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Dalmatian Edition

Thread for the tiny ones
Don't be shy, we want You!
Post yours, rate others and discuss small penises

>No random porn dumps. Post pictures of yourself!
>No paywhoring, begging, or soliciting
>Be respectful of each other

Old thread >>33493721
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are these you, OP?
22 M Aus
4” sissy
Love sph, feet, humiliation, bigger dick tops
Into boys, girls and anything in between
honourable mentions from last thread
I’m flattered by that
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Ooh, looks great! I'd love to see more!
i rarely take pics of it desu i dont have any more at hand
Aah damn, no worries. Thanks for sharing this one with us:)
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snug fit gang wya
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incredibly cute
Bored and horny, looking to show off my soft useless little penis to a dom, ideally someone who will make fun of it a bit.

Kik is hydra1989
3.5 inches hard , hoping to gain 0.5-1 inch when I lose some weight

I’m a M Dom hetero but Ngl those femboys look kinda hot, if u wanna chat my kik : DriftBuff
Forgot the pic lol
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whats up losers
25 m who wants to watch me stroke my small cock? Have cum vids kik Lookinforfun19967
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hi :)
Damn, you're cute.
Ur cute bb got kik or discord ?
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24/MtF posting my little nub
pastlifenewboi is kik
24 m
looking to make fun of cute little small dick bois
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if my gf deserve better kik me
23 exposing my little penis on kik: mlpfrottingismagic

sitting in my room completely naked, looking to show it to anybody 18+ that wants to see. not particularly looking for anything long-term, but you're free to tease me and/or praise me, whichever you like!

please open with your age!!
I want to tease it so badly
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I wish more of the /b/ posters from back in the day posted here. I still want to get in contact with some like this twink.
28m small, looking to compare, chat, trade and share experiences!

Disc: ichiyaaa
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Need man to roast my size and laugh at my 3 inch. Tell me how more of a man you are then me. Make yourself feel good. Sharing my wife's tight ass as well. Kik: 3incher123
Omg dude, I remember when he posted, I think, only 2 pics.

The 3 incher. Just wish I could fuck him
here's me :3 im super sensitive and struggle to get hard and make small messes, but at least im cute u.u
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Kylie, 29, smooth fem slut with a tiny clit and a tight pink hole. Looking for a dominant owner and fem playmates!

My kinks include feminization, humiliation, chastity, orgasm control, anal, ass worship, ass to mouth, bondage, cum, shaving and more:)

Oh and I have kind of a big kink for being made to lick and suck on shaved, sweaty cocks, balls, armpits and assholes hehe

Kik - kyliesiss934
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never posted mine but genuinely theres this girl i been talking to and im scared what shes gonna think :(
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these threads are home
Do you have a discord? I want you inside of me!
Need man to roast my size and laugh at my 3 inch. Tell me how more of a man you are then me. Make yourself feel good. Sharing my wife's tight ass as well. Kik: 3incher123
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Kik: shenbaozi
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I think all my size went to my butt and thighs instead...
Incredible thighs and adorable dick
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3.5 hard
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trim the pubes around your base and find a good moisturizer for sensitive skin for your tip. then you should be all set chief
22 M Aus
4” hard small cock
Love sharing pics and submitting to dom men or women
Addicted to gooning
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M25 just shy of 7 inches long n 6" thick :D
Any smol petite twinks interested hmu :D on the east coast for the week would love to meetup w some1 cute out of town :3 kik is eseraldalmond n u can hmu on there but if u wanna usea different social just reply with your username :D
Bump, still showing off the clitty :)
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Bully my tiny caged clit? M 23 kik: hippymobiler70
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VERY cute, i want to fuck you
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u r a delight
post kik if u want a thorough worshipping
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hey hi hello
Need man to roast my size and laugh at my 3 inch. Tell me how more of a man you are then me. Make yourself feel good. Sharing my wife's tight ass as well. Kik: 3incher123
Love the hammerhead.
More, please.

