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For those who obsess and those who wished to be obsessed over <3

>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
>looking for
>not looking for
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19/pre-hrt mtf or possibly agender/NSW, Aus
very dark brown hair, grey-blue eyes
skinny twink build prettyboy ahh
hot serial killer / vampire face
fat cock
>obsessiveness severity
give me an inch and i'll give you a mile
>about me
comp sci student but often i feel like i belong more into the humanities. currently live by myself. autistic adhd. likely will start doing HRT soon, but i already look quite femme (or at least "pretty")
computers (not as much as i used to, but compsci keeps me going)
vidya: strategy, rpg, fps. i love VR.
board games (much preferred to vidya!)
history, particularly medieval europe and early islamic. however any era is fun.
poetry (i write)
philosophy (i fw both analytic and continental)
international relations/geopolitics/whatever it's called when u are interesting in world politics or whatever
music: IDM, metal (black, death, thrash), classical are the big three
keep in mind my AuDHD means i have my hand in basically every pie, so dont be afraid if our interests dont exactly align.
>looking for
a cis/trans fem or very cute fem twink who is interested in a serious relationship, primarily. i am mainly a top however it would be interesting if u could coax out and nurture my sub side, as i am fundamentally a switch. i love being cuddled and cuddling someone back.
if u want to be friends that's fine but please make it explicit from the get go, so we both dont get hurt. i am not adverse to friendship!
if u do want a relationship with me, i very much prefer something local (inside NSW). LDR is fine, but not priority. rest of eastern aus is fine, btw.
>not looking for
those who only want to fuck but not have a committed relationship
creepy poly people
excessive twitter users obsessed with pointless "discourse" (biggest red flag)
those who cant keep up a good conversation
fascists/nazis/usual suspects
toxic ppl
sumvestalvirgin on discord
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>tfw no gf like this in europe
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btw I'm a cis woman I just have a bunch of internet trolls who wanna bait me
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>ASL - 27 f southern California near Tustin
>Interests - vtubers, j-pop, anime and manga and PC gaming such as bloons td 6 or tower unite
>How obsessive you are (if applicable) - very obsessive. if I like you I will call you every 30 minutes for example.
>looking for - irl dating near me and also long distance, must be willing to travel. I'm poly and tend to send nudes casually so you must be okay with that.
looking for voice chat.
looking for men who use anime or video game profile pics such as specific Pokemon for example

>not looking for - e-drama or internet trolls

>contact - chickenclaw3
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Don't add. Confirmed catfish and pedo
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20m us east coast
books, movies, music, writing, fashion, cool things etc.
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
won't think about anything else but i pretend to be normal
>looking for
women, white, ideally physically abusive, cool
>not looking for
men, non-white, passive, looking for money
.sladger on discord
meow i wanna obsess over someone @kirirawr
She's a minor
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26/XY chromosomes/Baltics
Murder, nature photography, weapon collecting and wildlife observation, occasionally sewing and drawing
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
>looking for
A non-vapid non-larper non-pseudo-yandere femanon individual ready for a serious relationship and to meet IRL after getting to know one another
>not looking for
Little young shits, brainded microbes looking for temporary entertainment
Ayo nigga stop using my name fo I slap the shit ouchu. Wicho bitchass.
Very obviously uses a voice changer and the nudes they send aren't theirs.
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29/MtF(post-op)/Oregon/NEET/Satanist/Misanthrope/Kiwifarms Victim
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

>Only message me if you have read my whole post and you're what I'm looking for.

So what I'm looking for is...

1. Someone who is naturally mean and an asshole like genuinely couldn't give a fuck. I do NOT want any roleplaying, pretending or acting.

2. Someone who is around all day everyday and goons at different times throughout the day.

3. Make me buy you lube, a fleshlight or whatever else will help you goon

4. And finally I have an app called Pushover where when you email me it blows up my phone with notifications telling me that it's time to feed. It basically sends a really loud alarm that goes through Do Not Disturb and Silent and I can't disable it.
So any time, any place I have to drop everything and come feed you no matter what. Even if I'm asleep or busy. My whole life will be about feeding you.
Also to stop me from ever leaving our little arrangement you can blackmail me to stay forever.

If you're truly interested in ALL of that and you WON'T be roleplaying then add my Kik.

Kik: totally_completely
M/20/U.S. (Ohio)
anime, music, some video games, going on walks outside, sleeping
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
i either get really clingy right away or eventually after i get comfortable around someone. i usually don’t wanna scare people away so i’m afraid if i express it they’ll leave.
>looking for
someone who shares interests, lives close by, and wants me to obsess over you i guess :P
>not looking for
dudes, people who don’t want somebody who’s extremely clingy at times, GHOSTERS >:(
lolifloofer on discord
I'm a shy and introverted Latina. I enjoy taking care of those I love. I love cooking and hope to have someone to cook for one day. I like tidying up, the rain, I enjoy artistic outlets, I love taking nature walks. I enjoy spoopy and paranormal things, I have long black hair, brown eyes, wear glasses, working on losing weight, and look a little sullen, but I've been told I am kind and nothing like I look. I can be a bit clownish and a jokester when I get close to someone.
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
I've only had 1 relationship and it was online. I was so deeply in love. School girl crush type of obsession. Helga, you might say. The levels of my obsession were embarrassing, but I may tell you about it if I get comfortable.
>looking for
I realized I would likely not do well in your average healthy relationship. I need total devotion in the same way I would give it. I want a relationship where we're so close, we're almost telepathic. I want codependency, as bad and unhealthy as that sounds. I want us to obsess over each other. I want someone to message back and forth all day with, to voice chat for hours with, to fall asleep on call with, I want to be the reason you smile when you get a notification from me and I want someone to be that for me. I have a thing for tall men with "dad bod", but that's not a requirement.
>not looking for
Anyone outside the US, trans, nsfw, no one under 27 or over 35, anyone who wants children of any kind (bonus if you've had a vasectomy), polyamory, fwb, "situationship", non-straight men, men who are not completely single, kinky, anyone who has cheated, low effort, I do not send nudes and there will never be a time, no matter how close we get, that I would do that, anyone who has added me in the past, anyone with addictions/substance abuse issues
>contact info (discord, kik...)
I enjoy absorbing all the horrible things in the world that cause me to be massively depressed. Besides that I love music, literature, history, and video games sometimes and anything gory. horrific, and morbid. Ive also spent my life collecting other people's hobbies so if you're into something I probably have been too. I also get hyperfixated on the occult.
>How obsessive you are
I've discovered I cannot function in an ordinary relationship. I don't know boundaries and would prefer to continue not to. When I say forever it's something I really mean.
>Looking for
I need someone that really gets me. If you relate to anything above then that most likely could be you. I'm like an attention black hole and lack all emotional permanence. If you can meet my needs Ill do anything to meet yours.
>Not looking for
Men, anyone who has tons of friends or highly active social lives.
positive_feedback_loop on discord
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i'd like to grow a healthy, respectful, emotionally mature, romantic relationship between caring, compassionate adults - underpinned by a kinky, misogynist, possessive, degrading power dynamic focused on your inferiority, helplessness, and need.

