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bf says he prefers me drinking in discord servers to going to the bar
so, are there any places that aren't complete piles of shit?
as in
no minors, idiots don't dominate the general chat, posting about sex is like banned or something, females are tolerated or its a female server, and it isn't a complete wasteland?
post tits
Drinking in a discord server? As in consuming real beverages in a virtual space? Is that a thing?
Hope that helps

But seriously, that era's over
It's time to touch grass again
>bf says he prefers me drinking in discord servers to going to the bar
your bf is insane lol but then again why are you going out drinking with randoms anyway

>so, are there any places that aren't complete piles of shit?
he's got a killer instinct for being a piece of shit; maybe, I think, he attracts those worse than him, on the same vein of the vice he selfishly indulges in himself. maybe he doesn't eat oats in the morning?
best post. your boyfriend sounds like an insecure bitch boy, but also you sound weird for wanting to spend your time going to bars drinking as a hobby. could never date someone like that.
no one asked
good thing this is a public forum
you don't need to ask
>just let your gf get hammered around random men lol what are you insecure?
redditoid faggot cuck logic
>s-she's a strong independent woman who knows her limits and can drink respons--
no, nigga. women are retarded. this stupid bitch should have used one of the million existing discord threads, anyway
yes, my server is like that
search for 25+ tag in disboard
cope cuckold
wanna add me and join my group chat of mixed-gender 21+ yr olds? we are having drinks now!
if anyone is down for drinking and crying drop ur discord @ :(( id prefer if u were another girl bc guys would b weird but i also dont care that much im just loneyl and sad2kx4d
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there is one
a server exactly as you have described it
Girrrl u still need a drinkin buddy?
Ya got me
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We're pretty chill. And have some decent foids too if you're looking to maybe make friends with them

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