Great thread so far.
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Bi switch verse
Sub bottom lean these days
Doms welcome
If your bigger soft than I am hard, idk maybe you can bully me lol
23 exposing my little penis on kik: mlpfrottingismagic

sitting in my room completely naked, looking to show it to anybody 18+ that wants to see. not particularly looking for anything long-term, but you're free to tease me and/or praise me, whichever you like!

please open with your age!!!
Just curious what people think. Mostly looking for female opinions but anyone can reply.
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I'm always down to post mine... I don't mind a bit of degrading with it.
hope this absolute cutie posts more in this thread
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Am I small? Girls tell me I'm not, but I can't tell if they're just being nice.
If you're pushing down on the fat pad on the base like that, its probably small. Classic move for small guys when they take a dick pic
I'm not pushing down. Just getting the hair out of the way.
25 trans girl
I swear it gets big when I'm horny
is that discord? didn;t work
Perfect size.
25m who can I showoff my small cock to? I have cum vids as well
Any femboys here UK, particularly London?
I have a 7 inch penis, I'm tall, white, intelligent
Looking for cute femboys to befriend and have fun with in front of my trans gf
18-21 must either be on estrogen or twink and smooth. If over 21 must be on estrogen.
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mines really small when i'm soft
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Do you think its smol pp?
Need man to roast my size and laugh at my 3 inch. Tell me how more of a man you are then me. Make yourself feel good. Sharing my wife's tight ass as well. Kik: 3incher123
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>More, please.
OK, since you asked so politely
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that is straight up a clit
nice cock
25m come watch me stroke my small cock kik Lookinforfun19967
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middle of the road average hard though
good on u brother
impressive growth factor
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M 27
Kik - jakew3122
How big is it hard?
It's so fucking adorable. I just want to lick it.
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Kylie, 29, smooth fem slut with a tiny clit and a tight pink hole. Looking for a dominant owner and fem playmates!

My kinks include feminization, humiliation, chastity, orgasm control, anal, ass worship, ass to mouth, bondage, cum, shaving and more:)

Oh and I have kind of a big kink for being made to lick and suck on shaved, sweaty cocks, balls, armpits and assholes hehe

Kik - kyliesiss934
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I think I might be small. Looking for a really big guy to talk to. Kik deepdive08
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snapchat: bvsed-jon
Please come over and sit in my lap and let me tug it until you wet yourself
Mikedstl8 on kik 37m. Any big guys wanna chat, hmu
you're adorable i want to tease you until you can't take it anymore and cum in the palm of my hands
disc? :3
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twinning :0
Bored and horny, looking to show off my cute hairy little clitty to anyone who wants to see, especially if you make fun of it a bit :)

35, M, US, kik is rando_1928
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i need to lose a lot of weight.
28m small, looking to compare, chat, trade and share experiences!

Disc: ichiyaaa
Need man to roast my size and laugh at my 3 inch. Tell me how more of a man you are then me. Make yourself feel good. Sharing my wife's tight ass as well. Kik: 3incher123
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I'm >>33608749 flattered as well
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how about showing it closer?
would like to see more
looks nice, need to see more to evaluate the size ;)
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Pet with a praise kink into humiliation, feminization, exhibitionism, pet play, but am open to most things in general. Kind of trans questioning. Love to chat and into the idea of being taken advantage of or tricked and manipulated.
Also curious about exhibitionism/exposure, hypno, some pain, but am open to most things and just chatting.

Teleguard AG5G6EM4U
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here I am
moar balls in car plx
Ruin my life please.

I’ll give you my crush’s first name, pics of her, and nudes of me. For each pic or hint you find of us, I’ll give you another letter. If you find her, I’ll give you her number. If you send me a bikini pic of her within 10 minutes I’ll show my face. Blackmail me into doing humiliating tasks like liking her old bikini pics and expose me to her if I fail. Show me your messages with her if you do.

