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A thread for people who are looking for a partner with which to partake in the filthy, deviant act known as "pegging". Consider including some or all of the following information in your post:
>physical description
>what toys, if any, you own
>prior experience
...plus anything else you feel like adding. Good luck, everyone! I hope you find someone.
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fuck it lol
>not gay or bi (i ran trials)
>dm for either this or to help me test out a blue/black mtg deck. i'm running Persist/Reef Worm combo as the primary but it's also a for-fun so i've got a Kokusho and Leviathian paired up with Burning-Rune Demons to make enemy suffer. i suck and it's my only deck so pls do not toast me with a turn 3 poison deck, i don't pretend it's a competition level setup. also it's color coordinated to be purple/blue lmfao. cheers

discord: Knightsundere
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27/m/east bay, california
six feet tall, 180 pounds, blue eyes.
if you like literature nerds i'm your guy. also a cat person and a cyclist. i bet if we met up at a coffee shop or the like i could make you laugh.
kik: cryinshameless
34 m USA married str8

The discord notification sound gets me hard and I'm looking to sub for a domme that takes advantage of that.

Disc - silverjay2345
38, m, bi/pan, sub-leaning switch, Germany
Don't have any anal experience besides playing with myself but the thought of getting pegged definitely does something to me. Feel free to add me if you are up for a chat.
kik subdad86
Any women in georgia? lol

My fiance just left me. I lost my dom when I got with her. Just looking for something to fill my hole.

I'm a fairly average guy with few limitations on request.

I'll share disc if anyone is interested
29 M NY
>physical description
6' tall, average body,
>what toys, if any, you own
>prior experience
Chubby femanon who is a huge perv and wants to peg the fuck out of a willing guy and then cuddle afterwards
Nothing too painful
bump. fingers crossed.

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