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Last thread hit bump limit

>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for

AL - Alabama
AR- Arkansas
GA - Georgia
TN - Tennessee
MS - Mississippi
LA - Louisiana
VA - Virginia
WV - West Virginia
FL - Florida
KY - Kentucky
NC - North Carolina
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>About yourself
I'm a college student, used to be a YouTuber and a musician before that. My autobiographical "ideal bf" picture is a good place to start if you wanna know what sort of person I am.
>Future goals/aspirations
I'm training to be a commercial pilot. I also want to grow in my faith and devotion to Jesus Christ and pray more frequently. Maybe we could pray together! Even over VC is fine.
>Looking for
I'm looking for girl to be penpals with. Despite being religious and Catholic, I really appreciate someone with a sense of humor. Someone to watch movies or play video games with over VC would also be pretty nice. I'm open to speaking to anyone from the US, but it's preferable if you're in the southeast! Eventually I'd like to go to Mass together (the church service in my image). If a relationship develops I'd also be open to that and marriage eventually.
>Not looking for
Please don't contact me if you're pro-abortion, anti-religion, pro-gender ideology or anything like that. I'm positive there are plenty of other people you can speak to instead, I don't want to debate. We need to pray for the victims of this modern world.
discord: beautyisreal
email: beautyisreal@proton.me
>Physical description
Black, 5'7. Dadbody, but actually muscular (can see abs)

Anime, games, litrpg, I love reading novels (prog fantay and romance). Lately I've been playing nothing but league. Very eager to quit.

I also love to Dance (salsa, waltz, pop)

>Looking for
This one is gonna be weird prob. I'm not looking for reciprocal, and willing to meet in public several times beforehand.

Essentially I'm kinda just looking to take a girl to lunch/dinner/event and then just go down on her. Again, no reciprocal, no need for you to go down on me.

Your choice on whatever restaurant/where we meet, and I'm willing to verify. Willing to talk more in DMs.

TLDR: I wanna improve my muffdiving skills, no need to go down on me. Will pay for lunch/dinner, or an event.

>Not looking for
Men obviously.
Discord: hungrymoiden
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>Physical description:
I'm Caucasian, I stand at around 6'0" in height! I've got an average body that's a bit on the lean side, though I've started to work out in the hopes that I can get a bit more muscle as well. I've got darker brown hair that I tend to keep short a lot of the time, and brown eyes as well. I try to keep my face clean shaven as much as I can as I don't really like sporting a beard!

>About you
Hiya! I'm a pretty out-going guy who enjoys conversation and finding more about other people. I've hit a bit of a patch in my life where I'm looking for more people to meet with, but don't have a lot of outlets to do so. I'm an outdoorsy person who enjoys cycling, hiking, and kayaking, while I've also been wanting to try camping some more without much luck. I really enjoy wandering and just exploring new places, which also applies to photography as well. I don't really take photos myself, but I like discussing neat pictures or aesthetics with other people! I've a passion for literature, I write my own and read a lot of other works for inspiration on that front. I'm always a fan of discussing that form of art with other people, especially fellow creative types. I've been interested in doing more cooking, but I haven't really had a chance to explore that yet. There's other interests and such that I have, but I'll leave that out for now so there's more to talk about later.

>Looking for:
Someone to get to know better! I will be honest that I'm interested in a romantic relationship or maybe a friends-with-benefits situation, but I'm equally open to a normal friendship! I am fine with lewder topics, but naturally wanna try to balance it out with a genuine connection.

>Not looking for:
Other men, people who expect me to put ALL of the work in a conversation without putting in effort themselves, people below 21.

