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File: WIN_20240918_21_20_44_Pro.jpg (250 KB, 1920x1080)
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emo/scene/mcbling/anything in that area tap in!!
tell us abt urselves :D

got a haircut and root touchup 2day, get me ur thoughts on that too lololol
Take a photo that doesn't look like you're going to end up on front page news after getting mutilated by some animatronic
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Excuse me?! That's my HUSBAND!!!
Amazing sex?
i can't think of anybody who still uses myspace
I can be an animatronic can i pleeeaaase mutilate you
modern take on scene girl
nice, thanks for giving us something to look at
do u live near portland? i swear i have seen you before
are you even old enough to have been using myspace?
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Show us the poster of the anime girl op. If its miku you get bonus points for being awsome.
There is absolutely no way that isn't Miku. Excellent taste OP, what's your favorite vocaloid track? Or at least, a good one that comes to mind?
xD is that mother freaking SKYRIM??? o.o you're so cute!! and a gamer?? O.O!!

im just a dude who lives a quiet life hoping that the world stops tearing me to shreds long enough to let me feel something. it's hard but I channel it through my guitar.

sorry, you probably don't wanna hear this... u.u

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