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What is the point of rating, when you never go below a 5, except on obvious troll posts?
Actual Scale goes:
Insult/Joke, 3, 5, 6, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, Ask for contact info (which you will never get), Give contact info (which will never be used)

What is the point of Region threads when no one ever meets up?

What is the point of degenerate/coom threads when you never respond? Even males, I'm talking 2 weeks complete radio silence, not even 1 word responces.

What's the point of Dating threads when you're all mentaly ill, and have standards that don't make physical sense.

I've gotten more meaningful/longer responses from other boards than /soc/.
There is no point it's just desperately lonely males hoping for a sliver of a woman's attention and attention whores needing all the attention
There hasn't been a point since the LGBT crowd infested this place in 2019.
The massive influx of faggotry, and discord didn't help either. Half of the board has fragmented off into their own little tranny-chasing chat groups.
For mentally ill people to dream.
i know it's disgusting
se forem chorar, mandem áudio :3
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Everything is made up and the points don't matter.
>Insult/Joke, 3, 5, 6, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, Ask for contact info (which you will never get), Give contact info (which will never be used)

In my opinion people posting in these threads will notice this, looks is relative
said the newfags
It's sad, really. Is there any hope of getting old /soc/ back where you could actually talk to and meet girls?
I've met up with about 5 people from the regional threads. I agree that it's hard to find meaningful connections in most places here.
It'd take a very thorough cleaning, replacing the jannies, and perhaps months or years
Point? No point
It's disgusting. Open up the catalog and there is a bunch of cock pics

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