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6'1" 186 lbs Athletic/slim build white, Hazel eyes, Brown thick hair with a touch of gray.
>About You/Hobbies
Big /out/ and traveling guy. But no stranger to doing nothing all weekend while cooking and watching youtube. Camping, backpacking, fishing, watching the same movies ive seen a million times. Binging outdoor boys, anime from time to time. Not a big gamer
>Looking For
Still figuring it out. Would love someone to casually text while im at work or doing nothing at work. Sexting with possibility of doing what we talked about in person. Very open to it leading to something more would be great!
>Not Looking for
Trannies or men
>Contact Info
Any of this sounds appealing to you!

Discord: svejk9696
27 M GA, outside Atlanta
>Physical description
6', white, stocky build, short brown hair and beard
Hobbies: Gaming, reading, kino, manga, working out

Interests: Music, animals, history, religion, current events

Type: Fat cis women and masculine trans men
>Looking for
People to talk to throughout the day about stuff! Maybe a meetup someday.
>Not looking for
Bigots, impatient people, shy people
Discord: snydercut
Who here around Macon/WR?
had a dream about making a Twink give me a rough blowjob last night. DM me if you'd like to make it a reality. I'm also interested in getting back into the lifestyle, swingers and cucks looking for a unicorn or bull respectively, message me.
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24 / M kinda twinkish looking / EU (Wanna move to USA)
>about me
Im pretty curious, openminded and honest, if u dont share those traits please skip me as we probably wont get along.
Mostly into nerdy stuff and nature. I can be pretty random, blunt and I believe I have ADHD.
>looking for
Trans or cis gf from USA. (Pls no bpd lol)
BIG PLUS if ur masochistic or sadomasochistic.
Feel free to hmu even if u have weird/degenerate needs/desires (sexual or not) as Im quite flexible so I dont rly mind those kinds of things.
>not looking for
Online only.
Discord: aurelian4
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>Physical description
twink looking, fit, white, 140 lbs, brown hair
vidya, anime, art, games, music, history
>Looking for
Girls who are around my age who are interested in lewd talk, exchanging pictures, flirting, with the intention of meeting up. And whatever else if it leads to that.
>Not looking for
34/M/FL 561
>>Physical description
Tall, pale, blue eyes, reddish hair, red beard, normal weight. Scars on my face :DD from violence :DDDD
Gachimuchi and Spurdo memes, playing/making vidya, gothic horror, industrial music, dancing, bodyweight exercise, getting WASTED on cocoa powder, /ck/, abstract art
>>Looking for
Local girl who is also chronically ill/traumatized/injured :DDD
>>Not looking for
Benis :DD
Discord wait4what1
If anyone wants to be invited to the official southeastern server, add me to discord

did posting the links get blocked lol
Not directly, but it gets you banned. Which is gay af because I have the original server that I've been plugging on here for years and the tards in the other server were the ones who continually spammed and got both servers shitlisted.
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>Physical description
Pic related
Gaming mostly(Dead by Daylight, Destiny 2, Fallout 76, and Tekken mostly lately, but I'll play almost anything if it's cheap enough. Noita and Inscryption are a couple of slowburns Im working on in my backlog), I enjoy Horror and/or Comedy films, Hiking, I love art and reading too, but I haven't made time for the much. Im also a switch interested in Kink.
>Looking for
Friends, friends with benefits, dating. I've been too antisocial lately, so just casual conversation is good too. Irl connections preffered (after we get to know each other first at least)
>Not looking for
Dating men (as in cis/trans men, nb's and femboys are cool but if you are too masc I'll just be uncomfortable)
Discord: Fuckhead
33 / M / AR
>Physical description
chubby, blonde male blue eyes, disabled
music, singing, gaming (not as much these days), youtube, stargazing, hunting, camping, etc.
>Looking for
a female friend from my state or nearby, potential dating partner, or just casual shit. someone who just wants to hangout and go do stuff. being disabled I cant drive so I dont get out a lot and no frens to go do shit with so Im kind of stuck with nowhere to go and no direction.
>Not looking for
other guys or mtf
discord: neetlife222
28 northwest GA
If you're going to be dry asf at least answer my questions and let me prove you. Why else would you add me if you have 0 interest in talking?
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It's a longshot but are there any feedee femanons that want to get stuffed (after we get to know each other ofc)?
I'm 23/m/GA. I like otaku stuff and other 4chan interests. Would post my disc but my internets down because of the hurricane so I have to do it later

