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A thread for citizens of Australia and Austria.
>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
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>about me
I would say I am a high achieving university student. I spend the vast majority of my time procastinating - instead of studying. Furthermore, I have struggled a great deal with loneliness for most of my existence. Due to this, I've been unhappy for a long time. I struggle with forming any sort of connexion with someone else, and yet I yearn for a close bond.
My main hobbies would include vidya, film, and literature. I like games from any era or console generation. My favourite game which I have played this year is either Crow Country or Stellar Blade. I also liked the Persona 3 Remake, but that doesn't count as a new game. I've been getting into cinema moreso because it is easy to simply just watch a film; I have recently seen "The Victim" and "La Jetee".
>looking for
Someone who is a loner and quiet. Even if you don't have the same hobbies as I have outlined above, that would be okay. I have various other interests which I have not listed.
>not looking for
Someone who already has several friends and is not an outcast of some sort. By friends, I mean people who message you on a frequent basis.
19 Twink Melbourne

>abt me
I'm a cute femboy who flipping loves cuddles and pysical contacr. I also enjoy listening people rant about their interests or getting to rant about mine. i'm pretty much always working on a project so ask me about it uwu. For sex stuff, i got rope and a few toys, i'm not into hairy guys tho so, u should shave :3 (and shower)

> interests:
Flesh and micro anatomy,computers and electronics, limbus company and project moon, and penis uwu.
Also i love horror :3

'Western Australia
Fck it just hit me up if there;s anybody even looking for this forgotten part of the forgotten nation

Easties can kindly suck on my GST and are politely asked to stop raising tobacco excises
Sydney hookup server
36m bi WA degen kik: suckabro

Down to chat about anything
Wa bro here
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Would anyone be interested in modelling for street portraits? M or F, either is fine really. Trying to grow my portfolio a little and you can use the photos for Tinder or something if you want I guess. Not sure when but want to gauge some interest.

I've also worked as a professional photographer, so they'll be decent photos too.
Film or digital? Post pics.
you know who this is.
Digital most of the time. While I do film as well, it's costly and takes too much time for turnaround (at least for something like street portraits) since I don't develop my own photos and need to send them off to a place that does developing.

>Post pics.
Not sure the people I've photographed would appreciate their faces being posted to 4chan desu.
28 m melbourne here

bonus if you are/were a unimelb, rmit, or monash student. I am looking to trade and see content of girls who currently live in melbourne. My biggest dream is to someday see someone who I know. kik anon362919
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Doesn't have to a picture of someone, just post some pics ur proud of.
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This is one I quite liked. Nothing super special, but I've always liked how it looks. It was my phone wallpaper for quite a while.

Photographer yourself, anon?
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A bit yeah.
Comfy. Nice work on it having a hazy feel.
Thanks bro, I like the contrast in yours. Whats your current camera setup?
Sony A7III at present for my main and a Nikon D800 as a secondary, but might upgrade to the A7IV or A7V (but I hear it might be delayed another year at least). As for film, I have a few film cameras floating around that were my grandparents from back in the 80s and 90s.

Yourself? What gear and what kinda photos do you mostly take?
Canon 5D mark 2, Olympus EM1 mark 2 and a Canon A-1. I have a fairly large collection of cameras though so I often use other stuff. I just take pictures of whatever. I like architecture, cars, landscapes mostly.
>Canon 5D mark 2, Olympus EM1 mark 2 and a Canon A-1
Some nice kit there man, I was looking at the Canon R6 MKII for a while but apparently Canon doesn't allow third party lenses on their FF mirrorless cameras. Nice to see an Olympus too, I had an OM-10 years ago (not sure where it is now, I think I lost it in a move).

How's the A-1? Get to do a lot of film stuff then and develop them yourself?

>I like architecture, cars, landscapes mostly.
Based, I'm pretty big into cars and architecture myself. I like portraits too, but they come third in my favourites, they just tend to have the most readily available work so it's what I do the most for paid jobs.
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Yeah I don't know much about RF mount, but I think they're now allowing Sigma to make lenses for it. But other than that it's just Canon's own stuff.