if part of you wants a mature, established, left-leaning man with a good sense of humor who you can take home to your parents and enjoy intellectual entertainment and romantic dates - while another side craves a degenerate pervert to worship and serve with every fiber of your being, who owns you, brings out the best and the worst in you, trains you like an animal, and reduces your entire sense of worth to what you can offer as a woman - then i want you in my DMs.

i'm cultured, funny, functional, tall, and self-supported. my sexual dominance and my role as a provider are tightly tied together. i'm also depressed, anxious, shut-in, and prone sometimes to bad moods and bad habits. i'm not a perfect human being but i work hard to walk the tightrope and find what works for me, and i seek a partner with the same inclination. one day at a time goes by a lot more smoothly with someone at your side (or towering over you).

what i seek is undeniably codependent, obsessive, habit forming, and all-consuming. while i crave absolute control over you as a person and as an object, we can also acknowledge the influence that you will have over me in turn. i want to spend the little time that we're not together thinking about you, the ways that i can strengthen my grip around you, and more effective methods of growing your dependence on me until there's no boundary between your heartfelt feelings and my expectations of you as my pet and plaything.

please be smart, pretty, keenly interested in irl, and uninterested in having kids. it can take time to build a foundation of trust and respect and i won't dive right into calling you my slut, making demands, esex, etc. chemistry is key and enthusiasm is earned.

disc: d_m_nt_d
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27/m/east coast
Whitetrash masc, Animal lover, Over 6ft 205Lbs, Weedsmoker, Longterm mental illness neetbux, Aspiring baker/chef idk I love cooking and attending these quirky culinary classes. Playing TWW atm, Bit of a nerd for fantasy/rpg type things -- very open and comfortable with who I am so just ask
>How passionate are you
My last and only relationship(online XD) ended 2yrs ago, Recently coming to terms with it but I miss the dynamic of mutual obsession.
>looking for
Voice chats and a connection that leads to a long term relationship
League/valorant players

30, Male, East Asia


Horror and sci-fi literature, history, mythology, strategy games. The list isn't exhaustive and I'd rather communicate my interests in person, as I would in knowing yours.

>looking for

A submissive lady that would easily get obsessive and clingy.

If you're done with - or dislike - having a healthy relationship and require constant affirmation and approval, I'm your man.

>not looking for

Free-spirited individuals and masculine men.

25/M/Massachusetts, America
>Music you like
Immortal, Windir, Darkthrone, Demolition Hammer, Death. Just pretty much thrash, death, and black metal. I also listen to cheesy new wave music too when I'm really depressed
>Lookin for
IDK people to chat with? I don't expect to find anyone though
>Not lookin for
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
I like to collect manga, music, and anime figures, I'm tall, I'm suicidal and own two guns.
>anyone who wants children of any kind (bonus if you've had a vasectomy)
Massive red flags
she's also pushing 30 and never had anyone yet. Understandable for a guy but for a woman? Stay the fuck away
your not looking for section really ain't gonna find you anybody there. you are so close minded and so picky
19 Male French in the UK

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/feminine femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshiped - frm feets to armpits, scent, piss, asshole, drool, fingers, etc.

I am also DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: controling your every actions from distance or IRL, monitoring you, giving you orders etc.

I want you to be obsessed by me, obeying to everything and treating me and my body like your own personal god.

I also enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me more about your depaved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

>Not looking for
Masculine men.

(with the dot)
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22 M East Europe
A few of them fashion, anime, military stuff, gaming, combat sports, arts, paranormal, history, gym, cooking, true crime, travelling, 3D modelling, music making
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
Not obsessive but I really like to be with a girl who is obsessive and love bomb her
>looking for
Girl of East Asian background, around 18-23 yo, virgin and is able to move out
>not looking for
Dudes, trans
>Body traits
5'11, 175 pounds, white, baby-faced
>Personality traits
I love to talk, and i'm extremely lonely. I love codepenancy, it's been my coping skill since I was little. I will talk to you for every waking second and obsess about you nonstop. I literally can't help it. I can be shy or very excitable, but i try to be very positive. I have a slew of depression and anxiety issues, I'm a bit of a wreck. I want to learn everything about you!!

i work full time but i can always text, near 24/7
shitty kids mmos, collecting plushies I don't need, love listening to music of all genres.

>About your life and goals
working a dead-end job with no friends, but my goal is to find someone to love on and live with forever. I'm willing to move for an LDR and I've done it before.

>What you're looking for
Female (cis or trans), pretty face. not concerned about much else but that you're willing to let me dote on you and please don't mess with my head!

Catfish, don't add.
Last time you posted this you got back with your ex… who’s to say you won’t do something like that again?
STEM, Gothic stuff, Martial Arts
>>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
I want to isolate them from their friends.
>>looking for
Autistic friend/gf/bf who has the same interests and will only be friends with me and not be friends with other people.
>>not looking for
Someone who has way too many friends.
How old lol
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What happens in a server with a 14 y/o owner
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People needing sex from a known minor

if anyone is interested, I'll drop more dox so we can report the kid and her server of groomers
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>interests : video games, art, violence
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
>looking for feeders, fat admirers, stalkers, parasocial ppl, creeps
>not looking for non-anime pfp people, trans, women
>contact mentalinept726 discord
m, east asian, many other great things

>looking for
white girls who are:
+ somewhat smart or hardworking
+ into east asian guys
+ into amwf raceplay

plenty, but i want new ones from you!

I think your cause is noble, but doxing is only going to get you banned, plus NYPA. Just report it to Discord, and continue to warn the others here.
Probably learned her lesson by now anyway, don't think it would help the situation
Non obvious hardcore and extreme people will be ignored. Off topic chats will be ignored

19 femboy uk Dumfries

Looking for extreme owner

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being
someone who can command well

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.
Also early on talk normally and get to know eachother to see if we will like eachother first please
preferably to a extreme where i need permission to move, speak, and so on with bathroom, food, money, games ect ect

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
below 30. Shy guys. People that can’t hold a chat. Vanilla people

I love basically all kinks. You’ll come to find there is very little I won’t do or at least try.
My List is flashing online humiliation group humiliation degrading risk crying breathplay findom techdom attention ass attention outdoors
Spanking aheago Thigh highs TPE light pain Cold Kittenplay Slapping pee expousre blackmail Public Hunger Rape(CNC) Impregnation pregnancy
Inflation Live Tracking Live Camera Life Ruin OrgasmRuin Kidnap(CNC) robbery(CNC) Choking emptional-minipulation Farting Wedgie MoveDom. Sensdep

Kik KittenBabyy69
Not that you're owed any explanations, yes, I was single and I was on the market for anyone interested, including my ex at that time. Didn't click with anyone and at that time, he got back into communication with me and we did. I removed the few guys I was talking to including you. I didn't string anyone along or break any hearts. I broke up with my then boyfriend for good now, which is why I'm looking around again like I'm allowed to do. Pretty sure I know who this is and you should make your own post so you can attract those who would be attracted to you. I'm not and you are legitimately starting to creep me out. You removed me last time we talked and called me "sad" for getting back into dating. I thought that was the end of that and felt relief. Why even say this and have the audacity to try to add me back again now? No. I've blocked you now.
Welcome to the Obsessive lovers thread.
Yeah, no. He was never that to me. We were no more than chat buddies at best.
28 M Ontario Canada
gaming, anime, manga blah blah. I do construction full time and really like traveling, I'm planning on doing that quite a bit this/next year.
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
starting off a 1-3 since I won't believe I'm the only guy you're talking to. eventually a 8-10
>looking for
obviously a gf -> wife. Ideally we share the same hobbies and can hang out often. F/MtF acceptable
>not looking for
men, friend collectors, scammers, the usual.
discord: hopefulpea (I'll add you on my main if we vibe)
28 M England
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay man
>About you
White, submissive bottom guy, 5'8, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim build, not bad looking.

