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For annons over 30 looking for romance or serious relationships.

Loners, autists, shut-ins, normies, all are welcome!
I am convinced nobody wants either. They just use that as justification for a fuck buddy and will bolt the moment someone hotter comes along.

This is for both men and women.
why not
>describe yourself
6', HWP, DDF, enjoys being outdoors and doing things, likes cooking and music. likes having a drink or occasionally weed.
>looking for
chatting that leads up to irl meets, open to one-time meets or consistent meets if the rapport/vibe is good, open to pursuing something serious if we really click. I am looking for mutual attraction, not a business transaction. Ideally you are geographically close and have the ability to travel (middle ground or to me) or can host. realistically open to distance with the right people
>not looking for
minors, men, trans, addicts, scams/mlm/phishing/etc, money-begging/sugar situations, felons, STDs, prostitution/sex work.
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>describe yourself
6 ft 2 blonde hair Irish man. I have a farmers tan of sorts I don't know if it'll go away.

I like anime, vidya, hiking, cooking and the arts. I'm currently taking care of my Mom and travelling. I'm willing to go basically anywhere in the world. I like the idea of adventure. I like people who get out and live life. I'm also cool with some indoors stuff as long as indoors doesn't mean your room forever. I know I can come off a little pushy. I just feel like no one actually does shit anymore and that includes dating. So if you want something real. With someone that'll treat you right. Give me a shot.

>looking for
IRL relationship, dating, eventual marriage, happy family with some kids

>not looking for
Men, former men, trannies, children, permonline flirting

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3 and a half more years without a date before my suicide stream.
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I´m into music and live shows, living for the thrills. Also love videogames and women, as long as she´s not being a cunt. Big fan of 2D NSFW art like H-stuff, although shounen is a bit cringe. Also enjoy MMA and movies a lot. Fan of beer, liqours and weed etc. I dont mind hanging out with slutty people, it doesnt bother me. Just be happy with yourself.

Looking for friends and dates, Maybe people to go to Japan with for holidays, or to some DJ raves. Male by the way, EU region.

Discord: 4018gg
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account.
M/38/USA looking for a serious relationship
I like teens and women
Teleguard: KUVJB256D

No kids, never been married. Work in tech.

Looking for an immensely talented artist who will make me immortal
Oh hey guys look he's back!
exactly how fat are you?
Any femanons who are lonely and want a bf in tech? Also play vidya with me, that's the condition
Im 5'3" and 115lbs and go to the gym 3 times a week and have never been pregnant or given birth. Is that fat enough for your chubby chasing microdick?
whats your discord?
so why are you single
Im just really really really really really ugly!!!!
Drop yours =)
that tracks. how unfortunate.
Not the other guy but
I would go on a date with you anon, but I live in a very remote area. Please do not an hero.
Cant save him
U sound cool but only 30 year old + guys looking for?
Worth trying
I've only ever talked to 1 woman on 4chan who was 30+ and not an autistic loser with no real career. Also always fat with small/average boobs (Except for the 1 I mentioned - She was fat with huge boobs).
...Anonymous (ID: FGHM73M6)
10/06/24(Sun)08:56:45 No.33492165
Still looking for someone who wants to try and get nudes out of my mom

She has the biggest rack I've ever seen and would love to get a glimpse of them

Ideally looking for someone hung so we can see her reaction to a BWC or BBC

Kik: everdream123

Serious inquiries only
How old?
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M38 - Not a therapist, Atypical Analysis of why we like what we like, and some of what I've learned

Some of you may recognise the teeth.
I’ve been at this for a while, and its been interesting. About 10 years of trawling the bottom of the internet for weirdos. Still at it an 4chan has been a reliable supply :-D

Still looking for more, but now I have a Q&A to try to filter people better:

“What kinda things do people tell you”-

Most common things I am very tired of and do not want to talk about about…

- I get a lot of replies from people into cheating and cucking. this is generally not an interesting conversation for analysis/discussion unless you have something particularly unique about it.

-"Can you rate/analyze my IRLs" - not much to actually analyze here. your IRLs are important to you and less so for others, particularly when its just 1 way parasocial crushes.
-"Why do I have a foot fetish?/What is up with my foot obsession" - It is the most common best understood kink. It's a brain wiring thing... its kinda surprising how many people are unaware of this.

Semi Common and i do like to talk about
-"I have obscure kink/fetish/interest/backstory and still actively engage in it." - These are people with experiences and stories . Ya'll a fun. Message me more about your weird stuff and I'll happily chat about mine.
My Equivalent story on this level is the fact that I'm married to my stepsister and pretty much lived the pornhub stepcest fantasy life before it was cool.

Pretty rare/always interested in hearing:
-People with virtually entirely secretly lives :-O

If interested:

Open up with something you are particularly proud of, or something you want to understand better about yourself.

Do not give 1 word introductions hi/hey, or ask if it’s okay to talk about XYZ, just start,or I’ll ignore you for a while.

Preferred contact:

Teleguard: CZQM9493J
>but I live in a very remote area
have you got that log cabin dealio going on?

