomy.
>About your life and goals
Currently traversing a bit of a rough patch : lost my job. Now, I'm working part-time to survive. My current goals are : getting back into full time employment, finish paying off my house, finish making my game, starting a family.

Discord: shaddox
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31 mail Midweast
I'm looking for Lum
crop top
skinny waist
tiny titties in your face

>Body Traits
Overweight, 5'11"
>Personality traits
Mostly shy, takes a while for me to be familiar with ppl enough to be comfortable being chattier. Heavily autistic.
MMOs, anime (lotta mecha, fantasy, etc), trackmania.
>Life and goals
Idk i just wanna vibe, i'm disabled and will never work a job so i'm just kinda existing. I live alone and am unemployed.

Looking for: similarly loser trans ppl. if you're not trans and the above doesn't put you off give it a shot tho who knows.
24/Male/East Coast.
Reading, philosophy, spirituality, working out, and conspiracies.
>looking for
Cute girlfriend to manipulate.
bumpity bump! had a bad day u will make me feel 1gajillion times better
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>Is a woman

>26/Male/Northwest US
>Working on changing from dadbod to fit
>Introverted, diagnosed with autism and ADHD, I'm either bad at talking or I ramble for hours
>Animu, vidya, D&D, swords and fantasy and medieval stuff
>Currently writing stuff, planning on potentially becoming a writer at some point
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Did noone notice anon two trips in a row?
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Looking for
>AS and maximum distance
20-28 F (MtF is ok), Anywhere in North America is fine, Same time zone would be kino though
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner
Other than the basic stuff you look for in a relationship (compatibility, enjoying each other's company, etc), I'd like someone who is open, caring, and intelligent. Might like someone a little bit clingy.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive
Not really sure, maybe height? I think tall girls are really attractive.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept
Again, not really sure. As mentioned above, trans or cis doesn't really matter to me.
>Traits that are totally not your type
People who are overly lazy or unwilling to change/improve.
>Their interests
Not looking for any specific interests, I love learning about new things from people that love them. Sharing some interests would be cool though.

26 M US (EST)
>Body traits
6'4, broad build, white
>Personality traits
Tall lonely dork who probably spends a bit too much time on the internet. Optimistic and adventurous despite slight introversion, though this is something I'm working on improving. Most other important stuff is either in interests, or something you'll just have to learn by getting to know me.
I love outdoorsy stuff (Backpacking, camping, fishing) especially exploring cool spots. Have been wanting to get into urbex more but just don't have the motivation to do it alone. Into horror/paranormal stuff, travel, cooking, and writing. Big geography nerd, in addition to the standard terminally online 4chan stuff (anime, Vidya, etc.)
>About your life and goals
Working in a decent income field, working on building up some passive income to allow me to take extended time off to travel. Would like to write full time, though it may never happen. Eventually I want to build a house on a nice farm and settle in with someone.
I just stopped by to check em. Good luck anon.
>AS and maximum distance
20-33F, Western Europe (Continental if possible)
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
The usual : Caring, loving, likes to give and receive, will empathise. Not too skinny but not overly obese either. White or Asian if possible. And a nice chest would be a plus but I'm being picky.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
Idk exactly, extreme shyness? Jealousy type is nice too.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
Really depends on the person
>Traits that are totally not your type
Lazy, unmotivated, tends to have conflict with family.
>Their interests
Video games, movies, series, novels, but also history, culture, cooking. Anything that can be done and enjoyed together, I really like sharing my partner's hobbies and interests.
Likes nature and walks/bike rides ideally.

26 M Western Europe
>Body traits
174cm, 105kg, rather strong still chubby
Hapa, hairy and bearded.
>Personality traits
Empathetic and very caring, will do anything to please partner (I tend to overdo it because of family history)
Usually light hearted though I have my moments. Formerly depressed but stable now.
Video games, history, music, series, movies, nature. I also do bouldering and cycling on the regular. Board games and reading too.
>About your life and goals
Got a decent full time job and renting my own place, long term would be buying a house with some land, a family and some pets. Something cozy
I get the template format, but I feel its too picky. So I am sticking with the lighter one.

30/M Big Guy. Divorced. US Mid-West Home Owner and Career Haver. I read Sci-Fi and Fantasy. I play D&D &Video Games. I have basically achieved my life aspirations outside of this one aspect.
>Looking for
A monogamous left-leaning person (Prefer Women but cute men work too) wanting to try LDR and eventually more if it works out. My expectation is that I find my best friend and settle down with them.
>Not looking for
Cheaters. LARP. Trolls. People who share literally no interests with me.
disc - pauladeenqueen
27/M/Georgia, USA - I'm straight.

>about yourself
Professionally: Currently work in the IT sector, but may transition to sales. WFH
Hobbies: Running (add me on nike run), pickleball, reading (wuxia, litrpg, prog fantasy, romance fantasy), gardening. I watch anime and play games too. :^)
Some books I like: His Secret Illuminations, Lord of the Mysteries, Dungeon Crawler Carl. Starting the StormLight Archives
Other: I get excitable about a lot of things, and I love to get people pumped about their interest. I love taking part in other people's interests.

>Do you want/have kids? Future Aspirations:
I want kids, bio or not. If I adopt, I'd love to adopt with someone and give a kid or two a home.

>Looking for?

Someone who wants something long-term/marriage.

I'd like to build a future with someone and I want that person to have their own goals and ambitions. I don't really care if they fail, but seeing that they're trying is the goal. Ambitions I could support is essentially it. I want to push my SO further and vice-versa. If you're a reader that'd be lovely as-well, and we don't even have to share the same love of genres. Even if you don't have an interest that corresponds with mine, I'd still love to get to know you :) I've picked up so many things over the past two years from people, and every person is a new journey.

>not looking for
not interested in anyone under 22 or over 30. No men, people outside the USA unless you really align with the above.

>contact: cinnamonlipton
Be over 19 years old, and don't care about distance.
Don't care.
Don't care.
Don't care.
Assumptions and lazy.
Don't care.

22 M NYC
No body.
No one.

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