Work in marketing, professional, not a typical '4chan' type.
Music, history,
>Looking for
Looking to fall in love and have a relationship with someone who loves to be loved and wants to be with someone where we will be each other's world.

I want someone who isn't scared of an intense relationship and wants to fall in love quickly.

Bonuses are: kinky guys, Dom guys, white guys, right wing guys, nerds, controlling ad jealous types

UK based would be great, but ultimately age and location isn't important. I am willing to relocate for the right guy.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, guys who can't hold a conversation, people looking just for casual

>Discord Tag

(also on telegram: twb96 and kik: daddyissues796)
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I think what I'm looking for could be considered very obsessive.

Late 30s/Male
Art. Music, photography, animation, visual design. Technology, video games, the internet, esoteric rabbit hole nonsense, lolcows, and much more. Your usual case of unsupervised internet access from an early age
Total power exchange is the crux of it. It is a strange yin-yang dynamic. I am well adjusted, kind, open minded, and down to earth. Far from a hateful person. But I want to own someone. I desire a woman to completely submit and obey. To the extent that she is willing to do anything, say anything, be anything, and be treated any way for me. I enjoy testing and pushing limits, both physical and emotional. Whether it's degrading my partner, forcing her to worship or take far more dick than she can handle, or leaving her lower body sore, it's all fair game. I can be cruel, but at the end of the day the pleasure and happiness of myself and my partner are the most important things to me. Yes I know it's not normal and you are free to judge me.
Feel free to come be curious if you've ever wondered what it's like to be hurt by a massive cock.
>looking for
>not looking for
Should also be self-explanatory. I'm not interested in men or transgenders.
24M Cuckold sharing pics and info of my crush that I'm obsessed with. NN cute pics, open to long-term roleplay and possibly even more. Bonus if you write well, major turn-on. Hope to hear from you!

avoid, larp and troll troon trying to lure
37/M/MD, close to DE/PA. Open to long-distance, for a time. Willing to relocate.

I'm a timid/shy/anxious fella, I struggle early with small talk, but I get more comfortable and talkative. I'm told I'm intelligent, empathetic, supportive, honest, and open-minded. I'm respectful of boundaries, and I'm not going to be crass, pushy, or ghost you.
Nerdy, Leftist, Nightowl. Wordy/Talkative. Agnostic. PoC/LGBT+/Neurodivergent friendly.
Monogamous, Kinky, Switch/Sub-leaning/GGG.
Associates Degree, part-time employment.

>Phys. Description
White, brown hair, Hazel-eyed, 5'8", ~230lbs

>Mental Health Issues:
ADHD, GAD, MDD, most likely ASD. In therapy, working on things.

>Drug Use
Cannabis/Shroom EDIBLES.

VGames, Lego, D&D, TV/Film/Animation, SciFi/Horror. 3D Printing, Model painting.

>How obsessive you are
I get invested easily and quickly. I'm probably recipromantic. I find it easy to love people, and so I wind up developing strong feelings for those who are giving me those signals. If you find yourself into me, I'm likely going to reciprocate. If you don't want me getting very attached too quickly, it's best to take things slow.

>Looking for
~27-47, Single, Monogamous. Kinky/Switchy/GGG.
Someone who has the time and interest to hang out regularly. I'm happy to text initially, but a willingness to move to regular voice calls is important. I'd love to play games or watch stuff together. Whatever you're comfortable with, I'd really value the company, honestly.

I'm starved for affection and intimacy, and I'm mostly hoping to find a woman to share love and life with. Someone Patient, Empathetic, and Progressive in values. I like talkative, forward, aggressive, possessive, and clingy.

>Not Looking For:
Men, Women who have/want kids, Conservatives.

Discord: HsartRebyc
Way more info can be found here: linktr .ee/HsartRebyc
You all realize that the men here are not worth obsessing over because they are broke, dusty lazy ass narcissists, right?
You will all continue to cycle through each other in an endless dumb circle.

girlies, men are trash, become volfemcel
M/30s looking for a clingy but sane younger girl that wants to talk daily and potentially do lewd stuff. Has to be an organic clinginess though. Online for now but we'll see where it goes. If anything this can be a fun distraction from life.

20f u.s
jpop/kpop/rock/gabber/rap, art, sleeping, becoming a legend
>>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
>>looking for
someone to talk to about my obsession with my best friend/crush!!
>>not looking for
wonpilled on discord
this thread is for people LOOKING for relationships retard
When you don't even want your psychotic internet crush anymore you just want more vodka
36 heterosensual 6'4 central European slenderman
For the right person I'd be up to relocate, wouldn't be the first time
when not doomscrolling, I like doing stuff with my hands, go out with friends or to the movies, read scifi. Recently picked up a Finnish course and am trying to get back into yoga. I also like to hike, camp and cook.
>How obsess--
Yes. Some of my exes would describe me as their cheerleader. I like this to happen on a mutual basis with a fluid power dynamic though, as a sort of "healthy" codependency. Also I thrive on touch and I'd say I do possess a modicum of empathy, as I'm quite perceptive and have ample relationship experience
>looking for
Someone to indulge in each other with, not just sexually
>not looking for
online only contacts, I'm in front of a screen more than I like as is
just friends, I have loads of those already
hurrrdurr on discord
Well, there was, but, uh, such a character is hard to bear if it's yours.
>ASL - 42/M/TN

>Interests -
video games(path of exile, titan quest, diablo 2, grim dawn, total war series, monster hunter. Basically fully on the spectrum games)
tech research for certs
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)-
Always looking for someone that's willing to be dedicated or bonded for life but that's a very rare thing I'm finding.
>looking for -
girl that is looking for a dedicated man that wants to be with her for life and after obviously. Someone that believes in the life after all of this
>not looking for
flakes, shallow people that want to sample people and move on.
Want to wait a bit before that, get to know someone through a bit. This probably won't be my first of these threads and I'll refine my answers as I go.
19/bio f


>about you
hi! i love collecting band aids and stickers! if you have a collection of anything, i'd love to see it. i get obsessed fast and im clingy as fuck if i connect with the person, so sometimes i'm a desperate. i feel extremely lonely lately and i cry every night, please talk to me.
i also like kpop, anime, vocaloid and cute stuff

>looking for
bio females to talk, (mostly at the night) to be friends and maybe something more!!!

>not looking for
men :<

discord : zafandmei
sorry for the copypaste
I'm out of your age range but you sound great. i really like how you expressed your obsession desire.
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Weight lifting, Gaming, Theology, Spirituality and occultism, Gothic literature and music, horror media, morbid/dark topics, creep-core art, Spanish language learning, psychology, and more I’m probably forgetting currently. I hope we have intellectual discussions.

>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
I have a tendency to get limerence should you be my type and we synergize well. After a while I might become regular but will always accommodate an obsessive and clingy lover to the best of my abilities. I can’t promise we will be together, but let’s talk to each other and see how things go. Push comes to shove, we are just friends should our interests align.

