ITT: Got a question for the opposite gender? Ask away!Previous thread: >>33545399
>>33697675I love a woman's cute feet. Ladies, how exactly should I approach you for buying feet pics over text? Would you prefer I be flatout and as direct as possible, or should I "jokingly" turn you onto the idea first?Any tips/thoughts/advice? :D
Ladies, any tips for how to not complete suck at sex whenever I lose my virginity?
I admit, im a horny lonely loser.Usually i go to lift to gym and theres some stunning hot girl, and im oogling her probably making her uncomfortable in a process Im sorry femanons you are just too hot:/
>>33697675This one is for ladies, what is your usual response when a guy wants to get to know you more?I had a better question but I completely forgot it, so I will probably be back once it hits me.
Can I ask femanons. What makes a guy actually "interesting" to you? What makes you think he has a good personality? What draws you to be with one guy over all the rest? Or is it more about happenstance/good looks?
>>33698815hii i have a few answers to your question! i think what makes a guy interesting (imo) is really anything. i've been attracted to many, MANY people. ok, most of the time, i do actually look for personality! but also i do check for if im physically attracted to them. but as of recent, there has been a huge spike in extremely unattractive men receiving romantic affection. (maybe theres hope idk what u look like) also, i mean like fat, bad hair, weird face. but ive always been attracted to people who are usually branded as "ugly" or" fat". so maybe dont listen to me actually! i also think that regular girls prefer personality, or someone that practices being whats called a "loverboy" which basically means that all you really need to do to get a gf is be like really affectionate and buy her flowers and lots of going out (which i know many men here dont even do) oh and like you probably need a job if u dont have one. cause girlfriends can be expensive. and they will take u out of their options if ur unemployed... so...
Femanons, what do you think or how do you feel about the disparity in horny between men and women?
>>33697826>Would you prefer I be flatout and as direct as possibleThis, so we all know to immediately block you.
>>33697933Not a woman but what do you even know about sex?
Live your life. Take a breath. Have fun.
>>33699329Where are your balls????
>>33699330They’re shy.
>>33699329>this fucking unkemptIncredibly gross, spoiler that shit.
>>33699332My bad, next time I’ll post a shaved one.
>just woke up>Overwhelming urge to nut in someoneBeing a male is a curse that women wouldnt be able to deal with
>>33699336As a guy who sleeps naked I never understood why guys wear underwear when they sleep
>>33697826I have sold feet pics to a few guys who messaged me on insta. Mostly guys I already knew or were friends etc. basically will ignore any random people who propose it because I assume they are scammers
>>33699351I sleep sometimes naked and sometimes in underwear
>>33699351Sleeping naked feels way too exposed and vulnerable.
>>33699357Sleep under a blanket?>>33699356For me it totally restricts my sleep boners and wakes me up because it's all messed up
Be free. You are human. You are alive.
>>33699351>underwearI wear PJ shorts, MUCH more lose than what that guy is wearing.It's nice to have your junk stored well.
>>33699359What game is that?
>>33699361That was my background.
>>33699329>>33699359>foreskinIT'S NOT FAIR!!!!American doctors should be charged for warcrimes
>>33699365I got lucky, thank god.
>>33699358>blanketThat won‘t cut it. I need most of my skin covered by clothes or I don‘t feel safe enough to fall asleep.
>>33699365I castFORESKIN ENVYOn you
>>33699370>I need most of my skin covered by clothes or I don‘t feel safe enough to fall asleep.Why?Are you afraid your uncle is going to come back?
>>33699372I‘m not JH.
>>33699371NGL I'm not very envious of that
>>33699377>I‘m not JH.Fuck I spit out my water kek
>>33699371Pretty cute.
>>33699359Thank you for your services. How about a flaccid one?
>>33699391Took some digging. I rarely take them because I'm a grower.
>>33699365Dammit, that's horrifying
>>33699403I’m so creative.
>>33699404Don‘t post a cumshot one, she won‘t like that.
>>33699408Oops I slipped.>>33699410That is a very nice colour. Give it a kiss for me, yeah?
>>33699414Rather silly of you.
And here is my personal favourite. Why? Because it's funny.
>>33699427Indeed, hope you enjoyed. Hope it spurs on others to post. I had fun.
>>33699430I think there would need to be more flirting in the blue thread again to actually make a difference but it‘s a start. Now go to bed.
>>33699434I leave that to you. >go to bedNo.
>>33699435>I leave that to you.No thanks.>NoWow rude.
>>33699436I guesssss we could flirt in the blue board, to make some movement later. >wow rudeDunno, just not tired. My body is silly like that.
>>33699441Thats what you get for missing your sleepy window by staying up.>flirt in the blue board:3
>>33699442Oh well, worth it. Brightened up a lot of people. And>her
>>33699444I found this pic of you.
>>33699451A bit rude, but I look damn good there huh. I did leave you a lot of shiny things.
>>33699454So true.
>>33699456I hope you like them, you greedy little creature.
>>33699398Those are some really fucked up hands, man.
>>33699534Among other things.
Is FFXIV the place to pick up sad 30 year old women? Is there another place?
>>33699997World of warcraft normie guildsHeroic difficulty clearers
>>33700942I'll commit sudoku before I give Blizzard a penny.
Question for the ladies.I was flirting with a girl and we somehow ended up on the topic of being virgin. She was not a virgin, but I was. When I told her, she said "I don't believe you, let me see your cock." When she saw it she was like "Oh, you are. That's surprising".How the fuck was she able to tell I was a virgin simply by looking at my cock? Also yes I did bang her afterwards.
>>33702340She was fucking with you and just wanted to see your cock, retard
>>33702456It definitely wasn't just that. I could tell on her face that she was genuinely surprised. My cock is about average, so it wouldn't be because of the size.
>>33702493>>33702340INSANE amounts of autism.
Reply if you don't have any questions but are just looking for a glimpse of female interactionI had cereal today
>>33698815Having real morals and treating me correctly.
>>33699997I don't want to be picked up.Put me down so I can nest in my blankets and eat string cheese.
Guys, how do I respond to this?I feel like crying isn't appropriate this early in the conversation.
q4w what can an ugly guy do to get you to give him a chance
>thread is full of dick pics>not even one (1) nude or lewd from a femanon
>>33702710Cheerios?>>33702765>Having real moralsI care a lot about social justice issues.
>>33702778Well, he said he was willing to listen. Crying on the outset isn't appropriate, but asking why he doesn't want to stick around and explaining why you want him to was indirectly asked for, far as I can tell.
Women, do you actually like when guys ask you for advice on women?
>>33702769sorry, enjoy the cheese
Girl asked for a dick in underwear pic, you girls think this looks decent?
Simple question for the women, do any of you live in the UK?I feel like its a ghost town in every UK thread full of gays or scammers
>>33697933just do lots of a foreplay and eat her out. very few women orgasm from piv.
Women what would you do and how would you feel if this happened to you?What if it was a boyfriend, friend or stranger who did it to youWhat if it was in a backyard where no one else was really around
Women, why are so many of you bothered by men "weaponizing therapy talk?" I acknowledge that there are definitely abusive people (men and women) who study counseling and self help to refine their techniques and become better abusers, so let me be clear: this is not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is, as someone who is himself familiar with these concepts and applies them in my own life, I've noticed that it is distressingly common for women to react negatively when men apply these concepts and ideas to them, in particular in a way that is critical of them/their actions.Example: I am acquaintances with a girl who works in my office. She's pleasant enough, we have similar interests, and she can hold a conversation, but her life sounds too "busy" for me to ever want to interact with her outside of work. For context, this woman has a Lundy book on her desk. So, the other day, when she mentioned feeling disconnected from her bf... and that she was talking to and entertaining getting back with an ex... and that she was "just talking" to a fwb from her past that was hitting her up out of the blue, I thought she could handle the feedback that she was being dishonest and unfair to everyone involved, including herself. Since then, she's completely froze me out. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. I feel like for a lot of women, they learn about counseling and self help, Dunning Kruger kicks in, and it's like they don't approach it from a place of "lets enrich our lives and improve how we communicate" and more from a place of "these words and ideas sound a lot better than "I am always right" but they serve the same purpose; subvert this purpose at your own peril.">>33699357For me, if I wake up to a home invasion, being nude and fully erect while screaming Krieg quotes is part of my defensive strategy.>>33702778More context would be helpful.
>>33697675Question girlies: how much do you like/dislike male body odour?I distinctly remember when in high school couple of girls got caught red-handed stealing and sniffing some of the the jocks' clothes during P.E., while I catched my female cousin huffing her bf's shirt while he was in the sauna, so I know some girls really like the scent.What do you like about it so much?
>>33697675Ladies, how do I get a lady to cum during sex with only my fingers? Genuine question cuz I cannot seem to do it. What am I doing wrong?
Women, why do you hate fat men? If you don't hate fat men, why aren't you more obvious about it? I love women of all sizes, goddammit, I just want to be loved (not merely tolerated) in return.
Question for girls: Is it a turnoff if a guy is too optimistic and energetic about life?I like goth girls, and I love that difference in personalities, but all of the girls ive dated are happy I care at first but then they end up either cheating of me or just leaving. I feel autistic and annoying caring about people, and giving them the best while expecting to get treated like shit, and then still end up getting hurt or dumped, Femannons pls explain.
>>33710978Not a girl, but you're describing two different things. Being optimistic/energetic and pouring it on with the care and attention aren't the same thing. In the case of the former, it's a case by case thing, some people will find your energy appealing, others will find it exhausting. In the case of later, generally less is more, and the amount of of affection, attention, and investment you show a woman should be commensurate and appropriate to the relationship, and there's definitely a point where you're just too available and it's off-putting. As counter-intuitive as it may sound, I definitely screwed up a few of my early relationships by giving too much, but I've never lost a woman by not giving enough... if you're attractive they'll chase you.
>>33711004Actually top tier reply. When you say not giving attention, is that really how that works tho? Ive tried pulling away just because I realize how exhausting being energetic can be to some people, but they end up just leaving due to a lack of initial attention you were giving them. Im conventionally attractive like a 7-8 which is really good, but I try to date girls around 7-9 who get a lot of attention. When I stop caring they just stop caring too, specially bdp girls or goth girl imo, conversation just dwindles and dies. I dont want to hide who I am, but holly shit I dont want to die alone either. Thanks for the reply
>>33710812>she mentioned feeling disconnected from her bf... and that she was talking to and entertaining getting back with an ex... and that she was "just talking" to a fwb from her past that was hitting her up out of the blueAnd women say they don't live on easy mode
>>33711023>Im conventionally attractive like a 7-8 which is really good, but I try to date girls around 7-9 who get a lot of attentionFor an LTR, date down. Woe betide the man who can't appreciate a grateful 6. An 8 or 9 just has too many options, if you're rating them accurately, understand 9s and 10s get hit up by athletes, influencers, entrepreneurs, dudes with "fuck you money" all the time, and trying to keep their interest tends to be an exhausting pursuit. I might sound jaded, but in my experience if a woman is 8+ she's gonna spend her 20s trying to lock down the best dude she thinks she can get. Too many hoes in their phones, and they're always looking to monkey branch.>specially bdp girlsAnon, I know the sex is amazing but be careful.>Thanks for the replyYo solo se decir de nada?
>>33710812I just want to point out your "women why are" thing is something majority of humans do in general, I wouldn't particularly say it's a woman only thing. most people just want to validate themselves rather than actually improve or be better people, and this shouldn't be surprising.>>33710883I like it to an extent. for me there is a difference between stinky as in hasn't showered in a week vs being able to clearly smell a man's natural scent. the second I like. I will steal my husbands shirts a lot or sometimes boxers.>>33710905depends on definition of fat. I know plenty of women who like chubby dudes/bear types, but it gets slimmer as it turns from chunky to "morbidly obese". my husband is definitely chubby, and I only really encourage him to monitor his weight when it's a health concern, because I like the plushness it gives.>>33710978as an emo/goth girl, most of us are mentally ill, myself included. be cautious when approaching because that can veer from just being blackpilled or having a bit of trauma/tism to bpd really quickly. choose wisely. I do not think it is a turn off personally as long as a guy can handle/interact with my darker thoughts and feelings appropriately rather than shunning them away, shutting them down, trying to avoid, or force positivity.>>33711004can't say I agree with this but I am autistic and I know it definitely applies to a lot of neurotypicals. I will say a lot of goth girls tend to have the tism if they're not whores. take with grain of salt. I do agree depending on the relationship too much intensity can get too much too fast, but also I like available men who show dedication. it was what drew me to my husband.>>33711023anddd there's your problem. you'll know when a girl is worth dating by how much she surrounds herself with unnecessary attention from men. if she is selective by who she surrounds herself, green flag. if she keeps around whatever man gives her attention and treats them as disposable.... hard avoid.
>>33711595this is good advice. it also goes to say if a woman is more average or even less than she is forced to develop her personality or values rather than rely on looks so she becomes even more promising. a lot of higher up women get away with a lot of shit due to their looks and never have much else to back it up, so when it comes to a relationship or when it's gone, it's gone.
