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For all the spooky and weird people from /x/ ( paranormal board ) to meet up, chat, date, etc.
For those into magick and the occult, horror movies and creepypasta, conspiracies, dark art, aylmao enthusiasts, tinfoil enthusiasts, cryptid lovers, etc.

I'll post my deets later so as not to make the thread about me. A lot of people on /x/ really need to get laid. Especially since Sex Magick is real and more powerful with 2 or more people :3

I laughed.
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43 year old trans girl witch in Alberta, Canada
> Looking For
A domme, a sex magick partner, a wife, someone to watch horror movies with, or any combination of the above
> /x/ interests
Magick, demonology and demons, some conspiracy theories ( no flat earth or reptilian stuff. More JFK, 911, covid, etc ) , creepypasta and horror stuff, vampires in fiction and roleplay
> Dating Interests
I'm ultra submissive and love to give body worship and be defiled and degraded
> Contact Info
SpookyGirl420 on Fetlife. SpookyGirl#9603 or spookylove on Discord. Spooky-Love on DeviantArt
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With pierced nipples, who knows how to read Tarot Cards, and knows ancient Greek and some Latin
Now this just gets WORSE.
Just want a female cuddle buddy and place to live tbdesu. Doesn't even have to be sex at this point.
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Op tried
Op didnt realize how degen /soc/ truly is
Stop being mean. This isn’t the place for that.
I'm so tired of /soc/ foids messing with my feelings. Fuck you all, I'll isolate in my tower and create the philosophers stone on my own.
Have self and multiple friends into mind control willing to fug, just hit us up with your minds and partners will be matched up appropriately.
>43 years old

What's the relationship between trans and spirituality? I have a theory that actual tranyness is caused by a disconnect between a person's physical body and the astral body and the soul's desire to be like the celestial is what causes desire for gender transition. Do you experience conversations with spirits and communications from the stars?

Do Tarot cards really work? I heard they are bullshit and made up

S tier posts
Let's say we engage in mind control group sex. What's stopping someone from giving you a suicide command while you are hypnotized? Or controlling your body to commit crimes? You are most foolish.
based /x/ alberta anon , also an albertan but not what you are looking for (male) otherwise you seem like a dream , hope you find what you are looking for!
I laughed again.
What's stopping you from being retarded?
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Well theres a myth in ancient Greece that Apollo got drunk before he put a bunch of souls in their bodies to explain trans people. And theres evidence that trans peoples brain stems are the gender they believe themselves to be and that thaf body part controls feelings of gender or sex while the rest doesnt match at first. And theres also the idea of those crossing gender lines are on both sides of many lines including the spiritual and material. But most people want to be on that line if of a mystical bent themselves. Anyone can be on both sides of the line between spiritual and material

And yes. I'm clairaudient
Wow, you're super square.
25 M southeast PA
I'm into art, classic cinema, typical nerd 4chan shit, going to cons, learning new things (like sign language), the macabre/occult, or just whatever weird thing seems interesting to me today
>looking for
Girls near philly/NJ/DE area around my age who would wanna hang out.
We can go to bars, clubs, concerts, movies, or just hang out idk. It's October so lots of spooky stuff going on
>not looking for
Under 21 or over 30
Too far away
Too psycho or too normie
Hi i like this thread.
i am mostly only into conspiracies, politics, and neo-spirituality or nu-spirituality or maybe alt-spirituality.
because it is nothing like an actual spirituality.
for example about obe, nde, dimensions/densities, higher entities, loosh theory, human-alien/entity hidden histories, past lives, etc.

but i stay away from all magic and occult and succub and other degen shits even LOA or any manifestation type things.

i plan to quit my job soon and travel somewhere.
i made threads on /x/ daring someone to make claims so i can literally go there and investigate.
now i am interested in just going to some paranormal places even maybe egypt/kemet.
no one was able to come up with anything tangible that i could go and physically record or investigate.
all i got was schizo babbles about their subjective mental experience purely happening in their mental space so i gave up.

anyone want to go somewhere next year? Jan or Feb?
i am not into dating or sex.
Mid 30's, Britbong
> Looking For
Nothing dating actually, just people to discuss /x/x tier experiences and dialogues with
> /x/ interests
Vampires, werewolves, hunting leprechauns etc etc

conspiracy theories, ayylmaos, old gods and Dionysian madness

> Dating Interests
N/A unless you're a real vampire

> Contact Info
Disc: pltnmdevil
>I have a theory that actual tranyness is caused by a disconnect between a person's physical body and the astral body and the soul's desire to be like the celestial
It was literally a concept made up by some pedo doctor a few decades back that ended up in two young men blowing their brains out as a result. John Money was a monster and all the mass shootings and suicides done by troons are his responsibility.
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I’m almost positive there are no girls left here - but whatever I’m drunk and bored lol.