>autistic loser with no real career
is it bad that i don't see the problem with that

Yes. If you're in your 30s without a career you failed in life.
No log cabin dealio
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what if were not looking for romance or a relationship and just wanna chat with folks of a similar age range, i only ever get added by fucking 18-21 yr old women on this damn site and theyre boring as fuck.
Wish I could be you.
I miss beepy
please add me then cook5766
If that other anon won't take you up on your date offer then I will.
I too live in a rural area, in the deep south.
M 38 USA looking for serious relationship
I like teens and women

>How old?
All of them... the entire lot of em.
I’m not anywhere near the deep south. Thanks, though.
Are there any MtFs in their late twenties or thirties? I'm a chaser looking for an LTR but it seems everyone on this board is too young to carry on a conversation.
There are fuckloads of mentally deranged men on this site take your pic
eh, being in their 30s without a real career just isn't a major issue for me because a housewife doesn't need a career :^)

let's make one together
m39 cali (near LA)
5'7, brown hair, hazel eyes, glasses, average build overall, mostly white (quarter Japanese). Interests include anime, comics, toku, /tg/, vidya, etc.
>Looking for
A girlfriend ideally, ideally IRL. Honestly love all ages (within reason), body types, races, etc. Recently got out of a long distance on-again-off-again thing.
>Not looking for
/pol/tards and MAGAts primarily
Kik DTheSwitch or snap ddomike23
(we can move to discord if we hit it off I suppose)

Hit me up if you're interested

Sorry I regret to inform you housewives are also failures.
I've kinda accepted I'll ever get a partner or lose my virginity, I'm just not interesting enough of a person to be attractive I guess
34, male, bi.

>Looking for
Honestly I don't know.
I'm super pervy and sexual, I want someone just as kinky &, horny.
Also someone who enjoys conversation

Lots of things! Weird music, dungeons and dragons, film, TV, manga & anime, YouTube, gaming. I mean I'm a human in the 21st century, we all like the same things. Right?

I'm into incest, age play, forced, abuse, free use, roleplay, hentai, dirty talk and much, much more. Whatever you're into I'll be into it too. If you're not into some of those don't sweat, they're not required or anything.

Snap: sirbro20
Kik: sirbro93
Disc: kane_ser
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33/m/SoCal (91306)
>Hobbies and Interests
Pic rel, but also /k/ adjacent stuff and fitness
>Looking for
Women close-ish (both age and distance ideally, but not set in stone) to talk to, with the potential for more. Bonus if you like the same stuff I do, but again not super important
>Not Looking for
Friend collector-types and dudes. Trans is alright if you just tell me upfront. No love-bombing please.
Discord - d0vetail
M 38 USA
looking for a girlfriend that won't find it creepy or disgusting that I find teens attractive
Teleguard: KUVJB256D

Studied psych at uni and still have a big interest in the topic and just the human experience in general. I eventually left to do music and that's what takes the majority of my time currently. I'm very driven and passionate. In my offtime I like old games, long yt vids, and trashy TV.

Looking for fun girls that may be a little weird, cynical girls, or creative girls

disc: .solzh

Daddy dom / abusive father figure searching for his little princess/daughter.
I want someone I can obsess over, control, and abuse.
Ideally You're someone who is extremely lonely and has been neglected.
Let me give you care and attention (and abuse) you deserve.

Discord: pizza2732
Male, 29. Straight. zangi# 1037769021
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I just realized I forgot my discord

Is anyone going to post a link to the boomer discord?

also would any women be interested in being a travel gf? Let's say I had a job, I don't have a job and I'm broke, but let's say I got one that required travel every week. How interested would you be in flying off to random places for a week or so at a time and just sitting around in a hotel room/air bnb while I attended meetings all day.
>Not looking for
>women under 22

Simple as.
>implying people read those
are you new here
If you're a guy people do read them if they haven't already moved on after seeing "M".
I talked to one who was 29, smart and otherwise pretty cool, chubby but cute chubby not a whale
She lived in rural Serbia though so even if I was inclined to cheat on my wife rather than just kill time at work that shit wasn’t happening
Stopped talking ages ago though, hope she met someone
did her name start with A?
going to get no replies but here it goes lol:

33 male, upstate NY in the U.S. nerd, weirdo, barely go outside etc. but i do enjoy (even strenuous) hiking and going on cute lil' dates.

i'm tall and fit. bit of a gym rat. into anime, alt film, gayming, and i make money with art sometimes. know how to cook and drive and stuff also. i'm white.

looking for a bio female potential life partner with at least a few interests in common. really, even just a few would be nice.

not interested in polygamy, cheating, emotional abuse or manipulation or any of that nonsense. i don't understand why that's all so prevalent in dating culture these days. it's possible to have a loving and happy relationship by just exercising a little compromise from time to time. it's really not hard.

that's about it. i don't know how to finish this.

hit me up on discord if interested (nobody will be): _drainage
27 f southern California near Tustin

Looking for dating, good friends.
I'm poly because I have a habit of flirting online and hooking up with men I find online. So if you're not okay with that, don't add me.


I like PC gaming, j-pop, vtubers, animemanga.

Don't add me to troll me or talk about the trolls that spam posts about me on 4chan, I have a life outside replying to hate. I will unfriend you if you try to get me to respond to hate.

