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British Thread
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>About me
>Interests and Hobbies
18 M London (bi maybe?) femboyish maybe??
>About you
I’m kinda shy sorry ;-; I guess I’m kind of sensitive and stuff, i get depressed a lot and i don't really have any friends or anything idk, I'm pretty skinny and I’m not super tall, I’m like 5'8 i think, I've tried the femboy thing before idk about it though
>Looking For
older girls (or maybe cute guys that aren't like hairy idk really ;-;) who want to be friends and stuff and maybe talk about some lewd stuff if you want
>Not Looking For
people who just want to be lewd and nothing else i guess also weird old men please don't message me
ummm i think i like general femdommy stuff idk it's kinda embarrassing to talk about... armpits and sweat is hot i think sorry if that's gross... pegging and stuff too and maybe light teasing/humiliation type stuff but like nothing super mean please....
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>About me
failed normie hikkineet. occasionally travelling whilst working towards some personal goals. reflective and enjoy telling others about things I’ve seen/read that are interesting to me
retro vidya and consoles, weeb stuff, east asia travel, lifting, oekaki, film/film theory, tech, literature, music. Can talk specifics in dms but if it exists in these fields, chances are ive at least heard of it!
>Looking for
watch parties, music sharing, vc company. down for meet-ups down the line also. Other neet friends would be kewl just don’t be too neurotic or doomerish. Hit me up and we can arrange one of these social events and I can pretend to not be exited to talk to you.
>Not looking for
trannies, incels, low effort, abrasive / rude people
>300 posts of 18-30 year old men and not a single fem response
Interested in:
Serious conversations with girls who were abused/raped.

Not interested in:
Anyone just looking to get off, porn, trading groups.

About me:
Older, male, straight.

Teleguard: SHYHAG5HY
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32 M Manchester

>about me
Dom daddy looking for a sub F

My kinks includes orgasm control, teasing, breath play, choking, spanking, nipple play, ass play, play , facefucking, bondage and more.

>What you're looking for
Looking for an obedient sub(F) to play with.
Ideally a regular partner to get to know with each other and have fun

Discord: wazedi
Why would we post when we're guaranteed to be inundated with coomers in our dms? I'll stick to lurking, tyvm
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Short black hair, short beard, brown eyes, white, glasses, 6ft2, 110kg (chubby/bear)
>Looking for
Friends and maybe future gf (lol), people who share common interests though have their own unique stuff, people who will vc and actually wanna meetup in the future and I guess just "chill guys/girls". I don't really judge people so anyone is welcome!
>Not looking for
Gooners, sex pests, weirdos, people who ghost after a week, people who get super defensive over tiny things, overly religious/political people (having an opinion is fine, please don't judge me for mine and I won't judge you for yours)
>About me
Average Brit tbf, was in a relationship for 10 years only to get cheated on lmao, I live alone in a tiny flat, don't have many friends though I actually made some from 4chan that's stuck around so that's neat, work full time, enjoy a good pint at the pub, and I guess I just like hanging out with people
>Interests and Hobbies
The common 3 anime, movies and video games (top 3 for each goes A: Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Lucky Star, Hellsing. M: Hacksaw Ridge, Green Mile and Letters from Iwo Jima. G: HoI4, WoW Classic and Fallout TTW) used to do airsoft before my breakup, enjoy cooking and baking (I do all my food from fresh nowadays) gyming (was 140kg now 110kg) love reading/watching random pieces of history, just started collecting plushies... >.> and I guess star gazing.
>incels of both sexes already shitting up the thread with their resentment
Please go away
Age? 28! Sex? Male! Location!? Freaking CORNWALL!!!! Of all places!!
Lots of people tell me I look like James McAvoy, I'm like average height, pretty strong!! Hoo ahhh!!!! Don't know what else 2 say!!
>Looking for
Anyone else who's living down here or nearby!! I'm from the north originally so don't know many people and am looking to make friends
>Not looking for
Anything weird!!!
>About me
Love 2 make ppl laff, laid back, creative
>Interests and Hobbies
I like boxing, lifting weights, drawing/doodling, reading interesting things, theology, the odd manga, the odd video game! Don't mind a bit of the old dragon ball!
on discord
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Late 20s/Man/England
Still wage slaving, I actually lost weight over Christmas and am even more spooky looking. the mane is looking nice though it's almost right for a Suebian knot.
>Looking for
People who want to actually talk to me and not just disappear like a spook, I enjoy arguments and (funny) memes.
>Not looking for
Coom, goon, homo.
>About me
Native Briton, ideological killpeopleist, angry not-so-young man. I have a house but no motorcycle yet.
>Interests and Hobbies
Space Station 13, lolcows, overpriced running shoes.
discord; Wyrdic
The past advances as the future recedes, your possibilities are decreased and your end inevitable, do you light your torch or you die in the murk?
22M, South Wales
5’10, white, skinny. Medium length dark brown hair. Green eyes.
>Looking for
women similar age. a relationship would be pretty cool. Down for meeting in-person if all is well online.
>Not looking for
men, femboys, trans, you get it.
>About me
metal guitarist. Media grad working a dead end call centre.
>Interests and Hobbies
guitar/music (death metal & british indie), cs2, I try writing occasionally.
squashua. on discord
I'm not an "incel" lol try another buzzword
not really the best way to open your post telling people you're looking for a stand-in for someone else
Incredibly specific location
well she is basically just looking for a doppelganger of an ex so it kinda makes sense
27/M/West Midlands - Staffordshire
>about me
Pretty chill guy, 5'7, beard and short-ish hair, ginge
Gaming, Walking, TV and Movies, Video Editing, blah blah blah...
>looking for
M or F, pretty much any flavour, I'm fairly pan. Happy to chat, but looking to suck a cock desu... I've never done it before.
>not looking for
Very manly looking men.
Discord: tamris
>about me
I'd say I'm a friendly and easygoing guy who's looking for friends, hobbies and interesting people
Cooking, MTG, baking, anime, vidya, reading, travelling, exploring historic and scenic places, ice skating
>looking for
Friends and interesting people to build meaningful relationships with. Ideally someone who shares some of the same interests/hobbies as me but I'm open to trying new things. Also open for some more NSFW chats if that's your kind of thing, I've got a pretty wide list of kinks.
>not looking for
People who add but don't talk. People significantly older than myself. People who are neurotic.
>I'm not an "incel"
Yes you are, like I said the bitterness gives it away
tfw not a coomer but too shy to post and attract a lurker ;~;

About me/ Hobbies:
I’m just a regular guy, nothing special.
Into Music, Movies, Gaming, Reading.

Looking for:
People to talk to about anything, be it hobbies interests, banter.

Not looking for:
Time wasters, sellers, one chat wonders


I turn cuties into obedient findom toilet slaves <3

If serving your superior in every way he pleases, whether or not you enjoy it, sounds like a fun time to you, you know where to look <3
Kik: whitegoldmaster
28 M England
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay man
>About you
White, submissive bottom guy, 5'8, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim build, not bad looking.

>Looking for
A top white guy who wants to FALL IN LOVE QUICKLY. I want someone who is looking for a serious relationship and is okay with fast tracking it.

I want someone who can catch feelings within at least a few days but the quicker the better.

Between 18 and 35 ideally, UK based is a plus but not essential.

Looks aren't important, as long as you're hygienic, but I do have a soft side for nerdy guys.

Call me baby and I'll fall for you almost instantly.

I don't mind if you're jealous, possessive, etc so long as you want to fall in love and aren't afraid to show how much you love someone.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, guys who only want to sext

>Discord Tag

(also on telegram: twb96 and kik: daddyissues796) :)
32m Scotland.

Tall, dark, bearded, bearmode. Pretty normal in general. Have a good job and all that stuff. Past my weirdo phase, but still lurk.

>Looking for
Women to chat to regularly.

>Not looking for
Cis guys. People who take weeks to respond, or one word answers.

Kik: DoomSpirals
All gay men
These fucking threads are a sausagefest. Neck yourselves
23F looking for mean doms who will get off hurting and abusing me, I genuinely want to be hurt and abused so please do and please be mean.

I’m on fetlife = KatTak001
26 F Spain, but I'm from London
5'5", slim, tig ole bitties, brown hair with bangs. Average face. My mom thinks I'm pretty.
>Looking for
Someone to vidcall occasionally so I can tease you and get you worked up. Cis men only
>Not looking for
Gay men
>About me
Creative and moody, 'quirky' ew, and a bit raunchy. I'm an artist and I have a cat.
>Interests and Hobbies
Painting. Yoga. Big film buff. Writing poetry. Photography. I sing and make music with a guitarist (lame i know)
Reply to me and I'll think about it
I honest suck at describing myself, but here's my discord: sonbroku92
I'm 32 m from Canada, 5'9" green/Grey eyes, short brown hair. If you add me feel free to ask anything so I can better describe myself
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26 / M / Hull

only interested in women, don't bother otherwise, preferably in and around Hull or surrounding areas, further is fine too

Contact: Kik: grw98

add me there and if you're a real person and not a bot I'll add elsewhere like discord or something more convienient :)
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24 M Arizona

5'7" white, blonde hair blue eyes, medium build, fit from bluecollar work. Bi (feminine preference but like whatever man)

>Looking for
Friends and Contacts across the pond, I'm planning a trip out there, I'm pretty broke, but able bodied and can work most trades, don't mind walking and sleeping on the ground if the weather permits. Just wanna get overseas and get out of my element a bit. Can work dirty jobs, skilled trades, under table or busk.

>Not looking for
those weak of mind and soul.
Zog-media, slop and the trogs that serve the beast.

