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Post your pics and
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
>reason for femceldom
if you consider yourself a femcel
>tfw no older femcel gf that plays vidya with me all day and is into freeuse
femcels, do you like trannies?
Terminally online loser and not a femcel anymore but yeah
Femcels aren’t real
They can get attention and sex any time they want
Stop stealing incel valor
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Looking to talk to loser women and femcels who are into weird shit like monsterfucking. Especially prefer older (+25)
They are as real as incels. Both choose to identify as such and could get sex if they wanted to.
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not posting pic leave me alone!
5'6 fat
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
i dont look in the mirror ever so i just assume that im a 1/10 always
shut-in forever
>reason for femceldom
not only am i ugly, but i am hyper obsessive and tend to scare people off with my eagerness and extreme obsession. when i say extreme, i mean it!
disc : welladjustedgirl

picrel is the movie im watching now :)
How do I get sex if ima mentally ill narcissist and look like this >>>33462394
>stalking Laura
Guys don't text her she will cut your dick
right but the difference is the amount of effort needed

For almost any woman that isn't deformed or outright murderously crazy, the amount of effort needed is basically 0. The guy will be expected to do all the work, setting it up, etc. They just need to show up.

For most dudes, and probably all incels (since they're incels and not alphas or chads) you're not even going to be given the time of day by most femcels, let alone any women. It's not enough to just show up, they must look the part, have the resources (money, place, etc).

Lets not pretend that women aren't picky when it comes to sex. Getting sex as a woman is easy mode.
idk if im a femcel bc im involuntarily asexual and guys hate that so i gave up, i mostly stick to myself or friends in my classes, sorry for bad english
u should probably kill urself
19 usa
5'4, 130 lbs
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
androgynous and mixed race, matted afro, really hairy (i even have a unibrow and pubestache). people constantly mistake me as a tranny or faggot
>reason for femceldom
autism, severe untreated bpd, even though i'm straight i am genuinely repulsed by men and everything about them. unless i can be converted into a lesbian by some mkultra experimentation or some shit i will forever remain celibate

no shit sherlock, of course women want to date men that have money, a stable job, healthy social circle, etc. why do incels act like this is some "gotcha! exposing the cruel female psyche!!!!" at least i'm self aware as to why men don't want to date me (ugly, unhygenic, and insane) and accept that it would be hypocritical of me to want a partner that is much better than me in those regards, instead of incels who seethe at the entire female population for not taking pity upon gross ugly men who don't even know how to make women cum
his point is you can get dick without even trying or changing anything. You don't need a good job. You don't need to be charming. You don't need to plan anything impressive. You don't need to pay for anything. Literally all you have to do is bend over.

I'm not someone who says it's just easier for women. I recognize that no strings sex isn't what most women are looking for usually, but the fact you can get it means femcels are not a real thing. It's a totally different issue for you.
Where are you from, flor?
So you dont like talking about sex stuff, or get horny?
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I am not a virgin so I am not a true femcel. However my virginity got taken from me at age 5 so
5ft4 / 112
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
Idk, averageish, mixed race white/chinese
>reason for femceldom
trauma, issues with men & maleness, patriarchy, whatever you want to call it.
Currently I have a lack of will to break things off with my shitty 10 years older bf who I've been dating since I was 17. We havent had sex in about 2 years now (we live together, currently he is in the other room)... He has ED and can't be bothered to try any solutions. I also have ongoing issues related to sexual shame, probably from csa trauma. I'm a full adult, yet I still can't bring myself to touch my own vagina - I wear pads and have never shaved. Finally the cherry on top the shit pile is working in my male dominanted career field.

I want kids someday as well, but unfortunately humans don't asexually reproduce. I would be greatly relieved if all men were eradicated from existence but I am certainly too pussy to do anything about the problem myself.
Have you talked to a therapist to try to treat that?
>if they wanted to
Case in point, a "femcel" just has to put a blurry bathroom selfie on tinder and then actually swipe right on a single profile to have sex with a 6/10 man that night. Your average incel has no choice but to put in life changing work improving themselves to even have a chance.

>don't even know how to make women cum
So not having prior sexual experience/skill is the absolute bottom of the barrel standard for men you could come up with in your hypothetical? Telling
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5'10, 200ish
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
compared to cis women 2-3/10
compared to other trannies 6-7/10
used to be a software engineer, right now i'm in school
>reason for femceldom
i'm a tranny, i'm attracted to men, but i want a bf and won't settle for meaningless hookups
I went to two weekly therapy sessions every week for 5 years when I was a child. I tried therapy again in college a few years ago, but I am very functional, and I mask very well so nothing came of it and I figured I'm cured or whatever.
Actually, I'm generally seen to be a pleasant person. And it's not like I'm afraid of men, I interact with them plenty. I just quietly seethe and lurk. Regardless I don't think I'm the one who needs to be fixed haha
>isn't what most women are looking for usually
Goalpost shifting.

But that aside, women also have an easier time finding long term partners. The insane hypergamy seen in online dating applies also to apps like Hinge that supposedly tailor towards finding long term relationships. Just think how easy it would be for a femcel to marry a lonely software developer making six figures, you definitely know people like this. I've seen it happen even when sex isn't on the table. Not once has the reverse situation been close to reality.
If you feel ok, and dont want to do sex, its ok, dont worry about it. About having baby, you can just put it inside with tech these days
I mean that’s terrible that that happened to you but I don’t really get how that mentality works. Don’t most women who hate men that much and are molested as kids just turn lesbian or ftm trans usually?
27 cis M
Discord: snydercut
Hit me up, gorgeous.
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I’m lonely and just want a cute mentally ill girl to have a toxic codependent relationship with where we basically feed off each others presence. I’m somewhat cute and have long hair, very wavy/curly. White. Also I love playing ffxiv among a lot of other things
My discord is: chaotic_cute

You could easily get laid as a man as well. You just need to start chasing land whales, disabled people and literal grannies.

>but that's gross.
Yeah that's probably what femcels feel about most basement dwellers who would want them too
>disabled people
BpD is a disability right?
It's a mental illness, relatable to ptsd and as such it can be cured, even if it's extremely hard.
wouldn't call it a disability in the classical term, but it is debilitating for sure. Having friends or family with this diagnosis is often more exhausting than having loved ones with actual disabilities.
Bpd isn't a mental illness in that way anon, it can be treated but not cured. It's more similar to something like schizophrenia, with changes in brain behavior that result in occasional flare-ups of symptoms like delusions and psychosis that can be exacerbated by certain mindsets. Treatment can help deal with those symptoms or it can help to recognize and de-escalate the situations and mindsets that can set off their worse symptoms, but the disorder will never 'go away.'
hi im surprised u havent turned out les yet and yeah work on breaking up w him
Again, the point is the amount of effort required. Somehow people always sidestep the effort point.

> You just need to start chasing land whales, disabled people and literal grannies.
It takes no effort for a mid or even below average woman to post one or two posts on soc, reddit, or swipe right on tinder/any app and get a man who wants to bone her, or more.

Even the thirstiest land whales/disable women have more standards than the most desperate of their male counterparts.

>Literal Grannies
They're not looking for hookups with younger guys unless you find the rare cougar. Again, a lot of effort to find that one person, especially if you don't live in a city.

Meanwhile for a "femcel" of the comparable age and everything to an incel, almost every man of any age, disabled or not, fat or not, will want to fuck her.

The ugliest, fattest femcel will still have more offers for sex than the most generic, average looking incel by default.

This isn't some gotcha, nor am i trying to expose anything. It's a basic understanding of male female sexual dynamics that even you admit to in your post.

I'm not even talking about dating either, Just finding sex. Which women excel at more than men by virtue of just being women. Hence why there's no such thing as a femcel.
There are women that for me i would consider undatable.
But i know some other guy would be fine in fucking them.
>femcels are as real as incels
there's a reason they're not just called incels
Basically: don't be fat.
And dudes will make first moves on you. Unless you are 0,001% with your face being with some sort of mutation (unironically).
Sexuality isn't a choice... if it worked like that, things would be certainly be easier for many people
>So not having prior sexual experience/skill is the absolute bottom of the barrel standard for men you could come up with in your hypothetical? Telling
what are you trying to imply here? no matter how much i connect with a man and love him romantically, it's not worth it to also have a sexual relationship if he can't make me orgasm. i'd be better off just keeping him around as a friend and masturbating by myself at home. don't be naive, men are the biggest offenders when it comes to this "if she can't consistently have sex with me whenever i want whats the point bros!!!" attitude. also telling that you believe it's only virgin men that can't make women cum kek
>tend to scare people off with my eagerness and extreme obsession
why do i get the impression that if i add you this is the exact opposite of what'll happen?
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instead of making arguments and making the thread grating wouldnt it be easier for both sides if we let women think they can be femcels so they post their contact info that men may or may not reach out to? if they dont find anyone theyll be proven right, but you can still laugh at them for being miserable. if they do find someone, you are proven right and they get to experience that part of life. everyone wins in both scenarios.
Even if you're right, your mistake is to even humor those retarded points.
>go chase a landwhale
>go chase a granny
The fact that she has to revert to that narrative is a clear proof of the dating situation already.
Hello I would like to apply for one (1) femcel gf in Florida please, thank you.
>You could easily get laid as a man as well. You just need to start chasing land whales, disabled people and literal grannies.

... except, like the Holocaust, that's absolutely not true. It's something you made up, convinced yourself it's real, because it required to justify your lies.
I wasn't using it anyway
have you guys tried talking it out before making this post...
>recognizes her own problems but will do nothing constructive about them
>talks shit about her boyfriend for doing the same thing
>mad he won't do anything about ED when she's unhygienic and disinterested in sex
Woman brain on full display here
i lvoe femcels cause if interest isnt mutual i cant have it and every femcel hates me so i get no strings attached female friends!
Really wordy post for a doormat whore who's still reliant on her current bf
she said in other posts she's going to therapy... don't see where she said she's unhygienic. unless you think not shaving makes someone so? I'd assume if they wash that's still hygienic.
Nah, they don't want to fuck incels either. Hoflation is so bad that even fatties and grannies only open their legs for high status men.
You're assuming they actually want a man. If that were the case they wouldn't be femcels, because they'd accept dates from the guys who approach them. No, what they want is validation. They want to steal the label of 'incel' because it makes them feel oppressed and hopeless and special and therefore people will swoop in to pat them on the back and tell them how loved they are, it's an exercise in egotism. They don't want a man, they want attention. No different than the teen girls who claim to be depressed or suicidal; it's the sexual equivalent of cutting themselves.
Yeah this just blackpilled me
God I really just want to find an awkward but not mean spirited girl and then spend time to earn her trust so that way I can manipulate and trick her into going on a picnic and having a nice time.
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Yes I know its a thread for femcels but I'm still copy and pasting.

>your qualities
pretty handsy with tools, can cook, and I'm training to be one of the strongest, zug zug.
>your interests
mmos, competitive games, jrpgs, retro stuff and anime
>your quirks
I sniff hard and a lot to clear my nostrils

>their qualities
23+ stinky femcel thats a shutin and plays vidya games all day
either shaped like a flat twig or pudgy from a junk food diet
girlfailure aesthetic
>their interests
breakcore, /x/, conspiracy videos
has at least 1000 hours into any game
>their QuIrKs
shouts kys or retard whenever they get angry
uses ancient meme lingo and has their mind stuck in the 2000 era
>their location
doesn't matter since I can do LD or we can just stay as online friends

>your ideal relationship dynamic
hisses at me when I get them to shower
begs for food or headpats like a needy pet
if you dont fit the description then please dont add me just because you found my post "interesting"
I dont check my discord often since it takes forever for males to get an add
F 25 PA
I'm looking for friends to get to know, online or irl. Preferably other females, if your a dude I will most likely ignore you. I'm a total introvert but also an open book. Love rants and deep convos. Most days I'm doom scrolling tik tok, listening to podcasts or looking for new movies to watch.
Discord: pinklemonade222
Snap: deftonesbabey
Wait who cares if you're seen as a pleasant person? The issue was that YOU were unhappy. You shouldn't need to make your health about pleasing other people. Stop that.
Reads more like a big, hot whitepill to me bro, just find the clit like??? Like it's instinctive biology

i can be your friend (no bullshit)
5'4, 105 pounds
brown and facially masc subhuman
>reason for femceldom
im ugly, brown, and can't carry a conversation. I also have severe social anxiety.

disc: nonainkwell
> femcel
> troon
So you're an incel
Not a femcel but would gladly give one company

29 m GA pan
>about me
chubby and goofy, love cuddles and being romantic
Retro and fighting games, tf2, anime, manga (chainsaw man is so good), animals
>looking for
Making friends, watchinyg anime together and maybe a relationship. mostly just want friends. also lowkey horny alot
>not looking for one word replies
mfdoomslayer52 on discord
>facially masc subhuman
What does that mean exactly? Als obeing brown probably doesn't you that much on its own, I'm white (not a woman but a pretty good looking guy) and I've never been in a relationship myself and not for lack of trying either. I imagine these days being non-white is a plus with how the media is, like the black is beautiful stuff and all that.
disgusting troon
5’2 130 why though
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
full time wagie
>reason for femceldom
autistic weeb + pmdd. i’m addicted to the internet(youtube/tiktok/twitter), overwatch, and yaoi

looking for femcel friends
disc: catfoodconsumer. (don’t forget the period)
What kind of engineer are you? I am guessing electrical.
Even "femcels" have way too high standards. They're not interested in dating anyone on their own level. Femcels don't exist. All "femcels" are actually volcels because only through voluntary and intentional action would be they be "incapable" of finding a man. They'll cope by saying "of course we want someone who's a functioning member of society" but that's all it is, a cope. Shit is so annoying and it's a waste of time to engage with them.
Maybe more incels will be able to find love if they became functioning members from society
Breaking up isn’t hard. You only have yourself to blame.

