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Dont have the template?
Let me help you out there.
Save this pic and crop out the gender that ISNT you.
Write some things about you that people may want to know.
Spruce up the pic and give it some pizzazz
>Welcome to the party.

Previous >>33393709
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this was made by someone else but it's of me
let's start the thread off with some pretty flowers i grew!
just a warning right now i don't feel so good
discord is
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may the luck of this 6 petal hibiscus bless this thread
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i should've included i'm 25 and from the US state of Georgia
i'm a blonde guy of about 5'10
Holy fuck you sound way to much like a time commitment. People have other shit to do other than attend to your delusions of self centredness
need flowery dog boy to lick my ass clean in the bath
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Since I need to specify, please do not contact me and waste either of our times if you are or have ANY of the following: Underaged (Be at bare minimum 18+), Cluster B(BPD, ASPD, NPD, etc), severe mood swinging disorders (Autists need consistency), Male, Troon, non-virgin, unwilling to vidcall ever/actually advance in getting to know one another, overly materialistic, don't actually have anything in common with me, only want to critique me for being unreasonable or whatever
Discord (include the period): .winterenjoyer
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discord is chinese.national

I'm not Chinese thank god.
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>Since I need to specify, please do not contact me and waste either of our times if you are or have ANY of the following: Underaged (Be at bare minimum 18+), Cluster B(BPD, ASPD, NPD, etc), severe mood swinging disorders (Autists need consistency), Male, Troon, non-virgin, unwilling to vidcall ever/actually advance in getting to know one another, overly materialistic, don't actually have anything in common with me, only want to critique me for being unreasonable or whatever

Coming from a sperg this feels surreal to read
you're a nigger and i have chronic pain among other issues, i'm literally bolted together
why do you even give a shit?
Ooh nice, I’ve been into gardening for a little while now. Very rewarding hobby.
bark bark
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I think ive done one of these before but total redo :P
ooo, tall!
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discord is buymeagun
sorry for bad art skills!
Just kill yourself and save yourself some time
maybe you should, since you can't read
We are exaggeratedly compatible and I am unironically convinced that you're an angel sent from God to comfort me in my worst moment of miserable darkness. Perfect timing. Comedic timing, even! Ignore all the chuds who will add you to try and meme you into detransitioning, you can be my personalitycute sub5 brown boyfriend
Looks fine to me. Are you attractive?
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Oh i see what you mean. mtf and ftm are the same levels of delusion so my phone and brain dont distinguish them
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disc: salmontearer
if youre under 23 go away
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25/twinkish guy/EU (Happy to be relocated)
>About you
Into ur regular nerdy shit, travelling, military and outdoors, mostly hiking.
170cm and pretty skinny but I workout everyday so I have a bit of muscle too.
Fairly average/straight looking face tho.
>What you're looking for
Women that are masculine by traditional standards like being blunt, straightforward, logical, goal oriented, dominant, cold, sadistic, physically strong, tall. The more of these traits fit u the closer u are to perfection in my eyes.
When it comes to this Im super open minded/flexible and like to please so more or less anything can be discussed.
The kinks Im personally into (u dont have to be into them at all but the more of them u like the better) :
Intelligence, chastity, pegging, ballbusting, cbt, humiliation, whipping, body worship, emasculation, forced crossdressing and feminization, forced bi, castration, penectomy/srs.
On top of that I prefer being treated as a slave, pet, property, basically as something below u.
>What you're NOT looking for
Strictly online
The day in which you will come to appreciate the beautiful nature of bitter mentally ill brown sexually deviant LGBT zoomers with attachment issues is the day in which you realize how beautiful the world truly is.
When that day comes i will bathe in magnesium and go for a walk into a steel mill
Face it faggot, there is no better person to have a relationship with than that of a bitter mentally ill brown sexually deviant LGBT zoomers with attachment issues.
The ugliness induced bitterness makes them care less about the thoughts of normoids, thereby living more authentic and fulfilling lives; the mental illness makes them raw and human; the browness makes them cordial; the often sadomasochistic and faggotish sexual deviance makes them exist in a state where their carnal desires mix with their emotional needs (leading to an awesome, deeply passionate relationship); the attachment issues and cluster B like symptoms give the the capacity to feel things on a level that you probably never will. The social isolation that comes with all of those things put together makes them desperate for affection in the best way possible.
Your denying of all of that because you want to hold onto some chud ideal of what relationships and human experiences are supposed to be like instead of trying to find someone that'll actually leave you feeling fulfilled and alive.
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Discord; terragold2
I don’t mind dry texts as long as they aren’t always dry, i myself am not to much of a dry texter, just depends on the topic
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mostly lookin' for a girl who is a virgin like me, ideally local
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Why do you draw yourself to look like a fat among us crewmate?
You seem amazing
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Here we goooooooooooooooooooo
my disc is: qwezz7352
not interested in long distance
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account.
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gotta lose this collar off my neck, gotta get past this stupid fence
bad kitty
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Cute tranny. Drop a contact, my darling
>wannabe modern desert mother
OMG if you're actually trans you'd be perfect.
sorry to disappoint...
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i just want a strong tall guy to pump me full of strong tall kids and we all hang out in our home gym listening to philosophy lectures why is it so fucking hard
Add me!