Kik : amaliescuck
Cute dick, can I see it poking out?
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That precum is so fucking hot! Your cock is great, wish I could service it!
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around 5 inches (13.5 cm)
do I fit in? I don't want to intrude on a space where I might not belong
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My pp so soft and small
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tranny here with a poem

please enjoy my little clit
and the adjacent needy slit
that begs for cocks to make it fit
using lube of cum and spit
Cute tits. Would suck on.
DOM w 20cm(8in) looking for a tiny dick
25 m who wants to watch me stroke my small cock? Have cum vids kik Lookinforfun19967
sad ass thread
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My kik is fivefun1122
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Thank you, glad you like it. What else would you do to it?
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Goddamn. I'd love to talk to you.
missed few days, a lot of new juicy anons came in
Effortlessly deepthroat it all day. Just pop the whole thing in my mouth and leave it there like a pacifier.
Here's my tiny cock. It's 4'' hard. I'm not fat
Kik- Unsherman

Small white twink looking for any Daddy who wants to take their time on my worthless body
I love sph and mindbreak
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will it ever taste pussy?
Ty <3
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Kik: Holes4goals
32 m uk
Subby mood and enjoy being outsized and worshiping bigger cock. Come and chat/show off
Small bulge, msg me i will show u ;3

Kik: stillthere95
small little pp looking for humiliation
Kik: shawkaw
Small penis - clitty in stockings

Kik: 29bimkinky
22m fat with a small dick looking for any girls or trans that are interested in seeing but willing to share with anyone

Teleguard: WC8R8SUK8
Need man to roast my size and laugh at my 3 inch. Tell me how more of a man you are then me. Make yourself feel good. Sharing my wife's tight ass as well. Kik: 3incher123
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Kik: Structure1917

If you message me attach a picture please!
Looking to see some small cocks cumming. Love femboys and big guys/bears. Bonus points for being verbal.
Kik is AnonEMous_1
cute af. Any contact info?
Kik clockworkelf504

Love sharing my wife's fat titties with small guys. Odd kink but I want to be cucked by a smaller guy.
kik junkiem27
tg: @stimukiimassa

get here to chat about cuck, femdom, feet, caption, joi, cei etc. fetishes. Im on speed so my pp is very limp, leaky and small.

Bought some girl panties, socks and shoes, going to sissyplay a bit tomorrow. taking requests. new to this.
i want a smol pp. someone help me smol ppmax
22 M Aus
Small cock sub bottom gooner
Love sph and love taking orders
28m small, looking to compare, chat, trade and share experiences!

Disc: ichiyaaa
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It's small, but I still have fun.
Older daddy with dad bod and a small dick, looking to chat with other small cocks also, fuck the big cock guys we can have fun to

Kik craigy204
Kik clockworkelf504

Love sharing my wife's fat titties with small guys. Odd kink but I want to be cucked by a smaller guy.
kik kellycd454
discord kelly4087
I gotta contact u, that’s too cute. Discord?
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wouldn't be so bad if the girth wasn't 4.25 inches.
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22m bi sub here looking for a dom/keyholder that’ll regularly check in and make me prove to them that I’m being a good boy in chastity.

Kik: anonghost10
I'll post in here because nobody in the dic pic thread bothers to read my post. I just woke up and I'd like to see smaller guys while I sleep in please! 24 F

Kik clockworkelf504

Still around. Love sharing my wife's fat titties with small guys. Odd kink but I want to be cucked by a smaller guy.
Aw so cute!
hot, you have contact?
Need man to roast my size and laugh at my 3 inch. Tell me how more of a man you are then me. Make yourself feel good. Sharing my wife's tight ass as well. Kik: 3incher123
How many inches is that?
Cute little pink spout. You need a big strong man to hold it for you while you pee.
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kik - inmymouth99
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Hi :3

Discord: raocne
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Before you guys ask, I'm into girls
I only post hoping one responds that it's cute
Make me regret this, please.