As an aside, every mixed Chinese chick I’ve known has been miserable.
Shaming your partner of ten years for ED is par for the course
>don’t forget the period
I have a mixed feeling about them. I don't mind FtM, but MtF sometimes can give me weird coomer vibes. I'm biased, but trans women online are... Too vocal on some things.
Men can get attention from fat women, ugly women, single moms, insane women, basically the women nobody wants. Flip your thinking and imagine how desperate a woman must be to try and find someone similar in a shithole like 4chan.
No matter how much I try to relate to and understand men, men just lose their interest in me. Maybe I'm not attractive enough, but I want to do my best to make the people who I like happy. I love cooking, taking care of my loved ones, listening to music, being a good pal and I'm looking everywhere for a job. But I just can't make anyone stay because I don't give sex too easily.
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5'3 250 lbs
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
I'm ugly :(!
>reason for femceldom
I'm worthless and mentally ill

You look pretty cute here, would bully and gaslight the remaining self worth out of you
Can I have you?

I ironically feel like I can relate more to ""loser"" or spergy men rather than average normal dudes. I love talking to neurodivergent people because I'm very likely neurodivergent too, but the issue I mostly find is that everyone these days is terrified of commitment, or somehow, the spergy, shy guys I find had an ex-girlfriend that forever traumatized them and they just... Give up forever in love, until a better woman comes up.
I'm not saying women can't get attention easily, that's obvious. What I try to say is that maintaining that attention is so hard nowadays.
Man I relate quite a bit with this description but I'm not much of a raccoon human, I got decent hygiene and try to work. But I definitely have put 500 hours into terraria and play 2kki obsessively. The issue is I'm demisexual, I can't get horny if I don't feel loved.
Why would you post a pic from 2018? What do you look like now?
Femcels message Telegram anonymous_man_soc

Very fit male USA looking for women or anyone fun
Not bad
Based on what you said, I can relate to that. I'm not attractive, firmly average at best, I love cooking and gaming, etc.

What i learned is just not to make sex a way to make people stay. Whoever you do end up with will value you way more for having this restraint, and more importantly, you yourself won't get burned out as much from having relationships or partnerships that only result in hookups or similar.

You already play vidya I know for a lot of guys that would be more than good enough to keep their interest. Being genuine is such a huge plus.
>I'm a femcel
>but have a bf
Right? Shit reads like a parody, you can’t make this shit up, lol
>but MtF sometimes can give me weird coomer vibes.
I used to think this until I grew up (I'm 25 now) and I'm seeing that it's mostly young crossdressering boys and super early transitioners (<2 years) age 16-21 who haven't lost their sex drive yet who are like this. never met a goonery adult mtf only really sissified 18 19 year olds mostly
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5'10" 235
>>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
I'd say a 2. I'm fat.
I'm a NEET, can't hold a job and can't deal with school. I've dropped out almost 5 times now, and my longest job was a month before I broke down and ended up in the hospital despite wanting to work. These days I just don't care anymore.
>>reason for femceldom
Badly mentally ill, broken, trauma and bad experiences with men in general since my father abused me and exes manipulated/abused me, paranoid, can't communicate well at all most of the time, bad personal hygiene, countless cutting scars, basically no interest in things, can't even pretend to be happy or excited anymore.
U are cute. Do u have Kik?
Very fuctional does not mean solution.
Therapy at different life stages/distance from trama are very different results.
22yo nb puppygirl here; you seem super cute!! also i'm working on becoming a software engineer so we should totally chat
@bumblebees2520 on discord!
5'0 around 60kg
About average, mixed
Currently a student
>reason for femceldom
I'm fat, resting bitch face, no shaving and way too autistic for almost everyone irl.
where you from?
3rd world hellhole, that's all you need to know
Un I play terraria. Wanna get along?
If you love tomatoes add me on discord:

>not the same id
Anyways, what hellhole?
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25/twinkish guy/EU (Happy to be relocated)
>About you
Into ur regular nerdy shit, travelling, military and outdoors, mostly hiking.
170cm and pretty skinny but I workout everyday so I have a bit of muscle too.
Fairly average/straight looking face tho.
>What you're looking for
Women that are masculine by traditional standards like being blunt, straightforward, logical, goal oriented, dominant, cold, sadistic, physically strong, tall. The more of these traits fit u the closer u are to perfection in my eyes.
When it comes to this Im super open minded/flexible and like to please so more or less anything can be discussed.
The kinks Im personally into (u dont have to be into them at all but the more of them u like the better) :
Intelligence, chastity, pegging, ballbusting, cbt, humiliation, whipping, body worship, emasculation, forced crossdressing and feminization, forced bi, castration, penectomy/srs.
On top of that I prefer being treated as a slave, pet, property, basically as something below u.
>What you're NOT looking for
Strictly online
So basically, every femcel is just fat? Lose the weight fatty.
They're all chubby, and have lost/regained so many times their body looks like shit. Its rare to see a femcel who is truly fat, they're too insecure to get that way
>no shaving
incredibly hot
I can't believe chad would fuck that...
I'm pretty fat.
I was mobilefagging when I posted that, the id's gonna change like it probably will right now, so you're gonna have to take my word for it that it really is me and not some rando that wants to impersonate a loser like me, for whatever reason.
>What hellhole?
A hellhole in latin america
That's a new one for me even if I know there's dudes into it.
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You need a hug anon. Like seriously.
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Jesus fucking Christ, the absolute state of femcels. At least the incels here have dignity
It makes me so sad to see so many autistic people just mainline the fem/incel pipeline. It doesn't have to be like that.

I know it's easier to just stick to yourself. Less variables in your life makes it easier, but if you can mask long enough to find yourself someone who is an make an improvement on your life then it is entirely worth it.

I'm a big fan of polyamory with autistic people, when you need to be by yourself you aren't pushing your partner away, they're on a date with someone else, everyone is happy.

I'm personally in a relationship with two people, one is autistic, one has adhd and I'm in the middle with both. The autistic makes the plans and keeps us organised, the adhd is very much the pixie of the relationship, wildcarding and the emotional translator while I'm in the middle as the rational face. We each compliment each other and allow all of us to live better lives. If none of us originally masked we would never have found each other.

Fem/incel is fine if you like what you're doing. If you're doing it because you feel it's the safest option then there are other ways to live.

Thankyou for coming to my Ted talk.
>Post your pics and
Would never post pics
28, shithole
160, 47
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
>reason for femceldom
Never go outside, have to force myself to go outside to buy food/toilet paper. Too anxious for dating apps, no friends, no income. I wish I was dead
That better be Kilograms.

Is your whole lifestyle wrapped around your anxiety? Doing what feels the least anxious at all times?
Obviously? What else
Seems like it. I simply don’t enjoy living
incels and valour don't belong in the same sentence.
Female versions of online male losers exist, unfortunately like the men, they aren't attractive in the slightest.
That's just so sad. Do you at least have any interests at all?
Yes. I used to go outside to pursue them but I gave up because it was too expensive and theres no people around my age that enjoy it.
I cope with video games and fanfiction but I cannot find any satisfaction from them anymore so it’s more of a distraction than anything else
>I used to go outside to pursue them but I gave up because it was too expensive
You felt what the bottom 80% of men feel their entire life
>That's a new one for me even if I know there's dudes into it.
fingers crossed you find one!

>theres no people around my age that enjoy it
what are those interests if you don't mind me asking?

>I cope with video games
>I cannot find any satisfaction from them anymore so it’s more of a distraction
sadly very relatable - which games do you find serve as the best distraction for you?
>A hellhole in latin america
Alright, getting closer. North, south or brazil?
Thread for closeted femcel pervs
be my gf and come to west euro to play vidya with me it'll be fun
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> France
> 5'3 (1m63) 121 lbs (55kg)
>mid + awkward + weird + scared to go out + don't know how to dress / make up
Probably like a 6 at least if you smiled, volcel
By that pic, it's stupid to think you're a femcel.
>don't know how to dress / make up
If some familymember can't help you, tyou could learn thru the internet
>awkward + weird + scared to go out
To be fair, I give you these points
i'm awkward when i smile and irl im scared of doing to much and looks weird + physic isn't all imo
>By that pic, it's stupid to think you're a femcel.
yeah tbf i think it's 60% bcs of lacks of social skills, but still
> If some familymember can't help you, tyou could learn thru the internet
i don't have near girl family member except my mom but i don't talk to her a lot and it would be a bit embarassing + she's 50 so idk
also i've tried to learn to put eyeliner or lenses by myself but i can't do it
Your problem is your underdeveloped chin.
I'd still be your friend if you played videogames btw.
>i've tried to learn to put eyeliner or lenses by myself but i can't do it
Most girls start learning by 13-14 from their mothers, sometimes younger. They had practice that at your age you don't have. Start slow and simple, get good at that, then work your way up
yeah + my nose imo
what vg do you play ?
will try to find the motivation, but idk what / where to buy make up desu
>fingers crossed you find one!
Who knows, I really doubt I will considering my track record of attracting absolutely nobody. I think I'm more likely to find a dude who tries to mock me for not shaving than a guy that's into it.
But I can't say I care too much about finding someone. I was a little worried about that at a previous point in time but not anymore. It's scary out there so nowadays I've mostly been grateful of being very unappealing as to not attract a potential rapist or killer desu.
Stardew valley, mc, gta, etc. I have lots of stuff. We'll probably have at least one in common.
>what / where to buy make up
Dunno on other places, but hairdressers and farmacies sell makeup. If you gather your wits, you could ask the workers for budget products to practice
Post your discord
Any femcels here need to vent their anger at men and just want someone pathetic to abuse or dominate? I'm your guy
disc: lurkerrr666
I can give you my burner.
seems good, thanks !
burner ?
No problem, glad I could help
Very cute.
thanks !
They're not autistic they're just retarded.
You're disgusting.
I hope you mean this.
i do !
>I really doubt I will considering my track record of attracting absolutely nobody.
naw, i believe in you anon! if i can do it anyone can :v
not posting pics if u want my ig u can message

19 usa
5’7 115lbs
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
dyed black hair, white, decently attractive
>reason for femceldom
i am obsessed with east asians there are no asians near me if ur asian message me pls

discord blahhaus
Ur not a cel. Also you can find plenty of asians at the local library. U can also try pol and r9k. Lots of them post bbc stuff there.
Are you cool with Mongolians/Steppe Asians?
I'm happy you found your special people to be in a relationship with, that's great for you and I hope it lasts, but it really isn't worth it to look for some dude that doesn't hate you or is secretly thinks less of you just because you don't have a dick like they do. I feel like it's way more likely to find a pokemon irl than a guy that genuinely likes you. It is a hard pill to swallow even after all this time as someone who's always like the idea of genuine love, but I think I'm starting to accept it, just very slowly.
I'll genuinely like you if you have hobbies I like.
>what are those interests if you don't mind me asking?
Uhhh I’m probably the only one in this site who enjoys it. And I’ve posted before and I don’t want to be recognised. It’s sufficient to say that I’ve been doing it for years, even in the country where it began and everyone was over 60 and very much female.
A (female) friend got me into dragon age and been playing that for the last few months, usually it’s rpgs or strategy games.
If you wanna meet up sure, but I’ll prefer to know each other first
What rpg/strategy ones?
please get different glasses, black rim, and get bangs. bangs solve everything. then play vidya with me and be my gf
we can get to know eachother by living together. so come :)
not in France though but close
> rpgs or strategy games.
same here! have you played balldo 3 yet?
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I'll just leave this picture here so you know what kind of guys lurk here
Okayy very cool, but
how am I... how is this supposed to make me feel?
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Because the bay harbor butcher is comin
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25 USA
5'7, 200
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
IDK. Looks rough depending on my hormones.
Animator and student. Only part-time and I'm really not good enough to get into the industry so I'm really sad about that.
>reason for femceldom
Honestly I'm really awkward and overly socialized with other weird dudes. Otherwise the ADHD anxiety depression. I'm trying to learn how to socialize still.

Discord: dawnydawny123 cuz why not
>IDK. Looks rough depending on my hormones.
Let me aid you. 4/10.
5/10 French peasant. like onion soup
Disgusting живoтнoe.
This picture is 4 years old. 4/10 piggy oil
Yes because that doesn’t sound creepy at all
Yeah, last year
Idk maybe that is because I am an intel but you are pretty of sort. Like the seriousness of your expression, while behind you have your own fantasy.
I would marry and have many children with/20
hmu on discord: 98cicada98
Typed up a massive blogpost and it vanished...
Be a man and do it again bitch
Okay. Here goes again...

>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
I work at a university
>reason for femceldom
Hardware stuff: fat (and live with a mother who doesn't want me to change that), black but in the dark-skinned/locked character way rather than the qt caramel way, acne, gummy smile, goofy teeth, short (not by choice) kinky hair that a man can't run his hands through. And of course I have a factory condition hoo-ha.

