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Put whatever info thats needed like the sort of info bout you and your discord, plus add lookin n not lookin for
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29/MtF(post-op)/Oregon/NEET/Satanist/Misanthrope/Kiwifarms Victim
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please


>Physical description
6'1 195lbs, white, blonde, green eyes

i like to read, hike, play vidya. i enjoy more or less anything outdoors. i workout regularly.

>Looking for
a girl to date, preferably close to my age and in or close to Portland. ideally one looking for eventual marriage and having a family.

>Not looking for
non female, non white, overweight, utterly insane (i can deal with a little bit).

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24/m/Redding (super northern cal) (moving to OR soon as possible)

>Physical description
5'7'' 125lbs, white, dirty blonde, blue eyes

Indie game director (nearly done on first project) [so am pretty big gamer, not a huge MP grinder though]. Do a lot of art/writing/concepting. love cosmic horror/cyberpunk/western/sci fi thematics. trying to get better at fashion styling (leaning more alt/dark). love world history/geography/reading wkp shit.

>Looking for
girlfriend/eventual marriage/commitment beyond grave, 23-32. really would like someone optimistic and treats bugs like cats like dogs like people (bugs that crawl on legs get squashed tho).

>Not looking for
men, pls no ghosters just tell me ur done and i'm gonna say oke no problem (cause why would i wanna talk to someone that doesn't want to talk to me)

anyone know a william cabello
why does this thread exist when you fags dominate the PNW thread as it is
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Discord: mylastserenade0775

I'm looking for the one who will die with me. Who will never leave and stay even in the face of armageddon. I'm looking for a biological woman that is looking for someone to grow old with. I've used, abused, been used and abused and both thrown people out of my life I loved and been thrown out of those that I love's lives. My head is spinning, my heart is aching. I'm lost in the dark looking for your light. I can be your unholy savior if you'll be my queen of the damned.

I am very tired of trying to find genuine people. They always seem to run when things are the hardest.

Please be a biological woman 25-40. I will not entertain anything else.

Hey Bacchus....

She hates me.........
What was that cringe slop.
'Tis the color of my heart, friend.
>cringe tinge
Maybe for your next similar work of art, try a more sophisticated pallete.
autistic as fuck. 35 and still talking like an emo kid because disney ruined star wars. cheer up pussy faggot
That's random. Might I know you from somewhere?
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29/MtF(post-op)/Oregon/NEET on SSI disability cuz autistic and deaf/Satanist/Misanthrope/Kiwifarms Victim
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, brown hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

>I have a Discord. I might add you. I won't let anybody add me due to being a Kiwifarms victim, so i'll add u myself
dude fuck off already
i will never
I'm not half as crazy as this motherfucker. Plus I haven't chopped it and dropped it.


Discord: mylastserenade0775
anon why do you keep giving him attention
34, M, Hillsboro
>Physical description
6'4", average build, white
Skateboarding, snowboarding, music, auto mechanics, and marijuana.
>looking for
Someone fun to hang out with!
>not looking for
Bad vibes or weird stuff.
Snapchat is Rad_McGnarly
i'm a her
Of course you are dear
>Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all.
sounds to me like you believe you're a man by your own standards. so... you're a man. 100%. you can protest all you'd like but until you resolve this conflict in your posts, you will be 100% seen as male.
i guarantee this is a chris chan "i only transitioned/said i was lgbt bc i thought it'd be easier to get a gf" situation

spengler i'm not even transphobic you're just a genuinely gross person
>i'm not even transphobic you're just a genuinely gross person
this is my take too. this guy gives other trans, autistic, metalhead, goth, portlander, deaf, neet, satanist, or depressed people a bad name.
the kiwifarms thread is wild. he had a friend he was mooching rides and food and stuff off of, but the friend ditched him bc he thought it was shitty when this loser was cracking up at a dude who got splashed by a car in a puddle. this autismo then melted down, doxxed his friend & friend's mom on kiwifarms, ridiculed friend's religion, got reverse doxxed for being a total retard trying to dox a normal dude, then kept trying to meet his ex-friend at brony cons to slash his car tires and has been banned from a bunch as a result lolol
he's about the biggest piece of shit lolcow you could possibly imagine and he still logs in to the kf thread apparently to scream all caps assertions that he's not a man and that the thread should be about his friend being fat and terrible and not him being a retard
Fascinating. Link to his Kiwi Farms thread?
oh hey, there a thread for my.. hmm, i wonder what's.. oh... >.<
i am not an he
A portland dating thread?

