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A thread for brothers and sisters of God to mingle.

>Kontakion (Tone 3)

>Having been a sinful woman,
>You became through repentance a Bride of Christ.
>Having attained angelic life,
>You defeated demons with the weapon of the Cross;
>Therefore, O most glorious Mary you are a Bride of the Kingdom!

Pray for this board Saint Mary of Egypt! May there be a SFW /soc/ board one day!

Example Template

>Age / Sex / Location
>Brief biography
>Looking for
>Not looking for

Please, refrain from posting NSFW images.
Although this is an absolute hedonistic hellhole, an online Sodom and Gomorrah. Surely, even in the depths of hades there are those who seek repentance.
Yeah, you likely won't find love here, but what we might find is likeminded souls.
Those with similar backgrounds, similar struggles, on a similar path towards God.
May the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit bless this board and all of its users
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Get real and get out faggot
Learn how to sage, you're just bumping the thread.
>Age / Sex / Location
18 / female / united states
a christian, considering conversion to catholicism (still doing research and seeing if theres a priest i can talk to!)
>Brief biography
there arent a lot of interesting things about me...
i adore animals, i hope to live on an off grid homestead someday, i spend too much time in my head, i think about my childhood dog every day, i try to be a person that my child self would look up to, etc etc!
>Looking for
any sort of friendship!
>Not looking for
sexual stuff
discord : areyouliving
email : areyouliving@proton.me
22 Male New York


No one.


Not nothing.

>Age / Sex / Location

Orthodox Christian

>Brief biography
Just a Orthodox Christian, pretty engaged in my parish. I’m into reading, some nerd stuff, history, good movies and other basic stuff

>Looking for
Any other fun to talk to Christians, europeans are preferable due to timezones but I don’t care too much. If anyone is engaged in their parish or such I’d love to get tips here and there

>Not looking for
Any form of degeneracy honestly or debates (but discussions are fun)

Discord: thelastsven
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good thread, thank you
Orthodox Christian. I shouldnt be here, and neither should the person I want to end up with, but it's just one passive avenue I occasionally reluctantly use because I'm not very normal. I wish it was a blue board.
44m us. I made a thing for the ideal partner thread so I'll post that. discord- mostlynormal
Yes, this is the perfect board to place holy icons - have these venerable images be located right next to images of fat, hairy slobs begging to be degraded so they can goon. Right next to images of femboy anuses and giant dicks. You're showing so much respect and reverence for your Lord by doing that.

These windows into the divine are placed alongside windows into places worse than Hades itself. Worse than outer darkness. Worse than, dare I say it, your mom's box. Here, in this place where you cast pearls before swine, where the gospel message is rejected, slandered, blasphemed, and ignored, you make a thread for your brothers in Christ to commune with God and live with their whole being in the divine life. As God condescend for our salvation, you show your holiness by condescending here among the harlots and ignoblest of men. Your purpose is clear: to bring the Holy Word of Christ down into the depths to attract no one and accomplish nothing but your own degradation and straying from the path of righteousness.
Shut up demon larper
I'm right. You're wrong. Ask your priest or pastor if you should even be here, let alone be posting holy images in the midst of such filth. You have to ask them because you are forbidden from having the pride required to ask of your own soul.
This is not the real Yzilma. I am. God says so.
every "18 / f" on this board is illegal, remember that boys
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20/m/southeastern europe, gonna be close to central soon


>Brief biography
trying to be humble but i'm kinda lost for words here, the only interesting thing about me is that i'm slightly above average, a lot of teachers described me as an intelligent kid and I breezed through the school without much effort which resulted in my stunted work ethic, which I hope I will fix in university. I always had a fear of God instilled in me but I really started expanding my knowledge on the subject about 3 years ago. Pretty much anything is in my realm of interest. Appearance: black short hair, 190cm, lean and athletic

>Looking for
Someone to get saved with, who doesn't live too far or isn't too far from my age, has interest in faith and can hold a conversation beyond some basic shallow stuff (please).

>Not looking for
Immature, extensive baggage, uninterested/doesn't communicate, not too below my looksmatch preferably

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Thank you for the bump, reddit timmy
Go back to iFunny
kys tranny nigger I'm not Christian and I hate degenerate wogs too
what's wrong with spamming this shit fest something good for once. Im fine with a virtual crusade
this is a Christian thread not a Jewish psyop mutt thread, nigger
Christ entered hell for the salvation of all.
24M Cuckold sharing cute NN pics and info of my crush that I’m obsessed with. Looking for Gods or religious Bulls. Bonus if you write well, major turn-on.

Kik - UsualSuspekkt

Discord - YourDeepRest
Yes, that's exactly why you're here. God knows you're telling the whole truth.
project your goonerism towards us HAHAHA for he knows so little about things other than what lurks in his own mind but a crusty cum golem forged by xir own wasted god given genes BAHAHAHAAHAH
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Bump against the world
I wanna get into religion for the altruistic structure, but I'm seemingly constitutionally incapable of seeing proof in a present God.

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