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Nude women with a hairy bush, armpits, legs, thighs, etc. All body types/ethnicities/hair colors welcome.
Naturalness is highly encouraged - there is no such thing as 'too hairy' here. Let's hang out together in this thread and have pictures be part of the conversation.

>Women only, posting pictures specifically taken for this thread. No wife/gf pic dumping.
>Timestamp if new or haven't posted in a while (pic of you with today's date written on paper)
>No lazyposting. If you're after simp attention and not looking for interactions at eye level - post somewhere else. We're about interaction here.
>Asking for/posting contact info is strictly prohibited. Do that in the appropriate threads.
>No trolling, off-topic discussions, bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
>Don't be a brainless coomer/goddessfag. If "more pls" or "you are a goddess" is the best you can come up with, don't even bother.

Report posts that break the thread, site, or board rules: >>17318579

Upload videos here:

For short clips, use https://www.redgifs.com/
For longer videos, use https://www.erome.com/ (24h activation period for new accounts)

Last Thread: >>33519328
If any of girls from the last thread want to be the next thread macro (I'm looking at you westy, QT, bitty), just let me know. Otherwise, I'll continue to use the generic one.
Any girl with a bush is welcome to post.
Black Friday bushes
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Hello, I know English very poorly and I am writing through a translator, so I apologize for the strange writing style. I want to show you my small archive of my photos, would you like to see it?
Post a timestamp, please. A pic taken just now with the date written on something, be it a piece of paper, your hand, anything.
this thread is not really for dumping old pics, but I'm definitely interested in seeing more of you.
could you post bush + timestamp?
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I don't know how to do 4chan, but according to the image board customs of my country, we practically do not make a time stamp with a part of our body, this is very disturbing for our mentality.
I can take a picture for this thread in the afternoon with some kind of mark on a piece of paper. A heart, a star, a cat, of your choice, or come up with something else and write exactly what to depict to me.
but if this is a thread only for fresh pictures, then unfortunately I will have to leave so as not to violate your traditions.
is there a thread only on this board? I searched on other adult boards, but I didn't find it.
>I can take a picture for this thread in the afternoon with some kind of mark on a piece of paper.
Yes, write the date.
Just the date is fine
Can always make your own thread too
oткyдa ты?
And invite all the contactfags? Fuck that.
It's cold put now, so the girls should be keeping warm with their bushes.
Where are you from?
bush bump

Is she still around? She look gorgeous
If that were a real person she would have posted a timestamp by now.
Maybe we'll see some bushes tomorrow.
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Hm. Idk whether to post in the chubby thread or sma thread. I Do sport but I keep fat. What do you think thread
Can always just stick to here since the bush is in play a lot. Would also suggest /ass/ but it died again, so RIP :V Speaking of, post anus Westy!
Seconded staying here then I dont feel constrained by requests as your sexy bush is everywhere
Looking absolutely amazing here Westy, can I get a nipple pinch?
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Hehe fair enough
Jesus Christ stop blurring. Either post or don't. It's like trying to fap to a Captcha
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Nip pinch for u..
Never will. It's not for u loser
Thank you beautiful :)
Idk what it is but the way you look tonight has me wanting tits n tummy, looking real good
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nice you should spread pussy with tits in frame
Getting off tonight? Hope you're plugged!
god damn hot as fuck

wish you would post hairdo but I get staying anon lol
need to plug that butthole too and make you run around in your skirts lol

great pic
There's also the "risk" of other threads complaining about the bush. It's probably a slim chance of happening but since this thread is for those with such features it would sort of invite trolls and idiots complaining why you, and others, wouldn't just post to this thread.
What I love most, apart from how often you show off like this, is your frequent anal adventures that don't need requested. Few things better than a buttslut who spontaneously puts things in her ass, this thread is very lucky to have someone like you posting ^^
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Maybe I'll post a skirt pic haha
Hey Westy, would you be down for doing full nudes?
Desperate to watch something dance in your ass as you clench down on it from cumming
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Only this...no censor but u must lemme know what u think
Fucking hot. Yum. I wanna explore that forest.
I like it! Can you do one from this angle but include more of your body?
JFC these are incredibly hot. Please do more like this when you feel up to it, it's a very welcome difference to your usual style but both are still great to see. Especially when it involves buttstuff >:D
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Westy you're so hot
Creamy wet toy on bush or between tits?
can we get ass on soles, please?
i love your belly tits look here, can you spread some pussy from this same angle?
fuck yes I love your outfit pics