I won't send photos of myself since people have doxed me plenty of times, only add me if you care about personality not looks.
Hi! Im 32, and not a immensely talented artist, but I am trying to improve my drawing skills. Idk what you are looking for, but if you want to try, add me: magnumdml
I don't understand the idea of posting an ad but then not giving contact information.
They obviously do not want to be swarmed with ads and would rather have those interested post their contact info.
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Don't add, this is a catfish who only wants adult paypigs. His main interest is pedophilia, he's been exposed as grooming children on various Discord servers and even got his old account banned after posting CP in a 4chan Discord.
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This is his face btw, he doesn't want anyone posting it because he's very obviously a man.
I can't believe nobody has replied to this.. what a dream. Is this the frog guy? French?
How would I support myself? I’m wouldn’t be interested in waiting in a hotel room all day for you, but of course traveling is attractive.
>what a dream. Is this the frog guy? French?
It wouldn't be to places that you want to go like Hawaii or anything. Would be to random cities that no one ever thinks of. No I'm not French. I'm a mutt.

>How would I support myself?
What would you need? I would of course pay for our living expenses. Tbh hotel sounds boring, I'd prefer an air bnb since those are more comfy. Do you think its attractive even if we're traveling to random no where cities?
I’d be bummed to be dragged to, say, Cinncinati more than once. It wouldn’t have to be destination cities.
I have bills, just like most adult humans. It doesn’t compute with me that someone else would pay them.
A portrait like that costs.Um
I'm way too lazy
Talent is wasted on the productive.
Find immortality on your computer you loser
i'm a guy and have had plenty of people add me without reading beyond the ASL (some even not reading that lol)
Erm um my ex was pretty talented and I have several portraits from him, we had tons of fun together mutually lol
I am on my computer. I made that post while on my computer you retard
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i fucking hate getting older man...
It's not about the destination. As cringe and faggoty as it sounds, it's about the journey. The companionship, the experience, the peace.
What's special, I can't and don't want really have a sex. (Please think twice and be kind to me about not lying to me on this topic).
Despite of not having sex, I hope we will try to get baby from a womb.
Is there a medical reasons as to why you can't have sex or is it psychological?
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34/M/California (Los Angeles)
>About yourself
It is difficult to even socialize let alone date someone today, and I personally am trying to meet an internet dweller like myself who can play games and watch anime.
>Future goals/aspirations
Since the IT industry is a mess, I’m looking into a career change and even starting my own business.
>Looking for
Women who’d be interested in hanging out, but not in person. It bothers me how uncommon it is to have someone who shares my interests. I don’t want a hookup, I’m honestly trying to find a partner who can be a good friend primarily. I’m not a social person, I don’t want to be around lots of people, and I don’t desire to go to parties and such.
>Not looking for
People who aren’t looking for a long term commitment. I don’t do multiple irons in the fire.
conaltra on discord.

Distance ain’t really an issue, I’ve flown to europe and japan, driven all up and down the united states for business. Was last in Utah for 2 years and Seattle for 12. I don’t like the heat, would prefer to be in the mountains instead of the desert.
Like 90% medical, the rest options how can I have a joy are supressed by psychological. I may need help to develop sexual connection
Male 28 Canada
>Describe yourself
Pretty big Vidya and anime fan, enjoys running for exercise and playing guitar.
>Looking for
A woman around my age who is normal I guess
>Not looking for
Men troons etc etc
Kik SirEstellion
Looking for a woman who's another huge nerd and introvert like me. I like to e-date; your location does not matter to me, I struggle a lot with real life interactions. I'm (diagnosed) autistic as shit. I like music, PC games, cinema, anime, literature, history, astronomy and other predictable nerdy subjects.
Sexually I'm a switch, I love to discuss and explore kinks, not just when horny either. I really like finding out what makes my partners tick and learning how to make them relax so they can fully live out their fantasies. We can ERP through text or do voice chat later if we click. I have a very deep voice that many people like.
Physically I'm a tall skinny pale dude with messy dark hair, a common garden variety of nerd.
Would love to sperg away with you for hours discussing our special interests and flirt a bunch. I have a strong romantic drive and a moderate/variable sex drive. Intellectual compatibility and affection matter to me more than sex, though that's still important.

Discord tag:
M 38 USA
creepy male loner with no friends or family seeking girlfriend
Teleguard: KUVJB256D
Why are you creepy lol
Are you old? From upstate new york? Do you have autism? Try this discord server https://discord.gg/rfKvpdsmpG
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>About myself
29 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me

endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu
why is water wet
? I wanted to know why or what he thinks makes him personally creepy.
Pretty sure he is sexually attracted to children
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M / Ma

Usually busy trying to avoid that internal loneliness, Social but enjoys my alone time, Looking for my muse.

