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hai bored and horneeeeeeeeeiiiiiiii!!!!
no fat white guys allowed.
i’ll add u asap x3
Timestamp or gtfo
shut the fuck up or kys
Tits or gtfo
s_chat on discord
BifrostBound on Disc
i’ll cut ur mothers off with my teeth
At least show us your dick, faggot
Haiii I'm a cute little boy :333
close! i have a vagina, hope this helps :3
>i have a vagina
How much did it cost? Do you miss your dick?
why do u keep coming back? u think i’m sexy ;3
I never left. And I want to see your dick.
Also yes cute little twink ;x
19m, bwc ready for anything u want

@alexbadmin telegram
okay but like rs nigga i do not have a dick ur just a dirty faggot, nuke ur kind
Prove it
the guys properly replying have all the proof they need :)
No thanks I'd rather talk shit here
"She" has a dick, right?
Disc: veiledcanebrake
6' white fit
at the end of the day who’s a fat white middle age man tho..
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Oki good I have a wee wee
is white meant to be a bad thing? do you know where you are?
She added me and I can confirm m'lady is indeed a woman
Did she post timestamp?
She verified in a similar manner
Show us
U black or brown?
yeah it’s making me kinda sad why’s there no border bunnies here :(
She sent me a timestamp I'm not showing you though it's got my real name written on it
bad larp a real woman would love the bwc more than anything
Because you were retarded enough to give her your real name and too retarded to hide it on the pic before posting here? Suuuure
ur so obsessed with me i love you this ego boost is amazing
Yeah what like my name is a big secret? I'm not mi6 dude I post in face rate threads
I don't have a any child porn saved unlike you probably though so I'm not too worried
You're welcome now post your kik let's hatefuck
no i know ur greasy and hideous id never fw a dirty nigga like u
Ouch your loss
If you change your mind I'll prove I'm not dat if you show me your dick xx
discord: aspergerschampion
disc is athing
What do you mean by that
> No location
> No face
> No timestamp
> Rude as shit

Obviously a catfishing troll
I'm looking for a guy to have fun with snap Lalita0334
.videodrome on disc.
bored enough to try today
sern.lk on disc
Avoid. Catfish.
You need a shower and some breath mints
gtfo make ur own thread tramp
Show us your dick already
Babe you said you loved me why are you ignoring me? Show me your dick or your big flappy flaps
telegram @tits4838
imanon96 on kik
@kijhbs telegram
Add my disc:
She added me. Confirmed troon don't waste your time.
no i didn’t nigga who tf r u lmfoaooaoaoa
I tried to change my id it didn't work and now it changed fuck.
Anyway show me your dick.
Why did you delete your new thread?
And she made a third one kek