>nose ring
Cutie patootie

post a lego man stuck/lost in bush?
Bump for QT hoping she hasn't trimmed her bush yet.
Seconding this. QT is very accommodating when it comes to requests.
Sure you are!
Just do a timestamp, and show us how hairy are you
No, it is really perfect! Nice bush you have, and looks like you have a nice body! Can i see more of it? Maybe some tits, if you dont mind?
Ah sad you delete them! You are really gorgeous!
Sorry if you actually thought so, I just felt terribly insecure, is all. Thank you
Beautiful muffs to dive in to.
Fantastic bush! Are your armpits hairy too?>>33622150
Same with you?
Hope you can feel confident and return soon!
>New girl posts and gets skittish
Seems to be happening a lot lately.
Yeah since they have so many options to get attention these days, they rarely feel committed to keep posting in one place. Or if they don't get the reply they were hoping for, they might stop posting altogether.
It's kinda sad because we rarely get to know the girls like we used to when they would post regularly.
The contactfags jumping on them asap don't help
I'm considering doing an experiment to see how many of these contactfags are from outside of the US.
Also curious.
Personally, I never saw the point in directly messaging any of the women here. They must be getting flooded with messages from guys who are more interesting, more talkative or better looking than me, so what's the fucking point. I'd much rather talk to them right here in the respective CW threads.
Mmmmm so yummy!
Westy and QT's bushes
weekend bush bump
Post your bushes
Seems like the girls who would usually post here get their attention fix elsewhere nowadays.
Either that or this place has become too obscure for women to find.
It's mostly the cooldown timer and people just get busy sometimes.
For me, i do not wish for clogging the thread. I also prefer posting in the thread that died and I like taking time between. I also enjoy seeing the girls who post too so it can be a bit sad if you are the only one.
Westy, post your bush anyway. More girls will post if they see some activity.
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Just this for now aha. Very sick right now
Thanks, hope you feel better!
Thank you!!! It nothing major just the normal winter cough sick flu. Once gone I should post again
I heard not wearing clothes helps with illness.
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It's not helping!!
(Last one for real ahahahah)
>Just this for now aha. Very sick right now
>Last one for real
Dammit, just missed. Feel better soon Westy, I'd make a joke about how there are suggestions for things to use to get better but you might end up getting distracted if I say to put a spring onion or leek up your ass ;p
Perhaps it will happen when I return :-)
Given your enjoyment of household items I'm sure it would be quite fun to see your indulge in using other random things. Get well soon™!
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Ughhh Got to excited tooo soon
kek, based buttslut <3
feel better soon that pic is super hot

god damn lol
I.e fake
Youc an clog this thread any day. Nobody here will get tired of seeing a bush as full as yours, or you putting stuff in your ass, I can assure you that.
>Very sick right now
i just made soup, do u want some?
Get well soon, Westy.
Are you illiterate or did you ignore the opening post on purpose?
Also sending my get-well wishes.
Wishing Westy Well!
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Haha thank u. It is taking a few days to feel normal but here you go
nice glad it's passing
show the back of that thong pls
also I love these puss wedgies, looks so hot with your bush
>It is taking a few days to feel normal
Don't rush things, take as long as it needs. That said how was the spring onion? ;p
Those pubes spilling out are a thing of beauty.
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Thank u! Let me know what you think plz
I'll do 1 or 2 more requests tonight :)
Hehe it was fine. I always wrap vegetables in plastic wrap and lubricant, ahah
perfect thanks, think I just wanna pull that thong aside, plug that asshole and cum balls deep in your pussy

spread and pull thong aside? not very creative with reqs today, just want to push you down on the floor and go to town
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No worries at all.. please let me know what you think of seeing hehe
fuck yes thanks westy
need to see your thong collection and pick out the sluttiest one for you to wear with your skirt and have you walk around plugged
and I really want to pick you up and fuck you against a wall or something lol
fill that puss and go straight to your asshole afterwards so you're leaking cum from both holes
Good, good ^^ Feel free to have more fun and share should you wish and feel healthy enough to do so ;D
I will never get tired of seeing you show off your asshole like this, or any way!
I wish to spank that juicy ass while you're on top of me, that's what I'm thinking.
Warm bushes
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who will shave me
That's not the point of the thread.
Hi Kebabgrl

Show us more.
>Don't be a brainless coomer/goddessfag. If "more pls" or "you are a goddess" is the best you can come up with, don't even bother.
Nobody here wants that.
Timestamp please?
no one. now show the hairy asshole please.
>now show the hairy asshole please
that's the nicest way I've ever heard somebody ask a girl to her her hairy asshole. she definitely owes you one.
never claimed anyone owed me anything, sir noble gentleman. that’s up to her if she wants to or not.
You want to see my hairy pussy and do other things with me. Kik anniesr24
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Hehe one for now
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>>336577and maybe one more hehehe
Pull them to the side
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Sit down and Spread it like that but put your feet in the air.
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Best I can do
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Ehh a bit better I guessing
That’s perfect…fuck, I wasn’t going to masterbate tonight. You got me turned on

I want to see you put a finger in there, or two. You choose
This one is better, let me eat it!