>>33711810Is this a bot? Im heavily suspecting that the “dating areas” online are being targeted with psyops like this, to make sex seem harder than normal. They have many clever tactics like pretending to be a girl in a relationship already, or pretending to sell content, or pretending they aren’t looking for a relationship, or stating they aren’t interested in sex. This type of behavior is considered extremely unnatural in my opinion, and could easily make it past a less educated man’s filter. It’s actually called sexual gaslighting. So if these people are actually real, then it’s fine. But at this point we’re 100% sure there are fake posts being made merely to stir up single males emotions into anger and confusion. They lie about almost everything to us, and im not completely sure why yet, but it definitely has to do with money. Sex is a very easy system to exploit for profit, which is occurring.
>>33711830I don't really see what I have to gain by lying here in a shitty 4chan thread. I did not provide any contact or content aside from my opinion. I also don't really see what about my post is so controversial or would rage bait. if it had either of those components your skepticism would be valid, but as of right now that feels pretty paranoid.
>>33711849I told you already you fucked up whore. Shut your ass up.
>>33712038No, all you did was show you're a retard who got triggered. Nice try, though.
>>33712056Shut the fuck up
>>33711810>I just want to point out your "women why are" thing is something majority of humans do in generalRight, and I think my point kind of got away from me while I was sharing my anecdote. It would have helped if I had mentioned that when I asked why she stays with someone she's so indifferent to, she said it's because this is the first time she has been in a relationship with someone who isn't a "manipulative narcissist," and I pointed out the hypocrisy/irony in her saying this while she's going through the motions of a relationship with her current boyfriend "hoping he'll improve and show some ambition" while actively planning to leave him for an ex... and going down the path of "one thing led to another" with a past FWB who is clearly trying to come off the bench. Also, didn't want to press my luck, but I could've also pointed out how she was clearly shining the Captain Save-a-ho signal, hoping I'd answer the call, on top of everything else. Wasn't trying to make her feel bad, just trying to draw attention to her doing things I don't think she'd be proud of herself for doing if she could take a minute to cast a critical eye on her own behavior.In broad strokes, I've just noticed many women get extremely triggered when a man "uses therapy language against them." I'm using quotations because I've had more than one woman use those exact words. i.e. Calling them out for gaslighting, projecting, being manipulative, invalidating someone else's feelings, etc. I actually had a woman recently tell me that it's a red flag that I'm as emotionally intelligent as I am because "men with high EQ are usually abusive" which not only do I believe to be pure bullshit, but also it's like... if you want a guy to have more going on upstairs than Call of Duty and Fanduel, you gotta assume and accept that he's not going to be easy to move, you know?>>33711819I dated a woman with 11 million followers on TikTok once.Once.
>>33712085men being retards is our only defense
>>33711830I've reread this three times, and I'm still not sure what you're upset about/accusing that anon of, but I will say that>Sex is a very easy system to exploit for profit, which is occurringWelcome to capitalism, anything and everything is a means to turn a profit. Any man who is terminally online to the point of being blackpilled into spending money on "content creators" is a weakling who deserves to be exploited until he corrects himself. Life is hard, it's difficult to make sense of things sometimes, but feeling sorry for yourself and blaming external factors isn't the move.
>>33712102It’s a society building module to demoralize people. They had to invent 10,000 things, to confuse people who don’t have sex or a house. But it’s hard to create one of something when there’s only two things people want. So they create pain, and call it something they can give you. I listed a few ways that they create pain. I promise, if you pretend to write a post being a woman, and include something like “I have a boyfriend” or “im not looking for sex”, you will be gaslighting people who read it. So why do they bother? We already discussed the benefits of spam. Spam helps the flow of the world, as it allows things to hide better. But, when you turn the spam deadly by using it to create pain. Other things also happen. Firstly, concussion theory. Current estimations, like 80% of the population is receiving around 100 minor concussions per day. Secondly, mass murder theory. It’s theorized that the disproportionate death rates by gender are a result of cuckolding. And that 1 in 5 males are intentionally being killed using psychological torture methods like gaslighting. Thirdly, demoralizing helps adjust standards. Theres a desire to make people who own nothing and are happy. By demoralizing them, they have lower standards and will be grateful for much less.
>>33712102>is a weakling who deserves to be exploited until he corrects himselfNah, don't add the qualifier. If you cared in any way about people correcting themselves, then you wouldn't try to excuse exploitation.
>>33712115First, never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. Second, there's really no reason to assume that anon isn't what she claims to be. I'm not opposed to the idea that those in power control the narrative, we know this a priori at this point... but I believe she is who she says she is. I believe this for the same reason I can disregard flat earthers without getting into the science of it, and that reason is the question "who gains from this deception?" If someone wanted to influence how men perceive relationships there's much better platforms to achieve that end.Also, near as I can tell, the bots around these parts are pretty low effort, likely for the same reason Nigerian Prince scams are still a thing; people who want to scam people target the... we'll call it the "lease sophisticated" among us. Could I be wrong? Sure. But you're coming at someone pretty hard based purely on a hunch, and I have this silly, stupid hope that we can keep this thread somewhat constructive.What I'm saying is, let's all fucking chill, yeah?
>>33712289They use all the platforms you fucking gook. Why would they leave a place alone when they can do 100% of the places? Youre so fucking dumb you nigger. This is the most popular website in the world. Yeah theyd leave that alone you stupid fuck, just drink bleach and blow your head up with a deagle. Youre so fucking stupid it’s unreal. Youre also still debating if that whore is real, doesn’t fucking matter at all. Nigerian prince scam was intentionally kept simple. It’s called spam, and it helps the real scams hide better. Youre so naive it’s unreal. Look at some graphs retard. Hey you fucking retard, 20% of males are dying before they turn 50 due to cuckolding torture. And Google doesn’t tell you that it’s because of cuckolding. Google says the natural gender rate is 1.05:1. So they’re saying nature chooses to breed more men to protect the herd. Completely made up to hide one of their biggest scams, the murder of the 20%. Youre delusional if you think the gay threads are organic. Do you truly believe that this board is 90% gay males posting their dicks and asses with a generic comment. It’s all fake.
>>33712289You probably weren’t expecting that every meme was fake. Like literally 98% of the memes were made by a paid for organization. They write scripts and hire actors to make the videos. They literally have a meme department, every one of these was faked. They post the memes over and over themselves, pretending to be real people. They’ve also bought out the media websites to give things fake upvote numbers, and even write the comments. It’s a type of grooming of humans. Theyre trying to teach them to be more productive. Their methods involve killing the weak. It’s really fucking annoying though.
>>33712309This style of brainwashing actually causes fucking brain damage. Everyone is being given concussions because they believe what they’re seeing is true, but it’s completely fake. It’s like a type of illusion spell which presents something so unlike what’s real that it literally concusses your head. Literally you probably have a concussion right now.
>>33708446In fantasy land, I'd get turned on so badIn reality, I would panic but also get slightly turned on>>33710978Nah, some girls like bubbly guys and some more serious ones. I don't mind too much but I have a small preference for bubbly personalitiesI'm sorry you got cheated on anon, you don't deserve thatA good rule of thumb I'd say it's noticing if your energy adds to the girls energy. For example, if I'm "!" with my boyfriend, and he replies "!!", then I go "!!!!" and so on>Sorry honey I think I'll have to take you to Chili's tonight>Yooo chilis is nice>RIGHT?!>
>>33712278I never claimed to care about them, but let me clarify and confirm: I don't care whether or not strangers get their life together or not. I don't feel bad for socially inept men who pay for parasocial relationships with content creators for the same reason I don't feel bad for financially illiterate people who go all in on a shit coin then want to play victim because the rug got pulled on them before they could pull it on someone else. There's a burden to be informed, to be accountable, to act.I truly believe that so long as basic physical needs are met, one can significantly improve one or more aspects of their life in a year, and all it really takes is consistency and persistence. If you're homeless, going through a mental health crisis, or what have you, I get that it might take more than a can-do attitude to turn things around, but assuming the only thing holding you back is yourself, you have no right to be upset about the results you didn't see from the work you didn't do. I'm not trying to monologue, or be cold, but the simple truth of the matter is most people who are losers remain losers because they find a sort of fucked up comfort in it. I mean if you never try, you can never fail, right?
>>33712072cry moar>>33712085I see what you mean. yeah, a lot of women do like to use therapy speak to put them in perpetual victim status, like everyone who wronged them is a "narcissist" or how every retarded thing they do is because of daddy issues (to justify, not to actually fix why the decision happened in the first place), just like how men tend to fall like other anon where every problem is how women don't "let" them get laid.I personally get impressed when men can use therapy speak properly. Emphasis on properly. the exception is ones who use it retardedly, or to justify bad behavior.I know shitty women LOVE using therapy to justify and victimize themselves. but that's kind of what everyone who is dumber than a rock does in therapy, it's just you know... women tend to like to use reasons that help them feel better about the emotional responses specifically. (men do too, but they approach it very differently). any woman who says men with high EQ tend to be abusive has only really bothered with shitty men and fell for people who try to appear more intelligent than they are. Many such cases.>>33712115Mongoloids like this who say women who claim to be in a relationship or don't want sex is gaslighting is what I'm referring to when I say some people who use therapy speak are fucking dumb as shit. Reducing male suicide rates to "cuckholding" and them not getting laid is so offensive to men's actual problems like real isolation, lack of community, and lack of mental health support is insane. And yes, some women are in relationships. This is an ask the other gender thread, not ask all the single ladies. it would be one thing if I made posts in dating threads, it's another to make bot accusations here.... especially when I remain anonymous. I'm not one to shy away from schizo theories about the world but jesus christ do some people go so far down the rabbit hole they miss the plot in very ironic ways.
>>33712329>In fantasy land, I'd get turned on so badIn reality, I would panic but also get slightly turned onWould you still panic and be really turned on if it was with your bf near his backyard pool and he had a tall fence around his backyard?How could he and should he get consent to pull that prank on you beforehand without ruining the surprise?Realistically would you rip the strap of the swimsuit in the original pic instead of going for the key? What if you were wearing a swimsuit like pic related instead with thicker and stronger straps?What if you were in a rush because you sort of or really had to pee and you figured it'd be faster to strip and unlock and get dressed and then walk to the bathroom?
anybody here tryna fuuuuck
>>33713131>>33713128Need a girl in swimsuit to sit on me
>>33712368Cared as in it's enough of a factor that not doing so is used as justification to push them down further. Your comparison is also incredibly ill-fitting, as unlike in that other example, this exploitation entirely stops with the exploited, rather than them hoping for an opportunity to exploit someone else. >but assuming the only thing holding you back is yourselfAnd again, this sentiment stands at odds with excusing people being exploited, as exploitation is someone else taking advantage of the situation and having a vested interest in holding that person back for personal gain. The very nature of it is that they're no longer the only one holding themselves back. At best, you are woefully ignorant of how much goes into such effort, and at worst, you're knowingly trying to excuse away any malicious agency of the exploiter as to pin blame entirely on the exploited.
>>33713127If we had privacy and I'd get more turned on, and consent wouldn't matter that much then (lol)I would have stayed there for a while until deciding to take off my swimsuit and go for the key, wouldn't wanna ruin a swimsuit. But if I wanted to pee, I would rush too
Dear women: me wee hee hee?
>>33713577based That's hot
Women, what do you dislike most about online dating and dating apps?
Women, how many of you lost your virginity to your hairbrush ?
>>33711830the hung goyem becomes confused by the alpha. They have fallen for the rage bait. Abort! Abort!
>>33712072omg stop my tiny brain hurts, all I know how to do is post pictures of my penis like a neanderthal!!!
Cis women? Why do you hate trans-women? Trans women are women just like everyone else.
>>33713903Wow I agree, the only one that has a brain here!
>>33712795Hole you’re so fucking dumb, I already told you your mouth is only good for eating my ass
>>33713905still shitting yourself and crying? that's really sad, at this point I just feel bad for you.
>>33713905Sounds like someone's cucking out! Cissy boy!
Opinions about fat ugly retards
>>33711595>For an LTR, date down>An 8 or 9 just has too many optionsIm willing to spend at least until im 30 trying to get that one 8 or 9 thats looking for a solid personality instead of those people. Im not a NEET or a retard im just introverted and autistic, I actually make very decent money and have goals for the future.So far no luck tho>Anon, I know the sex is amazing but be careful.Im into the manipulative type sadly, dated enough girls to know my type
>>33713909I was wrong about you. Youre just as smart as I am, but are slightly physically weaker. This should be reflected in the payment you receive at jobs.
>>33713940HotJust grow a beard, ezpz
>>33697675men, do you eventually lose all attraction to women you are in a relationship with? i highly suspect my boyfriend no longer finds me sexually attractive but he refuses to break up with me for some reason, it's been almost 2 years since the last time we had sex and he claims it's not true thats he lost attraction but it's driving me insane, i feel like it's obvious.
>>33714895He's masturbating because it's easier. If he doesn't stop, leave him.
>>33714895Yes, sooner or later all relationships come to the point, where you are together not because love, affection and cool sex, but because you are used to each other and too lazy to search for anyone else.