Software stuff: just give off unsexy Susan Boyle vibes (which doesn't pair well with being black), too prude for the counterculture people and too counterculture for the prudes, don't want to call someone a one and only unless they truly are a one and only, saw lots of unhealthy examples of relationships/sexuality around me growing up which include but are not limited to: a relative conceived from rape (who then tried to connect with her father when she got older), my own conception coming from lay back and think of England sex, having parents who argued constantly because their marriage was loveless and likeless, a half-brother being manipulated by his wife into ghosting our entire family, my dad being poisoned by a girlfriend who also chopped up and burned a photocopy of my degree then sent the photos to my mother, a relative and family friend dying from AIDS, a family friend being unable to have children due to FGM gone wrong, etc. This has left me with the feeling that sex is inherently dangerous and evil unless it's transmuted. I have no desire to have a relationship with someone unless it's the complete antithesis of all the chaos and the pain that I saw around me. And I'm not hot enough for too many guys to think the juice is worth the squeeze of getting past my hang-ups.
To put it another way, take what Ghislaine Maxwell would have to do to show the world that she's a good person. It wouldn't be enough to simply help one elderly lady cross the road. If she really wanted to show that she's changed, she would have to be the goodest good thing in the history of good things. That's what I want in relationship form. I need something so healthy and positive and wholesome that is cosmically resets my fucked up family history and creates a healthy family legacy so that my children (assuming I have any) know what a loving relationship looks like. I'm also afraid of men who aren't untouched knights because if I go for an experienced guy then that essentially means that if we have sex then I will have to lay back and have things happen to be (at least to start with) which to me feels like a repeat of the rape and the lay back and think of England sex.

Also I hate those kinky fucks making fun of people with "vanilla" tastes because someone around me had food forced upon them that they didn't want (rape), someone put up with food they didn't like for years out of a sense of duty (lay back an think of England sex), people I know ate food that killed them (AIDS) or maybe it didn't kill them but still made them quite sick (the toxic relationships) and someone I know had their tongue cut off and simply can't enjoy food the way everyone else can (FGM) so after all this a bowl of vanilla ice-cream looks fucking amazing.

The end.
Gift 4 a hagmaxer
Can be fixed I lost 10 kg myself this year
Its OK, ugly people can love too
>I work at a university
Bumps you to a 6, 7 if you get paid well
Which means you are a 6 under the fat.
Nevermind (it's not your fault but still ew)
Add me on discord, let's talk.
>want kids some day
Don’t have kids, don’t curse some poor kid with those sub human genes

Would you like it if you were born and your mom gave you half of her incel genes?
I feel bad for ugly people, like you never even had a chance at life, cause your parents gave you subhuman genes
born to be a breton peasant forced to go to school
cute, i hope that i will meet a man who will see me like that lol
desu i think it's mostly my personnality and my parents aren't beautiful but they're normal ppl so idk
nice. i've owned it for a while but haven't played it, mainly cause i'm still looking for someone to play it with in coop (i much prefer those type of games with someone rather than solo)

kill yourself
I will need that discord ma'am.
That's nice, unfortunately guys like that don't exist irl for me
It would be nice for sure, it's been a minute. Last one I got was weeks ago from a friend.
>it's way more likely to find a pokemon irl than a guy that genuinely likes you
I will literally give attention to any femcels
DC: soccyanon
You have to be willing to try things too and don't be afraid of getting someone into what you're into if they seem open to it.
I've always been open to trying things, anything, I may be autistic but I'm friendly. And don't take this personally but men fucking suck, so I've stopped trying because there's just no point.
Okay that's a yes then. I mean it's good that you aren't trying to pull the lesbian stuff I guess but I mean you gotta be realistic. Why would any man gay or straight get with you over the alternative unless they have some weird fetish thing going on? Men are very easy in terms of getting into bed and a relationship compared to women, hence why the whole incel thing is mostly lonely males but even the bulk of them have some set of standards, however low that may be. Just being straight with you, no pun intended.
But I'm not a troon? I wasn't born with a dick, I don't know why it MUST mean I am a troon just because I said it's very rare for guys to genuinely like a woman.
Do you like Pokémon?
I guess?? If liking counts as one of those games I play once in a blue moon, what does liking pokemon have to do with this anyway?
would rape.
>one of those games I play
what other games do you play? which is your favourite?

24 USA

5’6 125

>looks (10/10 doesn't count)


>reason for femceldom
Men suck
I mean if you're being serious it's really not that hard. As a wise woman once said "Men are easy, just be nice to them,". I would say probably 90% of guys would happily date some girl who's half as good looking as them if she just given the opportunity but it's pretty hard out there if you're young with like 60% of guys single and many of them actively competing for a much smaller pool of women. I mean I wish men had the same standards as women since that would fix the whole imbalanced dating issue all across the board if you didn't have lonely men just trying to chat up any biological (or self identifying) woman they see online. The biggest issue for a lot of sheltered girls I would guess is probably that they aren't likely to get out a lot and probably have the same confidence issues guys have when it comes to asking someone out on a date. Lord knows I could never do that but if you can manage to do so you'll have a decent looking bf very quickly guaranteed.
I'll suck your balls! Go on and try me faggot!
I rest my case
nice post. cant imagine why people arent interested in such a great wit and personality
>Men suck
maybe it's the ones you surround yourself with?
for the femcels
add my throwaway disc: glizzyslurper
pls do not be fat or trans
The problem is you're nice to them but that doesn't mean they're gonna be nice to you, at least not on the long term. Things can start out nice but then they get tired and show their true colors and make it clear how much they really dislike you and truly let you know they think you're inferior and wish you'd just shut up forever and remain in the background. They really fucking despise women, can't even begin to describe what it's like to have a friend group you play vidya and have fun with but then the moment voice chat is used for anything they find out you don't have a dick and you immediately become the butt of the joke and get treated like some random piece of trash, just as an example. Some of them don't say or do anything anymore because it's not too socially acceptable anymore, but if they could, they'd let you know how much they think you're not worth shit. Butbwhen they're with their friends, they do talk about how much they hate women. They dislike women, there's no other way to say it, we're not human in their eyes. Why would I wanna be with someone that hates me?
I don't have a favorite as of right now, and I no longer play much nowadays but:
TF2, Zelda/Sonic/Mario games, Street Fighter/Smash Bros as something off the top of my head. Hopefully I can fix my computer soon and go through all the games I bought a while ago from a Steam Summer sale. Still itching to play the Yakuza games, maybe soon.
Well all I can say that is don’t talk to whatever weird people you’re meeting online. Never heard of men seemingly despising women outside of the middle east or incel forums lol
I WISH it only happened online.
>Never heard of men seemingly despising women outside of the middle east or incel forums
I don't know, anon. But I don't think things like little girls growing up and being indirectly told that they're inherently dumb and that they're obnoxious and should shut up are going away soon. And probably neither is being doubted about your skills, getting backhanded compliments, not being taken seriously, getting ignored or talked over. But idk you seem to live in a different world than me, so you tell me how it is over there.
21 US
5''4 and idk maybe 140 lbs these days
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
native who looks sort of cute on a good day and dresses alt
trying to become a special education teacher
>reason for femceldom
autistic, extremely smothered all my life, traumatized, very mentally ill but not in a psycho bitch and more of a detached dissociated vegetable way, genuinely convinced i will be a virgin until i am at least 30 and maybe have some semblance of independence. also i am a pervert with freaky kinks obsessed with fictional men/boys. also i am probably a misandrist. i have only ever had relationships online and my last bf despite being a fat weeb fuck didnt put in effort to actually come see me and take my virginity so this means i am worthless
willing to talk to anyone mostly but keep in mind the autism
dis: dxmvomit
You seem interesting, are you looking for strictly platonic or okay with some nsfw? Also what are your interests
If you want to chat, add me, magnumdml
You like Adam Lanza?
It's a promise now.
>>33497714 >>33497846

This is what I enjoy seeing in this god forsaken site, 2 human beings talking about stuff that they genuinely enjoy. ^_^
huh kys
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5'9 and fat
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
6/10 on a good day
i work in a sports shop
>reason for femceldom
i am very social awkward and shy. being shy and social anxious is only cute on good looking women. it looks very creepy and down right autistic on someone who isn't pretty. obviously my weight plays a role too. i am also a virgin waiting till marriage so not putting out can also be driving men away.
>also i am probably a misandrist.
Lower your standards and settle for unattractive male feminist incels, and stop wanting trash power dynamics kink shit in relationships, you should just settle for equal loving relationships
>Men suck
You are just mad that men wont make the insane bullshit high standards that you females demand. You should settle for less
I mean irl most people are pretty normal in any place I've lived in. It's only online that I see people wish me death because of my religion, political beliefs, race, ethnicity, etc. Guessing you don't live in the US? If you're a woman or someone who is non-White over here you can get jobs and scholarship opportunities that wouldn't be available otherwise, probably part of the reason women go to college more than men now that I think about.
are you black, if yes give me your discord
like my post said i'm awkward so sorry about that in advance. discord is slothtra
shhh don't tell anyone that i am watching the movies on adam lanza's list
>5'9 and fat
This rings a bell for some reason
Lol, lmao
Men over there don't do those things just because it's not socially acceptable anymore, but in reality they do feel that hatred and dislike inside. They only care about women when they can get something out of them, basically when "free maid that will cook and do everything for me bc I'm a toddler and she lets me get my dick wet :D" or similar applies. Actually, not even when the above is true do they care about women, going back to what this anon said >>33466738, it is true that there is a big divide between male and female orgasms because their partners make them cum but men can't even do the bare minimum and return the very simple favor, not out of courtesy or love, sex ends when they cum and it doesn't matter if their partners didn't. All take and no give. Men literally can't love women and will always dislike them to some degree on the inside even if they're not vocal about it.
Rest my taste with your anal glands!
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Why the fuck are femcels always rail thin where are the chubby ones
Also while I'm here why do they always LARP as Lain and Rei (yawn) when they can be based intellectual rapist Furudo Erika?
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nvm I scrolled up and found a few. You still need to get your shit together femcels
lol same can be said of women, especially the whole women aren’t fully capable of love.

Just goes to show you humanity as a whole sucks ass. I hope Russia uses nukes so we can end this bullshit species.
I dunno what these other dipshits are on, but if you're a fat femcel, hit ya boy up. You will learn to feel beautiful, god dammit.

27 M US, 6', white, stocky build.

Discord: snydercut
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
2/10 without makeup, 7/10 with makeup. its my nigga genes
>reason for femceldom
BPD, prone to suicidality, and fear of ever going through the shitshow that was my first relationship. no man deserves the dedication i gave him as a result of my attachment issues. it would always become them taking advantage of me. they dont deserve me.
32, currently living in Canada
5'6, around 132 lbs
3/10, chinlet, bad facial harmony, frizzy hair, bad eyesight
>reason for femceldom
A mental illness and physically unattractive
Eh my only recommendation there I guess would to not get involved with hookups or any fwb situations. You're only going to get pleasure seekers if you get with those types of people. Pretty sure most guys on this board are virgins so it probably doesn't apply but yeah, I wish in that regard women had higher standards for themselves. I do feel like I have been seeing a resurgence in girls and guys alike saving themselves for marriage though so hopefully things will get better. Dating apps really screwed over society this past decade and a half but even before that casual sex was already a trend for decades and it really shouldn't have been. If you actually have someone you're in a committed relationship with, they're going to put more effort than pleasing you than the male equivalent of a whore. Also yeah what the other guy said, that whole thing about wanting something from others is what those dudes on /r9k/ say about women wanting guys to pay for everything and all that. Obviously there are shitty people from both sexes but I've never really run into anyone like that myself, they're usually really easy to weed out and move on when you make it clear you're not interested in hookups.
Nah you're fine. Get bangs like the other poster said, try to get a close female friend or try online to learn makeup, grow some confidence & smile, you'll make it in no time.
22 in USA (california)
5'3 140 lbs
6/10. I have narrow eyes and a small head. Despite my obsession with fashion, my hair is often greasy
Graduated this summer and have been applying to admin jobs since then
>reason for femceldom
I'm technically not a femcel because i broke up with my gf a few weeks ago. But I am perpetually lonely because 1. I'm too obsessed with reciprocity and get emo when I initiate 80% of texts. 2. My hobbies and tastes are incredibly random and my knowledge for all of them isn't in-depth and impressive 3. I have very awkward and almost creepy mannerisms in real life.
You're a bio female lesbian femcel?
Yeah but bi
Are u smart?
I mean, I guess? I think intelligence is subjective and dependent on certain areas and skills. So I'm math and emotionally dumb but philosophically smart
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28. Philippines. SEAsian. ABG. professional discord reddit gfe.
need because of disabilities and mental illness and psycho parents.

48kg. 5'0. bm 21. wanna go back to 38kg. cut slut. use duolicious. shedtwt yua ass ame-chan kinnie

lf femboys and tgirls to groom.
I feel the 'obsessed with reciprocity' thing. When someone doesn't acknowledge your existence unless you message first it feels a bit shit. I also feel the 'random niche interests' thing. It's tough talking to people whose only major interests are totally normie, like whatever is on HBO at the time, or whatever ethnic cuisine is fashionable at the time, and meanwhile you're reading about phantom airships and the first flying saucer sightings or something.