looking for m or f to top or smoke with, prefer twinks with fat asses

snap unsmiley
33 / M / Atlanta, GA
>Physical description
5'11 185lbs Latino
cooking, diet/nutrition, exercise, learning in general, animals, LEGOs. Also enjoy anime, videogames, movies but not so much recently. trying to get more into art, writing, and sewing. Probably traveling more next year.
>Looking for
IRL girlfriend and hopefully a long-term partner that understands balance and the ebbs and flows of life. Preferably someone that likes direct communication, possibly someone high-functioning on the autism spectrum. Generally looking for someone around my age but open to younger or older that likes deep or engaging conversation. Sober is ok as long as they're ok with my weekend weed use (haven't in months honestly) and rare psychedelic use (just shrooms and peyote). Interested in mutually enjoyable sex. I have a good job at a large company with pretty good pay. I guess I seek someone that can flip between reliable/functioning adult and a fun nerd I guess.
>Not looking for
Men, trans, long-distance, asexuals, morbidly obese
Discord: joe.cool
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26 / M / FL - Orlando

>Physical description
Skinny hairy guy w a beard. Put on a lil weight over the summer and slimming down again.

Primarily vidya since it's cheap (relative to going out or other hobbies) and it's how I stay in touch with friends. CS2, The Finals, and Space Marine 2 are my jams right now but anything that can be played together is good in my book (except siege >:(
If I do go out, I'd be exploring town or doing some outdoorsy stuff like a trail or kayaking. Through my amazing foresight, I know my favorite thing is gonna be to hear you yap about whatever is going through your mind and then yapping back with *intent*

>Looking for
A local friends w benefits, emphasis on the friends. I want someone I can hang out with on the regular who wants to be around me about as much as I wanna be around them. Cute shit.
Meeting my friends and hanging out as part of groups and such would eventually happen. Dating *could* eventually happen if things click in that direction.
BIG DISCLAIMER: I'm in grad school and doing an internship so I won't have as much free time as I would like but it's about making time c:

>Not looking for
People who aren't local (to at least the city) and people who need me to carry the convo all the time or feels the need for convo all the time. Enjoying each other's company in silence is nice too.
Also, people who aren't willing to wear condoms until we get tested. Don't fuck around w STDs :/

Kik: YeetAway
Any Arkansas anons?
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21 male LA
>Physical description
5’11 long curly red hair
Guitar, music, production, people with genuine interest towards people
>Looking for
People that will listen to my turmoil and misery
>Not looking for
Unemotional Un empathetic people
32/M/FL/321 Any hung dudes want to seduce my gf? Closer to Cocoa Beach the better. Post kik
25, M, bi, VA USA
>Sexual Interests
Into breeding, kissing, cnc, femboys, trans, cis women, public sex, cheating, definitely have a thing for skirts and fems in uniforms.
>Looking For
Preferably someone to meet up and be FWB with, but I'm pretty open to whatever
>Not Looking For
Top guys or serious relationships
>Discord Tag
36/M/FL 863
any qt chubby chicks down for some hurricane sex?
38/m/504 LA
200lbs 5'10" brunette
Games, movies, memes, drinking
Looking for someone to hang out with or fuck or send memes
Not much im not looking for
Snap waynekingit
I am down to discuss Your slut gf or wife. I am open especially to new or unsure guys who just wanna be pervs about Their girls. You don’t need to be a genuine cuck beta just be open to discuss and vent about your slut gf and just be friends and chill. I’m from Florida

I more just like discussing relationships and talking about Your girl. Maybe getting horny too

Kik ventbro556
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42 m middle TN

Looking for a blow and go from a female and/or a jack off buddy. Meet up blow and we jack to the porn we have. Go until we bust. It can be a regular thing or a one time thing.
Oh yeah my Kik is thatdude35m
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32 m bi

Looking for a female in 828 who wants to blow off steam with all this shit.