>looking for
Someone into my same interests, will talk to me about them, and will talk to each other whenever we have time. Someone we can really relate or get each other.

>not looking for
Men, Transgenders, Genderqueer, Minors, Alt-left, unaware/untreated BPD, low func autism, minors, addicts to drugs or alc, morbidly obese or severely underweight, slobs

Discord: Gask
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29/MtF(post-op)/Oregon/NEET/Satanist/Misanthrope/Kiwifarms Victim
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

The pot called the kettle. Have you tried being open to other MTFs? You probably wouldn't have to post more than once in the same thread if you did.
>31/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Looking for
>bio female
>18 - 35
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

Vulcanore on discord
I remember you. We left off on good terms. I worry about you sometimes, and I hope your situation has improved.
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videogames, anime/manga, reading, working out, programming, CTFs, video game design, music, trying new fun stuff, trying not to do drugs.
>looking for
fuck i just want a cute maybe skinny girl whos a bit crazy with a little character, all the women i know are just dumb skanks with 0 personality
>not looking for
guys pretending to be girls
disc: k4ladin.
she said bio female, lil bro...
shut up fn you have no whimsy or joy
bumping! im here all day!
22 mtf Cali
Gardening, camping, cooking, vidya, and writing music.
Inquire with me for NSFW interests.
For me, I have to click with the person in just the right way. The autism puzzle pieces have to line up just right...
The couple times I've found a fit—it changes my life for a little while.
>Looking for
Someone who loves touhou & pokemon to the extent I do
>not looking for

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See Attached Image
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>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
I can be fairly obsessive if we click
>looking for
Something serious/Long-Term, similar enough age and interests
>not looking for
Something Casual, very young like 18, 19 etc., not enough interests to talk to each other about anything
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>How obsessive you are
I don't have a dial with most things, just an off or on switch. I used to be embarrassed and deny my obsessiveness with partners, but I seriously become their biggest fan.
>looking for
Someone who shares my special interests (all gym related) and excels at them so that they may also become a special interest of mine. This has happened in previous relationships.
>not looking for
People who are not fit, people who are weaker than me, people who can't keep up, broke guys
This isn't the place or time for me to look desu but I just wanted to express my deep desire somewhere
That sounds great. I feel for you, I've been very active in the gym and women tend to either find my vested interest in it strange or aren't interested in matching it at all. The "biggest fan" level of obsession is something I'll never be able to have a proper relationship without, but it's hard to find someone willing to commit to that. Or even capable of it.
hey im a pretty fit guy who loves fitness and nutrition my tag is beautyfoundindisarray i hope u can add
it's a her but she's trolling and she's a pedo. It's a wide known fact in /soc/
no one wants you
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
Was in legal trouble
>looking for
local obsessive gf, non stinky, don't be too ugly
>not looking for
I hope you find someone who can match you, anon. It is really hard to find a good gym partner, especially one you can be with romantically. Sometimes it's fine for a few months or years, but a lot of people don't stay dedicated with diminishing returns.

Yeah, strangely, I think I can only fall in love if I am a super fan. A crush might happen if someone is just cute or fun but not enough to sustain a relationship on my end

How fit is pretty fit? Because I'm probably looking for nationally competitively fit
I think a lot of people are into it for short-term or immediate goals anyways. Not that there's an issue with that, but obviously it's not why I go to the gym or what I'd find ideal in my partner. You intrigue me I'll admit, I think our goals are very similar. Check my ID and scroll up in the thread. I have a post from earlier with my contact in it. You should send me an add.
Chickn is a man. Look on the archives, he's been caught using a voice changer and real women's nudes. It's why he doesn't want anyone posting images that he sends them since he knows it will expose him more as a catfish.
lol a demanding low quality faggot who doesn't have anything to offer anyone. you're on the path of dying alone
20 mtf (passing) Canada
music making music (mostly wave 1 and 2 goth and midwestern emo stuff) fashion romcom anime rougelikes and jojo
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
i have bpd
>looking for
>not looking for
i miss dork magician
They don't actually pass.
You had a different discord, but I'm pretty sure we have spoken twice recently from 4chan and duo, and it wasn't really happening.
>nationally competitively fit
Nothing wrong with wanting someone who takes care of themselves but you people need to have realistic standards Jesus. The odds of winning the lottery are comparable to the average person on here getting anything like that.
Yeah, I agree. That's why it's just wishful posting. I'm nationally competitive in one sport and qualify for nationals in another (although I admit that I wouldn't consider myself competitive even if I technically qualify). Dating people who don't understand my dedication to sports doesn't work out, and I'd really prefer to have someone who does it themselves so we can support one another.

One of my previous coaches even warned me that she's seen many relationships end due to training.
Wouldn't it be easier to get with one of your peers in that case? I mean if it's a solo/women's only sort of thing that might make it a little more difficult but anything mixed usually makes it easier to meet people. Personally I've only seen a handful of guys on this board in really good shape by my standard and a single girl on that Duolicious app who was out of my league. Even on regular dating apps I've don't think I've ever come across a girl with visible abs more than a handful of times, do wish it was more common though since the gym seems like a great bonding opportunity yo ucan do pretty much every day potentially.
me too
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i love nature and animals, occasionally drawing, and reading! i want to get into more stuff.. like off grid living and sustainability
i am mentally ill, but its kind of stupid
i am super obsessive, possessive, and jealous! i really hope you are too, controlling is a bonus
my ideal boyfriend is an evil man who is willing to be a recluse with me on a homestead
my dream self is an old witch that children make up stories about
my tag is @welladjustedgirl please tell me a bit about yourself when you add :)
dont add me if you want to date someone good looking.
M 26 South Florida

Dom looking for sub wife

>Describe yourself and your interests.
I'm a multilingual half German/Dominican living in the US that grew up in Europe. I have 4 passports, am a homeowner, work full time (private security and state guard soldier) , have a BA in International Relations, and actively go to church (Orthodox Christian).

Physically I am tall, fit, wear round glasses, military cut black hair, Asian eyes, light brown skin, uncircumcised and unvaccinated. Not the most attractive looks wise 5/10 rated

I have a lot of hobbies/interests, some of them being:
Reading, gaming, movies/shows/anime, hiking, travel, shooting, cars, motorcycles, memes, eating good, cigars, fine arts, history/politics, architecture, mythology, music, fashion, cosplay, etc...

Are you skinny and white?
I'll make you mine and mine only.
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boy looking for an older girl

I dont really care about ur age or whatever just dont be like 60 or a convicted felon or somthing

My timeszone is really screwed up (GMT +12) so dont get mad if i domt respond when ur awake.

Im kinda busy? I dunno I'm clingy but i can take care of u n stuffs yeah. Other than that i dont care about anything else. Im asian btw

discord is e3458.
dont forget the dot
who? A character like that isn't hard to bear it's amazing and very fun
27/M/Georgia, USA - I'm straight.

>about yourself
Professionally: Currently work in the IT sector, but may transition to sales. WFH
Hobbies: Running (add me on nike run), pickleball, reading (wuxia, litrpg, prog fantasy, romance fantasy), gardening. I watch anime and play games too. :^)
Some books I like: His Secret Illuminations, Lord of the Mysteries, Dungeon Crawler Carl. Starting the StormLight Archives
Other: I get excitable about a lot of things, and I love to get people pumped about their interest. I love taking part in other people's interests.

