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For as long as I can remember all these fucking teleguard, telegram, snap and fucking kik threads have plagued this shitass board and ive been wondering if anyone even finds any "success" on this shit.

I'm not willing to engage with this degeneracy so any gooners are welcome to share their stories.
I empathise OP, they all seem identical to me and most "ads" in them are as low effort as it gets. If you just want nudes for one conversation you'll probably luck out eventually if you keep posting in them, if you want people on the other end to do more interesting things I'd recommend the BDSM threads. Honestly even in those I've not had much success on /soc/ but on places like r/BDSMpersonals and Fetlife, even as a male you can get attention surprisingly fast if you know how to word your ads.

Good luck :)
Seriously. They massively lower the quality of this board. People who want to meet other people through any of the threads on this board have to go through the literal mountain of porn threads to find actually decent ones. I have like >90 threads hidden because they're all just porn related. Why can't we have a blue soc board. It's retarded to allow porn on a board that's EXPLICITLY about sharing your contacts and finding people. Especially with irl content being shared as well.
The only way this board can salvage itself is being a blue board. Move the lewd and horny threads to /b/ and the porn boards.
Would they ever even do that though? I'm pretty sure the last time they added a board like that was a long ass time ago.
This board is a sausage fest, filled with retards who can't read for shit. I'm not entirely sure if it is bots or lobotomites, but these threads are filled to the brim with the same repetitive garbage copypasta.

I myself have posted in most of the threads, and only got added by two women.

The rest?
- Random people who add, and don't text.
- A few bots on telegram with images of old hags. One thought I was some guy named Alex? and then started posting pics of herself out of nowhere saying it was her in them. I flat out said "I don't care lol" and she deleted the whole chat.
- Some retard on kik called "CorpoArasaka" tried to convince me he would get me some girls contacts if he managed to find them himself. I didn't buy it, obviously. But he kept pushing the conversation to the point where he started asking about my kinks, my type in women, and eventually my dick size, to which he wanted me to send a photo of my dick to prove my size because he "didn't believe" I had a 7 inch dick. Actual worm behavior, to gaybait a straight guy into sending you nudes just because you acted like a good e-pimp.
- 2 trolls, automatically blocked (kik and discord).
and most annoying of all
Men from Canada, United States and Australia, who don't know how to read.

This board is embarrassing. Most people here, if they are not bots, are troons, faggots, with the occasional sellers. And the troons here are all fucking ugly as shit, how the fuck do you consider passable at all???

Males here are fat and ugly too. To think any of you would have a slight chance at getting matched with people interested in your ads is beyond me.

Women here are either sellers or make posts without their socials just to bait men to type out their socials. You'll have 20 men comment on the same women every time, and sometimes just to complain they aren't accepting friend requests.

Might as well just go with what >>33697089 said.
>or make posts without their socials just to bait men to type out their socials.
I can understand that since they'll get swarmed with low quality adds otherwise, but most of them are so fucking snide about it and make it clear they hate the men here anyway, I don't know why they bother
>Males here are fat and ugly too. To think any of you would have a slight chance at getting matched with people interested in your ads is beyond me.
A lot of the guys here are actually pretty good looking, at least from what I have seen on all the rate threads.
As a gay man who’s posted on them quite a few times, I’ve had success. Only ever looking for nudes or dirty texts and it’s pretty easy to get.
If you want sfw thread in which you can fish for people, just search ones with words clean or safe in their name.
It is that easy.
Moving all porn threads to /b would not work for anyone sake.
Why the fuck are you in the SOCIALIZING board looking for PORN??????? It absolutely affects the sfw threads. WAY fewer people take this place seriously because you retards fill it with like 90 fucking threads of the most extreme and nonsensical porn shit imaginable. I know this place is for autistics, but get a fucking clue. No one really wants to have to sift through that shit.
>people take 4chan much less /soc/ seriously
get a load of this fucking retard
Why the fuck are you actively misusing this board you fucking faggot? Stop acting cool while doing something so disgusting and blatantly retarded.
>laugh at retards
>get accused of bullshit
first of all cunt i dont, second of all you want to talk about being retarded while literally yelling at autistic people on soc at 5 am, eat lead you lack social awareness just like the gooners you complain about.
>social awareness is not calling out retardation and disgusting behaviour when you see it
uhuh honey, and you're defending this disgusting shit because? It's the fucking socializing board and you people use it for /b/ 2.0. Just go there and stop shitting up this place.
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>gets accused of more bullshit
where did i defend it you goal post moving dumb fuck? please, show me. do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up, you're still retarded like the mongoloids you're complaining about you autistic manchild.
right fucking here you ungodly troglodyte
Why are you taking their side?
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>Laughing at one side means you defend the other
lukewarm IQ.

Imagine being so inept that you can't realize I can make fun of both of you.

Here you're both equally worthless.
>laughing at both sides means you're intelligent
you have no standing and that makes you pointless. Get the fuck out of here you piece of shit.
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Or what? you'll show everyone the autistic manchild you are? na i think ill stick around and shit up the thread and there isnt anything you can do about that, cunt. how do you like them apples?
go ahead you retard. Waste yours and everyone else's time doing and saying nothing of worth.
I'm snowed in and going to get stoned and game while being paid for it, you'll be upset no ones taking your bullshit thread seriously, and i'll get the laughter of pissing off yet another dumb fuck that takes the internet seriously.
The women and troons on this board are reprehensible. Ignoring the awful personalities, most are just fat slobs with nothing going on in there lives and expect you to save them from that shit. I've met some decent friends and even gotten into a relationship from this site over the years but honestly I've given up finding anyone new on this shithole
This board used 2 have cute boys who were better than normies and now ur all just untrustworthy cuck homosexuals :( but use the trash can however u like
Don't know why you're whining, there's still a locktober thread active

This board is slow as fuck so who cares
because no sane person would ever come here to socialize, try to make friends, or find a relationship with the sheer amount of porn shitting up the board. You guys act like it's ok to misuse a board because it's slow. If you spammed anime porn on /po/ you'd rightly be considered a disgusting cretin and banned immediately.
Soc is nsfw board.
Thats all that is to it.
If you dont like it,leave
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Damn OP here and I expected nothing different but I mean why the fuck is it so prevalent to the point that it ruins the other threads that arent NSFW gooner goyslop if it doesnt even fucking work. Id expect some more success stories that drives people to keep fucking spamming this shit all over and its been like this since like 2020 from my knowledge.
don't deny that you're ruining the point of this board. They genuinely should make a blue board soc
they should to make /sex board for these dirty threads(and preferably separately for lgbt and trannies) as there are ones on russian imageboard.
But admins do not want to change something
I don't understand who is interested in that shit but I rarely frequent this board.
It is fine because it's slow

I mean, that's why your dad abused you right?

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