Have mdma, mda, shrooms, lsd. Huge house, can host.

Snap: tomf6291
22/M/AL - I am AWESOME and should TALK TO ME but not on DISCORD because I think it SUCKS. you should talk to me on STEAM instead because it's WORSE and I think that's FUNNY. I am a very COOL person and I like lots of INTERESTING things. I am also not a BITCH which is why you should TALK TO ME on STEAM and not DISCORD because DISCORD is for BITCHES. ALSO PLEASE do not be RACIST or ANYTHING LIKE THAT because that makes you an EXTRA BITCH and I will SHIT YOUR PANTS. ANYWAY my STEAM FRIEND CODE is 220463874 please ADD ME and thank you. :3
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>everyone from virginia is just a gay dude
i suffer here
Mid-30s/M/NC (Near-ish Charlotte)

>Physical description:
Very tall, normal BMI, white guy

Tech stuff, vidya, sci-fi/fantasy, history/mythology, model painting

>Looking for
Biological women. Nothing particularly serious. I am your standard weird tech worker type who works from home so I am fairly inexperienced with women, so the ideal would be someone who is okay with me learning the ropes (and maybe help teach) when it comes to women and sex, and also at least being friends.

>Not looking for
Guys, trans women.

Email: RealisticPlace9079@proton.me
Discord: RealisticPlace9079

>Physical description:
Black, slim, 5’4, cute face I think?

movies, LINE DANCING!!!

>Looking for
Anyone! Nothing super serious. I really want a line dancing partner, or at least someone who wants to go with me regularly (even if you don’t line dance). I look weird sitting there alone!

Discord: bings0
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18m, North Carolina

DC, D&D, Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, fighting games generic nerd stuff like that

>Looking For
Older nerdy friends who need someone to ramble about their interests to, maybe some more lewd things too, but not immediately

>Not Looking For
Gooners, women


Discord: nmplife
26 M southeast USA.
Looking for a woman who is:
>will allow me some time to read or pursue projects, can share space and with me or work on her own stuff while I do so
>good communicator. if there's a problem she talks to me first and me only and we solve it together.
>I don't mind needy girls but because of the way my life is set up now I may not be able to provide the utmost amount of time or care, so be aware
>Not obese or significantly overweight. If so must be putting genuine effort into fixing it.
If you match any of these qualities I will be totally honest with you as I respect your time. NO GAMES!
Discord: nmplife

Bump I guess. The one person showing interest flaked.
Your gay server is filled with racist blacks but bans racist whites, it sucks
23 / M / North GA
>Physical description
6'2 300lbs Latino
cooking, brids, learning in general, LEGOs. Also enjoy anime, videogames, movies but not so much recently. trying to get more into art, writing, and sewing.
>Looking for
IRL TALL girlfriend and hopefully a long-term partner that understands balance and the ebbs and flows of life. Preferably someone that likes direct communication, possibly someone high-functioning on the autism spectrum. Generally looking for someone around my age but open to younger or older that likes deep or engaging conversation and is TALL. I have a good job at a large company with pretty good pay. I guess I seek someone that can flip between reliable/functioning adult and a fun nerd I guess. I don't care about looks or weight but I want someone TALL.
>Not looking for
Short Women.
Discord: bruhsoundeffect4_9877
Telegram: SubterraneanVegetable
31/m/bi/mostly sub/Appalachia
Tallish, on the thin side, pale, curly hair, people say I'm handsome though I do look old for my age.
Depending on how I'm feeling: youtube, video games (especially strategy and RPG), vtubers, watching the local wildlife, learning especially history, cooking sometimes, occasionally making videos. Most recent games: trying Runescape again, CK3, Victoria 3, considering DoS2
Friend around my age (let's say like 25-35) that shares some or all of my hobbies. Bonus if it goes somewhere more, but I'm not expecting anything.
>things you want to do
Chat (duh mostly text though maybe voice in the future) and maybe play something together or stream a single player game to the other especially some older games on emulator.
Hmmm I guess coomers? I'm not very horny (usually). People really into anime; I almost never watch any. I could check one out if you're really into it, but I wouldn't expect it often. Same for movies/tv.
discord: water4385
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Home alone wet ready to relieve blueballz and make fantasies come true i can anything
KIK: ziasky19
864 area looking for trans to cum as deep as possible inside of.
863 area looking for trans to cuddle as gently as possible with.
No, that's the server full of rejects from the original server. Cope all you want, that's all it'll ever be
Rejected by who? Ozzy and Neyet?

