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self-improvement general -- find friends and accountability partners and such to improve together

>asl (optional)
>goals or areas of improvement
>other interests or expertise
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>25m west coast
>language practice (ja), exercise, dieting, music, religious stuff
>writing (I don't need help here I write incessantly and it's the one thing I'm truly good at)
>porn, overeating, mindless scrolling, procrastination
>discord: wounded_dear

i'd like someone to talk to relatively frequently...
wow. can't believe nobody is interested. bump
30s/m US
I don't use discord but here is my email. we could arrange to text with a different app after you email me.


I think I could be helpful to you. Im looking for help mostly with staying on track with my productivity goals and time management but I'd also like to make friends. do you have any other skills or strengths aside from writing?
i wish self-improvement came with forgiveness
Main: Deep cleaning the house to move (currently on milestone 1/3, cleaning our kitchen)
Side: Learning to remember what happened yesterday & planning the current day
Homesteading, homemaking, homebirthing. (at least, these are my non negotiables.)
Forgetfulness and procrastination.
(No trannies, men, atheists, or polytheists.)
This would be a more penpal style thing - I can't go back and forth daily because I have a baby to take care of but I will always ask you about how you are doing, give you any needed advice, and be a positive light in your life, and I expect the same.
man here but to remember what happened yesterday, journaling the same day might help. entries could be as short as you need them to be. idk what kind of help you expect to get with cleaning a house... are you married and have your own house?
I journal the same day but terrible at being consistent. Only been able to do 3-4 days at a time and I end up forgetting or quitting. In terms of help I just need to be held accountable externally - and a friend I guess. It's worked in the past. Yes, I am married and we are moving out of this house.
thanks but being able to VC is a big part of this for me and I practically only use discord
do you have adhd? when you've done journaling, has it helped with your forgetfulness? would it be easier to stick to if you wrote shorter entries? where do you keep your journal?

wow you're really young to be married and have a house. good for you!
I have autism, not ADHD though. Not necessarily, it reminds me of things but it doesn't seem to store in my memory if that makes sense. I write bullet entries at the moment but I have done ful pages in the past - same result. I keep it next to where I pray in the bedroom since thats where I naturally go wgen I'm not doing anything abd because it would probably get lost in the kitchen.
been having a rough time and isolating myself.. sorry if i stopped responding to you suddenly

18/f. hello! i'm here looking for one or two things, either or both :)
i want a best friend! i want someone i can talk to any time and any place, give little life updates to, and send long paragraphs about nothing to!! maybe we can join vc and watch a movie sometime, its up to you C: i particularly enjoy watching people stream games or whatever else they're interested in. i don't expect to exchange faces, personal info, or even names if you don't want.
self improvement buddy/mentor. i realized that i am in an awful spot right now, and its literally all my fault. i want to be a better person: mentally, physically, intellectually, and emotionally. i can give you more specifics in dms, but i'll say that i'm very mentally ill. i'm working through it with professionals but if you're not okay with it, please don't add!!
my discord is @syzygyg!
I love the idea of these threads, but they just never last. People would rather goon, or simply wallow in their own misery or mental illness rather than take steps to improve themselves.
I would love to be proven wrong.
22/Cis F/USA

>Looking for someone to help me/lose weight with. I lost a lot of weight earlier in the year then got depressed and gained most of it back. Somebody around to help me hold accountability this time would be nice.

>what you get out of it
A. I’ve come up with a plan to do weekly weigh ins, if I don’t hit my goal weight for the week I’ll send you money. I know that sounds pretty pathetic but I think it will give me more incentive. Plus if I don’t hit it I basically pay your phone bill.
B. I’d like to find someone I could form a close bond with, I don’t want this to be a cut and dry thing. So if you want a girl to rant to day to day or play video games with I will be that!
C. If you’re also looking to lose weight we can do things together like set gym schedules and meal plan. And if not and you’re just interested in nutrition and the health world we can learn things together.