30/m/usa. I live in Colorado but spend a lot of time in the midwest and California, and honestly want to relocate out of CO.

Currently working in a mushroom growing facility while studying for a degree in classical art. Am big artfag.

>body count

esoteric christianity/magick/occult.
not seriously attached to any theory.

>interests/personality traits
/x/ shit - divination and alternate/hidden history are what I’m most into at the moment.
Music - screamo/skramz, black metal, grindcore, goth, 90s emo, shoegaze, electronic.
Movies - horror, psychological thrillers, comedies. The Dark Crystal is probably my favorite movie.
Other - Classical art, reading, youtube, annything outdoors, old video games, partying with the boys.

>physical description
phat ass
muscular but have gotten slightly chubby recently desu.
blue/grey eyes

>looking for/not looking for
Looking for: Women. Preferably old enough to drink. Someone fun that I can share my interests with. Someone that’s into dark arts but doesn’t literally hate themselves. Someone I can do rituals with. Someone that knows what they want from life and is working towards it.Something that has the potential to turn into something serious. I want a wife and kids so I’m definitely not looking to just edate briefly.

Not looking for: Someone with no hobbies. Someone that can’t handle my constant rambling about conspiracy theories. Boring bitches.

Whatever lol. I guess doing stuff in public areas. I’m open to trying pretty much anything, I just might laugh if it’s weird. I’m not shoving anything up my dick hole though.

Discord: dragula_rules
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I hope all of you feel my pain through this post
Yeah I am crying.
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I posted in other soc threads, but I found my people, so:

25/f/New England

I use to have a big group of online friends I would chat with back when I was a teen. When I went to college I got rid of my computer to spend time with irl friends and enjoying college. Now I'm 25, my friends are lame and never want to go out, and so my life has mellowed out. Looking to chat with some interesting people or join some cool servers where we can share music, art, and other stuff.
I don't really play games anymore. I work a job, and am pretty boring ngl. But I like chatting and I have a lot of random hobbies.

>Looking for
Friends, friendly people, people that are funny or interesting, people that wanna share music, people that love reading, and people that can give me tips about camping or outdoorsy

>Not looking for
Gross people, anime lovers, people that have no hobbies besides being on here

I love movies, music and reading literature. I have (or had) a pretty great social life so people that like drinking and being social. I do have a fondness for the outdoors. I like horror media, and the only board I really go on is /x/ so

NZ 31 Male looking for cute witch gf
> 43 year old guy that could never get laid
> thinks cosplaying as a girl will improve his chances.
> now everyone will know they are a groomer and a pervert
> dating pool went from 50% down to 2% to 5%
> playing on hardmode, hardcore player
> cuts off dick never able to climax again
Shit went full incel
Hello, I am looking for the woman from the farmer's market, and the veterinarian's assistant, if there is a chance that you are here, we should find a way to contact each other personally
19 Femboy Scotland

Looking for femdom relationship
And preferably obsessive and clingy.

About me: 6ft0 ish, brown hair to much neck. I play a lot of video games( overwatch, valorant, league and others I’d enjoy playing) I get told by men I have nice butt and legs.

Preferences: any age over 18 is fine, real fem or trans both fine. Preferably a more clingy person.

Kink: humiliation/ online humiliation, exposure, (maybe) blackmail, cucking(I get cucked), light-medium pain, having life controlled, live location, techdom.

I’d love to hear yours what we would add to the list of things we would do.

I can’t wait to hear from you please say your from this post as I get a lot of spam

These topics seem fun please tell me your interests in these things

Discord meowy4
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23 male from the UK

just started studying magic and symbolism, and I would love to find someone into that (and also a bio woman)

interested in all things x, plus video games, anime, dnd, reading. Basically, anything with a story

try to keep physically fit, too (lifting magic)

have a social life, so I'm not (completely) insane, I promise

discord: froggy9k

blease may this wish be granted.
(First post on any 4chan board)
You sound very interesting to me. I am more then twice your age and on the opposite side of the country. I am a retired engineer and now raise and train GSD's for security and sm unit tactics. I create a lot of 3D art and have done 3D design for the Blender/Poser/Daz communities. Don't know how to add images from this reply box, but it sounds like we would get along alright.
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Heyyy :3 looking for any potential murders or if you're just interested, i want someone to do this to me :3
disc: lambhorns7
I already told you two days ago
you can experience this with hypnosis if you know how to write the trigger properly
It's all just trannies then?
Who would have thought that mental illness had a face?
Don't worry about it.
I wanna know if anyone besides Spooky got liad from this thread

Nah that goes against Aristophanes idea that all humans are born androgynous with male and female parts, its just one side takes over and they are forever in search of the missing pieces.