I feel like I got you all to my self tonight huh
Hehe sure please let me know what you think..
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Oops forgot your picture..
I think… that you gotta let me come on that asshole.
This might be the photo I want to finish to!! Unless you got any more surprise.
Don’t hide the toes, it’s the cherry on top.
holy fuck
also wish we could scope your tats but I get wanting to stay anonymous
great pics

would bite that butte
great pics wew
Aw thank you..do wish I could show but they are so recognizable. Glad you like hehe
What did those fingers look like when they came out?
no worries thanks for posting!
need more thong pics hnng, put one on backwards too with your butt filled up? pls and ty
Hi. Could you try a clit closeup pls <3
Is it just me or are your legs getting a bit hairy? Would love to have a closer look at that. Remember, we don't just love the bush here, we love everything.
bush bump
>missed westy showing off panties
really intrigued to see how wet/dirty you get them throughout the day
>Gay threads are still pretty active in spite of the cooldown timer
Are gays that desperate for attention?
Where is that girl who said about starting gym and is a weeb, from a couple threads ago?
I mean, just go to any random porn site like imagefap or mless and it's pretty obvious.
Fags will go through the trouble of spamming the same picture of their tiny faggot dick 20 times, just to make sure you get to see it.
Theyre not really but I just get patch leg hair. Been growing out my armpits hair for 3 weeks but it is unsubstantial.might poast for Xmas later tomorrow
hey this is fucking beautiful post more.
show your tits and clit all the way
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Christmas aha
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Aw thank you..here you go heh
beautiful pussy would come in any day of the week.
so attractive !
i wanna lick it, sure me more :P
can you play with your nipples for me? :p
i might cum to you now if you really work it ;)
show me all u got and how u please yourself if that's ok ? ;P
beautiful bush, you're pretty hot
now I have an oddly specific request, feel free to ignore it if you think it's too much trouble
but if you can, please take a picture of yourself squatting over a mirror, I find that incredibly hot

other girls who might post, it'd be great to see you do that as well
go on nasty girl show us more
meery christmas westy!
hope you have a great year, appreciate you being with us lol
>>Don't be a brainless coomer/goddessfag. If "more pls" or "you are a goddess" is the best you can come up with, don't even bother.
This reply was alright, you should have kept it at that.
Merry Xmas, Westy. Hope you and yours have a have a fun and fuzzy festive time. Requesting anus and [in]appropriate XXXmASS insertions in holiday holes if you can today, please!

Jeet detected
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>Been growing out my armpits hair for 3 weeks but it is unsubstantial
Show us anyway? Even if it's not a lot, it's still much more interesting to me than a smooth pit.
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Merry christmas!
Merry Christmas gorgeous
can you show off your cute belly more? or maybe some tits?
Merry Christmas! Nice bush!
Can we see some booty?
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this camera angle makes it seem like its bigger than what it really is
Merry christmas! And so hot! Loved your bush!
Will you stay a while with us tonight?
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here you go :)
weit i dont know if that counts as a timestamp, sorry
nice ass and thank you ;)
yeah same question will you show all you got to make us cum? :P
you drive me nuts...
Merry Xmas, Treasure/Bitty!
Technically it wouldn't since digital screens could be faked, but then you're not a new poster so it's not the biggest issue. If you want to still do a more proper one then just scribble something somewhere.
I think you dont have too, you are a regular here!
So, whats up for tonight? Its a long time since you were here!
Got horny? Want to show us how you will play with yourself tonight? Show more your bush, while oinching nipples, please!
thats a good girl
Nice to see you again bitty, I really missed seeing those small titties and that dark bush. Are your pits hairy too?
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well it depends on what u want to see hahaha
this is better i think, sorry i thought about it after posting ups
I don't really think it's needed since as mentioned it's not your first time here but it's still good :)
>depends on what u want to see
Anus please, turn and spread! ^^
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life got to be too much so i just disappeared hehe now that im in a better mood i felt like doing this again! i like our interactions even if its just porn hahahaha
how you play with yourself, a vid if possible
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they are indeed
oh wow that's pretty attractive
Life is harsh sometimes, we were chatting then you stop answering, but glad you are back and feeling like having some fun, hope we all can help you feel good too!
Your body is really perfect, your armpits and nipples makes me want to fuck you right now. Please more close ups of them, maybe some oil or something else you can spread?
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maybe i streched too much hahaha but ready to be put to good use!
Love how long your pit hair is right now, wish I could help you get sweaty. The small hairs on your nipples are super cute btw. (Yes, I do zoom into your pics and to appreciate the details)

