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I will be taking up the mantle of doing a matchmaking service (for free, of course, more as a hobby than anything) for American anons. I'm only doing Americans (as in, from the US of A. Canadians are acceptable, as are Mexicans) because imo europeans tend to clog up pools and the dynamics of doing a relationship across continents is just frankly impractical. If you're an American abroad set to return, you may submit here as well. You will be ignored if you do not fit this criteria, and I will either not respond or send you a brief rejection email.

To start; I will be very responsive. I will reply with a confirmation to every email I get (and if you are too incomplete or lacking detail, I will let you know you are not in the pool).

I have two women I know elsewhere already in the pool, so I will try and make it as fair as possible, and if I cannot match you in 30 days due to a lack of available people, you will be informed.

>Age, Sex (Genitalia, please), State/City of residence (you do not have to give me exact location, but general region of a state is preferred i.e. West Texas vs just "Texas")
>Body form/Weight (i.e. Fat, skinny, athletic)
>Education, employment, or lack thereof
>Drug Use
>Bodycount/relationship history
>Mental illness
>Brief description of self
>Photo or description of physical appearance (please avoid rating yourself out of 10, usually very unhelpful)
>Your type
>Dealbreakers (Age, religion, distance, etc.)
>Contact information if not email that you have sent from

Send your profiles to this address: matchmaker1255@proton.me

Unlike the last one, I will reply to all emails sent with a confirmation and then a pairing within 30 days. If you are not happy with your pairing, you can resubmit 30 days after I send you one. This is to encourage matches to try and make it work before being put back in the pool.

If this is successful, I may expand to Europe/Asia/etc.
Phishing data collection scam
These threads never deliver

70% of 4chan is male
United States (47%), United Kingdom (7%), Canada (6%), Australia (4%), Germany (4%)

You will never get matched from one of these scammers
I can assure you I'm very real.

This data's all collected by every website you visit and the government anyway, it's no different to a dating app which would be even worse as this is photo optional. At least there's a person behind this one and not an algorithm.
I've never participated in these before, so I'd like to ask: if you get matched with someone, what information do they get about you? Do they get your verbatim intro? Do they get your picture, if you've sent one?
everytime this has been tried it has been a scam
with 90% of the guys never getting any matches
I'll leave that up to the people who I match, I'll simply give each person contact information with *why* I think they're compatible. They can share their own info between themselves as part of the "getting to know" process. Sharing pictures is definitely not something I'm going to do wantonly.
Is this the same OP as the last thread or a different one?
Yeah I'm aware. This is why I'm trying to maximize transparency so that people will be able to have a tangible process to go through.
Different. That one it seems has disappeared off the map, which is why I made mine just now. I'd like their pool of respondees, though.
Hi! I’m the other matchmaking anon. I’m still taking applicants and receiving emails, I just don’t respond to the thread every day.
Got my first couple of submissions, excited to see this progress.

I see
What's the male to female ratio looking like?
So far I have about 75% women.
Are you chamm? If can i contact you again? My match and I didnt work out.
How is that possible? How many applicants in total?
I have less than 10.
That explains it. Have you made any matches yet?
Not yet I'm waiting for some more respondees.
Any potential matches in mind?
I have a couple, but I will wait.
you ever consider the ratio isn't in guys favour at all?
>someone who's been matched
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>americans need a matchmaking thread when they can easily find one out of 300+ million english speaking people in their timezone, all with similar online cultures, using dating apps, easily finding a variety of girls with low standards
>europoors who are stuck in normified tiny countries get nothing

No, of course. I get it completely.
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>easily finding a variety of girls with low standards
I’ve tried probably every dating app under the sun and couldn’t find a single girl in the span of almost a year now. Here I at least get adds and some of the girls are decent looking, I just need to find one that won’t ghost me after a certain point. Still looking but it is rough out here for an introvert, even if you’re above average in your figure, face, wealth, number of interesting hobbies, etc. The most serious “girls” on here just try to scam me out of money if I get far enough usually.
But those women are at least in your country. Traveling across borders is infinitely harder… unless you’re e date only, stuff like this is useless
bump, need more submissions to properly do this
the only ppl submitting are loser guys. as if you even have a chance, 50 other men and you think you are the best pick? LOLL
Doesn’t matter how many women see in your country if not a single one will talk to you man. I can carry a conversation just fine too, it’s just a matter of initiating things that is hard for me plus I live in an area filled with retirees so meeting up at local events with people my age is almost impossible. Online is pretty much my only option.
Will send one in later today when I get the chance
should i bother to reply to this if im a tranny or is it better to not waste my time?
I'll be writing one up later today.
>90% of guys don't get matched
>4chan is roughly 70% male
>Assuming a perfect demographic applied to be matched it means there would be 7 guys for every 3 girls
>2.33:1 already
>Then factor in the massive amount of people here that are utter freaks or impossibly picky
Yeah, 10% sounds about right to me.
you can try and I will make an attempt, but dont hold your breath
Is anybody in the pool of applicants looking for a bdsm type relationship or is this strictly for vanilla relationships?
I am, kind of. Though I didn't put it in my application. What are you interested in?
Well, I'm a guy first of all just in case you thought I was a girl.