Could be trannies require further alchemical experiments to perfect their techniques.
the only reason I come here is to browse /x/ so this makes sense

18/f/USA north area

>physical description
Brown, skinny, curly hair

Magic, Astronomy, horror, creative writing, art, images

>looking for
Friends, kind ppl, teachers, people to discuss /x/ themes with and books, people who shares their writing

Marrying my daughter 18. Very intelligent white Euro girl in the US. Christian and virgin. Good looking but not slutty. Has to be a white US person with non curly hair around HYPSM, very traditional (and Christian too I am afraid). Going to church on Sunday is a plus.
Since all is SNAFU, candidate does not not have to be handsome, does not have to be 6ft, does not have to be 6-figures (some middle-class is OK).

Convince me to create some gen-Z IRC makeover on your discord first.
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This fucking thread, man. The posts here are just......come on.
41/M/usa (northeast)
>Discord :
>interests :
magick, intuition, out of body, occult, hemisync, art, music, social media.
>Not interested
femboys, baphomet trophies, schitzo dudes

I make art and music.
I can teach or exchange ideas with the right person.
How brown? Also north in what part of the country? I am in northwest
I have a normie boyfriend but I'm in this area too!
Idk I’m like a Mulatto. Im moving around the north Midwest area
We would be pretty far from each other then. Are you looking to date?
everything that occurs is specifically designed, by God, to perfect your soul. that you are so emotional about this tells me you failed and will likely meet your rage again very soon.
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Also no offense you give me huge glowie/tranny vibes. WTF was picrel btw? I need a qrd on that.
20s, m, the netherlands

discord; randomusernamers
I legit didn't know it could get worse til it fucking did :(
i am a pureblood
looking for other purebloods
who isn't so sex obssessed like everyone else here
but right now
i dont even want a relationship
i just want to go somewhere
or get a free living space.
Male 34 California

I spend most of my time on God, and what I want is a woman who desires God, a relationship not built on the things of this world, but built on God and blessed and guided by God

People say I shouldn't look here, but look in church. I don't do church, remember how Satan brought Jesus to the top of the temple? Jesus didn't accept the kingdoms of this world from Satan, this is a hint to whom the churches belong

I was raised by the net, I'm not a major gamer anymore, but I once was. I think I should look within this tribe to find one as close to me as my rib

I never say this out loud, but I'm starting to wonder if I should. My parents are rich, I don't need to work, and I don't want to. I spend my time on God and I'm happy. Please don't expect me to get a job. Most people think I'm just a day laborer, I don't feel comfortable appearing wealthy. This probably wont change either

I don't want an immediate relationship, be comfortable with the idea of building a friendship first before anything else. LDR is totally fine by me, I don't care where you're from

To a certain extent I just can't care which religion you're in. Every Christian woman I've met has treated me like garbage that owes something to them. I shouldn't judge, what matters is your faith in God and His love, His salvation, His goodness. I've spent a lot of time searching for God, and I've studied Christianity, Judaism, the occult. I don't believe all paths lead to God, but instead God is always calling us, and it is up to us to always seek Him

I don't like government, it's an enslavement set by the devil to hold men in chains God did not create. If you're a patriot like many of the Christian women I've met, it isn't my place to judge, but don't expect me to vote for this or care about that. The laws of men are for slaves, not the redeemed

It's ok if you disagree with the state of Israel, but it's not if you hate Jews, I don't want another hateful person in my life

>Every Christian woman I've met has treated me like garbage that owes something to them. I shouldn't judge, what matters is your faith in God and His love, His salvation, His goodness
Maybe stay away from people who wear their identity on their sleeve. Those type of people tend to be unhinged.
Nobody here
Girl Nobody there?
>Nobody here
you are not the nobody.
This, I am The Nobody. I am looking for lithe breeding age females. I would like to try to have about a dozen children before we are done, with a year of breastfeeding between each pregnancy. This would provide us with the healthiest offspring. I will provide a stable and comfortable home, and make sure that we can grow and learn and thrive together as a couple. If you provide a family for me, I will do my best to provide a fruitful life for you. Reply for more details if you are interested.
>how to be a vagina-drying creep in one post
Yeeah. Good luck settling for a fap to your breeding fantasies because not many girls will care for the post like that.
Yes, I know you're just shitposting.
I am not shitposting. I thought women would be receptive to a man who wants to start a large family, is this untrue?