Please squeeze your boobs together as hard as you can?
Damn amazing, mind lubing up with your spit?
>maybe i streched too much hahaha
No such thing as too much stretching, got to be suitably prepared for these things afterall ^^
>but ready to be put to good use!
Verrry good to know :> up for some fun with some bottles tonight? Can start with just fingers, ofc ;)
Fuck, that angle is perfect!
Can we see you starting to fuck your asshole in this angle? Maybe some rubbing in pussy from bellow?
such a cute pussy
now combine this :^
got anything you'd enjoy putting inside your ass and pussy?
i want a vid tho...
Why do guys try to doxx women who post body on 4chan
That's so hot, thank you!
How about a full nude with your tongue out? No need for full face if you're not comfortable
sorry for my face i got too concentrated hahaha
Nah your mouth looks cute. Love seeing a girls face, even if it's just part of it.
Can you suck on something while playing with your pussy/ass?
Hey Bitty, can you do a gif of you standing up and bending over?
yeah you're doing great, keep going
love them sounds too
think you can cum like this?
put it in your ass ;)
aaall the way
Great idea, would love to see that too
You have the sexiest lips. Maybe when that deodorant is soaked, can you do a close up of your lips sucking it?
just knowing some of you zoom into the pictures got me all shy for some reason hahaha
If you're doing vids going to have to request some spreads and winks, please ^^
That was lovely, wish it was my hands squeezing them right now.
Also don't be shy lol, we do it because we really like your body and also how hairy you are. :)
Its the best part, actually. Kinda have a closeup kink, so i love the details! And i think that it makes you shy, but also very horny hehe
Idk if you have something you could use to fuck your armpit, maybe?
>sorry for my face i got too concentrated hahaha
can tell you're wanting to get naughty for us from that
how loud does your pussy get when wet?
>Idk if you have something you could use to fuck your armpit, maybe?
This 1000x. Please spit on something and run it through your pit hair.
Still here? I'm still F5'ing like a maniac, cock in hand.
U cant really see it but I did
fingers and something else hehe still tiny thou
totally forgot about the existence of my pussy im sorry hahaha got too invested in my ass in this vid but I definitely want to use my pussy too
coming right up

sorry im slow with the vids, i just get too into it
boooriiing. go on lol why'd you stop
Thank god you're still here.
>sorry im slow with the vids, i just get too into it
No, that's perfect. Take as long as you need, because if you're into it, we're into it. There's nothing more attractive than a woman who is genuinely horny.
oh damn i was wrong you actually are doing it haha
lets make you cum with something up your ass and stroking your clit?
film it. don't hold it
fuck... any more panty play like '(3)' on your profile?
tried my best but it looks really awkward hahaha
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didnt even attached the pic...
Not awkward but rather adorable, now I really want to see those lips stretched around something.
Fuck that's hot! Thanks!
Would love a short video of you rubbing your clit and showing your mouth as you pleasure yourself
you're hot af
full face pic would make me cum just like that probably ;)
Its so hot to see you putting your finger for the first time, slowly but also starting to go deeper in your warm asshole, the feeling must be so good, and then you start to deep breath and i want more, now! Hahaha
You fuck your ass like a pro
Yeah Bitty, any chance for any with full face? Would get even harder than now haha
And idk, maybe you could start to practice for something bigger, maybe a shampoo bootle, i think you can handle it, slowly
>fingers and something else hehe still tiny thou
I'm so glad we got you into anal ^^ Loving the sounds, the moans, the anus slaps which was something I was going to request but you beat me to it in the best ways.
>got too invested in my ass in this vid
Never a bad thing :>
>sorry im slow with the vids, i just get too into it
Worth the wait, and you enjoying yourself is important in all this, so take your time!
I think I got to watch this just before Erome apparently crashed XD
you're so kinky
how about rubbing it around your asshole then tasting it too?
Fuck, Bitty! You fucking your pussy, your armpit and your mouth, is driving me crazy! You going deeper with the deodorant, fuck, your tongue tasting your juice, you are so gorgeous and sexy!
Please sit on that dove, and play with your pussy until you cum, let us hear your breaths and you moaning and shaking
Fuck!!! You're amazing!
My cock is so damn hard now
This might just be my favorite thing you ever posted, this video has a bit of everything.