>other interests
Just got a pc and am starting to play vidya again after years, films, internet lore, alternative music, and other chronically online stuff.

thread's been up for almost a week. post your profile.

you need a specific plan. how much weight do you want to lose and how much per week? how do we know youre gonna be honest if you don't hit your week goals and will actually pay? how much money? also how will we receive this money?

tip: aside from any legit exercise, take break from the internet and walk around your block or in a park every day. my friend was really fat and lost at least 30 pounds from just that.
how are you doing with the journaling since we last talked?

if you could write down notes about your day and reminders AS YOU GO, and then review them later and use them to write a full entry, could it help? if so, get a second notebook, one big and bright enough that it won't get lost in the kitchen, where you will keep it. keep it in a bin/drawer/shelf that you use just for it.

your symptoms sound like adhd. but I guess you would know better. there are a ton of things that affect memory. start with sleep: how many hours do you get? do you feel rested (before any caffeine)? do you get the recommended daily doses of B vitamins and oily fish? a lot of nutrients affect memory, especially those.

can your husband help you with accountability?

feel free to email me. if you do, lmk you did here.
Much better. I noticed a pattern with myself and changed accordingly.
>Get frustrated when I don't finish all of the tasks I wrote down.
>Write down the tasks I want to do on tomorrow's page.
>Fail to commit to pre-written tasks, and the cycle continued.
Writing down the date and tasks that I need to do the day of in the morning is integral to me actually doing them. I was able to finally clean a bit yesterday after being unable to for 3 days prior.

Yesterday, I wrote tgem as I went and was genuinely surprised that I got done with everything I aspired to do. I will say I've never used my logs to write a full entry - but I'll experiment with it before I get a larger notebook first.

I was diagnosed with autism at a very young age. I haven't gone to anyone since so ADHD is a possibility. I get as much sleep as my daughter allows, somewhere in the 9-10hr range. I wouldn't say as rested as I used to be, but I used to drink coffee. I no longer have caffeine. I most likely do not get the correct amount of nutrients to be honest - I make super simple dinners every night since I don't have too much time to make bigger meals. We ran out of meat a few months ago, but I believe my husband plans on slaughtering a sheep at some point.

He helps in the little bits that he can, asking me if I've done my key priorities and praising me when I do, but he's swamped in work at the moment.
glad you found something that helped. yeah, one reason journaling is good is that it helps you identify patterns.

wow you get a lot of sleep--and it sounds like you still don't feel very rested. as far as nutrition goes, thats a whole conversation, but for starters, healthy cereals are an easy way to get a good dose of nutrients. Get whole grain, lower sugar cereals that are fortified with a lot of vitamins and minerals, like Cheerios and Special K. and again oily fish (sardines, salmon, herring, etc.)

Professor Andrew Huberman has a ton of great info on health and performance https://www.hubermanlab.com/
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Looking for genuine, open, honest conversation

(You) reading this, I want to meet you!

I ask direct but well meaning questions. I want to know and understand you, and I am happy to answer anything you ask me. I look for the sort of conversations that are interesting and unique, not superficial and casual. I'm wise and can understand, discuss, and hold interest in any topic you share with me. If I don't know much of it, I'll listen to you and I'll learn. That's a promise to a potential good friend.

While I don't have many people in my life, every friend I've had has been treasured, cared for, and appreciated. I'm not looking to collect. I'm looking for something real.

How often can you say you find someone offering this? You lose nothing by trying, anon.

>Please don't message me if:
You won't let down your walls over time, or if you just use me as entertainment until you grow bored.

It's definitely a lot more sleep than it feels - because of my baby, I wake up essentially after every sleep cycle. It's very interrupted so I believe that's most likely the cause. Nothing I can do until she grows out of it.

I'm taking a look at the huberman website now - can't do cereals though, husband won't approve. I'll see how to improve the nutrition on the dinners I cook, though. Thank you for your check-ins and helpful advice, Anon.
>21 f aus
>excel, volunteer work, walking, diet, dinosaur knowledge, drawing, other crafts, hiking, social interactions, happiness
>i am not good at anything
>depression, fatness, repeating tv shows
>discord: kinderhippos
Trying to study rn but keep getting distracted
you're welcome!
30, male
Looking for a girl who wants to be a better version of herself and is willing to engage and listen. Ideally someone attentive who does better with direction, wants something long term, connects with me and encourages me to be a better version of myself.

Otherwise just looking for someone to co-work with on occasion, be accountability partners, share useful sources of information, etc
Kik is moarslaw or drop your discord.

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