If you're looking for chat friends my disc is crap.wagon
>>33503458 Yeah and I am 6'3 with 8 inch cock. Too good to be true.
You sound nice to talk to, what are your hobbies?
>reason for femceldom
Barely go outside, severe social anxiety, can’t hold a conversation, 0 friends, and underweight which is undesirable

disc: molchant
What’s ur disc? I would like to talk to you
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21 horny trans slut desperate for other trans/fem/sissy friends to chat n goon with while you help me further feminize myself! i’ll send pics of me dressed up in my moms clothes n playing with her toys i stole, and anything else you could ask for!
kik: femboy_noelle
are you willing to lose weight?
are you willing to gain muscle?
"Femcel" = couldn't get Chad.
I am Chad
i can fix you
but only if youre willing and in paris
Yo, my wife (25) went to cosmetology school, add me on discy @ literallylucifer, and I bet you two can get your hair to where you want it. And she's familiar with this lifestyle, so no judgment, just self-improvement within personal boundaries, lol
I'm (24) finally going full public femboy lifestyle and not giving a fuck so I could use fashion help to be honest... the harlot that burns my every paycheck on squishmallows dresses like a man so she's no help in finding cute girly clothes
My hobbies are video games (mostly rpg), horror films, internet lore, Japanese fashion, cooking/baking, and in getting into a few new hobbies like ice skating, fitness, and birding. The thing is, I’m not deep into these things like others are. I’m not a dabbler per se, but I’m not like those people who can talk for hours straight about something. Aspects like dissecting lore and game theory to the point of mastery is something that is less important to me than the whole message and atmosphere
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5'3, petite but "thick"
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
6/10 average but 7/10 on a good day. I get called attractive a lot.
i have a job in caretaking
>reason for femceldom
Autism and somewhat disabled. Diagnosed with C-PTSD, severe social anxety, and severe ADHD. I not only have codependency tendencies that make me latch onto others but I also have a have a hard time gauging social situations due to my autism that makes me come off as weird as fuck. My personality makes me come off as intense with a dry sense of humor that is often off putting to others. I also strongly dislike small talk. My lisp and speech impediment makes me come off as retarded to people as well.
So you're less interested in stats and more interested in the themes or aesthetics?
you sound really sweet
from sac right? :P
Yup. Like for example, I have been playing left 4 dead 2 with my friends. Instead of achievement hunting/developing a strat like they are, I’m just appreciating the nods to horror tropes.
I’m interested in being your friend too. My discord is graviphantalia
Sorry, no idea what molchant or sac are
So... I've seen a lot of people, whether women, men, or transgender, with a lot of depression issues here on 4chan. Since I've been on antidepressants for the past 6-7 months and I'm finally starting to 'live' again, I was thinking of offering a hand to those who maybe just want to talk to someone about their problems without being judged. You might be wondering, 'Why the hell is he writing this here?' Well, the answer is simple... I'm horny. Anyway, here's how I would like to set things up:

1. I'll leave my Kik for you to contact me.
2. Mutual respect is the most important thing, so let's keep that in mind.
3. You don't necessarily have to message me for sexting.
4. If you want to talk about your problems or struggles, you’ll get the utmost respect from me.
5. No, you won't be asked for any photos (though if you feel free to send one, I won't refuse XD).
6. Since I'm straight, whether you're a biological woman or MTF (yes, I consider them women, and no, I don't care what your favorite streamer says about it), if you're comfortable with it, sexting or whatever is on the table. You decide how and how much.
7. For the guys, you'll have to settle for everything else without the sexting.
8. Feel free to say whatever you want and how you want. There will be no judgment or shaming from me."

Let me know if you need further adjustments! Kik SertralineGuy
5'6" & around 120 lbs
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
used to be a sub 5, now i'm usually compared to 7-8/10's
student so semi neet
>reason for femceldom
grew up shy & fat as fuck and lost all the weight a couple years ago so now i have social issues and skepticism toward people who are nice toward me so i just hide away. never had an irl boyfriend but have had 2 online bf's throughout my life and they were when i was a teen lol
Got a discord?
Wanna chat? Discord is .boowomp 23/m
Looking for evil or crazy women. Rapists, abusers, emotional sadists, dogfuckers, femcels, if you're female and you're horrible I want to be your friend, and potentially your victim

Kik dolistrey
Any femcels in NY state want to talk to a former robot, potential practice BF hmu on discord. 28M, white, military vet, now college student.
I am in mental anguish and only a stinky femcel can heal me. I live in Georgia like goth stuff and play a femlala in ffxiv(she is my daughter) if any femcels want to be my ffxiv gf add me on discord at: chaotic_cute
discord: fearfulnlonely
Thank you. I try my best

If you like being autistic as fuck about video games and roleplaying in them we will get along really well. I've spent the last week hyperfixating on Sonic. Its been the only thing I've spoken to people outside of work about.
I am 34 M straight and have not been on the board/ constantly online for some years. I decided to check in /b/ is gay as hell and soc… is… different…

I have some questions:

1) What’s exactly is a Femcel?
Because it seems to differ from a “female incel”?

2) some of you sound really sweet except for some of the misandry, which I'm sure was left by some negative experience(s) with men.
Do you think therapy helped or hurt this?

3) same as above but as this being 4 chan… how big of an issue is race nowadays?
I’m half white mixed, tanned/dark complexion Latino and used to meet up with women of every color from soc back in the day. It seems there’s some hard stop “no shitskin” sentiments coming from people here. To each their own just figuring out when the switch happened or just an influx of new bodies and its the new META?

Thanks in advance
I'm adding you, I always had to play pretend in video games as a kid bc they were too boring/restricting. If you like Sonic you'll love one of the comics I'm working on, it's about an alien Jesus that would have been rad as hell if he had landed in the 90s, but now he just seems more sad and pathetic than totally tubular.

Oh that's perfect, I fucking love breaking down the different inspirations that went into a piece of art. The stats are boring, don't give me that shit, what's the piece trying to say and does it, THAT'S the good shit. I sent you a request too
>no shitskin
alot of those people are trannies trying to counter bbc spam.
You know I keep seeing your different posts around here and my initial reaction is "hey she sounds like she might be nice" every single time.
My gut instinct says just from that you're probably going to have someone decent that adds you.
Unfortunately we both like White people, but I do wish you the best.
Contact? I don't really care that much about sex and you seem really chill. I wouldn't mind getting to know you
uh i live in brittany sorry
ayy, that's where my ancestors are from. wonder if we're related :^)
Looking for all femcels to chat with and maybe get off with, I want to make you feel special. Tell me what you’re into, what you wish you could do and how bad you want it

Kik: theranon
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was a femcel and spontaneously became a tradwife overnight, similar to an "adopt a NEET" situation. i spend a lot of time alone, my husband works a lot. i just really want a friend who is NEET and has a lot of time to talk to me. i am really codependent once i start to like someone, and i like talking on the phone a lot. also im not a tranny, i just have a deeper voice. i like cooking, baking(bread), fermentation of all sorts, stardew valley and core keeper, backrooms lore, anime. i like watching movies with people.

not looking for communists and/or other forms of leftists, woke people, politically correct, etc. i am VERY alt right.

discord: fourteen.words
email: yanfei@cock.li
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join this femcel friendly server to make more girlfailures friends and feel less lonely and useless:3

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>posts in femcel thread
>wants to be codependent on someone that isnt her husband
What is your discord?
18/ (currently) usa

5'1 and 90 lbs

>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
i would never rate myself im not retarded and insecure. i think i'm pretty, i know confidence is like a cardinal sin on here and will attract negativity but i don't really care. my looks were never my problem when it came to building connections.


>reason for femceldom/
i have serious apprehension to trust men. i also normally find women funnier (ik) and more interesting. in a platonic way i am straight not bi.
any time i've attempted to trust a man (aside from one angel of a man) i've regretted it. i think guys make a mistake of viewing me as weak or someone who would be easy to manipulate but actually i cut people off pretty fast if they fuck me over or attempt to use me.

i wouldn't even say i'm jaded to be honest i just don't like stupid people who do stupid things and don't take me into account. also if you are over 28 and you want to add me you better be prepared to seriously add value to my life, otherwise stay in your own appropriate age range, thank you very much.

I've been through the same thing but with women. Every time I trusted one, they discarded me.
women, eh?
What app is that user for?
>pervert with freaky kinks obsessed with fictional men/boys
Like what, and who?
who's this?
wow bestie we have sm in common
hi kellybean :3
hi. who is this?
your future husband~
idk who this is but dm me if u have me on dc
wait, duckie?
oohh really cool ! where are you from ?
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horny and lonely
so are you 20 or 18
she is 20 someone took her pic and posted it
There is nothing wrong with my genes or my bio moms genes. I've always been healthy, slim and intelligent. But anways I think instead of biological reproduction I'm considering fostering and adopting more. Nuture over nature has always been my experience in any case.
First sentence. I am not a femcel but I lurk often.
Mechanical / field is aerospace. Weird guess
Yeah typing things out helped me think so we communicated and he is at his mom's for a while.
Also both of (you) have stinky ballsacks. I am proud of my progress even knowing moids will always attempt to tear me down.
based ngl that bitch needed to be humbled.

I think a lot of WF/AM couples today are girls that got sexually abused and find it less re-traumatizing to fuck hairless Asian men.
Made me wonder if the reverse might be true where a sexually abused Asian girl would go for fat hairy white men.
not ugly at all, hell I'd be nervous as fuck to ask you out if I saw you across the room
>men are the biggest offenders when it comes to this "if she can't consistently have sex with me whenever i want whats the point bros!!!"
that's because keeping the company of a woman is tedious and taxing. it's typically a sink that drains a man, and a mental depletion. the quickest (but not the only) way to overcome that tax is to drain his balls. women trade sex to receive love. men trade love to receive sex.
hiii! how is your mum doing? hope she's doing better than the last time we spoke <3
take the y off brittany and you're there! my ancestors were some of the celts who fled to france to escape the anglo-saxon invasion C:
my mom is doing a lot better, thanks. if you ever want to talk, just let me know :) <3
nta but are you only interested in white guys?
doesn't work
>>33465699 sadly thats not true at all. im skinny and id say im a solid 7.5/10 and i dont get approached by men at all. maybe its because i dont interact/talk much with men. idk i suspect its the negative vibe i give off. idk why desu. its a total misconception that dudes always make moves on girls
>id say im a solid 7.5/10 and i dont get approached by men at all
Unrelated, but what do you want in a guy?
youre so pretty!! i'd say youre a 7/10
i'm interested in all races of men, however white men seem to be the only race interested in me but i don't mind :)
>my mom is doing a lot better, thanks.
glad to hear that!
>if you ever want to talk, just let me know :) <3
ofc i do c: are you still on acc starting with R?
idk desu. idk if im even attracted to guys anymore... i have a boyfriend rn but i approached him and i was the one asking if he'd like to be my boyfriend. took a long time tho bcs we're both really awkward. due to a depressive episode i've lost all attraction and the desire to be in a relationship... so it looks like i gotta break up w him bcs thats just unfair if i was in a relationship with him. sorry for the long rant what im tring to say is i dont know. he is literally objectively the perfect guy and i never had any real standarts for guys. well idk but my type in guys was always nerds. like if the people i had crushes on were almost always smart and introverted. tho id say the only thing id really want is a guy to make me laugh. because i think thats what i am missing maybe in my relationship. becuase my boyfriend is literally perfect like he buys me flowers, he is very caring and smart etc. but hes very unfunny. i think he made me laugh maybe 2 times. im sorry that im writing so much you
Yeah the whole femcel subreddit going private is proof
the first words are supposed to be idk desu and not idk desu
>femcel thread
>half the supposed femcels have boyfriends
im pretty sure i saw only one girl having a boyfriend and claiming to be a femcel... what r u on
>he is literally objectively the perfect guy
>my boyfriend is literally perfect
Take notes guys, even if you are perfect they will still leave you.
dude... did you even read the whole thing??.. im going through a depressive episode and I LOST FEELINGS. its not like i chose to feel this way. do you want me to still be with him if i dont truly love him? he doesnt deserve being with a person that doesnt love him.. im not leaving him for now tho, because i dont know if its going to get better
You dont deserve anyone just stay single
Do you have a discord you could share?
People who "lose feelings" aren't mature enough for relationships, you should communicate this to your bf so you don't waste more of his life on a girl that will only damage him in the long run. No matter what, I promise you will only be a detriment to his life, breaking up is the only act of kindness you can do for him.
im like almost-a-tranny-but-actually-just-like-being-pretty and need to learn makeup better too, we could practice together if u want some like...company or whatever ig. i google that shit all the time lol

disc's _sleepyhedd
>did you even read the whole thing??
I did actually. You got depressed and "suddenly" lost attraction to this supposedly perfect person.
>>tho id say the only thing id really want is a guy to make me laugh. because i think thats what i am missing maybe in my relationship. becuase my boyfriend is literally perfect like he buys me flowers, he is very caring and smart etc. but hes very unfunny
This right here though just seems like you are dumping him for some shallow reason.
You don't just "lose feelings" that easy. Have you talked with your bf? Have you considered possible therapy? If this person is so perfect you would be willing to work on it instead of just ending it outright. Sounds like you want a reason to end it because you got depressed.
10/10 would get groomed by
mmmm not quite. it's actually a bit tragic that im into the shit i am, cuz i think i'm prob cuter as a guy/have a pretty nice jawline. desu id prob just continue identifying as a dude and get really good at eyeshadow (but i do kinda want booba/butt too so idk where im at on it rly) that said if i continue to be a well-groomed man with long hair/clear mascara/regularly moisturized skin it's prob not the end of the world
Hey, I'm in an eerily similar situation as you lmao, I sent you a friend request on discord. I'm Rose.