>About me Interests and Hobbies
Instrument maker, AV Tech, great woodworker, mediocre metalworker. I try to make everything I own or wear, if I cant make it I at least fix it. Love playing old music, wearing old clothes, and talk to old folks in the worst dive bars I can find. Tripping, fishing, getting sore. sounds of birds

discord - Wowthatsall
31 M London and Paris (move a lot)
Tall athletic muscular but in a "does sports" kind of way and not "bodybuilder mass" kind of way. My mom thinks I dont eat enough.
>About me
Amateur competing athlete. Yoga (yeah, its important), cooking (super important if you want to eat right), painting
Dc: noel5550. (With the dot)
Telegram: @Noel5550
Also, sent you a message in fetlife. Good luck finding it in your inbox though, youre probably swamped.
kinda fat, pretty hairy all over including my face and head with glasses
>Looking for
Hopefully longterm gf
>Not looking for
guys and mtf that don't pass
>About me
Self supporting NEET
>Interests and Hobbies
traveling, vidya, anime, the usual bullshit and random /x/ shit
Kik - ghostofthedying, if you're legit we can use discord or whatever
27 F Crawley

Experienced Domme here looking to a submissive kinky guy who's eager to fully commit into long term D/s relationship. i have lots of kinks to share. doesnt matter if you're inexperienced as long as you are trainable and willing to listen.
PS : need to be aged 23 above only.
I can send live selfie to verify that im real since lots of fake Dommes/Girls out here !

Kik : missitffanyyy
28 M England
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay man
>About you
White, submissive bottom guy, 5'8, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim build, not bad looking.

>Looking for
A top white guy who wants to FALL IN LOVE QUICKLY. I want someone who is looking for a serious relationship and is okay with fast tracking it.

I want someone who can catch feelings within at least a few days but the quicker the better.

Between 18 and 35 ideally, UK based is a plus but not essential.

Looks aren't important, as long as you're hygienic, but I do have a soft side for chubby, nerdy guys.

Call me baby and I'll fall for you almost instantly.

I don't mind if you're jealous, possessive, etc so long as you want to fall in love and aren't afraid to show how much you love someone.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, guys who only want to sext

>Discord Tag

(also on telegram: twb96 and kik: daddyissues796)

Would these uk grooming gangs elon is talking about target my girl? Were in London.
Sharing pics
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27 M South West (Bath/Bristol area)

6'5, average/somewhat muscular build, beard, glasses, hung

>Looking for
Femanons, Femboys, Cucks and hotwives/girlfriends

>Not looking for
Single men.

>About me
Just looking to show off really. Reciprocation would be nice but rarely happens so I don't expect it. Looking to meet up with locals potentially

>Interests and Hobbies
Rugby, Cycling

Cuckolding (Bull), Shibari, Lingerie, Outdoors and Exhibitionism/Voyuerism

Kik: RoyalStingray
21M underfoxxxed
23 M East Cheshire
5”11, redhead, slim build, 6” cock, heavy cummer
>Looking for
Women, trans girls and couples looking for no strings attached sex
>Not looking for
Single guys
Kik and telegram: GingerNinja245
Discord: stelo_1008
cannot find your profile, did you hide it?
18f ,short thick girl with medium hair ,looking for a fat,mtf of male to drug me and mess with my body. Reply w your discord and I’ll talk to you! I like anime and cosplay so we can do some roleplay.., Must have a car tho so you can drive me to ur place :p!! Also would like to do it asap hshe
26 Audley/Newcastle upon Lyme area
Sharing gf especially for people in the area - kik assballs3000
25 M Scotland

Looking for chubby/bbw F to tease me with cleavage/bra/lowcut top pics while im Jerking off.

Can give honest rating and some advice too.

Happy to show off too.

Kik - FCSh
19 F

ikd 5 foot 2, kind anorexic

>Not looking for

>About me
like bedrotting, hanging out with friends, pretty extroverted

disc: sugarshou
insta: himeisgone
25 M Scotland

Looking for any F that's down to distract me from house work while my gf is at work.

Mainly lewd chat and maybe trade some pics if your comfortable.

Looking for F only!

Kik - FCSh
Snap - FCSH4017
I wish you were my neighbour… 25m bi guy here and I need horny milfs and older Fs, bi boys, and dads to play with and chat about our fantasies.

Can you make me cum for the first time this year? We’ve been building a nice big load…

Tg/disc @justbidreams
28 M England
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay man
>About you
White, submissive bottom guy, 5'8, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim build, not bad looking.

>Looking for
A top white guy who wants to FALL IN LOVE QUICKLY. I want someone who is looking for a serious relationship and is okay with fast tracking it.

I want someone who can catch feelings within at least a few days but the quicker the better.

Between 18 and 35 ideally, UK based is a plus but not essential.

Looks aren't important, as long as you're hygienic, but I do have a soft side for chubby, nerdy guys.

Call me baby and I'll fall for you almost instantly.

I don't mind if you're jealous, possessive, etc so long as you want to fall in love and aren't afraid to show how much you love someone.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, guys who only want to sext

>Discord Tag

(also on telegram: twb96 and kik: daddyissues796)
30 F Crawley

Experienced Domme here looking to a submissive kinky guy who's eager to fully commit into long term D/s relationship. i have lots of kinks to share. doesnt matter if you're inexperienced as long as you are trainable and willing to listen.
PS : need to be aged 23 above only.
I can send live selfie to verify that im real since lots of fake Dommes/Girls out here !

Kik : missitffanyyy
>I’m on fetlife = KatTak001

This isn't 2013. Have you got Discord or something? Just make a temporary account to filter people out.
Extremely rare to find a genuine female on here anymore. I have a look once in a while.
26 Audley/Newcastle upon Lyme area
Sharing fat arse gf especially for people in the area - kik assballs3000
35 M London
Looking for F
Have a free flat this weekend and need to have my cock sucked
KIK: londonlad898989
Snap: nobeesinhere
26 M Essex

>sfw interests
Looking for uk friends to talk to. Into MTG, music, and vidya
>nsfw interests
BF and I just opened our relationship, looking for guys who'd want to join in
discord - sisyphus.exe
>bi horny guy
>acoustic guitarist, skateboarder
>snapchat osheak_505
25 m uk, small dicked pathetic loser here.

Freeuse, sissification, sph, humiliation, rough, hypno, forced fem, more..

>Looking for
Rough older doms to use and abuse me, push me further into my fantasies

>Not looking for
Casual chat

>Tag (Discord)
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25 mtf uk/london
>About you
asian 5’8 pretty fit, dark hair and bunch of tattoos and autistic

>Looking for
fellow troons in uk to hangout and talk to

>Not looking for
cis guys

>Discord Tag
25 M from Scotland

My GF is going on a night out.
Looking to F chat while she's away, prefer lewd chat and maybe some trading pics of comfortable.

F only, and no I don't want trade or wwyd for ugly GF.

Kik - FCSh
Snap - FCSH4017

Films...................Historical documentaries/dramas, sci-fi
History................Modern, revolutions and American history
Politics................Anarchism, anti-idpol
Programming......GNU/Linux & FOSS
Reading..............Non-fiction but considering re-reading ASOIAF/LOTR
Video games.......Retro Nintendo/Sega and PC sims.
Model building
Working out

> A/S


> interests

Nature, reading, chess

> looking for

Sfw chats and getting to know people’s life stories

> not looking for

Dirty/weird people and talking about sex

> kik

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I'm not British, but I am open to making British friends. If you're interested in politics, statebuilding, history, humanities, ideology, shit like that - then add me and let's cross pollinate our ideas. No Christians please.
Tag: welovelucy333
28 M London, fairly recently single again

SFW interests: Into history, politics, wild camping, walking, retro electronics, jazz, good cook of the classics and I want to expand my range. Keep in good shape, live in Walthamstow and intend to be here for a while

NSFW interests: ended my denial again about being bi after breaking up with gf a few months back. Bingeing porn and gooning my brains out with some new friends on disc with zero regrets at the moment. I am on the sub side but still working out how much, and considering guys make better lovers for guys than girls do. The erotic is much more important than the merely sexual.

Looking for - if any of the above catches your eye and you want to chat on disc, great but hit me at bsamincog@proton.me first and we'll go from there
>about me
I'd say I'm a friendly and easygoing guy who's looking for friends, hobbies and interesting people
Cooking, MTG, baking, anime, vidya, reading, travelling, exploring historic and scenic places, ice skating
>looking for
Friends and interesting people to build meaningful relationships with. Ideally someone who shares some of the same interests/hobbies as me but I'm open to trying new things. Also open for some more NSFW chats if that's your kind of thing, I've got a pretty wide list of kinks.
>not looking for
People who add but don't talk. People significantly older than myself. People who are neurotic.
30/M/UK market harborough
fat pretty hairy shaved head clean shaven face with moustache
>Looking for
Hopefully longterm friends and freaks I can chat to maybe even meet up
>Not looking for
One time chats people with no imagination
>About me
had some experience both as a bull and Dom. enjoy talking to both single people and couples and groups i enjoy treating my partners like sexual toys. Very much into control and being rough and dominating
>Interests and Hobbies
traveling, vidya, anime, marvel rivals the usual bullshit
Kik - MrGaspode
Telegram -BeefyBaron
21 MtF Scotland
pre transition cute femboy, dm me first im shy. ask me to send anything and i will
>Looking for
friends or more, anyone around inverkip scotland or can get there so we can hang out ;).
>Not looking for
transphobes and non believers
>About me
see above
>Interests and Hobbies
gaming gooning and dressing up
30 M Scotland, Glasgow
Handsome, Tall, Muscles, Dark Hair
>Looking for
Indian, Muslim, Eastern Girls
>About me
In Glasgow for 2 nights. Looking to get hold of said Girls

Reply here. I'll give you my number
27 m scotland here, where can I hit you up? Got discord?
older guy with a car and a place of my own, want to make this happen. brooksfb on discord
Wanted a woman to seduce my man so I can break up with him. Must be real. Will pay £. Kik: louiseeasysqueezy
Your normal lanky ass skinny dude, blue eyes, dark hair, a shite beard that won't quite fill in.
>Looking for
I dunno really, some fun fem folks to chat shit with and have some banter, been pretty bored lately, haven't posted in a bit so why not?
>About me
I'm a nerdy nerd, if I'm not working I'm playing vidya or coding or something to do with the PC, although I work from home so maybe too much time is spent on the PC, this is hardly the place to decide this, so I'll stop typing.


horny asf uni lecturer
>Looking for
uni girls, irls, cucks,
>Not looking for

Im in Greenock

discord is .ironace
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Has anyone on here ever managed to get a *single* reply from a real female whose not a catfish (hello chickn)? Place is a major tier sausagefest and the only (claimed) female posters are usually just obvious cafishers. Do they all just lurk or do thy just avoid these threads like the plague (understandable really)?
We've got an engineer coming to the house tomorrow and I love thinking about him seducing and fucking my gf while im at work

Teleguard: C8DVTULV5
Kik: altanonalex
I know this is rage bait, but I'm a cis woman and always have been. I have debunked the catfish claim countless of times but trolls like you don't care about the truth.