Deleted the other thread. I guess someone post a pic of her dick
You're underage btw
She stopped replying. Once I'm sure I'm not getting more dick pics I'll post the ones I have here
My discord
Discord: cyclespiral
it got deleted TwT
two faced </3
Add me silly, want those thighs in my face
Heyy do you have snap? My snap is basedflawless if so.
Banned because underage?
I meant it when I said you have a nice dick. If you admit it here I won't post it.
my discord is : loldie.
yes its an actual username with the .
Can i get an add too
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Stop wasting time she doesn't have a vagina
Hi, my discord is crimsonking1033
how the fuck do you expect us to believe you're a girl with the insane replies you make?
banned for making like a duplicate thread or soemthing lol and go for it, we can see the random guys dick pics u keep in ur camera roll
i really don’t care if you don’t believe me, not my loss haha
do you see a fucking dick? schizo
what i don't see is a vagina
maybe just MAYBE that’s cuz i’m wearing underwear :o
You know he is baiting you.
Tranny lmao
Yeah and you don't want to remove it. People want to talk to you to see you naked. Whatever in under that underwear doesn't matter since you won't show it either way.
I don't see a dick
I don't see a vagina
ofc lmfao i had this exact debate yesterday with someone else
I'm not baiting. I just want to know what's in that underwear. But nobody will know since even on discord you don't want to show it. And you're not even providing a timestamp because it's "gay" and "it's for faggots"
AND your only argument for not having a dick is "cAn YoU sEe A dIcK?" No i can't see the dick you tucked behind your ass.
They can lose some weight.
Nah dick or no dick I'd smash let's be honest
I'd not. I have to know their voice first.
nigga i’m 115lb
You can lose some weight.
uh huh okay xD
That one is baiting.
But seriously. If we're not going to see tits or pussy can we see your ass?
You're a bit too flabby.
there’s no we it’s you, you got impatient and went to cry to ur fellow fags on my thread lol
The thing is, i really think she's a woman, by the fact she hasn't been discredited and mainly by the body type (I know that a femboy can have it too), she looks sexy
Had to make your thread since you couldn't compete with others, try /r9k/.
that’s an understatement dude i’m fucking huge
You should work on better routines to tone your definitions.
Yzilma-sama! Can we have kids? I think you're really cute
what definitions? i’m all flubber dude? can u not see all my belly rolls sagging??
Are you following me across the site again.
Doesn't matter we're still talking on discord i used multiple accounts. I will see that dick sooner or later
if i haven’t showed u anything by now, i’m sorry to break it to you, but it’s not happening :(
Uhh nonono. I dunno I haven't talked to you before actually. I just thought your hair and stuff was very cute and I'd like to join Yzilma-sama's cult
So you admit you won't show anything. I guess nobody want to add you anymore.
Hair and stuff?
Where's his pic?
Yeah I saw you in a rate thread and another one
Your hair looks cute and fluffy :3
Dude, serieusly. And than we complain that we scare the people away
It's fine it's only used 5 accounts it's not like I'm a psychopath or something
Also OP, you're welcome. Guess you're less bored now.
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I don't post in rate threads.
this niggas so corny holy shit
That's only because I want to see the dick that goes with that hot body
Yzilma-sama is so cute and classy! I want to pet you :3
So anyway now that we've successfully hijacked this thread what shall we do with it?
That's still alot of effort
>he actually believed it
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I am really curious as to how you know me, but my hair is cut now.
nigga looks like a dr zeus character
Still very cute! I like your smile. I'll add you sometime and make you fall in love hehe. I'm a little shy right now since I just confessed though. I promise I haven't talked to you directly before I just saw you in passing!!
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>0 results
this can't be real can it?
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Zeus? Not... Seuss?

Feeding my ego won't get you anyhwere.

It's real I have a whole folder.
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I made this one just now.
I don't believe you. I don't want to believe you.
no way this oily ass lopsided nigga talking abt me lmfaooo get lip filler man maybe then you’d actually be able to kiss ur first female
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Dude, it's me.

You'll be alright.
He'd need a lot more work than just the lips
Also where's that ass pic you promised?
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At the very least, you believe it's me.
i promised u an ass pic?
No i don't
Yes you did
Cute!! Yzilma-sama is cute!!!!!!!
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Check this out.

Tits or gtfo. Well maybe not tits but timestamp at least
is rhis a social experiment
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I timestamped in /vg/.
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I also tried to meet up with someone from /a/ to fight them in person, they did not show up.
You used AI for the timestamp
People do that?
No. You didn't hear anything.
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That's pretty creative I guess.
We're just passing time waiting for your ass pic
I am not waiting for her, she seems underaged.
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Thanks I guess but there's too many clothes
I laughed so hard at this, shame she isn't like skinny.
How is it funny? It makes my pp sad
Haha, because one,
You have more personality than her.
And two,
You got what you wanted, and she did it to claim attention back to herself. It's like funny. It makes me want to post my own ass.
Oh, I thought you meant the last sentence.
Thanks anon.
Please do post your ass too.
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Yeah sure.
I still won't believe that's you without a timestamp. But if it is you, you got a bigger ass.
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I am well aware.
It makes me want to post my ass too somehow. Should we get an ass thread started over here?
if i wanted attention i assure you i have much better ways of going about it
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I am sure there are male ass threads, but I don't post seriously in any of the collect-a-thon threads.

