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Post masc/Femboy feet here

This pic is from a guy I met on Discord, if you want more of his pics, just leave your tag
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A work from the king (I have this saved from a previous feet thread I'm not 100% sure who it is, lewdsole?)
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Yeah its him : )
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new birks. they feel amazing
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Does anyone like small male feet?

Mine are about 25cm long
nope. 11inches+ required. would a coed big feet thread work on soc?
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nice soles
I like small feet
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Big soles

Damn you got a very hot cutie foot, looking really soft too. Definitely would play with those feet
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Are there any goth, emo and femboy here?
adorable pose. very sexy soles too
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Always into small feet as it was my first experiences...growing up at bout 13yo friend had size 5.5-US (even as an adult), hitting the mall (as adults) he had to shop in the boys shoe dept. He had perfectly proportioned feet that I enjoyed for twenty+ years. Although all sizes are okay with me, size 6-9 are preferred :)
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British femboy with an ass better than most women’s.
Hit me up on kik. ‘Straight’ boys with big feet to the front of the line. Mine are smaller and feminine, sometimes paint the nails
Kik: Rbarns1
Big soles black toes
I got huge feet but I'm a top
got kik??? what size?
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Would fuck those feet. Kik?
Very cute! I wanna lick them and hump them
healthy stompers. go barefoot outdoors at all?
hi. you're the reason I don't post in these threads
Should be some meat in between those feets ;3

Not who you’re replying to, but why?

It’s very clearly a link thread about feet. If you don’t want to answer people who ask about your feet, the fuck you posting here for? LOL!

“How dare people like feet, in a feet link thread!!” What a fucking knob

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