>>33714895For me usually my partner loses interest before I do, so I'm not entirely sure whats going on here. But it is a shame that the flame doesn't seem to he there anymore.
>>33714921i don't even know if he's doing that much because he barely has any time alone>>33714937i understand what you are saying but i can't feel loved if there is no physical attraction and rather be alone>>33714945this is the only relationship i've been in and i would say i haven't lost any interest but i can tell he doesn't seem to care anymore. i don't understand why he wants to stay together still at all
Women: Your lover tells you they want to go down on you for an hour straight. Hott? Or ick?
>>33712795>Many such casesIn oversimplified terms, therapy is supposed to work like this: "here's how I'm broken/struggling, how do I overcome this?" Unfortunately, a lot of people, men and women, treat it like "here's how I'm broken/struggling, how do I go about spinning this to justify all the shitty things I do?">Mongoloids like thisThat person is clearly either a troll, or a textbook example of what being terminally online and getting no pussy does to a mfer. Either way, not worth engaging with anything they have to say.>>33713257>Your comparison is also incredibly ill-fittingNo it's not, my point wasn't that exploitation in the case of the shit coin investor is ok because someone who does something bad deserves bad things to happen to them. Most people who fall for shit coin scams aren't going into it with active malicious intent; they often simply aren't informed enough to be thinking at that level, and that's the problem. My point is if you're investing in crypto when you don't know shit about crypto, you deserve to be exploited. If you're feeling lonely or unfulfilled, and you can't think of anything better to do with your time than jerk off, you deserve to be exploited. >The very nature of it is that they're no longer the only holding themselves backFair, but I would argue that goes without saying in a capitalist society, and my point is unless one has some sort of pressing, immediate, tangible threat to one's well-being, odds are they're living in a mental prison of their own making.>At best, you are woefully ignorant of how much goes into such effortI have been homeless, I'm intimately familiar with such efforts. It's not easy, so what? What's the alternative?>you're knowingly trying to excuse awayI'm not trying to excuse anything; who is to "blame" is irrelevant. Far too many people stumble through life, willfully uninformed and unprepared, and if something bad should happen, they feel entitled to being saved from themselves.
>>33713965I wish you luck, but don't disqualify a quality person just because she's "only" a 6 or 7. Again, we're talking about a long term partner in life, don't squander a good thing if you find it; the dating scene is absolutely cooked right now, and I think things are gonna get way worse before they get better.>>33713940You're not fat. Could definitely benefit from a cut, but you're not fat.>>33714895>it's been almost 2 years since the last time we had sexI would ask him directly, in no uncertain terms, why you haven't had sex. This is highly unusual. How old are you? How old is he?
>>33714759Thank you babe>>33716673Im 6'2 235 lbs so kinda thick indeedIm working on some fitness goals rn so cutting is kinda hard to do while building strength
I am developing a fetish for making men get on their knees and eat me out while I say "yeah suck my dick bitch" as like a role reversal. Do men like this
>>33704439Looks great yeah.
>>33717362 Role reversal is fun and fine, but what you're offering is sex reversal which is for fags.I'd be down with "yeah lick my cunt fucker".
My wife likes to share pics with me especially when I'm out of town for work. I shared some here and on another site and it got back to her. Queue screaming and shouting and a huge fight were i was told that I would never get any more pics or get to take anymore. Two weeks go by and she makes a complete 180 and tells me to go ahead and take some new ones, all while complaining that I'll just post them online e. What the hell is going on and what did I awaken?
>>33717554that's incredibly sad she didn't just divorce you then and there. woman needs to get some self esteem.
>>33716665It absolutely is ill-fitting when you're having to drop the malicious intent of passing the buck from the comparison you previously used in favor of your current one.>If you're feeling lonely or unfulfilled, and you can't think of anything better to do with your time than jerk offThat is incredibly reductive, and it seems you don't know the extent to which exploiters build up these parasocial relationships and how many ins they take. >odds are they're living in a mental prison of their own makingNo, only what gets them to the point that they can be exploited. That's something they need to walk back themselves, but once exploitation gets added into the mix, the game absolutely changes>I have been homeless, I'm intimately familiar with such effortsReread what I posted. I'm describing the efforts of the exploiter, not the exploited. It's how much effort goes into holding someone back>who is to "blame" is irrelevant>they feel entitled to being saved from themselvesAnd that absolutely is excusing exploitation. Taking all agency away from the exploiter, pretending that there aren't active efforts to take the vulnerable where they wouldn't otherwise. To act like there isn't a wide range of people well beyond those that recklessly charge into pitfalls, and instead are actively dragged down.
>>33717362>Do men like thisYes sir
>>33717362Sounds hot for the most part. But I think "suck my dick" would pull me out of it. Too harsh of a double take.
>>33717554women need attention. it is their true currency. no pics = no attention. she realized she would be starving herself out.
>>33717362Sounds incredibly hot except for the dick part. Even " lick ne, bitch"would be much better imo.
>>33717554Are you a cuckold? Does guys saying they'd fuck your wife scratch that itch?
>>33717642>you're having to drop the malicious intentI think you may have missed the part where I directly addressed that a lot of people who invest in crypto (and shit coins in particular) simply aren't informed or knowledgeable enough to understand that they're attempting to profit as part of a sequence of events that invariably ends with someone holding the bag. Simply put: most of the people who lost their ass on Hawk Tuah's shit coin weren't trying to rip anyone off, they just heard you can make money with crypto and if you can't trust the endorsement of a girl who got famous overnight for talking about spitting on dicks, who can you trust? <--- That's about as far as 99% of the people who got ripped off got into the critical thinking process. I invoked Hanlon's razor earlier ITT, and I'll invoke it again, here.Perhaps "deserves to be exploited" was a bit much, but I believe our society is far too permissive, protective, and enabling of those who are not only chronically uninformed, but persistently lackadaisical when it comes to becoming informed, of those whose agency eclipses their capacity, so to speak. Do I feel empathy for people who get burned? Sure, but at some point you've gotta learn to keep your hand off the fucking stove.>it seems you don't know the extent to which exploiters build up these parasocial relationshipsThat's just it, I do know, which is why I also know that anyone cares enough to know, should know.>And that absolutely is excusing exploitationI'm not excusing anything, I'm accepting that exploitation is inherent to the human condition, and you've got to choose where to draw lines, what hills to die on. One could argue, without much of a reach, that most 9 to 5s amount to exploitation, but it's not really on the same level as human trafficking then, is it? tl;dr: Life isn't fair, and it never will be; focus on what you can control, that you might tip the imbalance in your favor.
For menShould I leave my current boyfriend for my best friend?He’s let me know his romantic interest in me before, but I’ve turned him down, I feel like my current boyfriend is growing more and more distant from me, and he even has started to withdraw sex since I never shave my pubic hair (dumb!!!)I’ve known him since we were both in year 1 and he’s much kinder too, but I don’t exactly know if he will still have his interest in me, since he told me about it 3 6 years ago, when we were 16, he hasn’t got a girlfriend and hasn’t ever had one eitherI’m not going to take your word as 100% the best thing to do either, just mind thatThank you!
>>33721036I hope your whole shitty island capsizes.
>>33721036>my boyfriend is withholding sex, I believe it's cuz I wont shave my pussy>my Best Friend confessed to me 3 6(?) years ago when we were 16 (so currently 19 or 22) but I turned him down>Best Friend is nicer than my boyfriend>should I leave my current boyfriend for my Best Friend?I understand the other anons sentiment, there is a lot to go over so here is my male perspective take on it.>you should leave your current boyfriend>AFTER you leave your current boyfriend you should ask your Best Friend outThis will result in the best possible outcome.
>>337214966* I was typing on my phone
>>33698627"oh yeah sure what do you want to know" I'm usually flattered and like talking with people
Girls with BPD, I got super close fwb with one a few months back, she was clearly head over heels and always swooning over my treatment of her. I was very patient with her on her shitty days. One day she just split on me and everything I did was just setting her off. We've been no contact for a month, but I'd like to reach out at some point to move on with no regrets. We had a great connection that she loved and told me she loved it many times. I feel it's worth trying to rebuild our friendship, even if it's platonic because I truly care for her but I don't want to deal with the truly awful shit she might say if she's having a BPD day
>>33697675Unironically, as a zoomer, how do I not act like a creep? I fucked up an interaction just an hour ago on Discord, girl was nice, polite, interesting then I said something wrong to her and she blocked me. In retrospect, I could have chosen better words at that moment but I wish I knew that.
Ladies… what do you actually think about feminine boys?>>33721036I mean I would personally encourage that you work out your problems with your current boyfriend. Because like, the way I see it if you ditch bf and bestie doesn’t work out romantically then you’ve ruined two relationships in one swoop>>33717362I’m gay but I assure you there are many straight men who are weirdly into dominant women>>33714895I mean it sounds to me like you would not be better off seeing other people, as hard as a breakup like that is :(>>33702778Is he breaking up with you like this? Wtf
>>33721036First, it's already pretty shitty of you to be trying to monkey branch. Now, when it comes to your boyfriend, if you care about him and are still attracted to him, maybe talk to him, see why he's grown distant; there's a good chance it has nothing to do with you, and he might appreciate being able to confide in you. You know, girlfriend shit. If it is something to do with you, it's only going to get addressed with communication. Also, it's not dumb for him to want you to trim your pussy; men are allowed to have preferences too, and the male equivalent would be like not trimming a beard, or letting a jungle grow down there and asking you for dome. Finally, and perhaps most concerning... you're considering leaving for someone who you clearly don't have much attraction to or desire for; if you did you would have given him a chance when he made his interest known. If you're truly not happy in your current relationship, try being single for a while; serial monogamist rarely lead happy lives.
>>33721036Out of curiosity, how long have you been with your current bf? Cause it sounds like both of you have started to grow comfortable with each other and hit the stage in your relationship where you've stopped trying to impress one another.
>>33721650I've tried to see what it's about, I've tried to work them out too, though I definitely do have an interest, but the problem was he told me about his crush WHEN I got with my boyfriend>>337218446 years, a few days after I told my friend group my best friend then told me that he wished he asked me out
>>33721849>he told me about his crush WHEN I got with my boyfriendO o f. Talk about bad timing. I'm also curious why you don't shave. Is it a preference for having a bush, or is it just a pain in the ass? Cause I know some guys have a full beard just because its a pain to shave.
>>33699332I wish shaving my genitals was easier. I'd always have hairless balls if I didn't get so many cuts trying to get them that way and it didn't itch so much.
>>33722410How are you cutting them? I'm horribly clumsy with a razor but even I've never pulled that off. Just make sure to pull the skin taut.
>>33722436I use a trimmer first to get the hairs short and then this razor to get them even shorter. Problem is that even if I stretch my skin it can still happen and it takes a fuck ton of time.Isn't there a faster way to do it?
>>33722490Waxing would probably be more time-effective because the hair will stay gone longer. But I'd recommend getting it done by a professional, because my one attempt to self-wax some of my hair went horribly. Lasering would be even better if you can afford it.
>>33721883I was just don't like feeling like a child while having sex, which I get is a stupid way to feel, but I can't exactly help it
>>33698815I like men who have a really strong sense of self. Not like cocky, that actually reeks of lacking what I like, but like I like when guys just "know" who they are and don't really care one way or the other if people judge them for they hobbies or what makes them happy. I think people like to point out the line "women like men who make them laugh" and there's truth to that but I think humor and fun fits better when the person genuine has fun and isn't trying to force something.I also like men who are interested in me - ask me questions, be genuinely interested in me. Gone on dates with too many guys that just like to talk about themselves and don't ask me questions.>Or is it more about happenstance/good looks?Good looks help and are important, don't get me wrong, but good looks aren't going to help a shit personality to win me over.>>33697933Just relax and communicate and accept your first time will probably be fucking awkward. Its not a competition. What thing have you ever done "great" the very first time you did it?>>33704036I just like when people I know ask for advice on anything. I like being part of someone's inner circle and knowing they trust my judgement.>>33713793people who can't type, creeps, etc.
>>33722501>Lasering would be even better if you can afford it.I'd do this, but I don't know if you can get it done on your testicles.> seems you can, maybe I'll do it.
>>33721036Monkey branching is terrible and abusive. The fact that you're even thinking about it means your head is in the wrong place, and you aren't serious. Imagine if someone you cared about talked about you like this behind your back
>>33723136then I assume I deserved it, not like I'm lining up a backup, but a straight up replacement, I do kinda need a place to live you know??
>>33723140>then I assume I deserved itStop projecting; just because deep down you know you'd have it coming because of how dishonest, manipulative, and entitled you've been, doesn't mean your bf deserves it. You've been together six years, your bf has probably gotten a good sense of who you are. He's probably wise to where your head is at and has divested from the relationship to protect himself, and is probably just waiting for you to see yourself out of his life at this point.>I do kinda need a place to live you know??Have you ever considered not being a parasite and being a self-sufficient adult? It leads to all sort of wonderful things like knowing that if you're in a relationship, it's purely because you want to be. Failing that, move back in with your parents.>not like I'm lining up a backup, but a straight up replacementBravo, I truly cannot tell if you're trolling or actually morally bankrupt.
