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Do you play Fate Grand Order (FGO)? Do you visit /alter/ to discuss FGO with your fellow players? Here's a thread to discuss the game, meet up, or just talk about other things with your /alter/ bros!
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Any bros?
Once again, touch fluffy Astolfo tail
Good morning bro
Why Astolfo again? Cant we have a normal op?
>Gay OP
I thought this thread went to conversion camp
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Any /alter/bros playing Pokemon TCG Pocket? Wouldn't mind adding you guys
Fate Discord: https://discord.gg/JMqVqSfR
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I guess we're just doing these from now on
I like Astolfo.
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Movies soon!
Add theodosius_konstantinos on discord for invites
Also I'm in btw :^D
Try and find me
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Are you saying that RATS have snuck into my kingdom?
I wish Astolfo was real, its not fair...
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Another thread that nobody will actually exchange info or meet up and a few fags just keep begging our resident femboy twinks to post their clavicular indentation.
Once again posting that if any bros live in Ontario, Canada, they should come hang out with me (and the other anons I know). If nothing else, we’ll have a party the week before Christmas so let me know!
Pretty sure nobody lives near my country
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Same, bro.
The majority of 4chan users are American so... It was supposedly around 80%+ when the stats were visible but that was over ten years ago.
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I dont even think bros are even interested in the twinks anymore
Are you asking that because you want a reason to post a picture of yourself?
Never underestimate /alter/'s homolust
Only if it's on par with the Saber crossplayers thighs
The lifeblood of the thread
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We beseech you, oh beautiful maiden, post a still, fleeting image of your visage so we can admire it
Glad i stopped playing fgo.
Now I want to meet you to kick your ass you faggot
None of you even look like this.
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sorry to be the one to burst your bubble, but im a guy
And? If it makes my dick hard, it's a girl.
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If it's of any help, i saw Jannu enter and exit your house
You can kick my ass if you still feel that way after a few beers broskie.
He’s gonna be beating your asshole with his dick after a few beers
If you keep being a faggot I will
Never played FGO in my life I just think the OP pic is cute
How come there’s no /alter/ femboys
Bros, I’m thinking of downloading Grindr and finding a femboy IRL to date or at least to have a one night stand with.
Why do you want a femboy?
damn your poster ID tomOysQo is so close to tomboys I had to doubletake lol.
I'm gonna refer to you as Tomboy for the rest of the thread.
You too...
Because I like cute guys.
Barely played FGO in my life I just think this thread is schizo enough to keep reading
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ya'll niggas be posting or playing at all or what?

anyways, how did you guys justify getting through the initial boring singularities? i can't over just watching one of the animes again
The story isn't worth reading until the 6th singularity, arguably the 5th one.
Im tempted to try, but for a cuddling and anime night instead
what if i give a shit about these clowns later? i know its all about the lostbelts but still
The early singularities get ignored by the entire main cast.
Mordred traveling with the MC in London is forgotten by the next singularity.
Read Fuyuki, skip until London, arguably skip the first half ish of London.
The bare minimum is to skip Septem and London almost completely except thr final few sections. If you get to Camelot, congratulations, you survived the worst and its only uphill for the most part
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we all did it over the course of many years. Doing it all at once can be like dragging your face on the concrete. Back in the day I found Okeanos to be so bad that I actually quit the game because of it.

Here's a strategy for you.
Skip everything. If you get into a fight and you're like
>WOAH what the fuck is this how did we get into a fighta gainst this guy?
after the fight, go to
>Myroom > Materal (Story) > Main Records
and go to the most recent story bit and reread it. The game's story is entirely rereadable after you finish any given story quest. Fighting pirates? whatever. Fighting Nikola Tesla? find out why in the log, then maybe start reading till it gets shitty again.
You can do this until you get to Jerusalem/Camelot. It's actually good. It has a 2 movie adaptation that is just okay, could watch it or not.
Babylonia is also very good, probably better. It has a 2 core anime adaptation that is pretty solid. You should watch it after you finish the chapter.
Act 1 Finale is neat, and also has an anime adaptation worth watching.

After act 1 you unlock 1.5 Epic of Remnant, which is optional, but if you want the authentic experience you should do Shinjuku, then unlock SERAPH from the Rare Prism shop (should be free), Then proceed to Agartha, Shimousa, and Salem.

Act 2 is generally good enough that you'll read it all, but again the first 2-3 lostbelts could be [skip till it's interesting], with 4 being alright, 5 great, 6 amazing, and 7 not out yet.