>Do you want/have kids? Future Aspirations:
I want kids, bio or not. If I adopt, I'd love to adopt with someone and give a kid or two a home.

>Looking for?

Someone who wants something long-term/marriage.

I'd like to build a future with someone and I want that person to have their own goals and ambitions. I don't really care if they fail, but seeing that they're trying is the goal. Ambitions I could support is essentially it. I want to push my SO further and vice-versa. If you're a reader that'd be lovely as-well, and we don't even have to share the same love of genres. Even if you don't have an interest that corresponds with mine, I'd still love to get to know you :) I've picked up so many things over the past two years from people, and every person is a new journey.

>not looking for
not interested in anyone under 22 or over 30. No men, people outside the USA unless you really align with the above.

>contact: cinnamonlipton
19 [M4F] #online very new to this looking for someone to make me feel like I have a purpose.

19 uk here.
For a while now I’ve been searching for this sort of relationship. I have recently ish ( through terrible things happening to me that I will tell you in time) just been extremely lonely, I don’t want to say the word depressed but that kind of way, and just having 0 inspiration and want if any kind.

I am hoping to find someone from here to not only have a femdom relationship but also guide me and controll my life either to give me a reason to actually get up and do somthing, or make me crave you more by making my life worse. (I WOULD LOVE EITHER IF THESE)

About me: 6ft3, 150 ish pounds. Brown hair almost to my neck. I get told I have feminine legs? Hah. Light body hair. I am very into video games and spend most of my time with friends online playing some.

Preferences: I wouldn’t mind someone my age or older either is perfectly fine. I would prefer a more controlling person but not a dealbreaker
Preferably a time zone near ish mine or if you are further away I hope you have a decent bit of free time.

Please feel free to ask any questions I’ll answer any

DISCORD meowy4
28 M England
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay man
>About you
White, submissive bottom guy, 5'8, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim build, not bad looking.

Work in marketing, professional, not a typical '4chan' type.
Music, history,
>Looking for
Looking to fall in love and have a relationship with someone who loves to be loved and wants to be with someone where we will be each other's world.

I want someone who isn't scared of an intense relationship and wants to fall in love quickly.

Bonuses are: kinky guys, Dom guys, white guys, right wing guys, nerds, controlling ad jealous types

UK based would be great, but ultimately age and location isn't important. I am willing to relocate for the right guy.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, guys who can't hold a conversation, people looking just for casual

>Discord Tag

(also on telegram: twb96 and kik: daddyissues796)
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I'm obsessive. In fact I had to start fasting in order to stop thinking about a certain woman who blocked after several years. all I ask is that you are cute have a nice voice.
I can be quite charming when I need to be. also I'm making a YouTube where I wear woman's panties over my head so if you want to donate to the cause hit me up.
forgot me tag
33/M/Midwest US
>Sexual Orientation
Dom Top
>About Yourself
Big, burly, bearded, daddy type
>Normal Interests
Cooking, assorted games, board games, world building, D&D
>Sexual Interests
General enjoyment of being in control, feeling powerful, and adored. It goes with a lot.
>Looking For
Pathetic and obsessive subs that I can neglect and treat poorly. Nervous and needy types who go out of their way to please.
>Not Looking For
Old/hairy/overweight men. Illegal shit
I dislike random adds. Send me an email about yourself, what you're hoping for, and your discord.
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20/M/Netherlands (twente)
Love, esotericism, thinking
>How obsessive you are
>looking for
Love, cute bottoms, blood and rotting
>not looking for
Far away people since e-dating is torture
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m 19 east coast USA

>describe yourself
college student in STEM. handsome, genius, narcissistic, smarter than you, but most of all extremely humble. loves music and basketball, hates long walks on the beach and cigarettes (grow up). has done too many drugs to count but is sober now. currently on an overwatch kick but interest is fading fast. has directly sent someone to the psych ward for 2 months who he found on this thread. depression, adhd, sociopathic tendencies, you know the drill

>looking for
chats mostly, just have a personality (or at least pretend)

>not looking for
dry conversation. don't expect me to carry the convo. don't try too hard to be edgy. KNOW HOW TO HOLD A CONVERSATION!!!

>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord iwontalwaysbehere

>Normal Interests
/tg/ stuff, music, history

>Sexual Interests
anal, cnc, domination, erotic RP, impreg, petplay

>Looking for
female, more than single word responses, lewd talk

>Not looking for
Male, scat, watersports, sellers

disc: strip_9

Please after i accept your friend request send me ASL and let me know what you are into
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>about me
Just a Bi femboy guy creature

Reading, gaming, sleeping, rotting in bed, cuddling

>looking for
Anything really though pref for someone subby that I can own and who will obsess over me :)

>not looking for
Doms (Since I'm Dom leaning ;3)

Discord & Twitter: TitanField

Pic is me :)
19 Male French in the UK

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/feminine femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshiped - frm feets to armpits, scent, piss, asshole, drool, fingers, etc.

I am also DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: controling your every actions from distance or IRL, monitoring you, giving you orders etc.

I want you to be obsessed by me, obeying to everything and treating me and my body like your own personal god.

I also enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me more about your depaved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

PS: if you're in the UK maybe we could do some IRL stuff as well ^_^

>Not looking for
Masculine men.

(with the dot)
M UK 26

vidya, music, computers, comics, puzzles, hiking, dogs/cats

>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
I can be quite obsessive and fall hard and easily

>Looking for
any girls that like to send pics and want to be appreciated.
looking for a girl that likes to send pics of herself.
selfies, outfits, cosplay, dancing, lewd, anything.
it's nice to get pics from a cute girl and appreciate her.

astronomy, physics, games, medieval stuff
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
ill think about no one else and you ever try to leave me ill stab you and id expect you to do the same to me.
>looking for
a loving relationship with me being obsessed over you and the other way around. dont care who you are/were or what you look like if we hit it off.
>not looking for
larpers and cheaters
zeraph0459 on discord
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Xtremely suicidal these days. If we get on, we get on. I don't need to share interests with you.

Don't be a weeb or hypersexual or outside of Europe.

bump.. please i need a toxic slightly misanthropic guy to obsess over me while i boost his ego like crazy
I’m 48. Tall and chubby around the stomach. I would love to find a younger girl than me that wants to love me. I’m divorced and have not dated in a long time. It sucks because I can’t find anybody that wants to talk to me for more than one chat. I really want someone to love. Makes me sound desperate. If you’re interested.
meowmcshady on Snapchat
VJKXGA2GJ On Teleguard
23, Male, Arizona, sometimes Texas

Computers, guns, and trade work.

>How obsessive
Been focused on work so long, I think it's time to find someone.

>Looking for
A lady to give me attention, and to give my attention to.

>Not looking for
Gold diggers or leeches, tranny's. I worked too damn hard for my shit and I want minimum 2 x chromosomes.

Disc texaschilibowl
>I worked too damn hard for my shit and I want minimum 2 x chromosomes.
Everyone works damn hard in this life, mate. Do you have something to offer beside entitlement?
Sent a friend request just need to be added so i can tell you about myself im Prime
that's literally my dream dynamic but you're far too young and also I have really high standards. good luck
23, Male, Arizona

Engineering stuff, art, music, exercising, learning.