Women: how deep is your P-spot?
>>33723219I can't exactly support myself with a single job>>33723235do you mean the g spot?
>>33723239I mean the posterior fornix.
>>33723246Dude the large never cluster is at the front not the back, why are you asking that?
>>33723515Posterior fornix orgasms feel better than anterior fornix orgasms because the posterior fornix is deeper, so the demiurge made it the better orgasm spot because he loves torturing humans and wanted an even greater number of men to have penis size insecurity.
>>33723553>Posterior fornix orgasms feel betterAside from the novelty of an infrequently touched location or the pressure from reaching that far I don't see how that could be better.I typically have to almost drag my balls across the sheets in missionary to hit the right G-spot angle to initiate back scratches and leglocks.I know portio orgasm is a thing and that some people enjoy it more than other so I doubt that posterior fornix is preferred on average.
Men, hypothetically speaking, if you had a secretary, would you fuck her?
>>33723672Describe my Secretary.
>>33723672Nah, sounds like an easy way to get tied up in legislation.
>>33723819Describe a woman you would hire as secretary
>>33723935A woman I would not bang."I" wouldn't hire a piece of ass if I really needed a secretary.
>>33699351I don't shower everyday. Would be unhygienic, lol.
>>33723672Don't dip your pen in company ink. Modern HR departments would smell blood in the water and go on the war path. They love it when they can slam the big guys.
Would you do a blackmail sexting roleplay with your boyfriend? He'd "anonymously" message you and send you your own nudes and tell you to send him more and threaten to leak them if you don’t.
Why cant even the most progressive leftist feminist women settle for male feminist incels and accept equality in dating? Why is dating the one area where women hate equality so much, and why is it so much better to be with a chad who abuses you than a nice guy incel who would never hurt you and would just be caring and loving?Also why do so many women claim to be liberal/left but then end up being weirdly conservative in general, even outside of dating? is the "red scare" type woman actually common irl and not just some weird online thing?
>>33725194Equality in feminism means: rules for thee but not for meIt has nothing to do with equalityThis is also the reason busted up women screech at dudes in age gap relationships And call them pedos when it's a 22girl with 32yo guy
>>33723672Absolutely not; for both ethical and practical reasons, I never mix business with pleasure.>>33725194Stated preferences vs revealed preferences. Modern feminism is a full-on psyop; by engaging with it at all you've outed yourself as someone who is easy to control, and women treat you accordingly.
>>33697675Femanons. Autistic guy here. If I no longer want to talk to you shortly after chatting for the first time because we don't click or any other reason do you prefer to be told "I'm sorry I don't think we click nothing personal, etc" or just get ghosted and removed suddenly?
>>33718891So what, just get what I can while I can since she will want the attention?>>33719465I'm not opposed to sharing her. Not into the humiliation stuff, just want to see her used like a cock loving slut. Once she starts to cum, she can't get enough and wants to go for hours. I'd like ton see what happens to her if she does.
Would you be dumb enough to make this mistake and how would you react if you did?>Your bikini is green and interfering with the green screen>You should take it off>Oh okay>Does so without thinking>Oh shit wtf I'm nude
I'm an mtf trying to appeal to the female gaze, what puts you (cis women) off about mtf's visually that I can avoid?
My dick is pretty unimpressive so I have a stock dick pic that I send chicks that is very obviously not mine once you see it. But of all the chicks that I actually hooked up with after sending them the pic none of them have ever said anything.I refuse to believe they couldn't tell. Are they just being nice or do they think it's weird I have a pic of another dude's dick on my phone or what?
>>33727547Would you prefer to be suddenly ghosted, removed and never know what happened?I'd much prefer someone just be honest with me, I actually respect people for that>>33729492If it's really that obvious, they're absolutely just being nice not saying anything, this is a very strange thing to do, and I guarantee they told their friends about this right after Were you in long term contact with any of these women, or was it more of a one night stand situation?
>>33729244Surely this is a joke
how the fuck does one ask for a nude from someone who doesn't like taking pictures in general? even just in general
hello men, woman herehow do i get over feeling so horribly and painstakingly depressed? i know a lot of guys suffer in silence, but wow its getting extremely overwhelming here!
>>33730445booze and blues
>>33730448hey man i dont have that kind of money to pick up a lifelong addiction. ill listen to more blues, though
>>33730452shiet idk then
>>33730445Personally I gradually turned my negativity into positivity through some sort of weird osmosis I still don't quite understand. I think it might have largely been from meeting my best friend. But therapy would probably be a more reliable method. They help you dissect your brain and figure out the source of the negative thoughts, plus how to turn them around.
>>33730445Art. I've been blessed with the ability to turn my depression into writing. But if you find some kind of art form you enjoy (drawing, painting, writing, music, knitting, etc.) it goes a long way to help transform those feelings into something positive. Worse case scenario you'll eventually make something cool you can show off to people.Alao that statue is a fucking mood
>>33730445Start constructive daily routines and force yourself to do them. Thats really all there is. Executive disfunction is the only element of your depression you can control and how you feel isn't real or worth worrying about.
>>33727547Just be honest for sure. It sucks to hear sometimes but it's much easier to deal with, especially in the long run.>>33730360Is this person someone you're intimate with?
>>33731235I'd say tell them it's something you'd like, and do your best to keep helping them with their self-confidence. Might take a while or never happen, but that's my advice. Make sure there is a lot of trust between you two, and just lay it all out there.
>>33729244I think the palpable mental illness and predatory vibes aren't doing you any favors. Happy inauguration day.>>33728471>I'm not opposed to sharing herYou should probably see a therapist, this usually means you've got some sort of deep-rooted self-worth issues, and you owe it to yourself to work those out. Also, you talk about your wife like she's an object. Just saying.>>33730445Find your purpose and actively pursuit it. It's essentially unheard of, to consistently put a positive effort out into the world and have it affect you negatively.>>33731101This, pretty much. People in general, and this especially applies to the unsuccessful, unfulfilled, and unhappy, tend to be overly concerned about their feelings. True, positive, lasting change can only come about from implementing constructive routines and adhering to them consistently, regardless of how you feel. Reason being, if healthy actions become the norm, so do healthy results, and thus, so do healthy thoughts an feelings.
>>33731728That's a lot of projection you got going on there, hope you come to terms with yourself and find help instead of giving in to your urges and hurting someone else weirdo.
>>33723965>>33723880>>33724250>>33725326Shit I just realized this looks a lot like why men marry less.
>>33730445I constantly gaslight myself into manic behavior with music and force of will allowing me to hyperfixate on stuff I derive satisfaction, not happiness, from..When I was younger I would find it difficult to find the will to get up out of the reclined couch while watching tv, even when nothing was on I would just turn it off and sit there. It got to a point where i was so aware of it I started screaming in my brain and hyperventilating to drive myself to get up and go do literally anything. The technique comes more naturally now when I need it.Lately I've been finding myself slipping back into that sort of low energy depression overwhelmed with YouTube recommends like when I watched TV back then. This being because I got SmartTube on a firestick so I can watch infinite shit ad free.I'm thinking In need to cut back and and do it the way I used to where I had a computer download recent vids from channels I actually like at 4am and watch them off the hard drive with Kodi so that I have a finite amount of slop before I need to go pursue something else.
>>33733000Also I was fat and didn't exercise and now I'm fat and have been unable to ride my bike thanks to the cold.
>>33732933Dubs of truth. Dating your coworkers used to be totally normal, but now its a liability. Worse part is I'm sure a lot of girls hate it as much as most men do.
>>33723672Most likely not. I go to work to pay my bills, not to socialize. If you want me to sex you the you either have to be my wife, or FwB outside of work. While secretary being wife or FwB is possible, no fucking at work is permitted.>>33730445Exercise. Go outside and run or stay indoor and do push-ups and squats until your limbs start to hurt. Physical stress produces brain chem responnsible for good feels. We're just biological machines and you can take advantage of that. Whenever I feel like shit and bored while not wanting to do anything, resulting in stagnating, depressive feeling, I force myself to get tired and it gets better after 1 day at most. Or ride a cock. It's not only physically tiring but also human touch feels nice. Because of that I sometimes visit hookers too.>>33717362Depends on man. Some like humiliation. While I'm fine with eating out pussy, humiliating texts are turn-off for me.>>33714895 feelings fade over time which is why relationships shouldn't be only about muh butterflies in stomach. Natural path is change from lust to comfy so if you have idea of love being strong lust then you're in for a disappointment. Your goal is to get to know each other well enough to feel comfy with each other and have sex for fun and routine duty to maintain relationship, meaning you have to put some effort and initiative every now and then to make it sexy or something.>>33702710Not today. I came home from work late today. I'm tired and will go to bed as soon as I finish my dailies.
>>33731769Bro, you're literally a dude in a dress asking 4chan how to be less repulsive and unlovable. Cope harder.>>33732933You're not wrong.>>33717362Depends on the man. I don't have a submissive bone in my body, but plenty of dudes are into that kind of thing. Your little pig boy is out there, waiting for you.
>>33735028You see someone asking for minor beauty tips from women and assume that means they're in the same situation as you, unloveable and repulsive. That's so fucking funny, and you think you aren't projecting? You know that normal cis heterosexual people don't behave like that right?
>>33710812Women prioritize social combat."Therapy talk" is social combat.Usualy women use it on men.When a male starts using "therapy talk" effectively, women intuitively understand they are losing a combat advantage.
>>33735765First, and I cannot emphasize this enough, you will never be beautiful. Second, I gave you the simple and honest truth and you chose to get indignant, but just in case I wasn't clear, women find you repulsive because in your futile attempts to possess what you were never meant to have, you set off all kinds of uncanny valley alarms in mentally sound women, who are attracted to the kind of men you gave up on ever becoming.>projectingWhy does every degenerate who has confused gender dysphoria with having a personality fancy themselves a psychiatrist?>You know that normal cis heterosexual peopleThis made me chuckle; talk about a fish describing flight to a bird.>>33735880Well said.
State gender. What's your favorite season and why? Are you glad or sad that winter is on the way out?
>>33742491Male, winter. The fact that its almost over and I never got any snow is bullshit. That chipmunk girl is adorable though.
>>33742576We got 10 inches of snow that's stuck around for 2 weeks straight, to the extent that it's now just a bunch of hard ice over everyone's yards. I'll trade ya!
>>33742577Deal! You may have my obnoxiously bright sun.
is it a red flag if I like waving at stray animals I see when walking around outside and sometimes even compliment their appearances out loud?not stuff like 'you're such a cute kitty' or whatever but something like 'you have some outstanding fur fair madam'oh and I'm male, if it wasn't obvious
Women,I have a feeling my marriage is kind of failing. Also a sense that my therapist is sort of nudging me to escape the situation. After describing the things that have happened to her she continuously asks me what I’m trying to get out of therapy. Am I just trying to cope in the situation or am I trying to find myself again? I guess the question is how do I even begin navigating it. I’ve tried speaking to my wife about our problems multiple times and we’ll come to a sort of “resolution” but after a few days it’s back to how it was. I’m struggling to see a way forward.
>>33742577I wish I had 10 inches that stuck around
>>33743438That sounds painful!
>>33742491Male, summer. >why?Beautiful weather, beautiful girls, tons of things to do.>Are you glad or sadGlad; I don't mind winter as much as I used to, but snow has lost all of it's appeal by the new year.>>33742799If it's a red flag, I'm waving it right alongside you; I go full-on druid for my woodland critters.
Women,Would you hypothetically date a boymoder snoymoderesque neverpasser?
>>33744839Not a womanI have no idea what any of that means, but it sounds like it deserves extermination.
>>33744864noooo its not bad just sad
>>33742491Male, Fall or Winter because I love rain. Glad it's on it's way out because rain and ice are miserable when you want to ride a bicycle and that's the only form of exercise I get, plus endorphins.
>>33744839I'm straight and into men, why would I want to date a boy who feels like he's a woman Maybe there's bi girls into that
>>33748560>I'm straight and into men
For men and women, why do you think everyone is so terrible at being in a relationship these days?
>>33748729Partly because of the state of the world and it's impact on everyone's mental health, but mostly because relationships, like literally everything else, have been commodified to fuck and back.Nothing is sacred in our society anymore. Not in a right-wing reactionary way, but in the sense that nothing has escaped the grasp of capital and the mind virus of consumerism. Directly (the gamification of romantic relationships through dating apps; content designed specifically to make people feel discontent in their perfectly fine and healthy relationships) or indirectly (the death of 3rd spaces and the ability to meet people in-person; the 24 hour news cycle and the propaganda therein pushing us towards a low trust society and making people wary of each other; the fact that nobody can afford to live and after your 40+ hour work week, and then doing all of your chores, you probably don't have a lot of energy to give to other people), interpersonal relationships across the board are in the shitter. Nobody has friends, let alone relationships; loneliness and anxiety and stress and depression are at all-time highs.