My two boyfriends from soc broke up with me not because I'm a catfish, but because I'm too clingy and obsessive. One of them even met me in person and hooked up with me. I even had my nudes leaked.

Tldr; i have debunked the catfish claims countless of times, but you trolls don't care about the truth
> 23/mtf/Manchester/Neet.
I like growing stuff and I spend most of my time indulging in my hobbies, which consist of very autistic things like reef keeping, mycology (growing/foraging fungus, cinema (I try to watch a movie or two everyday). I'm also into a ton of other nerdy autistic stuff, like minerals, crystals, old lighters, old keys, taxidermy, cults, biology, ethics, cooking and the science behind it, drugs, psychonauts and those oddly specific YouTube essays that are 8 hours long and about something you've never ever heard of.
I'm disabled, I struggle with my mental health a lot (autism/BPD) and I also have chronic fatigue, I can't really do a lot of physical stuff or things that require us to be in bright crowded places, that's not to say I hate going out, I actually love nature, but be mindful that I won't always be able to follow you wherever you go, I have good and bad days. Because of my condition I've gotten really good at spending time indoors, my favourite kind of quality time consists on cooking. (I'm a great cook), watch cartoons,cuddles and sexo.
I'm half Latina and half Spanish, chubby but I would in a nice way, I'm trying to be more gothy and hippie this year, I'm on my third year of my transition and I always pass in public (idk how but I do).
I'm looking for someone genuine and nice. My dating history has been a nightmare, I'm not interested in repeating the same mistakes, so please act your age and don't message me if you still behave like a 14 year old, I'm really not a big fan of chuds, racists or bigoted mouthbreathers with no empathy. I'm a big softie and I have a lot of respect for a lot of different things, I hate toxic environments and negativity, so if you haven't sorted that out, don't bring that miasma to me. In terms of physical appearance I genuinely have no preference, but please don't get upset if you're not my type, personality goes a long way with me.
Discord: desolate_seal
Forgot to mention that I'm chickn

That said I don't really care, I have a life outside the internet and my close friends know I'm a biological woman
M Scotland

Looking for any F that's down to distract me from house work while my gf is at work.

Mainly lewd chat and maybe trade some pics if your comfortable.

Massively into breeding, spit/saliva play, throat fucking, anal, big juicy tits and much much more

Looking for F only!

Kik - FCSh
Snap - FCSH4017
5'3, curvy, small tits, platinum hair and a few tattoos/piercings
>Looking for
Chats, pics, potentially meets if you're close enough. But otherwise happy to do ratings or provide pics for tributes. M, F or Trans I don't mind
>Not looking for
Wimps, basically, don't come snivelling to me I want more dominant guys/girls
Kik - Beccaxrose28
28 M England
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay man
>About you
White, submissive bottom guy, 5'8, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim build, not bad looking.

>Looking for
A top white guy who wants to FALL IN LOVE QUICKLY. I want someone who is looking for a serious relationship and is okay with fast tracking it.

I want someone who can catch feelings within at least a few days but the quicker the better.

Between 18 and 35 ideally, UK based is a plus but not essential.

Looks aren't important, as long as you're hygienic, but I do have a soft side for nerdy guys.

Call me baby and I'll fall for you almost instantly.

I don't mind if you're jealous, possessive, etc so long as you want to fall in love and aren't afraid to show how much you love someone.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, guys who only want to sext

>Discord Tag

(also on telegram: twb96 and kik: daddyissues796)
i want to lick british cunt
can meetup in two years after i pay my student loans
pic related some fried chicken i bought
we can travel to taiwan
25M South West
> Sexual Orientation
Just a chill guy nothing else and looking to find some connections mainly friends. Into music, RPGs and anime.
>Looking for
Talkative people, nice personalities, chill, down for most convos. Down to meet if we get along but don't want to rush.
>Not looking for
please be 18+ that is a must. Also not looking for people who barely respond or unfriend very quickly. Don't want to talk to a brick wall.
discord: punishedocelotsnake
M 40 bored at work, feeling horny as fuck. Come send me anything and I'll give honest rate.
Looking for someone (f) that can hold a good conversation and is willing to have some fun.

Not looking for BBC

Kik 420highlife69
Tele @Toasted69
23 M East Cheshire
5”11, redhead, slim build, 6” cock, heavy cummer
>Looking for
Women and couples looking for no strings attached sex or to chat and share pics
>Not looking for
Single guys
Kik and telegram: GingerNinja245
Discord: stelo_1008
Looking for a girl that'll come live with me and bear my children, I live in Bucks. Don't waste my time if you're not it.
Discord: one.more.shot
38 - Male - South West

Sexual orientation

About -
Abusive male, writer, decent job.

Looking for -
Girls who have been raped and abused.

Not looking for -
Trans/Sissy, people who are 'bored' or 'just curious' your stories.

Contact -
Teleguard -
24/m twink/midlands (happy to travel to meet people)
>Looking for
Others around my age from UK - friends and possibly twinks/femboys to date
>Not looking for
People not from the UK
>About me
Giganerd. I enjoy voice calling on Discord. Happy to talk to people over text too, but would love to transition to voice so we can actually get to know each other and hopefully have some meaningful conversations.
>Interests and Hobbies
Programming, video editing, gaming (especially retro games)
Discord: booshmaestro
30 / M / South Wales

white, average height, stocky but active with dark hair

>Looking for
F I dont mind if you are bi, for companionship or longterm relationship being both equal and caring, hopefully someday children.

>Not looking for
guys or just straight NSFW, im not into that I have to have a connection as Demisexual.

>About me
I'm a bit of a geek and very logical person with personality type of (ISFJ), open minded and enjoy dark humour and memes.

>Interests and Hobbies
I enjoy video games, some oldies but some modern, currently playing BO6/MTG/Palworld but my gaming library is a mix of genres. I enjoy cooking, although I think slightly above basic :D, watching youtube and prefer the countryside over the busy cities. My favorite tv shows are Star Trek and the Alien/Predator series, The Expanse.



5”11” average build - hairy

Looking for chats and occasional vidcall

Not looking for men

Creative, artistic, musical, gamer

Snap: jamesjh97
New discord name - dorcelessenglishman
Looking for a dominant girl or guy around the south west who’d be interested in a femboy bf and feminisation, chastity and maybe cuckolding.

I’d like to meet in real life

Discord: alex2455
26 Audley/Stoke area
Sharing fat arse gf especially for people in the area - kik assballs3000
25M South West
> Sexual Orientation
Just a chill guy nothing else and looking to find some connections mainly friends. Into music, RPGs and anime.
>Looking for
Talkative people, nice personalities, chill, down for most convos. Down to meet if we get along but don't want to rush.
>Not looking for
please be 18+ that is a must. Also not looking for people who barely respond or unfriend very quickly. Don't want to talk to a brick wall.
discord: punishedoceleotsnake (THERE WAS A TYPO BEFORE)
Haii gooner locked Femboy

please send me gross threatening messages in exchange for nudes


discord- droneconfigure
M/UK/38 Leicestershire
6ft tall, fat beefy hairy guy had some experience both as a Bull/Dom. i enjoy aggressive sex and treating my partners like sexual play things . Looking to find people to chat with and share the same interests and explore some fantasies. Love chatting Can do voice notes, calls or just stick to text as well, whatever you want to do. I like to get to know people prefer long-term conversations to quick one and done.

Kik MrGaspode
Telegram BeefyBaron
23 m Reading
Dominant guy looking for some fun
Tg UkAnon23
Trans girl, 27, from around brum area but travel around.

Mainly looking for other trans people, idk what socials to drop, don't want to be flooded on discord or kik but will add anyone.

I'm tall, slim, into lots of kink but not necessarily looking for just sexual stuff. Decently well adjusted and normal for most part, good with boundaries and I'm pretty chill in general.
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22/m/London (15-24)

I'm temporary in London, meeting couple of friends and sightseeing. I'm looking for some girls, that show me around and give me a good time if possible.

For the Pakistani girl especially especially you clemshairthingies#8616

Hit me up would love to meet you.


Signal: ivan_schwarz.64
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23 M East Cheshire
5”11, redhead, slim build, 6” cock, heavy cummer
>Looking for
Women and couples looking for no strings attached sex or to chat and share pics
>Not looking for
Single guys
Kik and telegram: GingerNinja245
Discord and Snapchat: stelo_1008
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No idea who that is! Here's a thrist trappy pic of what I look like for reference.
add me on discord :)

Generic bi nerd into anime, gaming and playing too much League of legends.

Not sure what I'm looking for to be honest, someone to chat with, play vidya with oulr trade lewds with all work

Kik runt87

Looking for an ana coach

Kik: ChanceEauFraiche
26 M Scotland, bi, dad bod!

Looking for male or female to chat with, and perhaps get lewd! I could write a big spiel of what I’m into but it’s definitely more fun getting to know each other!

Kik - Psychological505
cockerhoop on d cum n have fun
28 M England
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay man
>About you
White, submissive bottom guy, 5'8, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim build, not bad looking.

>Looking for
A top white guy who wants to FALL IN LOVE QUICKLY. I want someone who is looking for a serious relationship and is okay with fast tracking it.

I want someone who can catch feelings within at least a few days but the quicker the better.

Between 18 and 35 ideally, UK based is a plus but not essential.

Looks aren't important, as long as you're hygienic, but I do have a soft side for nerdy guys.

Call me baby and I'll fall for you almost instantly.

I don't mind if you're jealous, possessive, etc so long as you want to fall in love and aren't afraid to show how much you love someone.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, guys who only want to sext

>Discord Tag

(also on telegram: twb96 and kik: daddyissues796)
26 Audley/Stoke area
Sharing fat arse gf especially for people in the area - kik assballs3000
In a Peterborough hotel tonight and tomorrow. Any F about?


