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rate thread.
i'll go first
5/10 - trying ro hard with the tongue out and eye makeup too heavy
Septum piercing, blotchy skin, slit eyebrows, cheap jewellery, tasteless clothes, clear attempt at getting validation, visible insecurity, hollow eyes, poorly-applied makeup.

1/10. As a British man, you remind me of why I prefer women from EU countries to my own kind.
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Not you. The girl you stalk is like a 5/10 though. Could be a 6 is she ditched the nose ring, the tard tier eyebrows, and generally toned down the makeup
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Mid from the local scene/10
Tinder leftovers

Lookin good HUNK
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Ma arki karo wejigaaga :/
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Thread's on life support after just a few posts so I'll rate some more.

Thanks. I rate your vibe In that pic 8/10. You look like you'd either be really fun and chill to hang out with, or like you're wasted and high 24/7 and would suddenly start stabbing people

5/10. Would probably be higher with Less face fat, a different beard style, and without the durag

6/10, above average. Rate others though
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You look like a younger zesty jesus desu, solid 6 out of 10

its a woman from the united kingdom idk what you're expecting, cut her some slack, she's like a 10/10 in ingurland
0/10 UGLY
0/10 closet gay
1/10 mexican
0/10 black
no point rating a troon ur gonna be dead soon anyway
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8/10, no amazing outstanding features but everything is pretty good.
9/10, good muscle, flattering hair / beard
6/10, don't want to rate high without face but as for body you are decently fit, but you would look better just a little bulkier.
6/10, friendly expression helps a lot here. If you have good hair under that durag and maybe lost just a little bit of weight, you could reach 8/10
5/10 but has potential. Lose body fat, get bulky, and grow your hair out shoulder length and you could become hispanic chad
3/10, you look like hp lovecraft. Seriously consider getting lip filler. Not sure if you're actually another troon but if so your facial structure is way more feminine than mine overrall so if you just fixed those lips and cleared up that acne just a little, you would look way better. Also fix your hairstyle, specifically the bangs.
pfft based + nice id

hier commes der sonne ahh telling me i look like hp lovecraft the museum called they want your ernst beaker statue lookin ahh back

(real talk tho you look pretty nice, you have a sharp sense of fashion :3)
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You look like every Swedish guy I play with with >>33452219
Based cowboy
You look like a chill guy
Sick moustache lad
2007 side fringe
Jimmy savile glasses
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4/10 Bro you gotta either go full wildman or try to clean up a bit more.
Jim Sterling is that you on ozempic?
7/10 taste in clothes at least.
9/10 for my fellow Dúnedain
9/10 23
6/10 26
6/10 24
5/10 20
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like a seven
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8/10 very photogenic, the hair suits you

6/10 bootleg version of the guy above, nice hair tho. maybe try taking a pic with the camera higher up

4/10 friendly smile but the features just don't come out great

4/10 beard and the thousand yard stare makes you look like a neanderthal
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Just gonna give numbers, that's the best I can do
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too much hair in face / 10







drop ur disc NOW CVUTIE PIE
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8.5/10. Very Model-esk face.
6/10 But im biased against gages.
5/10 pretty average. You have nice hair though.

Will rate others soon when not on mobile
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Based ecwcs polartec fleece enjoyer
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Tried to rate but got "system recognizes your message as spam" so I won't
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Reeling under melancholy again. Sorry, no smiles.

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8 in the UK, 4 everywhere else. As a UK lad myself, you are a dime a dozen