My Discord is... LOLjk. I'm not that desperate. Good luck with whatever it is you're doing anon.
not that desperate?
or coping cause you're weak?
>can lift 400kgs with legs
>can bench 150kgs
>not in the best shape
>always listening to something
I never realized how much I wanted this until you said it. Thank you for freeing this fantasy from my longing heart. I shall start expanding my home gym after the winter.
stop hurting me you larpers
You're the only larper here. As if any woman on this planet chooses stoicism over nihilism.
Everything i said was true. Im not larping.
if a woman "choosing" one of the most easily digestible and applicable philosophies out there seems impressive to you - you're so lost. It's the basis for every damn self help book - just because bitches don't cream over Aurelius like most guys do doesn't mean anything you midwit
>>33635000 v/
I seem lost to you because I am surrounded by neoclassical liberals and "choose" to live my life accompanied by my heteronyms instead. We exist, so don't give up hope. I'm just under 6ft so try pursuing >>33634953 instead.
If you really do exist then post physique to prove it ...
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discord is plumfloss
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disc: distant._.dreamer
Hey bub she wants you to post a full body pic. You better get right on that immediately like now even lol
they are both men.
i'm a girl, idiot, complete with the standard girl parts.
the only reason i'm lamenting into the void of this shithole is because i'm bored and ovulating
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Why would a racist light-skinned guy want to talk to a dark-skinned girl exactly?
If you really do exist as a girl then post physique to prove it ...
only in private
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starvecel on discord
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>picrel is real
Depends on age, but I think you sound very nice. I like how you drew your hair!
This meme doesnt exist nor last very long
>doesn't exist
Proof before your very eyes
>nor lasts very long
Probably true but you never know
I don't like to post pictures of myself on public forums, rather provide proof in private. It seems she feels the same way, but I'm not interested in someone that only desires a romantic partner while bored and ovulating.
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I unblocked you
This sounds like a great time but I get bored of philosophy once it veers away from reality.
Philosophy is only as interesting to me as I can deconstruct it to relate to my life or enhance my understanding of others.
>he doesn't know
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discord: _ally_a
was gonna hit you up till you revealed you're a faggot loser who deserves to be alone with this reply lmao

Legitimately was going to say hi till he replied to this thank you
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There must be doomer girls out there looking for companionship, heaven knows our society is depressing enough.

Me: 32/M/UK, can cook, own place, has got life together but it feels like something's missing deep down inside.

Discord: uraby210
I feel like being a guy over 30 and from europe gives me basically no chance at even falling into anybody's category on here.
you're meant to post yourself, dummy
Wow this is literally me
Thanks anon
Will use for reference
holy crap dude how long are you gonna post this, may be time to hang it up
I'm looking for a boyfriend to have fun with snap: Marianape456 Telegram: marianape456
>either very conservative or almost communist
feel like this just betrays that you're stupid as fuck
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>Their qualities
Check the image, it's okay if you don't fit all in terms of physical appearance.
My basic info:
22, F, South America
>My qualities
I'm a 22 year old girl who's just trying to find someone that can give me love, affection, and motivate me to do better. I suffer from depression, and I highly suspect I might have BPD, ADHD or CPTSD, mostly due to personal traumas and things I'm trying to work on. I'm chubby, short, I could be considered a latina but my skin is very very fair, my hair is long and brown, and I can talk about pretty much anything to be honest.
I can be a bit too intense emotionally so if you're someone who has some troubles understanding emotions or emotional people, I'll please ask you to try looking for someone else. I'm very sensitive, and I can get attached quickly if I feel like I bond well with someone.
>My quirks/interests
I suspect I might have synesthesia, a condition where the patient's senses can get a bit funky, in simple words. I love drawing, music, learning languages and cooking. I like to lovebomb people... In small doses, or basically, showing people love whenever I feel they're not doing alright. I've been feeling lonely lately and my previous experiences here weren't too bad. I will just ask that please, if we hit it off, stay committed. I want someone who can genuinely love and wants to love back.
beam_kirby_enjoyer on discord.
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me: 25/bio f/hapa/5’3/115/USA
light skin, dark hair and eyes, allegedly cute & well-proportioned.