27/M/SE but distance isn't a problem
>About me
I'm NOT a gooner/coomer which these threads seem to be filled with for some reason, I'm the mild mannered artsy type. Kind of spergy, love yapping about music technology like that, it's nice to have something you're passionate about.

I work a shitty wagie job but I'm looking at getting into a comfy office job. I'm saving to move out of my parental home, so I'm in no way "rich" but very financially responsible. I've gone completely sober for 9 months and I'd love to continue that. All helps on the quest for independence.
>Looking for
Someone I could eventually live with, Bio F, in your 20's, can be neet, can be working. Maybe you have some problems with your life or circumstances but you're trying to fix them. Someone who likes typing longer form messages.
>Not looking for
Really tall, trans (sorry), someone who freaks out if I don't get back to you immediately, I work full time. I do make time for people but my hours aren't always consistent.
>Interests and Hobbies
music technology, reading old philosophy books, I don't actually gamble but I like playing casino site's free promos (I get about £20-£50 a month from it), learning SQL code, I want to get back into sketching, going on hikes to take photos, I've played guitar and bass for years but rarely have the tome to play in bands I can only dream that an office job might afford me the time.
f20 londonish

chubby alty/gothy girl

>Looking for
chill people to hang out with online))

>Not looking for
im open to most things just pls dont be weird asf

>About me
druggie uni student. i like music, fashion, alternative subculture, kink, makeup, whatever. mentally ill and physically disabled

mel_anch0ly on discord :3
28/M/South West

I’m a well experienced Scottish Dom who’s seeking a long term female submissive slave. It’s as simple as that.

I’ve got blonde hair, blue eyes and am well built in every sense. I’ve been told I’ve got a nice smile too.

I’m not concerned with your age, race or body type. My priority is that you know your place and how to worship. I care about your attitude and willingness to push yourself to your emotional and physical limits.

It’s of paramount importance that we have a baseline of respect, trust and friendship before things evolve to the next level. I say this because I want our bond to grow and flourish as best as possible, and it’ll only work as we want it to once this is adhered to.

I’m more than happy to train a total novice from the ground up, or someone who’s a little more experienced. Attitude is key.

If you feel that this is something for you, send a message.

Kik - deepcansx
>about me
I'd say I'm a friendly and easygoing guy who's looking for friends, hobbies and interesting people
Cooking, MTG, baking, anime, vidya, reading, travelling, exploring historic and scenic places, ice skating
>looking for
Friends and interesting people to build meaningful relationships with. Ideally someone who shares some of the same interests/hobbies as me but I'm open to trying new things. Also open for some more NSFW chats if that's your kind of thing, I've got a pretty wide list of kinks.
>not looking for
People who add but don't talk. People significantly older than myself. People who are neurotic.
27 F Crawley

Experienced Domme here looking to a submissive kinky guy who's eager to fully commit into long term D/s relationship. i have lots of kinks to share. doesnt matter if you're inexperienced as long as you are trainable and willing to listen.
PS : need to be aged 23 above only.
I can send live selfie to verify that im real since lots of fake Dommes/Girls out here !

Kik : missitffanyyy
Any other contacts besides kik? Very obedient and trainable boy here :3
She charges
>about me
I am a student at Oxford. White, average height, into fitness.
Reading. Love books. Also really into music and discovering new music.
>looking for
Friends, but also someone to explore things with. Tbh I'm into everything, but we really need to click physically. So not opposed to sending pics then meeting up asap if you want. Basically, make it real
>not looking for
Men, unless you're on hormones. Then that's something I want to hear about because I respect the grind. Lol
Discord: liftr401_39557
You are a fucking idiot

coombrain idiots like you piss me off so much
27 M Rotherham looking for someone to use my mouth. Kik: nobodyspatial

Looking for a dirty-minded F - maybe a lurker - who wants a new flirting/sexting partner. I'm looking for some specifically who wants detailed and vivid written descriptions of what is currently rotting your brain, and who is a conversationalist who gets off more on talking to someone with hint of personality.

Not looking for - low-effort replies, a dull exchange of nudes (although a courtesy pic to show gender would be appreciated) someone with no personality or talent at writing. Weirdos who try and show me pics of friends/ex's relatives etc instantly get blocked.

Come say hi

Kik EroticBingoNight
Teleguard YYP96WWF4
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Croydon F 28
Experienced Domme here looking to a submissive kinky guy who's eager to fully commit into long term D/s relationship. i have lots of kinks to share. doesnt matter if you're inexperienced as long as you are trainable and willing to listen.
PS : need to be aged 23 above only.
I can send live selfie to verify that im real since lots of fake Dommes/Girls out here !

KIK : Goddessfionaaaa

Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, have all fingers and toes, all limbs intact.

>Looking for
Pretty much anything, vibes, chatting

>Interests and Hobbies
Painting (miniatures/figures), reading, video games, concert gigs, combat sports
Bi guy looking for chats and stuff, hopefully a longer term jerk bud, got a mrs so there's that lol, telegram is @davetherave420
Irish lad with mega cuckold fantasies, love fantasizing about some married British geezer or blue collar lad knocking my gf up

Kik: altanonalex
Teleguard: U6CL5YZRB
>28M, live near London

I’m 5’7” (1.69m), with an average build. I enjoy playing football occasionally and going to the gym, though I wouldn’t call myself an athlete. I’m not overweight, but I wouldn’t say I have a perfect physique either. I’ve got brown hair and light brown eyes, and I’d describe myself as decent-looking—nothing extraordinary, but not bad. I speak Spanish as my first language, and my English isn’t very good.

>Looking for
I like your post, so I’m replying because I’m interested.

>Not looking for
Toxic people or those who don’t care about anything.

>About me
I play video games occasionally, enjoy reading, and have a passion for history. I’m understanding and easygoing with people, and I like watching some sports. I also enjoy getting a bit of fresh air when I can.

>Interests and Hobbies
Football (when I feel like it), gym, gaming, photography (nothing professional), and binge-watching movies or shows.

Reply if you think we’d vibe. My Discord is iongleer1996

my post and my discord
27/M/UK - Staffordshire
>about me
Pretty chill guy, 5'7, beard and short-ish hair, ginge
Gaming, Walking, TV and Movies, Video Editing, blah blah blah...
>looking for
M or F, pretty much any flavour, I'm fairly pan. Happy to chat, but looking to suck a cock... I've never done it before.
>not looking for
Very manly looking men.
Discord: tamris
Love chubby goths
Disc invite sent
25 M Scotland (Ayrshire area)

Looking for any F that's down to distract me from house work while my gf is at work.

Mainly lewd chat and maybe trade some pics if your comfortable.

Massively into breeding, spit/saliva play, throat fucking, anal, big juicy tits and much much more

Looking for F only!

Kik - FCSh
Scare me over my tight friend from college 18+ FEARGASM, ask anything you want.

37 M Liverpool
Average in every way
>Looking for
A straight or bi top that will let me suck them off while they watch porn or look at hot celebs/girls they know
>Not looking for
Someone that's sub or bottom in any way
Here for now
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22 m
brown of hair, blue of eyes. white. right-leaning.
>Looking for
texting and vc. I like to talk and listen to people talk. i'll be honest and say girls.
>Not looking for
guys (unless you are ftm or mtf). easily offended people. people who won't vc.
>About me
what i said before + i am 6 foot and travel pretty often, I feel fine, I just want more long term, close friendships or possibly a relationship
>Interests and Hobbies
writing, drawing, watching youtube and movies, browsing 4chan, listening to britpop mainly
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Live camshow with 21F verified girl Telegram: @sylvia997
F22 London. Im looking for some nice 8inch+ cocks. I want to swallow your load.
Snap emiliaa_surm
22 M Cumbria / North West

Tall, slim, dark hair, green eyes, decently endowed

>About me
Young professional, work in IT but sorta bored of it already, will try most things once

>Interests and Hobbies
Recently got back into reading books, mainly fantasy. Enjoy the odd bit of coding and play the odd game her and there.

>Looking for
Casual fun, preferably online but in person is okay.

>Not looking for

disc: physiologically
snap: wrist2245
Overworker who at the same time has a lot of free time thanks to work from home. I have a big heart but also like to put emotions aside and take things seriously.
>Looking for
Someone to talk to and share interests with. See where it goes.
>Not looking for
Rude people
>Interests and Hobbies
Long walks and video production
British MILFs

Share any MILFs you have with me, let’s chat about them, I can rate and degrade the too. I love a good group shot of MILFs too

Kik is frwawaynow

Kik - FCSh
UK Bull here, send me your wife/gf and we’ll discuss how I’d breed them.

Kik - cs2000xo
23 M East Cheshire
5”11, redhead, slim build, 6” cock, heavy cummer
>Looking for
Women and couples looking for no strings attached sex or to chat and share pics
>Not looking for
Single guys
Kik/telegram: GingerNinja245
Discord/Snapchat: stelo_1008
Walkden/salford area - kik assballs3000 showing off my girl especially if you’re from the Walkden area
28 UK M Stroking to your slutty IRL’s. All stays private, love getting an inside look into the whores you know and love. kik: anon191912 tg: CM6Z9RLP5
28 m Brighton

Anyone chatting? Up for a little online fun

Kik: LoveCut39
28 Male London
I'm a scientist with blue eyes but I love art and artists
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22f uk
I'm only looking for friends, nothing sexual or romantic. Hopefully in terms of that stuff you're normal, we can have different views but I don't really want to talk to people deep in hook up culture and degeneracy. It just makes me uncomfortable.

I'm a relatively normal person, but I have no friends. I want someone to have a laugh with, gossip with, encourage each other and celebrate our successes. Something wholesome and genuine. I'm a pretty productive person, and sometimes I need space but when I make a connection I get close.
>interests and hobbies
I like art and I'm studying anatomy, I'm not great but I'm not completely terrible. Although, I haven't attempted hands yet, I'll be real. I have an almost autistic obsession with the tudors (pic rel). I could go on about it forever, but I probably won't burden you with the information if you (understandably) don't care. I really enjoy nature and long walks. I'm looking for somewhere pretty to stay in March/April in Europe, feel free to give me recs!