Disc testflight012
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Gabriel Knight, Maniac Mansion, Panel de Pon, Eastern Mind, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Super Puzzle Fighter II, Ristar, Toonstruck, Illusion of Gaia, Kirby's Dream Course, Alien Soldier
>Looking For
Retro Games
>Not Looking For
Video/Voice Call
>about me
Im curious, active, and honest. A good listener and interested in learning about the media your willing to share and talk about. I've been online for a while so I've seen a lot and im not the judgy type at all! I love hearing the stories that define who you are and what your going through
>looking for
Friends to share time and taste with via text, VC, or RL.
>About you
White. Pretty cute. But I look much younger and sort of feminine. I went to school for film and it's what I sort of obsess over. Somewhat of a shut in. Willing to relocate if things ever got serious.
Femdom. Cuckolding
>What you're looking for
Bio woman who knows what she wants. Ideally in the US at least.
>What you're NOT looking for
Normies. Trans.
idkwhat000 on discord
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Kik kindlyfor2

>Where u from

>Looking for
Not looking for anything serious given we probably aren't even in the same country but i like to talk about things i like as well as hear you gush about something that obsesses you

I really like comic books and think they are the perfect art medium for self expression and highly focused ideas, and about the big and highly active world of artistic comic books that aren't Dc or Marvel (still, there's some actual literature gems within them too)
Well, she's very obviously a cunt, so there's that...
Um, if it's peace you're looking for, you need to stay solitary.
The person never said they couldn't have sex, they said "don't want really have A sex"...they want to be genderless. They want lots of sex...with what, who knows.
Just because you're a paedo doesn't mean EVERYONE is a paedo...
You can prevent this from happening to you by just getting in shape and developing a personality
Also this is beenz, been a moon and a day since I visited soc, is there anything interesting going on or is it still a drag
What's the deal with Rin? Update me on her lore.
>is there anything interesting going on or is it still a drag
same old same old, nothgin really changes around here.
who da fuck is rin
I turn 30 in December, dont hate me

VR Simracing (need a new seat :c ), light vidya with friends (LoL arams, Space Marine 2), music production (electronic/synth), live music (mostly electronic)
Friends to chat with through the day, good connections, people with interesting lives and interesting tales, lonely souls, chatterboxes, music sharers
>not looking for
Arguments, political talks, "you're my only friend" energy, people adding me for reasons not related to my post
Typical /soc/ roastie that has been here far to long. Bounces from guy to guy and state to state, tried to be homeless for a while in NY as part of some grand plan but that fell through. Extreme doomer type and will refuse to accept any sort of accountability. Calling out her shit just makes her try to act tough. She has openly doxxed people before in other servers, and she is HIGHLY addicted to weed. Last I heard/saw she's made a few videos fucking/sucking dick but no one seems to have a link of them just screenshots. She is not attractive either and has a moustache.
>no one seems to have a link of them just screenshots
Wouldn't it be illegal to share them? Why not just get them from the server where they were shared?
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>about me
neet who's terminally online. i have basically unlimited free time. i collect neetbux and own a home though.
>looking for
friends are fine but what i really want is a girl to spend the days with. ideally a neet girl who can spend time with me all day too. not a hard requirement though. it would be nice to have someone to sleep on call with or watch movies with.
>not looking for
far right psychos
>>Wouldn't it be illegal to share them?
This is 4chan, you really think people abide by laws here?
>>Why not just get them from the server where they were shared?
They were shared in DM's and screenshotted from there. I did hear she had a fetlife at one point but it was wiped clean. Also heard a rumor she had an OF but no clue what it would be or want to.
>I am convinced nobody wants either.
I do, but where can I find a 40+F that's also like me a loner/shut-in/weeb/neet?
I loosely keep an eye on the 30+ threads once or twice a month, if they even pop up, but I don't recall seeing a single 40F posting. I'm even willing to make the first move but it'd be nice if they could send some hints as to where to look to even get started.
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Rin is your below average to average mentally ill white woman from /soc/.

Lacks all accountability for her issues (which are all her fault for any number of reasons). Frequents is in "need" of "help" from others in terms of handouts, donations or a place to stay. She is often found in servers where she gets attention from bottom tier males who are on the verge of trooning out because they cant get women (99.9% all guys troon out for this reason) so they see rin as a decent way to get a gf to fend off the HRT.

She then proceeds to be the reason in the relationship for why she ends up in the same cycle of needing help because shes constantly high/dirty or just basically useless as a functioning person and finds someone else to leech off of.

The only redeeming thing about her is she give s you something to point and laugh in servers.

Source: Seen it happen in a handful of servers, have seen the nudes, have spoken to the "men" shes leeched off of.

And no, i dont have the photos or the video of her sucking dick, that stuff was not worth saving even for archiving purposes.
35 / M / California
Latino (spanish traits aka light skinned)
(a widower)

>physical description
180lb 5'11''
non smoker, seldom drinker

pretty much a homebody however on good days:
self improvement minded.. Runs, home weight training/calisthenics, cooking, finding new old music, reading, hikes,
loosely social things (bit of an introvert), chillin, learning,
as for self growth, im open to exploring spirituality, culture
less frequently:gaming

>looking for
a female friend to share life with, or even just hang out for company.
preferably simple, kind (at least externally). but im open to compatibility below.