overworked, field requires me to be stoic and logical, good at compartmentalizing but i’m softhearted and need a man who will let me be weak and cute and needy around him. i like being taken care of; being carried to bed, being reminded to eat/drink water/sleep/take breaks, etc. it’s kind of a necessity in a partner for me because i can hyperfocus on engineering stuff for >12 hrs at a time and make myself sick lol. so i need someone who kinda gets off on being depended on to a degree. financial stability is a bonus to help alleviate my existential dread, but ultimately i can take care of myself in that way.

potential ltr only.

i like lanky builds; prettiness/androgyny and fashion autists are a bonus.

drop your contact because i’m paranoid.
My chart is no longer accurate because today I turn 26 :’)
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You both sound very sweet. Add me, wouldn't you?

add me _ally_a
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You're welcome.
and happy birthday
I really enjoy needy girls and like taking care of my partner. It'd be nice to have someone to trudge through the existential dread with as well.
Forgot to say, this is me. I'm looking for someone around my age, ideally in the UK or Europe. You don't have to be well put together but I'm looking for someone who wants to make things happen in their life, and not someone who just wants to rot in bed all day, but we can maybe stay in after we're worn out from exploring.
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Hi, I'm 19/M/USA. The picture is of myself, it got reposted to a gossip forum somewhere and someone called it "cute desu" so I decided to repost it here. If you like it, feel free to add me:

i can't be the only one who read it as (very) (very) needy tired, can i? don't dead open inside
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every girl here is a demon atheist whore bitch, i think. do any christian girls actually add you?
I want a girl with an eating disorder. Ideally 5'2" or below, and developmentally stunted.
>5'2" or below
>developmentally stunted
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based photoshopper and thank you :)
You sound neat, I'm a 23 year old grad student in pure math. My discord tag is eelfishes
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I think I love you..
I know you made your discord as annoying to figure out just to root out the timewasters. I salute that girl!
I said what I said.
I can see why you both are single lol
You sound very cute, and i need more engineering friends!
My discord is horusjanus
you were so close anon
Programmer who likes to read and hike. You sound like an ideal partner for me.
Discord: greeteme
debisama on discord
send me your music
So is that your discord or did you add it just to have a good laugh?
I added the 3 variations that could make sense and you havent accepted it
>32/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Looking for
>bio female
>18 - 35
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

Vulcanore on discord
Any guy who’s in a similar age bracket and at uni who shares my music taste (2hollis, Damon rush, Dean blunt, the hellp,mazzy star) discord: anotherlightthatshines
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I'll post my own chart in advance to save time in case there's anything you don't like.

If I didn't scare you off, my discord is memecoin2017.
I have some cool Lain stuff I wanna show off & I tick all ur boxes...
Tag is melltdown
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Lol, which one of you made a throwaway just to call me a retard.
Woops should be 2 ns so melltdownn
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According to an AI analysis of my post history, this is my ideal GF. If you can use a calm yet profound demeanor to bring peace amidst chaos, DM me. White hair optional.

Discord: ozentherealone
30 F Crawley Uk

Experience Domme here with a lot of kinks to share. i will take your words very seriously. im here to seek a mature submissive servant online/irl. doesnt matter if you're inexperience as long as you are trainable and a good listener. I CAN VERIFY since lots of fake Dommes/Girls here !

KIK : Misstiffanyyyy
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you sound so cool....
My discord contact is in the post, you can come say hello!
cold weather superiority, hell yeah
Would love to play monster hunter with you.
Disc mrbundy1989
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This was more fun than I expected
um... sorry for posting again but... i-i'm still looking for people who won't ditch me as we grow close... on two repeated occassions I was unfriended and left alone without any previous explanation... please, if you don't like me just say it directly, but... i don't know why some people added me and got tired right after we grew a bit closer...
are you f or m? post history raises questions
M, East Asian...