You will never be a woman
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solid 9/10, easily hottest woman on this site
>troon being hyper critical when he is just a man wearing womens clothing
Kek guys like you crack me the fuck up
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everyone is beautiful ok
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I have to agree. Everyone in the thread does look great :)
Your hair looks nice on you G
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bad at rating sorry ok hi

nigga y u naked
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Not rating anyone cause I can't get through the spam filter. Sorry.
The honest rate is 7 or 8, but I agree withe the others. Your whole vibe is plastic. You'd only appeal to young street rats. Branch out a bit and explore a different vibe. You'll meet better people.
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I cant rate anyone bc is callin SPAM, the fuck?
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18 f balkans
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Really nice face and eyes
10/10 I would fuck your face 24/7
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Not showing my face for obvious reasons. Those who need to know me, already do
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UK is a failed society/10
the indian-black master race of the future/10
>>33455725 -> 7
>>33456141 -> 7
You must like tool, weed, and fighting fascism.
hey balkan mommy, I have a bmw
impressive muscles, especially for 19 yo wtf
6/10, there's potential, but you kinda got a female english teacher's haircut, and more volume on the upper side is the last thing you need since you got a narrow chin

I deleted some of the (worse) ratings because I think the spam filter judges based on the frequency of digits compared to the letters
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Aus 18 M
Were you circumcised or left unsnipped?
Unsnipped obv I'm not a jew or a American
Fair, tho you could've had old fashioned parents
Thank God I didn't
Waifu shit
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You will never be an anime protag
18/m/EG thoughts on my hair and facial hair, like and what should I do to look better? oh and I suck at rating faces but I tried my best
5 neatly average
7 the skin suits the proportions
10 really neat
6 if normal 8 if nerdy
I won't lie, that's a good roast tranny, but no one in this thread has a higher chance of committing suicide than you.
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6 no 7
6 kurwa
Fuck you
5 1/2
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Also do i look gay? Sorry for unsolicited nude
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Were you circumcised or left unsnipped?
snipped :( full blooded German, dad just wanted me jewed ig
Interesting. Are you actually unhappy about it? And did your dad give an explanation for why it was done?
Nah, I just know it's the meme. I think I'm well off enough to be trimmed and it not really matter. I've got no clue why he did, he's not in my life anymore, hence the dyed hair
Gotcha. Then did the snipping leave you with a thin brown or tan ring as a scar?
Then finally, in which US state did the snippery happen? And were your brothers subjected to it as well (if you have any)?
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Getting spam filtered or something
let's play until we cum video call 15$ Snap: marianaauro Telegram: nohesantana
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Roast me, toast me.
I just fucked up a potential date on Hinge btw
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why are you so interested in penis scars
You radiate good vibes for lack of a better word.
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28 / M / Sweden
It's a fascinating subject, how all these penis scars are inflicted
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21/guess lol
You've fallen for the penis snippery schizo. He's been asking these questions here for ages, it's probably some perverted fetish. Don't engage.
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As time goes on it gets progressively harder and harder to selectively light and angle the photo to make myself look even vaguely kind of approaching acceptable for a photo, i miss being a mediocre semi-twink the linear passage of time can eat my ass

(I wrote out all the numbers in a harebrained retard attempt to circumvent the spam filters, if you can see your number you WIN!)
>>Three three four six seven seven four six
With all due respect the 'guess lol' kind of completely eliminates any ambiguity about your gender, a biofem wouldn't pride herself that much on looking kind of vaguely like a dude facially (i'm really sorry if you're trans or something)
>>Three three four six one three one three
Psychologically ravaged by andrew tate. Or maybe just a normal dude idk
>>Three three four six zero one six seven
Why is the median Aussie so so much hotter than the average bong it boggles the mind. Maybe it was imprudent of us to ship you all overseas for the crime of not inbreeding
>>Three three four six zero one six one
Feelin myself in the SEA LIFE London Aquarium gift shop
>>Three three four five nine eight zero two
Now THIS is the kind of pop culture crossover i can appreciate. I bestow unto you all teh waffles, O epicly-dressed internet stranger.
>>Three three four five eight one one 9
Elliott rodger x tyler ninja blelvins (god remember that fucking guy lmao)
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>Three Three Four Six Eight Five Four Eight
We now know that while multiquote triggers spam filter, literal "the numbers, what do they mean?" coded message tier stuff is fine
Nice Richard Grant phenotype btw, 7.10.
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10/10 insane eyes + Ginger Master race
Crazy pretty/10
Your literally a 9/10 at bare minimum
Would've been a 5/10 but the cat ear headphones make you a 1/10
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Excuse the dirty mirror.