Man I am really not interested in reading a ton of mtf profiles pretending they're women.
idk if linking it here is ok or not, i'm guessing not. has a lot of PII. but the forum has an open search and the discord name this guy goes by is plastered all over. put the two together, and you eventually arrive at the right place, replete with the guy trying to argue in his own thread lmao.
>focuses on being misgendered
>completely ignores being called out for being a rancid human being

maybe more people would respect you if you took an ounce of accountability idk i don't know though idk fr idk
32Q male + 30Q Female
LF nonreligious friends for a Satanic sex ritual OR Drinking/smoking buddies.

Yes, a real actual Satanic sex ritual with candles, incense, chanting and all the other accoutrements.

About us: Somewhat antisocial wageslaves trying to survive in a material world, collecting tats for our skin, patches for our battlevests, and black spots for our souls.

•In good shape, quite a good looking pair, if we do say so ourselves.
•Uninterested in traditional gender roles.
•Metalheads/music nerds.
•Terrible sense of humor.
•Awkward and possibly autistic, idk for sure.
•Usually drunk in public.
•Clownish fashion sense.
•Best sex-doers of all time!

About you:

•Checks a couple of the above boxes.
•If inquiring about Teh Sexo, we are looking for subs/obedient types ONLY, no room for extra doms around here.

Do not reach out if you:
•Want pics, we will not send nudes, there are plenty of nice tits on google.
•Are from out of the area. (We do not care how often you travel to PDX, fuck off tourist.)
•Voted/Will vote for Trump.
•Believe that Jesus Christ was the son of Yahweh the Liar.

kik- TrialByBrimstone
Ayo why don't you guys adopt Spengler here?
U guys are faggots and I hope u catch aids.
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We don't need that kind of negativity in our life. Spengler also isnt really a Satanist, just an attention whore.

Get laid, virgin.
Its not spengler anymore its genericgothpone
>the goofball edgelord following a religion made to be as edgy as possible isn't really following the edgelord madeup religion
I hear ya but let’s be real, if there’s anyone who’s enough of a trainwreck to be an embarrassment to Satanists it’s Spengler.

"edgy" is just a trendy new way to say "Culturally Unaccepted".

The spectacle of "Satan" is a facade designed to attract celebrants who already don't fit in to society. The name strikes fear and confusion in the hearts of the mental midgets of conventional spirituality.
Anyone can claim the mantle of Satanism, there arent really any standards for adherence, but you can tell by their behaviors that this Spengler character hasn't actually read or understood the philosophies that our "kind" stand for.
some people will id as satanists if they are strongly anti-christianity (this is spengler, who mocked, belittled, and abused one of his friends who gave him free rides everywhere and food and stuff and, far as i can tell, actually tried to be nice to the weirdo for longer than most) and will not investigate satanism further to discover the purpose being pro-humanity (who spengler expressly isn't, specifically listing himself as a misanthrope) and not just "zomg skydaddy baaaad!!!!1!1"
Agreed, mostly. I think it's easy to be a Satanist and a Misanthrope all the same, but the consistant refusal to embrace chaos and use it as a force for change and personal growth is the a reflection of the self-defeating mentality of guilt-stricken religionists. There's too much diversity of thought in the world to justify hating everyone right from the outset.

Spengler, if you're reading this (And I know you are), You get out of life and society what you put into it. If you continue to react with negativity, negativity is what you will continue to receive in return. It's a tale as old as time.
Normative inversion is the lowest form of "rebellion" and keeps the structure of the dominant hegemonic ideology intact. Satanism is just another outgrowth of Protestantism. Enlightenment values across the board.