>How obsessive
I’m very obsessive when I meet someone that I share interests with and can identify them as potential partners. If that happens, non stop thoughts about them just wanting to make them happy and spend quality time with them and cuddling.

>Looking for
A chick that has some similar interests and would also like to be loved a lot. I’d love to just chat about intellectual things while I hold u and stroke your hair.

>Not looking for
No gay people or transgender people. Also I’m sorry but I cannot date fat women, I have done it before and I couldn’t see them as beautiful sometimes if I saw imperfections about their body. Also tattoos make me sick. I apologize again, I guess previous experiences with non fat and non tattooed women have curated my brain into only finding them worthy of love and attention. I don’t care if your flat or quadruple D, no ass or a massive dump truck. I just want someone that appreciates their body as much as I want to appreciate them.

I practically only use discord but I’d rather not put my tag here in case I don’t get any hits. If you want to talk pls just put your discord and I’ll message u. Also I’ll prove it’s me too lol
>I practically only use discord but I’d rather not put my tag here in case I don’t get any hits.
Not putting your tag is a certain way of not getting any hits, even if I'm not so sure adding it would change a thing.
That’s alright. I’d rather this post not be linked to my username if people search it up on neocites. I have several coworkers on discord and I don’t really want them to know personal things about me. If someone is interested then they can leave it. If not then no hurt feelings since this is really just a shot in the dark yk
You can streamline this whole process, getting the exactly same result, but simply not posting, think about it next time.
U r a hopeless individual it seems like. Perhaps thinking positively will improve the quality of your life. Have a better day!
Let me see, 23, male from the middle of nowhere, generic interests that barely quality as such, imagine telling someone IRL "hey, my hobby is learning, look me interesting", answered "how obsessive" with "I’m very obsessive", incredible high standards, despite being a loser posting on 4chan. It's more boring than random trannies trying to catfish.

The only saving grace is that you know no one will have any interest for you and didn't even care to post a contact.
If the person that I’m hoping for is on here they would respond to my post. I made it specifically that way. I’m not casting a giant net for a reason, because I’m not wanting some generic person. Hope your day gets better rather than trying to trash on other peoples attempts at a connection!
>I’m not casting a giant net for a reason, because I’m not wanting some generic person.
If you don't want to get a generic person, you should at least have put some effort into making a less generic post. Quite surprisingly you didn't add "geek stuff" and "games" in your "interests".

>Hope your day gets better rather than trying to trash on other peoples attempts at a connection!
>attempts at a connection
Yeah, without a contact because "I'm too good for this".
> Xtremely suicidal these days
hasn't responded to friend request in 24 hrs
>despite being a loser posting on 4chan
The projection is real.
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Hello I would like a freak woman that is obsessive.

Sometimes it feels nice for a woman to have implant her own feelings into a vessel, despite you not knowing anything about each other. Because she doesn't have a belief in herself and instead needs to find it in a god of her own choosing. That feeling of worship can slowly chip away over time, revealing any man off the street. And then they just look like a big ol dummy... And then they do it again.

You did this for Brian, 26, Costco Sales Associate? You know how much of a Silliam you are for that? Brian drives an 04 CIVIC and argues superhero power rankings. You wrote poems for him and then tried to recite them while he was playing Warzone.

I don't find myself to be particularly remarkable either but it happens enough for me to not think it's coincidence.

Please one obsessive freak woman that will accuse me of cheating on her because I fell asleep for 2 hours and tell me how she's going to abort my unborn child that she lied about being pregnant with.

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30/M Big Guy. Divorced. US Mid-West Home Owner and Career Haver. I read Sci-Fi and Fantasy. I play D&D &Video Games. I have basically achieved my life aspirations outside of this one aspect.
>How obsessive
I have a codependency wound that I am working on but in the meantime to put it lightly, means I am constantly wanting to speak with you if I form an attachment. I don't get mad if I cannot. But I do have that constant urge.
>Looking for
A monogamous left-leaning person (Prefer Women but cute men work too) wanting to try LDR and eventually more if it works out. My expectation is that I find my best friend and settle down with them.
>Not looking for
Cheaters. LARP. Trolls. People who share literally no interests with me.
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24 - MtF - PA
My main interest at the moment is self improvement. I am always looking to better myself and forge my very being into the goddess I deserve to be. Whether that is intellectual pursuits, or going to the gym, that is my number one priority. At the moment I am heavily fasting. But I also love a wide variety of books, high fantasy mostly, and horror movies. I also love music, right now I am writing a paper on The Mountain Goats for one of my classes.
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
I haven't been able to find someone to obsess over recently sadly. But I've been looking. Once I find them I fully intend on never letting them go and letting the bpdemons out. Codependency is the most beautiful type of relationship in the world.
>looking for
Other queer and trans people get priority. Fags to the front of the line. Twinks are fine too as long as they shave. Hair anywhere but the top of the head sets off my ocd. But I want to find my sun and moon and stars. A cutie with mommy issues, and maybe the love of my life. The one who will make all the suffering I've gone through over the years worth it.
>not looking for
cunts. mean people. overly masc guys. people who can't be anything but horny
My delusion grows worse... hope people love my "serial killer like" vibe and play imitate murder and kidnapping on me...plz....
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33/M/Northeast USA

> me
6’1” hairy dadbod nerd, lift & hike occasionally

> interests
Cinema, games, sometimes writing. Dilettante dabbler but passionate about the things that interest me. Would love to connect with someone who has nerdy interests as well as things like art, literature, music, spirituality, anything like that.

> how obsessive?
Highly introverted and highly picky but when I really like someone I obsess over her emotionally and sexually. Usually want to talk and be together every day for as much time as possible, can get drunk on her presence and stick around her for hours. Want to see all her social media and find out what her tastes are and how she talks to other people. Want to share all my favorite things with her to see if she likes them too. Want to spill my intimate secrets and receive hers. Want to plan our days together, be accountability buddies, help ourselves become better versions of ourselves one day at a time. My whole life lights up when I like someone and she’s the center of my universe. I’ve been told I’m “intense” and really want to find someone who likes that about me.

> looking for
Someone articulate and insightful, empathetic and compassionate, who likes to both give affection and care and receive them in turn. Creativity and style are deeply attractive; so is an intensity of feeling and a pickiness/obsessiveness to match my own. I prefer partners younger than me because it inspires me to be protective and responsible.

> not looking for
Being ghosted, abused or used. Current or former penis havers. /pol/tards.

> contact
Discord = frozenflame1917
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20s/F/ Not US, but I'm okay with anywhere.

>describe yourself
Have been e-dating and roleplaying since I was 14, had my fair share of irl relationships but there's something comforting and toxic about people online who you can go a bit insane for, and they tend to not run away as quickly. I like broken, intense, bipolar/bpd/lovebombing men. I love to roleplay amongst text chatting because it feels closer, and I can get lost in the fantasy of us together. I'm a huge daydreamer with a vivid imagination.
I like nerdy things and games, cooking, and romance novels / manga. It makes my heart flutter.