yo op send me your insta on discord or smt you are one hell of a cutie
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Dough eyes+pale skin+black haired southern-Euro. Beautiful contrasting colours + ''the welcoming'' stare 8/10
The look of having a large social network + rotation of different girls on snapchat.
7/10 for bravery of using those headphones in public
Primal, dimorphic gentlemen 9/10

As for myself. I have a permanent vulva stuck on my chin.
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When did you transition?
are you kidding me? you are still a twink, you just have crazy low esteem or dysmorphia 8/10
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shadow wizard money gang
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5/10, go w short hair
6/10, bigger beard
7.5/10, longer hair no beard
8/10, shave clean
7.5/10, you need unkempt hair
8.7/10, great hair
7.5/10, up hair!
I know I need a haircut. How short do you think?
an inch, and wear a sweater
You are most attractive in this whole thread, in my opinion, 8.5/10.
>Feelin myself in the SEA LIFE London Aquarium gift shop
It's actually in Seoul
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Up on a roof putting a boot on this vent pipe. I was scared shitless up here, sliding on the dew, so thought it'd be a fun selfie.
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oh yeah honey i know

pretty good looking dilf/10

fuck man, don't fall, big guys like you don't take too easy to crashing on the ground.
>t. used to be an under the table se sue puede ass roofer
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Everybody ignored me so I'll post another
you're pretty good looking; a 5 on a bad day, a 7 on a good day.
27 approching twink death
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still looking good imo no homo lol, scruff looks nice but you should clean it up/shave the hairs on ur neck because it looks maybe not so great

its ok im only 22 and ive already hit the wall at 120 mph lol
unbangable, paki rapemeat/10
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My eyes are so fucked rn :p
i will track you down and rape you
mentally ill and loves anal
rape you <3
stop fingering yourself so often, your finger looks weird you junkie whore
I really love crack <3
very nice
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You look very Jewish.
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5/10 do you do drugs/drink you look like you like having fun times
you got a discord or contact?
It's always funny to see 28yo+ boomers who never got the hint and just keep posting anyway
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10/10, niggah
Beause youre cute and I would wanna chat with you
>>33484823 #
don't rape me please lol
post urs
not even your ass? :^(
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Do I need to rate others to play? I have weird tastes so I feel like my ratings wouldn't be that useful honestly
Yes. Or you will be ignored
Also you are a 4/10 but problem smart
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omg ur so handsome
Whats this
I just look like someone who fucks like a fighter jet


And you too. Ashkenazi amber. A lot of experience tells me you got lillithine energy and to stay away. I'd see myself gnawing at your neck in the middle of a busy area sober if you get what i mean.
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u fuckin bet
I haven't had a friend in 10 years
You'll have a blast of a time if you went to the middle east or Afghanistan. Jokes aside they would treat you really well, might be good to plan for a trip or just move to Kabul.
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Nice chin, I don't think the close camera angle is doing you any favors though. 8-9/10 depending on camera
You look like you'd laugh easily and honestly, 8/10
I like the hairstyle, again I think the close camera angle isn't helping. 5.5-6.5/10 depending on camera
Kind of hard to see your face in that photo, nice arms though. 7/10
Jealous, 8.5/10

Best photo I've got of myself, hides my extreme overbite/recessed chin. Be honest
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Rock the casbah
i would swear I knew you if you had a different eyecolour. bpd/10
i like your eyes and eyebrows but just put your hair down. you'd look nearly like my ex
You look guilty. Eyes are the window into the soul
Aquiline nose ain't jewish
Also purchase some flushing naicin and try some and take another picture for us, you're growing on me a little.

Your features are too petite. They'll like you in korea or something. I feel like race mixing makes lil awkward manlet chud children. No ma'am back to Patmos for me.
Dude swap that pink for some robes, you look like you're at your asylum interview proving you're sissified to stay in the country.
If you had a sister she would be one of the most attractive women in the world.