Tbh it's early morning hours here and to be honest I wanted to go to sleep about an hour ago, but then I saw you were posting, got incredibly horny and had to stay up lol.

Could you try reaching your armpits with your tongue, even if it looks awkward?
also just letting you know if I suddenly stop replying it's because I passed out while fapping to you.
this couldn't be any better...
how close are you to climax?
i can tell you're pretty close
this is so hot i almost cum just watching through it...
please film you cumming or... did you cum already?
Bitty, if you post a picture or video showing your entire face and your soft naked body, I'm gonna cum like fuck
It hurt just the right amount, maybe I could have stretched a bit more but im impatient hahaha >>33671886
only chance is if i forget to crop my face out of the pictures, sorry, although its bound to happen sometime
No problem, gorgeous!
What about rubbing that clit with only your fingers until you cum showing your delicious mouth?
You're taking that makeup brush quite well, although the rollon is certainly going to be trickier due to the shape. Do you have any larger lotion bottles in the same shape of the brush but larger for smoother use? If so, please use it!
Watching younfucking yourself in that pose makes me want that it could be me fucking your ass and helping you stretch it, while you would have just to worry about cumming being fucked in the ass!
And i still think you should try something bigger. Idk, maybe some bigger vegetable? It would be better to hold and to fuck hehe but its just an Idea, go with your own rhythm!
But i want to see you cumming fucking yourself in both holes, being very horny and naughty!
Maybe even from an angle where we could hear you more too, idk
oh hell yeah that's absolutely sweet
i think it's time for you to cum already. can you do it while fucking yourself in the asshole fast?
but yeah >>33671962 double this one
you can definitely fit something bigger up your ass and make yourself scream... those *shlicking* sounds...
absolute cinema
make it loud and graphic
you should cum with that brush in your ass so it moves around as you clench around it
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I don’t want to interrupt… but merry christmas guys!
Merry christmas! And maybe you can just join the party haha
What a hottie!
Age and from?
And show us that ass!
Merry Christmas to you too, QT. Turn and spread your ass with both hands if you're hanging about for a bit please!
Bend over and look to the camera for us please
grope those lovely tits for us
merry christmas too :P
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here you go!
Oh my, your armpits look delicious, mind sharing some please?
Very nice spread QT, thank you. Do you want to join in with some brush buttstuff given your own experience posting such things before, time permitting?
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here you are
Bitty, i need you cumming so i can cum too!
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here’s a close up!
Damn now I really wanna lick you all over
you cumming tonight? want to see your bush nice and lubed to get started :P
them tits are gorgeous
you both are so obedient
it's not really what u asked for but I did cum hahaha
i can't make noise because of my roomate so excuse my heavy breathing at the end hahaha
Bye bye!

your boobs are to die for, you are so pretty!
Hey lovely, Merry Christmas for you too!
Can I see a full nude from behind? Doesn't need to spread, just show your lovely booty
so fucking hot
that uncontrollable mouth twitching as you cum has me diamonds
damn girl i already came to you and you posted one more
i can tell you put your soul in it that's so nice... <3
Damn Bitty, I'll just have to cum for you now. The best thing is, you're truly enjoying yourself
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Dude i always love your comments.. thank you for accepting my esl responses. If you like i have a little gape photo too
>Dude i always love your comments..
You're very welcome, Westy <3
>thank you for accepting my esl responses.
European Sign Language? I'm not actually sure what [else] this is meant to be, but then I might just be too autistic to take this as anything other than literally :p
>If you like i have a little gape photo too
Fuck yes!
Hehe tell me what angle and I'll do it. Do you just want to see me squatting over my hand mirror,?
Oh wait, "English as a Second Language"? I could/should have just looked that up before posting the first time >.>
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Ahaha it means english second language. Sometimes I feel bad my language isn't so cohesive ..
Let me know what u think heheheh
Ahahah silly you're so right
i'm going to ask for that pink deep-ish plug again please! :)
>Ahaha it means english second language. Sometimes I feel bad my language isn't so cohesive ..
I honestly couldn't tell, you're that fluent it doesn't show. Or those I know who speak English as a first language are that bad :p Either way not something to worry about!
>Let me know what u think heheheh
I think that's a delicious shade of pink you have showing there and a very hungry hole that deserves to be fed and swallow many things of various shapes and sizes ^^

I hope someday we can get to see you spreading and gaping and winking in video form, even if it's just short clips as those would still prove to be quite easy to censor and not mean faffing around for ages with videos that end up running too long.