Pones cachondo hasta a un ciego, por favor
Once again proving trannies cant/wont read
well thank you but i am in therapy actually. and idk why i lost feelings bro. its not my fault. and i never wanted to loose feelings because he is literal marriage material. and i am not "ending it outright" ive been thinking about this for a month at least. im not just dumping him carelessly because i got depressed. im genuinely trying to get feelings for him but it just wont work. i have not yet talked to him tho (and i know im in the wrong for that) because he recently moved away to study and idk how he'll take it. he didnt make many friends there yet and the uni he's going to is very strict and hard. i dont want to impact his situation rn where he is away from family and friends. and to be honest i dont even know how i could approach this topic. i need to think about this more before i talk to him
>This right here though just seems like you are dumping him for some shallow reason.
imcompatible personalities is probably one of the least shallow reasons you could ever have for ending a relationship
iNcompatible* :))
>he's perfect marriage material
>but like omg he doesn't make me laugh
You're going to break that poor man's heart. I feel sorry for him. Thanks for another blackpill dose.
The only incompatible thing stated is that he is not funny. Imagine willfully wanting to go through the process of modern dating and dumping the most perfect person just because they can't make you laugh.
You waited until he moved away, when he's at his most vulnerable with no local support net to pull this shit? Man I genuinely feel sorry for this guy. Gonna get his heart absolutely shattered because you have piss poor communication skills. This should've been a conversation as soon as the feelings started getting doubted.
>There is nothing wrong with my genes
> mixed race white/chinese
ror, rmao even
EXCUSE ME i did NOT wait until he moved away. help you just hate women do you?? and im not "dumping him because he can't make me laugh" im just thinking about breaking up with him because i cant love him rn "gonna get his heart absolutely shattered" bro i dont even know if he loves me?? we're together since like 2 months maybe. and idk have you ever been in a relationship? would you want to stay in a relationship if you knew the person doesnt love you?? genuinely what the fuck do you expect me to do? what should i have done differently? tell me, because i cant see your point here. and dont tell me "oh you shouldnt have gotten into a relationship" I DIDNT KNOW THIS WOULD HAPPEN. this situation is completely new for me and idk what to do about it. thats why i take this of a long time to think about it. idk why you are framing me as like this evil person that waits until he is the most vulnerable so i can backstab him and hurt him in the most unimaginable way. i genuinely dont know what to do rn and your bullshit answers doent help a single bit
go project your insecurities somewhere else. idk who hurt you. if im going to break up with him im going to do it in the softest way possible
dont make up ur mind that breaking up is the best thing to do, for his sake, yet. having been on the other side of that, it really sucks for your partner to have already basically made up their mind that they should leave you for your own good in a 'its not you it's me' situation. think for a while, but you two should decide together what's best for the both of you, not alone <3
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are there any well adjusted highly agreeable and charismatic male manipulators who would settle with a schizoid betabuxxer queen
we're all over but you refuse to take yes for an answer
idk to be honest i want to talk to him but i dont know how to approach the topic without hurting his feelings :( thanks for the kind advice tho it's nice having an insight from the other side :) <3 if i might ask, what do you wish for that your ex should have or should not have done
this is true but ive been mindbroken so ill take one now
Yeah sure drop a discord and I'll add you.
>we're together since like 2 months maybe
This should've been mentioned way before, especially considering you said you've been thinking of breaking up for a month. How did you go from determining this person is perfect and marriage material in a month's time to you don't love him?
>because i cant love him rn
So is it you don't love him at all or just can't love him RIGHT NOW? Because that is a big difference. And considering your bf is in Uni, this tells me you are fairly young and this now sounds like you basically still wanna go have fun and don't wanna settle at this moment.
>> what should i have done differently?
"Hey babe, I know it's only been a month but I'm starting to have doubts. *insert discussion here*" Not saying the discussion won't be hard, but letting it linger for a damn month is going to make it even worse. Women PREACH communication yet absolutely refuse to when it will make them look bad.
>>have you ever been in a relationship?
Yeah I have, I've even been married before she decided to cheat and used the "it's not you it's me" line. Go ahead and attempt to try and blame me for it though.
>>i dont know how to approach the topic without hurting his feelings
It's going to hurt his feelings no matter what. No one likes to be broken up with especially when they think nothing is wrong. You made it worse however by deciding to wait over a month now to even communicate having doubts. Now he's away and it's gonna be an even bigger deal.
maybe i worded it incorrectly before, im sorry for that but its not like a month ago i just thought "hell yeah i should break up with him i dont love him anymore", its that i started considering it like "somehow i dont have any feelings anymore what should i do?? breaking up seems the only morally correct thing to do" i have issues with confrontation so i wont say anything if i just have small doubts. it took me a while actually to even understand that i lost feelings. and i actually dont care abt having fun bcs im very introverted and dont really have any fun atm also i mentioned that i lost attraction to men in general. idk i kinda figured i am maybe not the person for a relationship rn or in general(idk yet). and to your second question. thats why i havent broken up yet. because i genuinely dont know if i will start to like him again if my mental health gets better. and thank you for the suggestion on how to start the conversation that sounds really good actually. and idc abt it making me look bad really because literally how. its not my fault that i lost feelings. its common for people with depression to loose feelings/interest so its not even a thing that just happened to me randomly. and im sorry that happened to you, you didnt deserve that, but please dont project what she did to you onto me, because you've tried to frame me that im trying to hurt him for like the past 5 comments you wrote
>>i have issues with confrontation so i wont say anything if i just have small doubts
This is where we differ, but I'm also older with more experience. It's something you get over eventually with time.
>>i lost attraction to men in general
Do you think you are turning gay or no attraction to anyone period? Also is this your first bf? Cuz it's starting to sound like it.
>>i genuinely dont know if i will start to like him again
Purely based on my own experiences/observations, once feelings are gone they are gone. Some might return but it will never be in the same way.
>>idc abt it making me look bad
I'll apologize for this, it's just something I commonly see.
>>you've tried to frame me that im trying to hurt him for like the past 5 comments you wrote
To be 100% fair, I went purely off of what was written. Had you mentioned the only dating for 2 months thing I probably wouldn't have responded at all because that's hardly a relationship at that point.

Bottom line, feelings don't typically just go away. It's a gradual thing usually caused by another. Doubts happen but those can be fixed. Talk to your bf and have a serious sit down, preferably in person. Don't think of it as a confrontation, think of it as a confirmation of where things stand. It doesn't have to be an attack, just 2 people getting on the same wavelength and seeing if they both want the same thing. It's gonna hurt both of you no matter what, there is no around that. However, having everything out in the open can also be a clarifying moment and could POSSIBLY improve your relationship.
oh i just realized i didnt answer your first question. i still think he's marriage material. he just objectively is marriage material and treats me very well. i dont know how or why i lost feelings. it gradually happened i think. its just when you get depressed the thing you think about all the time is killing yourself (at least for me that is) and its just very consuming, there isnt really place for love or other feelings. you loose all energy, you're exhausted all the time and you just loose interest in interacting with other people. maybe because we were in the early stages of the relationship and my feelings werent like strong strong i lost them? i dont know i cant explain it. i cant really remember how i felt.
yep its my first boyfriend first relationship first anything. i have considered that im turning gay to be honest. but i havent really felt attraction to anyone in the last months because since i got with him i lost attraction towards other people and now i lost attraction towards him. :( ahh i dont want to loose him i really want my feelings to return :(((( he's really just a nice guy i wish i'd love him. ohhhh okay the sit down in person will be a problem tho. because he lives 5 hours away from me now and i cant really go visit him bcs i rarely have free time and i dont want him to come here so id ruin his trip back home :( idk if you have any further advice please tell me tho
*i dont want him to come here and talk then because then id ruin his trip back home
I actually do get it. I've had more than enough bouts with depression and suicidal thoughts. I've just learned to get over them (lucky enough to get an actual good therapist). Letting that depression ruin things though will make you never be able to move forward. Considering how perfect you were saying this person was, hearing you say you wanted to end it over wanting to make it work (in the first post I responded to) sorta struck a chord.
When you said he recently moved, how recently exactly? Do you think the distance is possibly playing a factor in these feelings? I'll be upfront, I would be highly hesitant to long distance stuff myself, especially after only 2 months of dating. I'm not sure what other advice I could give but I would still insist that preferably you speak in person. If that's truly not an option then maybe through a voice call. Just don't do it through text as that can be misunderstood extremely easy.
yeah makes sense but idk im so scared to talk to him abt things bcs what if i hurt him and then the feelings return and it was all for nothing. but ill try to talk to him. we planned to talk on the phone tomorrow anyways, maybe then ill have to do it
he moved like two and a half weeks ago but i dont think that played a big factor. it was due to my depression
it'll be a difficult conversation, but not having it will hurt a lot more than talking it out. my situation was...i think a bit different? she was very much one of those 'i'll do it by myself' types, i think maybe didn't want to be a burden, or something. it was kinda heavy and we were still kids, more or less, probably a lot of things both of us could have done better. if I had to pick something i wish she would've done differently, probably...I guess, let me be more involved, taken her guard down a little, try harder to do things as a team, but I imagine neither of us were really mature enough to have an outlook that'd allow for that kind of nuance.
oh okay thank youu :))
Yes, add me on discord mr_satterthwaite
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> 23/male/europe
> anime larper, weirdo, smug otaku
> animanga, VNs, vidya, cosplay, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships
> No friend collectors/queers/blacks/browns
> discord: @piratedps2game
you should unbutton your dress.
Well shit, let's try to turn one of you losers into a functioning loser.

I am a 29 year old functioning member of society, in that I hold a job, own a car, reliably pay my bills and taxes while stashing a nest egg. I am a debt free individual living in a moderately attractive area on a lake.

What I'm looking for is an individual who would explore the opportunity of becoming a live in maid. Sex is cool, appreciated but not obligatory. you will have your own living area should you chose. It's two rooms capable of holding a queen size mattress in either with ample room.

I figure we can talk, see how we match and whether or not you're willing to relocate. I am in the mid-state new york area.

I will be paying for all relocation costs within reason, I'm not bringing every last bit of hoarded trash into my home.

all I ask is that you clean each morning.
>a simple sweep,
>run a mop
>the dishes

the rest of the day is yours.

Reply to post if interested. if interest is shown, I will post contact.

>This is a hunger games elimination, folks.
Age >21 American
High/weight >5'11 200
Looks >low 6
Occupation >streamer
Reason for femcel >known for incest with my dad

My names grace and Im just so lonely please call me I need to friend I have literally no one but my dad
401 497 7267
why did you engage in incest with your dad
hey, so idk if you want an update but i basically told him on the phone today that i lost feelings. and he started crying :( but then we somewhat talked it out and he's visiting his family this saturday so we'll meet up and discuss things irl again., well but i guess it was the right thing to do.
I am interested
im interested as well
if this is a general open offer that includes pp owners, i'm interested lol
18 usa
5'7' 140
pic provided. thats the best pic of me i have
i work at my dads small business
>reason for femceldom
ive been told im too fat to even rape.
forgot my tag, its holllmat
You foids are delusional if you think it's just that fuckin easy. All you have to do is spread your legs and you have a waiting list of available partners who'll cut off a limb to treat even the most broken girl like a princess.

A man can get turned down by a fuckin' sheboon with thalomode limbs for not being 6' tall.

Femcels are not real; mentally ill women who refuse to have sex are volcel at best. You chose not to fuck because no man meets your impossible standards. The opposite is absolutely not true.

Anyone who says otherwise is a lying kike or a woman... who are the jews of gender.
>>he started crying
It was unfortunately bound to happen, but better to be hurt a lil now than hurt majorly later. Just one of those rip the bandage off moments.
>>we'll meet up and discuss things irl again
I believe this will be healthy for both of you even if it's not the best subject. Good luck with everything regardless of which way it goes. If you ever feel like chatting again just let me know a way to contact.
thanks :D you're actually a really nice person you can add my discord: @potential.user.
>too fat to even rape
whoever told you that is delusional, you look fine!
added, my pfp is a bearded dragon

Based on that pic I would go into that business everyday for weeks working up the courage to ask you out.
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It's not that I'm a femcel, it's just that I'm tired of geeky meek american men and I want a european, but euro men get on my nervs too for different reasons. but at least they're charming and not looking to get lead around by the dick. anyway, I'm a hag so it's over anyway
Not american and not european.
Was going to give you my tag, but what makes you so special? Not that you would reply
Females wouldn't be incels if they'd just stop being so picky and stop being so bigoted and conservative, but even if they can't get their chads, they still want men with the bullshit trad chad mindset, and refuse to settle for nice guys. They'd rather rot alone than stop being picky and hateful
You look normal
Not interested sorry
I don't get what this means anymore in all honesty. What is a chad these days anyway? All I ever talked to were quiet nerds, some from 4chan. Some NEETs, some with great careers. All of them very shy. Some of them fat, some very skinny. I've never been happy with any of them, and I realized it was because while being shy is nerdy is cute, the flipside is that they follow you around like a lost dog and rely on you to make all of the decisions as if you're their mother. You never get a get a moment of mental peace, because theyre always waiting on you to decide what they do that day. They never know how to take any sort of lead. So is being a leader a chad? and why is it that the non-chad types always seem to want to quietly follow along, only showing bare minimum emotion? What today is a chad?
Idk when I think of one it’s someone who can make people around them comfortable enough to make a connection of belonging
>euro men get on my nervs too for different reasons
what about them gets on your nerves?
Hi this is me just responding to you.
I hope so too anon. I have had a few people add me from this thread. It sucks because they seemed okay but wouldn't work out long term. It sucks because a LOT of dudes tell me I am very attractive-- it's just I have a lot of past hurt that I 'carry' around and that on top of my autism can sometimes prove me being difficult to be around at times. I am a lot better than in the past but I still sometimes get echoes from the past that make me disregulated. Therapy has helped a lot but I am not sure if I will ever truly 100% heal from my past hurt. I am by default suspicious of men but I crave finding a man and creating something beautiful together (family etc..).

