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Read the rules first >>17318579


Do not post content of others, do that on >>>/s/

Cis-fem only. Looking for other content? Search the catalog >>>/soc/catalog
Please don't post content without a timestamp proving you're real.
Do not post or request personal info of any kind.
No bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
No contactfagging, soliciting, or advertising.
No "more pls" posts. Ask the girls for specific requests
Have fun.

Old thread:
>>33383068 (Cross-thread)
tease our cocks with those cute shorts
You don't have to timestamp again, but you should take those pants off.
You need to stop getting skittish, ma'am. This is a welcoming environment.
Bump for the new girl
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I'm sorry to come back with such an average ass pic, would much rather show my breasts :3 Also not sure if I'll post again to the thread, but who knows!
>average ass pic
Nope, massive understatement. That's a great ass, and a great ass pic.
No, that as is fucking great. Ass on soles please? And stick around this time please, I really like your shape!
cant tell if this is calix butt or not
It's the new girl from the last thread. Calix is thicc, but her ass is smaller.
Video call and sexting until you cum $15 Telegram: nohesantana
If you do, please show us your armpits.
Hir0 must be paid for the amount of spam that gets posted.
the new and improved calix
It's not a competition, and the threads don't need drama for the sake of anons being retarded.
This is probably Calix being mischievous.
Yes Calix, you're gay for a phat ass. We know. Now post more of your drunk ass in /ass/.
Bump for Misha (hope you're feeling better) and the new girl
Anyone here?
Me. Post butt, Misha.
A bit difficult in the bathroom but I tried
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It's probably very fun having sex in a public bathroom
It is very fun. And raise one leg and show us between.
Nice try
Hope it’s as fun as in a club coz it was hella gud
Requesting a hands on knees twerk webm or gif when you get home.
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I am already going home but I can show you something I took some days ago
I can't twerk bro, sorry
I would love to see a sideview on your knees with chest on ground,bed or whatever.
Very nice. Id love to see a lot more. Shame you can't post a video of you abusing yourself.
Will deliver once I get home
I tried making a redgifs account but they asked for so much shit I just gave up lol
The way you posted this gave me a good kek. Okay, more full body stuff when you get home please, preferably bottomless in a tank top.
Thanks, what a shame on redgifs, seeing your juicy body move must be an absolute delight
Maybe erome then?
Looking forwards to it.
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I post webms eventually, posted this one a while ago when someone asked me to pretend to ride a dick
Just got home, will post fresh content soon
forgot the tripcode :p
Can you get in doggy and spread your ass? You are the perfect ratio of curvy and soft. ty.
Holy shit. I wanna grab onto those hips and plow you until my fucking dick breaks. How much does it turn you on posting for strangers?
Look at that slit. I want you to this irl but on my face.
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Finally here :]
I enjoy this way too much, I think about sex more than I should lol
You need that naughty ass spanked with your face pressed into a pillow then. That'll surely help
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Only half fulfilled because I feel like showing asshole is a bit too much. Thanks, I want to lose some pounds tho
Don't need to lose anything. If anything you need to gain about 6 inches inside you.
Looking amazing regardless!
Good goal to have for sure. You would be mogging quite a bit with your frame if ya did but perfect to me.
Ok, I don't want to blogpost but this was very hot lmao
Yeah. I want you to post.
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I think some girls look better on the softer side but since I am already tall + curvy I end up just looking big lmao

Some old pic i took and didn't post
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Somnophilia is high tier
Nothing wrong with that *at all*. Tons of us are into it and actually prefer it lol.
Could you do a PLASTT type post? (Face blurred ofc)
I've always wanted to fuck a girl into somnophila.
Closest I got was sliding my cock in while she slept but it woke her up. Didn't exactly ruin it lol
Tried but that didn't look good lol, but I just posted soles + pussy on /feet/
I am a heavy sleeper, would only notice in the morning when I felt sore and used
>only notice it in the morning
That is so fucking hot, I want you to wake up oozing my cum everyday. Your pussy is begging for it
Nice gams and quads! Still requesting those bottomless tank top pics or webms.
I wish I'd have access to your appartment. I'd put some sleep pills and drugs into your food or drinks. I'd come back on you passed out, would undress you, neatly put your clothes on the back of a chair. Then put a blindfold on your eyes and a gag in your mouth in case you would wake up. And then I'd use your holes for hours while also taking pictures and videos of you. I'd put a pill in your mouth during the process so you'd stay sleepy. When I'm done using you, I'd just clean everything up and leave making it seem like you there never was another person in there. I'd do that shit for God knows how much time, maybe for eternity. You'd be my toy for joy and laughter.
You are such a perfect fuckmeat, just made for being used as a stress relief and relaxation for a man

Post two fingers inside your pussy
Usa fem
I have a big stalking/ra pe/force impreg fear and fantasy i have always wanted to talk about and fantasize with someone about. I'm also going to be traveling for work a lot so we can make the fantasy seem real.
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That's fucking hot, I also would love waking up as you abuse me and use me for your pleasure. Can you imagine how ashamed I would get if I came while you raped me?
Unfortunately I can't put fingers inside as in
1) literally can't get two fingers inside
2) not allowed
Can you show more of your pussy, Misha?
I just know she has a pretty face. Need to tie her up and record abusing her holes until she cries and come back to post it here.

Need more of that waist and ass
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Sure, it's unshaven and quite wet right now
More like the type of girl only old people and other women compliment lol
Hot. Can you show an upclose to see your excitement?
When did you masturbate last time? Do you use any objects?
I don't believe the self deprecation!
Do you ever experiment with your asshole? A plug would look really hot.
Post your bush, Misha.
Are you Asian, Misha?
Btw. maybe you can write ME MISHA on your body?
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If I get any closer the pic will be even blurrier lol
>When did you masturbate last time?
Tuesday, masturbated while crying and talking about my traumatic childhood with my love <3 he was super sweet and helped me climax
>Do you use any objects?
Recently I got a butt plug and that is quite fun, I specially like wearing it outside to remind me of him (the orgasms are better too)gdgdv ;
Just my cock is missing there.
Love your body. <3
Why did you censor your asshole above?
No comments (been really experimenting with anal play)
Maybe lol
A mix of cultures but none of them are asian lmao, what made you think that ^^?
I just don't like showing it, if you ever see it I probably didn't notice you could lol
>A mix of cultures but none of them are asian lmao, what made you think that ^^?
I dunno. Just thought. I only had 'white' girls, so excuse my poor knowledge. ;)
Will you be a good bitch and post a pic with your plug inside?
What about your kneecaps? Can we see those?
I am not an asshole type. So your pussy is much appreciated. :)
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That's... unusual
but of course you can!
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>They don't know my favourite porn tag is BWC
we know. webm of you playing with your tits for a bwc load, pretty girl.
Same pose from behind if you're still lurking please.
can't record right now but I had this laying around
Bit tired from masturbating, will see you guys later >.>
The HAIR. Can you do something like this but full body, draw me like your french girl type pose?

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