In the meantime more feeding ;) toys, random household objects, spring onions and other foods perhaps ;p and anything else you might have you would be comfortable, and perhaps more importantly curious, about trying and showing off for all of us degenerates here :D
yeah just do it
got any toys to stick to your mirror?
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Oh wow this is so fun to read while I'm stuffed with said pink toy..im so happy thank you. I really can't wait to show more hehehehhe I'm sitting on my toy rn just feeling so stretched in my asshole hehe
>Oh wow this is so fun to read while I'm stuffed with said pink toy..im so happy thank you.
Always happy to help if it means inspiring you to feed your ass <3
>I really can't wait to show more hehehehhe
Very much looking forward to seeing you show off more, and swallow more!
>I'm sitting on my toy rn just feeling so stretched in my asshole hehe
If you want to try other things, bigger things, better things ;p do feel free! Deodorant bottle could possibly go for another try if you feel up for it.
Would you be able to try a before and after set of pics where a/the toy is only barely pressing against your ass, and then completely swallowed like in this one? Before/after insertion comparisons are hot ^^
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Bleh it is hard to stick to the mirror
what about the mirror image c:
are you going to make yourself cum now or...?
>Bottomless, bush, buttplug
What a truly tantalising terrific trio ^^
want to see you put this in your ass and push it out in a gif or vid but I understand that's hard/impossible

double stuffed maybe?
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This is all perfect.. Hehe before here
that toy and pink plug combo was the 1st request you done for me hehe
>This is all perfect
>Hehe before here
If that's going in your ass I will be most impressed. Also horny. Very horny.

P.S. Please put it in your ass :>
well that's unexpected
everyone thinking you so shy and all and now this
put it in your butt >:)
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I got this much in before it got a lil too crazy.. I can always try stretching myself more tomorrow hehe. Not a good pic but it's in ahah
>I got this much in before it got a lil too crazy..
Good God woman you are incredible!
>I can always try stretching myself more tomorrow hehe.
Yes please!
>Not a good pic but it's in ahah
I disagree, it's a very good pic! Would definitely love to see you swallow more, though. Would you be able to do an ass on soles pic with the toy showing like that for a clearer look just how much of it was inside you? The previous pic has a different angle so not as easy to compare.
god damn very impressive
don't hurt yourself

but also want to see your asshole swallow that up and the gape after
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ass on sole.pic because you're so nice hehehe. I took a last gape photo too of you wanna see
holy fuck...
what the hell you put it all the way just like that
can i get a vid of you teasing yourself with it and jumping on it...?
those pixels on your nudes are crazy rizz btw 0_o
oh my god
>ass on sole.pic because you're so nice hehehe.
Based bushy buttslut <3
>I took a last gape photo too of you wanna see
Fucking always!
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Ahhh yoy wanted to see. Its not great aha..
Mm thank you hehe
god damn you really did some work, hot
you really are a great buttslut, thanks for posting !
why not now?
we can come up with something else tomorrow
just do it for the sake of us...
don't you wanna please yourself?
i thought you're going to make yourself cum now, don't you feel like it...?
>Its not great
Two 2 ways to respond to this are either:
1. Disagree, it's definitely great!
2. If it's not great it's incredible!
Either way it's absolutely amazing as are all the pics you take, Westy. Always love seeing you indulging your love for anal as well as more topical things like your bush :p
And thank you once again for posting. If you do get time tomo to stretch and try to take more of the toy please do and document appropriately ;>
it is fucking hot lol that's what it is
that asshole is absolutely gorgeous, you make me forget all my fucking problems...
insanely good lol
You are a silent cummer. ;)
You got also a pretty face btw.
Thanks for sharing those pix/vids- <3
ah, sorry I missed you, busy day yesterday...
but yes, squat over a mirror (hand mirror or a larger one, up to you) and take a picture of your reflection
it'll be kind of like taking a picture with a "from below" view but from above

and merry (late) christmas, gorgeous
I hope you had fun!
Wow, glad you came back with such hairy pits! Can you make a video runing your fingers through them, or something that looks like a cock?
QT, if you're lurking tonight, I was wondering if you could do what Westy is doing here without the plug:
aaand she never returned
hey are we still going?
merry christmas! thanks for posting