I know I might seem very serious but I'm very silly when comfortable.

I suppose I'll sperg a little about music. I like a lot of female indie singers. I also like rock/indie rock. Think The Smiths, David Bowie, Keane, Pink Floyd, you get it.
>looking for
someone fun, a laugh. Mates, no funny business.
>not looking for
sex, weirdos, very left wing people
South East England, looking for a guy who wants to meet and fuck my girl with me. She’s thick so be a fan of chubby women.

We were looking before but she got tired of hitting dead ends with odd guys. So would be a chat to get to know you before suggesting to her - so be in it for the long game.

You should be single, over 30 and ideally hung
Blacklitcanopy88 on kik
How would you define "very left wing"
Fat dicked 25 year old here. Recently single looking to explore.

Kik: kyro.tn9
What happened to your German boyfriend?
Secret sissy in the south wanting to meet IRL for first time
Maybe just want together, maybe get bi (definitely get bi)
Kik switchbabyxxx
show me your little angels with me and we can talk about all the depraved things id do to them and make you watch.

nudes or don’t bother.
kik: dinosaurssuck
DUOLICIOUS app server SPLINTER! semi-endorsed by the dev; main server is dead/just for reporting issues.

YOU CAN: shitpost, vc, meet cuties, choose from many color roles, play with dumb bots, get blogs, request things for the server, stuff like that!

18+ ONLY
neets, weebs, gamers, edaters, incels, femcels, losers, hot girls & guys, dorks, dweebs, queers, ambiverts and all of the stuff between and below.
come find your ekitten or whateverr
Walkden/salford area - kik assballs3000 showing off my girl especially if you’re from the Walkden area
Anyone South uk want to talk about people we know message on Teleguard

F 18 Cali looking for Genuine Buyers and sugar daddies for some pleasure

Doing for cheap

I can do anything u say

I can verify myself!

Kik : vanessa_pvt
Nothing happened to him, he's amazing. Ich spreche jetzt selbst ein wenig Deutsch. Aren't you the weirdo who got freaked out and sperged because I mentioned my period pain? And you're still whinning on my posts? Get a hobby, or preferably a girlfriend so you don't cry when a period is mentioned.
M 32 travelling to London with work for one night in February. looking for some no strings fun with a female or Femboy/trans or NB.

message me in Kik to discuss more

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23/m/East Midlands Lincolnshire
Long blonde curly hair, green eyes, 5'8, Twink build.
>Looking for
Looking to make new friends :) I'm open to watching movies together or just chatting. Up to meeting people if we get on well~
>Not looking for
People not in the UK, coomers
>About me
I like all outdoorsy things like camping hiking and foraging I'm also into gardening and I'm studying ecology. Would love to meet people preferably around the east Midlands if you're nice and want to hang out.
>Interests and Hobbies
I like keeping fit with the gym and tennis in summer.
into videos games recently: subnartica, VTM bloodlines, Morrowind.
reading, natural history, growing crops, herbal tea, cooking and baking, city trips sometimes, going to metal and rock gigs.
no, I didn't sperg out cus you mentioned your period pain. I'm suprised you still remember that actually, I had to look at our chats.
you ghosted me after we called once so I un-added you. Then you added me again forgetting it was me. we chatted, and you mentioned your period pain and I wasn't very interested in it (why would I wanna talk about periods?) so replied with 'mm hmm', then you got angry that i wasn't asking you questions about your period pain so called me a virgin, then un and re-added me like 10 times, so I called u erratic and u seemed to get triggered by that.
I already have a girlfriend, and I wouldn't exactly call this me sperging out.
Hung m35. Got a business trip to London next week and would love some company in my hotel room :)

kik silver_black_viking
Both seem like faggots
cucks and pathetic losers everywhere, show me your girlfriends, wives, finances. i want to humiliate you and them. (and you want that too don’t you)

must have nudes.

kik: dinosaurssuck
she's just a bitch
i can recall talking to her before and just holy fuck is she conceited. i wouldn't call the other anon a faggot, maybe dumb for posting his convo but, she's still just a cunt.
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23, m, south
lean, white, short brown hair, 6'1, ok looking (i think)
>looking for
girls to talk to, not necessarily looking for romance. I want to talk about each others lives and learn about you
>not looking for
men, trans, porn freaks
>about me
slightly autistic but overall fairly well adapted wage slave, only social life I have is work although I don't really have friends.
>interests and hobbies
I like old tech and socialising (torture given the above) as well as video games but I try not to spend too much time playing them these days. I'd like to become a computer engineer or work in hardware in some way in the future, although I don't specifically know what. I also really like music and have a fairly good range but only really listen to one or two things from each genre.
35, male, Edinburgh

>About me
Physically active and a big reader. Enjoy geeky chats, cinema and music. Professional.

I'm married.

6ft3 with a strong build. Brown hair and blue eyes.

>Looking for
An f who is non judgmental. Just want to get a different angle on a few things.

Kik : superduperuser
Male 27


I'm looking women to chat, sext or whatever maybe a shag. Open to talking to men too for a general chat as I'm not gay.

I like 40k, painting, games, anime, philosophy, books, nature, politics. Theres not much I won't talk about.

What I'm not after is people who will waste my time an mess me about as I would like to meet up at some point if ur close by.

Snaps Holyterra69
19 yo French male living in the UK (London)

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/passable femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshipped from feet to armpits, asshole to drool, etc.

I am DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: the ultimate goal for me is to have an online/IRL harem of well-trained toys that will obey my every move and let me control their daily actions.

I want you to OBSESS on me (as I will obsess on you) and to treat me and my body like your own personal god.

I enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me all your depraved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

(will send pic of me if you want)

>Looking for
Women or femboys

>Not looking for

>Discord tag
28/m/uk bi

>looking for
Men or women jerk buds ect, up for trading nudes, dick pics, porn whatever! Have a mrs so would prefer someone in a similar situation to me ideally but not essential.

>about me

Enjoy gaming, 40k lore that sort of stuff, 6ft blue collar worker with a 7 inch cock, reasonably thick too

Tele is @davetherave420
23 M Liverpool

Looking for a dirty chav slut that enjoys getting a rush from getting her tits out

Not looking for guys trying to share their birds nudes or guys in general

Snap is aazitup
28 m Brighton

Any Dirty sluts got their tits out? Also guys send those cocks

Kik: LoveCut39
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Dear UK /soc/ posters,

We are starting up a London-centric /soc/ server. With an e-girl admin, be sure to enjoy your stay!

>Active vcs
>Cool ppl
>Nice mods
>Everyone is welcome

28 M England
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay man
>About you
White, submissive bottom guy, 5'8, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim build, not bad looking.

>Looking for
A top white guy who wants to FALL IN LOVE QUICKLY. I want someone who is looking for a serious relationship and is okay with fast tracking it.

I want someone who can catch feelings within at least a few days but the quicker the better.

Between 18 and 35 ideally, UK based is a plus but not essential.

Looks aren't important, as long as you're hygienic, but I do have a soft side for nerdy guys.

Call me baby and I'll fall for you almost instantly.

I don't mind if you're jealous, possessive, etc so long as you want to fall in love and aren't afraid to show how much you love someone.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, guys who only want to sext

>Discord Tag

(also on telegram: twb96 and kik: daddyissues796) X
19 yo French male living in the UK (London)

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/passable femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshipped from feet to armpits, asshole to drool, etc.

I am DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: the ultimate goal for me is to have an online/IRL harem of well-trained toys that will obey my every move and let me control their daily actions.

I want you to OBSESS on me (as I will obsess on you) and to treat me and my body like your own personal god.

I enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me all your depraved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

(will send pic of me if you want)

>Looking for
Women or femboys

>Not looking for

>Discord tag
23M from Gateshead/Newcastle, North East, UK

Looking for Gateshead/Newcastle sluts nudes

Telegram: KieronT09
Forgot to include - Looking for women not men

23M from Gateshead/Newcastle, North East, UK

Looking for Gateshead/Newcastle sluts nudes

Telegram: KieronT09
That kind of shit seems utterly exhausting.
Just say 'brown'
19 yo French male living in the UK (London)

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/passable femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshipped from feet to armpits, asshole to drool, etc.

I am DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: the ultimate goal for me is to have an online/IRL harem of well-trained toys that will obey my every move and let me control their daily actions.

I want you to OBSESS on me (as I will obsess on you) and to treat me and my body like your own personal god.

I enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me all your depraved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

(will send pic of me if you want)

>Looking for
Women or femboys

>Not looking for

>Discord tag
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My name is Grael.


Mech-Engineering Student, eclectic hobbyist, gamer (ew), scare-the-hoes taste in music (such as experimental black metal), reading about golden-age Spain and conquest of America.

I have an irrational and immense love for the Finnish. I do not lust but if I did it would be for a Finn.

> Looking for
Friends! I want someone to talk to and learn about. I don't care much for who you are just as long as you aren't emotionally flaccid. no troons or blacks need apply (why is there so many mtf folk??).

> Not looking for
blacks, troons, gooners, coomers, doomers, edgers and NO swedish "people".
I do not want E-"sex", kys.

Male 41 Leicester

About me
Bulky mature man Perv/Bull Looking for interesting fun people to chat sext with be able to hold the general conversation
Open to talking to couples i prefer genuine people and good conversation that can turn into long-term doesn’t have to always be sexual.

I like 40k lore, games, anime, audiobooks, nature, tech Podcasts,

Not looking for
I'm not looking for is people who will waste my time who are looking for a one and done. And will ghost and I’m not generally honest about what they like and into.

Kik MrGaspode
Telegram MoonMonkk
Discord shadowlooo
>about me
I'd say I'm a friendly and easygoing guy who's looking for friends, hobbies and interesting people
Cooking, MTG, baking, anime, vidya, reading, travelling, exploring historic and scenic places, ice skating
>looking for
Friends and interesting people to build meaningful relationships with. Ideally someone who shares some of the same interests/hobbies as me but I'm open to trying new things. Also open for some more NSFW chats if that's your kind of thing, I've got a pretty wide list of kinks.
>not looking for
People who add but don't talk. People significantly older than myself. People who are neurotic.
I'm here for a few weeks because of work. Looking for not white women.
Telegram theimmortalmalus
19 yo French male living in the UK (London)

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/passable femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshipped from feet to armpits, asshole to drool, etc.