>looking for
25+ preferably, but will make exceptions if you type well. Usually autistic / neuro divergent people fit this bill. I like emotion conveyed through text. Willing to RP, and can see how it can extend emotion and romantic connection. I also like intense. I like broken men. I like men who feel like they can't be loved. I'll prove you wrong.
I can switch. Submissives need to just be cute. I need to trust you if you want to dominate me but I crave the feeling of when I am and my breath quickens and head goes light. I fall for people easily, and intensely, a little bpd, if you will.

>not looking for
"Hey how r U" kinda dudes. Voice or camming (im not a catfish I just yearn for nostalgic chat romance)
Guys who wanna fuck around too fast. I want to feel a spark.

>contact info (discord, kik...)
I feel like I didn't sell myself very well, but here's to hoping.
Please leave a little sentence so I can gauge your character and your discord, and I will add you.
26 M
disc: weeknd_97
See >>33462027 but also. I can be just a tad bit overly attatched which can appear to be lovebombing.
I am not typing a sentence about myself on here because that isn't really anybody's business except for specific people I want to know, nor am I typing out my discord.
If you want me to tell you those things about myself, you can send an email to my protonmail.
40 m, overthinker enjoys RP, wants to find someone to trust that is worth creating a life with.
I'm in love
the more i read the more i AAA
my discord's somatic._
it says youre not accepting friend requests? :(
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24, male, europe, bi, skinny twink with pubes
i mostly spend my days with twitch streams, chatting, some games, VC, music, talking to friends, part time job as waiter, im at home a bunch.
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
i really just like to chat/talk daily and wanne care about the person a lot and hopefully they care about me the same
>looking for
some long term lewd friend/lover who i can interact with daily, masturbate with almost daily, as well, any gender is fine. im also willing to send pics/vids, even livecam, i moan a lot and have a cute faggy voice. Please dont ghost me after 1 time/day... that happened a lot to me lately, its so sad.
>not looking for
discord: toby280999
webm is me, hopefully u are into my body type and love to masturbate to me.
I basically fit your looking for to a T but that's a blessing and a curse in this specific scenario. Mainly because as you said, you like broken men who feel like they can't be loved. And I'm stubborn so I don't think you could prove me wrong. Shame
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Adult boy really lewd and obscene looking for XXXX lover I love to cum with my lover and I'm looking forward to irl. Discord username is agm_0
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- White, masc, non-degen, relationship oriented, right-wing man.
- Would love to have a life-long bro & soulmate. For love, care, life together, travel, adventures, discovering beautiful places, cozy movie evenings, cute kisses, warm cuddles, gentle wrestling in bed...
- Lovingly supporting, each other to become stronger and better men. Two heroes.
- Thinks self-sufficiency, build a house together.
- Open to idea of starting a family in the future, with cute white babies (via surrogacy ofc) who would grow to be strong Übermensch.
- Good work ethnics, not wasteful.
- Can travel to Europe within 1-2 months.

>About me (Physical)
Bi, 6'2, slim, blue eyes, brown hair, youngish normie looking. Prefer chastity when not in relationship.
Gentle, caring, shy, cuddly, loyal & principled. A bit nerdy. Likes helping others and being nice to ppl. Brave in defending what I love and believe in. Self-critical.
History, old Europe, cultures, languages, philosophy, classical art, religion, stoicism, minimalism, self-improvement, aesthetics, nature, fitness, longevity, pro-White stuff, DIY, technology somewhat, striving for masc ideal.
Lots of ppl add me randomly. So let's make it a bit more difficult. Write @ welcometoearth123@gmail.com
(would add you to telegram or discord though there)
Introducing yourself:
1) Short physical descr. (Age, country, height, fitness level).
2) Occupation/Your day-to-day
3) Do you have any strong preferences for partner (sexual, non-sexual)
4) How easy is for you to relocate or take loving partner with you?
5) Does my life vision matches yours?
6) Your Telegram (preferred) or other contacts.
Hey 25m and kinda fit the bill, just want to chat and love on someone, get a bit obsessed with girls I like. have similar interests too.
disc: user120117
28/M/Northeast US
Anime, writing, drawing, cosplay photography, movies, degen shit
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
I get attached pretty easily and want someone who will get more attached than I do
>looking for
cute egirl gf that is degen and clingy, video/voice calls after a bit, cosplayers, horny fucks
>not looking for
Anyone outside the US, racists, fatties, dudes
Added, happy to worship and admire you
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24 m, central Europe
academia, science (IT, AI), all the nerdy computer stuff; music - playing instruments and writing it; becoming a househusband (work from home); using semicolons
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
very much - if you're the one, you would be on my mind most of the time; I know that I can be a little suffocating, and very clingy in person too (all the cuddles though)
I am probably BPD, but I make conscious effort not to do anything stupid, it would be awful to make the person I care about the most feel awful
>looking for
you haha...
love me and get loved back, it's pretty simple
be a girl, be reasonably close (EU?), be somewhat available, and the rest we'll figure out the rest
>not looking for
anything unpleasant; let's be kind
discord: jessebaltor
26/M/US, East Coast

>About me
I'm a busy, very social guy. I own my own house and live alone, and while I have a lot of friends, I tend to get lonely sometimes. I'm 6'4", chubby but still handsome/cute, nerdy and well groomed. I've got a lot of hobbies, I make music, and used to have a semi-successful website selling hypnosis file commissions.

Hypnosis, music (esp. '70s), singing, synthesizers, writing, ttrpgs, retro tech/computers and a myriad of other things

Hypnosis, primarily. In addition: conditioning/brainwashing, DDLG/ABDL, (fake) incest, athletic clothes/basketball shorts/yoga pants (etc)., and basically anything else aside from pain/blood. If you're into it I'm probably into it.

>Looking for
Someone AFAB interested in companionship and hypnosis (both erotic and non). Ideally we'd text first, and occasionally VC. I tend to get flirty/romantic quickly after a session or two.

>Not looking for
AMAB, friend collectors or anyone who believes hypnosis isn't real.

>discord tag
>about me
Autistic shutin neet, kind of modest and shy, I have personal and mental issues so be warned, I'm far from innocent and I'm a diehard masochist, alone and isolated irl except for family,
I've been medicated and on hrt for almost 7 years, I've been told that I'm quite attractive and have a cute voice, somewhat cold to strangers at first but trying to be kind when I can,
mostly playing video games like dark souls, jrpgs and fighting games, listening to music and consuming other media like anime and movies in my free time, I also like good art
Video games (dark souls, jrpgs, vns, fighting games), anime, movies, tv shows, music (black metal, postpunk, industrial, early hardcore, uptemo), art, books, philosophy, history and politics to a degree, there's probably more
>looking for
Someone likeminded, I prefer assertive personalities, maybe something sexual, romantic or just companionship, I also like to vc a lot or do other stuff if we get along, please only add me if you don't have a normie pfp
>not looking for
Normies, creeps (please don't send me real life porn), overly hurtful/hostile people, under 20
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Bipolar person with borderline personality disorder, quite broken and went trough a lot of stuff, Our interests are similar so i would like chatting and hanging out if possible, you seem interesting, i think we would get along well
Discord is "Alcoholic_Waifu"
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Art, manhwa, manga, vocaloid, jpop, etc. Get to know me!
>About me
I'm 5'8", chubby and asian. A lot of men have told me I'm cute and I'm also decently proportioned (double ds and fat thighs). As the child of two immigrant parents, I'm naturally very straight laced (unless I'm in the bedroom). I'm a HOPELESS romantic.
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
If and ONLY IF i get attached to you, I will be absolutely infautated with you, things like constantly wanting to spend time with you a lot, etc.
>looking for
I'm looking for a preferably(but not neccessary) white man who is slim/toned. MEN OVER THIRTY DO NOT DM ME. I WILL BLOCK YOU IF I LEARN YOU ARE THIRTY AND OLDER. I prefer guys 18-23, but a little older is fine. Please, please BE A DOM/SADIST!! my most preferred dynamic is being treated like a princess but being absolutely broken and abused in the bedroom.
>not looking for
people who vape/smoke/do drugs, trans people, poly, other subs
discord: nothinkingthoughts
CT? Counter Terrorist?
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44/M/North-Eastern NJ, about 40 minutes from the G-Dub
Music, art, mysticism, occult, esotercism, archery, wood working, food, ren faires, idk... manly but nerd shit?
>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
I seriously don't care about anyone aside from part of my direct family. Gfy
>looking for
A goth/metal witch who is into similar shit, while being super clingy and all oneitis & shit
>not looking for
Serial killer's. Fatties. Uggos
I look like slightly chubby, yet muscular, Phil Anselmo, if that's your "thing"
US Connecticut, most likely.
22 M NYC

