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It’s that time of year again… it’s Christmas time!!!

And what does that mean?
Why - a Christmas vocaroo thread of course!!

Gather round, gather round, to this comfy island in a sea of degeneracy which is /soc/, make yourself a hot cup of co-co, and pour your heart out to strangers on the internet :) Or, just stay and listen! Either which is fine.

The important thing is, is that you relax and get washed away in Christmas cheer! Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas.
Start us off right instead of being a faggot.
>op doesnt even post a vocaroo
>complains OP doesn’t link a vocaroo
>doesn’t link a vocaroo himself
Science bless you all!
The audio glitches sometimes. It's understandable, but it glitches sometimes. I don't know why - maybe it's because I recorded this outside of Vocaroo and uploaded onto Vocaroo.
You sound like Chris Chan if he was ESL and lived in an easter island head next to a pineapple under the sea.
>It's understandable
"It['s]" in this context means the words that I say in the audio
dumbest shit I have ever seen on 4chan to date
R u new?
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Happy christmas and stuff here's a crash course on how to do an impression of uk prime minister keir starmer from the best in the game https://voca.ro/1lhdzId5ILzr
The audio cuts out after a minute :(
Script by ChatGPT, recorded by me
The worst attempt at something like this ever.
what am I supposed to record myself saying? :c
It all started on December 1st. The moment the calendar flipped, I knew it was time for the Christmas crusade. I dragged out all 15 plastic bins of decorations from the attic and set to work transforming my house into a winter wonderland that could blind Santa himself. The front yard became a spectacle: lights wrapped around every possible surface, a synchronized light show set to “Carol of the Bells,” and an inflatable Santa so massive it nearly touched the power lines.

But then there was Todd, my neighbor. Todd had the audacity to put up a single strand of tasteful white lights and call it “classy.” I wasn’t about to let him win the unspoken war of holiday cheer. So I cranked up Mariah Carey’s "All I Want for Christmas Is You" on my outdoor speakers and set it to loop. Volume? Max. Todd was going to hear it whether he wanted to or not.

By mid-December, the battle had escalated. Todd put up a big nativity scene with a spotlight shining on it like it was the second coming. I couldn’t let that slide. I countered with a 12-foot inflatable Santa riding a T-Rex, candy cane in hand. The sheer wattage of my display was so intense that the power grid in our neighborhood started failing daily. I received a cease-and-desist letter from the city council. Naturally, I turned the letter into a Christmas tree ornament.
On Christmas Eve, I reached the pinnacle of holiday spirit—or madness, depending on who you ask. My house was glowing so brightly that NASA allegedly called to ask me to tone it down because astronauts were complaining. I refused, of course. Meanwhile, inside, the Christmas tree groaned under the weight of a ridiculous number of ornaments until it finally collapsed. I replaced it with an even bigger tree.

Then came the highlight of the night. NORAD’s Santa Tracker showed he was nearing my area. Without hesitation, I sprinted outside in a full elf costume, waving sparklers and shouting, “Santa, I’m ready!” The neighborhood kids were terrified. Their parents sent me glares from across the street, but I didn’t care. This was Christmas.

By Christmas morning, I was running on pure sugar and adrenaline. I tore open presents with feral glee while the rest of the family was still asleep. Breakfast was candy canes and eggnog because why not? By noon, I had already watched Die Hard, Home Alone, and Jim Carrey’s The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

When the day finally ended, I passed out in a pile of wrapping paper and regret. But I had no doubt: this was the best Christmas ever. Todd didn’t stand a chance.
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Bump (will read out later)
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It has meaning, it has feeling. I won't talk about what it is lacking.

me rambling about rimworld and dwarf fortress
but seriously I love these threads

Hope you had a nice Christmas
You posted my vocaroo by mistake I think lol
Lovely voice and song
glad you had nice Christmas anon! Was McDonald usually opened on 25th?

If you know me. No you dont.
>Lovely voice and song
Awww anon I appreciate that, thought it was perhaps a little cheesy but fuck it it's a cheesy kinda night.

>You posted my vocaroo by mistake I think lol
Noticed it instantly, it was fun being you for a while anon.

I like your voice, reminds me of a character in a movie but couldn't think of who or what movie and it's bothering the heck outta me. Hope you stay well caffeinated.
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Finally I figured it out, your voice reminds me of Herbert

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Fucking don’t let this thread die

Hi! How is everyone doing?
Decided to record a random shitpost!

Ho ho ho

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