>>33748830Oh, also porn. Sexuality is fine and as long as whatever you're into is above board, more power to you. There's nothing wrong with any of that, but we aren't mentally equipped to deal with unlimited and instant access to just about anything you could ever think of - especially when it comes to parents not knowing how to restrict their kids access to all that.Like, the constant and unending dopamine will fry your brain by itself, not to mention how the overconsumption of porn has skewed people's expectations of each other physically and sexually. This board is a perfect example - it used to be mostly weirdos trying to talk to each other and make some kind of a human connection, now it's 90%, at least, porn at all times.We started by objectifying the human form and now we're surprised that people themselves are being objectified and reduced to itemized lists of traits and qualities.
Do you think men and women differ on what accent/language they like? I mean, I suppose women like French, but I don't find a woman speaking it really nice.
>>33748560I'm so lonely but I do understand that when women date men they want a boyfriend who can be their BOYFRIEND.
>>33748729Lack of incentive.Anon covered some decent points, but I don't completely agree with every point anon made. Anon used some big words but not enough specific examples like, why stay married when you can "get the bag girl" which with men seeing 41%, 60% and 73% divorce rates for first second and third time marriages reduces the overall number of men pursuing relationships.The culture has some problems too. Used to be divorce was seen as shameful, even illegal under the church, but these days it's seen as normal in many circles. Without fear of being alienated from your peers people are more willing to do things they otherwise would not consider doing. This shift in culture has also made the sexes more adversarial towards each other as well resulting in more potential faux pas to overcome thanks to the various rights movements, saying something off putting is far more likely as a result.I'm kinda tired so I'll leave it at that.
Females:Are there any leftist wing single females here?And why do even left wing, feminist females genuinely prefer suffering for Chad and being with abusive racist right wing chads than settle for nice caring kind incels who support left wing values and don't place high expectations of gender roles or beauty standards on women?
>>33751347ay we got a nice guy male feminist here
>>33748858That's cool now you tell the whole story.
>>33730445I feel like this gets asked every thread So this time I'm gonna ask it twice in the same thread, except slightly different...Men's problems are fixed with lifting heavy object, space racism, and idk, warWhat's the equivalent for women? How do men just be chill and enjoy simple things like watching a 10 hour video of wood burning or digging a hole How do I stop being like thisLink rel
>>33755034Well, maybe you're making a mistake by looking to how men find happiness when you should be looking to women who seem happy and fulfilled. If that is impossible due to lack of examples look to the women who are miserable and see what they are doing wrong and try to do the opposite, or something close.I would also say don't listen to what they say, but examine what they are doing, and assume there are parts missing from the picture that you have to fill in.But one of the things that helps my mind is cleaning enough that I don't have to step sideways through all the shit on the floor. I really enjoy cleaning just because of the space and relief it gives me.
hi ladies. im a young gay guy. ive noticed a lot of women treat me differently after i tell them im gay, not in like a bad way it just feels like theres a lot less friction between us.i recognize the logical answer (that im not gonna creep on them or whatever) but like besides that why does it happen so often? i kinda just wanna get in ur shoes for a second or whatever. tysm!
>>33760570I don't have to worry about my gay friends secretly having crushes on me or anything, it's always a bit annoying since whenever I'm nice to somebody (I'm a pretty nice person) they always seem to think I'm interested in them
>>33760625oh, I never thought of thatim glad it makes y’all feel more comfortable about being friendly thoughthanks!
Men: When was the horniest you've ever been in your life? Did you fuck anything weird or anyone you usually wouldn't? How many times did you get off? How would you describe the feeling of being that horny?
>>33764392i was once so horny I hooked up with a racist closeted bi guy who wasnt out to his homophobic family who treated me like a peice of shit. not too proud of that one.i would describe it as feeling like your only need is to have sex. everything else was secondary. any amount of discomfort was worth it. once I was off it I regretted everything
>>33764392>When was the horniest you've ever been in your life?At a sad time in my life, someone got in contact with me out of concern, and things quickly got heated. That cocktail of emotions mixed together in a fascinating way that may never be recreated.>Did you fuck anything weird or anyone you usually wouldn't?No, but horny brain has led me in the general direction of some risky situations in the past, so I need to learn to steer it better.>How many times did you get off?Can't remember, but I'm pretty sure I was buzzing with excitement for a week straight, so a lot, I'm sure.>How would you describe the feeling of being that horny?She was all I could think about. My whole body was throbbing, thanks to the blood rushing to both my face and cock. My cheeks got sore from blushing and smiling so much.
>>33764392>When was the horniest you've ever been in your life? One time I was in the next town over visiting friends and the roads back to my place got dumped in snow so I couldn't get home. Lead to a situation where I couldn't get enough alone time to take care of myself.>Did you fuck anything weird or anyone you usually wouldn't? Hooked up with a married woman I had a fling with bfore she met her busband. Turns out she still has some feelings for me, recognized I was so horny I couldn't see straight, and pulled me aside so I could play with her tits before she blew me. I still don't know how much of that was fueled by her husband being a piece of shit though.>How many times did you get off? Twice. Once prematurely while she was stroking me and testing how sensitive I was (thinking about it again I could tell she was holding back some cross words about getting cum on her top), and then again in her mouth.>How would you describe the feeling of being that horny?Higher brain functions completely shut down. Shame doesn't exist. Anything to cum. Though I think I actually ended up becoming more polite about things, weirdly enough. Probably a side effect of being a closet sub. After she got me off I became really cuddly and affectionate too, which weirded her out a bit.
>>33764392Men don't get that horny. We can reach a point where we think to ourselves "damn it, I really really wanna cum right now", or "wow, I'm really really turned on right now", but we don't get animalistically, uncontrollably horny like women do. Any guy who tells you he gets that horny is just bullshitting to look hotter / more virile.
>>33748830This was a really good explanation, and you definitely articulated a lot of things I've noticed/felt myself.>>33748858I'm glad more people are cluing in to how damaging porn is. Took long enough, but better late than never.>>33750396Agreed, the almost total lack of stigma around divorce/single motherhood is fucking wild to me.>>33751347>>33725194You ask this question in every thread, and you already asked it in this thread, people (myself included) keep telling you the same things, so I'm going to put it in the simplest terms I possibly can. Ready?Society (and the women who live in it, yes, even the ones with blue hair) abhors a weak man far more than it does a bad one.
Women, do you find it important for your man to be sociable or socially successful? Does it bother you if he doesn't have a social life at all, as long as he's content with it?I'm asking b/c of the stereotype of women falling for guys just b/c they're seen as popular, I'm wondering how true it is.
>>33764392I get pretty damn horny when im chatting with girls online and they are teasing meBUTI also get horny even if im just talking face to face with a cute girl and she smiles nicely to me in a flirty way.Also at gym, i very often see girl who are dressing pretty damn revealing outfits and those gymfits are lowkey fetishwear for meSometimes after gym i cant get that mental imagery out of my head for a whileGod i love fitchicks in sports bras
FemanonsI have a giantess and a vore fetish. I'm only 27, what does that say about me?
Ladies, a question for you. What is it about your upbringing that makes you consider the penetration of someone else's meat appendage into you to be sexual?
What do women think about men whose only significant "dream" is love? It's a trope in a lot of novels, but the woman has career goals and aspirations, and the man has only the woman on his mind. It's not as if the guys in this scenario aren't unfulfilled or don't have successful careers themselves, it's just that those things seem to be irrelevant to them and it's just something they do because they can - but they don't truly care about them. It feels weird that this is such a common thing in writing and tv.
Women is it true that approaching as a man is pointless because if you're actually attractive to women, they will approach you instead?
>>33771793a guy being social isnt important because he "seems popular". it's because it proves he isnt a retard whos gonna be a leech that expects me to be the only source of emotional fulfilment in his life for that aspect and will not be well adjusted because he has no friendships so how tf does he expect to maintain a romantic relationship
>>33764392>When was the horniest you've ever beenHad just gotten through a liberating breakup about two weeks prior, hadn't gotten around to going out, had some promising interactions on dating apps but hadn't closed on any of them yet, and it had been almost a month since I had gotten any pussy. Then, one night at the office, what was supposed to be a "pretty bad" snowstorm, ended up being "one of the worst snowstorms in decades" and became so very quickly, and before anyone in upper management had the sense to give everyone the all clear to go home, conditions were such that you couldn't see more than ten feet in front of you, and nobody was driving anywhere any time soon. Luckily, the person who owned the company I worked for also owned the hotel right next to it, and he put the twenty or so of us who were closing that night up in that hotel.Anyway, after settling in, I go to the hotel bar to have a drink and maybe socialize a little. It's mostly uneventful; banter with some coworkers about the weather and social events, but it's kind of a dead and a bit of a sausage fest. I'm about to call it a night, when a girl who I have had palpable sexual tension with for a long time has a seat next to me, and when I say "palpable" I mean "the only reason we haven't fucked is because I was in a relationship and she's married."The flirting starts immediately, and not long after that she starts venting about how unhappy she is in her marriage, AKA what married women do to broadcast their willingness to cheat. It becomes very obvious to me, very quickly, that she has an idea for how she wants to wait out the storm. Fuck it. I didn't know her husband, she was too hot for him, and it's not on me to keep her faithful. It took the plows almost three days to clear the roads, and I spent the entire time sleeping, hydrating, and cumming inside my coworker.-TO BE CONTINUED-
>>33764392-LAST TIME, ON DRAGON BALL Z->Did you fuck anything weird or anyone you usually woudn't?Not really. I don't cheat, but unless a girl is with a friend of mine, if I'm horny enough she's fair game. If anything, I kind of have a thing for married women.>How many times did you get off?Over the weekend, more than twenty times. She is/was hot AF, her dirty talk game was elite, and she was ovulating, and the idea of getting a married woman pregnant made me more or less indefatigable.>How would you describe the feeling of being that horny?Morality becomes but a whisper, drowned out by the roar of instinct.
>>33697675my bf ghosted meif I messaged him that I have not eaten since he stopped talking to me would he talk to me again?
>>33776535Emotional manipulation is not a healthy way to manage a relationship, anon.
>>33776535I sure hope not, but I can see why you got ghosted.
>>33776535How long has he ghosted you for?
>>33776669>>33777264It's the truth, I can't survive without himI'm desperate
>>337772898 days
>>33777293What was the last thing you two talked about?
>>33777302His new internship, I told him I was very happy for him and if he could tell me more... and that was itHis last text was "yes"
Should I call him? Contact his friends? I can't go on like this
>>33777291>I can't survive without himBitch, chill. Yes, you can.
>>33777425>should I engage in textbook stalkingNo, you should get a therapist and work on yourself. Just because you experience a feeling, doesn't mean those feelings are valid or healthy. Dude doesn't want you, and has established a boundary, respect it. He doesn't owe you reconciliation or closure, he doesn't owe you anything. Leave him alone, and don't try to process these feelings by yourself.
>>33777425What happened exactly? He just ghosted you? bf best friend or boyfriend?
>>33777425Send him a text asking if he is ok, and if he doesn't respond in a day send his friend a text each and ask if he is ok.He's your boyfriend right? it's perfectly reasonable to be worried after 8 days of no contact and doesn't hurt to ask if said person is ok. This is all assuming that he's not leaving you on read.Is he ignoring you or is he unreachable, this is an important distinction.
Ladies, do you prefer a guy with a flat stomach?
>>33777530My bf ghosted me
If so many women want to dismantle the patriarchy, why do almost none of them actually peg men into submission
U are have somebody to expose or u wanna expose urself? Kik me- justooz, erome sirtooz
girlsi might cut myself soon
>>33778097Being obese or underweight is unattractivr, but a flat stomach isn't necessary
>>33772984It says that you're a degenerate, a sad kind with fetishes that can't be fulfilled. Most people are in some way (including me). You do have to face the fact that it'll be hard to find women into this, though
Women: What piece of erotic fiction (writing) you think is a good representation of what you experience during sex? I'm writing something and I'm avoiding pic rel, but still would love some insight. t. gay man
>>33778226>>33780551Oh I can see now why.
Women what are your thoughts on me paying women from places like r/povertyfinance and r/suicidewatch to reluctantly livestream themselves dancing for my personal entertainment?
>>33764392The times I've been horniest in public tend to come from aloof, unconventionally cute girls in skimpy outfits. I've ditched to the bathroom to jerk off due to a hard-to-hide erection in those situations at least twice. And I tried fucking my GF once before work and we spent the next 4 hours while I was at work sexting and I beat off there too, but that was pretty low-risk, the bathroom had a lock and it was very late. Amazing how hard the smell of pussy on your finger is to get off, and then thoughts would drift back to the heat, the noises, the smell again... Drove me up the fucking wall. Shame we broke up during Covid, but she went fucking crazy.
>>33697675Talked to some girl on disc, i think i wildly overestimated how much we clicked, asked her if i did something wrong (pretty gay i know) after no contact and pretty cold replies after i tried re-initiating and she said i did nothing wrong and she was just busy gayming (kind of based)My question is did i fuck it up ? I think the best thing to do now is to just wait, if she talks, she talks and if not then such is life
I unironically want this kind of relationship, so long as I lose my virginity to a girl firsthow do I get a fujo gf?