However, It feels like I am doomed to femceldom forever. I'll just cope with the potential of not having kids by playing with my Chao. Oh well.
I'm kind of feeling like that too. I used to think that "chad" meant maybe a rich handsome man who pulls lots of women, but I guess I've realized the hard way that maybe what they actually mean is just men who are happy and confident? When you mention wanting a man who isnt depressed and is easy-going and warm to be around, some get so offended. So then it's like.. what am I supposed to want then? Do they think that a solemn, miserable, mumbling, quiet loner type who never makes you feel loved and always makes you feel pressured to make all their decisions is supposed to be very attractive or something? A block of ice is superior than a warm lamp, is that what I'm supposed to believe? Words these days just lose all meaning
They're too aware how attractive their accents are and always come across as playboys who arent worth talking to. Very funny though, I've never met a european who didnt make me laugh with their whacky little senses of humor. I guess I dont like how cold and blunt they can be at times as well, but from what they've told me, being stoic is just how a lot of them are. They're quiet for different reasons than american men are. American men are just terrified.
>They never know how to take any sort of lead
You shouldn't need to date men who take control and are leaders. Gender roles and tradition are bullshit, its stupid that females refuse to accept equal loving relationships without all that power dynamics/leader type shit. Romance shouldnt need men to take charge
>a man who isnt depressed and is easy-going and warm to be around
>a solemn, miserable, mumbling, quiet loner type who never makes you feel loved and always makes you feel pressured to make all their decisions
Literally me
It's not a gender thing though. It's about taking the load off your partner. For either person, it isnt fair for the other to sit in their face every day and wait for them to decide what they'll do that day. That's tiring. I don't want to feel like a grown mans mother, just as I dont intend for a grown man to feel like I'm his daughter. We should both sometimes think of things to do, eat, etc. Neither of us should be sitting at the others leg. As adults, its fair to expect that both of us will come up with ideas. I don't want to be the leader. If I'm dating someone, I want to enjoy their world while they also enjoy mine, not just drown in my world alone. That is worse than being single.
HAH. Ok well at least you own it, you're a little better than most
That’s valid fr tho cause relying on ur partner too much can put a weight on them but also you should be able to lean to them for certain things
A lot of the men online have been brainwashed into submissive manchildren. I personally love leading and taking charge, but most of the women I find have daddy issues and take the dynamic too far into DDLG territories.
Everything you said resonates with me and I'm very self aware of my personality as a European. I can't help but laugh at the playboy comment as I get that a lot. It's funny cause I'm very selective in who I interact with and a very loyal KHHV. Love the Rescue Ranger Pic btw.
>They're too aware how attractive their accents are and always come across as playboys who arent worth talking to.
sounds like the stereotype of french/italian men in movies haha, not all of them are like that i swear!
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drawing, anime & manga, videogames ( fighting games, pokemon, fate, nintendo, jrpgs, rpgmaker,monster hunter, sonic, vocaloid,yugioh) internet culture, otomads & ytpmvs, old internet, tokusatsu, /m/ and mechas , weeb shit, /x/ , I also speak spanish
>looking for
girls, similar artist friends from anywhere, who are asocial,loners and-or perverted, voicechats
>not looking for
ghosting, normalfags, trannies,woke shit, not messaging often
>If I'm dating someone, I want to enjoy their world while they also enjoy mine, not just drown in my world alone. That is worse than being single.
Why do those need to be the alternatives? Why couldnt you have a guy who focuses in your world but doesnt drown you?

Also whats so bad about mutually discussing and collaborating on making choices and coming up with ideas rather than just leaving it to one person?
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>take the dynamic too far into DDLG territories
I hear this a lot too. I think society in general has just gotten so weird about everything. Young men and women both want to be babied. I don't get it. It's polluting everything though. Everyone has peter pan syndrome, no one wants to grow up and be brave and responsible anymore. Just cowards, looking to be lead by the leash. Which part of EU?
Some Europeans I know are like that, which I love them so much but man are they total unapologetic players. I would love ones that were more serious though.
He needs to have a world of his own too, or else he isnt interesting at all. I'm not so vain that I just want to date myself. There's nothing bad about mutually coming up with ideas, in fact that is ideal. or also just one or the other going, "Hey I heard about this thing, lets check it out!"

I don't want to shit up this thread any further. My discord is pirie8833. If you are a serious euro man over 30 then feel free to contact. I guess I should do the thing too.
hag, USA
5'3, 130
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
Normal. Mixed race, brown skin though in case you're racist. I see you, I hear you.
Regular wagie in training
Any Michigan/detroit femcels? Actual dilf chad here, looking to break someone free of femceldom.
>I would love ones that were more serious though.
if you mean being serious about relationships specifically, that's definitely the camp i fall into, but in general i wouldn't call myself a serious person vOv
i can't be the only one who despises this, right? it just sounds so degrading



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around 5'7 and very thin
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
i think i look sort of man-ish, like in a joey ramone or maybe nico way.
Retail Cuck
>reason for femceldom
I find everyone around me where i live at best contemptible and at worst minor Satans, thus I only Leave the house to wageslave, take a walk in the dead of night, or go see a film at one specific theater. I now want to see what the rest of the world has to offer me, If people here are better or worse than those I encounter in real life.

discord: bibliothequenympho
Genuinely curious about how the people here are like dump your traumas and I will try to understand you as a person
discord: ihatetheguitar
I don't mind it, I've never taken that word seriously. It just makes me think of a witch cackling as she stirs a giant cauldron and if that could actually be me, that'd be the best life ever
Aw thank you! I didn't expect to hear that here ^^
You sound cool
Are you exclusively looking for girls
No homo



This contact is burned. Please Contact me through Kik At Remarkable_Red
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I think the important thing here is that if you know you're being genuine and non-toxic and let's be honest here we all know when we are and aren't.
Is to keep trying and have perseverance, today you might not find anyone but if you keep putting yourself out there you're going to get more opportunities to find someone right.
If you find yourself someone else that is genuine and interested I think they can weather your difficulties, just remember try to never take advantage of that and try to be mindful.
I'm glad to hear that you have made improvements, I know some truly autistic people in person and I'm quite proud of the improvements they've made in their life.
>I am by default suspicious of men but I crave finding a man and creating something beautiful together (family etc..).
Same but for women.

I don't think you have to be doomed at all, realistically things like this are a matter of like many other things in life, compromise and perseverance.
Obviously there's some things you should never compromise on, but maybe be open on some of the other things.
Also not to invoke incel rhetoric or anything like that but as a woman you have a lot more opportunities that naturally approach you or that approach you with simply letting yourself be out there.
If you get tired or overwhelmed you don't have to force yourself or anything, just try to use your best judgment of character to sift through those who are genuine.

I truly wish you find some happiness, fulfillment and the best, even if it may be brought on by spite for this world and just wishing someone gets something nice.
God bless keep trying and even when others treat you poorly don't preemptively “return the favor” it to those undeserving.
That’s how femcels feel about the near entirety of men.
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Thank you anon. <3 I appreciate it. I still have my moments but I am trying my best ~ I hate how whenever I feel like someone is too good to be true I end up pushing them away. Emotions and past hurt work like that. I just want a BF and eventually husband to love, nurture and care for while he is the main breadwinner/provider. I know I have.. some preferences but it is because I would feel guilty being with a person that I am "Settling" for-- I am not even interested in a Chad per se. I have tried dating on normie apps and I am too "weird" for normies.
Sometimes I think about aciding my face because people find me physically attractive but the tism scares people off.

I have had people off /soc/ blatantly block me because they said I was "too attractive" for them.
I'd love to chat at least as friends because you seem cute and I'm very autistic about sonic and chao too. A lot of my childhood was spent in the chao garden and on chao-island.com
Sure. Add me.
Why your number
Friendly PSA:

There is no such thing as an "incel" or a femcel", just men who aren't getting laid without paying money, and women who can't get or keep the kind of man they actually want.

Yes, women have naturally much higher standards than men both for sex and relationships. This is because they're the incubators of the human species and thus their nature (instinct) made them way more picky due to pregnancy implying a much higher cost and risk for females.
The human instinct was forged over thousands of years in a very brutal natural world. And pregnant women didn't have a welfare state or the police to protect them but had to rely on the men they were fucking and hanging out with.
Meanwhile, ancient times men could simply eyaculate and evacuate so to speak, and if they sticked around they had to be strong or else they could easily fall prey either of nature or killed by other, stronger men (who in turn would kill their male children and take their women and girls as warbrides).
Pretty brutal, but it's how humans lived for many thousands of years.

What I'm saying is, there's no point complaining about it if you're a man, because it's just nature for women to desire the best and most attractive and fit (both physically and mentally) man they can get.
Hypergamy isn't evil, it's just the engine of evolution. And without it humanity would've never evolved to become the world's biggest dominant species it is.

If you're not happy with your options/the kind of men or women you can get, do better and try your best to become as attractive as you can.
You'll most likely still have to settle in some way, but you'd be settling for someone objectively better than if you didn't bother to improve yourself first.

The last thing humanity needs is more weak and lazy unfit people who expect others to solve their problems.
This Anon gets it. No point in getting mad about things you can’t control, just the facts of life.
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hi can anyone do this to me ^_^ thanks
Typical eugenics bullshit. Society rejected that garbage decades ago but females want to bring it back to justify being chadsexual. Women would rather die than have a society that really consistently implements the ideas of equality that they claim to support, if it meant extending those ideas to men too. It's sad that women are so much more conservative than men
Lose the weight. Anyone can do it, even people with thyroid problems with the aid of medication.
>i dont look in the mirror ever so i just assume that im a 1/10 always
Don't be stupid. Only a miniscule fraction of the human population and with cathastropic deformities could be rated that low.
You want to see things and rate your own attractiveness in a realistic way, meaning that you should compare yourself to your peers wherever you live, not to hollywood stars, models or e-girls who got plastic surgery on social media which are part of a tiny minority.

>not only am i ugly, but i am hyper obsessive and tend to scare people off with my eagerness and extreme obsession. when i say extreme, i mean it!
Obsessions can be redirected in part to other, often more benign or productive things which have similar traits or features that made the original obsession so alluring to your to begin with. You sound like you've BPD though, so get a therapist, it might help solve your problem or at least mitigate its effects or not, but it's worth a shot.

>autism, severe untreated bpd, even though i'm straight i am genuinely repulsed by men and everything about them. unless i can be converted into a lesbian by some mkultra experimentation or some shit i will forever remain celibate
See above. Also drop the victim mentality.
The world isn't out to get you, it's just everyone has their own best interests in mind above anyone else, and you are no exception. So stop feeling pity for yourself and do what you can to improve your situation, because nobody is going to care more about your life than yourself (or maybe close family members, if lucky, but it would be unreasonable to expect them to fix YOUR life).
Everyone is responsible for their own happiness, even if you were severely harmed and done wrong by others.
Is it unfair? Yes, so what? The universe is unfair. Get over it and adapt or live the rest of your life suffering, your choice.
I'll do worse!
>trauma, issues with men & maleness, patriarchy, whatever you want to call it.
Go to a new therapist, and this time BE HONEST. If you don't even admit your feelings to a therapist whose job is literally hear and try to help you fix your problems. Emphasis: YOU will have to fix them, a therapist can only give you orientation on how to do it, but will have to do the work and expose yourself to whatever you need to get over your trauma.
Btw being sexually abused does NOT lower your worth as a woman or a human in any way. It does NOT define you. The "stigma" you think you have doesn't actually exist, so stop beating yourself up for something that isn't real.
Also, what happened to you wasn't your fault in any way. The only person who was and is at fault is the abuser, always. So stop letting him affect you, call the police and report him if you haven't already, and start living your life now.
The past is done and gone and the future is always uncertain, the only time that exists is THE PRESENT. Stop wasting your time and potential happiness over things are long past and gone.

200lbs at under 6 feet is kinda overweight, you could improve that. Other than that congratulations on continuing your education even in your 30s.
I'm a straight man but from what I've heared gay men in general and not just trannies tend to have a hard time maintaining LTRs, specially if we're talking monogamy. Wish I could help but all I can tell you is good luck.
>Men can get attention from fat women, ugly women, single moms, insane women, basically the women nobody wants.
see this is why the femcel thing is bs. There is no such thing as a woman nobody wants. Even a 1 can get someone into bed if they really wanted.
>brown and facially masc subhuman
There's BILLIONS of men who don't give a shit about skin color, and millions of men who don't mind women having somewhat masculine facial features, and the proof is the amount of western (often american or germanic) women with wide masculine jaws and chins. Either way don't stress about it. Men are not NEARLY as demanding in the looks department compared to how women demand men to look.

Here's your problem. You've to GET A JOB, and or in the meanwhile start learning some marketable skills, a trade or study for a degree/get a career going.
Getting a job will help you in many ways, and will definitely improve your ability to carry a conversation depending how much interaction'll need to have with other people.
A job will give you responsibilities, but also will teach you and mold you into a better more capable person in other aspects such as mental resillience, an improved capacity for problem solving, will force you to learn better social skills even if right now you're a total sperg, etc.
Plus you'll have an income of money that is yours alone, and with it you'll have a lot more options and decision power in your life than you currently have.

Social anxiety is usually the product of not having had enough positive social interactions. The solution for this is socializing, and some BOOKS can also help minimize the inevitable social mistakes you will make (and everyone makes too from time to time). Look up books on conversation and understanding non-verbal communication (e.g. body language). They might help you a lot, or at least give you enough information to make the learning process lighter for you.
>5'3 250 lbs
You're clearly obese and it's not doing you any favor. Hovewer, everyone can tell you've a really attractive face.
>I'm ugly :(!
Are you fucking kidding me?
You were already BEAUTIFUL in your 2018 picture despite being only slightly overweight then. And yes, I'm being 100% honest. I hate political correctness and people who lie so rest assured say the truth no matter how many feelings I hurt in the process.