You seem to think you carried the server but in reality no one cares who you are. Word has it the server has died multiple times under you.
That's why you have a server of nothing but simps and orbiters yes manning a few roasties. It was always going to fail
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>Physical Description
white, 5'11", fit slight dad bod still working on it, brown hair and eyes
vidya, movies, tabletop games, magic, dnd, outdoor activities, history
>Looking For
either friends or a fwb, male or female cuz im bi, we can bond over our interests or just chill
>Not Looking For
weirdos or rude people, just looking for a fun time cuz life can get boring

Discord: wd405646
You're referring to members who were in the original server, and yet you attention whore here more than anyone.

Not sure what to say other than kys and what not.
Bruh, I clearly live rent free in your head. Any time I post you're tagging right along behind me crying for attention
>Bruh, I clearly live rent free in your head. Any time I post you're tagging right along behind me crying for attention

Thanks for proving my point
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my server now

Sissy bored and willing to show my small dick to people that want to see. Convince me to show my face and I might. Love sph and blackmail. Open to m or f love trans. Jerking to wives and gf. :
wtf is this dumb drama. marge?
The ones that keep posting second and riding my coat tails are rejects that got banned from my server so they made their own for beta basedboys and femoid attention whores
Who are the femoids? There are only two women in that server.
35/m/nc looking to mic chat and jerk off. never been with a guy, but who knows. i miss going on cumonprintedpics, dont know where to mic now
Does anyone want to go hiking when it gets colder? NE FL 22 m

5'4," kinda fit kinda fat (working on my weight training), black hair, brown eyes

Outside of work, I'm a busy homebody trying to catch up on housework, work out every other day, consume a lot of media in audiobooks, podcasts, and streaming, cohost a podcast, and try to rest.

I have a preference in women. Be under 35, preferably under 30. You must be mindful of your mental health and physical health. You are patient but assertive, as I am. You have an adventurous personality w/ food and know when it's time for fun. Not the weak hearted nor the weak minded. Not looking for something requiring commitment, but wouldn't mind an FWB NSA moment. Give me a reason yo be social again.

Not looking for clingy nor to be a paypig. No disrespect here, that cuts everything then.

Discord: ohsoambiguous
You might have the original server, but especially after the big purge it died hardcore. I rejoined and joined redux and there would be days without nothing being said in the original server. Not gonna claim the second server is super active but there is at least something being said every day.

>server of nothing but simps and orbiters yes manning a few roasties
I won't deny that this doesn't happen a bit. The whole server doesn't do it but there are a definite few. It can feel a bit cliquey at times.
M / 36 / Australia
I know this is thread is for the southeast US but I'm a sucker for girls with an accent from this area.

>Physical description
Fit, white, facial piercings, brown hair.

Cars and Motorbikes, Long drives to nowhere, Gaming and nerd shit, Music. Tinkering and making stuff.

