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Robots, incels, attention seeking e-girls, can we have a thread over here? How long have you been on /r9k/? Please come check in
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this thread is doomed to fail but I'll give you a bump anon, maybe I'll meet some nice robots and fembots here, who knows
I don't think I've ever gone to /r9k/.
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autistic femcel in southern California near Tustin
I'm Chickn if it isn't obvious

I went to r9k initially because I thought I would fit in with incels but there's lots more successful men than I thought
>doomed to fail
I figured so but I thought I'd give it an honest try
You've always seemed nice as far as I could tell
r9k is a shell of its former self there isnt anyone cool left to meet there
except sheldonanon
I pretty much exclusively use /r9k/ and it's a shithole. Why would I want to meet more retards from there, when it's full of jeets and normalfags and trannies?
>except sheldonanon
Sheldonanon carries the whole board.
Yeah it feels especially dead and empty lately.
I miss Sleepy.
i used to years ago before 4chan became a trannyfest, now i dont know where to meet my fellow autistic husband
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Some time over 10 years I guess.. what a fucked up life
I just ignore all the unsavory parts, I don't know anywhere else to go on the internet.
I'll post my tag if u want lol
Not a woman, this is a known catfish.
It becomes annoying after a while just seeing it pass by and filtering takes too much time it is too rotten anon
Depends on how old you are o:
For me personally at 33, KHHV, no friend, real bad job, live with mom (dad died), yeah I'm thinking it's over
i miss my old r9k friends so fucking much. i've been trying to get in contact with some but most are completely unreachable. fga my beloved
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23 year old friendless, shut-in loser living in the middle of nowhere in some eastern european hellhole reporting in. i really wish i had friends who shared my interests, mainly obscure manga and old vidya. but everyone on modern /r9k/ is either underage or a tiktok refugee or both, so there's no cool people left to meet there.
I never had any r9k friends. I was on tinychat way back but mainly just a spectator, there were some cool funny people.
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attention seeking e girl here, used r9k once and got banned for a dumb reason. haven't gone back since. i think soc is more my speed.
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22 Middle of nowhere schizo neet with autism reporting in
Still can't relate to like 90% of people and /r9k/ being flooded with nonsense didn't help, stopped using it years and checked recently to learn it's only gotten worse, /soc/ is also getting worse and just becomes more of a botted sex weirdo pit, but still unironically one of the last good places on the internet to try and talk to non normie people (for half a convo then get ghosted) one thumbs up from me
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Autistic bpdemon sanrio loving goonette fembot checking in

This board kinda sucks but I made a friend here so thats cool

Also this is my cat
drop your disc queen
nice cat
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I fart more or less constantly. I wipe with 1 square then I hop up onto the bathroom counter backwards and wash my ass in the sink. I really don't like sheets or bedframes or anything like that so I sleep on the floor on an old camping pad. I wear flip flops with toe socks. Sometimes I shave my balls and pretend I could totally go into town and pick up a girl at the bars. I dream of finding a barely tolerable e-girl to spoil over the holiday season.
28 m northeast USA

Short ugly unmasculine unconfident undominant autistic progressive far leftist male feminist nice guy childfree incel who wants a progressive feminist gf

Why the fuck can't ANY progressive leftist women settle for me and give me a chance? I'd even be fine with them having a half open relationship where they get to see other guys and I just get platonic emotional intimacy. I just don't want to have to make the effort to look like Chad, or have the Chad style personality, or have the Chad style sex, or chase the Chad style consumerism and unnecessary wealth, or the Chad style detached single family housing in shitty nimby suburbs, or do the Chad style gender roles and power dynamics. Why the fuck can't anyone just accept me for who I am? It genuinely hurts so much that females would rather get used and abused by Chad than do anything with me. It's so fucked up and I hate it
lacktoastntolerant but females will never get over themselves and settle for me. It's fucking hopeless. The only way I can be accepted is if I destroy myself by becoming someone else (a putrid Chad) and since I won't fucking do that, I will rot alone and then die alone
you removed me
i think i speak for all women when i say i would rather be violently beaten by a chad than treated nicely by an incel
Women seek out men that can provide for them and protect them. Aggression, impulsivity, unpredictability, is part of the testosterone rainbow. Most women would rather go home with a guy with face tattoos and a felony rap sheet than a wristlet nogainz basedboy with a funko pop collection and a degree in feminine hygiene.
i only drop by occasionally cos it seems to be a lot of repetitive circlejerking and I already got my fill of hilariously autistic fucks when /b/ was good
I used to start bait threads a lot with my exes tits but anytime I try to see if there's anything funny on r9k there just isn't
My cat looks identical wanna be friends?