>Looking For
White girls who are into East Asian guys.

wow im not as successful as this dude but a lot of shit fits. not in a dick way tho
Don’t feel too bad, happens pretty much every time for me. Well actually they usually just stop initiating convos in general after a while and don’t bother to un-add me. Most people on here are pretty boring and loserish anyway so not much of a loss besides them wasting your time a bit, no big deal really.
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Hey, add me on discord: askalqiubai
Sounds like I can give you a lot of what you need and vice versa.
are you asian?
discord: nvrskgn
Phoneposting so my ID might change, will explain what >>33648781 is talking about. I posted my tag in a latino friend finder thread, and put "m" in my a/s/l just so that horny latino people, specifically brazilians or mexicans, wouldn't spam my DMs begging for nudes or to do sexting right away. If I'm saying I have BPD, depression, and open up about things that are absolutely unlikeable is so that I can weed out people who just want a quick fap. But it seems it's not enough. Some people earned my trust and left after getting what they wanted.
I don't even care anymore to try and find anyone who can like me. It's just never going to happen.
Someone added me just to say that I deserved getting abandoned because I pretended to be a man to avoid being chased by horny men. If you don't like me, don't add. If you just want quick sex, don't. Add. Me. I don't know how much clear I must be. I just can't deal with stuff like this anymore.
that's an understandable explanation imo, i think i'll add you if that's ok /w you
I guess I can at least try to make friends. I just feel lonely and wish I had someone to talk to on the regular...
Dude same
Holy shit it's me
You seem cute
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27/Male/Southern US
Pretty tall, 7.5/10 face at least (in my opinion :3), blue eyes, fit, light freckles, medium length dark hair, light facial hair at the moment, questionable fashion sense at times
Fitness, gardening, gaming, usual 4chan weeb garbage, church, reading, etc.
A home with a big backyard and garden in the next few years ideally, would also want to be in a serious relationship by then and financially in a good place, also kids would be nice, like several maybe
>looking for (preferably)
F/22-27, similar desires in life, similar interests to some degree, motivated and driven to do things
Discord: abel_gold
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Greetings, fellow netizens. I trust this post finds you well. I eagerly await any contacts due to the accompanying image. Best regards to you all.
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What's the most recent girl you've given up on?
Last one for me was trying to pivot to economics after barely getting a compsci degree.
She went off to a summer econ program, failed all her classes, and during that time I realized how happy I was with her gone so I broke up with her when she got back and told her that there was no fucking way she was going to be an economist.
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32/M/Canada BC

Bi Women, long term relationships, gaming, Anime, Gardening, Camping, cooking

>Looking For
Wife(30) and I are looking for a third person (bi woman) to add to our relationship. We are only looking for genuine long term connections with the intention of being life partners.

>Not Looking For

>Discord Tag
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▲ ▲

Please, anon, stop trying to talk sense to the glowies. They're just here to manipulate public opinion in the hopes of getting a higher jobfare paygrade from the CIA or USAF. That's why they pretend trans people invented mutilating a baby's genitals and ignore the prophylactic circumcision that led to David Reimer's junk being a disaster they preferred to fashion into a neovag. Facts don't matter to that sociopath whose only dream is to make everyone as cynical and empty as they are and to stoke the right-wing shift that just coincidentally seems to happen right before every tottering empire collapses (Read Amy Chua, retards)... But yeah, you're right, obvs.
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25 / Male / Europe, Poland

>about yourself(hobbies, interests, ect)
Improvisational dancer, cold-water+sauna enjoyer, perrenial philosopher and a naturist.
I'm a raw carnivore who walks around barefoot (and without any underwear) while looking like a well-dressed individual. Got a stable job as a medic but I'm starting to organise more and more events like dance jams, massage exchanges and now throwing a huge new year's eve party.
Mostly straight-edge, lately I've been dabbling in local pagan groups and self-defence organisations, but I really want to learn slavic white-voice singing and mongolian throat-singing as well.
My main goal is to gather enough funds and big enough support group to start a homestead with a future wife and have a lot of kids :)

>looking for
Similiar people

>not looking for
Unfamiliar people
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Hmm, autist wife...
Just take me why don't you
dc: farwhisper
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First time doing somethings like this, if there is something you think I should add I can change it up for next thread :)

Discord: SoulOfPower
boring night, even more boring holiday season
Ghoster who gets off on you expressing feelings.
That's a weird way to self report you are boring.
You sound like Miyoko. lmao