Where are the women at? Where can I go and find single girls? I'm not expecting to just go somewhere and pick one up like buying a sandwich. I just genuinely don't where single girls would be at, that would be appropriate to try flirting with.
>>33785531>did i fuck it upSort of but not really. Maintaining a relationship with people requires both parties to be proactive and not passive.Also there are examples of the behavior I'm going to describe in different context not related to gaming but: Just play games and invite her to play them when you feel like playing them if that's your bag.
>>33785531>My question is did i fuck it upKind of, but you were internet based to begin with, so in all likelihood you're just one of many simps she talks to when she's bored.>I think the best thing to do now is to just wait, if she talks, she talks and if not then such is lifeI'll give you this, you learn from your mistakes. This is the correct answer. It was also the correct answer before you asked if you did something wrong and gave her the ick, but better late than never.Learn from this. Consider how weak you looked in asking if you "did anything wrong." What is the absolute worst you could have done? Said something she disagreed with? Who cares? You told her, in no uncertain terms, that she gets to set the standard for your behavior, and there are few things that will get you friendzoned quicker than that. You're already running up hill in being limited by the internet, don't make things harder for yourself.Yes, go no contact until she reaches out; you may still be able to come off as having just been considerate, but still having enough respect to not beg for her attention. Just going forward never seek approval from a woman, and *never ever, ever admit fault or apologize where you did no wrong; there's a reason assholes get so much pussy.*by the same token, acknowledging when you've actually done wrong and making amends is anything but unattractive. One is looking for approval and validation "d-did I say or do the wrong thing, d-does this mean I won't get any pussy now?" and the other is standing on business. NEVER ask if you've done wrong, show a woman through your words and action that you know how to do right.
>>33699329>>33699359Don't tell me what to do.>>33699433Same, tbqh.>>33702778LDR's never work, unless the LD element is nothing more than temporary (and you need to be adamant that it's only temporary). My advice to both of you would be to cut your losses.>>33705723Same question actually.
>>33710812>Women, why are so many of you bothered by men "weaponizing therapy talk?"Because it disrupts the delicate balance of power when men know how to use these magical incantations.>>33713196Yes. Get married first, but yes.>>33714895Never been in a relationship, but you can definitely lose attraction for a woman.>>33717362This would be one of those things that I'd blissfully ignore in the throes of passion, but would be weirded out if you asked me outside of that context.
>>33717554Why the fuck would share them in the first place.>>33721036I think you should leave him, yes. But I think you shouldn't get involved with your best friend, because you'll eventually just look to better-deal him, too, and make everyone miserable. You should be ashamed, really.>>33721613Unfortunately, you have a bit of a poisoned chalice. You've probably never had anyone to teach you not to be socially retarded, but then again, neither have Zoomer women.>>33723672No. So I'd like to think anyway.>>33730445You just power through, that's all there is to it.
>>33742491Spring. There's usually lots of nice flowers, Pascha is around that time, and so on; I just associate it with a general festal feeling.>>33748729How long have you got.>>33764392I don't think I could really narrow that down honestly; I've been down bad for quite some time.>>33779454Just read what Booktok reads?And as always: Fuck the spam filter.
>>33723672if she was hot and wanted to have sex, sure
>>33776535I'm late to this but you deserve better than thatghosting for 8 days is crazysorry that happenedeat healthy and well and try to move on and live better for yourself
>>33764392>When was the horniest you've ever been in your life?Hard to say. Horny simply depends on how much you've went without emptying balls and how much temptation there is, so unironically if you expected some sexy situation, it wouldn't be peak horny. I could tell you when I was most excited, but most horny no idea because I don't care to memorize times when I got intrusive thoughts with no outlet.>Did you fuck anything weird or anyone you usually wouldn't?I bought onahole to see if it's any good. Also visited 2 black hookers for exocity since they are rare sight in here, but it turns out it was waste of money.>How many times did you get off?When I'm extremely horny it usually takes like 2-4 times of nutting during sex or 5-6 times nutting through fap to drain me completely and make me lose interest in nudity and sex completely until I recover a bit.>How would you describe the feeling of being that horny?Annoying as fuck. You basically can't focus on anything because intrusive sexual thoughts flood your mind, erect cock is rubbing against underwear and trousers. It's like having full bladder, except more mental than physical.If you meant excitement during sex then it's lack of care in outer world and just wanting to fuck like animal to bust nuts inside girl.>>33776535No idea. Depends on how guillible he is. It could be seen in few ways, ranging from devoted to retarded.
>>33787868>you deserve better than thatStop simping, because she really doesn't.
Men and women,>1. In the context of a relationship, what is the most important trait for a member of the opposite sex to have?Loyalty, and it isn't even close. Not just in the obvious sense of "I can trust her to not fuck other men" but also in the sense of "I can trust her to keep my secrets, not make me regret showing vulnerability, and not cut and run when the chips are down." >2. What traits in the opposite sex causes you the most concern and/or contempt?Many women, maybe even most women, exhibit behaviors of clinical narcissism. In particular, a pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.
Women, how was the Valentine's day sex?
>>33701004They'd also rather get fucked by a horse.
>>33791130Are you talking to yourself anon?
>>33793382Nah I was trying to present questions while giving my own answers, could have formatted it better.
>>33791130sorry but who are you quoting?
I've got a question for the women here. How much does a guys style/fashion matter to you? I've always dressed pretty utilitarian (plain t-shirt, work pants, milsurp boots or similar). I think I might try dating for once soon so maybe it's time to change things up lol.
>>33721624disc? :3
>>33793540this isn't a contact thread try silence
>>33793500That's what I thought but I wanted to make sure. And you could have formatted that differently starting with "I feel like x is y, what do you think?" and people would be lining up to answer.What you've done comes off more as venting.
>>33699336I thought you were gonna clean your bathroom and bedroom!
>>33699336I have that same exact quilt cover
What exactly is a woman's touch and why does my house need it? I don't want 500 pillows.
>>33699156Has genuinely been a point of contention in my relationships. I’m not the most sexual, I’ll admit, but I’m not a prude either. Regardless, sex feels more like a chore than something I actively enjoy. Part of it is because I have a lot of difficulty ‘letting go’, but I also don’t understand (and frankly I think it’s kind of gross) how my ex could waste an entire day jerking off. My hobbies aren’t much better but it still bothers me.I just want to be intimate without it beinh expected to lead to sex every time. Lesbian bed death would be a blessing.
>>33699156I have a high libido and my boyfriend sometimes struggles to keep it, I really think even though it's skewed it's not set in stone
>>33699336did you have a funking question for the women or are you just a turbo fag?
>>33797090Have you considered feed him more Celery and pineapple juice?
>>33797341he doesn't like vegetables and fruit
>>33797346Explains his poor stamina. Also you don't feed that shit to him straight, you make a soup or a chicken breast with celery and other veg cut up and baked around it. Do you even cook?
>>33797349He doesn't have poor stamina, usually just has sex with me twice a week, whereas I'm masturbating dailyI know how to cook yes
>>33797350Then why did you suggest serving it to him straight? How do you normally prepare vegetable s for him?
>>33797352I didn't?he only really eats peas and carrots
>>33797353That's cool but predictably you didn't answer the question of how do you PREPARE the food?
>>33797354Peas with rice and mixed in with sauce, carrots sliced on the side which he gets to season
>>33797359So, are the peas and carrots cooked or just straight like you "didn't" say?Are they steamed, boiled what?This shit is important, personally I can't stand Celery and I'm not a huge fan of broccoli uncooked either but if I cook or steam them they become a lot more palatable. Also steaming is better than boiling since you lose a lot of nutrition boiling.
>>33797374Yes, I steam them, my father would steam his vegetables so he taught me to do the same
>>33797376Noice. Well I'm sorry he doesn't like steamed Broccoli and celery. Nutrition wise however you can get a lot of the nutrients expressed in that greentext in other ways besides veg, it's just one of the more obvious ways.good on you for trying and actually cooking.
>>33748729Unrealistic expectations from media, poor examples due to the break down of the family unit, and culture that's pitting people against each other in general.
Men, where is your dick?Why isn't it here?
>>33798953It's in my hand at the moment
>>33798953Fuck off.
Why do I have no gf
>>33798953>Men, where is your dick?In my pants hiding from the cold.>Why isn't it here?They haven't invented a way to put it through the computer screen yet.
hello from /adv/ atoga! just a little peek I promised for the guys over there ;) hope you guys are all having a nice day. not any sort of promotion.
>>33800206Thanks for posting :)
>>33800206Clamps-anon here.Thanks for delivering, you also got a lovely smile!Those look really wonderful for cupping and sucking. Will you also give us a view of your inverted nipples yourself, maybe by holding them up into the cam?
>>33800217that might be a little far even for me, we can start with this and I'll let you fill in the details v.v
>>33800220In that case I'll come up with some ideas myself. hehYou mentioned in the other thread you are open to try out some things.What would you be into? Have you been rather prude/introverted in the past?
>>33800222Yeah, and I'm still a bit prude and introverted. But any kind of domination or humiliation, I am more than open and willing to try.After some life events, I am deciding to embrace my sexuality more. And that absolutely includes toys and clamps
>>33800206You're good at taking pictures, the effect created by the sunlight is pretty. Got any experience in the field, or was it just a random flash of inspiration?
>>33800233Not formally experienced in photography, but I would call myself an amateur. I've been told I have an eye for composition, outside of fucking nudes lolThanks!
>>33800230Oh that'd be right up my alley, if I'm being honest and something I have some experience with. Getting the subby slut out of your conservative shell sounds hot as fuck. Do you have some terms you'd like to be called or some dynamics you'd want to try out?Embracing your sexuality is a good idea, have some fun in your life!
>>33800235Amateurs deserve praise too! Definitely not saying this as an amateur in a different craft...I hope you grace these threads with more of your pics in the future, be they lewd or otherwise.
>>33800236all of the names. I've been repressed for so long, it sounds hot as fuck to be called a slut and whore. I've never been able to properly sub before. Definitely a dynamic where I "can't refuse" and am tied up. Sound doable?
>>33800241Thanks. I think it could be a good backup career lolwhat is your "different craft"?
>>33800246Well, I wouldn't want to go all in with all fireworks blasting off, because it has to be built up and even if you are eager, you need to be trained too. Especially for something like being restricted.Being called a slut will be completely normal for you at that point and you can fully let yourself go. Drop all inhibitions and just get your holes used by me. You won't be allowed to cum until I tell you to, however. If you cum too early, you get punished.Once you have been trained well enough, we can move on to turning you into a something more of a fucktoy. Let's see how much you can handle.Do you have any positions that you are most curious about?
>>33800254>I think it could be a good backup career lolMaybe! I wonder how much money is in it though. Seems like it might be hard to find a gig that pays well.>what is your "different craft"?Writing. I've worked at it for years, but have never shared it with anyone. Putting your work out there to be judged is scary. Another bravo for being brave enough to do so.
>>33800259jesus I am blushing so hardWhat does training look like? I think you unlocked something in me my good sir
>>33800263That's cool. Well if there were any place to post your anonymous writing, it would be here. Can't be any worse than showing half your face on doxxing website.
>>33800272Even sharing excerpts is too embarrassing! But I did resolve myself to post the next novel that I finish somewhere, maybe I'll work up the guts to share it in ATOGA when I do.>Can't be any worse than showing half your face on doxxing website.I don't think you have to worry about that too much, there's still plausible deniability. What you've really gotta look out for is identifiable backgrounds in the pics, but you seem to have taken that into account too.
>>33800280I hope you do share them! writing is a hard hobby. I had a poem phase but I would never share, I can see where you are coming fromThanks for the reassurance. I worried someone might recognize my freckle patterns but... that would be sort of insane LOLNo backgrounds from me.
>>33800271>jesus I am blushing so hardThat's the point, I want to make you horny.>What does training look like?>my good sirCalling me your sir is already a good first step. I'd reward you with a gentle slap on your cheek and a kiss, since you're being such a good girl.The training can take place inside a roleplay for example, to make things a bit more interesting. Let's say you are my maid and you know you are not allowed to say 'no' to my wishes, because I am your master. Besides that, I would explain some rules for what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do. The most important one is how you must address me as either sir or master. Another important one is your duty to always be available to drain my balls.If you break any rules, I get to decide your punishment. Of course, some eager brata break rules on purpose to get "punished".
>>33800285>I had a poem phase but I would never shareExactly. It's weirdly intimate for just some groups of words. Like giving people a peek into your soul.>freckle patternsI've never even considered that, but good point, you will hear about people being recognized by the location of a mole or a tattoo or something seemingly minor. Suddenly glad that all of my shared pics have been close-ups of my bits...
>>33800206This is a nice thing to end my night on. Thank you.>>33800263>>33800285As a fellow writer myself, I know it took a while befote I started sharing my short stories. And even then, finding people who can give constructive feedback was hard. Stopped sharing my writing for a while because most people I showed it to either said "its good" or "it sucks" with little to no elabroation.
>>33800206I guess one more fap before bed wouldn't hurt
>>33800206I will dedicate my morning wood fap to you.
