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I notice I have better conversations with anons through email. Post here if you're looking for internet penpals.
It takes less than a minute to make a protonmail throwaway.

Basic template:
>About (ASL optional)
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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>About (ASL optional)
I was on here a while ago talking about making a new imageboard. Since then I've been programming a BBS myself and progress is good. Still have a lot of work to do though.
I've been reading a lot of Umineko. I'm on episode 6 atm. Ange is my favorite character.
I'm a guy in my 20s living in the USA. Introverted but kinda lonely :/.
I like taking my time and replying with detailed messages. I check my email a few times a day usually.
Programming, reading, christianity, ask for more
>Looking for
It would be really nice to form a connection with someone and check in on each other sometimes.
But I also just love getting nice messages in my inbox ^_^.
I'll talk about whatever so you don't need to have the same interests as me.
>Not looking for
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20 m USA
I'm pretty introverted guy, not much really to say. I fix dents on cars for a living so that takes up most of my time. But I like talking with people so having a penpal would be cool.
Video games, cars, camping/hiking, music, computers
>Looking for
Nice people to talk with
>About (ASL optional)
i dont really like this board.. but occasionally, when daydreaming doesnt give me the social interaction i need, i come back!
i love life and am grateful for it, even all of the hardships! (without downs, there are no ups!)
i am honestly a bit of a loner... i spend most of my time in my head, not really engaged in the world around me, its something id like to change! im actually about to start a book called "things you can only see when you slow down"
i am an infp 9w1 if youre into that! i dont really know much about it, i just took a few tests and was surprised by the accuracy hehe
i wont spoil everything about me here, so if youd like to know me more... shoot me an email!
after coming out of a depressive slump, im trying to reengage with my old interests and find new ones!
some things im exploring are; homesteading/off grid living, sustainability and conservation, arts and crafts, diy stuff (i hope to make my own purple martin house soon!)
>Looking for
i would love to befriend someone! its been a little while since i got close with a person..
>Not looking for
anything nsfw :(
oh look a sfw thread. lets revive this.

>ask for more
>About (ASL optional)
27 f Bored at work rn
Botany, touhou
>Looking for
People to chat to during work....
>Not looking for
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I love having conversations with people, but I’m kind of socially anxious in person so I don’t talk to as many people as I’d like. I’m really interested in the idea of having a penpal. I’m a leftist, but not a tankie or anarchist. I’m trying to read more.
Send me academic papers you’re reading. Even if I don’t quite understand them, I’d like to give them a read. I love learning. Also, I’m interested in all sorts of music so I’d like to talk about that. Variety’s kind of the name of the game here; I have more interests but just talk to me and see what we have in common.
>Looking for
People to have interesting conversations with. Please have semi lengthy responses and honest answers!! I’ll try to do the same.
>Not looking for
Super bigoted people, sexual stuff, meetups (part of the charm of a penpal is never meeting them)
it’s just @proton.me, I typed the domain wrong
I failed at quitting 4chan after a few weeks, about 3 months ago. I am a NEET and sort of a loner trying not to be them anymore

self-improvement (financial, professional, mental, spiritual (I am not religious though), health), /biz/, investing, languages, making music, philosophy, a lot of other stuff

>Looking for
an accountability buddy. I would like help with productivity and getting short-term goals done and staying on track, also making money.
friends too.
i can go off if we hit a topic i find interesting but I like to listen more than talk. i also like to help. if you have mental illness or problems you want help with, try me.

>Not looking for
People who get bored or annoyed easily or have a short attention span and then ghost

warning i may reply really slow. I like giving thoughtful responses and it backfires. to help me answer you quicker, try not to write a ton, although I may (you can ask me not to). i would rather talk via a private messenger (e.g. Session) where I can reply faster.
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what is touhou?
hi, do you think we match?

24M Cuckold looking for long-term Bulls or sexually dominant men interested in my crush, a 23 year old gothic, cute girl. Sharing her full personal info and cute, non-nude pics. Bonus if you write well, major turn-on for me.
Lol thanks for trying to keep the thread alive anon.
Hope some anons got some emails!
you're welcome! I wish these threads were more popular. the degeneracy on this board my god...

you didn't answer my question though...I asked about your other interests
Nice thread idea.

It seems I'm at another crossroads in life and I'm wondering how many more are left.
Music, music-making, all things audio, birding, hiking, anime/manga, Western animation, cars, sports, developing an interest in ecology and habitat restoration
>Looking for
Good talks with genuine folks
>Not looking for
Lewds, extreme mental illness, cute girls who live very far away from me
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I too have better convos with anons when we email. I'll give it a go :D
>About (ASL optional)
19f living near the coast in SoCal. Im an intj-t studying comp sci who spends the rest of my free time on my computer or phone.
I really REALLY like sanrio, and not just the big characters. I like collecting vintage pieces and pictures as well. I also like listening to music such as ambient, lofi, breakcore, and more. I watch anime as well and my current favorites are Madoka Magica (aaa new movie :D), Devilman Crybaby, and Cells at Work. I like manga too but I havent read much unfortunately. I play vidya, and I program too, mostly web development with backend too for my web applications.
>Looking for
Friends :D
>Not looking for


Military topics (technology, strategy, defense industry, etc.)
Different cultures
Learning about different cultures and religions
Researching at the archives
Collecting military photos, manuals and journals

Entertainment I like:

Folk music
Patriotic music
Anime osts
Girls und Panzer
Soviet films

I'm looking for long-term friends aged 18-23. It would be really cool to have a friend knowledgeable in STEM to teach me new things. If you’re interested just write a small introduction.