I am DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: the ultimate goal for me is to have an online/IRL harem of well-trained toys that will obey my every move and let me control their daily actions.

I want you to OBSESS on me (as I will obsess on you) and to treat me and my body like your own personal god.

I enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me all your depraved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

(will send pic of me if you want)

>Looking for
Women or femboys

>Not looking for

>Discord tag
Uk bull here, send me your wife/gf and let’s chat and stroke about how I’d fuck and fill them.

Kik - cs2000xo
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19, M, Manchester
spanish irish mutt 178cm,black hair (dyed) 70kg
>Looking for
online friends idc about distance but would prefer some people to meet irl to chill, idc about finding a gf on here but am open to it eh
>Not looking for
gay men, trans people, sex pests
>About me
failed normshit, basically a neet go into university once a month, very low chance i finish my degree, sleep alot and at random times, no hobbies outside of my house other than going to the gym, only one irl friend
>Interests and Hobbies
idol shows, seiyuus, mma, eroges, japanese learning, lifting, visual novels, horror
Discord: Asurax10
haha i used to live in cralwey just moved out like months ago funny i never saw your posts since its a small town i probably woulda tried something, shame

I'm into electronic music. I enjoy reading and watching films. I'm focusing on turning my life around. I'm open to talk about anything, within reason.

>Looking for
Conversation and be over 25

>Not looking for
politically far right, creeps, demanding or needy people, weeaboos

24, M, UK, northern england.
6ft white english
>Looking for
a woman to take my virginity.
Discord: sodatweaker
M 32 travelling to London with work for one night in February. looking for some no strings fun with a female or Femboy/trans or NB.

message me in Kik to discuss more

>I'm focusing on turning my life around.
what do you mean
Can any of you give me the full list of universities in Leeds?
Leeds uni lol

Come over and I'll pay you for anything you desire.

I'm middle class and bored and weak minded
31 m UK bi

Desperate for cock, the bigger the better. Even better if you're in the South East/Kent area

Kik is Stryder_9333
Snap is stryder_9322
pathetic cucks from the internet, expose your girls to me. i can humiliate you, i can humiliate them. (or i can do both if you’re nasty).

must have nudes

north east preferably.

kik: dinosaurssuck
Can anyone hook me up with chavs?

Like serious chavs in council flats "well fukken gud m8" type chavs.

Anyone is welcome. I don't care as long as they are real chavs
Because fuck knows the chav thread shows most people don't know what chavs are

Kik: givingyouall
22, Straight, Peterborough

>About me
Normal guy slightly overweight

>Looking for
I wanna loose my V Card

>Interests and hobbies
Gaming and collecting

TeleGuard: UR295DH64
28 m south of England, bottom gay guy

I'm one of those weird left wing guys who is attracted to right wing guys - not sure why. I just love the dynamic of being with someone so different. So I'm looking to date a right wing man.

>Looking for
A right wing, masculine top who is interested in dating. I'm looking for someone who wants to get to know each other with a view of something meaningful.

Guys who are jealous, needy or a bit controlling are also a plus.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, guys only looking for fun

>About me
White, bleach blonde hair and blue eyes, not bad looking, slim/average build. Confident, work in a professional job, well groomed, and a hedonist.


Discord: keepmeonurradar
kik: onyourradar_
still here
Walkden/manchester area - kik assballs3000 showing off my girl especially if you’re from the Walkden area
19 yo French male living in the UK (London)

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/passable femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshipped from feet to armpits, asshole to drool, etc.

I am DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: the ultimate goal for me is to have an online/IRL harem of well-trained toys that will obey my every move and let me control their daily actions.

I want you to OBSESS on me (as I will obsess on you) and to treat me and my body like your own personal god.

I enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me all your depraved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

(will send pic of me if you want)

>Looking for
Women or femboys

>Not looking for

>Discord tag
>ASL Orientation Race:
28, gay boy or attractive tranny, you choose (will go full time for the right person)

>What type of relationship do you prefer?
I want to be in a toxic, dominant, controlling but intensely in love type of relationship. Traditional, clear gender roles.

>What are you looking for in a man?

Ideally UK based but further afield okay if you can give the commitment required

White, dominant, masculine, sexist, racist, completely bigoted. Politically incorrect. Someone who uses slurs regularly. Right wing. Always gets what they want

>How you will be in the relationship?
Clingy, obsessed, worship the ground they walk on. I am more on the left of politics but weirdly attracted to right wing men.

>Personality description
I'm confident, sweet and polite. Pretty much the opposite of what I'm looking for, but I want a guy who wants someone innocent to corrupt.

>Physical description
Pic is me. 5"8, blonde hair, fem

>Biggest weaknesses (ex for style, personality traits, physical ones anything)
Bigots, racists, dominant men, misogynists, guys who hate everything but love me

> contact x

Discord: thesaturdays1620
DUOLICIOUS app server SPLINTER! semi-endorsed by the dev; main server is dead/just for reporting issues.

YOU CAN: shitpost, vc, meet cuties, choose from many color roles, play with dumb bots, get blogs, request things for the server, stuff like that!

18+ ONLY
neets, weebs, gamers, edaters, incels, femcels, losers, hot girls & guys, dorks, dweebs, queers, ambiverts and all of the stuff between and below.
come find your ekitten or whatever
discord- twinklepark, from NE England and bored out of my mind, I'm very normie besides the slight tism.
You still around fa? Haven't forgotten about our arrangement.
absolute waste of time, server owner is a faggot
>Just say 'brown'
literally 90% of the people in there are brown inc the owner lmao
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I'm both horny and tired enough to say fuck it and try one of these threads
>19 black m, south Yorkshire
>Looking for women of the same age or older, don't be afraid to reach out, looking forward to nice conversations if nothing else
>of both sexes
M 29 LDN
Any lovely ladies lurkin out there i haven't met any new ppl in a while happy to chat possibly meet let see how we jell

Disc merryheresy
oh hey p
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Dennisrode for this stuck up London slut
37F. Married teacher here. Looking to chat with some younger studs. A huge plus if you’re sexually experienced. Love chatting with bulls. Must be fit/muscular. Kik miatallard or telegram kss3022. Please send a photo for a reply..
Manc/walkden - showing off my girls fat cheeks and D cups - assballs3000
22 F
>Looking for
Guys or girls with a scouse accent. Idk why but I find them hot and I can't help but smile when I hear someone talk. Could be sexual or not
>Not looking for
Just sharing nudes
>About me
US southern accent if that matters
>Interests and Hobbies
Video games, art
Discord: Felicity_shag
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lauren_c1996 (kik)

Looking for like minded kinky friends to chat about anything and everything with. Please start with your asl and what your kinks are

i love going on hikes with limited clothing lol
37F. Married teacher here. Looking to chat with some younger studs. A huge plus if you’re sexually experienced. Love chatting with bulls. Must be fit/muscular. Kik miatallard or telegram kss3022. Must sendd a photo for a reply!!,
Asl -

Late 30's, male, British

Looking for -

Girls who have been abused or raped, for serious long term conversation

Not looking for -
Porn, men, trans, 'stories', anyone expecting to be paid for their time, people who are 'Just curious'.

About me -
Writer, don't drink, don't smoke, own my own house, live alone, decent job.

Teleguard - SHYHAG5HY
select me it's displayname_05353
M/25/UK - LDN
>About you
I'm a gym fit rugby lad with a nice, thick 8.5 inch bwc who likes to show it off and the people's he fucked with it too. I also used to be an assistant chef and a bartender, got some fun stories from there in the past.
>Looking For
femboys, femsluts, cute trans girls who like to drool over big dick and are good at doing what they're told
>Not Looking For
straight-up dudes
RugbyLadSam on disc or Q9ZRQLB8L on telguard
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White 27 year old male from London.

Massive horsecock. Available for guys and girls, don't be shy.

@Notme2321 on tele
Kik: PapaLegba1917
Looking for Welsh nudes. South Wales.
Maybe a cheeky wankchat.
>19 M Lancashire
>6'6 7x5.5" long hair
>someone to cuddle and watch tv with desu
>i just want to feel compassion
>i like movies n games n reading n stuff

discord: oscrrr5521516
21 sissy UK looking for Dom/bully

Kik peachyxsiss
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If this picture is you, I want to know you.


>White, or if you want to be specific, anglo-hellenic
>Was raised Catholic but these days...meh. I understand and respect the pastoral benefits to society that come from organised religion but miss me with the dogma.
>Fat. Not so fat that there are things I can't do, I just have a bad habit of eating my feelings. Six feet on the dot.
>Dropped out of university but now I have a good job in finance so swings and roundabouts, I guess.
>I don't smoke, and until a few years ago I didn't drink but for a while I ended up working for the family business which was a country pub, so I had to start drinking in order to help sell the stuff. None of the drugs. Tried weed one time and was violently sick, not going to try that again.
>Diagnosed sperg.
>Never done sex.
>My singing voice is pretty good I guess?
>Discord uraby210
23 male london
Socially inept Irish man. I have dark hair and I am short. I like to joke about things
>>Looking for
Preferably a woman to speak to. Nothing sexual I would just like a woman's company whee we can talk regularly if we get along. Male friends are welcome to add me too though
>>Not looking for
>>About me
I am lonely and struggle to make friends but I do like chatting with people and listening to them
>>Interests and Hobbies
I like movies and alcohol. If you would like to discuss alcohol we will be good friends
Disc: aaapples
19 yo French male living in the UK (London)

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/passable femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshipped from feet to armpits, asshole to drool, etc.

I am DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: the ultimate goal for me is to have an online/IRL harem of well-trained toys that will obey my every move and let me control their daily actions.

I want you to OBSESS on me (as I will obsess on you) and to treat me and my body like your own personal god.

I enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me all your depraved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

(will send pic of me if you want)

>Looking for
Women or femboys

>Not looking for

>Discord tag

Work fulltime, study part time. Missing a long term sub partner in my life. Keep active, try to be creative and travel when I can.