Why does every girl who adds me from this board fit this description. How old are you I wonder if we've talked lol
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Is right you know, don't be a massive basedboy, if you have a passion/hobby just don't autistically hyperfocus on it, have some balls and show a little spine and women will naturally gravitate towards you
i was on tinychat too. that's where i met my first r9k friends (i still have some caps), then a couple of years later i met some others on the old kik threads
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i think this is all i have on this device of the tinychat caps but i have more elsewhere. i think about these idiots a lot
I like arguing with people on r9k it's fun, and some of the recurring posters are cool.
Made some friends there too but sadly all the fembots are from America x.x
Hello arcanine. (soc) I've been using the board for a decade which is insane. I like being nice to people on there because I know the pain of being lonely, abused, and isolated. One time I posted a song and some anons were talking about it 7 months later and honestly that inspires me to continue. Only social outcasts deserve my art... That being said... I am a 27 year old man from New York, at this point lonely as fuck. Normies are unrelatable to me... I have been NEET+ for many years, I think like maybe 5-6 spread out across a few seasons of neeting. I don't relate to a lot of what's posted on /r9k/ at this point but I need the outcast company. I made some money with stocks during covid and quit life. I do not exist IRL except walking in the local woods. I like making music, reading, vidya (mostly arpgs and fighting games), youtube videos. I have a cat named Charsi. Hello.
fuck this thread it's going to be the same shit, somehow I'm more socially below other spergs that get ignored after a while. Or no one responds.
why would you post just to shoot yourself in the foot before even trying?
it's a repetitive pattern I notice that always proves my disappointment right. Maybe sometimes people are negative because life shows them. Karma and law of attraction is nonsense and a deep rooted hope and cry for help, or maybe the answer is simpler, that I'm acknowledging the fact these threads are simply pointless for people who are an actual lost cause.
>like clockwork I killed another thread


It was dead on arrival! We're all just trying our best, it's all we can do.
>How long have you been on /r9k/?
Since 2011.
I gained infamy on r9k and soc and have not posted much in 3 years. Did a few meetups and fucked a few girls. I was in old faces of r9k threads and remember back when we could do /tg/ shit and /soc/ shit on r9k. Someone should bring back zeemaps.
Yea too autistic to have stable convos that's why we're all here
Ya know besides the simps looking for poon on an Ugandan basket weaving forum about chinese cartoons, for some reason
Did you lose or gain eyebrows.
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The next 10 years down the line
and to think, all you wanted to do was sell real estate :(
now I feel guilty lmao
Lose apparently, haircut pic was from May, the other was 2 weeks ago. Maybe they bleached abit
I still have eyebrows I swear
Does /r9k/ still have that Watamote/>tfw no [x] bf poster?
i think i started actively using it 2011-2012? stopped around 2017 and just occasionally started using 4chan again in the past year or so
i used this back in like 2013-14 when I was trying to get used to interacting with people, i was just really mean to everyone. i think i went by killer.
I still am in communication one person from there who ended up in a r9k skype group I was in that migrated to discord
can't remember what name they used on tinychat though