>Looking for
A girl who wants to get on the back of my motorbike and go get up to stupid shit together

>Not looking for
Dudes, dudes who wish they were not dudes.

discord toyosan7
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Gabriel Knight, Maniac Mansion, Panel de Pon, Eastern Mind, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Super Puzzle Fighter II, Ristar, Toonstruck, Illusion of Gaia, Kirby's Dream Course, Alien Soldier
>Looking For
Retro Games
>Not Looking For
Video/Voice Call
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21 m NC
Video games, cars, outdoorsy stuff, heavy metal, synthwave
>looking for
Idk just chill people to talk with
flika1999 on discord
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24/M/West TN (901)
Psychology, cooking, history, lost media, unsolved mysteries, spirituality/religions (particularly eastern stuff), philosophy, storytelling, journaling, meditation, biking, cultures, nature, animation, music, architecture (esp art deco/classical styles)/aesthetics. I like politics, but I tend to keep my ideals to myself aside from some basic stuff, seems how politics is so divisive. Just know I'm a bit of a mixture; conservative but economically leftist.
>looking for
A woman from my area. It's so lonely out here, especially so as a neet with few places to go. /soc/ seems to be the only place I can even potentially meet somewhat like minded people around me. I just want a friend, at least, to talk to on some of these lonely nights
>not looking for
I guess people who just don't resonate with me? Like too different at heart, to where it would cause issues. Inexpressive people who can't hold a conversation beyond simple statements/words. Trans, adulterers/amoral folk, ghosts. Genuinely, if you're gonna friend me and never be around to talk, just don't friend me at all.
send me pics of the women in your life. wives, gfs, family. let's talk about them and you can tell me what you want me to do with the pics

kik: cubicshow

Looking for new sexual experiences, message me if youd like to chat and tell me what you are into. I'm not listing anything specific here, I want to hear what others are looking for. I am willing to try most things at least once.

kik is redmug714
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Anyone in NC want to go outdoor rock climbing with me? I'm a complete noob looking for someone to either show me the ropes or learn together.
North Carolina

I'm a fuckin weirdo with some time on my hands.

Want women. Not men.

Don't be a flighty retard
Don't be a burden to talk to
Don't be under 21

If you hit all these marks, I'm sure there's not much you can do to be unpleasant.

Nothing is set in stone, but if you're looking to be just friends. I'm gonna be honest and say I don't think you'll enjoy that role.

The point of this whole thing is to get to know each other.

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New Kik is thatdude42m

Still looking
Anyone want to be added to the official southeastern Discord, add me

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Looking ideally for a fun side chick slut in Nashville for daytime needs when I'm at work. But open to chats from any gals that like the sound of that anyway.

Start with your asl and a pic

Disc & Tele: TitanOfJupiter
Snap: titanofjupiter1
Kik: titanofjupiter1313
Bump and add me to dis to be added to the official southeastern server


All other SE servers are gay af
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Fit Twunk with a big dick (lil over 9") and fat booty

I stay in Tampa, but am happy to travel a lil

Total verse Into domming femmes or subbing for other hung guys =^)

kik: GoAway1993
Snap: SomeBoi20121
Tele: SomeBoi Sexxxyyyyyy
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>20, MtF, VA

>6'4", MtF, Chubby(Actively Losing Weght), Black, Pre-HRT
> I Love to clean and wanna learn how to coook. I am also trying to improve in poetry and LOVE showing them to people for feedback and such. I also can make sarcastic/sexual jokes a lot(Lowkey a slut lmao). I also dont mind if ur a chaser as well. I also have mental issues and such. Very Autistic and has ADHD.
>Looking for
People to talk to, preferrably if we can meetup and chill. (Maybe even a date if we're close <3 )
>Not looking for
Boring people, Trolls, TERFS