>>33794377>why does my house need itHonestly, unless your living room set up is two camping chairs in front of a TV that's sitting on the floor, you probably don't. Probably just need some decor. Who told you your house needs a woman's touch, and why should you care?>>33796992>sex feels more like a chore than something I actively enjoyIf it's any consolation, that's how men feel about the majority of a relationship. But hey, it's all about compromises, right?>how my ex could waste an entire day jerking offIf he's older than college-aged, that's a bit excessive.>I just want to be intimate without it beinh expected to lead to sex every timeThat's not an unreasonable expectation to have, but also understand that just because something bothers you, it doesn't mean that thing was done to bother you. Also, I get the impression that like most women, you don't really understand how men experience, process, and express intimacy, in all likelihood because, like most women, you never cared to. Not an accusation or condemnation, we're all products of our environment, and it's a lot easier to shame and simplify male sexuality than it is to bother to try understanding it, particularly when you live in a society that doesn't discourage you from doing so.Anyway, in the context of a relationship, for a man, sex *is* love. It's not "just" sex, it's validation, it's acceptance, it's an affirmation that we're good enough, that we matter. Remember, as a woman, you're the gatekeeper of sex, you could have it with anyone, and when you choose to have it with us, it means something. The reason men are like this is because of biology, and because for most men the only constants in life are rejection and struggle, and if not struggle, resignation.>>33797346That doesn't change the fact that he should be eating them, not just so he can get it up more than twice a week, but for general health. Find a way to get him to eat beets, and thank me later.
Women: Do you think 'buttgirls' actually exist? As in, women that claim to prefer anal and say it feels better for them. Do you think it's legit, or do you think they're lying?
So I've been exclusively using discord to meet people on /soc/. Would my odds go up significantly if I started using kik? Or is that only for boomers?I'm interested in actual connections btw, not just sexting
>>33802001They're NLOGs who are appeasing men's porn addictions>>33803862Attempting to form a real connection on this board is a waste of your time
>>33803881>Attempting to form a real connection on this board is a waste of your timeI've had it happen a few times already
>>33803918Then it seems like you've figured out the magic thing that no one else can, so why are you asking for advice about it
>>33803919Because every time it does happen, it's a miracle they even added me. It's all a numbers game.
How do I ask out a girl a third time.The last time I did she told me she wasn't ready for a relationship, that was a few months ago and things were awkward for a bit. 1. She will probably say no.2. I want to avoid letting things get awkwardWhats the best way to do that? Also how do I prepare myself to be rejected again.
Tell me what’s the best way to talk with a white girl if I’m Asian dude anything i have to improve myself?
>>33803881Bold of you to assume every man is addicted to porn. Also, what about the women who genuinely get off from anal? God forbid sex between a man and a woman not be a zero sum game.>this board is a waste of your timeFTFY, and yet... here we are.>>33804812>How do I ask out a girl a third timeEasy, you don't. She's not into you, my guy.>she wasn't ready for a relationshipHere's a tip to save you some frustration going forward, any time you hear a woman say something like this, just add "with you" to the end of it, because that's what she's saying. I promise you if a Hemsworth brother showed interest in her, she'd be ready for a relationship.>I want to avoid letting things get awkwardDon't worry, they already are. When this girl thinks of you at all, it's to think "when will he get the hint?">>33804914When you say "Asian" do you mean like... east Asian, or THANK YOU, COME AGAIN?
>AsianLike East Asian? That sounds like a real Asian to me, then
>>33800206Some m-more?
>>33702340I feel you even lost the chance to lose it XD
>>33805338Please point to where I said every man is addicted to porn
>>33808064Don't encourage them.>>33808491You didn't, but a certain degree of ubiquity was implied. Which is fine, you're not wrong. Anyway, do you truly think women who enjoy/prefer anal are all that uncommon? My girl needs three things to have full on seizure orgasms: rough anal, to be praised whilst being degraded, and a magic wand.
>>33808641Your girlfriend also has a porn addiction
Men, would you be weirded out by a woman in her 30’s who wants to do full laser hair removal on her pussy, then do intimate bleaching to make it more pink, and THEN do vaginal puffing to smooth out any wrinkles, puff the lips up and make it look more youthful?
>>33808880Weird flex, but you do you boo
>>33808880Laser is good, but the rest is just weird. Pussy is wonderful regardless of pinkness and other perceived imperfections. I genuinely could not imagine being turned off by any of those things you listed as flaws, but if I found out you had cosmetic surgery for no practical reason, that'd be a turn off.
>>33808880Not really. Women crave lot of body-mod bullshit. I don't think it's needed, pussy is hidden under clothes most of the time and while it can have aesthetic value, how it feels and whether you have access to it is much more important. But if it's really bad aesthetically, I wouldn't even blame her. In extreme cases I think such surgeries are valid solutions, for example if tits are sad, deflated, saggy pancakes, in such case I'd even be willing to help financially if she was my woman.Also why completely remove hair? Trimmed is best. And since you want to make it look more youthful, are you into DDLG stuff, lolita style etc?>>33800206Thanks. Lewds coupled with smile are always endearing.>>33798953I'm not model for stock photos I guess.
>>33808880Yes. That's weird.
>>33809339Haha I like my pussy now, but I just want it to be perfect! The hair removal also is just more convenient
>>33809840If the person you partner up with doesn't think it's perfect as is, you shouldn't be with 'em! Trying to look your best is one thing, but altering your body with permanent operations is taking it a step too far, if you ask me. It doesn't feel like "you" at that point, it's artificial.>The hair removal also is just more convenientYeah, that's the only one you listed I'd be on board with, since pubes can be an actual detriment.
>>33808880That sounds like it has several steps that could lead to serious damage.Lasering is great though, stop there.
>>33808766Neither of us watch porn. She's just a dirty little cum dumpster who knows the only thing she's good for is being daddy's personal painslut.>>33808880>a woman in her 30'sNo thanks.>>33809849This.
>>33809840Why not post a pic so we can tell you if we think you need to do any of those things?
>>33810350>Neither of us watch pornAll of your fetishes have been created because of watching porn or being conditioned by those who have watched porn. People who haven't been brainwashed by it don't act like that
>>33800206Nice tits. Been too long since we've had some here.
>>33803919I have a guy I chat semiregularly with, he's good company. There's a second one that seems headed toward the same path.And there's been other, shorter exchanges that were more or less shortlived but were rewarding in their own ways.
Ladies who have used buttplugs:Which is more comfortable to wear: round or heart shaped ends?
>>33698815biiiig fucking balls.. being affectionate and caring about my well being.. sharing my fetishes.. based. idk at that point you just describe your ideal partner man. >>33699156completely inversed issue for me many times where im the more "hypersexual" one whos really into sex and randomly gropes which is shitty.>>33704036depends on what it is. i cant answer a lot of things because i dont see the world like normal people do. >>33710883feels warm and comfortable in my brain. neuron activation. can make you salivate. the crotch region smells pretty damn awful though. such is life.>>33713793designed to keep you alone. the best would be a spreadsheet and a fucking search function instead of this retarded swipe shit. also something is needed to prevent players from lying about wanting get bombarded with people that are ultimately completely irrelevant to what youre looking for and everyone expects you to perform. theres no way i can get to know 3 men at once. let alone fucking dozens or hundreds. just stresses me out and makes me feel terrible. no idea how anyone can feel good from this.>>33713940humblebragger>>33716409depends on if its sexual enthusiasm and his fetish. if it is then awesome.
>>33811045Rounded. The lower point on the heart ones have turned while I am walking and stabbed my ass cheek when I sit. They look cute but I won't keep them in for long.
My fiance and only partner ever (we were together since LDR during college) cheated on me, transitioned gender, and broke up with me. I'm in my early 30s now and I feel ancient and hopeless. I see highschool friends with kids who are growing up and die inside. I'm stuck alone in a house I own in suburbia that I expected to raise a family in.Okay, painful backstory established, femanons, where on earth do I go to meet new women my age now? Do I need to move to a city or something? I just want to feel like my life is going somewhere again. Dating apps are hell.
>>33811322Thank you for the reply.I figured this was the case but I wanted to get some feedback to confirm.
>>33810846Erotica predates porn by thousands of years. I don't watch porn, neither does she, and we aren't a part of any "scene." I just like feeling powerful and desired, she likes being ravaged by a man she respects. I'm not a fan of porn either, but you seem to have a vendetta; is there a story there or do you just wake up angry?>>33811120>something is needed to prevent players from lying about wanting relationshipsDid you have a solution in mind?>>33811611The glass is half full; you dodged marrying someone who was mentally ill, and you have your shit together sufficiently enough to own your own home.>I see highschool friends withComparison is the thief of joy.>I'm in my early 30s>where on earth do I go to meet new women my ageDon't date women your age. If a woman your age is single there's a reason. 21-28 is the sweet spot. Any younger they're retarded, any older they're insane.>I just want to feel like my life is going somewhere againThen go accomplish something. I get the impression way too much of your identity and self worth is reliant on being in a relationship.
>>33812397Neither of you learnt those behaviours in a vacuum is my point, and they are highly influenced from hardcore pornography. There is no coincidence there. I have no vendetta. I'm just sick of people acting like wanting to gape your holes or be throatfucked or have someone choke you out are normal and healthy sexual behaviours that weren't learnt from porn or its influence
i have been cursedit has been since before i was born, someone has cursed my blood time and againwhenever i love someone they leave, it is unbearable, to know everything you committo a person or confide in them is destined to be undone or do i lift the curse,i pray to god and he shows me the way,through him i find solace, my heart burns for passion, i am now an effigy. my faith flickers, spirits haunt me, i am a coward driven out of gods favor, my base instincts and compulsion are all i run on now purely out of spite, my true self is gone, i am separated from my spirit, agreeable and malleable out of an aversion to conflict,i havent been true to myself or god for a while now.all my bridges are burnt, i cannot see how much longer i can last;friends, family, lovers, all gone, so...girls how do i break my curse teehee :3
>>33812397>Then go accomplish something. I get the impression way too much of your identity and self worth is reliant on being in a relationship.That's probably partially true but the only thing I really want to achieve right now is to be a father. I'm at a good point in my career and I just don't have a lot of other things to strive for right now.I guess I could just focus on creative pursuits more. Try to get things done I might not have time for later with a family. Might help address the generative impulse too.
>>33812462>>33812397Anyway thanks anon, I am genuinely feeling a bit better thinking about it like that.
>>33812424>>33810846You are so fucking insecure. lmao
>>33812424>Neither of you learnt those behaviours in a vacuum is my pointAnd my point is, so what? When you interact with something, you change it; this is hardly a new concept. Does living in a society which has normalized pornography play some role in why I'm into what I'm into? Probably. However, I'm not hurting anyone with the relatively tame activities of my monogamous relationship, and I daresay I would have arrived at these proclivities courtesy of my own disposition and personality. Again, erotica predates modern pornography, and I don't need any convincing that I enjoy feeling powerful, desired, and yes at times and in the correct context, feared. I know this because this is true of me in all facets of life, including, and especially, outside of the bedroom.Porn is harmful, and I'm glad society is finally catching on to this. That said, grown, consenting adults are allowed to express themselves sexually with one another in acts of intimacy. Some are more vanilla than others. If you want to limit yourself to sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation, nobody is stopping you.>>33812428Well, you can start by not writing shit like this, because that's a good way to speedrun giving someone the ick. With that out of the way, the common denominator in every relationship you've ever had is you. Your options are to improve upon yourself, or accept that if you do nothing, nothing will happen. The former is the correct choice. I imagine you probably know where you're coming up short, but if you don't, reach out to some people you used to be close to who won't leave you on read and say something along the lines of "hey, can you be as honest as possible, and tell me why we didn't work out?" Don't use these interactions as an "in" to reconnect, actually stop and consider the feedback you get, look for recurring themes, and that should point you in the right direction.-More to say-
>>33812428You're a man. Nobody is coming to save you. Everything that happens to you is your fault. I'm spelling this out to you because your language is that of someone who externalizes their problems; yours are the words of someone who is a bystander in life. You're so afraid of not winning gold that you haven't even started running. So what's holding you back? Let's dig in and unfuck your life.>>33812462>>33812466>the only thing I really want to achieve right now is to be a fatherTry and pivot that to "I want to be a father... with someone I love, who is fit to be a mother." Don't want your brain rationalizing you knocking up the first woman who is willing, because that's a good way to lose everything.>I guess I could just focus on creative pursuits moreGreat idea. Start filling out a bucket list, fill it in with things you've always wanted to do, things you've always wanted to see, places you've always wanted to go, and start checking things off that list, because that's where you're going to find who is supposed to be the mother of your children. Not on dating apps. Not at some bar in some city that doesn't feel like home. She's out there, living her life, and you're only going to find her by living yours.Happy hunting.