>female temperment/love language compatability
phlegmatic and/or sanguine.
acts of service/contact oriented

(im phlegmatic mostly, and love languages seem to be the same)

>not looking for
Partying, super mainstream/media talking points (lgbt, vaccines, wars etc), drama, obnoxiously leftist or rightist,

> (should be a thing) Old version of myself:
Chronic gamer, entertainment enjoyer like movies and anime etc Pot smoker, junk foodie,

>red pilled?
Id say somewhat yea

>have job

would you have sex with her?
Before she truly went to shit I would've considered it. She was always semi questionable but now she is legit damaged goods. Now I wouldn't touch it with a 20ft pole.
Would you have sex with RAN?
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30 yo, my name is marissa.

my number in fn. i have whatsapp

Looking for a girl who knows my life kinda sucks but is okay with that. I'm a nice loving person
How about Run?
Well, I'm not 30 years old, but I am 22 years old... I'm latina girl Venezuela...I love to fuck and most of the time I'm horny and I love to be pampered a lot... To know more about me... telegram: @Lisss2525
man...i kinda feel bad for you vennies...even a dollar could buy you food for a month by now huh...

no wonder so many of you fucks either farm runescape gold or larp as e-whores.
let me sin on your face and wrap my leg around your ear while im drippin wet
KIK: ziasky19

I'm like 50% bored, 40% stoned and 10% horny. Come say hi, we can talk about stuff or flirt or pretend I'm your dad or whatever.

Lookin for the boomercord after an account nuke. Anyone got the invite?
>account nuke
You were on a pdf server? Who were you?
Shy guy, I like old strategy games (both RTS and turn-based). Also like cycling when the weather is good, though I'm a bit out of shape (working on that). My all time favorite genre is Sci-Fi, would like to know more about the good stuff
I'd like to just chat with friendly people, I have a gf so nothing NSFW.
I'd like to make friends but aquaintances are ok
Open for hanging out in Madrid (no neonazis/culture war plz)
stfu manic FAGOOT
You sound like a bitch no wonder why you’re currently single
No. Some server got nuked for "violent extremism". This is dave
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Willing to marry the first woman that can tell me the name of this here fine fella and what he did.
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30/M/Bay Area
>Interesting Fact
Tech worker, Geography nerd, Counter Strike addict, Cooking Enthusiast, Horror film fan, Well traveled. 6'2 160lbs, Green Eyes, white. Kind of shy and introverted but an open book if I trust you. Kind hearted and have gotten compliments that I'm above average in looks.
>Looking for
Romance (Female only, non obese)
>Not looking for
Gay coomers, trans, underage.
Discord: Satan.net
Bonzi buddy, it was malware.
Get married, nerd
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Good googly moogly
Ha is that good or bad?
nice butt! definitely would
I really didn't want to simp. Why did you post this picture? Are you single? Can I touch your butt?
man I know how you feel. majority of my net friends are early 20s and it makes me feel creepy as shit.
I’d like to see more
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you look like you forage for mushrooms and are really into paganism
Got a way for people to reach out and talk to you?
ks53772 at gmail
Swedish? Lithuanian?
No just American. Irish and Scandinavian family
I have noticed that I don't see Nif's server posted here anymore. Is that the one which got deleted?
Address not found, womp womp.
Sorry was my throw away email haven't used it in a long time
Happens. Is there a better way, then? Or would reactivate your old throwaway?
nice2meetu76512 at gmail

Let's chat.
How old are you btw Anon
Yea you look quite exotic, I might have guessed finnish
No. The one that got deleted was some unremarkable shithole
DANG IT'S BEEN YEARS, you still look fucking fantastic. hope all is well.
Kitty! You still alive and so hot, omg!
Miss you posting here!
6'3" reasonably attractive bwc
Ideally I would love to feed attention to a female anon who's married/in a relationship because I feel like YOU deserve it most. I'm interested in everything from pic trade/ mutual masturbation/ unlicensed therapy/ Convo. Looking to do this with one person loyally. We're choosing each other.
Kik: HereJustForYew
Gods can't belive I still got recognized. It was been awhile.
Yah I get that a lot. Nope just an American mut
Sure I'll email you
>can't belive I still got recognized
well ofc, gotta respect the OGs. and you were 100% one of them. you proivded lots and lots.
Always aimed to please. It was fun while it lasted. That's actually pretty cool anybody remembers. I feel very flattered.
Yes, some would never forget you! And youndont want or cant get back to post more again? We would love to see your pics and videos again!
To old for that now I think. I don't look bad for 35 but I definitely don't look like I used to.
glad to see some tasteful conversation still finds its way here
i never browsed the cam threads, but found this interaction charming
good luck to whatever you all are doing in the present
I am sure you are in great shape and still a sexy woman! If you ever feel bold, try it again. I certainly would love to see more of your beauty again, Kitty.
What exactly did she used to post? ha ha....
Wow, I love your braids. Your whole aesthetic is wonderful, you're simply beautiful.
who? any archive links? did she post nudes
>tasteful conversation
>cool anybody remembers
naaaaah c'mon. the amount of time we all together dumped into this shithole back then was unreal. one thread per day sometimes more.
>Always aimed to please
and you did so fantastically. i have over 1000 fond memories of you on my drive, absolutely one of the GOATS, no discussion.