Yes, it is untrue. Women are not receptive to men like you.
I don't believe you, this is not typically how I would approach advertising myself, I would often give it more effort, but this thread has been a sinking ship from the start, due to it's original creator
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I actually got a few good adds from the last /x/ thread so sure.
People to argue/discuss e s o t e r i c things with, anyone in the North (tm) interested in going to places and doing things, bonus points if you're a hot witch girl but I don't mind looking around the henges with regular bros (no homo).
I like the forests and the hidden places within them and the ancient things you find there, I also howl at the moon unironically, that's the sort of stuff I get up to.
I also think Alaiwteanon is onto something even if he is full of shit.
>do not want
Nazi skinheads who want met to join their gay biker club, I already said no twice.
Because I created ESP ya nincompoop and that would only happen if it absolutely had to and the glowniggers wouldn't notice and come dissect me after.
I'm posting this here in case someone wants to link up on the ethernet and have a few astral dates before sharing contact information. I will be sitting at the table with the lamp. God bless.
You can't claim that life's struggles are to perfect your soul,
And then claim god put your soul in the wrong body.
The very thesis of transsexuality is that of atheisism, you claim there is no got and claim you have the right to butcher your body and poison it as you see fit.
I'll look for the table
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> Looking For
An interesting and loyal woman
>/x/ interests
Reality warping
Simulation theory
Time travel
Supernatural shit
> Dating Interests
> Contact Info
NTA I am a man I am not interested

185cm / 6'1

106kg / 233 lbs

Gym, hiking, boxing + MMA, BDSM, chess, witchcraft, magick + the occult, mapping (doom 2 most recently), cooking, retro vidya, music, photography

>About Me
Homosexual BDSM enthusiast and certified dark soul, I would describe myself as an Alpha Submissive. By that I mean I like to crossdress and am a total sub and a complete whore in the sheets but also like to streetfight and am generally not to be fucked with.

>Looking For
People to talk and make friends with of any gender I guess mainly to trade pictures and stories or talk about whatever.

Where did I say I wanted a male?
Bump niqqa
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>About myself
30 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me.

endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu
You're kind of cute but you look and read like a tranny. Steer clear of egg crackers, 34 is too late to transition.
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I'm in truth a 'them' but identify as male and intend to stay that way. I've just been having fun playing with x-dressing basically.
This is me not being a total whore
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One of my self ties
i am an orbital space cannon, weird russian girl @weaponizedspaceprincess on discord. trying to stay up all night
Very kind person :)
Orbital space defense weapon platform*

put a shirt on nigga
>M, 30
Looking for genuine, open, honest conversation

Hi anon. Yes, you reading this.

I like to ask direct but well meaning questions. I want to truly know and understand you, and I am happy to answer anything you ask me. I look for the sort of conversations that won't be had anywhere else, they'll be interesting and unique. I'm wise and can understand, discuss and hold interest in any topic you share with me. If I don't know much of it, I'll listen to you and I'll learn. That's a promise to a future friend.

While I don't have many people in my life, every friend I've had has been treasured, cared for, and appreciated. I'm not looking to collect. I'm looking for something real

>Please don't message me if:
You won't let down your walls in time, or if you use me as just entertainment until you grow bored.

Female 25 US
>What type of magick or esoteric or occult system would/do you like to work with?
More of a "looking for" than a current list of practice, but: Demonolatry, protective magick, things for growth prosperity and success, astral stuff perhaps, also having someone around who can read birth charts and tarot (I can't read for myself, always tells me what I already know) would be neat! Psionics people are also cool.
>Discord username
>Sexual orientation
Pansexual, or bisexual/queer if you split hairs over that shit
>State your purpose:
Friends semi-proficient in what I listed above. Warlock/wizard/witch bf/gf/theyf. Do not add me in the pursuit of knowledge because I have next to none that'd be worth feeding you.

TLDR give me sexy wizard.
Repost from the last /x/ thread I saw, cba to type a new thing.
I can make dosing rods spin in my hands just by concentrating really hard. if any women se/x/y find that attractive hit me up
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24 M Mugen Naraka
teaching, business
mystic atheist, like jodorowsky
>physical description
average height, white, green eyes, dark hair, I am told I have gothic aesthetics
Anything occult, esoteric, pagan, religion in general. For specific examples I am a huge fan of G.I. Gurdjieff and I like anything related to alchemy and Hermeticism. I spend any free time I have reading all of these ancient texts. It all ties into my broader ambitions in life but it's too much to say just here. There's more to learn from what is viewed as negative/dangerous compared to what is acceptable and safe, so I also focus more on that. I enjoy teaching/explaining things too so I'm good if you do not have much experience yourself. I spend pretty much every second I can nowadays studying, lifting, working, starting business(es), and so on.
>looking for
women, cis, soulmate
>not looking for
friend collectors, men, fat, trans
discord: meifumadou
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>About me
I'm an extremely straightforward CS student in my senior year, possibly moving up into grad school and will be working in the public sector. If I don't want to talk anymore, I'll just let you know and skip the small talk. I'm not bigoted toward any sort of people on this site. Other than being calm and stable, there's a bunch of other aspects of my personality I think might be interesting to mention, but it's way better for you to feel them out in DMs!

Math / CS / Engineering / Data
Politics / Philosophy / Literature / Economics
Board+Videogames / VNs

>Looking for
Anyone's who's interested in my description. I'm open to everything, and I’ll consider seriously.


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