Military topics (technology, strategy, defense industry, etc.)
Different cultures
Learning about different cultures and religions
Researching at the archives
Collecting military photos, manuals and journals

Entertainment I like:

Folk music
Patriotic music
Anime osts
Girls und Panzer
Soviet films

I'm looking for long-term friends aged 18-23. It would be really cool to have a friend knowledgeable in STEM to teach me new things.

If you’re interested just write a small introduction.

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>About (ASL optional)
Chess/go/shogi, intellectual history, literature, mathematics, languages, otaku media.
>Looking for
A normal penpal.
>Not looking for
Anything lewd. Otherwise I don't care.
ahhh I'm so late to respond my bad.
At the moment I don't do a whole lot more than what I listed. I like anime/manga/vidya like most anons. Probably going to start training to 1cc a shmup because I found a few machines local to me.
To get a little further with the interests I already listed I like tinkering with lisp and emacs because I fell for all the memes on /g/ lol.
I read different things and can't really pin it down to one genre. My favorite book is a canticle for leibowitz. Historical coup d'etats are also really fun to read about. I'd love to exchange recs with anyone too!

Good evening!

I like visual novels, literature, animanga, vidya, and swimming. I tried taking dancing classes, but it was a little too much for me. I've been studying Russian, so someone patient to practice with would be nice. I'm fairly easy-going so if you're looking for an opener, send me your favorite Toaru pic or wallpaper.

30/M/South Asia
Good morning from my side of the world.
I am a NEET who is looking for a partner in crime (preferably NEET) to study together math/compsci from the basics discuss anime art and play some vidya (I have a few on steam).

20/M/USA in the SoCal area. I'm an art student (illustration and animation mainly) and in my free time I'm either drawing or consooming media (anime/cartoons/etc). Send me funny/racist/edgy memes, I will probably enjoy it.
Art is basically my life now and I try to draw as much as I can because I always want to improve. I draw lewd stuff sometimes. Anime is a big inspiration for me as an animator and I like browsing Sakugabooru every now and then.
I like the big shonen anime (One Piece, DBZ, Naruto) but I also like anime that aren't as mainstream. Maybe we can talk about it.
I stopped playing vidya for about 2-3 months now but the last games I enjoyed were Quake, Chrono Trigger, and Roboquest.
I like listening to music, mainly shoegaze, Japanese music, lofi, etc. Maybe we can share some music?
I also like to study a little bit of Japanese everyday on Duolingo.
>Looking for
A friend, maybe more than that. Would also like to meet people who also draw but I don't mind if you don't.
>Not looking for
NSFW (unless its art related and you drew it), overly sexual people in general,
yxp444@proton.me - It's my first time doing something like this, so I will try to get into the habit of checking my email and take my time in writing a response; But, in general I will probably respond in 1 or 2 weeks unless you prefer to communicate at a slower pace.
i've never done anything like this. it seems old fashioned but sounds cool at the same time ^^

>About (ASL optional)
video games (visual novels and gacha also stardew valley and minecraft), anime, making boba, music, i dunno lol
>Looking for
someone nice and patient cuz i may not always be able to reply due to classes!!!
>Not looking for
nsfw D:
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>About / Interests
I'm a young student who's diving into his faith, trying to get deeper. I'm not really political but I do believe a couple conspiracy theories, and I'm partial to "Industrial Society and its Future" by Ted K.
I go to church every Sunday and feast day.
>Looking for
I'm looking to be pen pals with someone who wants to be serious about her faith. We could go to Mass (picrel) together someday, that would be beautiful. I'm open to entering a relationship if it develops, but it's ok if it doesn't.
>Not looking for
I'm open to anyone so long as you're respectful.


God bless you all.
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I'm a 29 year old Australian man who's currently bored from being between jobs. Always feels like I wind up back on this board when I'm on the precipice of a change in my life.
I've spent large parts of my life as a chronically ill shut in so talking to random anons has always been a scuffed comfort. Also this seemed like a really novel idea for a thread so why the hell not, right?
Drawing, roleplaying, horror media, cosmology, history, writing (not very good at it), jewellery making, video games
>Looking for
I have no idea really, it's just fun to swap stories and kill some time talking or writing to others. Just do your best and send me w/e.
>Not looking for
People under 20 at the very least.

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