True heresy disrupts the boundary between orthodoxy and heterodoxy.
you fingered a horse nobody is going to ever want to be your friend you freak
Again, mostly agreed, however Satanism is much more than inversion, and rebellion is not necessarily the goal. The path to a life well lived begins with the rejection of the roles and norms imposed by traditional spiritual philosophy. Each Satanist chooses for himself what he rejects, and inversion of symbology is chosen as a mockery of the rejected belief. Some window-shoppers will just do the inverted cross and nemA and superficial garbage because it's easy and makes them feel good.

At its heart, Satanism is not just Le Opposite of le Christianity.
It's the rejection of the divine, the spiritual hierarchy of metaphysical overlords, and the acceptance of Man as just another animal, made of meat, bone, blood, and hormones. It's also the recognition that Man, as a social animal, craves and desires ritual. Since it would be disingenuous, empty, and meaningless to partake in a ritual of the rejected belief, Satanism instead focuses on the building of a more personal and self-gratifying ritual. Some choose to engage in rituals which help them separate themselves from their rejected belief, while others focus on rituals which will empower them to pursue personal goals (This latter form is what we commonly call magick).
>Satanism is not just Le Opposite of le Christianity
>describes it as Le Opposite of le Christianity

"Man as just another animal" is a literal normative inversion of Christian exceptionalism. Satanism will always be just another sort of Protestantism for mundane, pedestrian "free thinkers" unable to critically engage the boundaries imposed by the Enlightenment. Mockery is the sincerest form of flattery, after all.

Man as just another animal is not an inversion. It's a plain and observable fact of nature. If anything, this just goes to show that Christianity is an inversion of nature itself. I think you think that you are very smart, and that you can therefore accurately categorize things. The problem though, is that they're one-size-fits-all labels, and no idea can accurately be represented within such a system. You're foolishly dismissing a potential new source of wisdom, perhaps it's because you already think you have nothing left to learn in life.
Bro if Satanism is isomorphic with nature and Christianity is an inversion of nature, then Satanism is Christianity's inversion in turn, just like he said.

>True heresy disrupts the boundary between orthodoxy and heterodoxy.
Big-brained take, as Chesterton said most heretics throughout history have claimed that theirs was the true orthodoxy until it became trendy to be a heretic in the last century or so. In fairness to the heretics, they've often forced the orthodox party to add new definitions to the doctrine in question, so defining heresy as "blurring the line between orthodoxy and heterodoxy" does have something to it.
The focus on "Man" is an outgrowth of Renaissance humanism, which is thoroughly Christian. The focus on the carnal nature of "Man" is similarly Christian, just affirmed instead of negated.

>You're foolishly dismissing a potential new source of wisdom, perhaps it's because you already think you have nothing left to learn in life.

I was reading LaVey (and other self-identified Satanist authors) in high school like other long-time occultists. Yes, I don't have anything left to learn from "Satanism."

Chesterton has a point but historically orthodoxy (in Christianity) develops relatively late in church history. The first Christians were largely heterodox and idiosyncratic, and often the lines between pagan, Jewish, and Christian practice is blurry in the archaeological record. The Greek Magical Papyri will mention figures like "Osiris-Michael" and Jesus, Amun, and Bast in the same breath. This sort of disruption of our received boundaries of religious identity is far more interesting than "Satanic sex ritual with candles, incense, chanting" which is just the Christian myth of the black mass but like, real this time guys.
Ghosts and blocks randomly.
I maintain that Satanism is not an inversion of anything, but an internal acceptance of the basic realities of being a lump of sapient meat. If you strip away the modernized ritual/ceremonies, it's not even a religion. It's literally just living life your own way, without respect to any supernatural authority whatsoever.

You are right that some rituals are done as a way to break oneself away from the guilt and shame-inspiring aspects of traditional religions, but that isn't exclusively or even necessarily predominantly christianity. A Buddhist has as much to gain from Satanism as any Baptist.