Discord - Ash.x.Lyn
24 M
I practice meditation, tantra, fasting, divination, remote viewing among other things as well as finding and creating purpose in arts and craftsmanship.
Looking for a girl with curiosity and creativity, willing to explore with me or by me. Working on projects and exploring the world together.
Discord: lifeno3
Anyone want to seduce my slutty GF near Cocoa Beach, FL? Drop your Kik and I'll message. BWC preferred.
Sc: eaterofcakeandb
35 M
In the RVA and been rather available and wanting to see if any femanons are on here.
Casual meetups for now, but open to more later.
5'6" with facial hair and dad build.
Avid outdoorsman and hobbyist.
>ASL 34
> Physical description
Native American
6 inch uncut
Black hair
Brown eyes
Exhibition, public play, car play, deep throat, eating ass and pussy, message me for more
>Looking for
trying to emtpy my balls in some throat/mouth, love sloppy blowjobs. Looking for an open minded pervy MILF that's into public play, free use, car play, anal, swallowing, and other stuff. I drive around Cartersville daily/nightly so can't host. Down for a quickie but if possible wanna enjoy eating some ass and pussy.
>Not looking for
29 F LA
>Physical description
Very big girl
Love eating obviously, having a drink with a few friends, watching movies
>Looking for
Some fun with men, it's been too long for me now
>Not looking for
People who don't turn up or who are afraid of a big girl
Kik j12951
Add me to Dis to be invited to the official SE server

it's really interesting if you go to archives of sin and search their username.
>I am the Knorax, I speak for the skeez
The odds of anything good coming of this post are astronomically low, but why not?
I am a shockingly beautiful man.
I am looking for a skinny/medium/average woman (not stinky) in my area who can host to go down on, and then maybe watch TV or play games, or whatever, or nothing. Nothing is fine too.
Tall is a big plus, but by no means necessary.
My Discord is slugvance
27/M/SoFlo straight
First and foremost, I’m looking for someone I enjoy being around. I know it may not matter for the purposes of this site but it just makes the play so much better. That being said, I’m pretty busy with work and school so a kindred understanding of the situation would be ideal.

Me: 27, 6’2, 170, slim-fit, brown hair, brown eyes, clean, bearded and DDF (420 on occasion). My #1 turn on is feeling her finish. It may sound insincere but locking eyes at that moment and feeling those legs shake is so hot to me. I LOVE oral, giving and receiving. Backshots >>>>.

I’m a pretty quiet homebody but I still like grabbing drinks and I love live music. I’ve also been enjoying the beaches and parks down here, especially since it’s cold where I’m from (go Panthers). I’m also learning Spanish for work so maybe you can help me there. Other than that I like working out, movies/anime, and anything music related.

K: PlanetEarthandChillz

Where in N.C.?

It's pretty wide and while I'm not crazy about extreme stuff with rock climbing it could be fun to learn and is great exercise.
Have snap?
Sissy femboy in west NC
Kik: go.wild13
18 / m / VA (nova)
>Physical description
5’8 126lb white twink. 34-25-37, 16.5 bideltoid. on hrt (not trans).
>abt me
i have a pretty shy personality and some social anxiety but once i get to know someone im ok. i’m very lonely, i feel like a ghost irl. i like reading, snowboarding and learning things.
>Looking for
a bf, maybe friends
>Not looking for
sex, gooners, old ppl
saltedsnow9 on discord
M/30/bi in Ga
Looking for a jerkbuddy share to porn/sexy stuff with and edge together

Kik russelbrand9291
is the discord server for this thread worth joining
how active is it
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There's one really dead one and the other's okay but they don't seem like my group to be honest
Whitsett area,
Whitsett eh? I was actually expecting in the opposite direction.

Would you like to exchange contact details and see how we vibe?
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cant sleep im so wet treat me like a queen and ill give you a royal boner
KIK: ziasky19
The original one is dead af. The redux one is fairly active but does have some downtime here and there.
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38 gay m Roatan/Miami

I am relocating to Roatan Island in January and hoping to find a chilled top there or in Miami. I am open to long distance at first and going from there as long as there is a real life possibility for more. I am INTJ-A, fairly easy going, love nature, cooking, binging a solid show, intelligent conversations, history, good food and the company of traditionally manly guys. Words are confusing these days so I would add that I find myself attracted to quiet the spectrum from Jock to twink. I seem to get on really well with Gen z guys however if you don't quite fall into that hit me up anyway.