Pls don't troon out though, you can just go homeless in korea and you will be adored
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I never said I was a good person
Have a smile
Sanpaku eyes.

If you're shorter than 5'8" you definitely qualify for "murders someone in the heat of an argument". When someone likes you gesticulates menacingly I take it the most seriously.
How do you get mirror selfies to not look weird? Specifically with the eyes. Are you looking into the camera in the mirror?
Makerlab wizard but also has their shit together psyhiogamy
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What can I say you don't look like a real person. Like what is going on in your inside world for you to have make these stylistic choices?
ye I'm actually AI generated damn anon you saw right through me
> gnawing at your neck
what does thattt mean like jewish looking? and are you flirting w me anon :3
i probably should, my skin is always so flushed when i go out. nooo, i think 1 is enough. post discord if you want more
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The hat and angle make you look surprisingly feminine, 6/10
nice manson stare there buddy, 4/10
looking past the shitty angle one can clearly see at least a 7/10 shining through
pic kinda shitty but kinda looks like a 7/10
Forearms make you look like a sleeper built but shirt and hairstyle remind me of jimmy neutron, 4/10
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>jimmy neutron
It's over
you can always get a haircut and glasses that dont shrink your eyes that much or wear contacts instead. nothing is over anon, don't be a fag about shit like that.
I'm just having a laugh, it's a funny description.
Not sure what you mean about glasses that don't shrink as much, my perscription is very strong so there's not much I can do other than wear smaller lenses (I like the large field of view) or wear them closer to my face (which I think looks worse). Is there something else you meant by the glasses comment?
I'm 6'2
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Add me here:

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>weird tastes so I feel like my ratings wouldn't be that useful honestly
What do you like without rating anyone?
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8.5/10, Charles Leclerc looking mofo
5/10, ditch the stache
7.5 - grow a beard and you're easily 8+
7 out of ten
6 out of ten
5.5 out of ten
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Guess gender
Guess country
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24 F Portugal
Thanks, not even close.
Cute guy, 7/10
Cool 7-8/10
You look kinda funny but cool and handsome lol
10/10 would q fwc with
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M 18 Russia
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I like that for some people I look Balkan, but no, I'm pretty far from there
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i've been told that i look somewhat androgynous online, but i like leaning into that
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True, but your nose is a little wide for true androgynous vibes.

You've got a lot of baby fat but with some gym time you might look rad

You look like some actor and I can't quite nail it down

Handsome lady, above average

You look like you care more about air conditioning your garage than your house
yeah, i have a wide ass nose. it gets even wider if i smile. it’s genetic on my mom’s side, we all have it

also 6/10, longer hair and darker (maybe dyed) eyebrows would help you
>care more about air conditioning your garage than your house
You look prominently feminine
You remind me of a diesel truck driving guy who just works on his car all day and sleeps like a 200sqft space
Oh, sounds cool
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I would like to finally share body pics as well after being reclused for so long but, I’m also comfortable with not sharing because of my crippling insecurities .-.
I'd fuck the hell out of you if that makes you feel any better
Do you think you could maybe rate me, or would that be too much?

I’m srry if I’m being forward with this, I just feel like a number would help if that’s okay?
Need to see the body to be sure
Can we posts things like that here?
Here I’ll leave these in a link for you to hopefully help give an idea

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6.5/10 incredible eyes

6/10 dapper


Thank you sweetie (:
You got a disc?
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Rate and comment French Friends

Kik: volver7
TeleGuard : LMRZ6G4K8
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took this image of myself recently, i am in no place to rate others.
Honestly, these insecurities need not exist. You're totally fine girl, 7/10 at the very least!
yea, what’s urs?
I’m not the guy who originally said he’d fuck you. But I would definitely fuck you too
Why the different id
pasty face/10
because sometimes i’m on cellular data
Ugly troon
Just need to go to a barber and get a styled cut, also try to work on eccentricities specific to yourself.
Cool original look
yeah i figured
7.5 with great potential. I want to see more and chat on kik if you have it.
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Shave it already
You look like crime boss, very cool
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I'm so jealous because everyone looks fire in this thread.