LaVey has said much I agree with, but honestly, nevermind him, he was only the loudest voice at a controversial time.
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>an internal acceptance of the basic realities of being a lump of sapient meat

Enlightenment values. Inversion of Christian anthropology and dualism. Exalting the material over the spiritual instead of vice-versa, still reproducing the basic antagonism between them.

>If you strip away the modernized ritual/ceremonies, it's not even a religion

Christian presuppositions about what "religion" entails.

> A Buddhist has as much to gain from Satanism as any Baptist.

When Buddhists stop being Buddhists, they don't invert everything about Buddhism and often are just apathetic about religion. They don't have anything to "learn" from Satanism because Satanism only appeals to "ex" Christians because they are overdetermined by Christian metaphysics.

>LaVey has said much I agree with

LaVey is worthless and nothing he said is worth taking seriously.

Verdict: you've yet to outgrow your Christian upbringing.

I wasnt raised Christian, in fact.

>Material over Spiritual

No, there *is* no Spiritual. All spirits and deities have been inventions of mens own psyche, and there is nothing to life but experience itself, for no spiritual or metaphysical purpose whatsoever.
>I wasnt raised Christian, in fact.

If you were born and raised in the West then you were inoculated with Christian values and philosophy from the beginning. It is only the stringent binaries of Christian doctrine which convince you that you are not Christian because you do not adhere to the credo. But from the outside looking in, you are just as Christian because your metaphysics is determined by the presuppositions of Christianity.

>No, there *is* no Spiritual. All spirits and deities have been inventions of mens own psyche, and there is nothing to life but experience itself, for no spiritual or metaphysical purpose whatsoever.

There is neither material nor spiritual, neither subject nor object. The fundamental cleft between symbol and matter is epistemic, not ontological; all things are ultimately empty of self-existence because they are dependently originated on things exactly as empty of selfness as they are, a chaining of ghosts upon ghosts; the cacophonous void is inhabited solely by specters.

That is to say, you are as phantasmic as any deity or spirit, perhaps even moreso. You are not a "lump of sentient meat", you are not even this -- "you" have no extension or body, and "your" thoughts are not your own but rather the subjectless perception of a fleeting mindstream.

There is neither experience nor life, nothing fundamentally changed in this world when you were born, nothing will change when you die. Indeed ultimately there is neither coming nor going, nothing to experience and nothing to do the experiencing. You are a mere aggregate of flicking mental-physical phenomena; you have deluded yourself into thinking "you" are some unitary, atomized Being. "You" are not even this. "You" are more deluded that those who cling to traditional religion -- at least they appeal to faith, cognizing the absurdity at the heart of their practice.

You are still, and will remain, a Christian -- centered in Adam, the primordial man, the superlative creature.

Dawg, "I" been trying to tell "you", there is no such thing.

"You" are making a lot of assumptions about what "I" do and do not believe.

Perception necessitates something to BE percieved. The fact that "you" and "I" can talk and exchange different points of view proves that there in fact, are subjects. Subjectlessness is impossible if subjectivity is so easily demonstrated. Merely by engaging with "me", a subjective 3rd party, "you" negate "your" own premise, "friend".
Metaphysics means the basic assumptions about ontology, epistemology, and so on. It does not mean "supernatural". Your basic assumptions about perception and knowledge and subjecthood are metaphysical -- and your metaphysics is in turn deeply Christian. You cannot grasp that a thing can both be and not-be at once, because your Christian metaphysics rejects dialethia.

>Perception necessitates something to BE percieved. The fact that "you" and "I" can talk...

There is no difference between you and I, subjecthood is an illusion. You are determined by me and vice-versa, entangled in the same cacophony; you arise in this moment originating in the web of relations and fall as that web shifts, even from moment to moment. You did not exist a moment ago, you simply are produced like a reflection from myriad perceptions yet perceived by no one. Your perception of is fundamentally misguided and marked by thirst -- you thirst for Being and thus cling to illusory phenomena and identify yourself with it.

