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Do girls find me unattractive?
i would if you lost some weight
Pretty average looking, although I'm more attracted to young adult men.

I think a face like yours could be really endearing if you lose some weight around your neck and chin area and grow out your hair.
Not a girl, but if you're asking, probably not. From personal observation, lot of girls seem to find confidence attractive over any physical traits. Even 2/10 planets seem able to find decent looking girls if they're confident. Of course, the catch 22 is that it's hard to be confident when girls don't want anything to do with you.
Probably*. Misread the op.
You're perfectly capable of getting a gf. You're fine enough where personality can carry you
As a certified bio girly you look absolutely fine :) your posture might be lacking a bit but in the grand scheme of things that’s ain’t big

the only thing that would make or break you for any girl would be the personality. Girls tend to settle downwards while guys land upwards so you could easily get yourself a cute girl
post penis
You literally just need a better diet and exercise. If that's too hard start by fasting if possible. Just take care of your body and you'll be fine, there is no way around it though if being "attractive" truly matters to you.
You look alright to me, not ugly at all
Just lose weight to get additional attractiveness points instantly, not much else to say
Looks don't matter for guys
no you're cute. girl btw. agreed though looks don't matter for guys as much.
these other comments are lying out of their ass if they don't think looks matter. you just need to lose weight and you'll be fine. kinda like a vinny vinesauce look. that dude gets laid all the time, or used to, and he's cute
im bio girl and i think you look cute as fuck
I'm also a bio girl and all these bitches are liars. You are fat and your haircut is ugly. You have a large yet short nose and no lips which makes your face look small and weird. Go to the gym and get a haircut and then maybe you can be cute as fuck
bio girl and looks matter a lot for a guy. I find ugly guys repulsive and I'm obsessed with pretty boys with who could be models
unironically if you loss face fat and try a clean shaven look, you would look good
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eh, look fine to me. just not my type. look like an average guy to me.
Dude does not need to lose weight?? Lads tend to suit their weight better than girls. But even then he doesn’t even look fat? He looks average

He is good looking and I’m sure you’re just a salty little retard who likes getting a kick out of insulting people

Myself and other bio girls agree that this dude looks perfectly fine and attractive and surely out of everyone’s opinion on this thread…ours is the most important as it is our opinion he wants to know
Im a bio girl and you are a 9/10
speak for yourself, I'd rate him a 3. but thats also because the guys who have shown interest in me have been conventionally attractive chads so I dont need to save the ego of some 4chan attention whore
Looks like ur typical beastie boys fan the old choice number deux type of guy a c, c++, visual basic, fruity loops pirate ass dude from deviant art and mirc back in the day...
Holy shit you've lost weight the past few years, and I've put on every pound of it.

>"bio girl"
Neck yourself, nigga.
idk maybe if you stood up straight and not sideways like that
every time i see your face it makes me sad. you are not ugly but u have negative style. lose a bit of weight, change your hair, get some sense of style xoxo a hot girl
I'd like to see your hair a little longer, but other than that I'd rape.
Yep, you're cute and I think you're gonna look even better as you age :)
within the same comment i had posted i complimented vinny vinesauce so no i don't get a kick out of insulting people, i actually want the best for OP unlike you giving him some dumb ass advice of "oh only your personality matters!!!!" when that's not how the world works. if i'm retarded then you must be freezer temperature IQ. he does need to lose weight, or at the very least some face fat, to become attractive.
Im a man but you look atractive you just need to smile more to seem more welcoming

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