respect where respect is due. it might sound pathetic and probably is but damn was it a wild ride back then. and we all spend way too much time on here...
>good luck to whatever you all are doing in the present
thank you buddy and i wish you the same.
>I am a 40-year-old man and I live in a group home for mentally ill people. I know people are younger than me which is strange because when I walked on my town downtown everyone seems to be gray-haired and older. I have a server but it just started and people don't know what to say. I don't know how to force people to interact with each other. The basic fact is that I need constant dopamine. That's one thing going on the internet gets you addicted to. Something about stimulating the brain Wisconsin reading and writing to other people is a stimuli for dopamine. I like reading about Carl Jung, learning the language of Japanese and writing books but I am a not employed or in education or training. I've given up on dating on social 4chan. What I really just want is someone who will VC show me a server or come to my server where I can be myself. What I mean by being myself is being 40 years old and talking kind of like a normie. By server I mean Discord server. What my server is about is evolving all the time. It's called the Legion of Xenu. Originally I had wanted it where a person could be rude or do Shadow work with their primitive brain primitive side and just say everything based and without thought or thinking beforehand. But now I think I wanted to be slightly occult. Because this website is driving me straight into the arms of Lucifer. This is not an anxiety attack, it is the straw that broke the camel's back.

discord name: fluffyboom.
https://discord.gg/kDhwhDfqmQ - Legion of Xenu
Well 10 years ago there were a lot more women and it was really easy to chat to broads.
Jesus fuck
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185cm, white, pale, average looking, long hair, retard, only have had a single long-term partner

>looking for
a bipolar demon. i dont want to see your face, i dont want to hookup with you. i just want to have genuine conversation with perhaps a bit of sexual tension. the more obsessive the better.

i spend most of my free time reading. dont watch anime or play vidya much anymore but im okay with doing either together.

sorry im not a porn addict but if you want me to tell you how much of a disgusting unlovable freak you are then add me

dis: aren_zzz
forgot to mention biofem in my post sry
30 soon/lady(boy)/Northeast US (likes EU)

Recent Music: /watch?v=qTkdaFiIKxQ /watch?v=cxd87ZjZ2jA
Faves: /watch?v=zobf_4sfEbQ /watch?v=vqz8c4ZP3Wg /watch?v=f25R9Gl6FWc /watch?v=PelenogTUEk /watch?v=FU_yNE2MMOU

domestic princess + artist (:
MtF 10+ years hrt
European ancestry + affinity
INFP-T 6w5
likes art, spirituality, health+fitness, video game (please do not talk me about video game), fantasy/sci fi media, roleplay, internet+people+culture+politics, learning abt world+nature+science+technology
likes listening to music a lot and wants to meet someone whose music vibe with
needs partner be taller (5'9+/175cm+), preferably older (25+ minimum)
wants to look at the stars and explore old castles and ruins and beautiful places together
love language touch, sex repulsed
significant mental/emotional illness curable w/ loving attention from a good man
looking for Daddy
values honesty and communication heavily, writes walls of text + wants to talk to others who do as well
talks about emotions, dreams, media, experiences, things internet people said, meme, and more
needs lots of attention, can't have relationship if can't spend hours together on normal day

discord: .werekitten.
That's awesome to say, seriously thank you. It was fun and I'm glad to be remembered as a positive on here.
Also thank you! I love clothes and the whole like hobbit, witch kind of vibe, I even make some of my own clothes
In sma
I'd be very interested in seeing the clothes you've made, if you have pics of those garments.
Always wanted to grow mushrooms and herbs and live in a well-furnished burrow.
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I love growing a garden, and my house was built in 1879, it's above ground but so cozy. Here's a shaw I made and a dress I altered.
Your outfits have prairie wife vibes, very cozy-looking. You look like you live just down the hill from a very old apple tree and a stone's throw from an abandoned schoolhouse.
Haha that's actually pretty accurate. I keep rabbits and crochet all the time. It's pretty peaceful
Sounds like a lovely life. Sharing it with anyone besides the rabbits, if I'm not prying to ask? A dog at minimum, you should be coming home to someone who's delighted to see you.
you're attractive, interesting and seem pretty level-headed, how aren't you taken yet?

>I keep rabbits
please post some photos! i used to keep rabbits too, i love em
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O yes, I have 4 little girls, a husband, a chocolate lab, a manx cat, a tortoise and the bunnies. I love taking care of everyone.
I am, I just used to post on here a lot. Yesterday was my birthday and I posted in the 30+ as a lark

I love the rabbits so much. They are so sweet are cute. The babies are really fun to watch grow up.
Older mature gamer server
also for people who are into music production

They are really cute!
And your family is really luck to have you taking care of them!
Wish you could take care of us too and post something for the old times haha
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Haha I suppose. Only 1 tho
ah that makes much more sense! happy birthday though, you're still looking damn good! >>33532118
LOVE THE BUNS TOO, forgot to say lmao. how old are they, they look like they've barely left their mother the tiny lil cuties
Thanks Kitty! You still so hot! Missed all that. You should really considering return!
And happy bday! Thanks for this gift
Thank you
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That's when they were only 1 week old. They are 8 weeks now. Actually I'm supposed to have 2 of them get picked up to go to a 4h program later today. They are almost as big as their mama now
oh wow, they grew quick.
>2 of them get picked up to go to a 4h program
sending them off to bun school huh?
Yep they just went. The one little buck is got to be the new stud bunny lmao.
want to be nice and share your drive with curious anons?
Your husband doesn't mind?
No he has his own only fans.
36f and in a ltr just want other 30+ weirdo friends because I'm a shutin neet. The only close friends I had, were from message boards of the 2000s. Still in touch with one, the rest died or just ghosted due to life. Idk how to engage irl with people outside of cordial small talk. I just do homemaker hobbies and doomscroll. Chronically online.
similar circumstances, what's your discord?
seppy? is that you?