Technology, BDSM, Traveling, DIY, painting, reading, cycling, binging tv series, video games, music

Sadism, TPE, CNC, Degradation, Humiliation, age play, anal, spit play, choking

>What you're looking for
Cis female for a long term relationship, centered around a ddlg or dom/sub dynamic.

>What you're not looking for
Trans, males, being opposed to meeting or trading pictures/videos.

Mostly Baldur's Gate 3 at the moment, but builder, simulation, RPGs and shooters are winners for me

Disc; jetstreamhighlights_90432
Tele; @Jetstreamhighlights
M 21 UK, uncut girthy 9 inch. Needs worshiping / feeding / your gf

Kik hung2103
28 m south of England, bottom gay guy

I'm one of those weird left wing guys who is attracted to right wing guys - not sure why. I just love the dynamic of being with someone so different. So I'm looking to date a right wing man.

>Looking for
A white right wing, masculine top who is interested in dating. I'm looking for someone who wants to get to know each other with a view of something meaningful.

Guys who are jealous, needy or a bit controlling are also a plus.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, guys only looking for fun

>About me
White, bleach blonde hair and blue eyes, not bad looking, slim/average build. Confident, work in a professional job, well groomed, and a hedonist.


Discord: keepmeonurradar
kik: onyourradar_
In London for the night
Looking for a fem or trans female.

33 m Berkshire


Bisexual guy in a long term relationship that wants to chat and see how things go. Open to meets but they would be rare and not happening right away

>Looking for
Women, trans (m and f), twinks or fem guys. Submissive masculine men also in relationships.

>Not looking for
Top or dom men, people who want one off meets or pester to fuck right away


Philphil_6969 kik
Vc me whiile I play a game & listen to music. Be cool & SFW (disc).

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22F I love meeting new friends and having fun kik dianakela19
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23 M near Manchester
redhead, slim build, 6” cock, heavy cummer
>Looking for
Women, trans girls and couples looking for no strings attached sex and/or pic sharing
>Not looking for
Single guys
Kik and telegram: GingerNinja245
Discord: stelo_1008
19 F Doncaster Central
CNC & Breeding Kinks

Discord - kiinia
37 m dorseg looking for depraved f for mainly online fun behind my vanilla girlfriend's back. Open meet up potentially.

Love to corrupt you or explore your nastiest fantasies - have lots of very taboo videos.

Not looking to chat/trade with males

Kik/discord/tele: flingsterguy6
Hi I'm a 22 year old manmoder NB thing from the UK. I like learning about the world, especially philosophy and STEM, and I also like making things. I would like to meet up IRL with people from the UK. IRL meetups is the main reason I use soc. But I am also okay with online only chats, initially or indefinitely

Saying link is invalid or expired
39 m norfolk looking to hear your guilty confession or see you wife gf or fami kik youandme204
programmer, have an edgy sense of humor; Iike dungeon synth/black metal. quite right wing; been re-picking up recording/playing instruments; really into old roland synths and dawless setups at the moment. like viyda, i probably play too much fortnite. I do calisthenics and can do 10 handstand push ups; I like hikes and love the European nature though I rarely ever leave the house so would be great if you'd force me out. recently broke up with gf who was my only friend so looking for someone to be my friend
>Looking for
a friend, maybe a relationship down the line
>Not looking for
degenerates, the mentally ill, trannies, femboys, homosexuals, people who are too clingy, ugly/fat women
discord: mfromouterspace
I'm going to find out where you live in London and cave your skull in you massive faggot
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19 y/o ditzy Femboy who likes to pretend to be a cow pet :3 UK

Petplay is MUST, beta/alpha dynamic, rimming, ass and cock worship (giving), feminisation, drugplay, breatheplay, manhandling, being slightly scared, sloppy kissing with tons of spit, being forced (to do or take anything) humiliation, degradation, remind me often that i cant ever escape this :3, bigger guys, older guys, mean guys especially, threats and insults.

>looking for
I'm starting estrogen very soon and looking for anyone who is interested to push me deeper into feminisation, someone who will calm me and reassure me when i have doubts and tell me that i am meant to be like this, but also bully me too , i would ideally like to be owned, as a pet cow

>not looking for
boring people or attention to my "dick"

south england
22 F UK

I want to start exploring my dominant side and need a submissive male or female to commit to a long term slave relationship over snapchat. You need to be someone experienced and older to help develop this new side I'm exploring. You have to be able to send pictures and videos.

SC: Mossy1403
19 yo French male living in the UK (London)

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/passable femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshipped from feet to armpits, asshole to drool, etc.

I am DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: the ultimate goal for me is to have an online/IRL harem of well-trained toys that will obey my every move and let me control their daily actions.

I want you to OBSESS on me (as I will obsess on you) and to treat me and my body like your own personal god.

I enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me all your depraved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

(will send pic of me if you want)

>Looking for
Women or femboys

>Not looking for

>Discord tag
28 M Sheffield/Rotherham
Tall 6.2ft, dark and handsome with glasses
>Looking for
Chatting, meeting up people near me
People to go out more and do social activities, people that go to raves and like nature stuff
>Not looking for
Boring people
>About me
I speak 3 languages,originally from RO but lived in UK all my life
>Interests and Hobbies
Travelling,gym,cooking,EDM, history, geography, games, series anime
27 / F / Uk

Goddess looking for a potential submissive kinky guy. Must be willing to explore new kinks and expand limitations, trainable and willing to conduct online sessions, Aged 23 to 40.

Kik : GoddessFionaaaa

Will automatically block/ignored for those who will send dick pic as first message !
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20/M/ North West (Liverpool)
Tall, fluffy black hair, absolute twink (and femboy when I have time to shave). I have glasses too.
>Looking for
Chubby/ fat trans girls in the North West/ Liverpool. Femboys and biofem women too as long as ur at least chubby!
>Not looking for
Masc people, skinny people.
>Interests and Hobbies
I love gaming, history, anime and manga. Basically typical autistic nerd shit. I like listening to other people explain hyperfixations too. 80s music is probably my favourite.
Weight gain, size contrast slob stuff and teasing. I’ve always only been into chubby/ fat people so a lot of my kinks are to do with that, but the truth is I am pretty open to anything.
Kik: MaleTomoko
Snap: ne0ngen3sisevan
Disc: sgttoasterbath
19 yo French male living in the UK (London)

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/passable femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshipped from feet to armpits, asshole to drool, etc.

I am DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: the ultimate goal for me is to have an online/IRL harem of well-trained toys that will obey my every move and let me control their daily actions.

I want you to OBSESS on me (as I will obsess on you) and to treat me and my body like your own personal god.

I enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me all your depraved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

(will send pic of me if you want)

>Looking for
Women or femboys

>Not looking for

>Discord tag
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19 m uk sissy looking for someone to cuck me and expose/trib my gfs pics. Kik is laurentsimone and pic is her
you on snap or discord?
Do you have discord?
19 yo French male living in the UK (London)

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/passable femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshipped from feet to armpits, asshole to drool, etc.

I am DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: the ultimate goal for me is to have an online/IRL harem of well-trained toys that will obey my every move and let me control their daily actions.

I want you to OBSESS on me (as I will obsess on you) and to treat me and my body like your own personal god.

I enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me all your depraved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

(will send pic of me if you want)

>Looking for
Women or femboys

>Not looking for

>Discord tag
Late 30's British Male

> Looking for

Looking for girls with a background in rape/abuse for serious long term connection and conversation with someone who understands.

> Not looking for


> About me

Come ask. This isn't a marketplace.

Teleguard - SHYHAG5HY
27 male, english in the midlands

bored masters student, been too busy to find fun in awhile so want some female company to sext with

looking for sexting, anything else is up to you

not looking for trans or farlefties

discord is _jayva_
Any of you UK based?
28m, Essex/London

5'10, blonde, blue eyes, bearded. Has a full time job and a car.

>Looking for
Dates that hopefully lead to a long-term heterosexual relationship. Have a preference for East Asian girls 20+ years old.

>Not looking for
Time wasters, content sellers and only online relationships.

>About me
Mildly autistic lad who used to work in the film industry, used to live abroad and likes to play vidya (sometimes), reading, playing guitar and hanging with the lads.

Been feeling romantically alone lately, so I'm putting more of an effort to get myself out there!

Discord - mynameisjeff3187
Snapchat - VikingShenron

Have a good night!
I am a masculine guy from Liverpool, a few years older than you. I am not what you are looking for, but would you be willing to just suck me off now and then, and maybe even be friends with me if we get on?
31 m Kent

Hairy, stocky, masculine, bearded

>Looking for
Cock, preferably big cock. Discreet NSA and sexting. Bonus if your dominant.

>Not looking for
Subs, psychos, sellers, timewasters, illegal shit

>About me
Discreet, generally submissive, bi and kinky.

Kik: stryder_9333
Add me on kik davikingboi
No matter how many times I try to give this up it's just too fucking hot to stop writing about!!!

I'll cut to the chase, I'm a pèdo with a big black cock looking to chat with other shrimp dick pèdos about the idea of living in a world where I'm allowed to live out your fantasies without getting in trouble just because I was blessed with a BBC!!! I want the cuck I'm talking to to acknowledge that no matter how hard he tries girls will awla prefer BBC even the REALLY young ones!!!! I don't want to help you at all!!!! I just wanna brag about my luck in life while you whine about how unfair it is and how miserable it makes you!!! If that sounds like your dream (or more preferably your nightmare) hit me up!!!

Kik: BigBlackMarlo

Teleguard: J9R7LDJDQ

Session: 054f3de133a2ac5d0

P.S. I'm looking first and foremost for WRITERS. Someone who is willing to trade long hot messages expanding the fantasy with me!!! If you want to just talk about some girl you know, want to be fed pics, or just give boring, uninteresting answers DON'T BOTHER MESSAGING ME!!! I'm more then likely just gonna block you.
32 / M / Midlands-ish
6ft / 8.2inch / atheltic - muscled
Brown hair - green/brown eyes - white
>Looking for
Girls. Body shape/size isn't that important. as long as you're a good laugh.
>Not looking for
>About me
Into keeping fit, gardening, cooking, and playing some vidya when im not too busy with my career. Pretty funny guy I would say and quite laid back.