(For context: naked apron cooking. Yes I know my hair was getting longer).
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Haiiiii lol :3

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0 lmfao fat fuck
Also is underage
your face is so fat that it looks like you have a 'stache
HOT AF! What the hell??? You're not supposed to be on 4chan my guy T-T
Remember, you're here forever.
I'm not that active these days but 09-16 I was here 24/7.
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5.5 bc of hairline
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any of you fucks even going hiking or wandering? all I see is people being indoors. Get a grip guys and girls, doesn't cost a lot to drive into the mountains and walk a few miles
If your best place to meet women is in the mountains, you're probably a rapist lol.
Idk who I pull looking like this

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but inside your bedroom your'e not meeting any women either
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Jealous of you, smoothskins.
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You look like a chad version of vsauce
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You look kinda like FitMC or as >>33506245 says
Ik someone who looks like you but with longer hair and not as outwards lower face
The acne and stubble are holding you back but you'd do well after fixing that

How do I look? Ratings appreciated too
>after fixing that
Oh sadly I can't. Last time I tried, I got dangerously bad reaction to accutane. Like on hospital bed bad.
20 m bi

Rating anything you want to send…guys, girls, ts, your cock whatever


Too scared to post myself in the thread, yet also yearning to…
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5/10 but see a dermatologist or good up skin routines products you’ll be better

You look like simon whistler

Idk 6/10
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Hello good I'm 21 years old I'm from Colombia I'm new in this thread kik samantDiaz snapchat samantdiaz.1
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french pretty boy/10
Cure BPDemon/10
-1 for nails
Johnatan blow if he lifted/10
wow, incredible! please make a video of you spreading your pussy open while you show off your great tits!
How do they get the courage?
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oops, here's a bigger pic of my ugly face
F18, not the best pic but still
8 and you promise that's what your doing.
I wear glasses when I try to impress but is there much here that the glasses can improve?
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I'm bad at numbers so I'm just going to give my opinion.

You don't wear glasses to see better? I mean, glasses are subjective when it comes to attraction. Personally, I'm pretty much stuck wearing glasses XD

But no, you're a good looking dude.

Love it, love the nose ring, very pretty!

Good looking guy, low angle is a bad choice with the camera is the only issue I see.

Looks like a movie cover, also good looking dude, but super skinny.
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Need honest opinions idk where I stand onnthe rate scale
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You look like you cook well. Cute

I wear contacts. I can see glasses improve it

Do u wanna kill me. Kids these days baka

Bro how old are u

Hi Oli Sykes

How scary looking am I in black and white
You remind me of a friend but younger

I think u look cute
6/10 Grow out your hair and trim the 'stache
6.5/10 not a fan of the hair, get a chewing device for your jaw
6.5/10 lose 15 pounds and get a haircut and shave could be 8/10
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You tell me, I'm literally to autistic (not in the meme way) to tell when I look in the mirror or from what my girlfriend says (I don't trust that opinion, it's naturally biased)

Forgot to mention,
Not words but genuine criticism and a simple rating of 1-10 with decimals if needed.
You look like someone took Elon Musk and morphed his face to be like the GigaChad meme or something. I'll give you a five out of 10, but that's just me. I don't think any of your features are bad or even average in isolation. I think they're all good honestly, but the way they go together, and the way they are scaled and proportioned is uncanny
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You do know the definition of uncanny means supernatural/ eerie, right?