Ironically, Miyoko tries to asianify herself all the time.
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i love anonymity
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This is pretty cool, drawanon
Makes me want to post here just to get added to one of these drawings
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finishing up college, fun jobbo, a LOT of savings, sane but I dont let that make me boring. nice!! & white. I have a boyishIy handsome look, no one ever guesses my age lole. have cute pets and I want someone cute to send pics to :>
including but not limited to... birds, reading, kayaking, hiking, camping, road trips, local theatre, some collecting, vidya, anime, project moon, (you)
A girl who is...: a bit funny/silly, affectionate, sometimes doting (i love to dote back too), adventurous homebody (me too!!), maybe a bit of a dork and a cute laugh is a nice bonus cause I plan on hearing a loooot. loyal, endearing, skinny-slim/fit, 18-28 age wise, hapa or white, not a transformer
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29 year old white male from the United States of America, specifically the Upper Midwest/Great Lakes region. Never had a girlfriend or sexual partner of any kind. Generally very shy when it comes to that kind of thing but not shy when it comes to talking to people. Have a full time job, work between 40 and 50 hours a week. Currently living at home with parents until May. Spend most of my free time reading books, also enjoy taking walks outside, playing videogames, and watching football. I write occasionally and am learning how to produce music. I am a homebody and even when I lived alone I rarely left my apartment unless it was to to go hiking or get something to eat. Physically I'm nothing special but the only thing that I dislike about my appearance is my teeth since they are crooked and slightly yellow and never seem to whiten no matter what I do.
I want a smol gf who is obsessed with me and wants to chat all day. I like a girl with long hair, favorite color is blonde but no strong preference otherwise. I like a girl who likes to keep herself and her living space clean. I like a girl who is feminine and just wants to stay home all day or spend time with me outside. I like a girl who doesn't smoke or drink and I like a girl who doesn't swear constantly and dresses modestly when out in public. I like a girl who doesn't work or at most works a part-time job. I like a girl who has a few female friends but no male friends. I like a girl who daydreams about getting pregnant and having kids. I like a girl with creative hobbies (writing, crafts, music etc) and who likes to try new foods.
will give (considerably) more info if u add me

if this is u PLEASE CONTACT ME over at
| @napoleoniceagle | on telegram, if you're cool i'll give my discord, otherwise feel free to reply with ur contact on a throwaway and you'll be able to fiure out which add is me
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looking for women only
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Only interested in skinny/slim/fit White bio women.
Share music/watch horror movies/tell spooky stories/talk about lolcows with me.
I'm 5'10, White, and jacked.
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Discord = pusztitopako47
I'm very lonely and mentally not in the best place, some Christmas kindness would cheer me up
24/M/Hungary/Professional bodybuilder
>About you
gamer. absolute dweeb about movies. i yap like a film student over anything we're watching. i'd rather watch kong war kai than wes anderson, but i like both. i would rather be treated correctly by someone that i don't love than try to force my love into someone's life that cannot give me what i need.
no scat. that's my only hard no. i'm into a lot. was a sex worker when i was young. i can support ddlg and age regression partners, since my wants are likely going to interest people looking for an age gap. if you want a list of what's on the table, it would look like:
24/7 bdsm, blackmail, bondage, breath play, collaring, contrapolar stimulation, cnc, ddlg, dom (i'm a service top, but i can play the switch role for fun if you need me to), edging, degredation, humiliation, forced orgasms, orgasm denial, spanking, flogging, golden showers, watersports, hogtie, rope rigging, shibari, impact play in general, inspections, knife play, blood, pup play, rape play, being drugged, wax play and even vanilla sex too.
>Looking For
a pipe dream really. someone that wants to be a mother, but isn't yet. i'm not a father and i feel like that dream passed me by. to reduce the risk of complications at my age i'd prefer a younger partner. someone that can either play games with me (or against me. competitive feuds are hot). someone that's either into my yap sessions during a movie or has plenty to say themself. someone to spend time with.
>Not Looking For
sex right away. i'm not unattractive and don't have trouble getting laid. we can fuck, but take me to dinner first. you know?

i won't be adding anyone from these threads. if you're interested, reach out. tell me why you added me in your first message. if you posted, screenshot or link me to your thread so i can read it~
enjoy the cold while it lasts
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im going through a lot, sorry if the drawing is cringe, it has become a fantasy at this point

discord is hazelkitt
i just realized i was supposed to draw myself
i thought i was just drawing the bf i want, sorrie. asl 27/mtf/southern california
Thats fine you werent going to add me anyway. Now i know you are mtf i didnt want you to add me
pls dont be rude to me i did nothing wrong
You know what you did wrong and the fact you hide it means you are surrounded by the wrong people
I've never even spoken to you yet, and now I know I never want to, you're being mean and I owe you nothing
Apparently the world owes you attention
why would you say that? im just posting to try to find love, of course I want attention everyone here posting does, you're just bitter, go find some love instead of hurting girlies online, meanie
Holy fuck its brain has rotted away more than i could imagine.
I found my love thats why im here to put people like you in their place
Absolutely fucking based. Keep up the good work, anon.
I try, however over the last year i feel i have been lacking.

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