>>33813132i have been for a long time, there has been situations that there is nothing i could do to get out of them out of a lack of foresight, and when i wanted change or a better future there was nothing to do, and have someone i love watch as i regress and decay as a person into who i am now then being put in the position where i am not a man and have to go with someone elses plans and be at their beck and call and listen to retarded shit all day every day, ive taken steps to change that, i know exactly what to do and how to do it, i am tired. you think its doable in your own world with your perspective, but where i live, avalon, i am completely a victim of circumstance say for a few key decisions that lead to my life imploding, you dont know what happened and if you did you would agree with me, think whatever the fuck you want, i dont care, what i know is my love isnt with me and im very far away from her and there will be no one else.>>33813109youre a retarded zoomer, and if you cant appreciate a funny teehee :3 i wont take anything you say seriously, like are you retarded do you think i talk like that all the time especially when im trying to get pussy? what the fuck do you take me for, im 10x the man you will ever be, ive done seen and fought more than you ever will, from what i can tell you have no passion and never will, it was you who first antagonized me.
I hate caring about my appearance (i.e. I'd be bald with a stubble if I didn't look way better with hair and full beard), and I'm having trouble buying clothes; so I'd like to have some specific "style" to never think much about it anymore. What do you think it would suit me?>short (5'7)>big build (but not muscular, I don't lift)>brown eyes, hair, and beard>balding process is just starting>very pale skin>very hairyI'd assume I have to start lifting. But anyway, it's about clothes here, and I live in a hot place.
>>33813306Lmao take your meds, this temu navy seal copypasta was as unnecessary as it was unhinged. Good news, we'll call it a silver lining, I've figured out what your problem is: you're bitch made.>what i know is my love isnt with meDon't worry bro, it's a Friday night, I'm sure she's with someone. ;^)>>33813856Chinos and dress shirts, in materials that are light and breathable. Also, pick out a nice hat, because lets face it, your bald ass is gonna wear that thing everywhere. Flat caps, like the ones kangol makes are safe but kind of predictable.>very hairyWax, my guy.>I'd assume I have to start liftingNever a bad idea.
>>33812796Not at all, anon>>33813109>Does living in a society which has normalized pornography play some role in why I'm into what I'm into? Probably.Great, so you acknowledge what I'm saying is true. And if you can't tell the difference between "erotica" and hardcore porngraphy, the latter being which has obviously warped many people's expectations of sex and intimacy, you're just being obtuse. Wanting to be feared is such a red flag, too. It's almost embarrassing that you wrote it without realizing how pathetic it soundsSaying my only option is sex in the missionary position is denying there are a myriad of healthy sexual options out there that exist that have zero influence from porn
>>33814568>Great, so you acknowledge what I'm saying is trueI say again, so what? Why is this such a point of contention for you? Porn, harmful as it is, is hardly the greatest plague upon society in current year. Woke ideology is far more prolific and insidious. Case in point, there's an anon ITT whose fiance betrayed him, abandoned him, then decided she was a man, in all likelihood because she was exposed to terrible people with terrible ideas.Although, you know what? Probably some overlap between people who want to normalize porn and people who want to normalize other degenerate shit. Might be fun to talk about if this pissing contest ever comes to an end.>Saying my only option is sex in the missionary positionMa'am your autism is showing; the hyperbole couldn't have been more obvious.>a myriad of healthy sexual options out there that exist that have zero influence from pornSomething tells me that you feel like you get to decide where that line is, and conveniently it's just outside of your own proclivities, am I right? Anal and CNC both predate porn, and between two consenting adults, are perfectly healthy and safe ways of expressing intimacy.>Wanting to be feared is such a red flagAnd you call me obtuse? There's a fine line between fear and respect, fear and excitement. People love roller coasters, and their entire appeal is the sensation of imminent danger, even though on a rational level you know you're perfectly safe. Many bedroom activities apply a similar principle, and in the context of my relationship with my woman, that's the only time I'd want to be "feared." In the broader sense, while it may not be good to be a bully, it is imperative that one is known as one who will not be bullied. Most men learn this lesson early in life.>you wrote it without realizing how pathetic it soundsSpoken like someone who has never been burdened with the responsibility of their own well-being.
>>33815013It isn't a point of contention. I just love pointing out when people who think they're disagreeing with me agree with meAnd yes, the large majority of AGPs are from porn brainrot. HSTSs are gay male crossdressers who let it go too far. I'm guessing that poster's partner is an AAP, which actually has large ties to girls/young women being oversexualized and feeling uncomfortable in their bodies, leading to become detached to the idea of femininity and girl/womanhood. There can be some ties to BL (which is not always sexual) in that a lot of them dream of being in an equal relationship, not one where they're seen as lesser thanI am not the sole arbiter of deciding porn influence, but to act as if there isn't an uptake in dangerous, extreme activities and treating them as the de facto norm now is ignoring a giant problem that is plaguing young women. The amount of them who are expected to be okay with anal, choking, being roughed up, rape fantasies (hate the frou frou term "CNC"), etc is insane. There is so much pressure to be cool about playing out all of these porn fantasies that have rotted young men's heads, and I'm sick of people not sticking up for the women being pressed into it all>There's a fine line between fear and respectThis is such a male-brained take, but it now puts your other comments into perspective. Women do not feel this wayI've been responsible for my own being for the better part of two decades, but thanks for trying
>>33815238>I just love pointing out when people who think they're disagreeing with me agree with meThe only thing I really disagreed with was being called a porn addict. We couldn't agree more on porn being harmful.>AGP>HSTS>AAP>BLThis is probably a good thing, but I have no idea what kind of degeneracy any of those nonsense acronyms describe. Can you educate me so I can better understand what you're trying to say here?>an equal relationshipI'd be more open to the idea that women want equal relationships if more women were willing to "settle" for men who are their equal.>ignoring a giant problem that is plaguing young womenI agree, but it's also, at this point, largely a problem caused by women; legacy porn has had it's throne usurped by the content creator. I abstain from porn, educate my fellow men on the harm porn does whenever and wherever appropriate, and support legislation to ban porn. As a man, I'm really not sure what else I, or the growing number of men who feel the same way as I do about porn, can do. On the other hand, you've got young women drinking the empowerment kool-aid and doing shit like starting an OF the day they turn 18, and all the while her fellow women cheer her on, but it's apparently ok, because something, something internalized misogyny, patriarchy, etc. Groupthink fucks women over so hard, it's unreal.>anal, choking, being roughed up, rape fantasiesHere's the thing, there are women who genuinely enjoy all of that. Are we going to tell women what they can and can't do with their own bodies in the privacy of their own homes? Is that the move? I'm seriously asking.>"CNC"Samesies, but I bet you a woman coined that bullshit.>I'm sick of people not sticking up for the women being pressed into it allGonna be a hard sell; after 10+ years of nonstop propaganda about how bad women have it, despite being the most privileged, protected, and enabled members of society, most men have become pretty apathetic to women's issues.-cont'd-
>>33815238>>33815982>I'm sick of people not sticking up for the women being pressed into it allThis especially applies to these kind of takes that demonize men while infantilizing women. Here's an idea: how about women stand up for themselves? If you don't want to do something, then don't do it.>This is such a male-brained takeWell I'm a male, so my brain is working as intended.>Women do not feel this wayI understand that, but men do. Just because my/our needs, perspectives, and experiences differ from yours don't make them any less valid.>I've been responsible for my own beingOk, then good on you. Doesn't make it any less true that women in general feel an entitlement to have their battle fought for them, which our society consistently vindicates. Case in point: you're advocating for people to "stand up for women" rather than for women to enforce their own boundaries and expectations. Men don't have that luxury, nobody is coming to save us. We *just* started experimenting with the idea that fostering brotherhood and having one another's backs might not be a bad idea.For what it's worth, I'm not any more thrilled about the state of things than you are; this "trying to find solutions for problems we already solved" phase society is going through isn't my cup of tea. I just don't see things getting better before they get worse.
Why are men such pussies?
>>33817201Kill yourself.
I wanna ask a female friend of mine if she wants to be friends with benefits. I don't want to date her, but I definitely want to pump her full of my cum. We were very touchy this summer in my pool after she broke up with her bf. But how do I ask? Do I just say "Hey, I think we should add some benefits to this friendship." Because I really think we could have amazing sex
>>33817201Becsuse we're taught that what he did here is the bare minimum of being polite and respectful to women.>>33817245Maybe not that bluntly lol. I do think coming in with "hey, I was wondering if you'd be comfortable with x" is a good conversation to have. In my experience if you pitch it as exploring what she thinks and how she feels women tend to be more comfortable talking about it as a possibility. Just make sure that if anything does happen, everyone's on the same page. Cause if she doesn't know you aren't interested in dating, and you two start banging, its going to ruin the friendship later down the line.
>>33817201>a bit of a 14 year age gaplol
>>33817349>I do think coming in with "hey, I was wondering if you'd be comfortable with x" is a good conversation to haveSo if I say "Hey, I was wondering if you'd be comfortable with fooling around?" That would work? Fooling around doesn't immediately imply sex
>>33815982>>choking, being roughed up, rape fantasies>Here's the thing, there are women who genuinely enjoy all of that.Not just that, apparently women are the biggest consumers of such pornAnd of course there's erotica, which is mainly written and consumed by women, and a lot of it is the bodice ripper variety or at least some variety of hardcode BDSM fantasy like picrelated (that's the author of 50 Shades)I came here to ask why that is?
>>33817413I think so. Plus it means if she says no, you can pull out without making her uncomfortable by "risking the friendship."
>>33817437>you can pull out without making her uncomfortableYeah, but I'd prefer to pull out in a different way, obviously. Or not at all
femanonsAre there circumstances where you would initiate a hug to a guy you only kind of know after years of not seeing him but about a week of flirty banter, and have it not mean interest of some kind?
>>33817201>14 year age gapNice.>>33817245Ask her if she's ever had an FWB/how she feels about FWB arrangements, her reaction should tell you everything you need to know.>>33817413You wanna be direct, but maybe not that direct. Give yourself and the girl some plausible deniability to work with.>>33817435A woman cannot be attracted to a man she does not respect, and nothing is more deserving of respect than strength. Society has proven time and time again that it's better to be a bad man than a weak one.>>33817481>Or not at allBased. Just remember it's perfectly legal for them to lie about birth control.
Kek a Filipino jet was just shot down by China and China has spent the last 24 hours encircling the Australian and American navy in the Pacific. WWIII is about to kick off lads and lasses.
>>33820701I wonder if China realizes a B2 can carry enough nuclear warheads and fuel to turn most of their biggest cities into smoldering craters in a single pass?
>>33820701The news only say it went missing
Look out ladies, the neetbux just came in.
>>33816137ive talked to alot of violated women before its not as simple as saying no for them, they dont have the same wiring as we do, especially in a 1 on 1 situation.just real quick dudes who talk or bring up consent are total fucking spergs and virtue signaling fags, if youre not completely socially retarded you can tell when a woman wants to fuck kiss or whatever, but there are situations where women are helpless and are compelled to say yes through nagging, mannipulation, or just force, its super sad to see and breaks my heart you not seeing how easily women can be taken advantage of bc their nature is sad.but it primarily boils down to womanhood to explain these things to teens so they know how to prevent this type of shit, or dads primarily if the dad just murdered fuck heads society would be better off, most dads do not give a shit and are completely vacant from their childs life outside of housing or just completely checked out emotionally
>>33697675Have you ever ghosted someone? Have you ever regretted it?
>>33821888You can pay the $20 entry for our museum date and I'll pack us a picnic.
>>33822638>but it primarily boils down to womanhood to explain these things to teens so they know how to prevent this type of shitIs it really hard for parents to tell their daughters that if they invite a man back to their place and into their bedroom they're sending a signal that they're up for a fucking?I'll never understand why women play mind games and send men mixed signalsI forever hear ick stories of "I said no, and he actually stopped :("You know men are simple minded, learn to be frigging direct instead of playing girlish games.
>>33822638Women are either capable of making decisions for themselves, or they're not. Part of being an adult is establishing and enforcing boundaries, and navigating uncomfortable interpersonal situations. This still applies even if someone has been through a trauma; everyone is going through something, it's called "life." An unpleasant event in one's past does not absolve one of accountability for what they say and do.>>33823491>Have you ever ghosted someone?Yeah, if we're not in an established relationship and I'm not feeling someone anymore I just kind of stop interacting with them.>Have you ever regretted it?No, I'm not trying to turn every dismissal into a discussion.>>33823853>if they invite a man back to their place and into their bedroom they're sending a signal that they're up for a fuckingAlso, fucking this.>ick stories of "I said no, and he actually stopped :("Damn straight. I'm out. I'll call you an uber, have a nice life.
why does my gf want me to get a tattoo and paint my nails
>>33824323Because women confuse these things for having a personality. Don't do it if you don't want to do it, because she'll know you caved to please her and lose respect for you. Then you'll just be some dude with a stupid tattoo and a girlfriend who fucks other men.
>>33824323uh no concrete evidence but maybe she's a cunt and is going to break up with you
>>33817201Because women have all the power, deny it and misuse it all the fucking time.He was one step away from having his life ruined on her whim.When you have all the power you don't get to play coy.
>>33822638Following this advice will get you arrested. Do you even hear what you're saying? How can you be this tone deaf?Social signals are based off common cultural things like race, and ubiquitous media. Those barely exist anymore and have been completely attacked, and there is no longer any common experience from which to tacitly read each other.