I believe you.
Such as?
I am sure there are. But there's nothing funny about those.
no pls mens asses are so saggy eg yzilma
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I think we're supposed to use our imagination.
bros on a mewing streak
i can’t tell u that would ruin all the fun :(
I have a nice ass though. Not saggy not fat but like round. Women love it.
I've tried, but I imagine things better after I see them.
What fun?
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And you ruined it by making me laugh.

Oh, like a math equation, it's easier to solve backwards when you have the answer.
bro what are you lol
i don’t get the hype with men’s asses they just don’t hit the same as women
True. If you post yours again, with less clothes, I will not post mine.
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Puerto Rican/Southern Italian
im cute :3
dc routdedeath
You really do not let go of your larp. I admire the dedication.
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didn’t you post a video where you got your dick sucked?
Well, I hope it is one.
And if it's not, I admire the confidence.
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Yeah I did, I'll repost it here. https://files.catbox.moe/9dem4d.mp4

Nah, it's not. It's me.
Fucking wild
Damn the bitch looks nasty
And you dare talking shit about OP? I mean, yeah we still don't have any proof that she has a vagina or that she's not ugly. But still.
What about men’s arms, do you like muscles?
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I do dare.
I don't, personally.
Fair enough
It's a woman who is 41 btw
he kinda packing that schmeat
Worst thing I read on this board.
Post more pics or videos. OP is not posting anything anyway.
Video of me railing a different girl. https://files.catbox.moe/8cnuqb.mp4
Is this your first time here?
i guess? not like super wham tho, not that there would be any one super wham on here anyways
Ah, I fell for it
That's mean
No. Also link broke.

Nah I am gonna post it.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to see in there
not wrong tho
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Do you not have 4chan X?
Lol true
But enough for someone to pick you up and carry you?
the stroke game tho
...? You mean this: >>33471414
Well, congrats. You post a lot more in a few minutes than OP since she started the thread
Fair enough
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It's not hard lmfao, I actually go out and fuck people. All different girls in each photo/video too.
>I actually go out
Wait people do that?
i made the thread for people to drop their dc, not to chat on 4chan
Oh, well it has more success like this doesn't it?
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Well, I live in NYC, so it's easy to.

You'll be alright, you shouldn't be chatting here on 4chan if that was the case.
he’s more interesting than you to be fair
i preferred my other 2
I live in London most women are ugly or brown
thankfully i’m not trying to interest u
All it takes is showing humanity really.

Thank you, anon
Feel free to join the conversation
Obviously, otherwise we would have seen your tits already.
uh oh roastie cope
Damn you don’t have to go for the throat like that lmao
Is she not talking to people on disc?
Well someone did post a screenshot of her on Discord. She would verify it is her by holding an object in her room up to the camera.
Dump your nude collection
not on a thread no
Barely. I'm the one who post the pic of our conversation earlier and she didn't seem like she wants to talk and she didn't want to post nudes.
Ah I missed that lol
Too bad I’m not dropping disc here
Well I didn't see them on discord either
you’re obviously a womanizer Yzilma
ew why do guys do that lmfao
She's not sending nudes dude no worries
Bros fucking his mom's sister
You don't have pics/videos of you having sex with men?
Rude and offensive.