I’ll give you my crush’s first name, pics of her, and nudes of me. For each pic you find of us, I’ll give you another letter of her name. If you find her, I’ll give you her number. If you send me a bikini pic of her within 10 minutes I’ll show my face too. Blackmail me into doing humiliating tasks like liking or tribbing her old bikini pics, destroying my balls, eating my cum, or whatever you want.
Make it increasingly humiliating to capture me, and expose me to her if I fail.
My only condition is that you show me all the messages if you contact her.

Kik amaliescuck
I would love to rate your small ones come kik me bonus if you're gay/ bi
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Kik: Felanon1
Love to see a small cock trib my irls hmu
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Those thighs are tasty.
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19 m here,
If you've got a breedable ass and a small cock, feel free to add my disc
tag is Octivorous
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Kik: parvib7
Looking for the smallest!
23 exposing my little penis on kik: mlpfrottingismagic

sitting in my room completely naked, looking to show it to anybody 18+ that wants to see. not particularly looking for anything long-term, but you're free to tease me and/or praise me, whichever you like!

please open with your age!!!
Kik clockworkelf504

Still around. Love sharing my wife's fat titties with small guys. Odd kink but I want to be cucked by a smaller guy.
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nah but i guess i might post more in the future
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I wamna rate your small ones full honesty come kik me bonus if you're gay/ bi
22 M Aus
Bi-curious virgin
Into sph cause the only girl I showed my small cock to laughed at me and it made me prejack
5.5in here I wish someone could steal my length and stamina

Kik sissykate72
Telegram sissykate72
Let me rate you're small-average ones come kik me bonus if you're gay/bi
beautiful, contact?
25m who can I showoff my small cock to? I have cum vids as well kik Lookinforfun19967
Need man to roast my size and laugh at my 3 inch. Tell me how more of a man you are then me. Make yourself feel good. Sharing my wife's tight ass as well. Kik: 3incher123
Ruin my life please.

I’ll give you my crush’s first name, pics of her, and nudes of me. For each pic or hint you find of us, I’ll give you another letter. If you find her, I’ll give you her number. If you send me a bikini pic of her within 10 minutes I’ll show my face. Blackmail me into doing humiliating tasks like liking or tribbing her old bikini pics, destroying my balls, eating my cum, or whatever you want.
Make it increasingly humiliating to capture me, and expose me to her if I fail.
My only condition is that you show me all the messages if you contact her.

Kik amaliescuck
27/m need smoll dik cute Bois that wish they were tops to send me clit pics Kik razerleef
Still here
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kik dennis_herman
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20! Femboy with a fat ass and a small cock, from India :) looking for only tops- to sext with, talk dirty, and maybe video call sometime? ;P
Only really into confident guys ;) try to stand out so I reply faster

Kinks: Groping, Creampies, Spanking, size comparison, facials, rough deep baby making sex ;P

Kik- Amberfemm
small pp with gf, have a lot of humiliating stories. Looking for sph or femboys
Kik: shawkaw
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If you squint it almost looks average sized
Rating small-average dicks come kik me with your asl bonus if you're gay
Just shaved the little guy this morning, looking to show it off now :) Let me know if I did a good job or not :)

35, M, US, and Kik is hydra_1993
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Thank you bro. I'm taking ur advice and i think its looking better. genuinely appreciate u
Need a daddy to humilate my tiny dick
Kik Thrp9in
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Does this qualify as small?
I think too much porn has warped my sense of reality.
very hot body and endearing ass, are there any different poses? Maybe close ups or back views
dubs demand harder better faster stronger
21 m asian small cock into cage :) also into sph
kik asphas98765
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awww thanks, i feel all warm inside now heh
21 chubby boy looking for other bi boys my age mostly into small pps/feminization/cages/cute girls & boys/bbc

if u are a cute loser boy dm me too:3 looking for long term stuffs

discord nrx.lika
I just wanted to say that this is one of my favorite threads on this site, thank you all sexy motherfuckers for posting your hot cocks in the threads
Sad that every guy online who admits to having a small dick is gay though, sigh
If it makes you feel any better, I'm bi.
26m who wants to watch me stroke my small cock? Have cum vids kik Lookinforfun19967
Snap lookinforfunver

Perfect for teasing your overgrown clit with my cock until you cum. Then, lift your leg up and expose your pink boy cunt and slide my cock as it is lubed with your own cum balls deep in you and start fucking and pounding you slow and hard as you moan aloud...

