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File: sfBloZvM_400x400.jpg (15 KB, 213x213)
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everything weeb, CS, blender
use the threads, dipshit
>ahah im dead inside
just neck yourself if you feel so bored, emo
Imagine being the person who makes this post: >>33697185

Imagine the decrepit Goblin here to defend /soc/'s "thread laws" and to tell people to kill themselves. Imagine the sad fat ugly pathetic creature. and fear.
imagine being the type of cunt who thinks they deserve a thread all for themselves
AND says basic bitch shit like "in dead inside"

>be lame
>be obnoxious
you only get to choose one
don't worry there's still plenty of room for you BBC cuck threads
also if you like umineko add me
now imagine all the bots in this board flooding the board with threads of their own shitty copypasta, instead of being piled up in a couple of threads.

Imagine being such a faggot like you, who lacks vision enough to see how bad this board would get if everyone was like you and not bother to have some sense of control. Imagine a creature with IQ lower than the temperature of space.
Just say the bbc bull cums in your wife
>I'm dead inside
how about you become dead outside faggot. you're not special enough to have your own thread. that goes for every other faggot on this board that posts shit like this
It's ok fren
I'm getting figuratively drunk tonight
where in EU and are you fem enough for me to want to breed you?

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