KIK: PotPinch
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>>Looking for
funny men... preferably fit and FUNNY :3
>>Not looking for
horny and/or homos
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25 m brighton
Kik: catboyfaggot

>looking for
Bi discreet guys who wanna chat/ meet if possible maybe
>about me
Like working out, gaming and going to work lol, have a mrs, midlands based
19F england
Like cooking, drawing, manga
Am bi-polar af
>Looking for
Fun and interesting people to talk to
>Not looking for
Faggots, lgbt
>About me
not them who posted.
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autistic femboy
>Looking for
nice people to talk to
>Not looking for
mean people
>About me
I like gaming and animals
I draw in my free time
>What you're looking for / not looking for
i have a ill cat and i cant afford surgery nor medication for her.
looking for financial help / friends (very urgent)
No matter how many times I try to give this up it's just too fucking hot to stop writing about!!!

I'll cut to the chase, I'm a pèdo with a big black cock looking to chat with other shrimp dick pèdos about the idea of living in a world where I'm allowed to live out your fantasies without getting in trouble just because I was blessed with a BBC!!! I want the cuck I'm talking to to acknowledge that no matter how hard he tries girls will always prefer BBC even the REALLY young ones!!!! I don't want to help you at all!!!! I just wanna brag about my luck in life while you whine about how unfair it is and how miserable it makes you!!! If that sounds like your dream (or more preferably your nightmare) hit me up!!!

Kik: BigBlackMarlo

Teleguard: J9R7LDJDQ

Session: 054f3de133a2ac5

P.S. I'm looking first and foremost for WRITERS. Someone who is willing to trade long hot messages expanding the fantasy with me!!! If you want to just talk about some girl you know, want to be fed pics, or just give boring, uninteresting answers DON'T BOTHER MESSAGING ME!!! I'm more then likely just gonna block you.
Do you have a kik/disc/snap?
U didnt even specifiy if its teleguard or telegram :/
Help me choose a UK whore to fuck next week

I’ll send links to the websites and we’ll look through together & talk about the worthless fucking whores


>looking for
any white girlies who like east asian boys and sharing about their retarded autistic selves.
bonus if you're cute, funny, mean, racist, so on.
Interested in:
Serious conversations with girls who were abused/raped.

Not interested in:
Anyone just looking to get off, porn, trading groups.

About me:
Older, male, straight.

Teleguard: SHYHAG5HY
21 f south
Into archaic poetry (I write)/horror + french/classic literature (but into lit a lot, just some my favourite combination)/all facets of human history save for stuff like india and the balkans though I might later on/(armchair) psychology and psychoanalysis or how I became a pseudointellectual/into stem, biology and human nature, lots of fields of knowledge really/loads and loads of music.

looking for female friends who I can meet up with irl. No freaks, degenerates, faggots, libtards
(Huge ask I know)

disc: _tsu_1793
Help me choose a UK whore to fuck next week

I’ll send links to the websites and we’ll look through together & talk about the worthless fucking whores



I want to talk to ticklish men. Especially if you hate being tickled, or have ever been "tickle tortured" in any sense at some point in your life. You don't need to be into it, just be happy to indulge me with conversation.

kik: anonyfeather
disc: entickle
Early 30's/M/UK

>about me
I'm a fun, joyful, dude with some dark humour mixed in.

I'm 6ft (so 5'11), super open minded with a thick 7-inch cock.
Dark medium length hair, I'm white though a little tanned, with a slight dad bod, hairy, comfy but not fat at all.
I'm kinda handsome too.

I love flirting, making jokes, sharing things. I'm working in being more open.
I'm equal parts funny, hot, nerdy and chill.

Music wise I'm currently listening to a lot of Tool, Death Grips, J Dilla, Nujabes, Massive Attack, Aphex Twin, anything!

I love movies, any film from kino cinema to slop. I also love TV, anime, and manga.

I love gaming, currently playing Baldur's Gate 3, Apex Legends, fallout games, and emulating old PS1, PS2, and SNES games... I'm so old. Oh, and Pokémon and other Nintendo games.

My biggest passion is D&D! I'm usually the DM and would love to run a private sexy game for you, even if you're new.

So many, actually extremely pervy. I prefer being the Dom but I can switch.

Incest, ageplay, Dom/sub, petplay, free use, forced, and anything perverse. I'm into a lot of hentai scenarios and hentai in general.

>looking for
Girls and women, MtF's, FtM's, femboys!
I'm looking for a relationship/situationship/spicy friendship.

>not looking for
Cis - Men, and people who just aren't into anything I am into, also non sexual or asexual types.

Discord: gooningboy9
Kik: Sirbro93
Snapchat: sirbro20
M uk 40
Bored as fuck at work and just want to chill and talk to a nice f.
Let's see where things go and what fun we can have.
Rating anything you want to show and talk about
Kik: 420highlife69
Tele: @Toasted69
Snap: borndamaged
>About me
Chill guy who likes music games and other nerdy things
>Looking for
Still feeling a bit down about my ex, so talking to a girl who's also into various nerdy things (and maybe has an oral fixation too) would be great.
>Not looking for
Dudes, catfishes, over 30
Happy Birthday week to Little L from Stafford.

I'm guessing you'll be lurking this thread still. Even though you stood me up twice, still want to chat with you on Kik.
Let’s share birds who we might know
is there any man (or even a foid) here from around Sussex/Brighton who wants to meet irl and build a friendship. ideally not a fag
Are u just looking for women, not men? We have the same interests
27 / M / UK – West Midlands
>About Me
Chill guy, 5'7, short hair, beard. Laid-back and always up for a good convo, but kinda horny. Currently on a weight loss journey. Nothing crazy, just trying to be a bit healthier.
Gaming, walking, TV & movies, video editing, MTG, and whatever else catches my attention.
>What I'm Looking For
M or F, all vibes welcome, I'm pan. Down to chat, but also... I kinda want to suck a dick. Haven't done it before, so just seeing what's out there.
>What I'm Not Looking For
Very hairy people, just not my thing.
Discord: tamris
23, mtf, surrey
nerd who's into history and computer shit
>looking for
meeting up :3
>not looking for
ppl far away, creeps who want to rush into nsfw within the first second
No matter how many times I try to give this up it's just too fucking hot to stop writing about!!!

I'll cut to the chase, I'm a pèdo with a big black cock looking to chat with other shrimp dick pèdos about the idea of living in a world where I'm allowed to live out your fantasies without getting in trouble just because I was blessed with a BBC!!! I want the cuck I'm talking to to acknowledge that no matter how hard he tries girls will always prefer BBC even the REALLY young ones!!!! I don't want to help you at all!!!! I just wanna brag about my luck in life while you whine about how unfair it is and how miserable it makes you!!! If that sounds like your dream (or more preferably your nightmare) hit me up!!!

Kik: BigBlackMarlo

Teleguard: J9R7LDJDQ

Session: 054f3de133a2ac5d0d

P.S. I'm looking first and foremost for WRITERS. Someone who is willing to trade long hot messages expanding the fantasy with me!!! If you want to just talk about some girl you know, want to be fed pics, or just give boring, uninteresting answers DON'T BOTHER MESSAGING ME!!! I'm more then likely just gonna block you.
communications graduate and current neet whilst I work towards some personal goals. i have basically no close friends lol. I’m a big horror fan, enjoy everything from classic gothic novels to terrible creepypastas. I’m planning my 2nd Japan trip at the moment. uhhh im currently reading tsukihime remake and blood meridian and been playing a little monster hunter wilds.
I'm passionate about vidya games (single player), lifting and film. some more casual interests include: animanga, literature, cooking, tech and travel. eclectic tastes in most of these things, if it exists in these fields, chances are I’ve at least heard of it. If you have a backloggd or letterboxd that’s kewl.
>Looking for
uk / eu based friends with similar interests to shoot the shit with, ideally over vc or whilst streaming something. open to meet ups down the line too providing you’re not too far.
>Not looking for
rude / abrasive people, low effort, politics
discord: tominoes
copy pasted from other thread and forgot to change location. i am in north west england!
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22 F
I like met friends
>Looking for
Someone to have fun
>Not looking for
>Bored ppls
>Interests and Hobbies
Play dirty and games
Kik scarlet7312
>about me
I'd say I'm a friendly and easygoing guy who's looking for friends, hobbies and interesting people
Cooking, MTG, baking, anime, vidya, reading, travelling, exploring historic and scenic places, ice skating
>looking for
Friends and interesting people to build meaningful relationships with. Ideally someone who shares some of the same interests/hobbies as me but I'm open to trying new things. Also open for some more NSFW chats if that's your kind of thing, I've got a pretty wide list of kinks.
>not looking for
People who add but don't talk. People significantly older than myself. People who are neurotic.
32 m Liverpool
Is there a f over 18 interested in going to the Liverpool vs PSG game on March 11?
kik nybusi
>About you
5’11, well-built, mixed, bi but not into mascs. Into politics and philosophy; surprisingly unspergish about them.
Domming, (gentle) bullying, boundary pushing and degradation but with a lot of praise and care between and within sessions.
>Not into
I’m very open minded but no scat, thanks. I’m also really not into mascs at all.

>About me
A relaxed and open minded person, I'm very much a homebody but enjoy the beauty of being in nature outdoors too.
I guess physically from what I've experienced I'd describe myself as typically unattractive

Video games, music, video editing, writing, trash reality TV, animals, etc.

>Looking for
Male company to chat/hang out and game with, would be nice to build a stronger relationship but time/vibes willing of course.

>Not looking for
Timewasters, insanity

>22 / M / London

> 6ft4, muscular, handsome, young professional working in London.

>Looking for: submissive women/ts to fuck whenever my gf is busy with work (which is very often). Must live in or around London, I can travel within reason.

>Not looking for: Men.

>About me: very chill, laid back guy, love a good conversation but the sex has to be good too. Like being more dominant and pretty open minded.

>Interests: travelling, music, tech, basketball, gaming and sex. A lot of it.

>Contact: rodnii12 on telegram.
doing a poo (yorkshire)
>About you
5'6, hairy, just moved to britain from afghanistan
white women
>Not into
non white women
dangerously based
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22 F online to play dirty and have fun kik carolinahot25

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