For sport really, I forget I even have them months at a time.
not sending nudes to YOU is a keyword u missed
How old are you anyways?
don’t u think that’s strange? the only reason i would do it is for blackmail
Dice makes me want to do molly tonight. You're a bad influence.
Yeah i know you were waiting to see my dick first but obviously I wasn't going to send it either
i was? don’t recall i’ll go look
You didn't ask but obviously that's what you're here for no? You said you won't show your pussy "today" and you didn't want to talk. What else is there?
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I never blackmailed a woman before, I don't think that's attractive. It's like sentimental to me. It's the,
"I earned this". Since it wasn't just one and done scenarios, but I knew all of them personally. Yes it is strange, I am strange.

She was a cosplaying filipina I was fucking for a time.
Couldn't even tell me what you were looking for when I asked, besides "cutte guys"
sorry thought you would take the hint, i don’t wanna show YOU my pussy and i don’t wanna talk to YOU, you weren’t my type
Post your dick at this point
No it's not strange she doesn't know what she's talking about.
>cosplaying filipina
What was her best cosplay?
do you care about how they would feel?
>you weren’t my type
And how would you know that? Unless your "type" would send you a dic pic immediately... or maybe a face pic idk yeah it's possible you were waiting for face pic. But yet again obviously I wasn't going to do that if I was going to post anything here afterwards.
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Yeah sure.
She kinda remind me of an ex
Nice thanks
Did you miss the bj video?
Tell me about the circumcision, does it not get dry?
I’m not clicking links
no it’s not about looks, i assure you i completely based it off how you talked. no matter whether u show me any of you, i simply just don’t like you
I dunno lmao
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Hi there! Yz-elmo loves you!
Oh yeah I was expecting you to send a pic to everyone I didn't even try
I am sure you would love me. I can see you falling in love already. No need to hide it.
Come one tell me, I'm not amerimutt and actually have a foreskin so tell me does it not feel exposed?
Yzelmo is happy :)
I wouldn't have a clue, I don't know both sides of the fence to tell you the difference.

I truthfully missed you.
Well add me then
yzilma you freak me out
You love his dick though
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Saying that after saying thanks to seeing my dick is interesting
Huh? Has someone else made the Yzelmo joke before?
Yeah they have. A lot of what I've done in /vg/ has followed me more so than what I did in /a/.
Now that we have more people in here who's gonna show their ass?
You, get to it.
Nah I will not show my ass until op proves she doesn't have a dick
If anything, she's not a transgender by behavior alone.
You do have a point. A man wouldn't get mad so easily.
Transgender women tend to be more hypersexual as they are fixated on what they perceive as sexual traits of a woman. They often behave as cartoonish variations of a "slut", when an actual e-whore would be more selective rather than free use.