the omegle r9k was cozy to talk to random robots was sad that went away, it was pretty decent around covid.
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Yeah I managed to catch him once like last month before he disappeared again
you've got that mads mikkelsen look about you
Is he considered attractive and cool?
very much so, but it's boosted by the fact that he's a popular actor. i think your features are quite striking. you look profoundly sorrowful in every photo ive seen of you, however
>r9k skype group
oddly enough I also started actively using it at the same time as you and was also part of an r9k skype group. Never did move to discord though but i kept in contact with one person and met up a few times.
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You have to be serial killer maxxing
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pretty dreadful desu, started browsing r9k when I was like 15 a decade ago so I could feel some sort of comradery with fellow fuck ups. life has only gotten worse lmao, though the frens I've made have made it bearable. 22M with severe OCD/bdd and pretty dire anorexia for the past decade. barely passed hs, dropped out of college before the end of my first term lol, been 3 years and am now coasting into nothingness. parents are great and I feel horribly guilty for turning out this way, they blame themselves. currently deciding if there is any way I could live without hating every part of my appearance and self image (unironically controls my mind at every moment and makes me avoid mirrors and shit lol) or if I'm just doomed to rope. overall could be worse ig but I'm just so tired srry for blogpost
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Good luck brother you have my prayers
That shit is rough I know how it feels
i'd be willing to help you with your suicide, because i truly think your only hope is killing yourself.
if me and my bf made a tribute thread (i hold his cock up for photos/ lewds of both of us) would anyone be interested? m/f couple in our 20’s.
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Is this seriously the place for that :(
Massively depressed and lost people pouring their hearts out and trying to find others who related and u really be asking "hey guyz want some tributes???"
depressed people can’t jerk it?
Been on r9k since 2013 with some periods of high usage and some periods of almost no usage. Still a directionless neet autist virgin at 26 with seemingly no prospects of finding a woman I would want (another autistic virgin who hasn't been consumed by cultural leftism, shares common interests with my autist fixations, and doesn't have autism unfriendly mental disorders). My only romantic experience was edating two girls from the r9soc sphere back in 2016 and 2017 and both times it was completely regrettable and set my disposition to be kinda untrusting (the common thread is they were both dishonest). Thanks for reading my blog
r9k edating is always an insane gamble. friend groups are nice but there can be a ton of petty drama
Been here since around 2016 or so. Currently 23 KHHV but working full-time and might start studying soon. Somehow still insanely depressed, can't muster up enough energy to do anything creative or productive besides going to my shitty fucking job.
>/r9k/ soc thread
>everyone just talks about stupid bullshit instead of posting contact
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fembots, add me
yeah yourself included lol
Jerking off is a terrible way to cope with legitimate life problems and will only make shit much worse
begging someone to make a small discord server for us to hang out in. i can't handle talking to people one-on-one and am desperate for a friend group to chill with. if someone has a pre-existing server with people from r9k that's open to new members, please let me know.
>terrible way to cope with legitimate life problems
>will only make shit much worse
lol come on now
Have you tried looking/asking on /r9k/ proper? Years ago when I was still on that board I found a robot serb for my geographical area, and I jumped into /soc/ Discord threads not long after.
>jerking off will DESTROY YOUR LIFE

i’m not a coomer that wears hentai shirts outside or talks about sex to children. i’m on here talking to other adults trying to jerk it with them. jerking off is what got me through my twenties. god 4chan is a bunch of purity fags now
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It is what are you kidding lmao, that shit burns through your braincells too, you'll end up like >>33454718 and come to try and legitimatize being a sex weirdo and showing off you and your girlfriend's private sexual relationship on the internet like it's normal and something to be proud of and trying to do it on a depression based thread of all places, god that's just disgusting, have like literally any shame or self awareness at all
How old are you, exactly?
Also lemme get a source on how "that shit burns through your braincells", while you're up to replying.
this site is basically tumblr now
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fembots, add me
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If you want sex slop go to literally any other thread on /soc/ they'd be more willing to humor you, I really don't understand why you feel the need to drag it into here specifically then cry about it when nobody's interested then call the thread "tumblr now" like a bitch
Literally search on any search engine "side effects of porn addiction", it's not a grand conspiracy or anything, only way you'd wanna shill for porn is if you're single, a loser and had no hobbies outside of beating your scmeat til it cries, brutal truth
i used to run a pretty big one it's really annoying
there are a ton of you search r9k on disboard
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I'm a 26 year old man, soon to be 27. What a devilish trick we play on ourselves; brainwashed to believe in continuous time yet we measure our age, such a vital piece of our identity, in discrete steps. The flaw is in entwining our age with our identity, no? Pah, I have barely any identity left. I used to care a lot about maths, I became extremely good at it, but I gave up on those dreams some 6 years ago; it was all vanity and a chasing after the wind. I had artistic pursuits that I followed, I became quite good at composing music, but right when I was about to become great I gave up anything serious. That was 5 years ago. I must have first visited r9k around 2017, some 7 years ago if my calculations prove correct. In that time I've read many books and gained far more wisdom through them than I could have through image boards. Nowadays I am trying my hand at writing my own novel; a sci-fi that, if successful, will present man's fickle relationship he has with his technology. I wish to show how one form of media extends and distorts all others, how a seemingly innocuous and "beneficial" addition can drastically distort all facets of society and psychology. I didn't want to write a sci-fi, initially, but it was the only way I could transmit my message without coming off as cliche or redundant. I go to bars, I get drunk, and I write on scraps of paper. I'd talk to the women there if there were any, but there just aren't. There are just no single women anywhere I go, and it's frankly bizarre. I refuse to sign up for a dating app, so I guess it makes sense I'm drawn here. I loathe myself for this, I truly do.