Kik/Telegram/Snap: visqruk
That was hot, can’t find you tho
30 F Crawley Uk

Experience Domme here with a lot of kinks to share. i will take your words very seriously. im here to seek a mature submissive servant online/irl. doesnt matter if you're inexperience as long as you are trainable and a good listener. I CAN VERIFY since lots of fake Dommes/Girls here !

KIK : Misstiffanyyyy
Very average size, feeling extra horny,
Would like to show off with another small guy

Kik craigy204
Alice! Come back! I love you and your cute lil' wiener <3
Ruin my life please.

I’ll give you my crush’s first name, pics of her, and nudes of me. For each pic or hint you find of us, I’ll give you another letter. If you find her, I’ll give you her number. If you send me a bikini pic of her within 10 minutes I’ll show my face. Blackmail me into doing humiliating tasks like liking or tribbing her old bikini pics, destroying my balls, eating my cum, or whatever you want.
Make it increasingly humiliating to capture me, and expose me to her if I fail.
My only condition is that you show me all the messages if you contact her.

Kik: amaliescuck
28m small, looking to compare, chat, trade and share experiences!

Disc: ichiyaaa
30 m Small dick boy looking for a long term Dom to keep me in my place.

Kik aab981
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28, girls often say I have a cute penis and it gets me hard just thinking about it. I really want a girl to use a strap-on with me, showing me that's hers is so much larger than mine, then fucking me with it.
Lil dick husband here needs bull to roast my size. Willing to share video of me humping stuff animal from behind and u laugh. Also has Hotwife willing to share her tight pale ass. Kik: 3incher123
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Small one here if anyone wanna chat about it or see it.
kik: onetwo8
post more of that adorable little dicklet
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I'm in love
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Dicks smaller than my soft cock amuse me. Message me if you want a real man to put you in your place.

Kik DonkeyPeacock
Sub into humiliation, petplay, feminization, exhibitionism, and open to lots more. Love the idea of being taken advantage of or tricked and manipulated. Also curious about exposure, hypno, and some pain. I'm open to most things and also to just chatting. I'm not very fem, but I would like to be.

Teleguard AG5G6EM4U
Kik slutguygd
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page 10!
Can't sleep, horny as heck, just looking to pass the time by showing off my little guy to anyone who'd want to see :) Kik is rando3321
Lil dick husband here needs bull to roast my size. Willing to share video of me humping stuff animal from behind and u laugh. Also has Hotwife willing to share her tight pale ass. Kik: 3incher123
23 exposing my little penis on kik: mlpfrottingismagic

sitting in my room completely naked, looking to show it to anybody 18+ that wants to see. not particularly looking for anything long-term, but you're free to tease me and/or praise me, whichever you like!

please open with your age!!
looking for a girl to abuse my little one

kik tomphelpsripley
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Kik? Discord??
Ruin my life please.

I’ll give you my crush’s first name, pics of her, and nudes of me. For each pic or hint you find of us, I’ll give you another letter. If you find her, I’ll give you her number. If you send me a bikini pic of her within 10 minutes I’ll show my face. Blackmail me into doing humiliating tasks like liking or tribbing her old bikini pics, destroying my balls, eating my cum, or whatever you want.
Make it increasingly humiliating to gain leverage, and expose me to her if I fail.
My only condition is that you show me all the messages if you contact her.

Kik me: amaliescuck
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Looking for dominant women :3
nice balls
Please bully me.