Can I just have a friend to talk to about whatever comes to mind, our interests, how our days go, vent, send memes, etc.? I’m lonely, my mood is all over the place. I have a hard time connecting with other people on a deeper level and when I feel an attachment forming it’s usually to a walking red flag. I need people who are kind and empathetic and on my wavelength. I know that’s asking a lot of anyone who frequents this shithole of a board. I’m a fucking idiot for trying. I have some hobbies but I don’t watch anime or play vidya. I’m normie passing and can chit chat just fine. I like going /out/ and sometimes I read. No extreme mental illness, p3dos, people who enjoy violence or people who have a gun fetish or something like that, and nothing sexual please. I like email but might try discord again. I’ve been having bad experiences so please leave your contact info if any of this sounds good to you. Sorry.

What are your homemaker hobbies?
Sounds quiet familiar.
So I do play video games and watch a lot of tv series, although not so much anime anymore.
And I don't really like going out, at least not like clubbing or partying.
If I go out it's for walks, to eat, watch something or to a park or something.
No idea if we are on the same wavelength, but we could find out.

Send me an email at JJDoeSmith@protonmail.com
my discord lostcontent09
>send memes
if you're fine with someone who doesn't have all day to chat and will just spam memes at you then add me.
>extreme mental illness
Well, it's not EXTREME, but I might have a touch of the mental illness

If you're don't mind me being slightly younger than 30 I'm interested in the same stuff sharing interests having fun and sending memes
burn06952 here is my burner if you're interested i just don't like sending my real one on soc
31 male from Canada.

Anime/Games from 90s/00s. Nostalgia type stuff. I also like going to the gym, music, my cat, philosophy/politics, occult. 10+ years sober.

>Looking for
Cool people around my age to talk to. Tell me about your day or really whatever you want to yap about. I yap for a living.

>Not looking for
Relationships, /pol/, hyper-clingy, drugs/drinking

my discord is magnumdml
add me on disco _beenz
>6'3, thin, pale, blue eyes
>very communicative and attentive
>educated, wide general knowledge base
>reading novels, some manga
>lived overseas for a time, speak a second language (jp)
>grew up on RPGs, but only really play a handful of online games regularly now
>never married/no kids
>struggle with OCD

Looking for:
>25-35/bio F/US
>thin/not overweight, plain/natural style
>fine with staying in a bit, won't get stir crazy if we're not active all the time
>quiet or talkative, introverted or extroverted (I'm comfortable with both)
>at least somewhat intellectually curious
>affectionate, at least average libido
>insecurites/issues okay, but please don't be suicidal
>open to serious LTR (LDR okay)

Discord: varandra
Why am I banned from a server I've never even heard of until now
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30/F/West Coast US

>About you
Old scene kid, my xD years are behind me, but the spirit still very much lives on within me. No children, never married; I have a nesting partner, we practice non-monogamy. Ask me about!

I have varied interests. Most days you can find me getting high and playing a video game while I sip on some coffee and blast metal. I enjoy watching informative media on everything from deep ocean exploration to toy reviews. Sometimes I dabble in artistic pursuits as well. I’m always down to try new things.

Picrel, I am indeed a fat emo lady wojak. I’m willing to trade selfies once we get to know each other a bit.

>Looking for
In a perfect world, I’d meet a fairly alternative guy who is chill and down to earth, can carry conversation with ease, and is intellectually stimulating. He wouldn’t be a sex pest or a political wingnut. He may share similar taste in music as I, and would enjoy playing video games with me and talking at all hours of the day.

In this perfect world, if this person and I should decide we’d like to take things to the next level, I’d love to meet them IRL and go from there accordingly.

That’s a lot of planning for someone I haven’t met, but I’m also not taking the idea of introducing another person into my life lightly, either.

Appearance-wise, i’m most weak for thinner body types (I have a fetish for body contrasts ok I’m sorry). I really love long hair as well. Brownie points to those who are uncircumcised.

>Not looking for
Please for god’s sake no normies. I need someone who knows how to have a conversation as well. No one word replies, please. Lastly, I ask that if you’re just horny, you DNI.

Squoosh0918 on disc
Have you ever been a geologist?
No lol why?

come say hi :)
do you have a contact?

If you're my ex it's because I warned the entire board off you kek
33 m Indiana let's chat
Snap m_meeseeks24
Kik jackm3of
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Is anybody from Europe in here?
I don't care if you are 30 or 39, give or take a few years, but it seems everybody here is just from the Americas.
I'm a man living in western Europe, in my 30s and most of you would probably call me a failed normie. I'm financially stable and I like to think of myself as a decent person. I like video games, but also the outdoors and travelling. I'm currently living alone and doing alright for myself, having some friends, but no partner to share the world with.