Contact: autisticguy@mail.com
ain’t reading all that faggot.

anyways who wants to jerk off?
>caring about women think
Real men don’t show shame or act insincere about what they enjoy. Of course being social is the most important thing when attracting women before they actually get to know you. You can be the ugliest bastard alive but if you’re funny and social you will get more women than some 10/10 ever will, provided said 10/10 barely leaves the house.
24 M southeast PA
I'm into art, classic cinema, typical nerd 4chan shit, going to cons, learning new things (like sign language), the macabre, or just whatever weird thing seems interesting to me today
>Looking for
friends with similar interests near the area and around my age who wanna hang out.
A gf with similar interests near the area and around my age who would wanna hang out.
>Not looking for
Under 21
Too far away
u guys seem chill as hell, wanna add my disc?? thunder_dog0
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and still like a whole day after your first post nobody gave a shit
The coomer shill HQ doesn't send their brightest do they?
Very based username, if I lived anywhere near you I'd be your friend.
i’m gonna jizz in your food. i’m gonna jizz all up in your food and you’re gonna eat it and you won’t even realize it. next time you eat anything from anywhere just think about the people handling it. maybe it’s me. maybe it’s the next guy. there are thousands of coomers everywhere, hiding among you like wolves among sheep, ready to strike. I’ll jizz on everything you love faggot.
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I have powers beyond such grizzly methods
We (You) were talking about jerking off, not porn addiction. Come back when you're over 18.
Hey I used to be in a small michigan r9k skype group anybody here remember it? We had a decent mix of people had a few parties went to youmacon it was around like 2014. Hope everybody from it is doing well

Films...................Alien(s), LOTR, Terminator, good sci-fi in general
History................Modern, revolutions and American history
Politics................Anarchism, anti-idpol
Programming......GNU/Linux & FOSS
Reading..............Non-fiction but considering re-reading ASOIAF
Video games.......Retro Nintendo/Sega and PC sims.
TV........................Game of Thrones & Star Trek
Model building
Working out

>Looking For
Women interested in chatting
>Not Looking For
Men or transwomen

Are any of you guys from Poland? Would be nice to add fellow robots on discord :0
Speaking of /r9k/
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>Trying to correct me over a term inconsistency because you have no actual rebuttal
Get off this board, reddit is two doors down to the left
I started browsing /r9k/ and /fit/ when i was 16 and 5 years later im now an ugly tranny if anyone wants to chat or whatnot??
I've been on r9k off and on since 2017. It's just a nice board when you get past the troons and jeets.
It is the one I have the most fun reading through.
Everyone I have added from r9k just kinda disappeared, but thats what happens.
But I am also just close to a normal person.
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Looking for femcels and loser girls :3
discord: routdedeath
truecel from the uk

I no longer believe in love

foids fix me

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22 m uk retard autist loser doomer looking for valoranters to valorant with disc is talktuahtuesday
cute for a school shooter
Hi letter thread,
I have been feeling really bad lately. I know I shouldn't love her but I do. I can't really talk to anyone about it. They just seem to blow me off. I have so much anxiety over if she is doing ok. I tried to tell her that once and she didn't seem to care. She is probably normal. She is probably happy and doing just fine. Even if she's not I know I would make it worse. This is the rest of my life. I don't even want to use these boards or talk about this incel nonsense anymore. :(
20f. lonely
discord is 404.tan
cant add u :(
I had a dream tonight that a girl liked me and flirted with me. I love and hate those kinds of dreams, they always feel so nice, but it really hurts when you wake up.
I introduced myself to an attractive new co-worker and shook her hand. It was very soft and warm but she barely shook it at all which made me feel like maybe it wasn't the right thing to do.
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I don't wanna add any of you dudes because I'm also male and I can't be your gf and I don't wanna get your hopes up

if you are okay with adding a male then add me thanks:
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used to post on r9k a decade ago, seems like it hasn't really changed
i feel for my fellow bots, negativity breeds more negativity, it's a slippery slop that incessantly infects the mind
i wanna combat that toxicity, add me frens and tell me a bit about yourself and i'll throw you a compliment and promote a lil positivity in your life :)
(with the period)
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