Generally, main interludes should be done as soon as they unlock for free, with Seraph as the only exception since all of 1.5 unlocks simultaneously.
Good post.
Would almost recommend using youtube videos instead of main records due to playback speed and ability to jump ahead if desired.
Thank you! I'll start plowing through the skip worthy story soon and take your advice

I do play other gachas, just wish there was a quicker way to bone of my sword with emiya
Here's my experience when talking to femboys
>easier to talk with
>more eager to engage in a convo
>just as horny as you are
>they ask you questions about you
>can be chill then quick to sext
>can have an ass and hips that rival girls
As compared to a girl where it's am uphill climb unless you come across a girl that is really down bad
If only finding one is easy
I just want someone i can chill and play games with one second then start getting a buttjob the next.
Them's the breaks. Most are not local to me and on the other side of the planet
Same with me. I'm in the middle of the midwest us so I doubt there is any near me to do anything with.
you have to find the right girl from the outset and follow up by corrupting them into fate. tale as old as time and how i got afflicted
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Pass along my congrats to your bf for successfully getting you interested in his interests! He must have really wanted you to be the one.
much love. the interest was pretty organic, stay night and zero were fucking based. also i recognize that picrel character as one im informed to look out for
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You won't meet her till Lostbelt 6, which is basically 90% of the way through the game. Everyone in LB6 is a very flawed character and in different ways from each other. Who you'll resonate with varies from reader to reader.
Gameplaywise she's one of the strongest characters in the game for neutral damage. A jack of all trades but no niche to make her a master of anything, but her 100+30 np charges let her use any CE, namely black grail, and become a strong contender even without a niche trait to tag. One could say black grail is her niche.
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Your best shot at getting a femboy bf into that type of stuff are usually conventions, even then the competition for them are brutal. Also if you do get a femboy bf, be prepared for them to be high maintenance.
I'll give it a try but I would be surprised if a femboy shows up in a convention in Nebraska. But who knows I could get lucky
>be prepared for them to be high maintenance
speaking from experience? I thought guys were chill
this is still somewhat foreign to me but I'm grateful for the rundown. I know I need to focus on castoria but she's at a high place of intrigue on the list
Best of luck finding a femboy there, cant imagine many feminine guys in Nebraska honestly. Does Nebraska even have anime conventions, dosent seem like the place to have one.
Mostly speaking from experience from talking with other femboys and being a femboy myself. Alot of them are just generally clingy and a bit hyper-sexual at times.
Also post pics
There aren't any on the east coast either
I think its just easier for them to stay inside up here
How am I supposed to meet them then?
They dont exist on the west coast either
East coast US. Unfortunately Im at my college dorm right now and cant get a good photo. No real privacy to be able to take a photo
you're never going to see one in public. large gatherings that encourage cosplay are the place to go. Be they jumbo 5 day deals like AX or Anime NYC, or smaller events that rent a rec-center
there will be men 18-26 wearing maid outfits and astolfo's various attires and gacha thotties costumes. I guarantee it. I see it myself every AX.
If you go to a hotel afterparty maybe you can snag an out of towner looking to go nuts on their vacation.