If you are interested, I'd appreciate it if you sent me a short message about you with some way to contact you:

Since this thread seems to be quite slow, I'll leave the mail up for a few weeks.
There are tons of Europeans on /soc/. You can tell because they're always complaining about no Europeans being here.
>There are tons of Europeans on /soc/
i wish!
She'll ghost you before you barely introduce yourself.
ghosted me out of nowhere, we were having a very pleasant conversation :(. If you see this I hope youd be able to give me another shot.
They are all male. No girls from Europe here.
I guess you got me there. lol
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Mid 30s

I have what could be called a good, complete life, more or less: own property, good career, hobbies, yadda yadda. But there's an emptiness there. I miss the time I used to spend with you chaps, before this was the only board where you could meet other anons and femanons. I miss playing L4D and CS: Source with people from /v/ and even /jp/ when they were first released, I miss having a Skype Book Club with people I met from /r9k/, I miss getting to know other anons here through long, considered, thoughtful emails and wondering if we'd ever meet up. In many respects those were the happiest days of my life. It feels like everything has become much faster and more disposable nowadays (culture, online friends etc) which makes all of that older stuff harder.

Once in a blue moon I'll come back here but it feels like everyone has moved on, and one has to be extraordinarily fortunate to find another oldfag who has impulsively come to this URL again on a whim at the same time. On the off chance some of you are still around, here's my email:

Oh noo! What will I do! Someone thinks Im a "bitch" on the internet for matching a response's energy! I could have 5 boyfriends by the end of the week if I wanted to. I'd rather be a perceived bitch than a salty wanker like you offended by the concept of single being a choice for women.

verification not required
>blonde hair, blued eye
>autistic neet incel
>monochromatic clothing style

>playing guitar, singing, sampling, listening to music, working out, reading, watching documentaries, camping/hunting, guns, I am from the south so all that shit is in my blood

>not into online only relationships. no point in that. if youre not serious about meeting one day do not add me

>Looking for
an actual girl who wants to one day get married and have children. preferably white.

someone who is patient enough to deal with me because Im kind of hard to talk to, have been called boring. I prefer touch than speaking.

>Discord: Neetlife222
>could have 5 boyfriends by the end of the week if I wanted to
Nta but why don't you? What is it that you're looking for?

>autistic neet incel
>not into online only relationships. no point in that. if youre not serious about meeting one day do not add me
How will you afford travel and living expenses?
I make a lot of neetbux
I got out of a 5 year relationship (ended amicably because I moved closer to my parents to see my mother on her way out of this world and he did not want to do long distance and cannot move with me due to work). Being single right now is just a choice for me. Im not in a hurry. Shrug. And even without those circumstances, being single isn't a bad thing.
Cute and sent me nudes

Just salty or probably ugly
>Cute and sent me nudes
after only a day or two? Either you're really good at this or....
Alt/mildly goth, average build with dem tiddies tho

I like plants, cooking, cats and pc games. Work from home and have a lot of downtime to talk, but also may ignore socials for several hours at a time.

Not looking for anything serious, preferably a few friends to enable throughout the day. Let me encourage you to buy that thing you know you don't need.

Probably won't send you nudes. May want to send your girlfriend nudes.

Disc - imnotabigdeal
>dem tiddies
I'm in. Message me.
I remember you!!! And you’re always so good looking.
Write me at chadnonymous at gmail
What kind of games we talking?
40 this month / M / OK, USA
>describe yourself
I've been told I'm 6/10 - 7/10 multiple times by multiple different people with nothing to gain by flattery.
White. 5'10". Skinny almost-otter-mode.
Loner for the past few years.
Good income at almost triple the national average. Spend a lot of time shut in working remotely.
Spend time at the gym (hard gains) or out hiking. I make multiple road trips per year sometimes being off-grid/out-of-pocket for weeks or months at a time.
I can and do cook. Play lots of vidya. Bike rides.
INTP but with a romantic streak. Procrastinator. Dark past, but nothing illegal.
Got the herp from a stupid fucking bitch years and years ago.
No drugs. No smoking. Very rarely drink and even then only a little-- NEVER drunk.
Have ex wife I haven't seen nor spoken to in almost a decade. No kids. No debts of any kind.
>looking for
6/10-7/10 female. Preferably plain and not very pretty.
Thinks that going to the gym or hiking with her bf/husband is fun, productive, and romantic.
Thinks chilling and playing vidya is perfectly fine and even fun.
Christian... But preferably with a similarly dark past because I want someone who understands the concept of turning life around for real.
Has the herp (because I don't want to pass it to someone who doesn't)
Willing to move to AR if we get very serious.
>not looking for
Not psycho-- I can smell BPD from a mile away.
Not even a small amount of narcissism or arrogance.
Not leftist retard.
Not generic new age spiritual fad stupidity.
Not atheist.

Look, just don't be fat (or if you are then come here and let me heal you and sculpt you and fix you and love you) and don't be a complete fucking bitch 100% of the time and things will be absolutely fine.
Can't we just be cool?
Nearly a match except the virus and the incredible red flag that each time you referred to females you choose to use the word “bitch”.
fair enough. I don't think I mischaracterized my exes though considering what they did to me.

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