Theeeeeere's your fucking problem. If you're a NEET you'll have a DISTORTED view of reality because you don't often interact with people IRL in their daily lives in normal settings (i.e. work, collegue, social gatherings).

>I'm worthless and mentally ill
You're not worthless, you're lazy. Fix that (getting a job and skills/a career going should be your top priority, only second to losing weight to at least your 2018 state).

And if you actually have a mental illness, which I honestly doubt given how the mental health industry likes to over diagnose people to sell more pills, get a therapist and 1) BE HONEST during sessions and 2) DO THE WORK that the therapist tells you to do.
Therapy has VERY LITTLE use if the patient doesn't change their behavior outside of session and keeps doing the exact same things that were causing the problems.

You've to put in effort to improve your life. There's no escaping that.
>5'10" 235
The first problem. Lose the weight.
>I'd say a 2. I'm fat.
Even being fat or obese your face is more than likely better looking than a 2/10.
A "2" is an attractiveness score that only people with severe congenital deformities (or having suffered a terrible accident) could have. Most ugly people are 3/10s and 4/10s, even accounting obesity.

>I'm a NEET, can't hold a job and can't deal with school
Here's the main problem.

>I've dropped out almost 5 times now
Start by thinking about WHY you did that. You said you dropped out of school (presumably college) almost 5 times. That's way too many times to be a coincidence.
Have you considered that the CAREER (degree or trade) you're currently pursuing isn't really a field or something that INTERESTS YOU at all?
You see, many people make the MISTAKE of choosing their careers based on the potential money they could earn with it, disregarding completely if they even LIKE the activities that such a career imply doing.

If you choose a career or trade that you HATE working on (I.e. Not only you don't enjoy at all the field/trade but you despise engaging with it) or lack the CAPACITY to do properfly (i.e. You lack the IQ, typically something that happens with chronically failed STEM students) then you're basically DOOMING yourself to a miserable life with a job that you loathe and you'll spend Monday to Friday gritting your teeth until the weekend, every week, every year until retirement...
If this is your case, CHANGE YOUR FUCKING CAREER to something that you like or at least can tolerate doing.

>nd my longest job was a month before I broke down and ended up in the hospital despite wanting to work
Seek a better job (i.e. a job you think you could enjoy or at least tolerate).

>Badly mentally ill, broken, trauma and bad experiences with men in general
Again, see my posts above. THERAPY, being honest with others and yourself and changing your daily habits, which right now are not working in your favor.
>can't communicate well at all most of the time
Which is understandable if you don't fucking talk to people IRL in your daily life. And the cure is socialization and learning about conversation (both verbal and non-verbal), see >>33521783

>bad personal hygiene
Your hygiene is a direct result of your daily habits. Why not have better hygiene if you can? It will make you feel good, look better and it'll fix the "bad hygiene" issue you currently have.
E.g. If you feel like brushing your teeth or showering is "too much effort" for you, I want to read the book "Atomic Habits" (pirate it and download it for free) and start by doing the BARE MINIMUM a functional human does every day, i.e. cleaning their fucking room, taking at least a shower every day and brushing their teeth.
Start simple and do it EVERY FUCKING DAY until it becomes automatic (i.e. an habit). That way these activities will NO LONGER require much effort to you.

>countless cutting scars
Therapy. Btw there's much better coping mechanics for emotional trauma than causing harm to yourself. If, like I'm guessing, you're cutting yourself to DISTRACT YOUR BRAIN from mental anguish, ask a therapist about how to cope with it, and if you want to start doing something right now, search about MEDITATION, which is a well known way to FOCUS and stop distracting yourself with stuff.

>basically no interest in things, can't even pretend to be happy or excited anymore
This is a result of continued NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT that you've experienced due to, among other things, LIVING LIKE A SLOB.
In order to change it and BUILD UP your self-steem, you've to AMASS WINS i.e. Set small goals and achieve them, therefore obtain "small victories" which will build the WILLPOWER you'll need to tackle and solve harder and more complicated problems.

Start small, become and remain consistent and then grow.
>much better coping mechanisms

Btw, COPING is a good thing and something literally everyone does. Never feel ashamed for coping, as long as they're HEALTHY COPES (meaning copying mechanisms that are helpful or at least doesn't cause harm or detract you from obtaining a better life).

Examples of bad copes: alcoholism, food addiction (i.e. overeating as a cope by using the endorphines the brain releases when ingesting food), porn/internet/social media addiction (coping by chasing the dopamine high porn and endless novelty gives you), etc.
Anyway, I might continue posting later but I'm busy right now.
If people don't like what I post I don't give a shit, I just hope someone reading it find some usefulness and that they stop GIVING UP ON THEMSELVES.
See ya.
>I hate how whenever I feel like someone is too good to be true I end up pushing them away.
That's not unique to you, I've done that before and while not directly pushing away I let the same thoughts let the only good thing that ever happened to me romantically slip through my fingers.
I told myself something after some reflection, and who knows maybe the same mentality will help you.
I told myself I may not be the best person out there but I want something genuine, and I'm going to make the decision to be “selfish” and keep someone better than me if the opportunity arises.
Otherwise I'll probably convince myself anyone decent worth keeping is too good for me.

Maybe approach it differently than “settling”, maybe you think about it as keeping your heart and mind open.
Maybe you'll find out that the thing you are “settling” for is plenty compensated in some other aspect.

From the perspective of a guy who is on the opposite end of the attractive scale I don't think it's that big of a deal.
It might scare away some people at the very beginning and there might be a little unsure footing at the start.
But I'm pretty sure the kind of man you're looking for is going to be much more concerned with an unequal matching of character and they would be of physical looks.

>I have had people off /soc/ blatantly block me because they said I was "too attractive" for them.
I wouldn't think too much about scaring yourself, I've had people that I talked to for weeks do the same to me for the opposite reason.
Any man who is that afraid of an attractive woman has extreme self-confidence and self-loathing issues.

You are certainly not alone in what you're wanting and looking for, just try to muster the willpower to navigate the nightmare that is looking for someone/dating nowadays.
I'm noticeably older than you and while I might be insane for not giving up I haven't so far, so keep your chin up.
The people messaging me make me feel very depressed and misanthropic. you're all SATANS!

26 swiss guy
would love to know more about you :)

sytron2 kik
I would like to be friends if you are still checking this thread


I also can no longer find satisfaction from video games and fanfiction
I would be interested in getting to know you as well and potentially saving you.
With hypnosis i can make it feel like you are being stabbed
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Just got ghosted again after exchanging selfies…when will it end?
Today. I just added you.
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> 23/male/europe
> anime larper, weirdo, smug otaku
> animanga, VNs, vidya, cosplay, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships
> No friend collectors/queers/blacks/browns
> discord: @piratedps2game
>massive faggot
there you go, shortened it for you
>Any man who is that afraid of an attractive woman has extreme self-confidence and self-loathing issues.
Haha imagine being this guy haha couldn't be me
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Tu me rappelles une française de /soc/ qui fait la même taille, qui étudie, porte des lunettes rondes et s'habille pareil. T'habites dans quel coin ?
How was it going before the exchange?
>my virginity got taken from me at age 5
hot, tell more about it
holy cute
Pretty great. He even said I was really cute-- after he said that he sent a selfie himself and I told him he was really attractive. I didnt message him for over an hour because I was playing a video game with some friends but by the time I tabbed back over to reply to him I saw that he deleted his own selfie, deleted the message of him calling me cute and blocked me.
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uuhmmm i dont know how to interact with woman,,
This shit is so insanely sketchy
I'm almost certain we've met.
Both genders can teach eachother how to make the other gender orgasm and feel good... Being good at sex takes practice like many other things in life...
tf is wrong w u
I am very sorry to hear that.
Disc: kushykanadian I'm always down to chat. I might be busy but I will get back to you
5'3ft, fat
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
college student
>reason for femceldom
mental illness, fat, social anxiety
Damn. I'm really sorry for you.
>>33525848 No offence but even yellow fever fags are out of your reach. You are basically a granny. Get skinny now!!!
sounds like his loss honestly, add me though u seem cool
disc: smittywerbenjagermanjensen_98
Hey you femceldom sweety, I was reading your posts and I really think I could be a match for what you seek. I think you sound very intelligent and thoughtful, if you want to talk with a 31 year old submissive guy, my telegram is Supermandsen <3
Damn he's just like me...
cute + would date + where contact
I think you look attractive, but the question for me would be how fat you are. Thick & chubby, but no folds, no huge gut, just kinda cuddly chubby? Hot. But you could also be a beachball. "Fat" isn't really a descriptor these days, it ranges from "a few extra pounds" to "all engines full reverse, we have encountered an unknown gravity well".
Would marry and import to usa. You want to marry a 36 year old loser for a green card?

Thats crazy whats your discord?
Doesn't work. Nooooooo
I posted an ad here:

My Disc is Fearfulnlonely
Please do not add me if you have any of the dealbreakers in my post as I will simply block you for you and I's convenience.
Just out of curiosity what's the appeal of interracial relationships physically for you? Is it just a matter of not wanting to date someone who looks tpo similar? I get ideals but that narrows your pool down by a fair bit especially since most White guys date other White people by default
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I grew up around mostly white people. I hold no hard feelings towards people of the same race as me.
I am aware that me only being attracted to white men severely neuters my dating pool but I would feel too guilty with myself if I tried to "settle" for someone that I wasnt physically attracted to. Its not fair to them/
Makes sense. If I wasn't already talking with someone promising I would probably reach out myself but wish you luck in any case!
>fit almost every criteria
>balding so shaving my head soon
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Thank you. I am hoping to as well. If I do not settle down and marry I guess I can huff that single cat lady copeium and just give up on marriage, buy some land of my own and start a horse farm all by myself-- maybe even adopt a kid or two so at least I am giving a child or two a second chance at life.
I am hoping I never get to that point but it feels bleak (I am in my mid 20's.)

Its shitty because I was born with these attributes:
>Very attractive (Once upon a time I almost modeled)
>Nice body
>Cute voice
>Nurturing desires

However God or whatever deity that exists decided to make me autistic with attachment issues. Its like I am some sort of cruel joke to him-- as if I am a jester of sorts for his own amusement.

I have had some few close encounters but 9/10 I end up getting ghosted. Half the people don't even block me or anything like this guy they just up and abandon their accounts; never to reach out again. It sucks cause it leaves you in a limbo of what happened to them-- at least if someone blocks me I get that closure that they have zero interest in me and there isnt much of an off chance that something tragic happened to them.
Some people can rock the bald look but how do I run my fingers through someones hair and give them scalp massages with no hair anon
>how do I run my fingers through someones hair
get em to grow a beard :^)
You should mention that you're kind of after money.
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>I have had some few close encounters but 9/10 I end up getting ghosted. Half the people don't even block me or anything like this guy they just up and abandon their accounts; never to reach out again.
Wouldn't have figured that exact same thing happened to women on here too with the gender imbalance but I suppose people just suck in general. Same position here on most of those points, I would just recommend copy/pasting whatever detailed image or text thing you've written up and post it on the few decent looking dating threads and not think too much about it beyond that. I've been here since February but just by virtue of not being a man you're at least guaranteed more adds than me I would assume.
Most people on here are adding people on alt accounts and will legit ditch the entire account at a moment's notice for shit not even within your control
looking for a femcel to talk to and unfemcel or whatever. most femcels have interesting hobbies/tastes in media so drop disc
See that makes no sense whatsoever to me. Just seems pointless and a waste of time for both parties. I mean it's one thing if they don't think I'm a real person (because why would anyone good looking be lurking around this autistic corner of the internet) but they could always ask for a timestamp at least or say hi instead of adding and never doing anything when your account is several years old and I see you changing your profile pic, meaning your active. I don't know, probably reading too much into things as usual but still it's all so dumb.
hey add me
Arent beards prone to getting gross and stuff rather quickly due to food etc..? I like facial hair but I dont like really long beards.

Not really. Wouldnt it make more sense to broaden my horizon and date anyone and everyone regardless of race, appearance, location etc as long as they made X amount of money?

The overwhelming majority of people who add me are people who are people that 18 - 21 (not interested). live outside of the US, or fit whatever other criteria that isnt ideal.