The A-1 is good, its pretty much the oldest camera you can use and have it not be shit, it has electronically controlled shutter speeds so they can't wear out and get out of time, and the metering is really good for an older camera. In '78 it was also the only camera to have all PASM modes. I had fun fixing it too. Downside is the max shutter speed is only 1/1000, which isn't anything special. And yeah been developing myself, just waiting on a step up ring so I can scan them in properly myself too.

>Based, I'm pretty big into cars and architecture myself.
Nice man, you got any car pics to share?
>Yeah I don't know much about RF mount, but I think they're now allowing Sigma to make lenses for it.
Only for cropped sensor and even then, it's just one lens that's allowed so far. Fullframe is still off-limits for everyone.

>In '78 it was also the only camera to have all PASM modes.
Very cool, hadn't heard of that camera until today.

>Downside is the max shutter speed is only 1/1000
Not bad for the 70s though I imagine. My knowledge of cameras pre-1990 is very limited, so idk what's a good speed for the time or not.

>And yeah been developing myself, just waiting on a step up ring so I can scan them in properly myself too.
Damn man that's pretty impressive, have you got a permanent darkroom setup or just going DIY and using something like your bathroom?

>Nice man, you got any car pics to share?
Not with me at the moment. Plenty of my own car of course but posting my own on 4chan sounds like a terrible idea.

Where'd you take that pic at? That background looks awesome. That lighting is also pristine, especially on the paintwork.

I'd honestly meet up even without taking portraits just to discuss technique and kit, it looks and sounds like you really know your stuff.
>Damn man that's pretty impressive, have you got a permanent darkroom setup or just going DIY and using something like your bathroom?
You don't really need a full dark room. I just turn the lights off in the bathroom. The film is only at risk of getting exposed for like 5~ minutes of the whole process when transferring the roll from the canister to the tank.

>so idk what's a good speed for the time or not.
It's just average, Nikon had one that went up to 1/4000 in 1982, but the light meter isn't as good and that one is full mechanical so I'm not really a huge fan of them. Most people prefer mechanical as they don't need a battery for the shutter, but not having wear parts is a bigger upside to me. I have an Mamiya RB67 too, and that's full mechanical but they did a really clever thing where the timing is in the lens, not the body, so if your timing gets fucked up you can still use your camera and put a different lens on.

>Where'd you take that pic at?
Think it was Ipswich raceway, in the pits.

>I'd honestly meet up even without taking portraits
Unfortunately I am QLD
watching the footy
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>You don't really need a full dark room. I just turn the lights off in the bathroom. The film is only at risk of getting exposed for like 5~ minutes of the whole process when transferring the roll from the canister to the tank.
Nice. I used to never take even the slightest risk and would go full on with my darkroom.

>Most people prefer mechanical as they don't need a battery for the shutter
Yeah that's how some of mine are. There is a battery in one for the flash and I do like that nice warm up sound it makes when I switch the flash on.

>Unfortunately I am QLD
Damn. Well, have this nice pic of the bridge and thicc clouds I took from the esplanade just before the flood hit a few years back. (Slightly underexposed but oh well).
>(Slightly underexposed but oh well)
subjective, I think that's a good exposure. An exact +/-0 exposure on landscapes are rarely interesting.
My thinking too, but places like /p/ and other photographers get into your head about technical accuracy. It's why I'm still very hesitant on crushing black levels creatively, since that seems to be a sensitive creative choice where some love it and others absolutely disagree with it.
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>It's why I'm still very hesitant on crushing black levels creatively
Yeah man, so long as you don't do it in camera, go with whatever looks good I reckon. It's good to have an understanding of how your camera works so you can use it to its full potential, but people do get carried away with rule following when actually shooting pics.
That blue is just beautiful. I wish I could develop at home like you, film stock has such great colour and character that you just can't recreate digitally.

>Yeah man, so long as you don't do it in camera, go with whatever looks good I reckon.
At most I go with very strong shadows, but only when it's the look I'm going for at the time (like for example, broad daylight with a strong shadow falling on the ground and a very bright area that sets apart from that strong shadow). I still leave some exposure since I want additional breathing room in post however.