None really.

Not at all.

Nothing much.

Not nothing.

24/Male/East Coast.
Reading, philosophy, spirituality, working-out, and conspiracies
>looking for
Cute girlfriend to manipulate.
> doesn't want men over 23
> wants a dom and/or sadist
little baby boys don't know how to be doms and still treat you like a princess
only older men have the funds to treat you like a princess
while having the experience to be a dom

go back to the SFW thread
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It seems that I cannot keep normal women interested for any longer than a single conversation. So maybe finding an obsessive woman is the way to go.

Many, just ask or let it come up naturally in conversation.
>How obsessive are you
Somewhat, though I rarely, if ever, obsess over people.
>Looking for
Bio woman in the 20-25 age range (plus or minus a year is fine but not ideal) that is outgoing, talkative and intelligent and is able to hold a conversation. In terms of physical appearance you should be as thin as possible but not anorexic and dark hair is a plus. You must be willing to VC (doesn't have to be right away) and meet up IRL after having talked for a while. For that reason, I'm looking mostly for people in Europe (preferably Spain/Portugal or anywhere in Western Europe).
>Not looking for
Men, minors, extreme mental illness (this includes unbounded levels of racism and -phobias. Remember, a little goes a long way), high maintenance women (you have to be fine with me not replying immediately every time), unpleasant women, friends collectors, etc.
DC: zos1ma

If you add me, text first after I accept you and maybe tell me why did you do it.
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I'll be honest with you, I'm still stuck thinking about a woman I've not seen since February so I'm certainly obsessive but that obsession might be a bit tied up right now. That aside I'm interested to see what sorts of RP scenarios you enjoy since you've been doing it so long. People that know what they want are nice.
Discord is cute.meat
I'm going to bed after posting
22/M/Russian, slim, handsome

I am looking for women of any age (and maybe feminine enough boys) who want to be my horny Online-Tamagotchi.
Domination from my side, petplay, dirtytalk, control, submission, training, rough handling - all to your taste and level of hardcore.

You can be my 24/7 slave, or we can just lightly exchange content when it suits you, I am only happy to discuss in detail your capabilities, desires and taboos.

Fetishes: I'm willing to accept almost anything you want, I'm pretty vanilla myself but open to your preferences if you are obedient enough <3

Telegram: tr182ctgh
Discord: Exilee8300
29/MtF(post-op)/Oregon/NEET on SSI disability cuz autistic and deaf/Satanist/Misanthrope/Kiwifarms Victim
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, brown hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

>I have a Discord.

I might add you on Discord. I won't let anybody add me due to being a Kiwifarms victim, so i'll add u myself
Bro I'm not interested in dating you but please tell me why you're a kf victim you people always have interesting stories, do you even have a thread or are you just collateral damage?
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>ASL Orientation
26M/Pan/Turkey (I lean on fem stuff, females or otherwise anything fem)

>Looking for
I've recently gotten a job that allows me to travel a few times yearly into any part of the world. The last time I've visited europe I had an amazing time with a lover. We had known each other for 1 year then, and while we spent only 3 days together in his country, visiting 'them' was and always will be the highlight and primary intention of that entire 6 months trip. The rest of the normie stuff was just 'okay' for me and was done to make the trip feel less weird to others as proof of me enjoying myself.
I am looking for people that want similar experiences. To get to know each other, have a friend you are sort of into, so that sexual energy is in the air, and eventually meet up to spark something extremely intense.

I am quite short, 5'6 or about 169cm, fair skin and black hair. I tend to keep my hair on the shorter side, and I get really charmed by people that have complexity and a bit of greyness in their life outlook. I love implications and charged commentary, and Would follow you down another path than my preferences if you do care enough to show me what's to love in them.
Anything *is* on table, I suppose, but I understand the necessity of physical attraction to one another, and I am heavily into males shorter than I am. But girls are fine too, I dunno. Obsession is really intense and I like it.

there a big ongoing thread
Updated 9/25. DMs always open.

26/M/Virginia State U.S. (Long-distance is A-okay.)

I'm a 5'4" smol, slim, toned boi. I'm handsome and cute. I work service and live with roommates. I deal with depression and OCD, so I can get rather tired easily. I still always try to do what I can. I range from being playful, feminine, and bubbly to more tame, relaxed, serious, a bit of a doomer, to dank, derpy, and silly.

Hobbies and interests:
Memes, cuddles with My Kitty, singing, etc.

I'm a huge videogame buff, from N64 to Wii U, Gameboy Advance to 3DS, is my area of expertise. I'm super into youtube videos of all sorts: Corruption, Game Industry, History, etc. I like other types of videos, like let's plays, creepypastas, podcasts.

What I want out of this:
A Caregiver Little/Mommy dynamic would be great. I really need it. Romantic and monogamous. I would love it if you were very motherly, doting, and sweet. Showering eachother with praise, affection, focus, and time would be really lovely and appreciated. I want to fully be submissive as much as possible, but I will make you very happy too. Total power exchange is great. Mutual obsession is heavenly. Making random noises together, rotting together, parallel play, getting better together. PLEASE put effort in and have some drive to make this work. Make me feel special as I would you. I want this to last for the rest of our lives.

What I want out of a Mommy:
A lovely lady 18 to 35 that is nerdy, geeky, and silly. Open-minded to try out different hobbies and interests, but also willing to hear and accept all manners of jokes, opinions, and ideas. Somebody easily clingy, obsessive even would be great. Wants to have long calls, make big texts back and forth from the start. Be in contact as much as possible. I'm easily pleased with looks. Let's trade sfw pictures early on. I don't care about your job, status, height, weight, or anything else.

-Yapping is really attractive
-Don't want kids.

Discord: bunnyboymeow
Spill the beans and get your side out there c'mon it sounds legitimately interesting, it's all out there anyway so you may well give me your spin.
Motherfucker I think multiple times a day every fucking single day about a woman I have not seen, talked or texted with for 3 years what a joke of an obsession

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