and to you as well bitty merry christmas thanks for the content over the years
Stop calling it fucking "content" they're not providing, just interacting with us.
yeah go try interacting like that yourself lmao
keep going girls
btw you promised more today </3
Christmas hangover?
Just want to be honest and say that this bush really is something special. You've got it so hairy and tightly grown it's very attractive. A girl should wear a bush and be proud, make sure to keep it this size. It probably is very good for your pussy to stay healthy ;) take care!
Shut up moron, read the opening post. These threads are all about the interaction. We're not cultivating a provider/consumer dynamic here.
To seem powerful and make you feel awful. I am trying the best to not to have happened I get worried if I talk back to annoying anons or people being of mean. I am sorry if that has been a risk to you
You've been doing a good job of covering your tracks, so you have nothing to worry about. And I was hoping you would post tonight lol.
Some anons just want to ruin the fun for others unfortunately. You about tonight, Westy?
too many words, when dragon dildo intense riding?
only spamming text like an AI bot is i'd say very limited interaction nigga, idk what you tryna prove here
I plan on it !! Got very busy work and had a busy game, got too tired after it and went to bed
We look forward to seeing you!
We are in for a treat then huh!
Sounds good, shall try to be about myself :)
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Took me forever to post.but, I may post a video of me inserting the plug if anyone wants. I Do NOT want to take video requests and will seldom do video but if you all like i have a webm. If it doesn't work then I won't post
I’d love to see it
Seconded, would love that
If it doesn't work I'd love to see you double stuffed :)
Cute stockings btw!
>I may post a video of me inserting the plug if anyone wants
>I Do NOT want to take video requests and will seldom do video but if you all like i have a webm
That's fair, vids are going to be harder to fiddle with so saving them for an extra special rare treat is still worth it.
>If it doesn't work then I won't post
Hopefully it works! Most common options for hosts are Redgifs or Erome, so try those as both remove meta data from uploads meaning you don't have to personally.
Erome it is then hopefully it is okay
Idk how long i will leave up. I have a second half with a couple poses if interested. Also thank you for your kindness hehe
Erome it is then hopefully it is okay
Idk how long i will leave up. I have a second half with a couple poses if interested. Also thank you for your kindness

Jeez sorry for double speaking
>Erome it is then hopefully it is okay
It should be :)
>I have a second half with a couple poses if interested.
Always interested in seeing more of you, Westy.
>Also thank you for your kindness hehe
And thank you for your continuing generosity in showing off in all the ways you do!
The 2 things I love about this are first off just how much ass there is at the start <3 and then second how easily you swallow the plug ^^
ugh westy im supposed to be saving a load for a new years hookup >_< the way that plug pops in is so sexy thanks for sharing
Yup. Now I’m turned on. You have an amazing ass!!
Aha i am glad you like, I will prolly delete because it already got a lot of views and it showing that is scary lol

Hehe I'm glad you like too. My small plug always goes in easy haha
I've missed the first half of this thread but I've seen you back and forth. You've really started to come out of your shell. I hope you keep enjoying this, the world is always in need of charitable toys like you.
Good girl and I'm proud of you!
Erome should have settings that you can enable/toggle for uploads so that only those who have the url can view it which would cut down some views should you prefer. Otherwise new uploads will be listed in the "New" tab on the site. Redgifs is similar IIRC, uploads can be set to private so while still viewable if you have the URL the uploads don't show on the profile so they can't be as readily browsed that way or through any similar New lists.

Regardless, wonderful vid of your hungry hole, thank you <3
>My small plug always goes in easy haha
Sounds like you need to show that pink plug insertion I'm always talking about ;)
Also do you ever moan or do sexy breathing in vids or vocaroo? Would love to hear but don't want to make you feel uncomfortable if that's a limit!
No video requests, but would you happen to be in the mood for some picture requests? Or do we get lucky sometime before the year ends?
No worries!
I do not really make sound other than normal loving sound when doing anything. I am quiet I think
That's totally fine, what about sounds of your wet pussy or lubed ass? Again sorry if it's a limit I've just been interested in sound related stuff lately :)
Keep it online for at least one day or don't bother to post on /soc/
yeah you literally posted it a little over an hour ago and it's deleted already lol, damn
can you just post it and leave it like that please?
i ain't seen nothing >:'(
You already took it down, didn't even get the chance to see it :/
>Idk how long i will leave up
>one time westy makes video content it's only up for a hour so only 3 perma lurkers see it
damn that's lame af
Sorry, it's just not my style making videos on there is found very quick
you can make the posts on erome "private" under the options and only a direct link will work

you get tons of hits at first whenever you post on erome because it loads new videos to the front page, which also doesn't happen if you private it
Hoping for a QT appearance.
>Album deleted
Thanks for not being rude about it. I will leave this one up for longer . It is nothing special
guess I have to watch this again :)
>nothing special
my dick disagrees >:3
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Sure..for my horrible unforgivable sin of deleting first video I will do a few picture requests haha
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>It is nothing special
Respectively I disagree, it's very special
>I will do a few picture requests haha
Anus please <3
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Hehe thank you so much ..
Willing to do the same pose no panties?
Oh noes, your panties have fallen down. Better bend over and get them. Might need both hands to do so, tho' ;>
Hnnngh, that is such a perfect shade of pink <3
Requesting a full nude from behind please.
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Hehe both hands in use ..thank you :)
That is a beautiful sight to look up to. Something is missing though, like a plug, or random household item that is close at hand ;D
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Let me know if this pose is okay
This is great! Can you do this again but standing up please?
Goddamn that’s a great ass
Finger and thumb anus spread while like this please, Westy! Pre-plugging if possible.
You could put your underwear on your feet and show your pvssy...