>people do get carried away with rule following when actually shooting pics.
I do and by too much I think. The rules are what comes to mind straight away when I'm out and ironically, it stifles creativity.
>That blue is just beautiful. I wish I could develop at home like you, film stock has such great colour and character that you just can't recreate digitally.
Believe it or not that one is actually a film simulation, taken with the 5D mark 2 and some ancient L series lens.

>At most I go with very strong shadows, but only when it's the look I'm going for at the time (like for example, broad daylight with a strong shadow falling on the ground and a very bright area that sets apart from that strong shadow). I still leave some exposure since I want additional breathing room in post however.
I think the A7 have ISO invariant sensors don't they? I think so long as you don't clip the shadows you can raise them in post by heaps with practically zero detail loss.
>Believe it or not that one is actually a film simulation, taken with the 5D mark 2 and some ancient L series lens.
Goddamn, that is well done. The focus is just right that it gives a film vibe. What settings did you use in LR/PS? I have to know and make that preset for myself, it's fantastic, like a mid 90s Japanese magazine ad or something.

>I think the A7 have ISO invariant sensors don't they? I think so long as you don't clip the shadows you can raise them in post by heaps with practically zero detail loss
Yeah they do. The detail you can get from near black shadows is truly incredible and even highlight recovery is actually pretty damn impressive. I usually underexpose most photos just a little since I know the shadows will have no issues if I bring them up quite a bit.
>What settings did you use in LR/PS?
It's actually darktable, I recently pirated LR but I don't really like it as much as darktable, I just had to use it for some HDR merges for work.
>It's actually darktable, I recently pirated LR but I don't really like it as much as darktable, I just had to use it for some HDR merges for work.
Gotcha. Still, would be interested to know some of the settings, even just a screenshot of the settings on Darktable and I could translate it to LR maybe.

I tried Darktable myself but wasn't huge on it, so eventually went with LR. I was using Rawtherapee for a long time but it was way too basic as my needs grew. PS is also irreplaceable, GIMP really doesn't compare unfortunately. I wish there was good FOSS for photo editing but nothing comes close to Adobe, which is really annoying.
would be interested to know some of the settings
Tone curve: +midtones, leave highlights and darken blacks a bit, but leave most shadows
Colours: increase vibrancy with a bias towards low saturation areas and shadows, increase the saturation and decrease the lightless (or vice versa depending on what you're going for) of your focal colour, in this case it was blue, adjust hue if needed
Grain: 400-800 ISO with little or no chroma noise, darktable allows you to add grain at a certain ISO value and intensity, so i usually denoise first, then add the amount of grain I want back in so there's no chroma noise.
sometime ill also use a surface averaging tool if the thing im photographing is a bit dirty or scratched up, as it just helps clean that up a bit, mostly you need to use a mask with that one.
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forgot pic
Thanks man, I'll give it a try sometime and see how it turns out. You've got some really good stuff.
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mid-20s, m(?), will be in sydney soon. picrel
reading (mostly translated fiction lately), finding irl easter eggs, looking up images of large concrete structures online
>looking for
someone to get drinks with for a couple nights (or food if you're more into that), catch a concert or two. maybe make out with me a little. prefer twinkier taller femmes but do shoot your shot!!!!
>not looking for
emotionally normal people or anything longterm
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Chubby hon bored out of her mind. Demi Bisexual and often found at kink events.
Looking for other peeps from ACT, or gaming friendos.
Not looking for immediate hook-ups, if we get along well.. maybe..
Forgot disc... ×.×

23/M/WA from 27.09
>about me
I'm living in Perth until December and want to form a friend group while I'm over there. New city, new opportunities. I also have a friend already over there, so it's less awkward hopefully.
Theology, lifting, mechanical tinkering, manga, anime, archery, gaming. I also like good food, visual arts and other trade work as hobbies.
>looking for
Straight blokes 20s and up that match our vibe.
>not looking for
Nonwhites and faggots
Tell me more about this flesh and micro anatomy interest.
kik: hcole97

26 m brissie

fag looking to feel exposed and humiliated. will send all of my nudes

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