I’ll give you my crush’s first name, pics of her, and nudes of me. For each pic or hint you find of us, I’ll give you another letter. If you find her, I’ll give you her number. If you send me a bikini pic of her within 10 minutes I’ll show my face. Blackmail me into doing humiliating tasks like liking or tribbing her old bikini pics, destroying my balls, eating my cum, or whatever you want.
Make it increasingly humiliating to gain leverage, and expose me to her if I fail.
My only condition is that you show me all the messages if you contact her.

Kik me: amaliescuck
20 m USA. College twink slut here looking to embrace my sissy side and become feminized. I've been interested in it for a while, but I have decided I want to be forced down the rabithole as soon as possible. I'm looking for people that can help me with this. I'm broke and can't afford anything, I need daddies that would be able to buy me things such as clothes, cages, toys, etc. If you can't do that, that's totally fine as long as you can mentally break me and make me accept my fate as a sissy bitch. I'm looking for long term play here, and I am definitely worth it, so if you're at all interested please hmu! I'd be willing to meet irl or maybe even have an irl relationship with a man if it works out. Ideally, I can become someone's loving boywife one day.

Do you think you can turn me fully into a feminized sissy? Do I have to potential to be a beautiful girly boi??

ds6110_65056 is my user on disc
ds_6110 on snapchat

pastlifenewboi is kik
24 m bwc
looking for small dicks to tease and worship me
Small tribbers wanted. Willing to praise/humiliate 285Y4ZQTS
>girls often say I have a cute penis
is that outside? That's kinky
yes, suck me pls ( ,,> ᴗ <,,)
Kik: gaattz
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nooo it's not, but i have fantasized about doing things outside more times than i can remember lol

happy holidays little ones... and big ones
bro, you're pretty hot! Can you post anything more pls?
Not asking for face of course, but definitely post moar
Lil dick husband here needs bull to roast my size. Willing to share video of me humping stuff animal from behind and u laugh. Also has Hotwife willing to share her tight pale ass. Kik: 3incher123
Nice cockring! I bet your sack looks so pretty from behind.
snapchat: bvsed-jon
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Super horny tonight, so looking to show off my soft little clitty to anyone who wants to see! :)

kik is zerozero91
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been a while, hi /sp/
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23 exposing my little penis on kik: mlpfrottingismagic

sitting in my room completely naked, looking to show it to anybody 18+ that wants to see. not particularly looking for anything long-term, but you're free to tease me and/or praise me, whichever you like!

please open with your age!
interesting twisty one
Lil dick husband here needs bull to roast my size. Willing to share video of me humping stuff animal from behind and u laugh. Also has Hotwife willing to share her tight pale ass. Kik: 3incher123
Rate my 18yo son?
Fat guy with tiny cock here

Kik ohnj2657
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You wish that was your son lmao
27 F Crawley

Experienced Domme here looking to a submissive kinky guy who's eager to fully commit into long term D/s relationship. i have lots of kinks to share. doesnt matter if you're inexperienced as long as you are trainable and willing to listen.
PS : need to be aged 23 above only.
I can send live selfie to verify that im real since lots of fake Dommes/Girls out here !

Kik : missitffanyyy
You are perfect. More?
Add my discord? Hollow7093MYMNm
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my name's Jake and I‘m an obese homosexual with a small penis. My little dick hasn't gotten any bigger since about the time I was 12
luckily I like to suck dick and take it up the ass so my little homosexual penis doesn't keep me from having sex
More. Way more
Lil dick husband here needs bull to roast my size. Willing to share video of me humping stuff animal from behind and u laugh. Also has Hotwife willing to share her tight pale ass. Kik: 3incher123
Who even needs a penis anymore? All I need is my fuckhole for guys to dump their loads into
Do you happen to have a kik so someone can ignore that faggot penis entirely and put your ass and mouth to good use?
23 exposing my little penis on kik: mlpfrottingismagic

sitting in my room completely naked, looking to show it to anybody 18+ that wants to see. not particularly looking for anything long-term, but you're free to tease me and/or praise me, whichever you like!

please open with your age!

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