Not to mention, getting offended about weight and outright saying a number is a tell tale sign of a woman, >>33471143
Is that my FUARKING hero yzilma?
D-don't look anon-kun..
Why is the SPECIAL grade cursed spirit showing his FUARKING dick on /soc/????
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You'd be surprised how many troons stop posting their tits or refuse to post a timestamp on /b/. They do all leave when half the people itt say they have a dick though.
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Cheers, Dice
The bad influence won
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Too late
Got it from where I usually leave it
It's fun you should try
Ah look who's a bad influence now haha
ooohh let tht lilith in pisces shine bright baby….
i mean this *snap my finger* do u remember when u were born name fag? https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/calculate-birth-chart-horoscope-online/?input_natal=1&send_calculation=1&narozeni_den=13&narozeni_mesic=12&narozeni_rok=2001&narozeni_hodina=06&narozeni_minuta=05&narozeni_sekunda=00&narozeni_city=New+York%2C+USA%2C+New+York&narozeni_mesto_hidden=New+York&narozeni_stat_hidden=US&narozeni_podstat_kratky_hidden=NY&narozeni_sirka_stupne=40&narozeni_sirka_minuty=43&narozeni_sirka_smer=0&narozeni_delka_stupne=74&narozeni_delka_minuty=0&narozeni_delka_smer=1&narozeni_timezone_form=auto&narozeni_timezone_dst_form=auto&house_system=placidus&hid_fortune=1&hid_fortune_check=on&hid_vertex=1&hid_vertex_check=on&hid_chiron=1&hid_chiron_check=on&hid_lilith=1&hid_lilith_check=on&hid_uzel=1&hid_uzel_check=on&tolerance=1&aya=&tolerance_paral=1.2#tabs_redraw
Ok maybe I'll try the drugs you took too after this it looks fun
:) It makes me happy you're here.
Lilith (Mean) in Pisces
Fascination with self-sacrifice and blending into others;
ni wonder u post eveything
Does it interest you, Mahitobitch?
ho w ome u have no hair on ur dick but on ur legs
I shave it for the visitors.
what the fuck happened and Yzilma decided to go full lulcow. This board finally pays off????
Do you have hair on your dick?
That is BPDlady you're talking to.
Oh sorry. Does she have hair on her dick?
I can confirm that she is as dickless as they come. More so than OP.
uhum it made me realise a 4chan freak like yuo isnt responsible for all the shitpot and disaster… Its the cosmos itself.
I will Anhialte the demiruge, wish me good luck and ilso, i would tell yuo my chart but since i am a Mistorious woman all my informaton has been wiped
He was worse on /vg/, seems arbitrary to declare him a lolcow now.
Oh, so wait there is supposedly not one but TWO women in here? How is this possible? I thought this is 4chan
Are you having a stroke?
Is there like, an archive of bro's mental health issues? Asking for like, a friend... (me)
Ya it feels like s snake is crawling up my spine my 3rd eye chakra is openig
Of course my love, I will remain loyal to you always.

Yes, there is. 30,000 posts worth on /a/, and thousands more on /vg/.

That's Mahitoschizo, she uses an iPad.
Oooh, THAT type of chick, huh
Ugh bro you're rancid. Like, go touch grass or something. And lay off the crack pipe jesus
Relax relax.
yuor not seeing the full picture yzilm was bless with 6 sagitarius place ments yu cant surgicaly rearrange the stars
Why does every woman say crack first when they want to say a drug name?
Unironically the most social thread on /soc/.
i was abot to samefag until god held my hands and warne me it woldnt fool anyone and i reぉsぃlise we have IDS
God is real
I kiss you.
Yeah the id is totally the only way we'd recognize you. Sure.
How many GFs now?
I meant the way you type like a tard
Hahaha why is this a question?
thanx but ts reason fir this is because i exist in such astromicaly high frequency my language get scrambled when i try comunicate with paralel dimensions
Seems like you've added a lot of new girls to the harem, I'm curious about if the old ones are putting up with it.
Do you have to out me as a whore?
Oh and you're crazy on top of that
How do you do it? Those weren't your pics earlier, right?
Anyway I heard you got a vagina can we see? OP left i think
That was not my intent. Besides, in this very same thread you stated that you've been with multiple girls >>33471430
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Yeah all the pictures and videos are mine.

So you ARE.
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Without the underwear, of course
Are what?
Idk why buy i feel like I've seen you(?) somewhere you have a very familiar face
Oh nevermind I used to have a friend that look similar i guess that's why. He didn't have much success with women however.
I was going to say probably not.

Outing me as a whore!
It's fine it's only considered whoring when women do it
Can you stop deflecting the question?
I can't exactly answer that here. Not on /soc/.
You can. I wan to know too. I know too much or not enough!
I have too many stalkers that follow my username, me revealing that would inevitably cancel out chances in the future.
I thought you liked your stalkers.
Stop namefagging for a minute then. Then you can pretend it was not you.
Or wait I'll namefag as you too so you can pretend it was me.
I adore them. Now the issue is me meeting someone new and they see I however many affairs.
Between this and a number I don't think it can get worse. Unless it's a very high number
stickkky on discord add me
Hahaha she's stealing people from OP that's great
sqlcny on discord
Add me too!
Why did this thread die so suddenly? We still need to see a vagina or at least a pair of tits
add me
athing on disc

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