The womb of emptiness is luminous, and there is ultimately a nondual relationship between the phenomenal and numinous -- emptiness as form and vice-versa -- but this cannot be taught or even pointed to until you endeavor to cross the stream.
You're a retarded nigger. Kill yourself.
I have 3 options to diagnose you

A) You're a Solipsist, you genuinely believe you're the only thing in the world, and that all "others" are extensions of yourself, in which case, there is no need to debate, since you are already everything, and therefore, everything is already you. All knowledge and understanding exists within you, and thus, dissent is impossible- Hence, you are again negating your own premise.

B) You're a narcissist, which is related to A but not exclusive.

C) You have taken too many drugs and misunderstood the idea of a collective consciousness.
>You cannot grasp that a thing can both be and not-be at once

Completely false, this concept is now studied under the umbrella of Physics, no longer Metaphysics.

You are projecting your own need to determine your own existance on to me- I have already solved this problem!
I do not believe others are an extension of myself, indeed I do not believe I am self-existent either. I negate my own premises, all language fails when articulating the absolute and thus must be constantly turned in upon itself. This is total, unending, open negation of all.

See above.

>You have taken too many drugs
I am completely sober and I believe that substances are contrary to practice.

Satanists revert to their latent Christianity when a real (non)nihilist comes through.

>this concept is now studied under the umbrella of Physics
Physics must be articulated within metaphysics by definition.
you raise some good points, and yet even more nonsensical schitzobabble. I bid you adieu.
Not schizobabble at all -- maybe to someone with a low IQ, I guess.

>Plato - Parmenides
>Anonymous - Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra
>Anonymous - Diamond Sutra
>Nagarjuna - Root Verses on the Middle Way
>Plotinus - Enneads
>Pseudo-Denys - Mystical Theology
>Anonymous - The Cloud of Unknowing
>Mechthilde of Brandenburg - The Flowing Light of the Godhead
>Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
>Nishitani - Religion and Nothingness

I recommend having a very cursory understanding of Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit. Not fluency or even a grasp on grammar, just an understanding of the main philosophical lexicon in those languages (e.g. know what topos, aporia, cataphasis, prajna, sunyata, an/atman, etc. entail in their own languages and don't rely on their shitty translations into English.)
>The first Christians were largely heterodox and idiosyncratic, and often the lines between pagan, Jewish, and Christian practice is blurry in the archaeological record.
Ehhh this is overblown. Sects like the Gnostics definitely existed in large numbers from the end of the first century until the beginning of the medieval period, but while they may have considered themselves Christians they were readily delineable from the majority of their contemporaries, who practiced what is now considered orthodox Christianity: a religion led by male bishops and their presbyters, celebrating the Eucharist, and eschewing the worship of other gods. There was a lot of ambiguity was during the very first decades of the faith as the teachings of Christ and the apostles slowly made their way to various other regions of the Mediterranean in stages, and there were major controversies like Arianism and Donatism in the following centuries, but there’s no real reason they would give a believing Christian pause over the official narrative that the faith now accepted as orthodox was handed down from the apostles, and various deviations arose and had to be put down.
This is according to church history, which has a vested interest in the idea of orthodoxy; but the archaeological record does not support this. The "majority of their contemporaries" would not have cared for such theological conversations and until the consolidation of political power by the budding church/es the notion of orthodoxy-heresy was purely rhetorical. The sheer amount of biblical pseudepigraphy and counter-pseudepigraphy being composed in those centuries (not decades) attests to the idiosyncratic nature of Christianity. Not to mention the wealth of non-manuscript evidence for these practices, e.g. "Gnostic" gems with syncretic magical imagery or Christian names appearing on ostraca and defixio. Remember, it is now thought unlikely the Nag Hammadi corpus was actually a repressed library hidden away by Gnostic monks, but probably the funerary deposit of a wealthy Christian patron.
Moving to Portland soon, anything I need to change with my Tinder?

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