I am white, 5'85 and 150lbs. I would describe myself as totally bottom and naturally worshipful. I am not feminine but often described as boyish or cute. I definitely fulfill more of the traditional wifey role. In my experience a lot of things in life are just better with someone you are really close to. Sex is pretty important too but hookups are just so empty. Getting laid is easy I want to build something deeper...

Discord: LoyalBtm
White, fit/strong, 5' 10'', 145 lbs
I enjoy cycling, exercising, canoeing/kayaking, making music, making videos, reading, drinking tea, cooking... i rarely go out but sometimes i go to parties and stuff if my 1 and only friend invites me out. Other than that, i am a lonewolf (I dont mind it.)
I am looking for people to talk to i guess. I am not a homosexual, so don't add me for homosexual purposes.
discord: xackyhatesdiscy
Add me to Dis to be invited to the official SE server

Any FL degenerates that are super into non con? Would love to talk about a St Pete slut
Sure, im bored. Discord?

>Basically everything else

good god it writes itself
Sure. You use discord or what? Where are you from?
You can add me at


I'm just West of Charlotte.
Any cute trans girls or cute boys 20+ in Arkansas NWA area
are you female or mtf? I am from Ark and a boy
23F near Northwest AR

>About Me
1st shift wagie (will be working a 2nd shift schedule soon), INTJ, amateur weightlifter, might set up a small, sketchy IT firm

Weightlifting, Gardening, Traveling, Hiking, Camping, Prepping, Finances, Makeup, Politics, Religion (studying, not religious), Internet Subculture, Anything off Kiwifarms, Bad Fanfiction, Small Businesses, etc

>Looking for
Online friends to VC with, hopefully people to hang out with IRL if they happen to live close enough

>Not looking for
Coomers, online relationships/ online BF

Metal music, anime, reading
>Looking for
Someone to chat with about my day and for them to do the same also lowkey a fwb
>Not Looking for
Relationships, online dating, romance. And someone who strictly wants the benefits of fwb don’t forget the friend part.
>super into non con
>previous posts describe her as rapebait and says she should be punished
>also says he's into force
Southeast Server:

Mtf on hrt okay? >_<
The legit southeastern server


long time lurking mom from Mississippi, looking to chat and make some friends, if you can correctly guess my age, you win a prizeeee! <3

my kik issss: thatsouthernmom
Rent free in your head
If anyone is actually curious.

Kompressor Southeast server is dead. One message every day or so.

Redux is pretty active, but full of weirdo 4chan people. If you're into terminally online racists and misogynist who rarely venture outside, feel free to join.

there's a weirdo who keeps spewing his hatred for black people in holy grounds or w/e.
Bro we get it, rent free
Hey fingeringUranus lol I'm in NWA 24 mtf chubby goth girl
Oh hey lol I'm MTF 24 chubby goth in NWA

>Physical description
blackanon who wears glasses/contacts, short hair slightly receding, skinny fat

>Looking for
Friends (preferably female or chicks with chodes) around my age, willing to share photos and talk about whatever, losers, weirdos, social pariahs

>Not looking for
Trolls, racists, raceplay, dudes, wignats, minors, 33+, strictly platonic or strictly NSFW, dry convos (try not to at least) kek

I listen to damn near any kind of music, just not really any (hardcore?) rap. I like anime and been away from it a while. I welcome recommendations. My topics bounce like a

kik: FatylSzn
Im from western NC. Anyone else from around here wanna chat? DM Me

Teleguard: BHX7MH4R4
Telegram: Bean550
Going to be in the Raleigh area, young couple into exhibitionism. The right person interested in watching hit at discord: kittykorazon this weekend

Interested in vidya and anime and all that <3

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