Yes, you can. I don't want to disturb
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Hehe sure
Okay, you definitely need to start posting in /ass/ if it ever comes back. How about a squat please?
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Of course hehe
>full bod westy
and thanks for making a new vid
rip to the old one, was hoping for a repost
>Of course
Based buttslut, thank you <3
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Sure hehe..last pic request for tonight
Hehe it was a repost but I removed the first second where literally nothing g happened and removed some bg object.. sorry it is different looking
>Anus, bush, cunt
What a feast, and the best ABCs to see
Hehe I'm glad you enjoy..
Always enjoy it when you post, and I'm sure many others do, too!
this is beautiful! more videos, please.
pics so good makes me wonder how you look on videos...
Would love to see you cover your bush, pussy and asshole with oil, making it look all shiny and messy.
would like a variation of this but with a pussy or anus spread. lovely soles too.
Happy New Year, /hgt/
hairy new year everyone
let's celebrate with some bushes.
Can you show a pic of a close-up of your anus If you don't mind? Not sure you would think it's weird since I have a kink for women with tight assholes. Or a clip of you winking your asshole? I know I'm super weird. Or one with a rose around your asshole? It gives the illusion that it's a virgin ready to be fucked again.
Need Bitty, QT, and Westy's bushes
Do you think you could manage to give us the view that you have watching your pussy thru that mirror?
>Women only, posting pictures specifically taken for this thread.
Athena's bush in a new year would be a blessing
athena's bush is always a blessing
hey nice bush
damn nice
Super cute dark bush, can we see your full body?
It's written on her thigh
Gorgeous. Dunno what would be more fun to play with, that bush or them lips
any girls with hairy legs lurking?
Second call for Westy, QT, and Bitty's bushes.
nice bush. do you have more?
hairy butthole spread or soles is welcome too.
Online now you want to be the master of my bush
Snap: amarlaa2000
mods are asleep?
Hello! :)
May be here for a little if anyone is interested
very interested, good to see you again
something tame
more of that fat puss please
can you spread and put something in your butthole too ?
You ever gonna do more pee stuff again?
some butt stuff!
ok this turned me on
>5 mins
>3 fingers in pooper
>double stuffed
fuuuuck yes thanks so much definitely going to cum to this
love the sound of that shampoo bottle coming out of that tight butthole too
very much appreciated
forgot to ask
do you happen to own any skirts?
Loving the ass fingering. Pls try this from a more close-up angle next time and try pulling your holes apart a little.
i love you
I know this is hgt but i would like to see you shaved too

Beautiful boobs, and your skin is looking nice and smooth too

Show butt
>i would like to see you shaved
i would like to see you fall into a wood chipper
>I know this is hgt but [...]
Fuck off.
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Happy new year, bush fully grown :D

(time in pst)
>being this dumb
lol, lmao

>being this hairy
Hello, there! Nice pubes and pits! How's the butt look [while spread]?
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this ass is tight
doesn’t get fucked very often
>this ass is tight
Heavenly hairy holes
>doesn’t get fucked very often
That still means it does get fucked, though ^^ Anything you can feed it right now? Fingers, sharpie, hairbrush handle, or more?
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i just have a dildo, maybe i can stretch myself out today >0<
Go for it! Fingers are a very good start regardless of limited options afterwards. Let's see you work up to as many fingers as you can take before swapping to the dildo when you feel you're ready.
Very inviting butthole!
Can i pull on your pubes a bit while i makeout with your ass
please do!
very lovely
Damn, tight little body you got there. The fact that you don't shave is a huge turn-on. Have you ever posted here before?
Please take a pic sitting down, feet spread apart and knees touching so both your pussy and hairy legs are in view.
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that sounds lovely >///<
here are some very hairy legs for you
damn you're wild, love the hair
can you put a sharpie in your butthole?
whoa, it's good to see you posting again!
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took advice from last time and my bush finally grew again so why not
oh, what advice was that? your bush looks even more spectacular than last time btw, i absolutely love it!
Fuuuuck!! This is perfect. You're exactly what this thread needed. Are your thighs hairy as well?

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