In all fairness Anon I use a throwaway account but I try to check it at least once a day etc.
>Arent beards prone to getting gross and stuff rather quickly due to food etc..?
if someone's a messy eater they can be, but someone like that should already be used occasionally giving their face a rinse after eating anyway :v
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25 US OF A
5'7 140LBS
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
Average build / 36c / does not shave pubic hair / soft hands / black hair / black eyes / typical Mexican skin color
Full time in retail - wagecuck
>reason for femceldom
Not a femcel I just like incels cause I think some of yall are cute. I do have severe Chronic depression and self hatred but I ball
Discord- Mydeadmommy
Doesnt it get itchy?? Seems like just stubble or a light beard is ideal. Wizard beards are not my thing at all.. :/
Mustaches are not a favorite either as most people cannot pull off a mustache me thinks.
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> 23/male/europe
> anime larper, weirdo, smug otaku
> animanga, VNs, vidya, cosplay, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships
> No friend collectors/queers/blacks/browns
> discord: @piratedps2game
>Doesnt it get itchy??
it can do, but in my experience it only gets itchy if it needs cleaning. i have quite sensitive skin and it only ever feels itchy if i've been sweating a lot like doing yard work in summer or whatever, but that's no different from most of the rest of my skin (sensitive skin sucks!)
>Seems like just stubble or a light beard is ideal. Wizard beards are not my thing at all.. :/
light beard kinda how i try to keep mine! clean shaven and stubble look bad on me and wizardmode is fun for a bit but it gets in the way a lot and caring for longer hair in general is just tedium i can't be bothered with most of the time
>Mustaches are not a favorite either as most people cannot pull off a mustache me thinks.
i agree on that, i think it's mostly because the majority of people can't grow a full-enough one that it looks good and a moustache is the sort of thing you either need it to be full or it just looks creepy. i think mine might pass that test at least cause i've never had anyone comment negatively on it, or maybe they're just too polite to say :V
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I fit all of the criteria, and we share a lot of interests, BUT I am a Yuropoor. Are you really going to let some big puddle get in the way of our love??
If you can visit I can make an exception.
>5'4, 130 lbs
you're just fat af
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What? You mean you don't want to just jump on a plane and come live in my parents basement with me? Jokes aside, it is probably not going to work out, yea... Good luck nonetheless, and congrats on the impressive numerals.
>if you have any of the dealbreakers in my post as I will simply block you for you and I's convenience.
Yeah I've been doing that for a while now too. It's a shame we couldn't make an exception but oh well. Not meant to be, best of luck to ya

>Be me
>I add someone off here.
>"Wow they seem interesting. I want to add them on my main and call them."
>I tell them that I needed to talk to my roommate about something related to dinner
>I come back 30 minutes later
>I message them
>"Your message cannot be delivered"
>They blocked me on both of my accounts

Can someone please explain?
Why cant some people grow moustaches? I am assuming it is a genetic thing but can't you try things such as proper care, etc to see if that helps?
indian def.
i've been going back and forth between indian and black for her.
Even black women get some adds. Indians are the biggest blackpill.
I am black.
well take heart that you're not the biggest blackpill, at least. not that my two cents count for anything, but when guys are ghosting you while you're away from the computer for an hour that means they're jacking off to you and then they're getting hit with post-orgasm regrets. there may be ways to make it happen less like acting warmer or friendlier but it's going to happen to you no matter what.
sorry senpai, looks like for some girls my powers of deductive stalking surpass yours.
good job
>Why cant some people grow moustaches?
i think it's just like with head hair and body hair, if it's not in your genetics to have thick and numerous enough hair folicles in those places there's probably not much you can do about it, taking care of yourself will only go so far

>>They blocked me on both of my accounts
you're really not having good luck with people on here huh :(
Alts themselves are fine I was more referring to the aspect of never signing into them after adding someone and also doing the same mid conversation. Just seems rude all around to me.
>I am black.
Well to be honest that might be a potential hindrance as well since you're only looking for fairly specific kinds of White guys. I think the most common interracial pairing for White men is Latinas and Asians far before anything else. Not to say it can never happen since it does every day but casting a wider net would definitely make it easier. Even if it's just going on a dating app, I'm sure there's some decent looking guys who aren't good at hiding their autism in your area. A significant number of guys (even the better looking ones) will go for any biological female who shows them the slightest bit of affection with how screwed up the dating system is but it really all depends on a bunch of different factors that aren't really in your control, what they're looking for physically and in terms of the life you would have together, whether or not their family would be supportive (not completely relevant these days but it could be), etc. The best you can do on your end is to take care of yourself and present yourself like you would as if you were on a job interview, even just being skinny would put you above most American women by default in one regard but for more shy types like myself I would definitely never be socially competent to take the lead at first so a certain amount of assertiveness would be required from the woman's end, which is part of what made this hard for me otherwise I would have just added any decent looking girl on here to increase the odds of finding someone if I had the confidence. So be pretty upfront about what you want from the start as well and why you contacted them. Just my thoughts as someone who's talked to a lot of girls who usually dance around the important topics if we get past the usual ghosting stages.
Sometimes telling someone that they were talking to an alt and adding them on your "main" is seen as rude
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That was me but I didn't want to be a cunt. You sound like a great person (basically my ideal) but you're black and I'm insanely racist and only want to date white girls. I misread your post while drunk. I do apologize sincerely for that. I'm sure you'll find a swell guy soon.
You're very good at painting yourself the victim all the time across multiple threads, but you ghosted me for who knows what reason I filled your criteria
troll then
I didn't troll
talking about her retard
the plot thickens
>but you're black and I'm insanely racist
Unfathomably based
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Preferences are ok!! I have my own as well. I hope you find the white girl of your dreams (:.

Because I likely wasn’t interested. I don’t know what to tell you. I’d feel guiltier if I just drag something on knowing it won’t work out. That’s not fair to others. If you were blocked it’s because of that guilt. If you weren’t blocked it’s because I likely missed your messages. I also have a job working with people who have medical disabilities so it’s a bit involved.. good chance that I saw your message, had to attend to a patient and then forgot. Sorry if you took it personally. You’re welcome to message again.

Not a troll. Just incredibly unlucky lol.
I threw a tantrum bros
On one hand, neither of you owe each other anything, but...

Dealt with women like this before. We all work 5 - 6 days a week. I get it. We're all busy. Personally, somewhere in the span of a work week I can take a minute to respond to someone and let them know I'm going to be very busy. I've dated people who were completely incapable of doing such a thing though.

Crack a beer open and charge it to the game, move on, you'll forget whoever this is in 24 hrs.
Dodged a bullet there bro, severe mental illness
Many such cases, sad!
>brown hands emoji
I'm actually losing my mind right now. I didn't think I was a femcel at first but I'm going hysterical with how badly my relationships are turning out. I don't want to sound like er, I know I'm not perfect but I'm not horrendous either. I'm young, I'm waiting until marriage to do anything, I'm religious, I'm nice, I'm skinny. Like God, I hate living like this and being alone. especially during the holidays like I'm seriously just cutting myself I wish I wasn't me
I dont know your story but if you're waiting to do ANYTHING before marriage you either have to be very clear and date someone within your own social/religious circle to find someone who'd be on the same page as you


you'll have to accept that it's okay to do things like holding hands, kissing, maybe even oral sex after a while with someone.

sexual attraction is big thing in most relations and if one person completely steps on the brake and the other person wants something like a kiss and doesn't think any of it you either compromise or stop seeing each other.
Ya ironic enough one of my first messages to this person was that I was out of town and very busy and replies might be slow but communication skills were not equal o well
where do u live
yeah... 5 days of complete radio silence is pretty bad, it's understandable you'd think they ghosted you
I guess i could understand hand holding maybe even kissing but I just couldn't possibly go beyond that. I do even bring up myself being religious and there's no problem with that. I guess men just hate me maybe i was meant to be a nun or something.
in the us
Yeah I was irritated with you because I wasn't expecting someone to come into the thread to complain about me. If you DM'd and didn't come at me guns blazing I wouldn't have reacted the way I did.

Truthfully, I wasn't real interested because it felt like our interests weren't exactly aligned; I am just not really interested and shame on me for not letting that be known. I also felt a bit overwhelmed-- but instead of verbalizing it I kept kicking the can down the road and would forget whenever I would think of composing a response.

I wasn't interested in this person and I felt a bit overwhelmed. Mind you this is also an alt account and I do only really check it about once a day.

Anyone that I have genuine interest in is moved to my main account in a timely manner and at that point there is significantly better communication.

Also like I said in those screencaps, I was dealing with a resident on Saturday that I had to call 911 for and stay past my time to make sure they'd be okay (hint: they died.) It was something that hit me pretty bad because this was a resident I was very close to-- I likely should've reached out about it but here we are.

I have said multiple times that I have attachment issues, CPTSD and of the like lol. I dont pretend that I dont have some real bad emotional scars.
are you cool with making out?
uh no sorry that's way too intimate for me to do with someone who could easily break my heart. I'm already cutting myself over someone who I only spoke to over discord.
kk gl

unless u want my disc (saofan190) and want to talk.
>I'm already cutting myself over someone who I only spoke to over discord.
y tho :c
>If you DM'd
Ur joking right? I'm just gonna leave it at that that's insane to type..
Anyways hopefully you find what you're looking for good luck
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The screenshots they posted occurred after the interaction in the thread. I wasn’t interested in them enough to try to communicate with them about my life. I didn’t interact with them past the 5 messages at most that we exchanged upon them first adding me. I didn’t even KNOW this person.

shame on me for not letting that be known sooner than later.
thank you
I really really liked him but it just didn't work out unfortunately
I've said some nice things about the way you sound from the posts you make here.
But honestly your behavior on /soc/ and what you moan and complain about don't really seem to match up with how you interact with people >>33535475 >>33535479

This just backs up the lived experiences that for a very large number of femcels them not being single or lonely anymore is 100% in their control.
And by that I am not talking about settling for destructive, abusive or toxic behavior.
Never complain about flaky ghosting or any event nonsense if you do that yourself.
Try being honest and say you have a really hard time finding a connection or the person you're looking for.
Try not being absolutely mortified of any type of action that could be remotely considered like a conflict.
If they are shitty to you then you don't owe them anything.
If someone's not shitty to you, you put it politely and say you're not interested, but don't muddy the waters with that.
Mutual respect isn't the crazy idea, men giving it to women isn't being simp and women giving it to men isn't being some pushover.

I genuinely do feel sorry for women who are maybe “socially retarded” and despite their best and genuine efforts and can't find and make that special connection.
But I don't feel any sympathy for those who have been given every opportunity to find what they're supposedly looking for and somehow wallow in self pitying misery instead.
For everyone at the end of the day if you're supposedly looking for someone special why not just be a little respectful and charitable to the non-toxic interactions
I am that person the joke is you saying
>if u dm'd
As if I didn't dm u several times with no response why would I assume dming u again have gotten anything
I like this post. I don't have a horse in those other posts, but your point about mutual respect is sobering for me. For me, it has felt pretty rare to find that mutual respect with the women I've spoken to in the last year. People are so exhausting.

Makes you wonder if it's even worth bothering trying anymore. Oh, what the fuck am I talking about -- of course it isn't.
A lot of women have an extremely bad habit of abandoning mutual respect and embracing toxic behavior to someone that has done nothing wrong to them and treated them with respect.
All because in the past they've been treated poorly by someone.
In the end becoming their own version of that shitty toxic person that burnt them.
Maybe it's literally insanity, maybe it's human decency, not sure if there's a difference at this point anymore.
But if you're grown ass adult just because someone else has wronged you, it doesn't mean you get too return that to someone undeserving
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Zoomy zoom (over 18 under 21)/burger land
5’10/130 pounds I think
>looks (10/10 doesn't count)
In spite of being born and socialized male, on a visual level I pass as a woman.
Wagecuck until my ambiguous career in (((((((the arts)))))) takes off, following my rape by a prominent member of the tribe and sworn allegiance to the United Nations.
>reason for femceldom
I’m generally asocial and have only recently developed any interest in interacting with others. I’m also extremely spergy and difficult to tolerate under most circumstances.

My discord tag is: dadawife
what happened?
I take back all I said, so much for the good faith assumption geez... How can one have such good taste in media and games and talk like that is bizarre since even most of the more normie girls I talk to are usually pretty pleasant in conversation.
Hurt people hurt people I suppose.
I feel like i am in the same boat. My relationships with people all became dead ends. I don't know what I'm doing wrong
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There was something about this that made me real uncomfortable. Like.. please talk to me like I am a person and not as if this is a job interview
Ya delete your entire side of the conversation that'll make you look better
you're both being overdramatic about this, but you said in your ad that you don't want time wasters. what he's doing is exactly what not wasting time looks like. talking to strange men is scary, it's hard, and sometimes what you think you want doesn't end up being what you actually want. but you're not going to do yourself any favors if you're disqualifying guys for trying to do what you said you wanted them to do.
He and I had so many differences to put it lightly. I feel like maybe there was something I could've done to change his mind. Idk I wish I did more for him I love him so much. This is my first real heartbreak and it just hurts, feels like being stabbed with a knife everytime my brain wonders off to think about him. I've cut and now all I feel is regret and a hurt thigh

I'm praying for you anon :( it gets better.
>please talk to me like I am a person and not as if this is a job interview
This is the mistake most men make and you can't fault them for it. They describe themselves like that because they see relationships as something transactional. Obviously some women enjoy hearing some stats, but most enjoy getting to know a man through a more casual conversation.
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uhhh just date me and move in with me? hello? it's that simple
It's definitely not always some type of transactional thing.
Plenty of guys just want a genuine connection and something healthy.
You have to realize all the guys from here are going to be weird one way or another and plenty of them are very socially retarded.
There's also the element of getting things out of the way in case they're going to be issues or problems instead of talking for days or weeks or months then all of a sudden something pops up and it's a deal breaker.
Also you have an issue where when someone sends a friend request They know a little bit about the person at least what they wrote in their post.
At least from my perspective I think it's nice to give equal footing I know a little bit of who I'm talking to if I send a request, I think it would be nice that they know a little bit about me before the conversation starts.
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>You have to realize all the guys from here are going to be weird one way or another and plenty of them are very socially retarded.
Yes, but splerging your average stats as a first message isn't going to help you stand out from the other socially retarded guys in her dm's.
>I think it would be nice that they know a little bit about me before the conversation starts.
From my experience, and I could be wrong, whenever I introduce myself with my stats I rarely get an answer, but if I open with a question or a funny pick up line they are 9/10 times hooked and will ask me questions about myself that they care about.
so she seems to have killed herself btw
based on what
She was kinda boring, desu
Nice triples and I disagree. She was very sweet and funny. I told her she's immune to rizz and she said it was because of her autism armor. I'm sad she got bullied away by anons.
Maybe it was my autism and her autism clashing and I should have talked to her more then. I was at work at the at the time, so hard to give full attention. I should have talked to her again, but I think I took her tism as disinterest. I hope she didn't kill herself and is alive.

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