But ya, this is my face
strange response but you did say you're autistic so that checks out. Yes I know what uncanny means, you look eerie nigga you look weird. Comprende?
You from New England?

add me bro ozil004164
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9/10 O la la
4/10 You just need a new haircut
6/10 Cool Mustach bor
11/10 Damn
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All my male friends say I look good and wonder why I'm still a virgin but I have never ever been actually approached by a girl in my life.
South African.
Genetically I'm Scottish lowlands, Northern english and Icelandic mixed with Norwegian
Turning 22. Yes, (east/south east) asians tend to look younger
i thought u were a trans girl,
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I cartel execution videos
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I don't take pics often this is the most recent, 5 days without showering
Dommy mommy/10
>Genetically I'm Scottish lowlands, Northern english and Icelandic mixed with Norwegian
dude stfu lmao
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I hate this giant chin/jaw with a tiny mouth phenotype
Are you retarted?
Should I post my face here? Feel like I’ll get turbo bullied lmfao.
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Rating in the next post
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Are you retarded. Ever heard of a strong faced woman virgin?
9 with that liner
rate me
Ugly hon
So, how bad is it?
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R8 me.
are y9oi super dry
8.5, Please post more. Any pics of you with darker hair color?
9, Saw the nudes you posted, amazing body.
7, Would be higher if you just styled the hair a bit.
7, Wispy facial hair is not working desu.
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I think you're cute, would sit in bed eating snacks with you after a good dicking down.
What’s your best pic?
Is it has form in these threads to ask for a second opinion?
Typo. "bad form", not "has form"
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Srry if I only rate girls but I'm not really good at judging attractiveness let alone guys attractiveness.
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not judging looks I'm judging vibes
you look serious and intimidating here
it's probably just a bad photo but I hope you look nicer when interfacing with other people
you're either repressing trooning or you regularly use grindr with a faceless pic
another bad photo
generic gamer ig this pic doesn't showcase what you're like
obviously a troon but you probably pass to cis people
you're buff but like you just look scary >>33517832
troon but cool
I hope you pass without the filters
I'm guessing right is you
you look relatively attractive but also kinda nerdy. girls like that they don't like incelly behaviour tho so maybe stop with that so one day you can make a woman glad to be with you
This dude is gay as hell.
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You sexy balkan princess, marry me right this instant
on god i would touch you
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You from the midwest?
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Nope, :<
Somewhere else in US then?
Yes, GA
Am I pretty?
Not terrible by any means. But did a GA doctor snip off your foreskin at birth?
No, is that important? C":
It's a bit surprising. Why were you left uncut?
Not sure, I think it's less common in the south and more common in NY and NJ and Maryland and states around there.
Half Asian half white?
Average, not amazing but not ugly. Probably wouldn't date though but certainly much better looking than the other girls I didnt respond to.

Only one of two girls in the thread I'd definitely date, take that as you will. I have a thing for long hair and bangs.

Now the second girl Id consider dating. That better not be a tat I see, instant dealbreaker. Otherwise you look pleasant.

Would possibly date but why a trashy pic? Instantly sus of what kinda person you are.

Not amazing not ugly. Wouldn't date, my instinct labels you as dangerous.
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attractive but i think you would look better with lenses?

camera a bit too close but u look good

why so serious, but great face
10/10, u look cute af
I like how happy you look. There's a contentment in your eyes.
Every guy ITT that has facial hair or long hair needs to get rid of them.
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I'm sorry you can't grow any.
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Rate me in this pic, also do I look /fa/ & how obvious is it that my sleep schedule is fscked
7/10, típica madrileña cabreada
5/10 - not /fa/ but also not badly dressed. Just better than most.




Rest of the thread is over 7 days old.
Any advice for reaching a 7/10?
21/F/ucking Siberia
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pic didnt post I hate this site
10/10 welcome back kim possible
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Egyptian 7/10

British punk lad

I would do more but the spam filters, also failed so many captchas
Ever got fucked?
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Thread almost over but Ill send it
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No rating because you didn't provide any yourself
5/10 - Hate your style
6/10 if you change your glasses
>>33527221 #
7/10 - 8 maybe 9 if you cut your hair a little, and dress in darker clothing.
Or maybe don't cut your hair, can't decide; work your shoulders and traps.
this is exactly my type i wish people posted their discords here. welcome back alex g

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