That all said, you're probably better off searching for one online and tryign to bridge the gap. It worked for castoriabro and okitabro, it could work for you too!
I want sell my FGO account with about 40ssrs. My phase has unfortunately passed :(
There are no femboys in Arizona.
online to rl transition
I am going to kill myself if I don’t get a femboy bf before the end of the year.
hihiii im also from ontario!!! around toronto!!!
whats your tag??
Is this an /alter/ poster or a /soc/ poster
ive watched some of fate apocrypha but i havent played fgo
what does that make me
So I take it you don’t browse /alter/
nope! i don't often visit soc at all actually!
What boards do you browse? Also /alter/ is from /vg/, not /soc/
am i being interviewed... /trash/, /an/, very rarely /v/, then even rarer /soc/, like now!!
nah, just trying to get a sense of if we’ll get along in person
what tags do you want since you don’t play FGO, Discord or something else?
i understand... discord would work best!!!
Why /trash/?
Sure, add harruhy on discord
because it has /cbg/ and it's one of the only generals left for cute boys on this site
lol, lmao
you came to the wrong thread
we'll see...
im just looking for more friends... the anons here seem more sane and friendly than those on other threads on this board
/cbg/ is a cesspool and none of the boys in /alter/ are cute so if you aren't actually looking to make friends, you're in the wrong place
we all know whats about to happen
i'm cute....
What about tagmap? A lot of generals use it because you don't have to reveal your identity or your actual location to look for people to meet up/make friends with. Probably not even your discord, since there's a message system. Just make an /fgoalter/ tag.
Post proof.
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brosis you gotta believe in yourself. If you don't have enough confidence in your cuteness to show off to anonymous retards from a taiwanese ice fishing forum then you don't really believe you're cute.
I know I'm I don't need validation.
Make one.
It's over....
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You forgot to post the link!
You should post this in /alter/.
Sounds awful.
based thread bros
Still no femboy /alter/ bf…
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Hah jokes on you I've already groomed 3 boys in the moviecord. You just aren't trying at all. LOSER!
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You gotta work for those femboys bro, can't expect them to come to you.
>TFW no Top femboys that WILL come to me
It's never going to happen.
femboys will fuck or be fucked by fems but when it comes to masc they only want to be on the recieving end.
a femboy that wants to top some sweaty overweight balding nerd just ain't gonna happen unless you're a very rich man with connections to buy what you want.
>tfw rich man with connections
>but no connections to fuck a femboy in Takeru cosplay
Why live...
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the only thing holding you back is your flimsy facade of dignity.
be unashamed in expressing what you want and and shoving your money into getting it.
Go to a con, find a takeru, break the ice talking about samurai remnant, then be very upfront in your solicitation, leveraging your wealth to make him an offer that will shatter his own facade of dignity. Pay for his whole trip, plane ticket, hotel, badge, everything else and then some. Have a business card with your contact info you can force on him so even if he initially declines he might cave in and text you later when he's away from the judging eyes of his companions.

I know you can do it bro. Live your best life, grab your femboy gf by the balls and don't let him go.
that'll get you in the door but will only go so far
Why is this bitch always eating bread!
>Go to a con, find a takeru
That's never going to happen anywhere in the west. I'll do the rest though and if these threads continue in the future, I'll let you know how it goes.

>doing NNN
>twitter shows femboys as promoted tweets
They know what I'm posting about.
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I'm gonna be honest, this plan sounds like a great way to get kicked out and banned for sexual harassment as a convention. I've cosplayed at cons before and if someone came up to me asking to pay for my whole trip and more I'd think they were a human trafficker.
is anyone in or around the michigan?
I didn't say it was likely to work, but what else is he gonna do? Most people miss their dreams because they don't even try due to shame and fear. I just wanna encourage bro to actually try for his and not let it be a regret he carries to his grave.
also who'd you cosplay as?
Nobody used the tagmap!
You didn't post it in /alter/.
i didn't make it! and i avoid alter
I'm just saying the method you're proposing just has a chance of back firing immensely. I have no problems with him trying to get a femboy partner just the method suggested could easily get him into some deep shit quickly. Regardless I've gone to cons cosplaying a maid. I am still relatively new to cosplaying so I wanted to go as something generic and simple. I am looking at getting some new cosplays in the future, considering something like Alice from mahoyo since she has a relatively simple design.
Well thank goodness Im not some sweaty overweight balding nerd then, thanks for the hope~
Oops. Weird
cringe unnecessary attempt to defend yourself from a 2-day old dramatization on an anonymous hindi parakeet breeding forum aside, you knew what i meant. They're only interested in putting their dick in cute fems.
GL in your endeavors kiddo.
I'll take care of the cute femboys.
Femboys aren’t worth the trouble (including prep)
As an anecdote, I met with a femboy off grindr and his nails were so long he scratched my dick multiple times after sex to the point of bleeding, sucked at bjs, and was so tight it wasn’t any fun, anyways that was a few weeks ago and it still hasn’t healed and the foreskin is all puffed up, this has happened before but be prepared for that sort
Sorry. I took all that as just a silly little back and forth banter sort of thing.
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actually around these parts we call it munierreinflating. We had a poll and everyone agreed on it.
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5:00 PM ET
Add theodosius_konstantinos on discord for invites
Not a goon or hook up server
24th of November, Sunday
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I'll try to make it if my factory hasn't consumed me by then.
I told you you would lose your life if you played that game...
But you should come, it will be fun
where is the gooning and hook up server then
Also looking for that
Hook up with who? Women don’t play FGO except for the most mentally ill and/or ugly. No, not the kinds you’d want despite or because of their mental illness.
I have to be mentally ill to continue?
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>she's on 4chan
>>>she thinks she's mentally well
pfft, sure you are sweaty.
I've continued as per your earlier sage advice, I think that says all you need to know about me~
shut up shrek

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