I'm basically looking for a committed relationship that's also a bdsm relationship, one in which I'm both a dom and caretaker.
Op when are you going to go through with matching people
I kind of hinted at it in mine as a male submissive, but I'm prioritizing vanilla stuff over that
we got scammed just like the first anon said its over
always a chance these threads are scams, but I think this matchmaker isn't very serious about matching anyone
I'm going to assume OP did match people and I wasn't matched, but not because of all of the hyper specific restrictions I put up, or my strange anti-social personality, instead, I choose to believe it is solely because I ruled out users of crack cocaine, and all the girls here use crack cocaine.
I'm going to choose to believe no one got matched

I am matching people. It takes a while to get people matched because of the hyper specific and wildly variable requirements. Several female submissions are can be summed up as "I want a 6ft chad who also knows 4chan culture" and that's incredibly hard when half the males are "I'm a 45 year old fat NEET loser who lives with my 80 year old grandma and I want an 18 year old thin white woman who will love me unconditionally"
When do you think your first few matches will be ready? I don't believe I was too picky
lel, but you throw out a 6 foot fit nerd because I gave myself a number rating as a joke in spite of attaching a pic which you specified was the preferred response.

to your credit you responded to the email, but I still think this is more of a power trip than a passion project
i submitted and all i asked for was a white guy younger than 30… i even said i don’t care about the state. idk i think you don’t take this very seriously, it’s been forever and it’s not like im ugly or even have very high standards
>a 6ft chad who also knows 4chan culture
Literally me
More of us than it seems for sure, no matches at all is sus even without throwing out the marriage minded homeowners who qualify.
I've matched about five people so far.I'm still working.

you've got a complex for sure buddy. maybe try following simple instructions next time. "as a joke" is a cope lmao there's no indication that was a joke
>lmao there's no indication that was a joke
other than being told explicitly it was while the primary information (a picture) was provided? what makes your responses absurd to me is that you were given everything you asked, and what wasn't asked for had zero impact on the difficulty of the task.

You are more than welcome to run this how you please, but you don't seem to be trying to match anyone, and you don't seem interested in hearing what people have to say.

Good luck to everyone looking for a partner, hope I'm the only one getting the petty side of matchmaker.
Started chatting with my match. Really hope it goes well. Thank you, OP.
Is there anything else you want in a partner? I also didn't get any matches either despite only looking for a white girl around my age with similar values. It’s not like I'm a low quality guy either. I'm fairly good looking, have a promising future ahead of me, have high quality friends, and have a variety of hobbies/interests.
Sent mine in. Hoping all goes well :D
not this datamining shit again
unsure of who the exact respondant is but that person is either a tranny or fat, two things of which so far every single white guy applicant i've gotten has said is a hard dealbreaker
Are you trolling? I am neither of those things.
what is your ASL then. I can't find you on my list of people that I haven't matched already.
what happened to your other email? matchmakingstuff@proton.me
you're just messaging to all the women impersonating their types, the man they're looking for... lol
not me, different person.
I was only thinking petty but perhaps theres a bit of foul play like >>33656546 is suggesting... At any rate this is the first time I've seen a matchmaker on here claiming to have more women to match than men, but I suppose its possible if eligible males are being dismissed on technicality or whim...
I realize now that you may have been referring to the anon I responded to. In any case, my ASL is 21/M/Canada.
>every single white guy applicant i've gotten has said is a hard dealbreaker
>mfw I’m not White anymore
It’s over… Funny enough I actually did get added by one chubby in another thread just this past week but she lost interest after like a day it looks like. Just need to be patient I suppose.
not bothered about this ai collector

I am an extremely successful(and rich) man, I like to read, workout, listen to music, and i also enjoy many different types of conspiracies. very easy going and extremely easy to talk to. i dont judge.
>Looking for
A girl to manipulate
>Not looking for
>not White anymore
What does this even mean? Getting a tan doesn't make you non-white if that's what you're meaning.
Oh no I’m White, was just making a jest since I submitted an application and don’t mind if the girl in question was a little chubby or whatever.
duolicious DATING app splinter! sorta endorsed by the dev of duolicious; he essentially got tired of moderating his own server. we have more fun here, other ones dead.

come shitpost, meet cuties, get color roles, play with dumb bots, blogs, stuff like that!

neets, weebs, gamers, edaters, incels, femcels, losers, a few kinda normal people- shitposting & hanging out.
come find your ekitten or whatever
you can matchmake yourself here
when should we be expecting a confirmation?
wow anudda orbiter server
Within a day or two. You should have gotten one.
no offense man, but what are you getting out of this? This feels like you are taking on a burden with little to no benefit to you, even if it would be just seeing others happy. I may try but I apologize if my skepticism comes off as rude.
I sent a lot of personal information about myself and never got anything back.... I really tried and put in all i had and he just took the information and ran he didn't even send me a confirmation or anything if I was supposed to receive one I didn't.

I told myself he must just be busy but I did that email a few weeks ago for a different thread, just feels like I got forgotten again.
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you shouldn't be getting your hopes up

expect to be ignored, but put in just enough effort in the event it pans out
i fully assume nothing will come of this but it's worth another shot
it's a scam
I'm going to give this a try, will report back. Thanks for running this, whether you are a federal agent or not. Also if you are a federal agent and want to give me a job at the NSA I'm all yours in exchange for a hot glowie gf
i sell the personal information for a profit
(to be fair though, so does facebook, and every dating app!)

you got my email wrong dude, cuz i responded to everything i got. try it again.

nuh uh

My ex joined one of these and I found out about it. She got matched with two different guys but I emailed them back and ruined things. Then broke up with her. She's probably reading this thread and joining again.
Sent, I fell for it. Here's hoping it's not a scam.
Every dating site/app is a scam.
Including anything on /soc/.
How did you even figure this out? Did the matchmaker show you who matched with your ex?

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